DR - Faustus Notes

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Dr.Faustus - Faustus

Divinity, study of religion and god, Dr.Faustus gets a bit confused since
he says “the reward of sin is death”. He then finds necromancy
heavenly, which is an oxymoron.

Author himself manipulates the characters.

Dr.Faustus had desires these powers, but comparing it to people of

2013, the desires are similar, he wants power. However he abuses the
power, since he uses it to desire for earthily omnipotent (god like status)
is equal to eternal damnation.

Helen of Troye- most beautiful women on earth

Man to make love to a demon is ultimate blasphemous.


Dr.Faustus – Marlowe

How does Marlowe present Mephistopheles in scene 3?

 Focus upon the representation of Mephistopheles and be aware of

how Marlowe shapes the character of this “ unhappy Spirit”
 Comment upon the Christian context and the fact that Marlowe
panders to the protestant sensibility. You need to be aware of the
historical context to the play.

The aim of this exercise is to construct a precise and coherent critical

response. The written work should offer structure and clarity.

Page 146, Marlowe is trying to cover his back because he represents

Mephistopheles as a Catholic priest, suggesting that they are evil and he
was also practicing Catholicism at the time so it suggest to his audience
that he is a strong protestant because at the time Queen Elizabeth was
a strong protestant, and could be killed if she found out he was
practicing another religion. This Catholic priest is honest and is being
true to Faustus so this can question the audience that a Catholic priest is
a good person and there is a message for the audience saying that
Catholic priest are good and not how they are interpreted.

Marlowe is changing he image of the devil, because instead of

Mephistopheles trying to encourage Faustus, he shows he is unhappy
and he is warning Faustus. Mephistopheles is a sympathetic spirit, he is
honest. Christian value shown by the devil, line 82

Page 147, Faustus is confused as he tells a spirit to “man up”, ironic.

Notes for the question:

 Appearance as Franciscan Friar loaded with controversial anti-Catholic

symbolism regretful of his own demise – an emissary of crucifer catholic
 Honest concern- Christian Values- Hell – Why is this hell- unhappy spirits
 Manly fortitude- Faustus is confused.
 Where is Faustus’s manly fortitude when he asks the Devil to come back as
Franciscan frans

Pink Monkey – Doctor Faustus

During the signing of the pack his blood congeals, this is because God is trying to
protect him or because his blood doesn’t want to become the property of the devil.

“consummatum” Faustus uses the very words Jesus uttered, very words that is in the
bible, saying it finished.


To what extent can Marlowe’s Deception of the events in scene 7 be

considered as controversial? Discuss the religious controversy with this
scene in the context of the 16th century. Consider how Mephistopheles
seems to control Faustus once again.
Page 163
The scene begins by describing the countries Faustus has visited, eg Town of Trier,
Paris France and many more. Mephistopheles is now fed up with Faustus’ demands;
therefore Faustus disapproves with Faustus, like the time he asked for a wife
however Mephistopheles suggested to have pretty women (prostitutes) who were
actually demons and spirits therefore tricking Faustus. This shows that Faustus is
tricked and Mephistopheles is actually in charged although they signed a treaty.

When Faustus hits the pope in page 165, it is very offensive for the audience of

Start of play

 Faustus raison d’etre for selling his soul

 think of his discussion with C+V

What does Faustus want?

 Wants control of Nature

 He is willing to make the Rhine
 Copy Bhavika

What he did?
 Made fun of the pope who symbolizes the Catholic religion, because
Mephistopheles wanted to, benefit Mephistopheles. Were as on the other
hand Faustus wanted to visit Rome to see the great architecture, see the
landscape however Mephistopheles manipulates Faustus to insult God.
 They visit Carolus Fifth – Charles the fifth – Emperor of Spain.
 They then go to Duke of Vanholt, the German Duke whose wife is pregnant,
who fancies some grapes, so he sends Mephistopheles to The other side to
get some grapes.
 Horse courser- Horse dealers.

Page 168

Page 179 – final soliloquy

The iambic pentameter is not included in this scene,

Minor characters speak in prose

Major characters speak with rhythm.

In this particular section there was a confident tone but now when he speaks in prose he is
getting worried and there is tension built, as there is only 1 hour left, the final hour. He
believed 24 years was a long time but compared to eternity Faustus is feeling regret and

The central belief of Christianity is Mercy, but Faustus is too stupid to see it, and he doesn’t

His last two words aren’t anything but he calls the devils “ ah Mephistopheles” , and he
doesn’t help.

The hour ends the day, the author ends the text.

“a table owned by you” page 151

Conveying that, despite her youth, innocence, and nativity, Rose does, in fact, hold some
control over Pinkie because her ability to expose Pinkie to the police.

Page 151
“carved” is an adjective a way of illustrating Rose’s acceptance of Pinkie, reflecting the way
in which Pinkie carefully manipulated her from the beginning. The adjective “ carved” also
suggests something like how lovers carve their names to their bodies, eg tattooing or
carving the trees.

The word “carved” shows that Pinkie is carving himself on the gang.
it also could say that Pinkie is re-creating her and moulding her into something he wants.

“Carved devotion”, the word devotion is a noun, reinforces the idea of the statue of Virgin
marry. Devotion comes from commenting yourself to God, Devotion is a self-sacrificing word
, therefore this shows that Rose is self-sacrificing herself to Pinkie, she is devoting herself,
this can be identified due to the fact that she doesn’t talk to Ida since Pinkie warns her. His
technique to use religious backgrounds is to convey Pinkies religious background and how
he is carving his pathway to hell.

The use of Latin shows Pinkies religious dimensions, showing that he knows what wrong and
right but he chooses to commit sins.

Faustus is not scared about eternal damnation at the start whereas Macbeth is very scared
of the problems he may face after death.

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