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(from Greek nephros "kidney", combined with the suffix -logy, "the study of") is

a specialty of adult internal medicine and pediatric medicine that concerns with study of the kidneys,
specifically normal kidney function (renal physiology) and kidney disease (renal pathophysiology),
the preservation of kidney health, and the treatment of kidney disease, from diet and medication
to renal replacement therapy (dialysis and kidney transplantation). The word “renal” is an adjective
meaning “relating to the kidneys”, and its roots are French or late Latin. Whereas according to some
opinions, "renal" and "nephro" should be replaced with "kidney" in scientific writings such as "kidney
medicine" (instead of nephrology) or "kidney replacement therapay", other experts have advocated
preserving the use of renal and nephro as appropriate including in "nephrology" and "renal
replacement therapy", respectively.[1]
Nephrology also studies systemic conditions that affect the kidneys, such
as diabetes and autoimmune disease; and systemic diseases that occur as a result of kidney
disease, such as renal osteodystrophy and hypertension. A physician who has undertaken additional
training and become certified in nephrology is called a nephrologist.
The term "nephrology" was first used in about 1960, according to the french "néphrologie" proposed
by Pr. Jean Hamburger in 1953, from the Greek νεφρός / nephrós (kidney). Before then, the
specialty was usually referred to as "kidney medicine."[2]

Nephrology concerns the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases, including electrolyte

disturbances and hypertension, and the care of those requiring renal replacement therapy,
including dialysis and renal transplant patients.[3][4] The word 'dialysis' is from the mid 19th century: via
Latin from the Greek word 'dialusis'; from 'dialuein' (split, separate), from 'dia' (apart) and 'luein' (set
free). In other words, dialysis replaces the primary (excretory) function of the kidney, which
separates (and removes) excess toxins and water from the blood, placing them in the urine.
Many diseases affecting the kidney are systemic disorders not limited to the organ itself, and may
require special treatment. Examples include acquired conditions such as systemic vasculitides (e.g.
ANCA vasculitis) and autoimmune diseases (e.g., lupus), as well as congenital or genetic conditions
such as polycystic kidney disease.
Patients are referred to nephrology specialists after a urinalysis, for various reasons, such as acute
kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, hematuria, proteinuria, kidney stones, hypertension, and
disorders of acid/base or electrolytes.

A nephrologist is a physician who specializes in the care and treatment of kidney disease.

Nephrology requires additional training to become an expert with advanced skills. Nephrologists may
provide care to people without kidney problems and may work in general/internal
medicine, transplant medicine, immunosuppression management, intensive care medicine, clinical
pharmacology, perioperative medicine, or pediatric nephrology.
Nephrologists may further sub-specialise in dialysis, kidney transplantation, chronic kidney disease,
cancer-related kidney diseases (Onconephrology), procedural nephrology or other non-nephrology
areas as described above.
Procedures a nephrologist may perform include native kidney and transplant kidney
biopsy, dialysis access insertion (temporary vascular access lines, tunnelled vascular access lines,
peritoneal dialysis access lines), fistula management (angiographic or surgical fistulogram and
plasty), and bone biopsy. Bone biopsies are now unusual.

To become a nephrologist in India, one has to complete an MBBS (5 and 1/2 years) degree,
followed by an MD/DNB (3 years) either in medicine or paediatrics, followed by a DM/DNB (3 years)
course in either nephrology or paediatric nephrology.
Australia and New Zealand[edit]
Nephrology training in Australia and New Zealand typically includes completion of a medical degree
(Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery: 4–6 years), internship (1 year), Basic Physician Training
(3 years minimum), successful completion of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians written
and clinical examinations, and Advanced Physician Training in Nephrology (2–3 years). The training
pathway is overseen and accredited by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Increasingly,
nephrologists may additionally complete of a post-graduate degree (usually a PhD) in a nephrology
research interest (3–4 years). Finally, all Australian and New Zealand nephrologists participate in
career-long professional and personal development through the Royal Australasian College of
Physicians and other bodies such as the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology and
the Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand.
United Kingdom[edit]
In the United Kingdom, nephrology (often called renal medicine) is a subspecialty of general
medicine. A nephrologist has completed medical school, foundation year posts (FY1 and FY2)
and core medical training (CMT), specialist training (ST) and passed the Membership of the Royal
College of Physicians (MRCP) exam before competing for a National Training Number (NTN) in
renal medicine. The typical Specialty Training (when they are called a registrar, or a ST) is five years
and leads to a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in both renal medicine and general
(internal) medicine. In those five years, they usually rotate yearly between hospitals on a region
(known as a deanery). They are then accepted on to the Specialist Register of the General Medical
Council (GMC). Specialty trainees often interrupt their clinical training to obtain research degrees
(MD/PhD). After achieving CCT, the registrar (ST) may apply for a permanent post as Consultant in
Renal Medicine. Subsequently, some Consultants practice nephrology alone. Others work in this
area, and in Intensive Care (ICU) , or General (Internal) or Acute Medicine.
United States[edit]
Nephrology training can be accomplished through one of two routes. The first pathway is through an
internal medicine pathway leading to an Internal Medicine/Nephrology specialty, and sometimes
known as "adult nephrology". The second pathway is through Pediatrics leading to a speciality in
Pediatric Nephrology. In the United States, after medical school adult nephrologists complete a
three-year residency in internal medicine followed by a two-year (or longer) fellowship in nephrology.
Complementary to an adult nephrologist, a pediatric nephrologist will complete a three-year pediatric
residency after medical school or a four-year Combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics residency.
This is followed by a three-year fellowship in Pediatic Nephrology. Once training is satisfactorily
completed, the physician is eligible to take the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)
or American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine (AOBIM) nephrology examination.
Nephrologists must be approved by one of these boards. To be approved, the physician must fulfill
the requirements for education and training in nephrology in order to qualify to take the board's
examination. If a physician passes the examination, then he or she can become a nephrology
specialist. Typically, nephrologists also need two to three years of training in
an ACGME or AOA accredited fellowship in nephrology. Nearly all programs train nephrologists
in continuous renal replacement therapy; fewer than half in the United States train in the provision
of plasmapheresis.[5] Only pediatric trained physicians are able to train in pediatric nephrology, and
internal medicine (adult) trained physicians may enter general (adult) nephrology fellowships.
History and physical examination are central to the diagnostic workup in nephrology. The history
typically includes the present illness, family history, general medical history, diet, medication use,
drug use and occupation. The physical examination typically includes an assessment of volume
state, blood pressure, heart, lungs, peripheral arteries, joints, abdomen and flank. A rash may be
relevant too, especially as an indicator of autoimmune disease.
Examination of the urine (urinalysis) allows a direct assessment for possible kidney problems, which
may be suggested by appearance of blood in the urine (hematuria), protein in the urine (proteinuria),
pus cells in the urine (pyuria) or cancer cells in the urine. A 24-hour urine collection used to be used
to quantify daily protein loss (see proteinuria), urine output, creatinine clearance or electrolyte
handling by the renal tubules. It is now more common to measure protein loss from a small random
sample of urine.
Basic blood tests can be used to check the concentration of hemoglobin, white count, platelets,
sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, urea, creatinine, albumin, calcium, magnesium,
phosphate, alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the blood. All of these may be
affected by kidney problems. The serum creatinine concentration is the most important blood test as
it is used to estimate the function of the kidney, called the creatinine clearance or
estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
It is a good idea for patients with longterm kidney disease to know an up-to-date list of medications,
and their latest blood tests, especially the blood creatinine level. In the United Kingdom, blood tests
can monitored online by the patient, through a website called RenalPatientView.
More specialized tests can be ordered to discover or link certain systemic diseases to kidney failure
such as infections (hepatitis B, hepatitis C), autoimmune conditions (systemic lupus
erythematosus, ANCA vasculitis), paraproteinemias (amyloidosis, multiple myeloma) and metabolic
diseases (diabetes, cystinosis).
Structural abnormalities of the kidneys are identified with imaging tests. These may include Medical
ultrasonography/ultrasound, computed axial tomography (CT), scintigraphy (nuclear
medicine), angiography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
In certain circumstances, less invasive testing may not provide a certain diagnosis. Where definitive
diagnosis is required, a biopsy of the kidney (renal biopsy) may be performed. This typically involves
the insertion, under local anaesthetic and ultrasound or CT guidance, of a core biopsy needle into
the kidney to obtain a small sample of kidney tissue. The kidney tissue is then examined under a
microscope, allowing direct visualization of the changes occurring within the kidney. Additionally, the
pathology may also stage a problem affecting the kidney, allowing some degree of prognostication.
In some circumstances, kidney biopsy will also be used to monitor response to treatment and
identify early relapse. A transplant kidney biopsy may also be performed to look for rejection of the

Treatments in nephrology can include medications, blood products, surgical interventions

(urology, vascular or surgical procedures), renal replacement therapy (dialysis or kidney
transplantation) and plasma exchange. Kidney problems can have significant impact on quality and
length of life, and so psychological support, health education and advanced care planning play key
roles in nephrology.
Chronic kidney disease is typically managed with treatment of causative conditions (such
as diabetes), avoidance of substances toxic to the kidneys (nephrotoxins like radiologic
contrast and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), antihypertensives, diet and weight modification
and planning for end-stage kidney failure. Impaired kidney function has systemic effects on the body.
An erythropoetin stimulating agent (ESA) may be required to ensure adequate production of red
blood cells, activated vitamin D supplements and phosphate binders may be required to counteract
the effects of kidney failure on bone metabolism, and blood volume and electrolyte disturbance may
need correction. Diuretics (such as furosemide) may be used to correct fluid overload, and alkalis
(such as sodium bicarbonate) can be used to treat metabolic acidosis.
Auto-immune and inflammatory kidney disease, such as vasculitis or transplant rejection, may be
treated with immunosuppression. Commonly used agents
are prednisone, mycophenolate, cyclophosphamide, ciclosporin, tacrolimus, everolimus, thymoglobu
lin and sirolimus. Newer, so-called "biologic drugs" or monoclonal antibodies, are also used in these
conditions and include rituximab, basiliximab and eculizumab. Blood products including intravenous
immunoglobulin and a process known as plasma exchange can also be employed.
When the kidneys are no longer able to sustain the demands of the body, end-stage kidney failure is
said to have occurred. Without renal replacement therapy, death from kidney failure will eventually
result. Dialysis is an artificial method of replacing some kidney function to prolong life. Renal
transplantation replaces kidney function by inserting into the body a healthier kidney from an organ
donor and inducing immunologic tolerance of that organ with immunosuppression. At present, renal
transplantation is the most effective treatment for end-stage kidney failure although its worldwide
availability is limited by lack of availability of donor organs. Generally speaking, kidneys from living
donors are 'better' than those from deceased donors, as they last longer.
Most kidney conditions are chronic conditions and so long term followup with a nephrologist is
usually necessary. In the United Kingdom, care may be shared with the patient's primary care
physician, called a General Practitioner (GP).

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