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Weekly Plan

● a Dictado for every week

● modeled, shared, collaborative reading
● modeled, shared, collaborative writing

~2 hour blocks Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 1 Dictado Dictado Dictado Dictado

class survey: what do sensory gallery walk topographical map virtual field trip 1
we own? - think, pair, task - Google Earth Native elder visit
share - identify trip through ● introductions
KWL chart: Squanto mountain modern New ● talk
and the First global map task ranges, rivers, England and ● interview, follow up
Thanksgiving - Identify plains, forests Caribbean questions
KWL chart: with a focus
Columbus and the on North Native peoples Prepare questions for
“discovery” of the America and around us: KWL Native elder visit
Americas Europe ● vocabulary
● concepts pre

Week 2 Reading: Reading: Dictado Reading: Finish the reading of Five

Start the reading of Finish the reading of Start the reading of Caciques in 1492 by
The Life of Squanto The Life of Squanto Reading: Five Caciques in Pretend Author
by pretend author by pretend author Map Formative 1492 by Pretend - collaborative
- modeled - shared assessment of The Author reading and then
reading and reading and Life of Squanto by - modeled & paraphrase what
then then Pretend Author shared was read with table
paraphrase paraphrase reading and partners
what was what was then - complete
read with read with paraphrase worksheet
table partners table partners what was identifying main
- complete complete worksheet read with ideas read from
worksheet identifying main ideas table partners todays section
identifying read from todays - complete - Start map
main ideas section worksheet Formative
read from identifying assessment of Five
todays main ideas Caciques in 1492
section Guided Reading: read from by Pretend Author,
todays complete the rest
Guided Reading: section at home
summaries of texts

Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing:

Modeled writing: Shared writing Collaborative writing Modeled writing Shared writing
summaries summaries

Week 3 Reading: Reading: Reading: Reading: Reading:

Compare hw Map Closer investigation Closer investigation Virtual field trip 2 Comparing and contrasting
Formative of the texts at hand of the texts at hand - form a the two texts
assessment of Five - focus on - focus on hypothesis - venn diagram
Caciques in 1492 by finding finding about what - think pair share
Pretend Author evidence evidence we may see
point to the point to the on this trip
main ideas main ideas - create a
before and
after venn
Writing: diagram
Planning with a Writing:
graphic organizer, Writing: Writing: Writing: Drafting & Author Checklist
venn diagram, T- Outlining & research Research Day Drafting Day Day
chart sources

Modeled writing

Week 4 Word Study in small Word Study in small Word Study in small Word Study in small
groups: Transition groups: Transition groups: Transition groups: Transition
words words words words

Publish essays
Mini-gallery walk shared
Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing: Final essays
Peer Review Day Incorporating Adding Transition polishing of essays
Feedback Day words, editing day
End of unit--Bridge to Spanish
~45 min lessons

Week 5…. Transfer Chart: Transfer chart: Contrastive Analysis

vocabulary Transition words chart

Week 6: Text 1: Life of Reading: Same task Text 2: Pueblo Indian Reading: Same task Reading: Same task as
Pocahontas as before Revolt of 1680 as before before, Compare &

week 7: Writing: Planning Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing:

Outlining & research Research Day Drafting Day Drafting & Author Checklist
sources Day

week 8: Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing: Final Publish essays

Peer Review Day Incorporating Adding Transition polishing of essays Mini-gallery walk shared
Feedback Day words, editing day essays

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