Self-Evaluation Progress Report For Ariana Villarreal

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Self-Evaluation Progress Report for

Ariana Villarreal

Ariana Villarreal
ENG 310: CRN- 20495
Dr. Katelynn DeLuca
DATE- March 27, 2021
I. Introduction

A. Purpose Statement-
The aim of this progress report is to assess how much knowledge and
information I have learned or lost in this course over the last few weeks.

B. Description of the Class-

Technical writing constructs students to design and plan effective technical
documents. The course delivers an introduction to the principles of drafting and
revision process, audience analysis, readability and accessibility of written texts.

C. Individual Activities Completed-

1C. Composing letter assignment- In this assignment we were asked
to write two different letters. The first letter was written to the dean
stating what four class curriculums I thought were unnecessary and
necessary for my degree. The second letter we wrote was a letter to
our fellow major students, informing them what four classes were
unnecessary and necessary for our degrees. The main purpose was
to deliver a well written letter.

2C. How to write instructions- The task was to create a well detailed
and structured set of instructions using bullet points and pictures. The
objective was to create instructions a reader would find easy to
understand and comprehend. 

3C. Effective email communication- This assignment had two parts to

it. The first part was a professional email to our professor Deluca. I
had to write about what I hoped to learn and take away from this
course, and how it would apply to my future. The second part was a
discussion post. In the post I had to introduce myself to my peers and
help my classmates get a sense of what kind of person I am. The
main objective was for me to introduce myself in the most detailed
way possible.

D. Activities Completed-
1D. Creating Code of conduct- In this group project the purpose was to
write a developed code of conduct. My group identified the main basic
principles of behavior for the class, and we discussed what is mostly likely
to occur in the class. The project had three parts: The first part of the
project was the group planning project and then the code conduct memo
and lastly the peer and group assessment. The work was divided up
evenly among my group members. The purpose of this assignment was
to learn how to write a memo with correct formatting.

2D. Analyzing examples of technical writing- The assignment was to work

as a group and choose one example of technical writing. We developed a
well written document that explained our findings. Once my group and I
chose a document we went ahead and analyzed the piece. We found
design elements that were used in the writing and elements that were
missing. As a group we presented to the whole class and shared our
findings. The main focus of this group project was to learn how to fully
analyze a document of technical writing. I learned how tell if a paper or
document is directed to a certain audience. I also learned to pay attention
to language.

3D. Peer response questions- The task in this group project was to swap
letters with each group member and we gave each other feedback by
answering a few questions. This helped me really see what we did wrong
and what needed to be corrected. The focus in this assignment was to
learn how give feedback. Not only did I learn how to give feedback I also
learned how to receive feedback.  

II. Summary

This self-evaluation progress report was created so I could take a step back and
examine my success during the last couple of weeks. It is important to do this now to
keep track of where I am going and how my writing is progressing. I was able to put
my strengths and weaknesses into words and completely cement what I want to
learn from taking this course.

III. Evaluation of Performance

A. Aspects of Successful Performance

A couple examples that help my performance be successful is I read the textbook a lot. I also
re-read chapters and analyze it when I do not understand them. In my writing I have learned
how to keep my writing in a certain format that is consistent. I have also learned to make sure
my writing has abstracts, titles, introductions, and conclusions. Drafting my work is one of the
most important techniques that has helped me become more successful in this course. I also try
to manage my time with every assignment that is given.

B. Aspects of Improvement Needed

Some aspects that I need to improve on is my run on sentences. I need to put in practice in
reading my work out loud to notice my run on sentences. I also need to improve on my
communication skills and not be shy. I was already shy and going remote did not help me but,
being interactive through a screen is how most of the class work is done now. I need to learn
how to not be shy and be more involved in the class. Another improvement I need to work on is
that my thoughts tend to wonder during class.

IV. Conclusion

A. Overall appraisal of my progress to date-

I believe that my skills and my ability to work as a team member and as an
individual person have been shown throughout the past couple of weeks. I
have learned to value conversation among my classmates. I have become
aware of my strengths and weaknesses which help me only become better
and help my classmates. I certainly think I have a clear understanding of the
course's main concepts.

B. Recommendations for my improvement-

Some improvements I plan on applying to my work is attending the writing

center. I also plan on participating more in class and I would like to get more
involved with our class discussions. I need to stop being shy. I have come to
realize everyone in our class is learning and there is never truly a wrong
question or wrong answer. 

C. Recommendations for my continued success-

I personally do think I am doing great in this course so far. I truly believe that is
because I am applying certain skills and certain techniques to my work. Some
of the following techniques are drafting, reading and analyzing the textbook to
fully understand the context. I will keep proofreading my work and I will keep
asking for feedback from my classmate and my teacher to keep getting better.

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