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Approved by
The American National Standards Institute
March 16, 1978

This Standard for Equipment, Design and Installation of Ammonia Mechanical Refrigeration Systems has been
prepared under the rules and regulations of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

It is not intended that this Standard specify where Ammonia Refrigeration Systems are to be used.

The Standards Review/ Interpretations Committee of has the responsibility of reviewing on an annual basis this
Standard to keep abreast of the advancements in the ammonia refrigeration industry. When applicable, the committee
will publish revisions to the Standard.

Inquiries concerning this Standard should be directed to the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, 111
East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601.

Ronald Cole, Chairman Grill Meats, Inc.

Bohn Heat Transfer Division Robert Missig
Vernon Alexander H. A. Phillips & Company
I IIAR Director,Technical Services William Richards
S.H. Bingham HEMCO Company
Merchants Refrigerating Company Melvin Hall
Henry Bonar I I Henry Valve Company
Henry Bonar II,Professional Engineer Evan Jones (Deceased)
Richard Bond Raymond McCahill
Dubuque Packing Company Henschien, Everds, Crombie, Inc.
Arthur Christensen Robert Crombie
Oscar Mayer & Company Paul R. Hosler, Inc.
Donald Neiderer Frank Krandell
Krack Corporation Howe Corporation
Edward Opryszek Alf Ahuja
John Morrell & Company IMECO, Inc.
William V. Richards Harold Michler
H. A. Phillips & Company The King Company
Jack Rowe George Anderson
Miles Laboratories, Inc.
Krack Corporation
Hanns Wittjen Donald Niederer
Cook & Nichol, Inc. Eugene Rytlewski
C . P. Wood Miles Laboratories, Inc.
C. P. Wood & Company, Inc. Paul Northam (Retired)
Frederick Young Jack Rowe
'- Freezing Equipment Sales, Inc.
John Morrell & Company
Edward Opryszek
Original Organizations and Personnel
who Authored Standard 74-2 Oscar Mayer & Company
Arthur Christensen
Armour Food Company
Powers & Associates
W. C. Matthews (Retired)
Gilbert Powers
Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc.
Preston Refrigeration Company
Frederick Long
Eugene Preston
Beatrice Foods Company
Refrigerating Engineering Company
Orville Kahrl (Retired)
George Briley
Henry Bonar II Lawrence Hildebrand
Henry Bonar II, Professional Engineer
Refrigerating Specialties Company
Bower Ammonia & Chemical Company Charles Hansen III
James Lewandowski
Service Engineering Company
CIMCO Limited Arne t t Smiley
Henry Furse
St. Onge, Ruff & Associates
Cook & Nichol, Inc. A. W. Ruff
Hanns Wittjen
Vilter Manufacturing Corporation
Dubuque Packing Company Jack Kupfer
Richard Bond Syndey Miner
Frick Company Wilson & Company
Donald Ballou Dero Krumm (Retired)
Globe Engineering Company
Vernon Alexander (Retired)
Robert Seward
Paul Woodford (Retired)
1.1 Scope .................................................................................. 1
1.2 General ................................................................................ 1
1.3 Physical Properties of Ammonia .......................................................... 1
1.4 Refrigerant Grade Ammonia Specifications ................................................. 2
SECTION 2 - DEFINITIONS ....................................................................... 2
3.1 Air Cooled Condensers .................................................................. 5
3.2 Air Cooled Desuperheaters ............................................................... 6
3.3 Compressors ............................................................................ 6
3.4 Evaporative Condensers .................................................................. 6
3.5 Shell and Tube Condensers ............................................................... 7
3.6 Pressure Vessels ......................................................................... 7
3.7 Evaporators ............................................................................ 7
3.8 Refrigerant Pump ....................................................................... 8
3.9 Refrigeration Control Valves ............................................................. 9
3.10 Controls-Electric-Pneumatic ........................................................... 10
3.1 I Pressure Relief Devices .................................................................. 10
3.12 Piping ................................................................................. 13
3.13 Testing ............................................................................... 13
3.14 Materials ............................................................................... 13
3.15 Ultimate Strength Requirements .......................................................... 13
4.1 Room Layout .......................................................................... 13
4.2 Open Flames ........................................................................... 14
4.3 Ventilation ............................................................................. 14
4.4 Architectural ........................................................................... 14
4.5 Location ............................................................................... 14
4.6 Electrical ............................................................................... 14
4.7 Insulation .............................................................................. 15
4.8 Piping ................................................................................. 15
5.1 Material Selection ....................................................................... 15
5.2 Piping Joints ........................................................................... 15
5.3 Piping Hangers and Supports ............................................................. 15
5.4 Pressure Relief Protection ................................................................ 16
5.5 Foundations and Equipment Supports ..................................................... 16
5.6 System Testing .......................................................................... 16
5.7 Ammonia Handling and Storage .......................................................... 16
SECTION 6 - TITLES A N D SOURCES OF REFERENCE STANDARDS .............................. 17
SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION very stable compound. It takes temperatures of 840-
930" F (449-499°C) to cause it to dissociate slightly at at-
1.1 SCOPE This Standard shall apply only to closed mospheric pressure. The flammable limits at atmospheric
circuit mechanical refrigeration systems utilizing am- pressure are 16% and 25% by volume of ammonia in air.
monia as the refrigerant. An ammonia-air mixture in an iron flask does not ignite
below F (65 1°C).
1.1.1 This Standard was written as a guide to the Ammonia is classified by the United States Depart-
design, manufacture, installation and use of ammonia ment of Transportation and the United States Coast
mechanical refrigeration systems in industrial occupan- Guard as a non-flammable compressed gas for the pur-
cies and is not intended to supplant existing safety codes. pose of transportation.
In cases where the authority with jurisdiction has special
requirements that are more stringent than those herein,
that authority shall prevail. 1.2.3 The maximum allowable concentration of am-
monia for an eight (8) hour working exposure is specified
as 50 ppm by 29 CFR 1910.93,Table G-1 ofOSHA. At 50
1.2 GENERAL ppm its odor isdetectable by most people. Since ammonia
is self alarming, it serves as its own warningagent, so that
1.2.1 The term "anhydrous ammonia," as used in a person is not likely to voluntarily remain in concen-
this Standard, refers to the compound formed by a com- trations which are hazardous. Since ammonia gas is
bination of two gaseous elements, nitrogen and hydrogen. lighter than air, adequate ventilation is the best means of
Anhydrous ammonia may be in either gaseous or liquid preventing an accumulation of ammonia.
form. It is not t o be confused with aqua ammonia, which
is a solution of ammonia gas in water. Whenever the term
"ammonia" appears in this standard, it is understood to 1.2.4 It is important that personnel understand the
mean refrigerant grade anhydrous ammonia. properties of this gas and that they be thoroughly trained
in safe practices for its use and application. The physical
1.2.2 Experience has shown that ammonia is ex- properties and specification of refrigerant grade am-
tremely hard to ignite and, under normal conditions, is a monia are listed in Section I .3 and Section 1.4.


English Common Metric S.I.

Molecular sym bo I N N
Molecular weight 17.032 17.032 17.032
Boiling point at
one atmosphere* -28" F (-33.3" C) (239.85K)
Freezing point at
one atmosphere* (195.55K)
Critical temperature (133°C) (406.15K)
Critical pressure 1657 psig ( I 16.2 kg/ (1 I .42 M Pa)
Latent heat a t -28°F
and one
atmosphere* 598.3 Btu/lb (332.4 cal/gm) (13.92 M J/ kg)
Relative density of
vapor compared to dry
air at 32°F and
one atmosphere* 0.5970 0.5970 0.5970
Vapor density at -28" F
and one
atmosphere* 0.0555 Ib/ (0.889 kg/ (0.889kg/
2.01 AIR COOLED CONDENSER is a condenser
1.4.1 This material shall be a clear colorless liquid or including means for forcing air circulation over the exter-
gas free from visible impurities. nal surface of the condenser coil for the heat removal
necessary to liquefy refrigerant vapor on the inside of the
1.4.2 Refrigeration grade anhydrous ammonia
contain 99.95 percent minimum pure ammonia for charg- 2.02 AIR COOLED DESUPERHEATER is that part
ing both new and old refrigeration systems and shallequal of the system designed to cool the ammonia refrigerant
or exceed the minimum requirements of Federal vapor after it is discharged from the compressor and
Specification OA445a, Ammonia Technical. before it enters the condenser. It is provided witha means
o f forcing air circulation over the external surface of the
desuperheater coil for the heat removal necessary to cool
1.4.3 The use of a grade specifying only99.5 per cent the refrigerant vapor on the inside of the tubes. It does not
ammonia or less not be approved. include desuperheaters that are integral components of

1.4.4 Purity requirements are: 2.03 APPROVED means acceptable to the authorities
having jurisdiction.
Ammonia Content (determined by
evaporative residue test) 99.95% Min. 2.04 AN APPROVED NATIONALLY RECOG-
Non-Basic Gas in Vapor Phase 25 ppm Max. NIZED TESTING LABORATORY is one acceptable to
Non-Basic Gas in Liquid Phase 10 ppm Max. the authorities having jurisdiction, that provides uniform
Water 33 ppm Max. testing and examination procedures under established
Oil (as soluble in petroleum ether) 2 ppm Max. standards, is properly organized, equipped, and qualified
Salt (calculated as NaCI) None for testing, and has a follow-up inspection service of the
Pyridine, Hydrogen Sulfide, Napthalene None current production of the listed products.


English Common Metric S.I.

Specific gravity of liquid at
-28" F compared
to water at F C) 0.68 19 0.6819 0.68 19
Liquid density at -28" F
and one
atmosphere* 42.57 (6.8 19 kg/ (6.8 19 kg/
Specific volume of vapor
a t 32" F C) and one
atmosphere* 20.78 / lb (1.29 / kg) (1.29 / kg)
Flammable limits by
volume in air a t
atmospheric pressure 16% to 25% 16% to 25% 16% to 25%
Ignition temperatures 1204" F 651°C (924.15K)
Specific heat, Gas
F) one atmosphere*
at constant pressure, Cp 0.5232 Btu/ F (0.5232 cal/ C) (2189.0 J / kgK)
at constant volume, Cv 0.3995 Btu/ Ib" F (0.3995 cal/ C) (1672 J / kgK)
*One atmosphere = 14.7 psig ( 1.033 kg/ (101.4 kPa)

2.05 AUTOMATIC EXPANSION VALVE is a con- 2.18 DUCT An Air is a tube or conduit used for
trolling device which regulates the flow of volatile liquid conveying air. (The air passages
refrigerant I I I to an evaporator of a refrigeration system are not to be construed as air ducts).
and which isactuated toward opening by a lowering ofthe
evaporator pressure below the setting of the valve spring. 2.19 EVAPORATOR is that part of the system
designed t o vaporize liquid refrigerant to produce
2.06 A U T O M A T I C L I Q U I D REFRIGERANT refrigeration effect.
DRAIN VALVE, same function as High Side Float
Valve. (See 2.28) 2.20 EVAPORATOR COIL is that part of a n
evaporator constructed of pipe or tubing other than a
2.07 BRINE is any liquid used for the transmission of shell and tube type.
heat without a change in its state.
2.21 EVAPORATIVE CONDENSER is a condenser
2.08 CHECK VALVE is a controldevice which permits that obtains cooling effect by the evaporation of water in
fluid flow through the device in one direction, but a n air stream on the external surface of the tubes for the
prevents return of the fluid in the opposite direction. heat removal necessary to liquefy refrigerant vapor on the
inside of the tubes.
mating stop valves, valving off sections of systems and 2.22 EVAPORATOR PRESSURE REGULATOR is
arranged so that these sections may be joined before a controlling device which regulates the flow of primarily
opening these valves or separted after closing them. gaseous refrigerant from an evaporator section of the
system into a lower pressure section and which is actuated
2.10 COMPRESSOR is a specific machine, with or toward open by a pressure above set-point ahead of the
without accessories, for compressing refrigerant vapor. A valve.
BOOSTER COMPRESSOR is a compressor, with or
without accessories, for compressing ammonia 2.23 EXIT is a confined passageway immediately adja-
refrigerant vapor and discharging to the suction system of cent t o the door through which people leave a building.
a higher stage compressor.
2.24 FIELD TEST is a test performed in the field to
2.11 COMPRESSOR UNIT is a condensing unit less prove system tightness.
the condenser and liquid receiver.
2.12 CONDENSER is that part of the system designed oil is positively provided for purposes of lubrication by
to liquefy refrigerant vapor by removal of heat. means of an internal or external mechanical oil pump.
This does not include splash type or drip type compressor
2.13 CONDENSER COIL is that part of a condenser lubrication systems.
constructed of pipe o r tubing other than a shell and tube
or shell and coil type. 2.26 FLOW REGULATOR is a controlling device
which regulates the flow of liquid refrigerant through the
2.14 CONDENSING UNIT is a specific refrigerating device from a section of the system to a lower pressure sec-
machine combination consisting of one or more power- tion of the system and which is actuated by flow rate
driven compressor, condensers, liquid receivers (when re- changes to maintain a predetermined flow rate.
quired), and the regularly furnished accessories.
2.27 HIGH SIDE means the parts of an ammonia
2.15 CONTAINER is a cylinder for the transportation refrigerating system subjected to condenser pressure.
of ammonia refrigerant.
2.28 HIGH SIDE FLOAT VALVE is a controlling
2.16 DESIGN PRESSURE is the maximum allowable device which regulates the flow of volatile liquid
working pressure, psig, for which a specific part of a refrigerant from a higher pressure section of the system
system is designed. into a lower pressure section and which is actuated
toward open by a rising liquid level upstream of the valve.
a controlling device which regulates the flow of 2.29 HOT GAS BYPASS REGULATOR is a con-
refrigerant gas or liquid o r oil through the device from a trolling device which regulates the flow of refrigerant hot
section of the system to a lower pressure section of the gas through the device from a higher pressure section of
system and which is actuated toward open by a pressure the system to a lower pressure section of the system and
falling below regulator set-point downstream of the which is actuated toward open by a pressure falling below
regulator orifice. regulator set-point downstream of the regulator orifice.

2.30 INTERNAL GROSS VOLUME is determined 2.40 MOTORIZED VALVE is adevice which regulates
from internal dimensions of the container exclusive of in- the flow of fluid through the device by means of a motor
ternal parts. The measurement will be as if the internal which moves a plug with respect to an orifice.
parts were not there.
2.31 LISTED means equipment that has been tested PRESSOR is a compressor in which increase in vapor
and is identified as acceptable by an approved national!,) pressure is attained without changing the internal volume
recognized testing laboratory. of the compression chamber.

2.32 LIQUID RECEIVER is a pressure vessel per- 2.42 OIL DRAIN FLOAT VALVE, same functi:on as
manently connected to a refrigerating system by inlet and High Side Float Valve, except controlling oil. (See 2.28)
outlet pipes for storage of liquid refrigerant.
2.43 PILOT OPERATED VALVE is the valve which
2.33 LOW SIDE means the parts of a refrigerating regulates flow in response to a signal from a pilot.
system subjected to evaporator pressure.
2.44 PIPING means the pipe or tube mains for inter-
2.34 LOW SIDE FLOAT VALVE is a controlling connecting the various parts of a refrigerating system.
device which regulates the flow of volatile liquid Piping includes pipe, flanges, bolting, gaskets, valves, fit-
refrigerant into an evaporator pressure section of the tings, the pressure containing parts of other components
system from a higher pressure section and which is ac- such as expansion joints, strainers, and devices which
tuated toward closed by a rising liquid level downstream serve such purposes as mixing. separating. snubbing, dis-
of the valve. tributing, metering or controlling flow, pipe supporting
fixtures and structural attachments.
2.35 MACHINERY is the refrigerating equipment
forming a part of the refrigerating system, including but 2.45 POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR
not limited to any or all of the following: compressor, is a compressor in which increase in pressure is attained
condenser, liquid receiver. connecting piping, or by changing the internal volume of the compression
evaporator. chamber.

2.36 MACHINERY ROOM is a room in which a 2.46 PRESSURE-IMPOSING ELEMENT is any

refrigerating system is permanently installed and device or portion of the equipment used for the purpose of
operated, but not including evaporators located in a cold increasing the refrigerant vapor pressure.
storage room, refrigerator box, air cooled space, or other
enclosed space. Closets solely contained within, and 2.47 PRESSURE-LIMITING DEVICE is a pressure-
opening only into, a room shall not be considered responsive mechanism designed to automatically stop the
machinery rooms, but shall be considered a part of the operation of the pressure-imposing element at a predeter-
machinery room in which they are contained or open into. mined pressure.
It is not the intent of this definition to cause the space in
which a self-contained system is located to be classified as 2.48 PRESSURE-RELIEF DEVICE is a pressure ac-
a machinery room tuated valve or rupture member designed to automatical-
ly relieve excessive pressure.
2.37 MANUFACTURER is the company or organiza-
tion which evidences its responsibility by affixing its name 2.49 PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVE is a pressure ac-
or nationally registered trademark or trade name to the tuated valve held closed by a spring or other means and
refrigeration equipment concerned. designed to automatically relieve pressure in excess of its
2.38 MECHANICAL JOINT is a gas-tight joint, ob-
tained by the joining of metal parts through a positive 2.50 P R E S S U R E VESSEL is any refrigerant-
holding mechanical construction. containing receptacle of a refrigerating system other than
evaporators (each separate section of which does not ex-
2.39 MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION SYSTEM ceed (.0 I4 of refrigerant-containing volume),
is a combination of interconnected refrigerant-containing evaporator coils, compressors, condenser coils, controls,
parts constituting one closed refrigerant circuit in which a headers, pumps and piping.
refrigerant is circulated for the purpose ofextracting heat
and in which a compressor is used for compressing the 2.51 REFRIGERANT is a substance used t o produce
ammonia refrigerant vapor . refrigeration by its expansion or vaporization.

2.52 REFRIGERANT PRESSURE ACTIVATED controlling device which regulates the flow of volatile
CONDENSING WATER REGULATOR is a device refrigerant into an evaporator of a refrigeration system
which regulates the flow of cooling water through the and which is actuated by changes in evaporator pressure
device to or from a water-cooled condenser and which is and superheat of the refrigerant gas leaving the
actuated toward open by refrigerant high side pressure evaporator. The basic response is to superheat.
rising above the regulator set-point.
2.65 THREE-WAY TYPE STOP VALVE is a manual-
2.53 REFRIGERANT PUMP is a mechanical device ly operated valvewith one inlet which alternately can stop
for moving liquid ammonia refrigerant within a closed flow to either of two outlets.
circuit mechanical refrigeration system.
2.66 ULTIMATE STRENGTH is the highest stress
2.54 RUPTURE MEMBER is a device that will rupture level which the component can tolerate without rupture.
at a predetermined pressure.
2.67 UNPROTECTED TUBING is tubing which is not
2.55 SATURATION PRESSURE of a refrigerant is protected by enclosure or suitable locationso that it is ex-
the pressure a t which there is stable co-existence of the posed to crushing, abrasion, puncture, or similar
vapor and liquid or the vapor and solid phase. mechanical damage under installed conditions.


factory-made and factory-tested system in a suitable controlling device which regulates the flow of refrigerant
frame or enclosure which is fabricated and shipped in one gas or liquid or oil through the device from a section of the
or more sections and in which no refrigerant-containing system to a lower pressure section of the system and which
parts are connected in the field other than by companion is actuated toward open by a pressure rising above
o r block valves. regulator set-point upstream of the regulator orifice.

2.57 SHALL. Where “shall” or “shall not” is used for a 2.69 WELDED JOINT is a gas-tight joint. obtained by
provision specified, that provision is intended to be man- the joining of metal parts in molten state.


condenser where tubes in a bundle with each end secured
in a tube sheet are enclosed in a shell with refrigerant in 3.1 AIR COOLED CONDENSERS
the shell. A shell a n d tube condenser with refrigerant in
the shell is a pressure vessel. 3.1.1 GENERAL This section applies to air cooled
condensers which are applied to closed circuit ammonia
2.59 SHELL A N D TUBE EVAPORATOR is a type of mechanical refrigeration systems.
evaporator where tubes or coils are enclosed in a shell.
Flooded type is with the evaporating ammonia in the DESIGN CRITERIA shall be as follows:
shell. Direct expansion type is with the evaporating am- Minimum design pressure of 300 psi gage
monia in the tubes or coils. (21.09 (2068.0 kPa gage). For ul-
timate strength see 3.15.
2.60 SHOULD. “Should” or “should not” or “it is
recommended” is used to indicate provisions which are Air cooled condensers shall be designed to
not mandatory but which are recommended good prac- withstand air velocities of 100 mph (44.7 m/ s)
Fans, drives and motors shall be protected
2.61 SOLENOID VALVE. A valve which is opened or with screens or guards in accordance with ap-
closed by the magnetic action of a n electrically energized proved safety standards. (Occupatio na lSafe-
coil. The opposite action is accomplished by gravity, ty and Health Administration, Department of
pressure, or spring action. Labor, Federal Register, May 29, 1971
General Requirement for Machines. Section
2.62 STOP VALVE is a device to shut off the flow. 1910.212 and Mechanical Power Transmis-
sion Apparatus, 1910.219.)
2.63 TEST PRESSURE is the minimum pressure, psi
gage, to which a specific part is subjected under test condi- Propeller, axial, or centrifugal fan speeds
tion. shall not exceed the safe design speed
recommended by the manufacturer for the
2.64 THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE is a temperature and nature of the application.

3.1.3 NAMEPLATE DATA Manufacturers pro- d) Each compressor shall be provided with a low
pressure control and a pressure-limiting
ducing ammonia air cooled condensers shall provide the
device. Compressors using forced feed oil
following minimum data:
lubrication should be provided with a lubrica-
Manufacturer‘s name. tion failure control. The pressure-limiting
Year of manufacture. device (except for booster compressors) shall
Design pressure. be of the manual reset type. The setting of the
Electrical full load amps. pressure-limiting device shall not exceed the
Volts, hertz and phase. lower of the compressor manufacturer’s
Refrigerant for which designed. recommendations or 90% of the high side
Identification number. pressure-relief device setting. The setting of
Model designation number. the low pressure control shall be in accor-
dance with the compressor manufacturer’s
e) Compressor coupling guards and belt, pulley
3.2.1 GENERAL All requirements of Section 3.1 and flywheel guards shall be provided in com-
Air Cooled Condensers shall apply to this section. pliance with approved safety standards (Oc-
cupational, Safety and Health Administra-
tion, Department of Labor, Federal Register,
3.3 COMPRESSORS May 29, 1971, General Requirement for
3.3.1 GENERAL This section applies to com-
pressors which are applied to closed circuit ammonia f) If rotation is to be in only one direction, a
mechanical refrigeration systems. rotation arrow shall be cast-in or permanently
attached to the compressor frame.
Products covered by this section are rotary vane
booster compressors, reciprocating booster and high
stage compressors, and rotary screw booster and high g) For ultimate strength see 3.15.
stage compressors and centrifugal booster and high stage
compressors. 3.3.3 NAMEPLATE DATA Manufacturers pro-
ducing compressors shall provide the following minimum
3.3.2 DESIGN CRITERIA shall be as follows:
a) Minimum design pressures for high stage Maximum design pressure.
compressors shall be: Maximum permissible speed.
Water or Evap. Cooled Condensing Year of manufacture.
250 psi gage Manufactuer’s name.
(17.57 gage) (1724.0 kPa gage) Manufacturer’s model number.
Air Cooled Condensing Manufacturer’s identification number
300 psi gage (serial #).
(2 1.09 kg/ gage) (2068.0 gage) Maximum permissible crankcase
b) Minimum design pressures for booster com-
pressors shall be 150 psi gage (10.54
gage) (1034.0 kPa gage). 3.4 EVAPORATIVE CONDENSERS
c) Positive displacement compressors shall be
3.4.1 GENERAL This section applies to
equipped by the manufacturer with a evaporative condensers which are applied to closed cir-
pressure-relief device of adequate size and
cuit ammonia mechanical refrigeration systems.
pressure setting to prevent rupture of the com-
pressor, located between the compressor and
stop valve on the discharge and may be of the 3.4.2 DESIGN CRITERIA shall be as follows:
internal or external type relief device. This dis- a) Minimum design pressure shall be 250 psi
charge from such pressure-relief device may gage (17.57 gage) (1724.0 kPa gage).
be vented to the atmosphere or into the low For ultimate strength see 3.15.
pressure side of the system per AN-
SI/ ASHRAE Standard 15 (supercedes B9.1), b) Evaporative condensers shall be designed to
1978, Section 10.5. withstand air velocities of 100 mph (44.7 m / s).

c) Fans, drives and motors shall be protected f) Shell maximum allowable working pressure
with screens or guards in accordance with ap- at temperature.
proved safety standards. (Occupational Safe- g) Tube maximum allowable working pressure
ty and Health Administration, Department of at temperature.
Labor, Federal Register, May 29, 1971
General Requirement for Machines, Section
h) Manufacturer’s model number.
1910.2I2 and Mechanical Power Transmis- 3.6 PRESSURE VESSELS
sion Apparatus, 1910.219)
3.6.1 GENERAL This section applies to high
d) Propeller, axial, or centrifugal fan speeds pressure and low pressure vessels which are applied for
shall not exceed the safe design speed use in ammonia closed circuit mechanical refrigeration
recommended by the manufacturer for the systems.
temperature and nature of application.
3.6.2 DESIGN CRITERIA shall be as follows:
3.4.3 NAMEPLATE DATA Manufacturers pro- a) Minimum design pressure high side utilizing
ducing ammonia evaporative condensers shall provide water cooled condensing shall be 250 psi gage
the following data: (17.57 gage) (1724.0 kPa gage) and
utilizing air cooled condensing shall be 300 psi
a) Manufacturer’s name. gage (21.09 gage) (2068.0 kPa gage).
b) Year of manufacture.
c) Manufacturer’s identification number . b) Minimum design pressure low side shall be
d) Manufacturer’s model number. 150 psi gage (10.54 kPa
e) Design pressure. gage).

c) Pressure vessels exceeding 6 inches (152.4

3.5 SHELL A N D TUBE CONDENSERS mm.) inside diameter shall comply with the
rules of Section VIII, Division 1,1977 ASME
3.5.1 GENERAL This section applies to shell and Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code covering the
tube condensers which are applied for use in ammonia requirements for design, fabrication, inspec-
closed circuit mechanical refrigeration systems. tion and testing during construction of un-
Products covered by this section are horizontal and fired pressure vessels.
vertical shell and tube condensers with closed water
passes and vertical shell and tube condensers with open d) All pressure, vessels shall be provided with
water passes. adequate opening(s) for the attachment of
safety relief device(s) as required in Section
3 . I 1.4 Pressure Vessel Protection.
3.5.2 DESIGN CRITERIA shall be as follows:
a) Minimum design pressure shall be 250 psi 3.6.3 N A M E P L A T E D A T A Manufacturers
gage (17.57 kg/ gage) (1724.0 kPa gage).
producing pressure vessels shall provide the following
minimum data:
b) Pressure vessels shall be provided with
pressure-relief protection in accordance with a) Manufacturer’s name.
rules given in Section 3.1 1.4 Pressure Vessel b) Maximum allowable working pressure
Protection. at temperature.
c) Manufacturer’s serial number.
c) Adequate nozzles shall be provided in the d) Year manufactured.
condenser shell for the attachement of e) National Board Number.
pressure-relief device(s) required in Section f) An additional pressure and temperature
3.1 1.4 Pressure Vessel Protection. stamping may be required with reference to
vessels used below -20°F which are
not impact tested. (See Section VIII, Division
3.5.3 NAMEPLATE DATA The manufacturers
1, 1977 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
producing shell and tube condensers shall provide the
following minimum data:
a) Manufacturer’s name 3.7 EVAPORATORS
b) Year manufactured.
c) National Board number. 3.7.1 G E N E R A L This section applies to
d) Serial number. evaporators which are applied for use in ammonia closed
e) ASME stamp. circuit mechanical refrigeration systems.
3.7.2 EVAPORATOR COIL National Board Number.
ASME stamp. DESIGN CRITERIA shall be as follows: An additonal pressure and temperature
Minimum design pressure shall be 150 psi stamping may be required with reference to
gage (10.54 gage) (1034.0 kPa gage). vessels used below which are
For ultimate strength see 3.15. not impact tested. (See Section VIll. Division
1, 1977 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Fans, drives and motors shall be protected Code.)
with screens or guards in accordance with ap- Manufacturer’s model number.
proved safety standards. (Occupational Safe-
ty and Health Administration, Department of DIRECT EXPANSION TYPE WITH
Labor, Federal Register, May 29, 1971 REFRIGERANT IN TUBES
General Requirement for Machines, Section
19 10.2 12 and Mechanical Power Transmis- DESIGN CRITERIA shall be as follows:
sion Apparatus, 1910.219)
Tube shall comply with rules of Section 5
ANSI B31.5 1974 or Section V I I I , Division I ,
Propeller, axial, or centrifugal fan speeds
1977 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vesselcode,
shall not exceed the safe design speed
whichever applies.
recommended by the manufacturer for the
temperature and nature of the application.
Tube side minimum design pressure shall be
150 psi gage (10.54 gage) (1034.0 kPa NAMEPLATE DATA Manufacturers
producing evaporator coils with fan(s) and motor(s)shall gage).
provide the following minimum data: NAMEPLATE DATA Manufacturers
Manufacturer’s name and trademark. producing shell and tube evaporators for refrigerant in
Year of Manufacture. the tube shall provide the following minimum data:
Design pressure.
Manufacturer’s name.
Electrical full load amps for all components.
Shell maximum allowable working pressure
Volts, hertz, and phase.
at temperature.
Refrigerant for which designed.
Tube maximum allowable working pressure
Identification number.
at temperature.
Model designation number.
Manufacturer’s serial number.
Year manufactured.
National Board Number.
An additional pressure and temperature
stamping may be required with reference to
vessels used below -20°F which are DESIGN CRITERIA shall be as follows:
not impact tested. (See Section VIII, Division
a) The shell side in the pressure vessel shall be
provided with relief protection in accordance
1, 1977 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
with Section 3. I 1.4 Pressure Vessel Protec-
Manufacturer’s model number.

b) Minimum design pressure shall be 150 psi 3.8 REFRIGERANT PUMP

gage (10.54 gage) (1034.0 kPa gage).
3.8.1 GENERAL This section applies to mechanical NAMEPLATE DATA Manufacturers pumps applied for use in closed circuit ammonia
producing shell and tube evaporators for refrigerants in mechanical refrigeration systems.
the shell, shall provide the following minimum data:
Manufacturer’s name. 3.8.2 DESIGN CRITERIA shall be as follows:
Shell maximum allowable working pressure a) A safety relief valve shall be used between the
a t -temperature. pump discharge and any stop valve in the dis-
Tube maximum allowable working pressure charge line to provide pump casing or housing
at temperature. protection. This valve shall vent either to the
Manufacturer’s serial number. pump suction line or to the vessel to which
Year manufactured. pump suction is connected. This valve shall be

external to the pump housing. Safety valve 3.9.2 DESIGN CRITERIA
shall be sized to vent sufficient liquid am-
monia to limit discharge pressure to a value Minimum design pressure for refrigeration
not detrimental to the pump housing or cas- control valves:
ing. a) 250 psi gage (17.57 kPa
gage) for water cooled condensing systems.
b) The pump casing minimum design pressure
shall be 150 psi gage (10.54 gage)
b) 300 psi gage (2 1.09 kg/ gage) (2068.0 kPa
(1034.0 kPa gage) for low side service and 250 gage) for air cooled condensing systems.
psi gage (17.57 gage) (1724.0 kPa
gage) for high side service with water cooled The pressure requirements of3.9.2.1 apply to
condensing and 300 psi gage (21.09 fluid and ambient temperatures of -20°F to
gage) (2068.0 kPa gage) with air cooled con- 450" F
densing. For ultimate strength requirement
see 3.15. For temperatures below -20" F use
Pump drives and motors shall be protected ANSI B31.5 1974 Code for Refrigerant Piping Par. 5 2 3 .
with screens or guards in accordance with ap-
proved safety standards. (Occupational Safe- This standard does not apply and is not
ty and Health Administration, Department of recommended for any products of this section at
Labor, Federal Register, May 29, 1971 temperatures exceeding 450" F
General Requirements for Machines, Section
1910.212 and Mechanical Power Transmis- Connections Requirements. Connection
style, design, and fabrication for main and auxiliary con-
sion Apparatus, 1910.219)
nections shall be such that leaktight field installation is
3.8.3 NAMEPLATE DATA Manufacturers pro- possible without reducing the pressure requirements of
ducing ammonia pumps should permanently affix to the
pump, in no-frost area, a nameplate providing the follow-
ing minimum data: Functional Test. Each completely assembled
control valve shall be subject to a manufacturer's bench
Manufacturer's name
Maximum working pressure.
test using air or other suitable fluid which will simulate
the field performance of the moving parts of the valve in a
manner which will determine that the completed device
Minimum allowable refrigerant actually functions.
Maximum speed of pump. Leakage Test. Each completely assembled
Maximum H P of pump. control valve shall be subject to a manufacturer's bench
Manufacturer's model number. test using air or other suitable fluid which will enable
observation of the leakage through the device when in a
nominally closed position.
3.9 REFRIGERATION CONTROL VALVES Pressure Test. Each completely assembled
3.9.1 GENERAL This section applies to control
control valve shall be subjected to a pressure test by the
valves which contain or which are directly and
manufacturer at not less than the design pressure as men-
automatically actuated by the ammonia refrigerant or its
tioned in The entire envelope of the device shall
associated lubricating oil.
exhibit zero leakage under this pressure when subject to
Products covered include solenoid valves, ther- inspection under clean water or other suitable liquid or
mostatic expansion valves, automatic expansion valves, other leakage detection method of equal or greater sen-
high side float valves, low sidefloat valves, oil drain float sitivity.
valves, automatic liquid refrigerant drain valves,
evaporator pressure regulators, downstream pressure 3.9.3 NAMEPLATE DATA Manufacturers pro-
regulators, hot gas bypass regulators, check valves, ducing refrigeration control valves shall provide the
motorized valves, flow regulators, pilot operated and following minimum data:
refrigerant pressure actuated condensing water
a) Manufacturer's name.
b) Serial number.
Refrigeration control valves contained within the c) Volts.
refrigerant containing envelope for other equipment such d) Amperes.
as slide valves in screw compressors are not included in e) Hertz.
this section. f) Manufacturer's model number.

3.10 CONTROLS-ELECTRIC-PNEUMATIC the three-way type connected in series to two parallel
relief devices in such a way that both relief devices cannot
3.10.1 GENERAL This section applies to sensing be shut off from the system at the same time.
devices which initiate control pulses or signals applied for
'(@ use in ammonia closed circuit refrigeration systems. All pressure-relief devices shall be con-
nected above the liquid refrigerant level, and as nearly as
Not included hereunder are relay switches, contac- practicable directly to the pressure vessel or other parts of
tors, and starters. the system protected thereby, and installed so that they
are readily accessible for inspection and repair.
3.10.2 DESIGN CRITERIA Minimum design
pressure high side: 3.1 1.1.6 For hydrostatic pressure-relief see
a) Water cooled or evap. condensing 250 psi
gage (17.57 kg/cm2 gage) (1724.0 kPa gage). 3.11.2 SETTING OF PRESSURE-RELIEF
b) Air cooled condensing 300 psi gage (21.09
kg/cm2 gage) (2068.0 kPa gage). Minimum Pressure-relief valve setting. All pressure-
design pressure low side: 150 psi gage (10.54 relief valves shall be set to start to function at a pressure
kg/ cm2 gage) (1034.0 kPa gage). not to exceed thedesign pressure of the parts of the system
3.103 NAMEPLATE DATA Manufacturers pro-
ducing electrical and/ or pneumatic control shall provide Rupture member setting. All rupture
the following minimum data: members used in lieu of, or in series with a relief valve
a) Name of manufacturer. shall have a nominal rated rupture pressure not t o exceed
b) Volts. the design pressure of the parts of the system protected.
c) Amperes. The conditions of application shall conform to the re-
d) Hertz. quirements of Section VIII, Division I , 1977 ASME
e) Any special characteristics of a control device Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
will be noted either on the name tag or on the Rupture Members installed ahead of relief valves need
accompanying literature. not be larger, but shall not be smaller than the relief valve
f) Manufacturer's model and/ serial number.
:I~(@ inlet.


3.1 I .I GENERAL 3.1 13.1 All pressure-relief valves for refrigerant-

containing components shall be set and sealed by the
3.1 1.1 .I This section applies to pressure-relief manufacturer. Each pressure-relief valve shall be marked
devices installed on ammonia closed circuit mechanical by the manufacturer with the data required in Section
refrigeration systems, containing pressure vessels, for the VIII, Division 1, 1977 ASME Boiler and Pressure Code
purpose of safely relieving excess pressure due to fire or except relief valves for systems with designpressures of 15
other abnormal conditions. psi gage (1.054 kg/ cm2 gage) (103.4 kPa gage) or less may
be marked by the manufacturer with the pressure setting
3.1 1.1.2 Every ammonia refrigerating system shall and capacity.
be protected by a pressure-relief device in accordance
with the general requirements of Section 10, AN- 3.113.2 Each rupture member for repigerant-
SI/ASHRAE Standard 15 (supersedes B9.1), 1978, and containing pressure vessels shall be marked with the data
in addition shall comply with the specific requirements set required in Section VIII, Division 1, 1977 ASME Boiler
forth in this standard. and Pressure Code.

3.11.1 3 All pressure-relief devices shall be directly 3.11.4 PRESSURE VESSEL PROTECTION
pressure actuated. Each part of a refrigerating system
which can be valved off and which contains one or more 3.1 1.4.1 Pressure vessels shall be provided with
pressure vessels having internal diameters greater than 3 pressure relief protection in accordance with rules given
inches (76mm) and containing liquid refrigerant shall be in Section VIII, Division 1, 1977 ASME Boiler and
protected by a pressure-relief device. Pressure Vessel Code.

@ Stop Valves shall not be located between Pressure vessels of less than 10 ft3 (0.281113)
the means of pressure relief and the part or parts of the internalgross volume. Eachpressure vessel, containing li-
system protected thereby except when the stop valve is of quid ammonia refrigerant. with internalgross volume less

than 10 except as specified in Section3.11.4.4 When one pressure-relief device is used to protect more
and 3.1 1.4.5 and which may be shut off from all other than one pressure vessel the required capacity shall be the
parts of a refrigerating system shall be protected by a sum of the capacities required for each pressure vessel.
pressure-relief device having sufficient capacity to pre-
vent the pressure in the vessel from rising more than 10% 3.1 1.4.7 The rated discharge capacity of a pressure-
above the setting of the pressure-relief device. relief valve expressed in pounds of air per minute, shall be
determined in accordance with Section VIII, Division 1, Pressure vessels of 10 internal 1977 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. All pipe
gross volume or over. Each pressure vessel 10 and fittings between thepressure-relief valve and the parts
gross or over shall be protected under conditions specified of the system it protects shall have at least the area of the
in Section 3.1 1.4.2 by two parallel pressure-relief devices pressure-relief valve inlet.
connected to a three-way type stop valve as described in
Section 3.1 1.1.4. Each pressure-relief valve shall have suf- The rated discharge capacity of a rupture
ficient capacity to prevent the pressure in the pressure member discharging to atmosphere under critical flow
vessel from rising more than 10% above the setting of the conditions in pounds of air per minute shall be deter-
pressure-relief valve. mined by the following formulas:

3.1 Pressure-relief valves discharging into C = 0.8 [C = 4.08

low side of the system. Under conditions permitted in
3.1 1.4.10 a single relief valve (not rupture member) of the d= [d = 156.6 ]
required relieving capacity may be used on vessels of 10
or over. Where C rated discharge capacity, in Ibs. of air per
minute [kg/ min.]
3.1 Pressure-relief devices in parallel on large d = smallest of the internal diameter of the inlet pipe,
vessels. In cases where largepressure vessels containing li- retaining flanges or rupture members in inches [mm].
quid refrigerant except as specified in 3.1 1.4.5 require the = [rated pressure (PSIG) x 1.10 + 14.7 rated pressure
use of two or more pressure-relief devices in parallel to (kPa gage) x 1.10 + 101.]
obtain the capacity required, the battery ofpressure-relief
devices shall be considered as a unit, and therefore as one Discharge of pressure-relief devices on all
pressure-relief device. systems containing ammonia refrigerant shall be to the
outside of the building in an approved manner.
3.1 1.4.4 Pressure vessels with internalgross volume
Discharge piping connected to the discharge side of a
of 3 or less, and with inside diameter of 3
rupture member (bursting disc) shall have provisions to
inches (76mm) or less shall be exempt from the re-
prevent plugging the piping in the event the bursting disc
quirements of 3.1 1.4.2.
3 .1 1.4.5 Pressure-relief device for pressure vessels Pressure-relief valves may discharge into
used as, or as part of Evaporator Pressure Vessels having
the low side of the system, provided the pressure-relief
internal diameters greater than 6 inches (152mm) used as
devices are of a type not appreciably affected by back
or as part of evaporators insulated or installed in in-
pressures and provided the low side of the system is
sulated space, and which may be shut off by valves from
equipped with pressure-relief devices. The relief devices
all other parts of a refrigerating system shall be protected
on the low side of the system shallhave sufficient capacity
by a pressure-relief device in accordance with the
to protect the pressure vessels that are relieved into the
provisions of and 3.1 1.4.3 except that the
low side of the system, or to protect allpressure vessels on
provisions of Section 3.1 1.4.3 requiring a second parallel
the low side of the system, whichever relieving capacity is
pressure-relief valve. shall not apply. Pressure vessels
the largest, as computed by the formula in Section
used as evaporators, having internal diameters of 6 inches
3.1 1.4.6. Such low sidepressure-relief devices shall be set
(152mm) or less, are expempt from pressure-relief device
in accordance with Section 3.1 1.4.6and vented to the out-
side of the building in accordance with Section3.11.4.9. Required Capacity. The minimum required Ammonia discharge.Thedischargeofam-
discharge capacity of the pressure-relief device for each
monia from pressure-relief valves may be into a tank of
pressure vessel shall be determined by the following:
water which shall be used for no purpose except ammonia
C = 0.5DL (Ib/ min.) C = 2.44 DL (kg/min.) absorption. At least 1 gallon of fresh water shall be
Where C = minimum required discharge capacity ofthe provided for each pound of ammonia in the system. (8
relief device in lb. of air per min. (kg / min.) parts of water per part of ammonia). The water used shall
D = outside diameter of the vessel in ft. (m) be prevented from freezing without the use of salt or
L = length of vessel in ft. (m) continued on page 13


Stamped Relief Valve Relief Valve

Discharge Setting 150 PSIG Setting 200 PSIG
Capacity C Standard Wall Iron Standard Wall Iron
#Air/ Min . Pipe Size in Inches Pipe Size in Inches
1 1 2 1 1 2
5 68 276 115 470
10 17 69 23 I 29 118 394
15 7 31 102 13 52 I75
20 4 17 58 226 7 29 98
25 3 11 37 145 5 19 63 248
30 2 8 26 100 2 18 3 13 44 172
40 4 14 57 122 2 7 25 97 210
50 3 9 36 78 274 5 16 62 134
60 2 6 25 54 190 3 11 43 93
70 5 18 40 140 2 8 32 68 238
80 4 14 31 I05 2 6 24 52 182
90 3 11 24 84 5 19 41 144
100 2 9 20 68 4 15 33 I 17
125 6 12 44 2 10 21 75
150 4 9 30 7 15 52
175 3 6 22 5 11 38
200 2 5 17 4 8 29

Stamped Relief Valve Relief Valve

Discharge Setting 250 PSlG Setting 300 PSIG
Capacity C Standard Wall Iron Standard Wall Iron
# Air /Min. Pipe Size in Inches Pipe Size in Inches
1 2 1 2
5 176 248
10 44 179 62 254
15 20 80 267 28 114
20 11 45 150 15 64 212
25 7 29 96 10 41 136
30 5 20 67 263 7 28 94
40 3 11 37 147 4 16 53 208
50 2 7 24 94 204 3 10 34 134
60 5 17 66 142 2 7 24 93 200
70 4 12 48 104 5 17 68 147
80 3 9 37 80 4 13 52 113
90 2 7 29 63 220 3 10 41 89
100 2 6 24 51 178 2 8 33 72 252
125 4 15 33 114 2 5 21 46 162
150 3 11 23 79 4 15 32 112
175 2 8 17 58 3 11 24 82
200 2 6 13 44 2 8 18 63

chemicals. The tank shall be substantially constructed of nodular iron, steel, cast steel, and alloyed steel may be
not less than in. (3mm) or No. 1 I U.S. gage iron or steel. used as governed by ANSI B31.5 1974 or Section VIII,
N o horizontal dimension of the tank shall be greater than Division 1, 1977 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
one-half the height. The tank shall have hinged cover, or, as applicable.
if of the enclosed type, shall have a vent hole at the top. All
Copper or zinc shall not be used with am-
pipe connections shall be through the top ofthe tank only.
The discharge pipe from the pressure-relief valves shall
Aluminum may be used in tubing, valves and
discharge the ammonia in the center of the tank near the
Lead may be used for packing, gaskets, and
joint compounds. The size of the discharge pipe from the
Tin and lead-tin alloys may be used but their
pressure-relief device shall not be less than the size of the
use is not recommended at temperatures
pressure-relief device outlet. The discharge from more
below (-10°C).
then one relief device may be run into a common header,
the area of which shall be not less than the sum of the
Non-metallic materials. Packings, glass,
areas of the pipe connected thereto.
plastics, and rubber may be used if they conform to Sec-
tion 3.14.1. The maximum length of thedischarge pip-
ing permitted to be installed on the outlet of a pressure-
relief device shall be determined as follows:
L= 16 [L 7x Every pressure-containing component of a
refrigerating system other than pressure vessels, piping,
Where C = minimum required discharge capacity in lbs. pressure gauges and control mechanisms, shall be listed
air per minute [Kg air per min.] either individually or as part of refrigeration equipment
d = internal diameter of pipe in inches [mm] by an approved nationally recognized testing laboratory
L = length of discharge pipe in feet [m] or shall be designed, constructed and assembled to have
rated pressure (PSIG) x 1.10 + 14.7 [rated pressure a n ultimate strength sufficient to withstand at least three
(kPa gage) x 1.10 + 101] times the design pressure for which it is rated.
See table 1 for Computations derived from thepreceding
For application of piping, refer to INSTALLATION
SECTION (Section 5).
4.1.1 All machinery shall be located in such a
manner as to provide at least minimum clearances for
maintenance operations as called for in the equipment
Every refrigerant-containing component shall be
manufacturer's instruct ions.
tested and proved tight by the manufacturer a t not less
than the design pressure for which it is rated.
4.1.2 All machinery shall be mounted in such a
manner as to prevent excessive vibration from being
3.14 MATERIALS transmitted to the building structure, or to connected
3.14.1 GENERAL All materials used in the con-
struction of the equipment designated in Section 3 shall 4.1.3 All valves inaccessible from floor level shall be
be suitable for ammonia refrigerant at the coincident operated only from safety approved portable platforms,
temperature and pressure to which the component shall fixed platforms, ladders, or be chain operated. Isolating
be subjected. No materials shall be used that will valve(s) which stop flow of liquid and discharge gas to the
deteriorate because of the presence of ammonia low side of plant, shall be operable from the floor, or a fix-
refrigerant or lubricating oil, or a combination of both, or ed platform. (Occupational Safety and Health Ad-
any normal contaminant such as air or water. Where ex- ministration, Department of Labor, Federal Register,
ternal surfaces of the equipment are exposed t o corrosive May 29, 1971).
effects of air, water or other media, such exposed
materials must be suitable for the application. 4.1.4 Machinery or piping which may cause conden-
sation or drips shall not be located over electrical
3.14.2 Ferrous materials. Cast iron malleable iron, facilities.

4.2 OPEN FLAMES 4.3.5 If dispersion is impractical a water wash ofthe
exhaust airshouldbe used if it meets with local codes. The
4.2.1 No open flames or apparatus to produce an water spray systemshouldemploy 10 GPM of water even-
open flame shall be installed in a machinery room where ly distributed per 1000 CFM of exhausted air ( I
ammonia is utilized as refrigerant unless the flame is water per 750 m3/s air).
enclosed and vented to the outside air. (The use of
matches, cigarette lighters, leak detectors, welding equip-
ment and similar devices shall not be considered a viola-
tion of this paragraph except that no such uses shall be 4.4.1 All structural compenents in the machinery
permitted when ammonia or oil are being charged into or room shall be constructed of non-combustible materials.
discharged from the system.
4.4.2 The building structure shall be designed to
43 VENTILATION provide adequate strength and rigidity to safely house and
support all compressors, accumulators, pumps and other
4.3.1 The systemshall provide sufficient hot weather related equipment.
ventilation to limit the temperature rise to a maximum of
20” F (1 1.2”C) above outdoor ambient temperature tak- 4.4.3 The compressor and other heavy equipment
ing into consideration internal heat gain from equipment. foundations shall be designed in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations and other parameters
4.3.2 The total required ventilationshall be based on dictated by subsoil or structural conditions and
ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 15 (supersedes B9.1), 1978,or vibrations.
as stated in 4.3.1 above, whichever is greater. One of the
following ventilation alternatives shall be followed: 4.4.4 The roof or ceiling structure shall be designed
to safely support the weight of all suspended piping, oil
The room shall be provided with a con- traps, and other equipment.
tinuously operated, independent mechanical ventilation
system, and this room shall be considered a “Non- 4.4.5 Adequate hub drains shall be provided to
Hazardous (Unclassified) Location” in accordance with properly dispose of all waste water. The accumulation of,
the National Electrical Code (see 6.23). Failure of the or the running of waste water across the floorshallnot be
mechanical ventilation system shall also initiate a super- permitted.
vised alarm so corrective action can be initiated.
4.4.6 Adequate floor drains shall be provided with The room shall be provided with an indepen- all floors pitched toward the drains. A slick floor surface
d e n t machanical ventilation system actuated shall be avoided.
automatically by a vapor detector(s) when the concentra-
tion of ammonia in the room exceeds 40,000 parts per 4.4.1 Ammonia compressor rooms shall be provid-
million, and also operable manually, and this room shall ed with a means of egress near each end of the room.
be considered a “Non-Hazardous (Unclassified) Loca- Doors shall swing outward and be provided with panic
tion” in accordance with the National Electrical Code (see type hardware.
6.23). The vapor detector(s)shallalso initiate a supervised
alarm so corrective action can be initiated. Periodic tests 4.4.8 A means should be provided to remove from
of the detector(s)/alarm / mechanical ventilation system the building and to replace any heavy motors or equip-
shall be performed. ment. Where mechanical ventilation is not provid- 4.5 LOCATION

ed in accordance with or, the room shallbe
considered a Class I, Division 2 location,and allelectrical 4.5.1 A remote location, separated from production
equipment in the room shall conform to the requirements o r office facilities is preferred.
for a Class I, Division 2 location, of the latest edition of
the National Electrical Code (see 6.23). 4.5.2 Each refrigeration machinery room shall
comply with ANSI/ ASHRAE Standard 15 (supersedes
4.3.3 The relative location of air inlets and discharge B9.1), Section 7.4.1, 2, 3, and 4.
shall be such as not to cause short circuiting.
4.3.4 Air discharge shall be directed to provide the
best dispersion taking into account natural air flow 4.6.1 Electrical equipment and wiring shall be in-
around the building, prevailing wind and surrounding stalled in accordance with approved safety standards (see
structures. 6.23).

4.6.2 In general, heavy-wall galvanized conduit All fittings shall match pipe schedules.
should be used in compressor or machine rooms. Screwed fittings shall be forged or cast steel.

4.6.3 Compressor or machinery rooms should be Carbon steel pipe shall beType A-53, A-106,
equipped with light fixtures to provide a minimum 30 foot or other types which meet the pressure-temperature re-
candles (322.8 lumen per m2) at the working level (36” quirements.
above floor or platform).
5.1 .3.6 Cast iron pipe shall not be used in any por-
4.6.4 Condensers, receivers or other outside tion of the system and wrought iron pipe shallnot be used
refrigeration equipment shall be lighted to permit ade- for liquid lines.
quate night time inspection.
5.2.1 GENERAL All joints shall be suitable for the
4.7.1 Suction lines, accumulators, surge drums and pressure-temperature and mechanical strength re-
similar surfaces cold enough to condense moisture and quirements. The joints shall comply with ANSI Code
drip should be insulated. B31.5, 1974.

4.7.2Hot discharge lines below 7‘6“ (2.29m) high 5.2.2 COMPONENTS The assembly of the various
and near passageways or aislesshould be either covered to components, whether done in a shop or as a field erection,
reduce surface temperatures to tolerable limits or suitable shall be done so that the completely erectedpiping con-
guards should be placed around them. forms with all requirements of this standard.

4.8 PIPING Each employer is responsible forthe welding

done by personnel of its organization, and shall conduct
For application of piping, refer to Section 5 - In- any tests required and maintain any necessary records of
stalation t io n. such tests.


SECTION 5. INSTALLATION 5.3.1 GENERAL The supports shall carry the

weight of the pipe including contents and insulation; if
5.1 MATERIAL SELECTION necessary provide sway bracing to minimize vibration.
(Pipe, valves, fittings, accessories) The piping code provides for certain minimum dimen-
sions for hangers to guard against mechanical damage,
5.1.1 GENERAL All material used in the system corrosion, etc. (Source ASRE 1953-1954 Design Data
shall be suitable for ammonia service, comply with the Book, Chapter 10).
ANSI Code B31.5, 1974, and meet system pressure-
temperature requirements. 5.3.2 COMPONENTS Recommended maximum spacing of
5.1.2 COMPONENTS Components shall contain
hangers and minimum hanger rod size for steel pipe:
no copper, brass, mercury or alloys of these materials.
Nom. Pipe Max. Min. Rod
PIPE The following general selection shall be Size In. Span Ft. Diam. In.
used as a minimum for carbon steel pipe:
u p to 1” 7
5.1 .3.1 Liquid lines (regardless of pressure)
- 9
2“ 10
a) 1 and smaller - Schedule 80 3” 12
b) 2“ thru 6” - Schedule 40 13
c) 8” thru 12” - Schedule 20 4” 14
5“ 16 Vapor Lines (regardless of pressure) 6” 17
8” 19
a) 6” and smaller - Schedule 40 10” 22
b) 8” thru 12” - Schedule 20 12” 23
c) 14” and larger - Schedule 10
Source Chapter 33, Table 22, ASHRAE 1975 Guide & All threaded pipe shall be Schedule 80. Data Book

15 Hanger rod loading: refrigerant, a system that will be reliable with respect to
the electric components and a system that will function as
Maximum Recommended Loads in Pounds a t F: per the design with respect to controls and capacities.

5.6.2 FIELD TESTS Upon the complete installa-

Max. tion of an ammonia system, the system shall be tested for
Load 610 1130 1810 2710 3770 4960 6230 8000 leaks. The high side shall be tested at 250 psi gage (17.57
Rod. kg/cm* gage) (1 724.0 kPa gage) for water cooled systems,
Dia. 2 3 300 psigage (21.09 kg/cm2gage)(1034.0 kPa gage) forair
cooled systems and the low side shall be tested at I50 psi
Max. gage (10.54 gage) (1034.0 kPa gage). Prior to
Load 11630 15700 20700 27200 33500 41600 50600 60500
testing, all refrigeration compressors, liquid pumps and
pressure switches shall be valved off and isolated from
Based on Threaded Hot Rolled Steel Conforming to any test pressures. Safety relief valves shall be removed
ASTM A-IO7 and openings capped or plugged. All solenoid. pressure
regulating, check or other control valves shall be opened
by means of their manual lifting stems. All other valves
5.4 PRESSURE-RELIEF PROTECTION shall be opened except those leading to the atmosphere.
DO not use the systems ammonia compressor for pressure
5.4.1 GENERAL Every refrigeration system shall test.
be protected by a pressure-relief device or some other
means designed to safely relieve pressure due t o fire or 5.6.3 TEST M E D I U M A N D PRESSURE
other abnormal condition. TESTING Oxygen or any combustible gas or combusti-
ble mixture of gasses shall not be used within the system All systems shall be protected as per Section for testing. Carbon dioxide or halocarbon refrigerants
3.1 1. shall not be used as a testing gas in an ammonia system.
Dry nitrogen or air shall be used to raise the pressure in Relief devices may not discharge within 40’ the ammonia system to the proper level of the test. The
(12.19m) of an outside intake or personnel exit. gas shall be put in the system through the charging valve
or any other suitable opening using the necessary All relief devices and reliefpiping shall meet regulations and relief devices. All visible leaks shall be
all requirements of Section 3 of this Standard. NO shut repaired and defective material shall be replaced. After
off valve shall be installed in the reliefpiping between the this system is thoroughly tested, open all valves on the
device and atmosphere. lowest part of the system. The valves shall be opened
wide, quickly,to get theadvantageofair velocity tosweep A liquid pressure-relief device t o relieve along particles of grit and scale and purge them out ofthe
hydrostatic pressure to another part of the system should system along with the air.
be used on that portion of the liquid containing parts of
the system that can be isolated from the system during 5.6.4 LEAK TESTING Upon completion of the
operation or service; and which may be subjected to pressure testing and evacuation to minimum 10” (25.40
dangerous pressures from hydrostatic expansion of the cm) mercury vacuum, sufficient ammonia shall be in-
contained liquid due to temperature rise. troduced into the system and the system subjected t o 100
psi gage (7.03 gage) (689.5 kPa gage) ammonia
5.5 FOUNDATIONS A N D EQUIPMENT pressure. During this period, the system shallbe carefully
SUPPORTS inspected for leaks using sulphur tapers. Approved am-
monia gas masks shall be available during this test in case
5.5.1 Supports and foundations shall be adequate to of a n emergency. If any leaks are found, they shall be
prevent excessive vibration and movement of the equip- repaired and rechecked before the system can be con-
ment. sidered tight again. No repairs shall be made t o welded
joints while the system is under pressure.
5.5.2 Such supports shall conform to the manufac-
turer’s recommendations.
(for refrigeration systems)
5.7.1 GENERAL Three methods of anhydrous am-
5.6.1 GENERAL This testing program for am- monia delivery and shipment are in common use: small
monia refrigeration systems is designed t o assure a tight portable cylinders, tank truck shipments, and railroad
system which will operate without any appreciable loss of tank cars.

The construction and inspection of cylinders, truck SECTION 6.
tanks and railroad tank cars for compressed gas are
covered by various codes and regulations. The applicable TITLES AND SOURCES
a) Section VIII, Division 1, 1977 ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code. The following listing clearly identifies published
b) U.S. Department of Transportation or standards to which reference is made in this Standard.
“DOT” Design Regulations.
The refrigeration system should be equipped with 6.1 See Section 1.2.2
valved charging lines so that anhydrous ammonia can be U.S. Dept. of Transportation and U.S. Coast
fed into either the liquid receiver, liquid line or low side Guard
receiver line or receiver. 6.2 See Section 1.4.2
Federal Specification OA445a, Ammonia,
5.7.2 UNLOADING LINES Unloading lines shall
6.3 See Section 3.1.2(c)
be suitable for ammonia service and capable of with-
standing 350 psi gage (24.6 gage) (2413.0 kPa Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
Department of Labor, Federal Register, May 29,
gage) working pressure. Where steel pipe is used it shall
conform with “Liquid Line” Requirements (Section 197 1 General Requirement for Machines, Section
1910.212 and Mechanical Power Transmission
Apparatus, 1910.219.
6.4 See Section 3.3.2(c)
American National Standard/ American Society
5.7.3 STORAGE TANKS The maximum storage of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning
tank design capacity is 50,000 gallons of Engineers, Inc. Standard I5 (supersedes B9. 1),
anhydrous ammonia when held at atmospheric 1978, Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration,
temperatures. Tanks shall meet Section VIII, Division 1, Section 10.5.
1977 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code construc-
tion and be designed for 250 psi gage (17.57 6.5 See Section 3.4.2(c)
(1724.0 kPa gage) working pressure minimum. Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
Department of Labor, Federal Register, May 29,
A storage tank capacity for anhydrous ammonia 1971 General Requirement for Machines, Section
should be limited to 56% of water weight capacity at 60” F 1910.212 and Mechanical Power Transmission
Gauge glasses should be equipped with excess Apparatus 19 10.219.
flow valves to stop the flow of ammonia if breakage oc-
curs. Meters with mercury as the manometer liquid must 6.6 See Section 3.6.2(c)
not be used. Section VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels.
6.7 See Section 3.6.3(f)
5.7.4 PROCEDURES Never use heat directly Section VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and
applied to cylinder. Do Not leave empty cylinders under Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels.
vacuum, or connected to system. Both cylinder and
6.8 See Section
charging hose shall be removed immediately upon emp-
Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
tying the cylinder. The unloading of either tank truck or
Department of Labor, Federal Register, May 29,
railroad car is accomplished by creating a pressure
1971 General Requirement for Machines, Section
differential between the storage tank and the portable
1910.212 and Mechanical Power Transmission
vessel or a direct transfer by suitable liquid ammonia
Apparatus 19 10.219.
pump. Flexible connections of upprovedammonia design
a t 350 psi gage (24.6 gage) (2413.0 kPa gage) 6 .9 See Section
working pressure rating shall be used between the por- Section VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and
table vessel and unloading rack. Cars shall be blocked Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels.
before connections are made and proper warning signs
6.10 See Section
put in place on railroad siding. The unloading operation
American National Standard B31.5-1974, Code
shall be under continuous supervision. for Pressure Piping: Refrigerant Piping (OR) Sec-
Approved safety masks shall be located in the im- tion VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and
mediate vicinity of the unloading or charging operation. Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels.

6.11 See Section 6.21 See Section 4.3.2
Section VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and American National Standard/ American Society
Pressure Vessel Code. Pressure Vessels. of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning
Engineers, Inc. Standard 15 (supersedes B9.1),
See Section 3.8.2(c) 1978 Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Sections,,, 11.13 and Table
Department of Labor, Federal Register, May 29, 7.
1971 General Requirement for Machines, Section
1910.212 and Mechanical Power Transmission 6.22 See Section 4.5.2
Apparatus, 1910.219 American National Standard/ American Society
of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning
6.13 See Section
Engineers, Inc. Standard 15 (supersedes B9. 1),
American National Standard B3 1 .5-1974, Code
1978, Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration,
for Pressure Piping: Refrigerant Piping Par. 523.
Section 7.4.1.
6.14 See Section 3.1 1.1.2
American National Standard/ American Society 6.23 See Section 4.6.1
of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning National Fire Protection Association 70-1978
Engineers, Inc. Standard 15 (supersedes B9.1), National Electric Code.
1978, Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration,
Section 10. 6.24 See Section 5.1.1
American National Standard B31.5-1974, Code
6.15 See Section for Pressure Piping: Refrigerant Piping.
Section VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels. 6.25 See Section 5.2.1
American National Standard B3 1.5-1974, Code
6.16 See Section for Pressure Piping: Refrigerant Piping.
Section VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels. 6.26 See Section 5.3.1
ASRE 1953-1954 Design Data Book, Chapter 10.
6.17 See Section
Section VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and 6.27 See Section
Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels. ASHRAE, 1975 Guide and Data Book, Chapter
6.18 See Section 33.
Section VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and
6.28 See Section 5.7.1(a)
Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels.
Section VIII, Division 1, 1977 ASME Boiler and
6.19 See Section Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels.
Section VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels. 6.29 See Section 5.7.1(b)
U.S. Department of Transportation or "DOT"
6.20 See Section 3.14.2 Design Regulations.
American National Standard B31.5-1974, Code
for Pressure Piping: Refrigerant Piping (OR) Sec- 6.30 See Section 5.7.3
tion VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and Section VIII, Division 1, 1977, ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels. Pressure Code, Pressure Vessels.

American National Standards Institute
1430 Broadway
New York, New York 10016
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating
and Air-conditioning Engineers, Inc.
United Engineering Center
345 East 47th Street
New York, New York 10017
3. American Society of Mechanical Engineers
United Engineering Center
345 East 47th Street
New York, New York 10017
4. American Society for Testing and Materials
1916 Race Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
5. U.S. Department of Transportation
Material Transportation Bureau
Office of the Secretary
2100 Second Avenue S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590
6. National Fire Protection Association
60 Batterymarch Street
Boston, Massachusetts 021 10
Occupational Safety and Health Association
Danac Building
5600 Fishers Lane, Rm 3-50
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20401


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