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nt and a Mortifcator into combat a ‘An Inquisitor leads two Brotherhood troopers, their s SCENES inst a ous unit of EDITORIAL CONTENTS WELCOME TO CHRONICLES FROM THE WARZONE I puffed. It had been a horible morning. te rained and Chances frm the Wea thing wos just wrong. The regulars should have co 2 typical example of what the ths morning, but hee wos no sight of them. Gueed thet | magoene wl contin The they had probably aeay ben wasted in combat oe mimture pages show you what iis evay Thee were many of sft nom. "Yi there!_| figures have een reccsed and Come over ee ef 10a yung mani the norm of | ve examples af how to pane a gular as he stumbled pest me." What have you done vourminatres, The ‘th your armor? Pit on now” Te sole sven Dersonaites wil ive you th me: "No. st. won't. I's to0 hot... Huh. huh.” Not xtra litle power you may \~ 4 cathe ne. The jungle fevers going tok ws oll fthe | Sometimes eed onthe Lindt legions don do that fst. e's five dys we've | Ball. The new ales for : Been here no! grabbed the man but he goa om Ghose combat eid be seas re nd stared to ci ou ofthe tench Nooo! tet me | lt more realistic thon the gol" Bf coul grab the man agin he had ready Ones in the Warzone rulebook ten up anit tok no more than one hal second before | Future sues of Cronies he Warzone will also contain a Qiestions and 2 big bang came throu the air and the man fel down, hi row witha ig hoe Between his eves. Answers column, @ page with Hi and weleome to Chronicles from the Warzone, So what nail frm the readers, the is Chronicles fom the Warzone, you ask? Chrome Jrom latest month's miniature the Warzone isa magazine that handles everything that releases, ad much more hr Sethe fod th the geo anatars gr ead Waco [ie popes ne seach oo rte us onde es what thesis, fap eveyone epee ithe test petal ml reat or teton what new Warzone podats reo h “rey tl tite et Wf coo Sami Sine Editor & Chris Bledsoe, Warzone Guy lease rules for new units and monsters, and give you battle reports and scenarios. Let's take ths fist issue of CONTENTS QUESTIONS & ANSWERS... . These to pages answer the ourten must comnonly asked MINIATURES RELEASES ..... Some ofthe latest mimiatares releases for Warzone PERSONALITIES... . DOMINIC..... ae (ne ofthe mist poowefil men in the whole solr system, Carnal Dominic only rakes the eta in the most dire of creumstances ALAKHAL . 13 ‘Algroth’s most favored Nepharite, Overlord Alaa comands ast lesions of tndead nhs quest to topple humanity VALPURGIUS . Valpurgius, the evi Arch igeoth skied inthe use ofthe Dark Syme opharites able louse the At NEW CLOSE COMBAT RULES .............45 Notenough earmage nyo Warzone games? Checkout thse ees cma es ties. 514. he few Nepharies of He i oe ofthe even fener Hedgehog Necromower (#9613) ua (oe ‘om ci See com, ‘eet ‘070 ‘ohne ‘eon ‘ea Crstase ecb a coon, Cones. Nana cei avr wee ‘sta se ‘uss eon ce ae roi cm Fi nc QUESTIONS ANSWERS. ‘QUESTION: Are Gibertronic forces subject to sas fattacks? I the Immaculate Fy? ve yes. The Chasseurs are, but the Als fae immune. This should have been noted in the {ulebook but wes not. The Immaculate Fury aso immune to gas attacks. “question: You can buy Pretorian Stalkers either as indidual models orn squad. Irhey are bought asa "squad, can they stil use ations only permitted co india models? ANSWER: Yes they can, The structure text says that ‘when you buy Pretorian Stalkers asa couple, they ‘oun as asquad and no as two individuals but they ate counted ike that anly when you check for how many individuals re allowed ina force (ce. you cant have more indivdals then squads) QUESTION: Iris implied thar only one “use special power” action is allowed per tur. Is this correct? ‘ANSWER: Yes, itis correct. You can only use the “use special power” action once per turn, as with rally and sive orders QUESTION: ste cost sted fr grenades for each ‘grenade or fora fll load? ANSWER: It js listed fora fl load. Otherwise, grenades ‘would be quite useless because of the high cost. re custom heroes alowed three total ies (ike squads) or three in addition to any ‘special abi ‘profile inherent special abilities? Can the Dark Legion use the rules for customizing squads and individuals? What about special equipment? ANSWER: There has been a bitof quarrel about this, question, but de correct answer is his you can have eee Special ates in adltion to any already ined in the Dl, Asie specially says on page 141 "Customizing Squads"): “if a unit already has a special ability, this counts as one special ability already” but only when you ‘stomize squads, not individuals, You can also cstomize Dark Legion squads and individ, but you ant buy special equipment for them, QUESTION: Reserding template attack explosives and _ grenades i there fa pertec ht, do all modes under the Template take max damage or just he one the template is centered on? ANSWER: Jus the one the vinplatis centered on. 10: Are flame throwers blocked by hard cover I cease ee | answe: it says on page 9: “Cover provides no ‘against the deadly blast of heat and chemical Ret hen abo acuta eee questions | | \ Question: Ifa figure equipped E mn witha ae sigh hoot with heavy weapon does get the +400 hese oda 1} unbraced on Bus Fire or very shoe inthe burs)? 2}It's unbraced and firing normally? 5) eon Bt Fie bt raced? iandjus to be complete) “1S Brced ar rng normaly? ANSWER! I)NO.2) 0310.4) Yes UESsrioN: fa trooper who's equlpped with armor piercing srenaes take an ation fai Bete fring hroving the grenade, | does he recieve +4 to hit and +4 damage (or just the +4 to hit ax per Explosive Damage)? always be in command distance of their squad leader. They ANSWER: He just gets +410 hit ‘ean never leave it, You can't move one ofthe privates out z QUESTION: What kind of weapon does thar other ‘of command distance and then move the sergeant. In that 3 Pretorian Stalker have (the one who does not have Scythe ‘ase you first must move the sergeant, who can leave of Semai?? «command distance, and then the private. But remember it ‘ANSWER: It's a mouified Scythe of emai, The damageis | the private itis out of command distance he must use all the same as for the normal Seythe of Semi. his actions to move into command distance until he isso. % ‘The squad leader may leave command distance but the “ ‘ther models can't do that by using their own actions. Of ‘course someone may force a model ro leave command QUESTION: When trying to spot someone, are there any rules for having to spot the closest member of a squad, or not being able t0 spot an individual who is noes Altace, such as when ramming, using specal powers, ete ANSWER: This one isa live rule that slipped out ofthe ™ ‘Warzone rulebook. When you ty to spot figures in a ‘Send your questions (and mail) to: < Scud, you have to try to spot the nearest one. except if sa ar toa ne areone the nearest ones in any sor of cover that makes itharder | Chronicles from the Warzone to spot. an individuals within 3” of an squad it counts P.O: Box 105 : ss belonging to the squad f someone is trying 0 spot t Folsom, PA 19033 QUESTION: When using the Dark Symmetry sift Time usa. Death, does it double the model's unmodified oF a modified AC? E-mail: hrbrkro00@ ‘ ‘ANeWoR The unmcifed ACA Nephau wa aeons {otal woud have 8 achons the round he wed the i QUESTION: Who eat on can etharioed wwarirs fiat lnperats? Cybertronic? Can the Cartel fight the Brotherhood or the Corporations? ANbiven: etoryou code tye den vidio flo the Mian Chronicles sting snjone cn fate - anyone. if you do, use the following rules: Brotherhood {troopers can only fight the Dark Legion and Cybertronic Tee porauons calcite Calera oieniod! The Cael on onl fight the Dark Legion. OF course there canbe eons Maybe He Bote imodherdeteccd oon 1 corporation and attacks it because of that. -_Wiinthe Cana, forces could ave joned together = cnn Na other mane saiaviie O | corporation. The same goes for Bauhaus and imperial. And | eee ey Sarge tier om, Useyour magnon j QUESTION: Let uss ave sunt Inn consists of four privates and ne segean. I) ___Sethyacatngonofm pte cn acco tari Eat pepe meee eect fas ere eee oe the otherwayround? ST ate “a

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