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Chapter 2 Contents
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................... 2–2
STARTING ORCAVIEW ........................................................................................ 2–2
Logon Dialog Box ................................................................................. 2–3
To log on to ORCAview: ........................................................ 2–4
Logon Dialog: Advanced Button Connections ...................................... 2–5
Multiple Connections .......................................................................... 2–12
OWS DIRECTORY CONVENTIONS ...................................................................... 2–13
To create a shortcut for automatic ORCAview login: ........... 2–14
START GRAPHIC THROUGH A COMMAND LINE ................................................... 2–16
SOLVING FIRST TIME LOGON PROBLEMS ........................................................... 2–17
Windows XP Firewall Blocks Siserver ................................................ 2–17
Controller Turned Off ......................................................................... 2–17
To access your network: ........................................................ 2–18
ORCAview PC is Not Properly Connected to the Controller.............. 2–18
Incorrect Ethernet Card Selected........................................................ 2–18
Delta Version 2 Protocol is not Enabled ............................................ 2–18
To manually enable Version 2 Security and designate a
Security Panel: ................................................................. 2–19
IDENTIFYING MAIN COMPONENTS OF ORCAVIEW ............................................ 2–20
ORCAview Dashboard ........................................................................ 2–20
To set the ORCAview Preferences: ....................................... 2–21
Navigator ............................................................................................ 2–26
Delta Server ........................................................................................ 2–26
To see the Delta Server operation: ........................................ 2–27
General Control Language ................................................................. 2–27
Illustrator ............................................................................................ 2–27
GETTING HELP ................................................................................................... 2–28
MS HTML Help ................................................................................... 2–28
To read or print the help files: ............................................... 2–29
ADJUST TIME ..................................................................................................... 2–30
Set Time and Date in Windows for the PC .......................................... 2–30
To set the Windows Date and Time: ..................................... 2–30
Check Controller Time ........................................................................ 2–31
To check the time on a particular controller: ......................... 2–31
To send the current PC Time to all controllers:..................... 2–32
EXITING ORCAVIEW ......................................................................................... 2–32
To exit ORCAview: .............................................................. 2–33
To Log on ORCAview as another user or through another
network connection: ........................................................ 2–33

ORCAview Version 3.40 Technical Reference Manual

Total Pages in this Chapter: 33 Ed. 1.80 Original Page 2–1
2–2 Getting Started

This chapter covers:
• Starting ORCAview on page 2–2
• Logon Dialog: Advanced Button Connections starting on page 2–5
• Multiple Connections starting on page 2–12
• Start Graphic through a Command Line on page 2–16
• Solving First Time Logon Problems on page 2–17
• Identifying Main Components of ORCAview on page 2–20
• Getting Help on page 2–28
• Exiting ORCAview on page 2–32

You need to connect power and communications to the controller before you start

Chapter 8 – Modems and Printers provides wiring diagrams to ensure that the
controller is wired properly. The Chapter also describes how to make different
types of cables.

Starting ORCAview
This section discusses two methods of starting ORCAview. The ORCAview
Installation program creates the first method.

Note: The firewall included with Windows XP may block the Siserver, when you
first run ORCAview after installation. On the Windows Security Alert dialog, click
unblock to allow the Siserver program to run. This message will only appear when
logging in via UDP/IP.

First Method  After installation, click the Start Button in the lower left corner
of the screen.
When you click the Start button, the Start Menu appears. Choose All Programs,
select Delta Controls, select 3.40, and then click ORCAview. The computer
displays a Windows 7 desktop similar to the following figure:

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Starting ORCAview 2–3

Click the ORCAview program. ORCAview then displays the Logon dialog box.
See Logon Dialog Box on page 2–3.

Second Method  You can start ORCAview from the ORCAview icon on the
desktop. Double click on the icon to start ORCAview.

Logon Dialog Box

The Logon dialog contains the following fields:

Username  Enter a name that corresponds to an SUA object.

Password  Enter the password for the SUA object entered in the Username

Site  A drop-down provides a list of the available choices. A Site Settings (SS)
object defines login parameters for each site.

Connection  The network settings include details such as the communications

port, the network speed and the type of network connection. The network
connection settings are configured during installation and shown at the bottom of
the dialog box.

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2–4 Getting Started

To log on to ORCAview:
1. When the Logon Dialog box displays, type your Username and Password.
Your supervisor or the person who installed the ORCAview system assigns
your Username and Password.
2. Click OK on the Logon dialog box. ORCAview starts up as shown in the
following figures. If this is your first-time logging-on, and no connection is
made, see Solving First Time Logon Problems section on page 2–17 of this

The following Windows figure shows three main components:

• ORCAview Dashboard
• Navigator
• Delta Server Icon



Delta Server Icon

The ORCAview Dashboard  In the previous figure, the Dashboard displays

the site name which is International Airport. The Dashboard contains a menu bar
and toolbars for controlling ORCAview.

Navigator  Navigator is used to monitor and make adjustments to your control

system. Using easily-identified software objects within Navigator, you can do
most site functions, including alarming, trending, scheduling, and adjusting

Delta Server Icon  The Delta Server Icon indicates that the Delta Server is
operating. The Delta Server processes information from BACnet or Version 2

The page Identifying Main Components of ORCAview section of this chapter

starting on page 2–20 contains more details about these components.

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Starting ORCAview 2–5

Logon Dialog: Advanced Button Connections

Advanced Button  The Advanced button on the Logon Dialog allows you to
change the type of connection used to log onto your site. The selected connection
type is shown at the bottom of the dialog box to the right of the Connection name.

The Advanced button is grayed out if Historian or ORCAweb is already running

on the PC.

Note: Click on the Advanced button to see other communication parameters.

Place the cursor in a field and then press F1 to get help.

In the previous figure, ORCAview uses the Ethernet card(s) already installed
through Windows.

Connect Using Options  The available Connect Using options are:

• Ethernet (Can have more than one Ethernet card) on this page
• Bluetooth: BACnet MS / TP on page 2–6
• Serial (BACnet MS/TP) on page 2–7
• Serial (BACnet PTP) [Direct, Modem Dial-out, Modem Answer] on
page 2–8
• Serial (Version 2) on page 2–10
• UDP/IP (Local network, Remote network) on page 2–11

ORCAview Version 3.40 Technical Reference Manual

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2–6 Getting Started

Connect Using Ethernet Options

This connection uses the Ethernet card(s) that were installed by Windows. With
an Ethernet connection, there are no parameters to configure. You do need to
ensure that the correct Ethernet card is selected.

To reconfigure ORCAview with multiple connections, the network setup must be

modified using the BACnet Protocol Settings (BCP) object once you are logged
in. See the Multiple Connections section starting on page 2–12.
Bluetooth: BACnet MS / TP
With Bluetooth: BACnet MS/TP selected in the Connect Using dropdown, the
following fields display on the dialog. Bluetooth BACnet MS/TP is selected when
connecting OWS via wireless Bluetooth CON-768BT.

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Starting ORCAview 2–7

If you click on the Add New Con768BT button, the Add Bluetooth Device Wizard
from Windows opens.

COM Port  This field defines the COM port for communications. Only valid
virtual COM ports associated with the CON-768BT are listed in the Com Port
Drop down menu when Bluetooth: BACnet MS/TP is selected.

Address  For a Bluetooth: BACnet MS/TP connection, an editable Address box

displays to the right of the Speed dropdown. This is the address the OWS will use
on the MS/TP network and must be a unique address on the particular MS/TP
network that the OWS is connecting to. A value of 0 to 127 can be entered in this
field. The default value is 127. You can use any number in this field as long as it
is not used by another device on the MS/TP network. It is suggested to use a
restricted range of 100 to 127 for this field which will help to ensure that the OWS
address does not conflict with any controller communicating on the MS/TP
This field maps directly to the Address field under the MS/TP Protocol on the
Setup tab of the BACnet Protocol Settings (BCP) object in the OWS.
Serial 1 (BACnet MS/TP)
With Serial BACnet MS/TP selected in the Connect Using dropdown, the
following fields display on the dialog. Serial BACnet MS/TP is selected when
connecting OWS via wired CON-768.

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2–8 Getting Started

COM Port  This field defines the COM port for communications. Only valid
detected COM ports are listed in the Com Port Drop down menu when Direct
Connection type or MS/TP is selected. These do not include virtual COM ports
associated with the CON-768BT.

Speed  The choices for communication speed are 9600, 19200, 38400, and
76800. The default is 76800.

Address  For an MS/TP connection, an editable Address box displays to the

right of the Speed dropdown. This is the address the OWS will use on the MS/TP
network and must be a unique address on the particular MS/TP network that the
OWS is connecting to. A value of 0 to 127 can be entered in this field. The default
value is 127. You can use any number in this field as long as it is not used by
another device on the MS/TP network. It is suggested to use a restricted range of
100 to 127 for this field which will help to ensure that the OWS address does not
conflict with any controller communicating on the MS/TP network.
This field maps directly to the Address field under the MS/TP Protocol on the
Setup tab of the BACnet Protocol Settings (BCP) object in the OWS.
Connect Using Serial: BACnet PTP Options
Following the Login process, the network objects in the OWS are automatically
re-configured to reflect the desired BACnet modem connection. The objects
affected are the BACnet Protocol Settings (BCP) object, the Version 2 Protocol
Settings (V2P) object, the Serial (RS-232) Port Settings 1 (SNS) object, and the
Remote Panel Settings (RPS) object. The new settings that will be applied when
you log in are shown in the following dialog:

Connect Using  With Serial, the options are either Serial BACnet MS/TP,
Serial BACnet PTP or Serial Version 2.

Connect Type For BACnet PTP  The options are Direct, Modem Dial-out or
Modem Answer.

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Starting ORCAview 2–9

COM Port  This field defines the COM port for communications. The options
are Com1-Com4.

Speed  The choices for communication speed are 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
76800, 115200. The default is 9600.

Chapter 8 – Modems and Printers of the ORCAview Technical Reference manual

describes how to use the Advanced Button options of the Logon dialog for a serial
modem connection.

The following figure shows the Connect Using field with Serial 2 (BACnet PTP)
and the Connect Type field with Direct selected.

The following figure shows the Connect Using field with Serial 2 (BACnet PTP)
and the Connect Type field with Modem Dial-out selected.

ORCAview Version 3.40 Technical Reference Manual

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2–10 Getting Started

Phone Number  The phone number for the device that is to be dialed. This
field accepts the Area Code and the Long distance prefix. Communications are
established with a device using a Modem Dial-out when the phone number is

The following figure shows the Connect Using field with Serial 2 (BACnet PTP)
and the Connect Type field with Modem Answer selected.

The following figure shows the Connect Using field with Serial 3 (Version 2) and
the Connect Type field with Direct selected.

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Starting ORCAview 2–11

Connect Using UDP/IP Option

The following figure shows the Connect Using field with UDP/IP and the Connect
To field with Local Network selected.

Connect Using  With UDP/IP selected, the following fields are available. The
IP address is for the PC Ethernet card. This Ethernet address is stored in the
UDP/IP Settings (UNS) object but cannot be changed there.

Connect Type For BACnet PTP  The options are Direct, Modem Dial-out or
Modem Answer.

UDP/IP Port  The port defines which UDP port number that UDP/IP
communication will use. The available range is 0 to 65535 with 47808 being the
default. These port numbers are assigned by Internet standard with 47808 being
assigned for the use of BACnet networks. It is important that this port number is
not changed arbitrarily as many of the other port numbers have other purposes that
would conflict with BACnet. All devices on the same UDP/IP network must use
the same Port number.

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2–12 Getting Started

Select Remote network in the Connect to field and enter a Remote Panel IP

Remote Panel IP Address  This field becomes available when Remote

network is selected in the Connect To field. This is the IP Address of the remote
BBMD device.

Multiple Connections
ORCAview can connect to different networks using separate connections. For
example, your PC might use two Ethernet cards at the same time. Multiple
connections are enabled in the Network Settings (NET1) Object for a DAC/DSC
controller or the Setup tab of the BACnet Protocol Settings (BCP) object for an
older DCU controller.

Note: If ORCAview is configured with multiple connections, clicking the

Advanced button will clear the multiple selections immediately. To reconfigure
ORCAview with multiple connections, the network setup must be modified using
the BACnet Protocol Settings (BCP) object once you are logged in.

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OWS Directory Conventions 2–13

The following Warning Message will appear if you click on the advanced button
on the Logon dialog. This message explains that by clicking the advanced button,
all Network adapters except for one will be disabled. You will not be able to
enable more than one network adapter when using the Advanced button dialog. If
you wish to re-enable multiple network adapters, you can do so via the local BCP
object when the OWS is started.

The Advanced button is grayed out if Historian or ORCAweb is already running

on the PC.

OWS Directory Conventions

The Install Path is consistent between Windows XP/Server2003/Vista/7. It
depends on processor bit-width.

If 32-bit, install directory will be:

C:\Program Files\Delta Controls\3.40\

If 64-bit, install directory will be:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Delta Controls\3.40\

The users/custom directory is different between Windows XP/Server 2003 and

Windows Vista/7; however, it is consistent between processor bit-width.

If Windows XP/Server 2003, user directory will be:

C:\Documents and Settings\Public\Delta Controls\3.40\

If Windows Vista/7, user directory will be:

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2–14 Getting Started

C:\Users\Public\Delta Controls\3.40\

C:\Users\Public maps to the environment variable %PUBLIC%.

Customizing the Desktop Shortcut for Automatic Login

These instructions create a desktop shortcut that allows automatic login to
ORCAview. This icon automatically provides the username and password to
ORCAview and bypasses the ORCAview security features.

Caution: Do not use a shortcut providing automatic login unless you are
certain the site does not need username and password security, or, that
the username automatically logged in lacks permission to alter security
objects such as the SUA and UA objects or objects otherwise important to
site functions.

When you use the shortcut for automatic login, the following objects will exist on
your system:

• A System User Access (SUA) object in the ORCAview PC that uses the
automatic-login username and password. — If not, then you must create a
SUA object in the ORCAview PC containing the username and password.
(See the Creating a New User section in the System Security chapter.)

• A System User Access (SUA) object in the Network Security Panel that uses
the automatic-login username and password. — If not then you must create
such a SUA object. (See the Creating a New User section in the System
Security chapter.)

• A Site Settings (SS) object in the ORCAview PC that uses the site-name.
If not then you must create a SS object using the site name that you intend to
enter for automatic login. You cannot alter an existing SS object. (See the
Multiple Sites section in the Navigator chapter.)

To create a shortcut for automatic ORCAview login:

1. Right click the ORCAview shortcut icon and click Properties. An
ORCAview.exe Properties dialog will appear. Click on the Shortcut tab as

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Customizing the Desktop Shortcut for Automatic Login 2–15

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Delta Controls\3.40\System\ORCAview.exe"

2. In the Shortcut tab, there is a Target field that specifies the shortcut path. In
Windows 7- 32 bit:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Delta Controls\3.40\System\ORCAview.exe"
In Windows XP:
“C:\Program Files\Delta Controls\3.40\System\ORCAview.exe”.
After the last quotation mark in the shortcut path, leave one space and then
type the following information:
user=username/password site=sitename.

You place your username/password and sitename after the shortcut path in the
target field. The modified target field will read:
For Windows 7 – 32 bit:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Delta Controls\3.40\System\ORCAview.exe" user=username/password site=sitename.

For Windows XP:

"C:\Program Files\Delta Controls3.40\System\ORCAview.exe" user=username/password site=sitename.

Note: The username and password must not contain spaces. The sitename may
contain a space between the first and last letter of the sitename but must be in
quotations. Example: site= “site name”. The following invalid characters cannot
be used in the username, password, or site name: ! \ / * ? : “ ‘ < > | $ #

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2–16 Getting Started

Start Graphic through a Command Line

The command line structure now supports a new graphic launch command. When
ORCAview is running, a new graphic can be launched through Run... using the
CMD prompt. This new graphic command can also be added to the target field in
a desktop shortcut for ORCAview.

This new option in the form of:

For example, a valid desktop shortcut might be:
For Windows 7 – 32 bit:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Delta Controls\3.40\System\ORCAview.exe" graphic=Gauges.gpc

For Windows XP:

"C:\Program Files\Delta Controls\3.40\System\ORCAview.exe" graphic=Gauges.gpc
If no path is provided, the system searches the default locations. Alternatively you
can specify a path.
With Windows 7 – 32 bit, the default location might be:
C:\Users\Public\Delta Controls\3.40\Sites\International Airport Terminal 1\Graphics

With XP, the default location might be:

C:\Documents and Settings\Public\Delta Controls\3.40\Sites\International Airport\Graphics

If you use spaces you must use double quotes to enclose the part with spaces.

graphic=”my start graphic.gpc”

For example, a valid desktop shortcut might be:

For Windows 7 – 32 bit:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Delta Controls\3.40\System\ORCAview.exe" graphic="Propane Gas Gauges.gpc"
For windows XP:
"C:\Program Files\Delta Controls\3.40\System\ORCAview.exe" graphic="Graphic with Basic Shapes.gpc"

For a programmer, this feature allows an outside script to determine what graphic
to load. You can use a macro to open a particular graphic based on conditions.
This behavior is not dependent on a predefined SUA.

A graphic can be launched from outside the OWS.

For example, from the CMD prompt:

Orcaview.exe graphic=mygraphic1.gpc
Orcaview.exe graphic=mygraphic2.gpc
Orcaview.exe graphic=mygraphic3.gpc
The previous code will launch the OWS if it is not already running and open these
three specified graphics.

If a starting graphic is also defined in the User Data tab of the SUA object for a
user, both graphics opens when OWS is started from a shortcut but the command
line graphic opens on top and has focus.

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Solving First Time Logon Problems 2–17

Solving First Time Logon Problems

The first time you log in to your network after installing ORCAview, you may be
unable to immediately view your network. These are some possible causes:
• Windows XP Firewall Blocks Siserver
• Power to the controller(s) was turned off at login
• ORCAview PC is not properly connected to the network or controller(s)
• For Ethernet, incorrect Ethernet card is selected
• For a serial connection, Baud Rate or COM Port may be incorrect
• Delta Version 2 Protocol is not enabled

Windows XP Firewall Blocks Siserver

The firewall included with Windows XP may block the Siserver, when you first
run ORCAview after installation. On the Windows Security Alert dialog, click
unblock to allow the Siserver program to run. This message will only appear when
logging in via UDP/IP.

Controller Turned Off

You will be unable to see your network if you only have one controller on your
network and the controller is turned off when you try to log in. Turning on the
controller after ORCAview has started will not immediately allow you to log into
the network. You need to re-initialize the Descriptors to get the controller to

ORCAview Version 3.40 Technical Reference Manual

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2–18 Getting Started

To access your network:

1. Click File on the ORCAview menu bar, and select Logoff. When the message
box appears stating that all ORCAview windows will close click Yes. A login
dialog box appears.
2. Turn on the controller.
3. Log in to ORCAview using the Logon dialog box.

ORCAview PC is Not Properly Connected to the Controller

Chapter 8 Modems and printers provides wiring diagrams to ensure that the
controller is wired properly.

Incorrect Ethernet Card Selected

Make sure that you have the correct Ethernet card selected. On the Logon dialog,
press the Advanced button and select the card in the Connect Using field.

Delta Version 2 Protocol is not Enabled

By default, for new installations, ORCAview will assume that the Version 2
protocol is disabled. When you enter the login name and password, ORCAview
provides access to ORCAview alone. It will not allow access to any of the Version
2 devices on the network.

If you want access to a V2 controller on a network, you must manually enable the
Version 2 protocol and designate a V2 panel as the Security Panel.

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Solving First Time Logon Problems 2–19

To manually enable Version 2 Security and designate a Security Panel:

1. From the ORCAview Dashboard, choose Tools. Select Setup and click on
Site. The Site Settings object displays.
2. Click the Advanced tab and change the Security Panel number to match a
panel on your network.

Enter the address of

your V2 Security panel

Enter the address of

your BACnet Security
panel here.

3. Click the Application Protocol and enable the Delta Version 2 Protocol check
4. Click OK.

5. Exit ORCAview. Wait five seconds for the Delta Server to unload. Restart
ORCAview. You can now access your network.

The following section explains the main components of ORCAview in more


ORCAview Version 3.40 Technical Reference Manual

Total Pages in this Chapter: 33 Ed.1.80 Original Page 2–19
2–20 Getting Started

Identifying Main Components of ORCAview

This section introduces the main components of ORCAview. Each component has
a specific function for building control.

The main components of ORCAview are:

• ORCAview Dashboard on this page
• Navigator starting on page 2–26
• Delta Server starting on page 2–26
• General Control Language Editor starting on page 2–27
• Illustrator Graphic Program starting on page 2–27

ORCAview Dashboard
From the ORCAview Dashboard, you can start all the components of ORCAview.
Whenever ORCAview runs, the Dashboard displays on your screen. The
Dashboard also displays the menus for other components.

ORCAview Dashboard

Standard Dashboard Menu Bar PC / System Time

When the Dashboard first opens, it displays the standard dashboard and menu bar.

The Dashboard always displays the PC time in the lower right hand corner. To
change the time displayed, you must go through the Windows settings.

See the Adjust Time section starting on page 2–30 of this chapter for more details.

Docking  You can place the Dashboard along the top or bottom side of the
monitor where it displays as a solid bar. The Dashboard is docked when it
displays as a solid bar along the top or bottom side of the monitor. You can
combine docking with other display options such as Always on Top or Autohide.
The ORCAview Preferences dialog box allows you to select these options.

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Identifying Main Components of ORCAview 2–21

To set the ORCAview Preferences:

1. From the ORCAview Dashboard, click Tools.
2. Select Preferences and then click ORCAview. The following dialog box
opens. Select your preferences by clicking the checkboxes.

In the previous figure, the Windows 7 Graphic Path is:

C:\Users\Public\Delta Controls\3.40\Sites\International Airport Terminal 1\Graphics\

3. Set the following display preferences at this time:

• Always on Top: Select this option to always place the ORCAview
Dashboard on top of any other programs currently running.
• Auto Hide: When the Dashboard is docked against the top or bottom
edge of your screen, it is automatically hidden unless you place your
mouse at that edge of the screen.
• Show Navigator on Startup: The Navigator always open when you start
4. Click OK to close the ORCAview Settings dialog box and save your settings.

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2–22 Getting Started

Dashboard Menus  The ORCAview Dashboard has the following main

• File
• Edit
• Search
• View
• Tools
• Window
• Help

The Dashboard File Menu provides the following commands:

• Create New panel object, site graphic, view, report, user, and site.
• Open object dialog and site graphic.
• Saving and loading databases, and importing and exporting files.
• Save as Web Page available in Illustrator mode with a site graphic file open
• Save as HMI Page available in Illustrator mode with a site graphic file open
• Print, Print Preview and Print Setup.
• Recent File List.
• Logoff and Exit.

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Identifying Main Components of ORCAview 2–23

The Dashboard Edit Menu provides the following commands:

• Cut
• Copy
• Paste
• Delete
• Select All

The Dashboard Search Menu allows you to find text and objects.

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2–24 Getting Started

The Dashboard View Menu provides the following commands:

• Select which toolbars are visible.
• Select ORCAview status bar to be visible or invisible.
• How Navigator organizes Networks.
• How Navigator displays objects.
• Filtering.
• Refresh.

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Identifying Main Components of ORCAview 2–25

The Dashboard Tools Menu provides the following commands:

• Set Controller Time
• Set Password
• Convert Graphics (Convert V2 Graphics, Convert Graphics to Web pages)
• Controls system setup
• Command outputs plus Communication Control… and Reconfigure

The Dashboard Window menu selects which windows are currently active.

The Dashboard Help menu provides access to the Help File and contains
important version information about ORCAview.

See the Getting Help section of this chapter starting on page 2–28.

Menu Changes  When components of the ORCAview program are open, the
Dashboard menu changes to match the currently selected component.

For example, when Navigator is open, the Dashboard menu provides access to the
Navigator functions. When Illustrator is open, the Dashboard menu includes a
Drawing Menu as well as changes to existing menu items.


Menu Menu Menu

Change Change Change

Navigator GCL Editor Illustrator

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2–26 Getting Started

Taskbar Icons  When ORCAview is operating, icons are placed in the

Windows Taskbar to tell you of other components that are running.

Taskbar Icon Meaning

Shows that an active alarm is present.

Shows that the Delta Server is running.

Navigator displays system information and provides operator interface to building
equipment. Navigator is a component of the ORCAview.

See Chapter 3 – Navigator of the ORCAview Technical Reference Manual for


Filter Box

Delta Server
The Delta Server provides ORCAview with a link to the outside world. The DDE
(Direct Data Exchange) also use the Delta Server as a communication link. The
server routes information from the network to ORCAview. All requests for
information or commands affecting objects on the Delta Controls network pass
from ORCAview to the server and out into the network.

Whenever the Delta Server is running, an icon appears in the tray of the Windows
taskbar on the lower left.

Delta Server Icon

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Identifying Main Components of ORCAview 2–27

To see the Delta Server operation:

1. Right click on the server icon in the taskbar.

2. Select Server Windows and then click Status.

Other commands available on this right click menu are as follows:

• Descriptors – Displays memory used by the Descriptors and provides option
to reinitializes Descriptors.
• About – Displays version and build numbers.
• Exit Delta Server.

General Control Language

The General Control Language (GCL+) Editor is used for creating, editing and
displaying GCL+ programs. The editor displays GCL+ code using colors that
depend on the particular GCL+ keywords in each program line. The use of color
helps to clarify the structure of the GCL+ programs. The Editor provides line by
line checking of syntax.

The use of the GCL+ Editor is described in Chapter 11, General Control
Language (GCL+).

Use the Illustrator software module to create site graphics that display building
information. Illustrator graphics also include graphical controls for starting and
stopping equipment and adjusting heating and cooling.
Illustrator is an optional software module available from Delta Controls. A
separate Illustrator Technical Reference Manual explains the use of Illustrator.

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2–28 Getting Started

Getting Help
In ORCAview, online help is always available. To get help for any part of the
program, press F1 on your keyboard. A help screen opens and provides help for
your current task.

Help is also available from the entry fields of most dialog boxes. To get help, you
place the cursor in the entry field and press the ? help button.

When using the GCL+ Editor, help is available for every GCL+ program element.
You place the cursor on the program element and press F1 on your keyboard.

Place the cursor in

any entry field and
press F1

Click the Help


ORCAview now uses the MS HTML help format (.chm) and the viewer is
included with Windows. Previously, it was necessary to download the
non-distributable Winhelp viewer from a Microsoft site.

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Getting Help 2–29

To read or print the help files:

1. Click Help on the ORCAview Dashboard. Choose Help Topics from the
drop-down menu.
2. Select Contents (or Index). A window opens, and the display shows topics
arranged in books by subject. See the following figure.
3. To read a help file, double click on a book or topic.
4. To print a help file, right click on any book or topic and click the Print…



ORCAview Version 3.40 Technical Reference Manual

Total Pages in this Chapter: 33 Ed.1.80 Original Page 2–29
2–30 Getting Started

5. When you click Print…, the following submenu displays. Select one of the
two options to either print a single selected topic or to print all the topics in a

Adjust Time
ORCAview uses the Date/Time that you set in Windows. The Set Panel Time
command on the Tools menu of the Dashboard sends the current Date/Time to all
the controllers on the Network.

Set Time and Date in Windows for the PC

ORCAview uses the time produced by the PC. The time and date for the PC is set
from the Windows® control panel.

To set the Windows Date and Time:

1. From the Windows Start button, choose Settings.
2. Select Control Panel and double click on Date/Time.

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Adjust Time 2–31

You could also display the Date/Time Properties by:

• Double clicking on the time in the task bar.

• Right clicking on the time in the task bar and selecting Adjust Date/Time.

Check Controller Time

You may want to confirm the time on a particular controller. A Schedule that uses
the time on a controller may not run at the expected time. Over the course of a
year, an offset may have developed between the Controller Time and actual time.
You can confirm the controller time by opening the Device (DEV) object for a
controller and selecting the Time Info tab.

To check the time on a particular controller:

1. In Navigator, select a controller in the left pane.
2. Then open the Device (DEV) object for the controller in the right pane of
3. Click on the Time Info tab.

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2–32 Getting Started

Send PC Time to All Controllers  The Set Controller Time command on the
Tools menu of the Dashboard sends the current PC Date/Time to all the
controllers on the Network. Change the Windows Time and Date if the time in the
following Set Panel Time dialog is incorrect.

To send the current PC Time to all controllers:

1. From the Tools menu on the Dashboard, choose Set Controller Time.
2. Confirm that Date shown is correct. If not, adjust PC Time.
3. Then click OK to send this information to all the controllers.

Exiting ORCAview
When you exit ORCAview, information about your building system, such as
preferences, is automatically saved onto the ORCAview PC or OWS. Setpoints
and other settings that you change are saved in the controller. It is not necessary to
save files before exiting.

Although it is not necessary to save the controller databases every time you exit,
you should back up controller databases periodically. Whenever you make
database changes, you should also make a backup

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Exiting ORCAview 2–33

To Exit, click the X

Select File and Exit

To exit ORCAview:
 From the ORCAview Dashboard, choose File, and then click Exit.


 Click the X Close button in the top right hand corner of the ORCAview

Logoff  Selecting Logoff from the ORCAview File menu causes ORCAview to
exit. You can then do one of the following:
• Log on to ORCAview as another user;

• Log on to ORCAview through another network connection.

To Log on ORCAview as another user or through another network

1. From the ORCAview Dashboard, choose File and click Logoff.
2. When the Logon dialog box appears, enter your Username and Password.
3. To change network connection, click the Advanced tab. Select the correct
network connection information.
4. Click OK.

The Advanced button is grayed out if Historian or ORCAweb is already running

on the PC.

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