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Published Weekly George Horace Lorimer

The Curtis Publishing’ Churchill Williams, F. S. Bigelow,

A.W. Neal]. Arthur Mcl'ieogh.
Company T. B.Costain. Associate Editors
Cyrul H. K. Cur-til. Prealdenl
Entered as Second-Class Matter.November lb.
C. H. Ludinjton, Vice-President and Trcaluror
P.S. Collinl. General auoineu Manage-r I579. a! the Pool Office at Philadelphia.
Walter D. Fuller. Secretary Under the Act of March 3.1579
William Boyd. Advertising Dlrcclor Additional Entry as Second-Class Matter a‘
Independence Square. Philadelphia
Londoni O.l'lcnr‘le"a Slrvcl
Founded A°D¥1728 by Benj.Franklin Columbus. 0.. at Decatur. "L. a! Chicago. “1..
0! Indianapolis. lnd.. and a‘ De: Moincs. la.
Entered as Second-Class Matter a! the
Coven! Gardemw. C. Copyright. I922. by The Curtis Publishing’ Company in the United States and Great Britain Post-Office Deparlmenl. Ollawn. Canada
Title Registered in U. S. Paieni Office and in Foreign Counlries

Volume I94 5c.

10c.In Canada
bySubscription Number 50

@p (arr/=5 Edwin Lefevzre

HE market was so weak that you could see the customers counting their dead them behind. Some of the stocks began to break whole points at
hopes. Presently they would enter upon the second stage of the most tragic a time. Once the man by the ticker yelled “T. M. 51! 50%! 1/1!
bookkeeping in the world—the translating of paper losses into actual 49!" and then, as though all their heads had been pulled by one rfil
deprivations. But the first step came harder, because stock-market gamesters string, everybody turned to look
invariably hope with all their might. Clerks walked about the room almost on tiptoe at a sharp-nosed, thin-lipped chap
and looked guilty—as though the fatal bull tips had come from them and a reckoning with tortoise-shell goggles. Then
were demanded. But if you had asked one of the customers about the weather outside they all looked away, as though
he would have answered that it was not yet three o'clock. it were indecent to watch his face.
Two boys were posting the quotations on the board, slipping the green cards into He was long five thousand shares
place with fretful little snaps. They told the battle's story in mournful numbers, the of that stock, and had often
little cards did! The falling fractions were shots striking below the water line, and the laughed at them forvpiking.
ship, loaded with its phantom freight of hearts’ desires, was sinking. Paper profits! It brought back the old days
Paper pleasures! to me so that I could have sworn
Going down! I heard once more the exultant
At first it was the speculative favorites that crumbled, like Siam Oil or Acme Motors. yells of the winning bears‘ in the
But presently the picture became that of a Satanic torchbearer racing down an board room. And I saw again a
avenue of hayricks, setting fire to one after another. And how they blazed! seething mass of winners and
Up in smoke! losers—winners pushing their
The quotation boys had to luck, and losers bent on not losing
hustle like mad now. You could any more than they could help—
see that the ticker was leaving help at the top of their voices.



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