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Grade K-2 Student Survey

As your teacher reads the sentence, color the face that shows what you think.
Teacher_______________________ Date_____________________

Yes No
1. My teacher knows a lot
about what she is teaching.   
2. My teacher is ready to teach
every day.   
3. My teacher makes learning
interesting.   
4. My teacher explains things
so I understand.   
5. My teacher uses different
ways help me learn.   
6. My teacher helps me when
learning is hard.   
7. I can do the work my teacher
gives me.   
8. My teacher knows what I’m
good at.   
9. My teacher lets my parents
know how I am doing in
  
10. I can ask and answer
questions in my class.   
11. I know what the rules are in
my class.   
12. I am happy when I am in
class.   
13. I learn new things in my
class.   
14. My teacher is eager to learn
new things.   
15. My teacher listens to me.
  
  

  

*Add other elements if needed, such as school-wide goals, or subject-specific elements.

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