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My Account Dashboard Sales Manager Purchase Manager Accoun�ng Inventory Data Analy�cs

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Sales Manager
> >
Sales Order Invoice Table
Refund Item

Today's date & Time Text...see text for excel file

Sales Order
Sales Table Display Invoice Number Select Period Submit Filter Group By Sort
Sales Detail Sales Invoice Date
Sales Invoice Date Sales Invoice Status
Create Invoice & Packing Slip 1 to 7 days
1 to 7 days Dra�
Invoice Table Enter Invoice Number 1 to 3 weeks
1 to 3 weeks Sent
Refund Item 1 to 2 months
1 to 2 months Fully Paid
Par�ally Paid 1 to 6 months
Credit Notes Table 1 to 6 months
Find Overdue 1 to 2 years
Pay Refund 1 to 2 years
Write Off All
Packing Slip All
Void Sales Invoice Number
Sales Invoice Number
Sales Task Low to High
Refund Status Low to High
Sales Configura�on In Prcess High to Low
High to Low
Sales Report All Denied All
Not Applicable Sales Invoice Status
Invoice Status Dra�
Dra� Refund Type Sent
Sent Return Fully Paid
Fully Paid Exchange Par�ally Paid
Par�ally Paid Not Applicable Overdue
Overdue Write Off
Write Off Void

The following table gives the information about refund items sold on AODC site Priint this Table

Item Order Invoice Authoriza�on Line Total

Task Refund Status Refund Type Refund Amount

In Process # #
Sales Detail Title Order Number: Invoice Number: Request Received: Yes/No Return
Not Applicable
Invoice Table Image Date Ordered: Invoice Date: Date Received: #/NA Denied Exchange
Verify Refund Request By: Order Status: Invoice Status: Request Accepted: Yes/No Refunded Not Applicable
Pay Refund Item Number: Quan�ty: Authoriza�on Number: #/NA Not Applicable
Item Id: Date Issued: #/NA

Dra� > Sent/Void > Fully Paid/Par�ally Paid > Overdue > Write Off

Next item

Refund item table

Sales Manager
> Sales Orders
> Invoice Table
> >
Refund Item Verify Refund Request

Text...see text for excel file

Item Informa�on Billing Informa�on

Title Name
Image Customer ID
By Address
Item Number Email
Item Id Phone

Request Type* Return Invoice Number invJan8_2021_122-1

Orderd Date January 3, 2021 Invoice Date January 8, 2021
Request Date January 31, 2021 Invoice Status Fully Paid
# of Days Difference 28 Days Shipped Quan�ty 3
Between Request
& Ordered Dates
Expected Refund
Reason Wrong item Quan�ty 3
Refund Policy Return within 30 days

Create Authoriza�on Number Denied Request

Email to No�fy Accepted Refund Request Email to No�fy Denied Refund Request

Create Credit Note

Verify Refund Request

Hello, xxx Seller logo

We are wri�ng this email to inform you that we are unable to accept your request for refund for oder #.....and
item # .......for .(�tle) and of (quan�ty) items. The request for return is denied because of ...

You may read our return policy posted at ....(link). If you need further assistance, please contact us at

Thank you,

This e-mail message was sent from a no�fica�on-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail.
Please do not reply to this message. Thanks again for shopping with us.

Email For Denied Refund Request

Hello, xxx Seller logo

We are wri�ng this email to inform you that your request for return is accepted and a return auththoriz�on number is issued to you.
This return authoriza�on number is for order # ...item # .......for .(�tle) and of (quan�ty) items. Please keep this authoriza�on number for future reference.

You may read our return policy posted at ....(link). If you need further assistance, please contact us at

Thank you,

This e-mail message was sent from a no�fica�on-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail.
Please do not reply to this message. Thanks again for shopping with us.

Email For Accepted Return Request

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