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Taiwu Inner Arts elements explained

(aka how does the game determine your element? Why I suddenly got that pesky debuff?) Xuanyin
(Note: for want of grammatical cleanliness, A->B in the figure copied from wikipedia on your right means A Chunyang
Generates/Overcomes B)

Find out where to know how much

internal arts you have

Find out the largest number above 100. Nothing is These figures assumes that
This is your main element. Primordial Hunyuan-
above 100! your main element is
Good luck learning this game!

Is every other element within 90-100% High Level Hunyuan-

of your main element? 20% buff to all elements
You shouldn’t be reading this, Master!

What element overcomes your main Main Element

Extremely weakened state - internal damage and breath disorder
element?Is it above 40% of your main change to what
when using original element. Very poor HP buffs. GET OUT OF
element? overcomes you!

What element does your main element Steer clear of what Minor Weakened state - internal damage and breath disorder
overcome? Is it above 40% of your main you overcome, its when using overcomed element. Relatively poor HP buffs. While
element? still imbalance. this does not deserve all caps its still a bad place to be in.

40-80%? 20% buff to your element, 20%

debuff to overcomed element
Is the element generates you more
than 40% of your Main Element?
20% buff to your element and that
80%+? generates you, 20% debuff to what you
generates and what it generates

20% buff to your element, 20% debuff and

40-80%? breath disorder to overcomed element
Is the element you generates more
than 40% of your Main Element?
20% buff to your element and what you
80%+? generates, 20% debuff to the next 2

30% buff to your element, 20%

Pure element debuff to overcomed element

Q: I’m still confused.

A: As long as you study only 2 neighbouring elements on the elemental chart you are fine.

Q: I mean I’m confused by how do I gain so much inner art in the first place.
A: All inner arts have an element or have no element (Hunyuan). Hunyuan inner arts gives you equal amount of 5 elements. The others give you a set
amount of X element (related to its rank), plus, if the element that overcomes it does not exceed it (which shouldn’t unless you are Hunyuan), a bonus of
the same amount. This quickly lets you build hundreds of inner art without having to learn everywhere.

Q: I’m in a weakened state. How should I get out of it?

A: In general you have a few methods available:
- Gain more of the right inner arts and stop gaining the offending inner arts. Know what elements doesn’t like each other;
- Some inner arts can transmute inner arts of one element into another. Try to transmute offending elements into an neighbouring element;
- Learn the element in between the offending elements and change your element, but you have to make a choice between either element;
- If you die you have the option to expunge a certain martial art skill. Besides switching between orthodoxy and heterodoxy it can be used to reduce
inner art of a wrong colour;
- Take the cake and go Hunyuan.

Q: Besides able to use all skills, Is there any specific reason to go hunyuan?
A: Not really. If you study three consecutive elements, let the middle element be the strongest one, and only use the first 2 elements, you will still have
the same amount of inner art compared to Hunyuan. Even if you forgo the third colour you still have 80% of inner arts, and since the points you can
allocate grows by approximately the square root of your inner art, you are actually ~90% as effective as your hunyuan self.

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