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Appl. Rheol.

2020; 30:107–118

Research Article

Daniela Martins Marum*, Maria Diná Afonso, and Brian Bernardo Ochoa

Rheological behavior of a bentonite mud n Flow index (rheological parameter)
Received Mar 18, 2020; accepted Nov 24, 2020 n a Intermediate rheological parameter [∘ C−1 ]
n0 Intermediate rheological parameter
Abstract: Predicting drilling fluids rheology is crucial to
Q mud Mud flow rate [L/min ≡ 16.67 cm3 /s]
control/optimize the drilling process and the gas extrac-
Re generalized Generalized Reynolds number
tion from drilling fluids in logging systems. A Couette vis-
T Mud temperature [∘ C]
cometer measured the apparent viscosity of a bentonite
v Mud velocity in each pipe [cm/s]
mud at various shear rates and temperatures. The ben-
tonite mud behaved as a yield-pseudoplastic fluid, and a
modified Herschel-Bulkley model predicted the shear rate
and temperature effects upon the shear stress. A pipe vis- Greek Symbols
cometer was built to seek a correlation between the mud
flow rate and the pressure drop and thereby determine re- ∆P Pressure drop [kPa ≡ 104 dyn/cm2 ]
fined Herschel-Bulkley parameters. Coupling a rheological 𝛾˙ Shear rate ≡ velocity gradient [s−1 ]
model to a pipe viscometer enables the continuous acquisi- η a Apparent viscosity [cP]
tion of apparent viscosities of Newtonian or non-Newtonian θ Viscometer dial reading
fluids at a rig-site surface. ρ Mud density [g/cm3 ]
τ Shear stress [dyn/cm2 ]
Keywords: Drilling mud, Herschel-Bulkley model, Pipe vis-
τ w Shear stress at the pipe wall [dyn/cm2 ]
cometer, Rheology, Yield-pseudoplastic fluid
τ0 Yield stress (rheological parameter) [dyn/cm2 ]
τ0a Intermediate rheological parameter [dyn/(cm2 ·∘ C)]
τ0i Intermediate rheological parameter [dyn/cm2 ]
Symbols ω Angular velocity [rpm]

A Intermediate rheological parameter [K]

D Diameter of each pipe [cm]
k Consistency index (rheological parameter) [(dyn/
1 Introduction
cm2 )·sn ]
k0 Intermediate rheological parameter [(dyn/cm2 )·sn ] 1.1 Drilling fluids
k1 Viscometer torsion constant [386 dyn·cm/degree deflec-
Drilling a well is a complex process that must take into ac-
count diverse rock formations and geological structures. In
k2 Viscometer shear stress constant for the effective bob
most cases, drilling occurs in very harsh operating condi-
surface [1.323×10−2 cm−3 ]
tions, e.g. high temperatures, pressures and vibrations that
k3 Viscometer shear rate constant [1.7023 s−1 per rpm]
represent enormous technological challenges. In drilling
L Length of each pipe [cm]
wells, a specific drilling fluid (known as mud) is pumped
L entrance laminar Laminar flow entrance length [cm]
down the borehole, in order to carry the drilled cuttings up
m Generalized Reynolds number parameter
to the surface, to suspend the cuttings in the mud whenever
the circulation stops, to yield hydrostatic pressure prevent-
ing the borehole collapse and/or wellbore flooding by for-
*Corresponding Author: Daniela Martins Marum: Baker mation fluids, and also to clean, cool, and lubricate the drill
Hughes, a GE company, 29221 Celle, Lower Saxony, Germany; Email: bit [1]. Furthermore, the analysis of the gas extracted from
the drilling mud is essential for the hydrocarbons identifica-
Maria Diná Afonso: Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior
Técnico, CeFEMA, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
tion in gas and oil reservoirs. A thumb rule in mud logging
Brian Bernardo Ochoa: Baker Hughes, a GE company, 29221 Celle, states that the drilling mud at the surface carries similar
Lower Saxony, Germany ratios of hydrocarbons in the drilled formations [2]. For in-
Open Access. © 2020 D. Martins Marum et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License
108 | D. Martins Marum et al.

stance, the ratios CH4 /C2 H6 , CH4 /C3 H8 , and CH4 /C4 H10 the yield stress and gel behavior yields the capability of
imply rock formation variations and reservoirs productivi- solids carrying at static or nearly static conditions.
ties [3].
There are two main types of drilling fluids, namely
water-based mud (commonly referred as bentonite mud),
and invert emulsion oil-based drilling fluid. A water-based
mud mainly consists of water or substituents, such as sea-
water, brine, saturated brine, and chemical compounds (e.g.
potassium formate, lime or silicate). An oil-based drilling
fluid mainly comprises distilled crude oil products, comple-
mented by barite, lime, lignite, and asphaltic or polymeric
materials [4].
The knowledge of the mud rheology is essential to con-
trol/optimize the drilling process performance. Moreover,
the optimization of the gas extraction from the drilling mud Figure 1: Rheological behaviors of Newtonian and non-Newtonian
in a logging system, such as a gas analyzer system, also fluids.
urged the prediction of the mud viscosity as a function
of the mud temperature and the stirring velocity in the
gas trap [5, 6]. The gas analyzer system analyzes the gases
extracted from the mud at the rig-site surface to estimate
1.3 Herschel-Bulkley model
the hydrocarbons contents in the drilled formations. The
knowledge of the mud rheology aids promoting an ade-
A fluid presents a viscoplastic behavior if a shear stress
quate turbulence (by mechanical stirring) in the gas trap of
higher than the fluid yield stress must be applied to start
the gas analyzer system. Additionally, the turbulence data
deforming it, in other words for the fluid to start flowing [11].
enables to get insight on the gas microbubbles dynamics
In particular, the Herschel-Bulkley model may describe a
and thereby maximize the gas analyzer system efficiency.
yield-pseudoplastic fluid as denoted by Eq. 1 [12–14]:
To overcome the lack of continuous viscosity measure-
ments in the commercial gas analyzer system (TRU-vision),
τ = τ0 + k 𝛾˙ n , |τ| > |τ0 |
the main aim of this work was the rheological study of a (1)
𝛾˙ = 0, |τ| < |τ0 |
bentonite mud which presented a non-linear behavior with
respect to the shear rate (non-Newtonian fluid). Next, a where τ is the shear stress, τ0 the characteristic yield stress,
pipe viscometer was built to aid in the mud rheology char- 𝛾˙ the shear rate, n the flow behavior index, and k the con-
acterization. Finally, the rheological data collected were sistency coefficient.
correlated by the Herschel-Bulkley model, the parameters As each term of Eq. 1 has the same dimensions,
of which were determined. This methodology enables a con- there is a coupling between the units and values of the
tinuous and fairly reliable prediction of the apparent vis- parameters k and n. Nelson & Ewoldt [15] preferred to
cosity of a drilling fluid, either in laboratory essays and/or describe[︂ the Herschel-Bulkley model by the equation
industrial applications. (︁ )︁n ]︂
τ = τ0 1 + 𝛾˙ , because all parameters dimen-

sions are equal, regardless of their values. The parame-

(︀ )︀ 1
1.2 Non-Newtonian fluids ter 𝛾˙ critical = τk0 n is physically meaningful as a critical
shear rate at which the shear stress is twice the yield stress.
Unlike Newtonian fluids, a non-Newtonian fluid at con- Saasen & Ytrehus [16] claimed that the yield stresses of
stant pressure and temperature does not display a linear some drilling fluids are too low to be determined by oil well
relationship between the shear stress and the shear rate. In- drilling standard procedures. Moreover, the determination
stead, it may exhibit various behaviors (Figure 1), e.g. shear- of certain shear stresses by typical viscometers is not re-
thinning, shear-thickening, and shear-independency, each liable (measurements at a few shear rates). Besides, the
of them presenting yield stress or not [7–10]. measurements accuracy of typical viscometers at low shear
Usually, drilling fluids are designed to behave as shear- rates is doubtful. Hence, Saasen & Ytrehus [16] extended
thinning yield stress fluids, because shear-thinning limits the dimensionless parameters of Nelson & Ewoldt [15] to be
pressure drops when flowing at high flow rates, whereas used in drilling fluids. The 1st step was to estimate the yield
Rheological behavior of a bentonite mud | 109

stress from the rheogram. The 2nd step was to determine number and a criterion for the transition from laminar to
a surplus stress, τ s , at a relevant shear rate, 𝛾˙ s , for most turbulent flow [21].
drilling operations (equivalent to that obtained at 100 rpm While the molecular theory has been useful for calcu-
on most typical viscometers and simultaneously within the lations in gases at low density, it does not apply for liquids,
shear rate range for drilling fluid flow). Their equation (︁ )︁to suspensions, pastes, and other fluids. When experimental
describe the Herschel-Bulkley model was: τ = τ0 +τ s 𝛾˙𝛾˙ , data is absent, it is necessary to use empiricisms of varying
where τ s = τ − τ0 at 𝛾˙ = 𝛾˙ s . Nelson & Ewoldt’s model is reliability. For liquids, a long-used empirical formula states
obtained by setting τ s = τ0 and 𝛾˙ s = 𝛾˙ critical . that the viscosity of a liquid diminishes with the absolute
According to Zamora and Power [17], determination temperature increase, η = A exp(B/T), because a nearly
of the yield stress for a given fluid remains a great chal- exponential dependence of the viscosity on the inverse ab-
lenge. Direct measurement is preferable because τ0 is an solute temperature is often observed. Nevertheless, errors
intrinsic property of the fluid independent of the rheolog- up to 30% are frequent, and this empiricism should not be
ical model. Besides, τ0 should be determined simultane- applied for long slender molecules [22].
ously with rheological data acquisition. However, typical
Couette viscometers used in the drilling industry are not
appropriate for measuring it. For fluids with a yield stress, 1.3.1 Consistency coeflcient, k
the readings at low shear rates are unreliable due to a plug
flow region in the viscometer gap. These authors proposed The temperature effect upon the consistency coefficient is
several strategies for reasonably accurate measurements commonly described by an Arrhenius type equation [23,
of τ0 : 24]:
1. Fann reading at 3 rpm (R3 ) k = k0 exp T+273.15 (2)
2. Fann reading at 6 rpm (R6 )
3. Low shear yield point (stress beyond which a material where k0 and A are parameters and T is the temperature
becomes plastic, 2R3 - R6 ) (∘ C).
4. “Zero” gel strength (no time delay)
5. Initial gel strength (10 sec delay)
6. 10 min gel strength (10 min delay) 1.3.2 Yield stress, τ0

The first three are based on stable readings, whilst

The literature reports that the yield stress exhibits a linear
the last three on gel strength measurements. Low shear
decreasing trend with the temperature increase [23, 24],
yield point is the best from the 1st group and the initial gel
strength is the best from the 2nd group.
Skadsem et al. [18] reported that their steady rheologi- τ0 = τ0i − τ0a T (3)
cal measurements (with a smooth bob and container walls)
were overall well represented by the Herschel-Bulkley where τ0i and τ0a are parameters.
model, except at low shear rates probably due to appar-
ent slip effects or short measurement time. In particular,
the model overestimated shear stresses at shear rates lower 1.3.3 Flow behavior index, n
than ca. 1 s−1 .
Although the three-parameter Herschel-Bulkley model The flow behavior index revealed a linear rising trend with
yields an adequate relationship between the shear stress the temperature increase in previous studies [23, 24]:
and the shear rate of drilling fluids [19], more complex
four-parameter rheological models have been proposed [19, n = n a T + n0 (4)
20]. Even though these models predict more accurately
where n a and n0 are parameters.
drilling fluids rheological behavior than the widely ac-
cepted Herschel-Bulkley model, they have not been broadly
The volumetric flow rate of a Herschel-Bulkley fluid in
applied due to the complexity in finding analytical solu-
steady laminar flow is given by Eq. 5, where D is the tube
tions for the differential equations of motion, deriving ve-
diameter, Qmud is the mud flow rate, and τ w the shear stress
locity profiles and pressure drops in circular cylinders or
at the tube wall. This equation was derived by averaging the
cylindrical annulus, and seeking an appropriate Reynolds
fluid velocity over a tube cross section area, and assuming
110 | D. Martins Marum et al.

null shear rate if the shear stress is inferior to the yield Despite these benefits, studies are still scarce concerning
stress [25, 26]. on-line flow measurements of drilling fluids, mainly be-
[︃ (︂ )︂
]︃ (︂ )︂ cause they usually present harsh issues, e.g. most of them
D 4n are non-Newtonian and thixotropic, are opaque and/or
Q mud = π /256 (5)
2 3n + 1 dense due to insoluble matter in suspension, and can be
(︀ )︀(1/n) (︀ )︀(1/n) water- or oil-based. Therefore, only a few devices have been
× τ w /k 1 − τ0 /τ w
(︃ τ0 [︂ designed to monitor drilling fluids [29].
τw 2n (︀ )︀ (︀ )︀
Measurements are usually executed at atmospheric
× 1− 1+ τ /τ w 1 + nτ0 /τ w
2n + 1 n+1 0
pressure and temperature, thus they are not representa-
On the other hand, at steady state the pressure drop, tive of actual downhole pressure and temperature. High-
∆P, and the shear stress at the tube wall, τ w , are correlated Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT) viscometers may be
by Eq. 6, where L is the tube length. used at drilling fluid design to determine its rheological
properties at downhole conditions. However, these proper-
∆P D
τw = (6) ties can vary during drilling due to variation in mud main-
4L tenance and addition of cuttings and contaminations. Be-
Generalized Reynolds numbers were determined inside sides, installation of a HPHT viscometer at the rig-site is
the pipes of the pipe viscometer [27], using the velocities impractical due to its cost, maintenance, calibration, and
given by: lack of skilled personnel [30].
Optimal well operations require frequent and accurate
Q mud
v= 2
(7) viscosity and density measurements of drilling fluids. Cur-
rently, the standard methods by American Petroleum Insti-
where v is the mud velocity in each pipe. It is worth remark- tute (API) are used for drilling fluids properties measure-
ing that this work aimed to determine mud viscosity from ments. However, these measurements are sporadic, labor-
pipe flow measurements. intensive and the data quality strongly depends on the oper-
The shear stress distribution in pipes and narrow con- ator, thus automated, continuous and practical methods of
centric annuli are well defined, regardless of the fluid rheol- measuring and monitoring drilling fluid properties should
ogy. Only for Newtonian fluids and power law fluids flowing be implemented [31].
within pipes, or narrow concentric annuli, the shear rate at Rogers et al. [32] conducted flow tests of crosslinked
the wall may be derived from the average velocity and the fracturing fluids (“gels” with complex flow behavior) on a
flow path dimensions. It corresponds to a lower limit for the coiled-pipe viscometer designed for the purpose in 1985.
shear rate at the wall of non-Newtonian fluids, provided The large use of crosslinked fracturing gels in the 1970s
they are shear-thinning (most drilling fluids). The Newto- urged for accurate assessment of their rheology, since con-
nian shear rate at the wall is extremely sensitive to the pipe ventional rotational viscometers developed for simpler non-
diameter or annular size, and to the fluid flow rates, thus Newtonian fluids, were unsuitable for such a purpose. Gel
it may substantially vary (vd. Table 4-1 in [28]). Typically, responses to various temperatures and shear rates were
shear rates in drilling pipe flow are in the order of 500-1000 determined by the pipe viscometer, which revealed several
s−1 , whereas in well annuli flow they are typically in the attributes: gel preparation within the viscometer, thus each
order of 6-250 s−1 . gel element was subjected to identical shear during mixing;
gel developed in-line as it moved to the viscometer test sec-
tion without stagnant periods; and heat transfer occurred
1.4 Pipe viscometers from the conduit walls to the flowing fluid, as in a fracture.
Their results showed the likelihood of stress-induced slip
It is essential to characterize the rheological behavior of flow in a fracture and the coiled-pipe viscometer proved to
drilling fluids pumped down the wells to control the hy- simulate fluid preparation and flow in fracturing.
draulic pressure there-in. In oilfields, rheological mea- Saasen et al. [33] built a large-scale flow loop to mea-
surements are conducted by off-line viscometers dating sure several drilling fluid properties including the viscosity.
from more than 50 years ago. Most off-line viscome- The authors used a Couette viscometer as well. Although
ters/rheometers fail to characterize drilling fluids due to many properties were studied, no comparisons were made
clogging, abrasion, non-homogeneity, and slip. On the between on-line data and standard bench off-line data.
other hand, on-line measurements ease the hydraulic pres- Broussard et al. [34] developed a density and viscosity
sure prediction almost instantly and early troubleshooting. meter device for drilling fluids, and compared on-line data
Rheological behavior of a bentonite mud | 111

and off-line data from standard bench devices (Couette sure drop calculations. The modified Couette viscometer
method). The deviations between on-line and off-line data optimized for drilling fluids, highly automated, without
were attributed to the geometry and drifting forces in the flow rate limits, and working up to 200 psi and 145∘ C, was
on-line device. suitable to continuously measure on-line the rheological
Rondon et al. [35] built a prototype to be inserted into behavior of drilling fluids on the surface and predict pres-
a drilling column to measure pressure drops, and the rheo- sure losses in real-time.
logical behavior of drilling fluids in real time at downhole Gul et al. [31] presented a vertical helical-pipe viscome-
conditions. Their on-line data were compared to standard ter for automated mud measurements. An automated flow
benchmark devices, only for polymeric solutions not for loop was built to perform flow tests of Newtonian and
drilling fluids. non-Newtonian fluids, either in two straight-pipe and two
Carlsen et al. [36] installed pressure sensors along a helical-pipe test sections. Pressure drop data was deter-
rig-site, measuring the relative pressure and the pressure mined at each section simultaneously. The toroidal geom-
drop at several spots during drilling. They predicted the ap- etry led to secondary flow due to centrifugal forces, thus
parent viscosity from those pressure readings by hydraulic high pressure drops (for Re > 200) and delayed transition
modeling. The on-line data were compared to standard to turbulent flow occurred in the helical-pipe viscometer,
benchmark devices and they showed similar behavior to and in turn the accuracy of low shear rheological parame-
Broussard’s work [34]. ter estimations augmented. A machine-learning regression
Vajargah and co-authors [30, 37, 38] proposed a model was trained using the experimental pressure loss
method to determine mud rheological parameters in real- data to predict friction factor. Using the trained machine-
time and at actual downhole pressure and temperature by learning model, an algorithm was conceived to prove its
using downhole sensor data. The well was envisaged as applicability for automated rheological property determina-
a large annulus pipe viscometer with pressure drop and tion. Excellent accuracy was noticed when comparing the
temperature measurements along its length by multiple helical-pipe viscometer and standard Couette viscometer
sensors at strategic spots in the drillstring. Pressure drops measurements. Summing up, helical-pipe viscometers can
were recorded at several flow rates and the rheological pa- be used in oil and gas field for automated, nearly real-time
rameters of Herschel-Bulkley model (which most accurately characterization of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids
describes the drilling fluids majority) were derived. The re- rheology. They are also appropriate for the hydraulic design
sults were compared to off-line data collected by an off-line of coiled-pipe and slim-hole operations. Helical-pipe vis-
HPHT rheometer. Furthermore, time-dependent fluid char- cometers display advantages over standard pipe viscome-
acteristics, such as the gel strength, were also determined. ters, e.g. compact size and more versatile pressure loss pro-
This approach was a huge step for full automation of drilling files.
fluid property monitoring, not requiring human interac-
tion nor surface measurement equipment and describing
accurately the downhole pressure and temperature. The
advantages were obvious given the relevance of accurate
2 Experimental
rheology characterization in annular pressure management
The bentonite mud tested consisted of water (70.5% m/m),
using Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) and Dual Gradient
barite (26.4% m/m), bentonite (1.8% m/m), low viscosity
Drilling (DGD) techniques.
polyanionic cellulose (PAC LV, 1.1% m/m, viscosifier), and
Magalhães Filho et al. [29] developed two on-line vis-
Xhantan Gum polymer (0.2% m/m, viscosifier). The mud
cometers to assess the rheological behavior of drilling fluids
displayed a density of 1.25 g/cm3 , as determined by the
in real-time, simulating well drilling operations. The per-
pycnometer method.
formances of a modified Couette viscometer and a standard
pipe viscometer were compared with FANN 35A, an off-line
Couette viscometer commonly used as benchmark in oil-
2.1 FANN viscometer measurements
fields. For Newtonian fluids, there was agreement between
the viscosity data taken by all devices. For power law flu-
A rotational Couette viscometer (FANN Model 35 with a
ids, there were divergences in the parameters yielded by
R1-B1-F1 rotor-bob-torsion spring combination; errors of
each instrument both for a drilling fluid (with suspended
0.25 cP at 600 rpm and 50 cP at 3 rpm [39]) was used to
solids) and a polymeric solution. These divergences were
study the rheological behavior of the bentonite mud. FANN
attributed to non-homogeneity, slip, and interactions in
35 viscometer is well known as the industry rig standard
the fluid/gap interfaces but they were negligible for pres-
112 | D. Martins Marum et al.

for measuring drilling fluids viscosities [40]. Fernandes et

al. [41] obtained reliable measurements in general by using
FANN 35 for steady state measurements. Nevertheless, they
observed that the rheological data at 3 rpm might depend
on the drilling fluid rheology, thus a great error might be
expected at this shear rate.
The angular velocities, ω, were set in the apparatus
(3-600 rpm) and the corresponding dial readings, θ, were Figure 2: Pipe viscometer comprising three pipes of various di-
registered. The measurements were sufficiently long (ap- ameters and lengths, and corresponding pressure transducers
proximately 1 min for a given shear stress reading) to ensure connected to differential pressure indicators.
the liquid microstructure attained dynamic equilibrium at
the shear rate set, as stressed by Bush et al. [42]. The ben- pressure transducers (Freescale MPX2100DP Case 344C-01),
tonite mud was allowed to rest for 1 hour between consecu- connected to differential pressure indicators, were located
tive measurements. The shear rate (𝛾˙ ), shear stress (τ), and far enough from each pipe edges such that the entrance and
apparent viscosity (η a ) were estimated by the following end effects might be neglected. Contrarily to the aforemen-
equations: tioned works [30, 37, 38], in the present study, the pipes
lengths were calculated such that they exceeded the lami-
τ = k1 k2 θ (8)
nar flow entrance length (L entrance laminar ), given by Eq. 11,
to ensure fully developed laminar flow [44]:
𝛾˙ = k3 ω (9)
L entrance laminar = 0.05 D Re generalized (11)

τ A generalized Reynolds number was defined by Eqs. 12

ηa = × 100 (10)
𝛾˙ and 13 [45]:

where k1 corresponds to the torsion constant (386 ρ v2−n D n

Re generalized = τ (︀ n )︀n (12)
+ 8n−1 k 3m+1
)︀ (︀
8 D/v
dyn·cm/degree deflection), k2 to the shear stress constant 4m
for the effective bob surface (1.323×10−2 cm−3 ) and k3 to (︀ )︀n
the shear rate constant (1.7023 s−1 per rpm) according to n k 8v/D
m= (︀ )︀n (13)
the manufacturer [39]. τ0 + k 8v/D
By comparing the experimental data of shear stress
where ρ is the mud density. Laminar flow occurs in a non-
and apparent viscosity against the shear rate with typ-
Newtonian fluid for generalized Reynolds numbers below
ical rheograms, the bentonite mud was classified as a
2100 [22, 28, 46, 47]. Typically, drill pipe flow is turbulent
yield-pseudoplastic fluid in the temperature range of 10-
whereas annular flow is laminar to transitional.
70∘ C (usual temperature range of drilling fluids returned
The pressure transducers sensitivity was 0.4 mV/kPa
from the borehole to the surface). Thereafter, the Herschel-
and their output voltages were converted to differential
Bulkley model (Eq. 1) was applied in that temperature
pressures through the calibration described in [48]. Due to
range, with increments of 10∘ C, to estimate the rheolog-
confidentiality issues, the pump brand and model cannot
ical parameters, τ0 , k and n, based on the viscometer data.
be disclosed.

2.2 Pipe viscometer measurements 2.3 Unified model algorithm

The mud flow rates (0.50-3.31 L/min) were measured by a Using the experimental pressure drops for each mud flow
Coriolis flowmeter, as recommended for non-Newtonian rate, the intermediate rheological parameters – k0 , A, n a ,
fluids [43]. To correlate the pressure loss with the mud flow n0 , τ0i , and τ0a – were estimated and compared to the
rate, a pipe viscometer was easily assembled (Figure 2), sim- theoretical ones yielded by the modified Herschel-Bulkley
ilarly to Vajargah and co-authors’ work [30, 37, 38]. This model (Eqs. 2-6). The unified model algorithm and data
device consisted of three pipes of distinct diameters (D) and analysis protocol is sketched in Figure 3. The current model
lengths (L). The diameters were 18 mm (pipe 1), 9 mm (pipe algorithm is more powerful than its predecessor [30, 37, 38]
2), and 14.5 mm (pipe 3), whereas their lengths were 1.54 m because it includes the mud temperature effect on the shear
(pipe 1), 0.325 m (pipe 2), and 0.62 m (pipe 3). Couples of stress and subsequently on the apparent viscosity.
Rheological behavior of a bentonite mud | 113

Figure 3: Unified model algorithm and data analysis protocol.

mud revealed viscoplasticity and shear-thinning. Hence,

3 Results and Discussion the mud may be designated as a yield-pseudoplastic or
a Herschel-Bulkley fluid. In Figure 5, the mud viscosity
3.1 FANN viscometer measurements decreased with the shear rate and/or the temperature in-
creases. According to Busch et al. [42], PAC solutions dis-
The rheological characterization of a bentonite mud was played Newtonian viscosity plateaus at both low and high
accomplished by inserting the viscometer dial readings, shear rates due to its polymeric nature, similar to the ob-
at various angular velocities (3-600 rpm) and common servations at high shear rates in the present study.
drilling mud temperatures at rig-site surface (10-70∘ C), into The Herschel-Bulkley model appeared to be a good
Eqs. 8-9 to estimate the corresponding shear rates and shear approach to describe the viscoplasticity and shear-thinning
stresses. The mud rheograms depicted (Figure 4) were com- of the bentonite mud. Thus, the rheological parameters of
pared with typical rheograms (Figure 1) definitely point- the Herschel-Bulkley model, τ0 , k and n, were estimated for
ing out a yield-pseudoplastic behavior. In Figure 4, the each temperature by curve fitting of viscometer readings
shear stress increased with the shear rate increase and/or using a non-linear generalized reduced gradient Solver tool
the temperature decrease. Although most drilling fluids (from Microsoft Excel 2013 software) and were listed there-
exhibit thixotropy and viscoelasticity [42, 49, 50], the tests after in Table 1.
executed did not take into account these phenomena. As the parameters τ0 , k and n exhibited a strong scat-
The apparent viscosity of the bentonite mud was esti- tering with respect to the temperature, they were refined
mated for each shear rate (Eq. 10) and plotted in Figure 5, by minimizing the sum of the quadratic deviations be-
corroborating the yield-pseudoplastic behavior, i.e. the
114 | D. Martins Marum et al.

τ, shear stress (dyn/cm 2)




10 °C exp 15 °C exp 20 °C exp 25 °C exp

30 °C exp 35 °C exp 40 °C exp 50 °C exp Figure 6: Comparison between the experimental shear stress and
55 °C exp 60 °C exp 65 °C exp 70 °C exp the data predicted by the Herschel-Bulkley model (including the
0 200 400 600 800 1000 intermediate rheological parameters). Dashed line: graph diagonal;
𝛾 ̇, shear rate (s-1)
solid line: linear trend of τ predicted vs. τ exp .

Figure 4: Shear stress vs. shear rate (FANN viscometer readings) in

the temperature range of 10-70∘ C.
n a (4.12 × 10−4 ∘ C−1 ), n0 (6.47 × 10−1 ), τ0i (1.12 × 102
dyn/cm2 ), and τ0a (8.00 × 10−2 dyn/(cm2 ·∘ C)).
10 °C exp 15 °C exp 20 °C exp
The experimental shear stress and the data predicted
25 °C exp 30 °C exp 35 °C exp
1 000
40 °C exp 50 °C exp 55 °C exp by the Herschel-Bulkley model (including the intermediate
ηa, Apparent viscosity (cP)

60 °C exp 65 °C exp 70 °C exp rheological parameters) is plotted in Figure 6, confirming

that this model yielded a fairly good fitting of the experi-
mental data with a coefficient of determination of 0.9762 in
the temperature range of 10-70∘ C [51].
10 The correlations of the rheological parameters τ0 , k,
and n (determined by inserting the intermediate rheological
parameters in Eqs. 2-4) with the temperature are displayed
0 200 400 600 800 1000 in Figure 7, being similar to the trends referred in the litera-
𝛾 ̇, shear rate (s-1)
ture [23, 24].
Figure 5: Apparent viscosity vs. shear rate (FANN viscometer read-
ings) in the temperature range of 10-70∘ C.
3.2 Pipe viscometer measurements
tween the experimental shear stress (FANN viscometer
On the other hand, the pipe viscometer yielded experimen-
data) and the data predicted by the empirical Eqs. 2-4.
tal data of mud flow rates and the corresponding pressure
Thereby, the intermediate rheological parameters were es-
drops. The generalized Reynolds numbers in the three pipes
timated: k0 (3.50 × 10−2 dyn/(cm2 ·sn ), A (1.38 × 103 K),
were calculated (Eqs. 12-13) as well. Their minimum val-
ues were 3, 10, and 2, and their maximum values were 14,

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7: Trends of a) τ0 , yield stress b) k, consistency coeflcient and c) n, flow index, in the temperature range of 10-70∘ C.
Rheological behavior of a bentonite mud | 115

Table 1: Rheological parameters (estimated with FANN viscometer and τ0a (1.53 dyn/(cm2 ·∘ C)). In summary, the modified
readings) in the temperature range of 10-70∘ C. Herschel-Bulkley model for the bentonite mud (most com-
mon drilling fluid) in the temperature range of 10-70∘ C (typ-
T (∘ C) τ0 (dyn/cm2 ) k (dyn/(cm2 ·sn )) n
ical temperature range of drilling fluids returned from the
10 91.28 11.15 0.52 borehole to the surface) is given by:
15 92.7 10.52 0.51 (︁ )︁
τ dyn/cm2 = 170 − 1.53 T ∘ C
(︀ )︀
20 82.4 8.41 0.54 (14)
25 88.3 3.77 0.66 957 0.00597T(∘ C)+0.251
30 87.58 4.66 0.62 + 0.3451 e T (∘ C)+273.15 𝛾˙ (s−1 )
35 89.46 4.73 0.60
Using the refined intermediate rheological parameters,
40 99.58 2.45 0.69
comparison between the predicted and experimental shear
50 87.68 7.98 0.49
stresses is depicted in Figure 9 (against the shear rate and
55 89.38 8.63 0.47
temperature) and Figure 10.
60 111.52 4.44 0.56
The conclusion to be drawn from Figures 9 and 10 is
65 127.62 9.89 0.41
that the modified Herschel-Bulkley model is in fair agree-
70 137.94 6.95 0.46
ment with the experimental data with a coefficient of de-
termination of 0.9365. On average, it predicted lower shear
stresses (ca. 2.2%) than the experimental data in the tem-
137, and 9, in the pipes 1, 2 and 3, respectively, confirm-
ing steady laminar flow in each pipe throughout all essays
(Regeneralized < 2100). 500

The experimental and predicted pressure drops (Eqs. 5-

τ, shear stress (dyn/cm2)

6) were plotted against the mud flow rate in Figure 8. Both
pressure drops naturally augmented with the mud flow 300

rate rise, although the match between the experimental 200

and predicted data was slightly better for the pipes 1 and 2
especially at low flow rates.
0 200 400 600 800 1000

𝛾 ̇, shear rate (s-1)

10 °C theoretical 15 °C theoretical 20 °C theoretical 25 °C theoretical
30 °C theoretical 35 °C theoretical 40 °C theoretical 50 °C theoretical
55 °C theoretical 60 °C theoretical 65 °C theoretical 70 °C theoretical
10 °C experimental 15 °C experimental 20 °C experimental 25 °C experimental
30 °C experimental 35 °C experimental 40 °C experimental 50 °C experimental
55 °C experimental 60 °C experimental 65 °C experimental 70 °C experimental

Figure 9: Experimental shear stress and data predicted by the mod-

ified Herschel-Bulkley model vs. the shear rate in the temperature
range of 10-70∘ C.

Figure 8: Comparison between the experimental and predicted
pressure drops in the pipes 1, 2, and 3 vs. mud flow rate. 400
τ predicted (dyn/cm2)


3.3 Unified model algorithm
100 y = 0,9781x
R² = 0,988
Finally, the sum of the quadratic deviations between the
experimental and predicted pressure losses was minimized 0 100 200 300 400 500
and the intermediate parameters were refined using a non- τ exp (dyn/cm2)
linear generalized reduced gradient Solver tool:
k0 (34.51 × 10−1 dyn/(cm2 ·sn ), A (9.57 × 102 K), n a (5.97 × Figure 10: Comparison between the experimental shear stress and
the data predicted by the modified Herschel-Bulkley model. Dashed
10−3 ∘ C−1 ), n0 (2.51 × 10−1 ), τ0i (1.70 × 102 dyn/cm2 ),
line: graph diagonal; solid line: linear trend of τ predicted vs. τ exp .
116 | D. Martins Marum et al.

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stresses were higher than the experimental data, whilst tests and results discussion is also appreciated.
above 40∘ C, the predicted shear stresses were lower than
the experimental data. Conflict of Interests: The authors declare no conflict of
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