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Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain in Patients with Cerebral Malaria

s. Looareesuwan, P. Wilairatana, S. Krishna, B. Kendall, From the Faculty of Tropical Medicine,
S. Vannaphan, C. Viravan, and N. J. White Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand; and the
Centre for Tropical Medicine, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine,
John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford; and the
National Hospital for Nervous Diseases,
Queen Square, London, United Kingdom

In a prospective study of cerebral malaria, 24 adults with this disease underwent magnetic

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resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. Four patients died. Two of these patients (nos. 17 and 24)
had breathing abnormalities requiring ventilatory support followed by clinical signs of brain death.
Four days later MRI of patient 17 showed gross swelling of the brain, and 5 hours later MRI of
patient 24 showed foramen magnum herniation. Twenty-two patients had no evidence of cerebral
edema, but MRI revealed that brain volume during acute cerebral malaria was slightly greater than
that during the convalescent phase of the disease. This difference was attributed to an increase in
the volume of intracerebral blood. The cerebral volume was lower during early convalescence than
several months later. The volume of the brain in patients with cerebral malaria is increased. This
increased volume probably results from sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes and compensatory
vasodilatation rather than from edema. Brain stem herniation may occur, but its temporal relation
to brain death in cases of cerebral malaria remains uncertain.

Unrouseable coma in patients with severe or cerebral malaria anatomy of the brain stem because, unlike CT, signals from
is caused by diffuse symmetrical encephalopathy associated bones do not interfere with imaging. MRI is particularly useful
with the sequestration of erythrocytes containing mature stages for assessing the complications of tentorial and foramen mag-
of Plasmodium falciparum in the cerebral microvasculature [1]. num herniation. Therefore, we conducted a prospective study of
The mortality rate associated with this disease is 15%-20%. 24 adult patients in Thailand who had strictly defined cerebral
In many respects cerebral malaria is similar to a metabolic malaria; MRI was used to examine cerebral anatomy.
encephalopathy of short duration, with the majority of survivors
making full neurological recoveries [2]. However, ,..., 10% of
children and a smaller proportion of adults with cerebral ma-
laria [3] will have residual neurological sequelae following Patients
recovery of consciousness. Although microvascular obstruction
All patients were admitted to the intensive care unit of the
compromises delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the brain [4],
Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Faculty of Tropical Medicine,
the exact causes of coma and death in patients with cerebral
Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. Adult patients with
malaria are not known. Acute respiratory arrest is a common
cerebral malaria (defined as parasitemia with asexual P. falci-
terminal event, particularly in children, and it has been sug-
parum and unrouseable coma, i.e., a Glascow coma score
gested that acute respiratory arrest results from raised intracran-
[GCS] of ~8 and the absence of other causes of coma) were
ial pressure (ICP) precipitating fatal brain stem herniation [5].
enrolled in the study if their relatives or guardians had given
MRI is currently the preferred technique for visualizing the
informed consent.

Received 19 September 1994; revised 14 December 1994.
Informed consent was obtained from the relatives or guardians of the pa-
At the time of admission to the intensive care unit, a full
tients. clinical and neurological assessment was made, and blood was
Financial support: This study was supported by the Wellcome Trust of Great taken for routine hematologic and biochemical analyses, cul-
Britain as part of the Wellcome-Mahido1 University, Oxford Tropical Medicine
Research Programme, and by the National Science and Technology Develop-
ture, and determination of quantitative parasite count, plasma
ment Agency, Bangkok, Thailand. lactate concentration, glucose concentration, and arterial blood
Reprints or correspondence: Dr. N. J. White, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, gas and pH levels. The diagnosis of malaria was confirmed by
Mahidol University, 420/6 Rajvithi Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.
examination of a peripheral blood film stained with Field's
Clinical Infectious Diseases 1995;21:300-9
© 1995 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
stain. Other infections of the CNS were excluded by examina-
1058--4838/95/2102-0021 $02.00 tion of CSF. Lumbar punctures were performed with the patient
ern 1995;21 (August) MRI of the Brain in Cerebral Malaria 301

in the left lateral position with use of a 22G/20G needle. Cere- Table 1. Clinical and laboratory findings for 24 patients with cere-
brospinal pressures were measured with a glass manometer bral malaria at the time of admission to the hospital.
(internal volume, 0.5 mL; length, 30 em). CSF samples were
Finding Value*
collected for microscopy, culture, and measurement of protein,
glucose, and lactate concentrations. Male:female ratio 20:4
All patients received antimalarial treatment with intravenous Age (y) 27 ± 9
quinine dihydrochloride (Government Pharmaceutical Organi- Weight (kg) 53 ± 7
Oral temperature (oq 38.4 ± 1.1
sation, Bangkok, Thailand; loading dose of 20 mg/kg followed
Pulse (beats/min) 109 ± 14
by 10 mg/kg every 8 hours), intravenous artesunate (Guilin Systolic blood pressure" (mm Hg) 111 ± 20
No.2 factory, Guilin, People's Republic of China; 120 mg Diastolic blood pressure" (mm Hg) 66 ± 14
initially followed by 60 mg every 12 hours [total dose, 600 Respirations' (breaths/min) 25 ± 4
mg]), or intramuscular artemether (Kunming Pharmaceutical, Hematocrit (%) 33 ± 6
WBe count (XI0 91L) 12 ± 5
Kunming, People's Republic of China; initial dose of 3.2 mg/

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Median platelet count, X 109/L (range) 54 (11-178)
kg followed by 1.6 mg/kg daily) as part of a separate series of Median serum creatinine level, mg/dL
studies on drug treatment for severe malaria. Intramuscular (range) 1.8 (0.7-8.4)
phenobarbitone (May & Baker, Dagenham, Essex, United Serum albumin level; (g/dL) 3.3 ± 0.5
Serum globulin level! (g/dL) 2.8 ± 0.6
Kingdom; 200 mg) was given to 11 patients at the time of
Median serum aspartate aminotransferase
admission. Management in the intensive care unit included level.t UIL (range) 96 (27-450)
careful volume replacement with hemodynamic monitoring and Median serum bilirubin level, g/dL
hemodialysis when necessary. No patients received any drugs (range) 6.4 (1.2-31)
(e.g., steroids or mannitol) used in the treatment of cerebral Serum alkaline phosphatase level, II UIL
(range) 35 (25-72)
edema complicating other conditions. Convulsions were treated
Plasma glucose level (mg/dL) 164 ± 98
with intravenous diazepam (Government Pharmaceutical Or- Geometric mean parasitemia, /f.lL (range) 118,900 (260-1,394,200)
* Values are means ± SD unless stated otherwise.
t Finding for 23 patients.
t Finding for 22 patients.
§ Normal range, 0-40 UIL.
MRI of the Brain II Normal range, 9-35 UIL.

During the acute phase of cerebral malaria, MRI of the brain

was performed only when the patient's clinical condition was Statistical Analysis of Data
stable. MRI was then repeated at the time of discharge from
the hospital and again 6-18 months later. All patients under- Data were analyzed with use of SYSTAT (version 5.2, Sys-
went MRI on the same machine: a 0.2T Hitachi MRP20 super- tat, Evanston, IL). Normally distributed data were analyzed
conducting system (Phyathai X-Ray Computer Center, Bang- with use of the Student's t-test. Nonnormally distributed data
kok, Thailand). Image slices of 7.5 mm in the sagittal plane either were transformed logarithmically for normalizing distri-
and 10 mm in the axial and coronal planes were used. T1- butions or were analyzed by the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and
weighted images for the axial views were obtained with 550/ the Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance. The correla-
tion coefficient was used for evaluating the relation between
25 (TRITE), and T2-weighted images for the coronal and axial
normally distributed variables, and Spearman's rank correlation
planes were generated with 2,000/38 and 2,000/110, respec-
was used for evaluating the remaining variables.
tively, with dual echo analysis. In each case the Evans ratio
(the ratio of the width of the frontal hom to the short-axis
diameter of the internal skull) was calculated to assess brain Results
swelling. For quantitating shifts in the brain stem, the perpen-
Clinical Features During Admission
dicular distance between Twining's line (a line extending from
the internal occipital protuberance to the anterior superior mar- Twenty-four adult patients with cerebral malaria were stud-
gin of the sella turcica) and the pontomesencephalic junction ied; four (17%) of these patients died. The demographic and
(T-PMJ) or the top of the sylvian aqueduct along the dorsal clinical features of the patients are listed in table 1. At the time
margin of the brain stem (T-A) was evaluated on hard copies of the first MRI, all of the patients except one (patient 10)
of midsaggital scans that were obtained as described previously were in an unrouseable coma and had GCSs of ~8. Patient 10
[6]. A correction factor for image reduction was applied for had a GCS of 8 during admission, but at the time of the first
ensuring that measurements were comparable between scans. MRI, the GCS was 9. No patients had neurological signs indi-
The scans were assessed independently by two neuroradiolo- cating a focal deficit in either cerebral hemisphere at the time
gists who did not have knowledge of the clinical details of the of MRI, although several patients had focal seizures at other
cases before quantitative evaluation. times. Most patients usually had evidence of involvement of
302 Looareesuwan et al. cm 1995;21 (August)

Table 2. Clinical and CSF findings for 24 patients with cerebral malaria at the time of admission to the hospital.

Opening Closing CSF CSF Plasma CSF Plasma total
Outcome, Duration cerebrospinal cerebrospinal protein glucose glucose lactate lactate WBC
patient Retinal of coma pressure pressure level level level level level count
no. Convulsions GCS hemorrhage (h) (mm) (mm) (mg/dL) (mg/dL) (mg/dL) (mmollL) (mmol/L) (zmm')

1 Yes 5 Yes 24 190 110 138 87 106 8.8 9
2 No 8 No 20 170 120 10 76 111 3.5 2
3 No 8 No 24 193 140 118 118 149 5.0 6
4 No 7 No 24
6 No 6 No 36 165 135 65 103 243 2.4 3.2 8
7 No 8 Yes 12 100 60 60 90 164 4.9 6.1 20

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8 No 8 No 36 180 140 18 74 167 2 2.3 3
9 Yes 8 No 40 195 100 32 92 130 4.9 3.3 6
10 9 No 24 110 70 58 69 166 2.5 2 12
11 8 No 24 210 112 76 90 150 3.6 3.7 6
12 Yes 5 Yes 12 180 140 52 117 237 5
13 No 7 No 24 195 140 97 26 156 4.4 4.3 4
14 Yes 8 No 10 170 95 33 6.3 6.4 2
15 Yes 7 No 10 110 80 82 90 140 2.8 4 2
16 No 8 No 72 55 0 82 92 188 3.7 17.7 10
18 No 8 No 10 110 70 96 18 223 2.9 5.1 2
19 No 6 No 6 80 65 80 56 150 3.4 4.1 5
20 Yes 8 No 10 130 80 30 66 207 4.2 3.8 100
21 No 8 No 62 150 48 68 117 10
22 No 5 No 12 190 36 102 143 72
5 No 7 Yes 60 140 85 117 71 112 76
17 Yes 3 No 120
23 Yes 8 Yes 24 120 70 172 63 122 4
24 No 3 Yes 5 300 120 44 84 346 0

NOTE. GCS = Glascow coma score; ... = data not available.

multiple vital organs. In particular, liver dysfunction and renal nal pressure was 157 ::!::: 53 mm, which correlated with the
dysfunction were common in addition to cerebral malaria. At closing cerebrospinal pressure (r = .8) (table 2). All CSF sam-
the time of admission or soon after, the majority of patients ples were negative for pathogens. The results of CSF examina-
were jaundiced (18 [75%] of24) and anemic (21 [88%] of 24). tion are shown in table 2.
Nine patients (38%) presented with hepatomegaly, and three
patients (13%) presented with splenomegaly. None of the pa- Clinical Course
tients were hypotensive, in shock (table 1), or septicemic during The median time to recovery of consciousness for survivors
admission. was 4 days (range, 2-8 days), the mean (± SD) duration of
fever for 15 patients in whom complicated secondary bacterial
infections did not develop was 114 ± 76 hours (range, 21-
Neurological Findings
338 hours), and the mean (± SD) time of parasite clearance
The mean (± SD) length of coma before admission was 29 for 23 patients was 70 ± 29 hours (range, 24-152 hours). Six
± 26 hours, and the mean (± SD) GCS on admission was 7 patients (25%) required hemodialysis because of renal failure,
± 1.3. The GCS had not changed significantly when it was and azotemia developed during the course of infection in eight
reevaluated at the time MRI was performed during the acute patients (33%). Sixteen patients (67%) required blood transfu-
phase of the disease (P > .5). Patients who died had a signifi- sions; four of these patients received more than five units of
cantly lower mean GCS (6) during admission than did survivors blood because of disseminated intravascular coagulation or gas-
(7.3) (P < .05). Eight patients (33%) had a history of seizures, trointestinal bleeding. Twelve patients (50%) had one or more
and five patients (21 %) had one or more episodes of generalized episodes of hypoglycemia after admission.
convulsions after admission. These convulsions were con-
trolled adequately with appropriate anticonvulsant therapy. Six Fatal Cases
patients (25%) presented with or had retinal hemorrhages dur- Patient 5. A 19-year-old male patient with cerebral malaria
ing admission (table 2). The mean (± SD) opening cerebrospi- was treated with intravenous artesunate (120 mg followed by
ern 1995;21 (August) MRI of the Brain in Cerebral Malaria 303

60 mg every 12 hours; total dose, 600 mg). His illness was was started, but gastrointestinal bleeding developed. Endos-
complicated by severe hepatic dysfunction (peak total serum copy confirmed gastric erosions, but the bleeding could not be
bilirubin level, 34 mg/dL; peak serum aspartate aminotransfer- controlled despite transfusions with fresh blood. He died of
ase level, 4,520 U/L) and renal failure (peak serum creatinine intractable hemorrhage 9 days after admission.
level, 7.7 mg/dL) necessitating hemodialysis. Parasites cleared Patient 24. A 23-year-old conscious man was admitted to
from his blood in 117 hours. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, the hospital with heavy parasitemia (1,390,000 parasites/rd.
which had developed shortly after admission, worsened with of blood) and a temperature of 38.6°C. He was treated with
hemodialysis. Therefore, hemodialysis was changed to perito- intramuscular artemether (160 mg). Three hours later he be-
neal dialysis. However, the bleeding could not be controlled, came very restless and agitated and did not respond to verbal
in spite of 12 units of fresh blood being transfused, and he commands. One hour later he had generalized seizures that
died of disseminated intravascular coagulation and hemor- were treated with an intravenous injection of diazepam (10
rhagic shock. His neurological condition did not deteriorate mg) followed by coma (GCS of 6) with tonic posturing and
following the initial MRl that was performed 5 days before divergent upward gaze. He was then transferred to the intensive

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his death. care unit. The parasite count had not fallen, and he was treated
Patient 17. A 22-year-old man with acute falciparum ma- with an intravenous injection of artesunate (120 mg).
laria was admitted to the hospital with a 3-day history of fever Six hours after admission he was noted to be hyperventilat-
followed by sudden loss of consciousness (GCS of 5 on admis- ing. One hour later he was intubated and ventilated. Focal
sion). His pulse was 118 beats/min, blood pressure was 141/ clonic seizures of the right leg developed. Pupillary and brain
88 mm Hg, respirations were 26 breaths/min, temperature was stem reflexes at that time were normal. There was no papil-
37.8°C, and central venous pressure was 5 em. Auscultation ledema. At the time of lumbar puncture, the opening and clos-
revealed that his chest was clear. He was hypoglycemic (blood ing cerebrospinal pressures were 300 mm and 120 mm, re-
glucose level, 35 mg/dL). He was given 25 g of 50% dextrose spectively. Arterial blood gas analysis while the patient was
intravenously and was treated immediately with intramuscular receiving 40% inspired oxygen (tidal volume, 500 mL; respira-
artemether (160 mg). Lumbar puncture was attempted, but the tory rate, 20) revealed uncompensated metabolic acidosis (pH,
fluid was bloody. His vital signs remained stable, except for 7.268; PC02, 36 mm Hg; Po 2, 229 mm Hg; and base ex-
his core temperature (which rose to 40°C at 6 hours). Eight cess, -10).
hours after admission his respiratory rate increased, and he Ten hours after admission to the hospital, respiratory distress
started decorticate posturing. At this time arterial blood gas with profuse sweating and extensor posturing developed. The
determination when the patient was receiving 35% inspired endotracheal tube was repositioned, and he was supported by
oxygen revealed the following: pH, 7.565; PC02, 33.2 mm Hg; temporary manual ventilation. Ventricular ectopia was noted
P02> 157 mm Hg; and base excess, 7.3. on the electrocardiographic monitor. The respiratory rate was
Ten hours after admission more-obvious respiratory diffi- 15, pulse rate was 95, and blood pressure was 151/95 mm
culties with labored breathing and cyanosis developed, and he Hg. Eleven hours after admission he had further generalized
was noted to have unreactive pupils. The blood pressure and seizures that were treated with intravenous diazepam. One hour
pulse rate had not changed significantly before his condition later he had fixed dilated pupils. Direct ophthalmoscopy re-
changed. He was intubated and ventilated electively. Twenty vealed "cattle trucking" in the retinal vessels. A neurological
hours after admission papilledema developed, and 1 hour later examination confirmed brain stem death.
his blood pressure became unstable and decreased. Subse- MRl was performed 17 hours after admission (5 hours after
quently, his neurological state worsened, as evidenced by fixed the signs of brain stem death developed). The findings were
dilated pupils, no responses to deep pain stimulus, negative similar to those for patient 17: gross brain swelling; absent
caloric tests, and no electrical activity revealed by electroen- sulci, cisterns, and ventricles; and tonsillar descent (figure 1).
cephalography. MRl was performed 4 days after admission. It He died 2 hours later. An autopsy was performed 5 hours after
showed a grossly swollen brain with occlusion of the cerebral death; it confirmed the MRl findings of tonsillar herniation
circulation. The sulci, cisterns, and third ventricle were absent, and resultant pressure on the medulla oblongata. The cerebral
and there was considerable descent of the cerebellar tonsils microvasculature was packed with erythrocytes containing ma-
and foramen magnum herniation. He died shortly afterward. ture forms of P. falciparum.
Patient 23. A 57-year-old unconscious (GCS of 7) man
was admitted to the hospital with fever and jaundice (total
MRI Findings
serum bilirubin level, 4.1 mg/dL; aspartate aminotransferase
level, 58 U/L). MRl was performed the following day. He In the majority of cases (20 of 24), MRl performed during
subsequently recovered consciousness sufficiently to be able the acute phase ofillness revealed normal-appearing brains when
to talk to his relatives. However, his jaundice worsened pro- they were viewed in isolation (table 3). However, detailed com-
gressively (peak total serum bilirubin level, 33 mg/dL; peak parisons of scans suggested swelling of the brain during the
aspartate aminotransferase level, 1,290 U/L), and he became acute phase of cerebral malaria as opposed to early convales-
anuric (peak serum creatinine level, 5.2 mg/dL). Hemodialysis cence (figure 2). The Evans ratio was slightly decreased during
304 Looareesuwan et al. eID 1995;21 (August)

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Figure 1. MRIs of the brain of a patient with cerebral malaria who
died (patient 24). A, transverse T2-weighted image was obtained with
2,000/110 (TRITE) 5 hours after the development of signs of brain
stem death; this scan shows the absence of sulci and small ventricles.
E, T2-weighted image showing no fluid in the basal cisterns, except
for a small quantity around the chiasmata. C, sagittal scan generated
with 550/25 that reveals tonsillar herniation and downward displace-
ment of the fourth ventricle. A line has been drawn between the poste-
rior clinoid process (A) and the internal occipital protuberance (B).

the acute phase of illness, thus reflecting slight compression of tients. The increase in brain size during acute cerebral malaria
the frontal horns (mean Evans ratio ± SD: .244 ± .022 [acute was attributed to an increase in the volume of intracerebral
phase] vs..250 ± .027 [early convalescence]; n = 16; P = blood. The brain stems were not swollen, and there was no
.037). The Evans ratios for patients who died and patients who evidence of acute hydrocephalus.
survived were not significantly different. Except for patients 17 MRI performed during early convalescence showed mild
and 24 who had gross brain swelling, no patients had features global shrinkage of brain substance. During follow-up of
of cerebral edema. In particular, there was no increase in signal four patients in late convalescence, MRI revealed that all
from cerebral matter on T2-weighted scans of the other 22 pa- areas showing changes had reverted to normal. One patient
Table 3. Findings of MRI of the brain for 24 patients with cerebral malaria. :a
Finding during acute phase of disease Finding during early convalescence of disease Finding during late convalescence of disease

Outcome, T-A T-PMJ T-A T-PMJ T-A T-PMJ

patient distance distance Evans Day of distance distance Evans Day of distance distance i
no. (mm) (mm) ratio * Comment MRI (mm) (mm) ratio* Follow-up comment MRI (mm) (mm) Comment ~

1 .241 Normal 40 .246 Shrinkage
2 17.2 3.9 .262 Normal 9 .277 Shrinkage 344 6.05 1.58 Less shrinkage
3 19.2 2.9 .242 Normal 11 .258 Shrinkage
4 .217 Normal 22 .228 Shrinkage
6 17.0 3.2 .228 Normal 14 18.2 5.7 .237 Shrinkage
7 21.9 7.8 .280 Normal, slight swelling 25 20 9.2 .297 Shrinkage
8 19.5 7.6 .283 Normal 15 20.3 8.5 .3 Shrinkage
9 20.3 6.8 .208 Normal, small ventricles, tonsillar 29 17.9 5.4 .237 Shrinkage
10 20 4.3 .208 Normal, slight swelling 10 22.9 7.6 .209 Slight shrinkage
11 19.2 4.8 .254 Swollen, small ventricles with tonsillar 13 19.5 8.5 .25 Normal 102 4.71 0.59 Normal
12 21.3 7.4 .25 Normal 13 21.7 7.5 .254 Shrinkage 53 6.39 2.22 Less shrinkage 3:::
13 18.6 5.1 .25 Normal 12 20 5 .242 Slight shrinkage and ~
enlargement of Virchow- 0
Robin spaces So
14 20 7 .246 Normal 62 20.3 7.5 .241 Shrinkage 135 25 ILl Normal
15 19.3 6.1 .216 Normal brain: thin anterior convexity 33 20.3 4.7 .206 Normal brain: subdural
subdural hematoma hematoma cleared ~.
16 18.5 8.3 .271 Normal but old infarct in right genu of 26 20.3 10.2 .271 Infarct in right genu of internal 54 19.5 10.2 Unchanged S'
internal capsule capsule, otherwise normal infarct in o
right genu @
of internal cr'
capsule e.
18 20.3 6.8 .238 Normal 28 21.7 6.6 .238 Normal 3:::
19 17 3.4 .273 Normal
20 18.7 4.5 .233 Normal: cavitas of septum pellucidum ::I.
21 18.6 5.1 .242 Normal, small ventricles with tonsillar
22 20.9 5.2 .246 Normal
5 22.7 7.8 .237 Normal
17 .213 Sulci, cisterns, and third ventricle
obliterated, other ventricles small,
tonsils descended, cerebral
circulation not visible; T2-weighted
scans showed symmetrical high
signals in parietal white matter
23 23.6 7.6 .25 Normal, large cavitas of septum
24 CSF spaces obliterated except around
chiasmata; ventricles small, brain
swollen (except basal ganglia);
tonsils and fourth ventricle

NOTE. T-A = Twining's line (a line extending from the internal occipital protuberance to the anterior superior margin of the sella turcica) and the top of the sylvian aqueduct along the dorsal margin of the brain stem; T-PMJ =
Twining's line and the pontomesencephalic junction.
* The ratio of the width of the frontal hom to the short-axis diameter of the internal skull.

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306 Looareesuwan et al. em 1995;21 (August)

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Figure 2. MRIs of the brain of a patient with cerebral malaria who
survived (patient 14). The axial images were obtained with 550/25
(TRITE). A, during the acute phase of illness, the ventricles are rela-
tively small, but the brain is otherwise normal. B, in early convales-
cence (62 days after admission), the brain has shrunk. C, in late conva-
lescence (135 days after admission), the brain is normal.

with a history of convulsions (no. 15) had a small anterior For quantitative comparison of scans obtained during the
convexity subdural hematoma that had resolved at the time acute phase of illness and follow-up, the degree of downward
of follow-up. Another patient (no. 16) had evidence of a displacement of brain stem structures relative to fixed internal
small infarct in the right genu of internal capsule, but the bony landmarks was measured [6]. Such displacement is asso-
appearance of this infarct did not change at follow-up, which ciated with a reduction in the T-PMJ and T-A distances. The
suggests that it was old. T-A and T-PMJ distances measured on scans obtained during
em 1995;21 (August) MRI of the Brain in Cerebral Malaria 307

the acute phase of illness were correlated with mean (:::!: SD) capillary permeability." In addition to the failure of dexameth-
values of 19.7 :::!: 1.8 mm and 5.8 :::!: 1.7 mm, respectively (r asone [3, 15], results of CT of the brain were usually normal
= .67; n = 20; P = .001). In scans obtained during early [16], opening cerebrospinal pressures at the time of lumbar
convalescence, mean (:::!:SD) T-A and T-PMJ distances had puncture were normal in 80% of cases [17], papilledema was
increased slightly but not significantly to 20.3 :::!: 1.4 mm (P noted rarely, and a series of studies examining the blood-brain
= .19) and 7.1 :::!: 1.7 mm (P = .08), respectively. Thus, during barrier concluded that there was no significant increase in per-
convalescence the mean (:::!: SD) increases in the T-A and T- meability [17]. The common finding of cerebral edema during
PMJ distances (0.59 :::!: 1.48 mm [n = 12] and 0.92 :::!: 1.68 autopsy [8-12] was considered to represent an agonal phenom-
mm [n = 12], respectively) were small and not statistically enon. Although these findings argued against cerebral edema as
significant. There were no significant differences between these a primary pathological process, the "mechanical obstruction"
distances measured on the fewer scans obtained during delayed theory alone (i.e., cerebral ischemia resulting from microvascu-
convalescence (table 3). Changes in these measurements did lar obstruction) was also insufficient as an explanation for the
not correlate with changes in the Evans ratio. The parasite complete neurological recovery in the majority of survivors,

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count in peripheral blood at the time of admission correlated despite the fact that comas lasted for several days in many
negatively with the T-PMJ distance (r = .48; P = .032; n = cases [2, 3]. To account for these various findings, researchers
20) but not with the T-A distance. There was no relation be- have suggested that cerebral malaria is metabolic encephalopa-
tween the opening cerebrospinal pressure or other variables thy and results from alterations in blood flow and in local
presented in table 2 and T-A and T-PMJ distances. disturbances in function (possibly mediated by local release of
cytokines or other transmitters) caused by parasitized erythro-
cytes sequestered in the cerebral microvasculature [2]. How-
Discussion ever, this theory does not explain why patients die.
The possibility that raised ICP might playa lethal role in the
The cause of coma and cerebral death in patients with falci- pathophysiology of cerebral malaria was reanalyzed because of
parum malaria is not known. Soon after Laveran' s discovery observations in African children with cerebral malaria. In con-
of the malarial parasite over one century ago, the peculiar trast to opening cerebrospinal pressures in adults that are usu-
discrepancy between the number of parasites seen circulating ally (80%) in the normal range [17], the opening cerebrospinal
inside erythrocytes on peripheral blood smears and the number pressures in African children with cerebral malaria are usually
of parasites found in the tissues after death was noted by Mar- elevated [5, 18-20]. In fact, the mean cerebrospinal pressures
chiafava and Bignami [7]. These researchers observed that par- (""' 160 mm) are remarkably similar in adults and children with
asites sequestered in the microcirculation were the mature cerebral malaria; however, the normal range of cerebrospinal
stages not seen in the peripheral blood. They further surmised pressures in children is much lower [21], and, consequently,
that microcirculatory obstruction resulted from the sequestra- 80% of children have opening pressures above the normal range
tion of these erythrocytes containing mature forms of the para- [20]. Furthermore, in children and, less commonly, in adults,
site P. falciparum and that this obstruction was the cause of respiratory arrest usually secondary to hyperventilation is an
coma and death in patients with cerebral malaria. important cause of death for which there is no clear explanation.
Since these early observations several hypotheses explaining In one series from Kenya [5], the neurological signs com-
the pathophysiology of cerebral malaria have been proposed. monly present in patients with cerebral malaria were considered
The "mechanical obstruction" theory prevailed initially; it was to reflect brain stem herniation, and it was suggested that the
supported by detailed pathological studies conducted during raised ICP could be fatal. Although there was no significant
World War I [8-10]. However, microvascular obstruction was difference between opening cerebrospinal pressures measured
considered an insufficient explanation of the autopsy finding during lumbar puncture in children who died of cerebral ma-
of a swollen brain in many patients who died of cerebral ma- laria and those who survived [18-20], the raised ICP hypothe-
laria. In the 1940s it was suggested that brain swelling may sis was not necessarily disproved because these cerebrospinal
contribute directly to death [11, 12]. This theory was later pressures were shown not to reflect peak ICPs measured di-
promoted by Migasena and Maegraith [13] and Maegraith and rectly [22]. Some children had normal or slightly elevated
Fletcher [14], who showed that the capillary permeability in opening cerebrospinal pressures measured during lumbar punc-
the cerebrums of simians with Plasmodium knowlesi malaria ture, but sudden marked rises in pressure were recorded during
who died was increased and suggested that similar processes continuous direct ICP monitoring. The increases in pressure
might occur in humans. These observations led to the use of were associated with reduced cerebral perfusion.
therapeutic agents directed against reducing cerebral edema. These observations have obvious and potentially important
Dexamethasone was the most widely used agent until it was therapeutic implications; if raised ICP is not distributed uni-
shown unequivocally to confer no benefit and to cause adverse formly throughout the neuraxis, then pressure differentials
effects [3, 15]. could lead to fatal brain herniation via the tentorium or foramen
In the 1980s several studies on adults with cerebral malaria magnum. If raised ICPs kill children with cerebral malaria,
from Thailand provided evidence against "increased cerebral then active measures to reduce raised ICPs should be instituted.
308 Looareesuwan et al. em 1995;21 (August)

However, proof of causality is lacking, and, from a clinical [2, 7-10]. Yet, we have documented cerebral blood flows of
standpoint, there are no clinical indicators that have identified 24 to 70 mL/(100 g. min) (mean, 52 mL/[100 g. min]) in adults
children with markedly elevated ICPs. with cerebral malaria, thus indicating considerable compensa-
The role of raised ICPs in causing death in patients with tory vasodilatation (possibly as a result of local lactic acidosis)
cerebral malaria has not been resolved. Although there was [4]. A doubling of cerebral blood volume would increase the
good evidence that children with cerebral malaria may have total volume of the brain by ,..., 10%.
sudden marked increases in ICPs, there is no proof that raised In this series brain swelling was associated in some cases
ICPs commonly cause brain stem herniation or compression. with a very slight downward displacement of the brain stem
The neurological signs attributed to brain stem compression (,..., 1 mm on average), but there was no evidence of tentorial
have been observed frequently both in patients who died of or foramen magnum compression in survivors of cerebral ma-
cerebral malaria and in survivors of cerebral malaria, which laria. In comparison with MRI performed several months after
suggests that the underlying pathological process responsible discharge, MRI performed shortly after recovery of conscious-
for these signs is common; however, results of CT for adults ness in patients with cerebral malaria indicated that brain vol-

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[16] and the autopsy findings reported so far (again mainly for ume was decreased slightly. Thus, the sequence of events in
adults) have not suggested that herniation is common. A recent patients with cerebral malaria was acute swelling of the brain
CT study of a selected group of Kenyan children with cerebral (probably as a result of intracerebral vascular sequestration and
malaria showed some loss of CSF spaces in six of the 14 vasodilatation), shrinkage of the brain after parasite clearance
patients [22]. Three ofthese children had markedly raised ICPs, and recovery from coma, and a return to normal. The cause
but none had abnormalities of the posterior fossa that are sug- of brain shrinkage during early convalescence is not known,
gestive of coning. although changes in osmolality (particularly in the patients with
MRI should resolve some of these issues because it provides renal failure) would provide a plausible explanation.
excellent views of brain stem anatomy and its spatial relations. Two of the four patients who died in this series had gross
Three recent case reports [23, 25, 26] purported to show MRI brain swelling and coning that were demonstrated by MRI. In
findings for patients with cerebral malaria; however, all three both cases MRI during the acute phase of illness was performed
cases were atypical, and only one case fulfilled the diagnostic after respiratory difficulties, hyperventilation, and/or erratic la-
criteria for cerebral malaria at the time of MRI. Examination bored breathing followed by clinical signs of brain death. MRI
of a film of peripheral blood from one patient did not reveal of patient 17 was first performed 4 days after acute respiratory
parasites at the time of MRI [23], and this patient may not arrest and clinical signs ofbrain death, thereby making interpre-
have had cerebral malaria at all [24]. The second patient, a 71- tation of events difficult. However, patient 24 underwent MRI
year-old man, had focal neurological signs (aphasia) without only 5 hours after the diagnosis of brain death. In both cases
coma and evidence of a left-parietal-lobe hemorrhage and a emergency-assisted ventilatory support was given because of
large infarct in the parieto-occipital region [25]. The third pa- the breathing abnormalities. It cannot be ascertained if coning
tient had MRI evidence of central pontine myelinolysis 14 after acute brain swelling was the fatal event or ifgross swelling
days after cerebral malaria with multisystem involvement was occurred after respiratory difficulties, possible transient hyp-
diagnosed; however, CT performed during the acute phase of oxia, and brain death (i.e., as a secondary event).
illness and results of MRI performed on the 10th day of illness Two explanations for these fatal cases are possible. First,
were both normal [26]. some patients with cerebral malaria and an unstable ICP (which
Our specific objective of this MRI study of patients with is controlled partly by acidosis-driven hypoventilation and hy-
acute cerebral malaria was to identify brain stem abnormalities pocapnia) may suddenly decompensate because of a lethal,
or displacement in vivo. In Thailand most cases of cerebral unevenly distributed rise in the ICP that causes fatal coning,
malaria (as in this series) occur in adults [3]. Unlike our earlier particularly if patients are receiving ventilatory support and the
less-sensitive CT studies, MRI did show some brain swelling; Paco, is not reduced. This condition might be more likely in
however, with the notable exception of two fatal cases, the children whose brains fit more tightly inside the rigid cranium
changes were subtle and were evident only when scans obtained (where there is less room for expansion) than in adults. Lumbar
during the acute phase of illness were compared with those puncture might be dangerous for these patients because it could
obtained during convalescence. Brain swelling was not caused lead to a differential in craniospinal pressure and cause coning.
by cerebral edema, contrary to some recent predictions [27]. However, in other larger series, there has been no evident
The most plausible explanation for these findings is that the relation between the time of lumbar puncture and the time of
intracerebral blood volume in patients with cerebral malaria is death, and most authorities recommend that a lumbar puncture
increased consistently by sequestration of parasitized erythro- should be performed in all suspected cases of cerebral malaria.
cytes and the compensatory vasodilatation necessary for main- In patient 24, who had the highest opening cerebrospinal pres-
taining cerebral blood flow. Indeed, it would be surprising if the sure obtained during lumbar puncture in this series, respiratory
brain volume was not increased in patients with acute cerebral difficulties developed 3 hours after lumbar puncture, and it is
malaria because the majority ofRBCs in venules and capillaries not possible to say whether these two events are related. The
in most fatal cases are parasitized and sequestered (i.e., stuck) second explanation is that there is a fatal progression in an
ern 1995;21 (August) MRI of the Brain in Cerebral Malaria 309

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