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Alright before I get into the advice and everything you need to know, please take a minute to
look up and just take it all in, the smells, the faces, the voices. This is it. You are in nursing
school. Yeah, you might also need to pinch yourself a couple of times before it really truly hits
you but believe it or not you are here. And I sat there too, probably in a different spot, but the
same room, in the same uniform, with the same nervous feeling. I’m here to tell you though it
only goes up from here, you did the hardest part just by applying, going through the interview
process, and getting in, so now it’s time to take a deep breath and start your journey.

I’m not going to lie to you and say nursing school was easy. There were a lot of bumps in the
road, but in all those bumps I was able to learn more than just what went wrong; I learned a lot
about my strengths and weaknesses and felt more prepared for the next time. Sometimes
nursing school is a huge game of chance the first time around, but I promise you will have it
mastered by the second go around. More often than not though you will get it right the first
time, you might just have to tinker with some things before you fully feel confident.

So now for the top 10 things you should know for nursing school:

1. Write out all your assignments and due dates in the beginning. HIGHLIGHT THEM. BOLD
THEM. Sometimes things get crazy, so this is the best way to ensure you don’t miss

2. Buy a couple pairs of compression socks! Those things saved me during clinical.

3. Buy three pairs of scrubs. Trust me.

4. Bookmark Sarah Registered Nurse RN on YouTube! She is truly amazing and has a really
great way of explaining things.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your teachers are super supportive and are not like
other teachers you have had. They really do care about your success, so take every
chance you can get to talk to them and ask questions.

6. Get to know your lab group. Don’t always wait for clinical to get to know them, do a
library study session all together or go get dinner.

7. Keep all your files in folders on your computer. Sometimes you will have to look back at
work you have done in previous semesters, so it’s nice to keep everything in one place.

8. Try to get your mind off of nursing every once in a while. Nursing is amazing, but if it is
your life 24 hours a day you might go a little crazy. Take time for yourself, it’s important!
9. When things get tough, try to remember why you want to be a nurse. This kept me
going through all the stressful times.

10. Above all else, pay attention to yourself! Give yourself a break! The next two years are
going to be a little stressful, so give yourself some grace.

I could go on and on, but these I really believe are the top 10 things you need to know. You are
going to have fun! I’m always a worst-case scenario person and It turned out better than I ever
could have expected. Enjoy your time because it goes by quick. This is one of the best fields to
go into, and you are already almost there! So, buckle up, set your intentions, smile big, and
have fun because this is about to be one amazing ride!

Please don’t hesitate to text, call, or email me at any point. You are going to be an incredible
nurse, never forget that!

All my best,

Jennie Miller

Phone: 520-909-0409

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