Surveillance On My Wife

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Part 01.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1
Part 02.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................32
Part 03.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................63
Part 04...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................100
Part 01

It's been exactly 2 years since I posted a new story, I hope you enjoy this one. It's novel length, but posted in 4 parts so that reading it is easier to
handle. The theme is the possible end of a 25-year marriage that Richard thought was still okay. But his wife (Janice) is bored and feeling totally
ignored by her husband. Enter the other mature man (John) who tempts Janice to cheat on her husband, but Richard will use any means - even illegal
and immoral - to maintain his marriage. This is a hot sex story for the thinking person because there's also a lot of dialogue to reveal the inner minds of
the central characters.

Is the wife in this story a Loving Wife, should it be in that category? I thought of placing it in Mature, but the couple are both 50 years old... middle-aged,

Here's the story as told by Richard...

Chapter One

I read a newspaper article the other day where it said that one of those quality research organisations has conducted a study indicating the two most
likely danger zones for marriage break-up. The first, mainly instigated by the man, is at that traditional point once made known by a Hollywood movie...
the Seven-Year Itch that starred Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell.

Yes, it wasn't just Hollywood fiction, it's real, around the 7-year mark, guys start looking around and asking, "Is this all there is to being married and can
I be content for the rest of my life with the way this relationship has become?"

In those that married young, it could still be before children come along and the guy thinks that 'there won't be harm done to either party if I get out
now.' However, most couples marry later in life these days, so often there will be kids at the 7-year point in most marriages.

There's never going to be a good time, but what a time to break up the marriage, leaving the wife to raise 2 or 3 kids under 5 alone. Maybe that's why
so many guys elect to take the coward's way out... don't break up, but stay around so the kids have a father and have an affair on the side to maintain
his regular diet of sex.

The newspaper article went on to say that the second most likely time for a marriage break-up is when the kids reach adulthood and begin to leave
home. The long married couple, who have just raised their offspring, suddenly find themselves on their own - just the two of them - for the first time in
over 20 years. Without other family members around, they now find themselves trapped in a boring existence. More often than not, sex has either dried
up altogether or declined to being a once-a-week Saturday night special.

Whatever, the couple feel stifled, but more likely this time, it is the wife who decides that she can't exist any longer in this kind of relationship. Typically,
she is approaching 50 at this stage, very menopausal ("OMG my life is over" when really she should just be saying "my child-bearing years are over").
So the woman asks that same question, just a bit later in life, "Is this all there is to marriage?" and often she reaches the same conclusion after 20 to
25 years that the guy arrived at in 7 years.

So, that brings me to my own life, my own marriage and the attempts of my wife Janice and I to weave a clear path through those two crucial break-up
zones. Ok, I admit that I experienced the 7-year itch... big time! I had an affair with my PA (they called them secretaries then) and mine did everything
for me. A very attractive redhead and we fucked away like rabbits at every chance we got while Janice struggled through those first few years of raising
the kids.

Yes, I know, I admit it, that revelation makes me an inconsiderate shit, but at least I stayed in my marriage. Even after lying languidly in post-coital
sexual after-glow discussing a future together with my sex-pot secretary, I began to experience waves of guilt and conscience telling me that I should
try to save my marriage, not fuck it down the tubes.

Needless to say, my secretary was unhappy (that would have to be an understatement). She was pissed big time. She and I had been planning our
new life together when out of the blue one night - after she had enjoyed a mind-blowing orgasm from my tongue to ensure she was relaxed - I broke
the news that, because of the kids, I had decided to stay with Janice.

Hell, I was lucky that she took it as well as she did... you know, she cried a lot, begged me to reconsider, but when she could see how determined I
was to give my marriage one more go, she gathered up her dignity and walked away. She could so easily have acted like a woman spurned and picked
up the phone to call Janice and reveal all.

Even so, without a smoking gun, Janice could be as ultra-suspicious as you like but she could find not a scrap of evidence to link my penis with having
been blissfully ensconced inside my secretary's vagina at any time. I was so careful not to discard any cum-stained underpants in the washing hamper.
So I managed to survive the Seven-Year Itch after greedily partaking of a bit on the side for a few months... then Janice and I resumed our previously
contented marriage.

But that was then and this is now! We have arrived at the second danger zone - the 'Kids All Grown Up' stage and the research suggests she's the one
more likely to want to end what we have. That newspaper article put me on notice just to keep an eye out for any subtle changes in my wife's attitude
and demeanour that might suggest she is looking for love elsewhere.

Up to this point in our marriage, I never had any reason to even consider that my loving wife could be unfaithful to me. Sure, the sex had diminished,
but I didn't see that as my fault. I still wanted it a lot, but she didn't seem that fussed about it. She would oblige me from time to time, but she had
become quite critical and super sensitive about our lovemaking. She had developed a dislike for tongue-kissing and now claimed that when I sucked on
her breasts that I was chewing on them more than loving them. So with no French kissing and breast play minimised, sex had become very routine...
she would just part her legs, hand me the tube of KY so I could lube her up and away we'd go. Not exactly the most romantic scenario, eh?

I guess the first time that I recognised a sign that something may be amiss in our marriage was one dull rainy Sunday afternoon with both of us cooped
up indoors when Janice straight out raced me to the phone. Her reaction and her tone in answering indicated that she recognised the caller but she
never used the caller's name. Well, at least not until she disappeared with the wireless handset into the study and closed the door. 'Why was this
particular phone call so secretive?' I wondered about it at the time and off and on for the next hour, but then I let it go and didn't give it another thought.

Until a week later... Sunday afternoon again, around four. This Sunday was bright and sunny and I had been working out in the garden. Feeling the
need for a break, I had just entered the house when the phone rang. I was passing the handset in the kitchen and got it on the first ring.

"Anderson residence," I answered firmly and there was only silence on the phone line.

As I stood holding the handset in silence, I heard a click as Janice picked up on the extension, although if I didn't know she was in the house, I doubt
that I would have recognised her. She sounded quite different, almost like she was putting on a pseudo sexy voice. "Hello, Janice Anderson here."

"I've got it honey," I told her, "there doesn't seem to be anyone there... must be a wrong number."

Her annoyance came right through the phone at me, although at that time, I had no idea why. "Richie, what are you doing answering the phone?"

"Why wouldn't I, honey? I was just passing by when it rang."

"Well, I've got it, you can hang up now." That strange pseudo sexual tone had evaporated and she sounded abrupt, almost hostile.

"You're welcome to it, but I think you'll find there's nobody there." I returned the handset to the cradle and set about getting myself a cool drink to
quench the thirst that I had worked up out in the garden. My thirst quenched, I moved into the living room to find a reference book to search up a bit of
expert advice on the plants that I was working on in the garden.

I spent about ten minutes in the living room, absorbing the advice that the book proffered and satisfying myself that I had done the right thing with my
plantings. Then I walked through the house looking for Janice. I couldn't find her anywhere but I did see that our bedroom door was closed and when I
placed an ear to the door, I could hear her speaking in soft tones. Her words were hard to make out. I thought it strange that she seemed to have found
a caller on the other end of the phone while I had not.

I returned back out to the garden, but as I gathered up my tools, I recalled her taking a similar call around this time on the previous Sunday and how I
had been surprised that she never identified the caller by name. I even reflected on how the tone of her voice had sounded so different from normal.

An hour later when I came back into the house to clean up, I found Janice sitting in the living room reading. "Who was that on the phone?" I asked

"Nobody special, just one of my friends from the golf club."

"Doesn't your friend have a name?"

"Why the inquisition?" she was terse and glared at me, appearing to be annoyed that I should challenge her.

"I didn't feel it was an inquisition Janice. You're usually so good with names, you always address your friends personally."

"So I didn't this time, so what? Err, it was Jennifer if you must know... but you don't know her, you haven't met her. I didn't realise I had to run all my
friends' names by you these days."

"You don't honey, forget I said anything, it's not worth arguing over."

She said nothing more, just went back to reading her book.

Chapter Two

One day the following week, one of my work buddies, Jim returned from lunch and dropped by my office, "Say Richie, is your wife in town today?"

"Not that I know of, she normally calls into the office when she's in town, but it's so rare that she comes in for anything. Why?"

"Oh nothing, she must have a remarkable look-alike then."

"Why, what do you mean?"

"Well, I'm upping my fitness regimen, so I went for a longer walk than normal today for lunch, came back along George Street and I could have sworn I
saw her."

"Were you close enough to say hello?"

"Well, that's just it, she was coming toward me, about 30 metres away and when our eyes locked, this woman... err, I guess it couldn't have been her.
She err... she suddenly changed direction and darted out across the road."

"That couldn't have been Janice, Jim, she knows you well enough that she would surely have stopped and said hello."

"Yeah I guess so," Jim's voice trailed off, "sure looked like her though," and he left the room.

I brought up Jim's mystery sighting when I got home that night, "Darling, you know Jim in my office, he said he thought he saw you in town today."

My wife took an extraordinary long time to respond to what I thought was a simple observation, she even looked a bit unnerved by my comment. At
last, she said, "Oh really, couldn't have been me honey, I only went down to the local mall today. What did he actually say, did he speak to this

"Apparently not darling, didn't get a chance to, she took off across the road just as their paths were about to cross." Her emphatic denial closed the
topic down leaving me with nowhere to go with it... Jim thought he saw you in town... No, that wasn't me, I wasn't there. Nothing more could be said.

The next morning, I passed Jim in the office corridor, "Oh Jim, you must have been mistaken yesterday, Janice says she wasn't in town, she only went
to our local mall."

Jim looked quite relieved, "Oh that's good Richie, this woman did so look like her, but it's just as well it wasn't her. I didn't mention it at the time but this
woman was walking arm-in-arm with a man."

"Why didn't you say that yesterday Jim, that wouldn't be Janice, not arm-in-arm, she's not exactly one for any blatant signs of affection these days, and
she doesn't even walk arm-in-arm with me, so she'd hardly do that with another man."

I didn't think any more of Jim's supposed sighting until the coming weekend when once again, Janice took another mystery Sunday afternoon call, this
time almost snatching the phone out of my hand as I picked it up, and then retiring to the study, closing the door. I walked across and put my ear to the
door... I could hear a woman's voice, the tone bore little resemblance to the one that communicated with me every day for the past 25 years. The
woman that I could hear through the door was putting on this really fake voice, it was like she was trying to sound really sexy, which Janice hadn't
shown much of for many years. And she laughed a lot, seemed to laugh at just about everything her caller said... certainly not the Janice I'd known of

Suddenly I was hearing some warning bells. Now at this point in the story, I should explain that phone tapping - sometimes called wire-tapping - is
highly illegal in this country unless law enforcement officers seek permission from the judiciary. But having said that it is an illegal activity, there are still
ways and means of tapping a phone, even your own.

The next day, I checked out the local electronics store and found what I wanted... a do-it-yourself phone-tapping kit. I had read about this latest
advance in technology, how any homeowner could now rig this up without going through police channels or seeking a court order. That Monday night, I
set about installing the equipment on our phone line at home after Janice went to bed.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... I got home and waited for my opportunity to play back that day's calls, but there was nothing untoward. I felt a little
relieved and began to even think how stupid I was for imagining that Janice might be having an affair.

But then came Friday night. I was able to check that day's calls the minute I got home because I had passed Janice on our driveway. She told me she
was slipping over to one of the neighbours, would be back in 20 minutes... just long enough for me to check the calls from that day.

In just a couple of minutes of scanning, I found an incoming call that interested me, digitally recorded...

Janice: Hello, Anderson residence.

Male Caller: Oh yes, that's what I want, the Anderson residence, but I only want to talk to the woman that lives there... the sexy one.

Janice: Oh my God John, it's you! Oh, how wonderful it is to hear your voice, this is going to make my day.

(I could hear that the tone of her voice had changed noticeably from normal on her first three words to husky and sexual the moment she identified who
the caller was)

Male Caller: I couldn't wait until Sunday, I had to hear your sexy voice now.

(What a fool, I thought, can't he hear how different her voice was when she first picked up the phone - before she realised it was him and changed to
this pseudo sexy voice)

Janice: Me sexy, oh John, nobody's told me that for many, many years.

Male Caller: Well I will... when I hear your sexy voice, I get... err, I get...

Janice: What John, what happens when you hear my voice?

Male Caller: I get a... oh I don't know, what can I call it? Janice, you are such a refined lady that I don't want to say anything out of turn, use any words
that might offend you. I don't know you that well yet, it's probably safer to just say that I get turned on. I have a bodily reaction.

Janice: Ooh really John, a bodily reaction! Goodness me, I wonder what that means? Do you get a hot flush or something like we menopausal women

Male Caller: Oh damn, I feel so stupid now, I know that sounds such a silly way to describe it, but we are still getting to know each other and you are
such a lady. I wouldn't want to offend you by saying anything rude or crude to you. Let's just leave it at that... my body reacts when I hear your sexy

Janice: Reacts... really John... you mean just from hearing my voice? That's incredible, do you mean that your body reacts in some kind of way just
when you hear me talking to you?

Male Caller: Oh God Janice, I shouldn't have said anything... now you're making this very hard for me.

Janice: Oh, hard for you... is that a clue John? I think maybe I'm beginning to grasp what you mean... you said I'm making this very hard for you. Is that
it, is that what you're trying to tell me, are you saying that's what happens to your body when you hear my voice? Do you get hard, is that how your
body reacts?

Male Caller: Oh Janice, you are such a polite sweet lady, I didn't expect to hear you talk like that, not when we've only just met... but yes, oh yes, that's
exactly what happens to me. Here's me skirting around the subject, saying stupid things like bodily reaction. Yet there you are, calling it exactly what it
is... yes that's it, I get hard when I hear your voice.

Janice: What gets hard John, your whole body?

Male Caller: Oh my God Janice, no of course not... just this one part of me.

Janice: What part would that be, John?

Male Caller: Oh Janice, I feel awkward, I mean I hardly know you yet and I shouldn't be telling you this, at least not over the phone.

Janice: Why not, it's just between you and I on this phone. We should be honest with each other John.

Male Caller: Yes, but that sort of thing is quite intimate and personal and I certainly don't want to offend you by being too suggestive.

Janice: So you were saying that you got hard just from hearing my voice. That's amazing, I haven't even said anything sexual to you.

Male Caller: No you haven't, but you can if you want.

Janice: Ooh, it sounds like our relationship is taking a bit of a turn.

Male Caller: I am sorry sweetheart, I don't mean to put you off. I know you told me when we met that you were happy just to find someone - a male - to
talk to, to communicate with, but I do find you very attractive and very appealing.

Janice: Ooh (my wife emitted a girlie squeal that would normally come from a woman some 30 years younger)... are you suggesting that I'm appealing
to you in a sexual way?

Male Caller: Err yes, I have to admit that I do. I am sorry if I am overstepping the mark, I certainly don't want to give you the wrong impression, but I
have to admit that I do find you to be a very sexy woman.

Janice: Well, I am surprised, we didn't seem to start out this way.

Male Caller: Oh dear, I've gone too far, haven't I? My God Janice, I am so sorry, if we can just go back to the way we were, I shouldn't have said
anything about getting hard. Please forgive me.

(My wife laughed uproariously down the phone line, it was obvious - to me at least - that she was enjoying embarrassing her very gentlemanly male

Janice: John... oh John, don't worry. I am just having fun with you, winding you up. I don't mind that at all, I am flattered if you are becoming a bit
suggestive with me... I think it's nice. I know I told you that I just wanted a friendship with a man, nothing sexual, and that was so... still is really! I can't
complain, you have been the perfect gentleman with me, but I must admit to you that after our wonderful day in town together last week, I began to feel
a bit differently. You know, there was some physical contact, we don't get that over the phone.

Male Caller: We only linked arms, it's not like I got to kiss you, which I would have liked to have done.

Janice: I know, you told me that you wanted to kiss me, but I'm not ready for that yet. But I felt good just having your arm in mine, feeling your warmth,
your strength. That brought me close to your chest. I think a man's arms and chest reveal the power in him, his inner strength.

Male Caller: I like it that you feel that way Janice. I am all for physical contact too. This sounds quite promising, maybe you might even let me kiss you
next time we see each other.

Janice: Oh, we'll see. Don't take this the wrong way, but I have to admit that after I got home from our day in town I found myself starting to look at you
in a sexual way. Is that awful?

Male Caller: No, it's great, oh sweet Janice, that's fabulous. Oh, you're good, you really had me going there, I'd be devastated if I spoilt our wonderful
relationship by saying the wrong thing to you.

Janice: So now we've cleared the air, let's go back and you should feel free to use any words you want to tell me what you started to say, I promise you
that I won't be offended. Use the words you'd tell me if we'd known each other for a year.

Male Caller: Let's see, I think what I was trying to say was that just hearing your sexy voice on the other end of the phone actually gets me hard... err,
you know, my penis, I mean. My penis gets hard, I get an erection.

Janice: Wow, that's a pretty impressive reaction... that's better John, I prefer you to tell me exactly what's happening to you. So how do I put that into
perspective John? Does your... err, do you usually get an erection that easily?

Male Caller: No I don't! Since you asked, and only because you asked, I will tell you that I usually need to have a woman touch me or for me to touch a
woman intimately before I even start to get hard.

Janice: Yes, I'm no expert on men's erections, but I guess that is the normal way, isn't it?

Male Caller: And I haven't had a woman anywhere near me in such an intimate way in ages.

Janice: Not even your wife John?

Male Caller: Especially not my wife, there's no longer anything sexual there.

Janice: That is such a shame John, I guess you miss the intimacy of that?

Male Caller: You better believe it Janice.

Janice: Look, let's leave this subject for now. It is really great to hear from you. To what do I owe this unexpected call, you usually only call me on

Male Caller: I just got an impulse to call you... and... there is an ulterior motive.

Janice: Oh really, what would that be?

Male Caller: I had such a great time with you when we went to lunch last week that I've continued to recall stuff from that day. It sure brightened my
week and I was hoping that we might be able to do it again... perhaps on Wednesday if you're free.

Janice: I'd love that John... I agree, I had a wonderful time that day too. I don't know what you've got in mind, but we better not go into the city again...
one of my husband's work colleagues who knows me, saw us and told Richard. I think I managed to convince him that it wasn't me, that he must have
seen a look alike, but I can't afford to take the chance that he might find out about you - my new friend.

Male Caller: You told me that you and he didn't have much of a relationship anymore, I didn't think it would phase you if he found out.

Janice: You're right, I did say that, and that's right, we don't have what we once did. Nevertheless, I wouldn't want him to find out any other way than by
me telling him, and I'm certainly not ready to do that just now.

Male Caller: Do you think you might be at some time in the future?

Janice: Don't push me John, I told you when we first started talking that I wasn't looking for a lover or an affair, I just wanted somebody fresh and new
that I could communicate with... let's leave it at that for now. I mean, I was happy to joke with you about you saying that my voice was so sexy it made
you hard, and I am quite flattered if you really do have that reaction, but let's leave that as a rare casual comment. I don't really want our
communication to get down to that level all the time. I love it that you are so different from my husband and that we can talk about books and movies
and plays, and what we've each watched on TV.

Male Caller: Well there you go, that's one of the reasons that I picked Wednesday of next week. There's a good play at the Seymour Centre and they
have a midweek matinee. I thought that we could grab an early lunch at one of the cafes in Newtown and then go see the show, it starts at 2.

Janice: That sounds really good John, I'd love that. Thank you for the thought.

Male Caller: So what were you doing when I called, anything exciting?

Janice: No, just housework, some cooking in preparation for a dinner party we're having on Saturday night... oh, I wish I could invite you, it would be
such a buzz to have you sitting here at my dining table. You're such a knowledgable man and interesting too... I bet they'd all like you. Well, maybe not
Richard, but the others would and nobody would know about our friendship.

Male Caller: Yeah, that would be exciting. Hey, we should try to arrange that next time you're having a dinner party.

Janice: Oh yeah, sure thing. And just how do you think I would introduce you and your wife to my husband and my friends, and what would you tell
your wife was the connection as to why you had been invited?

Male Caller: I don't know, the plan's not perfect, I just suggested that we should think about trying to arrange it.

Janice: I think the jury's still out on that one. So tell me, are you still intending to call me on Sunday, even though we've spoken today?

Male Caller: Yes, I thought I'd still call Sunday, I just like to hear your voice.

Janice: That's wonderful, I think I would miss it if you didn't make your regular Sunday afternoon call, although I must say I had to snatch the phone out
of Richard's hand last weekend when he got to it first.

Male Caller: I don't want to cause trouble for you but I wouldn't want to wait until Wednesday to hear you again.

Janice: That was my sexy voice that you want to hear?

Male Caller: Yes, you probably don't realise the effect your voice can have on a man. I can't remember ever having this reaction just from hearing a
woman's voice, although picturing your beautiful face helps too. But your voice really is so sexy, you'd be a natural for a phone sex line.

Janice: Oh I don't think so.

Male Caller: Yes really, you would have lots of clients.

Janice: You sound like you might be an expert on phone sex lines John, you're not trying to recruit me, are you?

Male Caller: Oh God no... and no, definitely no! I'm not an expert and I'm not recruiting.

Janice: So then John, can I ask if you are still hard from listening to me talk to you?

Male Caller: Oh my God, I thought you didn't want us to talk like that... yes, yes I'm still hard... very, very hard Janice.

Janice: Oh dear, that is terrible, I'm so sorry, I feel so responsible. Is there anyone you can turn to, is your wife around, would she help you get some

Male Caller: No, she's not here, but even if she was, she wouldn't do anything like that for me, she's not into anything sexual these days... I told you
that, there's nothing happening between us in that area.

Janice: Yet you are still getting hard?

Male Caller: God, I'm not dead, that's just a natural male reaction when I hear the sexy voice of a woman that I am already becoming very fond of.

Janice: Oh, that's so sweet, thank you.

Male Caller: I am glad we're talking that way again, but I thought you said you didn't want to.

Janice: I just don't want sex talk to dominate our conversation, but I really don't mind if we just have the occasional reference to sex. The last time I
checked it was still ok for men and women to stimulate themselves with foreplay, be it physical or verbal.

Male Caller: That sounds like an excellent compromise, I'll go along with that. Oops, I'm gonna have to go, I just heard my wife's car pull into the
garage. I'll call Sunday afternoon and I'll book some tickets for the play on Wednesday.

Janice: Okay, sounds great... better hide your erection if your wife's home.

Male Caller: (laughing) I love your naughtiness, bye!

I was shattered, I never saw that coming. Fortunately, it sounded like I had discovered my wife's indiscretion early, before she and this John had
progressed to actually having sex, so not a lot of harm done yet. It seemed that our marriage was still salvageable, but what would be my approach to

this revelation? Should I intercept Sunday's phone call and warn this bastard to bugger off, threaten to bash him or tell his wife, or both? Maybe I
should find out the lunch venue for Wednesday from their next phone call and turn up there to confront them both together? I'll have to think about all of

But for now, my greatest concern was why my wife would have found it necessary to go out and find some character to talk to about books and movies
and plays. What's wrong with discussing those subjects with me?

Chapter Three

As it was, after thinking about this new relationship of Janice's all day Saturday and most of Sunday, I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't take any
of the drastic measures that had first come to me. Instead, I would be very adult, very mature about all this. I would continue to monitor her phone calls
and keep tabs on whether they looked like becoming more intimate... that would be when I might make a move.

I even came up with a reason not to be home on Sunday afternoon when John's phone call came in. I figured that if she thought she was alone when
talking to him, she might reveal more detail about this new man and how she met him. She seemed quite happy when I got home at 5 so I figured that
her mood reflected her feelings after taking his call, and her excitement at seeing him again this Wednesday.

After Janice went to bed Sunday night, I eventually got to listen to that day's call. Being alone when he called and obviously confident that she knew it
would be him, my wife assumed her fake sexy voice right from her first words...

Janice: Hello, Janice here!

Male Caller: Hi it's me, you picked up after only one ring, you obviously beat him to the phone this time?

Janice: Only because he's not here.

Male Caller: Oh, isn't that good? Where did he go?

Janice: I don't know, he didn't say, probably the hardware store. He loves to wander around, checking out stuff, looking for new gadgets.

Male Caller: Well, if he's not home, you can talk to me like you did on Friday. I loved that Janice, you sounded so much freer - you know, relaxed - than
you normally do on Sundays when he's close by. I sat quietly on my own and reflected on our call for an hour afterward, kept having a quiet chuckle
about some of the things we said to each other.

Janice: Oh dear, that's not good, remember I said we should only have an occasional mention.

Male Caller: Yes I know, I'll keep it in perspective.

Janice: Alright, so having said that, let's get to that part early in case my husband comes back. So John, tell me how long you stayed hard after we
hung up on Friday?

Male Caller: Oh, you're a naughty one, I like that about you. Now let's see, no I think that I went down pretty much when I could no longer hear your
sexy voice.

Janice: Oh, that's such a shame, so no relief then.

Male Caller: No, I told you that I get nothing sexual from my wife any more.

Janice: No, I know you said that. I just thought you might have... oh dear, what am I saying? No, that's way too personal for me to even suggest
something like... err.

Male Caller: What are you saying Janice, are you suggesting that I might have masturbated?

Janice: I'm sorry John, that's none of my business, forget I even suggested that.

Male Caller: No, it's alright, I can answer that. I have done when I've felt particularly horny in the past, but I didn't on Friday. I decided to live with the
arousal that you cause in me. I've never known a woman to turn me on so much with just her sexy voice.

Janice: Too much information John, I don't think we should go there.

Male Caller: It's alright just to talk about that stuff, isn't it Janice. It's just a normal human reaction to contact with someone of the opposite sex...
someone that appeals to them.

Janice: I guess so, but I do have to be careful. I think you want much more than me from this relationship and I don't want to lead you on, to have you
expect something that I can't give.

Male Caller: That's ok, I'm a grown man Janice, I am enjoying this new adventure, even if it never leads to what I'd really like.

Janice: And what's that again John, what do you really want?

Male Caller: I would dearly love a new partner for what remains of my life, someone I can really love and who will really love me. But don't panic, I
know you're not at that stage yet and I can be patient. I can be content for now with what you're looking for.

Janice: I hope so John, I don't want to feel pressured or have any unattainable expectations on your part.

Male Caller: I just like being in your company and hearing your voice.

Janice: We've only been in each other's company once, other than that day we first met.

Male Caller: Oh yes, that wonderful day I met you... and then a second equally wonderful day when we met up in town. Are you still ok about this
Wednesday, I bought the tickets?

Janice: Of course I am, and so looking forward to it John. Just to sit down with you over lunch, look into your face, see your eyes... I like your eyes
John. Watch your lips as you talk, listen to what you have to say. You're such an interesting man John... and then to sit with you in the theatre, in the
semi dark, ignoring that there are other people around us. To feel your warm presence alongside me. Oh John, I really can't wait until Wednesday.

Male Caller: That's so good to hear you say all those things, so far you're feeling all the same things that I am.

Janice: So John, I told myself that we'd be decent and only have a normal conversation today, but I can't help myself. I have to ask, do I sound sexy to
you today?

Male Caller: Oh my God yes! More than ever, I think!

Janice: So is it happening again, are you getting hard John, just from hearing me on the phone?

Male Caller: Yes, quite. I think I'm growing an inch by the minute, just like Pinnochio's nose.

Janice: Oh my God, in that case, I better not stay too long, not if it grows an inch a minute. What if we stayed on the phone for 15 minutes, that's a lot
of inches?

Male Caller: Well of course there's a limit to how big it can get.

Janice: Oh really John, it won't just expand and expand, and then suddenly explode.

Male Caller: Oh God Janice, I love hearing this side of you. You really are a truly naughty lady. Oh, I'd love to explode... but only inside you.

Janice: Now now, we better stop there John, this is starting to get out of hand. Listen, I'm really sorry, all I really meant to say was that I hate to think of
you as being uncomfortable because of me.

Male Caller: Let me worry about that. If I am happy to let you make me uncomfortable, then there's no need for you to worry about it. But actually, I
don't look on getting erect like this as being uncomfortable... it really is a nice feeling, and it shows everything still works. I mean, getting hard without
you even being in the same room as me.

Janice: John, I'm afraid that you bring out the worst in me. I have never talked like this to any man other than my husband. I feel really embarrassed

Male Caller: No, no, don't be embarrassed, I love it when you talk like that, I love hearing this side of you Janice. You are a sexy, sexy woman. Go on,
please... say some more stuff, say what you're feeling.

Janice: Oh no, I better not say that, you might get the wrong impression about me. Although I'm worried already that you might have got the wrong
impression, from the way I talked and the things I said on Friday and now again today.

Male Caller: It's nice for a mature man and woman who are just getting to know each other to talk intimately like this... it really is. I see no harm in it.

Janice: Umm, maybe not! So then John, you better tell me, is it fully hard now?

Male Caller: Yes Janice, hard as...

Janice: Is it really, that's incredible that you could grow like that just from listening to my voice.

Male Caller: It's no longer just your sexy voice Janice, it's the things you say to me.

Janice: Oh yes, I have said a couple of things I might regret later. So what do you call it John, we seem to have skirted around that?

Male Caller: What, do you mean what do I call my cock?

Janice: Is that it, do you call it a cock John? I thought a cock was a male rooster... you don't mean a dick do you John, that's what my husband calls
his? Or a prick or a penis? I usually call it a penis.

Male Caller: That will do, they're all the same. Oh, it sounds so good when you say those words... say them again Janice.

Janice: Say what John... dick or prick or penis... or your word, cock. What's so good about me saying those words?

Male Caller: Oh yes, I like to hear you use them Janice. Our generation, well we grew up at a time when nice women didn't use those words so I find it
a bit of a turn-on to hear a nice sweet woman saying those words to me.

Janice: Really, it turns you on, does it?

Male Caller: Oh, it sure does.

Janice: So John, hearing me call your erection a cock or a dick, does that make it get any harder?

Male Caller: No, I'm afraid not. It's impossible for me to get any harder, I was already as hard as it could get... oh God, rock hard. You did that, talking
the way you have to me today, I love to hear a cultured woman using all those words. You're a fabulous tease, I love the way you talk to me.

Janice: Ooh, is that what I am John... a cultured woman, umm, that sounds impressive, is that a compliment?

Male Caller: It sure is.

Janice: You must be alone too, that's partly why I talked like that to you, I thought your wife might be around and I wanted to hear you sweat over
telling me it was your prick that gets hard when you hear my voice.

Male Caller: Ha ha! No, fortunately I'm alone too! She goes out every Sunday afternoon with one of her friends.

Janice: So that's why you always call on Sundays?

Male Caller: Yes, she's around the house with me a lot through the week.

Janice: That's such a pity, because that's when I would find it easier to talk.

Male Caller: So you're still alone, your husband hasn't come back yet?

Janice: No, what made you think I'm still alone? He came back ten minutes ago, he's been sitting here listening to me ask you about your cock... your
dick... your hard penis John.

Male Caller: What? No way!

Janice: Ha ha, sorry John, just yanking your chain. I love to have fun with you like this.

Male Caller: So how about you then Janice, I haven't heard of you having any reaction? Can I ask how your nipples feel right now... or your pussy, are
you wet?

Janice: No John, that's enough! I don't think we should go there just now, the subject is closed. So let's get decent and talk about Wednesday, I am so
looking forward to seeing you again. You know, although it's over a month since we met, this Wednesday will be only our second date. Oh John, I am
finding it quite exciting, almost like a new love blooming.

Male Caller: Really... so do I Janice. I keep thinking about how we met, it's quite amazing. First of all, I'm usually rather shy, not the type to chat up a
woman, and particularly not in a supermarket.

Janice: I can only say how thankful I am that there was a queue at that checkout and what's more, that the checkout chick had difficulty changing the
register paper roll.

Male Caller: (laughing) Yes, that was quite a wait, wasn't it? But well worth it, as it turns out. We would never have talked and therefore never have met
if we weren't standing together waiting for so long.

Janice: So John tell me about this play that we're going to see on Wednesday, do you know much about it?

The two went on to discuss the story line of the play and John told my wife some of the reviews that he had read. But what had most interested me was
the manner in which the two had found each other. I still couldn't understand how my wife was so receptive to finding a new companion when she had
given no indication to the present one - me - that she may be unhappy. That's the nature of women, sometimes you have to decipher their code.

Male Caller: So my dearest Janice, I cannot wait for Wednesday until I see you again.

Janice: That's beautiful John... referring to me as my dearest, oh that's so nice. It's quaint and gentlemanly.

Male Caller: Thank you... but I want to say that it will be so difficult...

Janice: Difficult now - not hard John?

Male Caller: Ha ha! Oh you're quick, aren't you? Yes, that too, difficult and hard to find two parking spaces in Newtown for lunch and again near the
theatre, so my thought was that you could park your car down near the Skiff Club about 11.30. I can meet you there and we can drive in one car to
lunch and the theatre. Then I'll drop you back to your car afterward.

Janice: That sounds like a great plan John, I like it. So I'll see you at 11.30 this Wednesday then.

Male Caller: Yes my dearest - ha ha - bye.

Janice: Bye John.

In spite of my wife telling her new friend that there should only be occasional mention of sexual matters, it seemed to me to be more than occasional,
and it was my wife who kept initiating the topic.

As I mused over it on Sunday night, I was again tempted to plan some sort of confrontation before this business with John got out of hand. However, by
Monday at work as the thoughts plagued me again, I decided to continue the status quo, just monitoring the calls each night.

John didn't call again on Monday or Tuesday. Throughout Wednesday, I thought constantly about them being together, imagining where they might be
at each moment of the day, even wondering if they might be holding hands. There was nothing to hear on Wednesday night... no follow-up call after
they each got home. But of course, over dinner I just had to ask my wife how her day went.

"So how was your day honey, what did you do?"

"Oh I tell you what, I went to see that play down at the Seymour Centre... err, it's called 'An August Romance'."

I was surprised that she would admit going to the play although I was certain that's where her honesty would stop. "Oh that's different for you, I didn't
know you were into live theatre, did you enjoy it?"

"Yes I loved it, I might go again sometime."

"Maybe we should go."

"You're not interested in the theatre, why would you want to go?"

"If it's something that interests you, I'd be happy to give it a go."

"Oh since when, I've tried to get you interested in the arts before and you've always turned your nose up at it."

"So who did you go with?"

There was a slight pause, she obviously hadn't expected to need to have a story concocted, perhaps she didn't even expect that I would ask about her
day. "Err, Robyn Clark, I don't know if you know her Richie, I met her some years ago, she and I were on the school committee together."

"Funny that you two would get together after all these years."

"I... I err, I ran into her at the supermarket recently, we were caught standing in a checkout queue and we talked about all sorts of stuff and she
mentioned this play. So what do you know, the next thing we went off and saw it?"

It's fascinating how the human mind works. It was obvious that my wife was going to have to lie to me about who she went to the play with, and she
was cleverly devious to come up with an obscure name, not one of our mutual friends that I might check her story with. She also attempted to minimise
the lie by combining the way that she really had met her new male friend with the supposed way she had bumped into the woman from years ago on
the school committee.

It was frustrating for me on Thursday night to have to wait until Janice retired to bed before I could get at my phone tapping equipment to see if there
was a call registered. There sure was (I don't need to call him Male Caller any more since I know his name so well now) and this day my wife actually
called him...

Janice: (fake sexy voice right from the start) John, can you talk?

John: Oh Janice, how wonderful to hear your voice, yes I can talk freely. My wife's out shopping.

Janice: I so wanted to thank you for yesterday... oh my God, I had such a wonderful time with you, all of it, the whole day, it was just fabulous. Thank
you so much.

John: Oh that's good, I did too, but I was just a bit apprehensive after you'd gone that maybe I had overstepped the mark... you know when we were
together in my car, I mean.

Janice: I know what you mean, but you have nothing to worry about, I was quite comfortable with that. You were a perfect gentleman and you treated
me with respect.

John: Oh that's good, I had such a good time with you, I like the way we get on so well together.

Janice: Oh yes, so do I John... lunch was great - the food and the wine - and you are such a wonderful conversationalist, we must have covered so
many topics. Oh my God, and the play was really good and it felt so nice, so comfortable for us to be holding hands throughout. I enjoyed having that
physical contact with you.

John: Yes it was good but that wasn't our first contact... we did lock arms walking down the street in town the previous week.

Janice: Oh yes, you're right, we did, but this just seemed closer, holding hands for two hours, I could feel you generating your warmth to me through
our hands.

John: It felt more like my heat than my warmth Janice... and dare I say it, my hardness too, I guess.

Janice: Yes, oh goodness me, that was a surprise.

John: It just sort of happened, I was worried after that you might have been upset.

Janice: I guess I could have been, maybe I should have been. It was a bit forward of you, but I have to admit that I liked it that you were bold enough to
just take my hands and move them into your lap. Oh John, I at last got to feel what you'd been saying about how hard you get, feel that hardness that
you had been talking about. That was a bit naughty of you John.

John: You could have withdrawn your hand if you didn't approve.

Janice: Oh, so I'm as compliant as you, eh? That's clever, you're the one to move our hands to your lap and I get the blame for you making me touch

John: Sorry, there's no blame, I was just happy that you didn't pull away, that you were okay about leaving the back of your hand there, to brush up
against me.

Janice: Well you were clothed, it's not like I was actually touching your penis John. But I guess the biggest surprise of the day for me was when you
drove me back to my car. My God John, I never expected to go parking again at my age... remember that's what they used to call it over 30 years ago,
I am sure we both did it back then.

John: Ha ha! Yes, it was called parking, but at least I didn't get you into the back seat.

Janice: No, as I said before, you were a perfect gentleman, and you really are quite smooth John, I will have to watch myself around you. I expected
that I was just going to get out and jump into my car and drive off. But while I was still trying to thank you for giving me such a wonderful day, you
slipped your arm around me so smoothly and pulled me to you and we had our first kiss... oh John, that was so romantic with nobody else around and
being down by the riverside. You're a really good kisser.

John: That was really nothing Janice... that was only a very basic kiss. I hope you'll get to see that I can be a lot more adventurous with my kissing. Our
kiss was nice, but it wasn't really much of a kiss, I didn't want to scare you off by using my tongue, but that's what I really would have liked, for our
tongues to meet. Oh, I'm afraid with my life, tongue kissing is only a memory for me these days, but as I can recall, a couple's lips parting and their
tongues meeting, oh it can really make you feel wonderful.

Janice: Umm, I'm sure you're right, but it's been so many years, I'm afraid it's pretty much a memory for me too, but I know what you mean. Thank you
for going so cautiously with me, you know that I told you when we met that I didn't want a sexual relationship.

John: Yes, that's always in the back of my mind, I don't want to upset you.

Bloody hell, what a bitch! She's the one that told me she didn't want to kiss anymore, said she didn't like all the saliva from open mouths and didn't
want me sticking my tongue in her mouth. What she claims is distasteful now with me suddenly becomes an exciting exploration with this new man. I
suspect that the situation is becoming serious, I am witnessing the death of my marriage and don't quite know how to stop it. Confrontation seems to
be the key, but if I let on to her that I know what's going on, she will probably work out that I have been snooping on her calls. Then she won't feel
comfortable talking to him on the phone and I will lose the benefit of being able to listen to track the way the affair is developing. It's like I am caught
between a rock and a hard place... it seems unfortunately like John's hard place the way things are going.

Janice: Well John, as nice as you are and as respectful as you are with me, I do still feel the same. Don't get me wrong, I did love that kiss, but I would
prefer to tread carefully. I am really pissed off at my husband and the way our marriage has deteriorated, but I don't know whether I am ready to
actually cheat on him, to have an affair with another man.

John: I understand Janice, but you see I could... now it may just be a male thing or it may be that my marriage has collapsed a lot further than yours,
but I could have an affair with you immediately. But I respect you and your feelings, so you just tell me, you pull me up if I overstep the mark at any
time, just say John I don't want to do this.

Janice: Umm, that sounds quite serious, it sounds like you could paint me into a corner and I would be forced into making decisions for both of us if you
are leaning that way.

John: I am happy to go along as we have for your sake, I just love being with you, but as I've already said, when you're ready to take the next step, you
only have to say the word.

Janice: Ooh, what's that word John, is it a rude word?

There she is again... she tells him that she doesn't want the conversations to be too sexual, she will condone just an occasional sexual reference. And
she tells him that she doesn't want to have an affair, warns him not to press her. Yet she's the one all the time who turns the conversation back to
sexual. It's like she enjoys sexually teasing him, testing to see how far she can push him.

John: Ha ha! It well might be, we better not go there if you're not ready. So my dearest Janice, what else is new?

Janice: Oh, I didn't tell you, did I? It was so strange, Richie quizzed me on where I'd been when he got home last night.

John: Oh hell, he doesn't suspect something, does he?

Janice: I wouldn't think so, but it was odd. He never takes much interest in anything I do these days, but there he was, asking how my day was.

John: So what did you tell him?

Janice: The truth.

John: What?

Janice: No, not the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I just said that I had been to see the play at the Seymour Centre, told him what it was called
and he asked who I went with.

John: That's curious, you told me he's never very interested in what you do these days.

Janice: Well, he's not, but he sure was last night. So I had to think fast, I couldn't say I was with my new lover John.

John: Ooh, was that a slip of the tongue, are you calling me your lover now?

Janice: No John, it was no slip of the tongue, I was just seeing how the phrase fits. Oh my God, we do seem to be talking about tongues a lot, don't we,
have you got a good one John?

Bloody hell, there she goes again, constantly mixing her signals to him. First, she says that they mustn't talk about sex all the time, then she tells him
she doesn't want it to become an affair, yet here she is, constantly turning the talk back to sexual.

John: I hope to introduce you to my tongue someday Janice, its good at lots of things and in lots of places.

Janice: Umm, why does that sound naughty when you say it? I don't think we should go any further with that just now. Now where was I? Oh my God,
just as well I'm alone, I am getting all red and hot and flustered, see what you've done bringing up all this innuendo, these double meanings.

John: You're pretty good at bringing things up yourself Janice.

Janice: Oh yes that's right, so you're always telling me... so how is it now, have you got the usual reaction this time?

John: I have, I'm hard as...

Janice: My God, already?

John: It sprang up as soon as I heard your voice on the phone.

Janice: Oh dear, that's remarkable, isn't it? I am a nuisance, aren't I, constantly leaving you in that state?

John: I'm happy to grin and bear it for now in the hope of future rewards.

Janice: Careful what you wish for, my friend.

John: Oh, I'm back to being a friend, not your lover anymore.

Janice: Yes well, moving on now... as I was saying, I couldn't tell Richie that I went with you to the theatre, so I quickly came up with a name. I told him
I went with Robyn Clark...

John: What, you told him you went with my wife?

Janice: Yes, it's alright, he'll never know any different. I told him that I knew Robyn from us both being on the school committee together a few years

John: But it was me who was on the school committee back then, and you barely remembered me when we caught up in the supermarket.

Janice: Yes, but he doesn't know that...

I do know now Janice, and you've just given me your John's surname by trying to be too smart.

Janice:...he never took any interest in those committees, it was me that was always involved with the kids' school activities, he just never had the time.

John: What if he were to track Robyn down, ask her if she knew you, if she went to see the play. She could put two and two together, she knows I
went, I told her too, but I at least said I went on my own.

Janice: Well, my going on my own wouldn't have sounded plausible to Richie... I'm okay with what I did, nothing will come of it.

John: I hope not.

Janice: Why are you so fussed about what I told Richie? You led me to believe that you wouldn't care if Robyn found out, that your marriage is virtually
over anyway. Have you been completely truthful with me? Maybe you're really afraid that she might find out what you're up to?

John: Of course not.

Janice: John, are you being really truthful with me or are you just telling me what you think I want to hear so you can try to get into my panties?

John: Don't be crude my dearest Janice, I am only thinking of us.

Janice: Oh, taking the high moral ground now, eh! I think I might go John, I'll talk to you later.

John: No, don't go away angry, please stay on the line.

Janice: No, I'm not angry, I just need to stop and think, I'll talk to you Sunday, okay.

John: Alright, bye my dearest.

So, is there a chink in the relationship? I couldn't wait to hear the next call, would I have to wait until Sunday or would one of them relent and try to
make contact earlier. My equipment indicated there were a couple of hang-up calls on Friday, sounded like John trying to make up his lost ground and
my wife rebuffing him... good on her!

Nothing on Saturday, so I went out to work in the backyard around the time that I expected John would call her on Sunday afternoon. From there, I
could hear the phone ringing and this time she did answer it. I couldn't wait until Sunday night to catch up on the content of that call although my eager
anticipation that there was a chill in the air between them turned out to be short-lived...

Janice: (sexy voice from the outset, obviously knowing it was him) Hello, Janice here!

John: Hello my dearest, it's so great to hear your voice and to not have you hang up on me. How are you today... oh, and can you talk?

Janice: Yes, Richie's working out in the backyard, I can see him through the window from here so the coast is clear.

John: And how are you today?

Janice: I am quite okay thanks John... but actually before we start, I think I need to clear the air with you, I was perhaps a bit tough on you on

John: Yes, I think that you accused me of leading you on, you were saying that maybe I wasn't quite truthful about the state of my marriage. I tried to
call you back because that did upset me greatly. I wouldn't lie to you, and my marriage really is kaput... we are just running through the motions of
winding it up.

Janice: Thank you for clarifying that, but it's not really necessary, I did overstep the mark and I had no right to say what I did. You haven't actually given
me any reason to disbelieve your intentions and I shouldn't have been so rude as to suggest that you were only trying to get into my panties. So John,
please accept my apology.

John: Oh dearest Janice, I am so pleased to hear you say that and of course I will accept your apology. Thank you so much, I am sure we are good. I
hated that something so silly could come between us. So tell me, what's been happening in your world since we last spoke?

Janice: Well, strangely Richie is being more attentive to me than usual, I don't know what to make of it. I'm hoping he doesn't suspect something, I've
tried to be so careful. The only thing could be these Sunday afternoon phone calls, maybe he's figured something's odd by the way I rush to answer the
phone on Sundays when I never do the rest of the week. Although watching him now out in our backyard as I am, he doesn't look that interested... he
must have heard the phone ringing. Maybe it's just my guilty conscience making me think that he must know something.

John: Janice dearest, you have done nothing to feel guilty about.

Janice: It depends on what one considers guilt, John. I did let you kiss me on Wednesday and in the theatre I had my arm warmly against yours for two
hours and we were holding hands... that did get a bit intimate when you took my hand and placed it against your... err, your, um, your erection.

John: Only the back of your hand and we were both fully clothed. It wasn't like I got you to hold it, which of course I would have loved.

Janice: Now now, let's not bring that up again John.

John: Too late for that dearest Janice, if you know what I mean.

Janice: Yes, I guess I do John, oh dear that really is quite phenomenal how that happens every time you talk to me. You must be a very sexual man.

John: I think I am, I do think about it a lot these days. Of course, in my house, that's all I can do... think about it. So sweetheart, what are you doing this
week, have you anything on?

I had thought that my lovely wife had hit the nail on the head in their last phone call when she pretty much accused him of not really having a bad
marriage and just telling her he did to get into her panties. But already today she had relented and apologised. He just had an opportunity to spin some
more garbage about the state of his marriage but he never followed through. Maybe he was smarter than I thought.

Janice: There's a leading question... what's that expression, that's for me to know and for you to find out.

John: Umm, very interesting! Janice, I was hopeful that we could get together one day, is there anything special you'd like to do? Do you want to do
lunch again?

Janice: Certainly not in the city after that scare we had when one of Richie's work colleagues spotted us.

John: Well then, we could always do a movie if you'd like?

Janice: Y-e-s maybe! I don't know that there's anything much that I really want to see at the moment.

John: We could go for a long drive, like into the country for the day?

Janice: Oh yes, that could be nice, but I'll tell you what I'd really like to do. Now don't go getting the wrong idea, but you know that spot where we
parked my car to go to the show in yours?"

John: You mean the spot where we went parking when I dropped you back to your car... ha ha!

Janice: (she emitted a girlish giggle) Yes, that's the one, where you took me parking. Well, that's what I called it... but we really just changed cars there,
didn't we? That spot down by the river, just near the Skiff Club, was really nice, very pretty, nicely secluded so we're unlikely to get seen by anybody
that we might know. What about if we just each drove down there, parked our cars and enjoyed the great outdoors for a couple of hours... we could
take in the view and it would give us a chance to talk freely, just between the two of us, get to know each other even better. What do you think about

John: Boy, you sure are a cheap date... yeah, that sounds good to me, what day do you want to do it?

Janice: I think perhaps Wednesday again... that look slike it might become our day each week.

John: Um, that sounds promising. Okay, so what time?

Janice: How about 10 o'clock?

John: That's a date.

Janice: Sorry John, I'll have to cut off now, Richie looks like he's headed back inside here. I'll see you Wednesday at 10, you know the spot.

John: Yes, bye!

So what do I make of this, my wife is looking for a secluded spot to park up with her new man, is she planning to upgrade their level of attraction? I am
still not ready to confront either of them, but being made aware of the location and time, I am thinking that I might take a morning off from work and go
see what develops.

Chapter Four

At lunchtime on Monday, I was back in the technology store looking for something extra to add to my furtive surveillance of my wife's new romance.
Fortunately for me, they had what I was looking for... a digital recording unit, tiny enough to be hidden easily, one that would pick up sounds and
transmit them across a short distance to a digital receiver. My intention was to plant the pick-up unit (the microphone) in my wife's car in the hope that
when they meet on Wednesday, they might talk in her car rather than get out to take a walk or worse, go into his car.

On Wednesday morning, I left for work, carrying my new digital receiver... or at least, to my wife, I appeared to leave for work. In our garage, I fitted the
sound pick-up unit under the front seat in my wife's car, then met up with a friend of mine and borrowed his car. It would be unidentifiable to my wife
and her friend. I drove down early to the location that they intended to meet at and parked under a tree. I didn't know the exact spot where they would
meet, hopefully I wouldn't be too far away.

At 10 to 10, I watched a grey sedan drive into the area and park just 30 metres away from me, closer to the riverside than I was. That must be the
mystery man John, he got out and strolled down toward the water's edge. I got a better look at him as he walked back toward his car.

I would say he looked a bit older than me, quite tall, greying hair but a lot of it. He actually looked quite distinguished and respectable, maybe I could
see what my wife might see in him, although I still couldn't understand why she would even contemplate replacing me.

John didn't quite make it back to his car because at that moment, a familiar sight appeared, my wife's car and of course, she driving it. She pulled up
right alongside his car. I pressed myself down lower in the seat so that I could only just see over the dashboard.

The window was down on her side and John stepped up close to her car, bent his head and leaned inside the car to kiss the driver. I felt a cold shiver
and it felt like something fell inside my body... maybe it was my heart as I saw another man - a stranger to me - kissing my wife with no resistance from

His head was in through the window for a good 30 seconds before he pulled back, long enough for quite an intense kiss.. Through the audio unit in my
hand, I heard my wife's voice loud and clear, telling him, "Um, that's nice!" obviously referring to the kiss. Janice opened her car door and stepped out.

My God, she looked really good, she was wearing a blouse and skirt, but a good combination that is one of my favourites on her. John pressed up
close to my wife, pinning her against her car and made as if he was going to kiss her again. But she brought a hand up in front of her and put her
fingers to his lips to stop him... her head was darting around as if she was nervous that somebody she knew might see her. She was right to do that, I
knew her and I could see her, but fortunately she had no idea I was there.

Rebuffed, John let her take his hand and she led them both down toward the water's edge. They walked together along the narrow strip of sand for a
little while, but then they found a park bench not that far away from me and sat down on it. He slipped his arm affectionately around her shoulders,
probably ready to pull her toward him should she let him get amorous again.

They looked to be deep in earnest conversation and I wished that my technical armoury included a high frequency directional microphone so that I
could pick up what they were saying. Who knows, they could even be having a discussion crucial to any future plans and they may never repeat it in
one of their phone calls. I sat there watching them sitting on that bench for more than half an hour, frustrated at not being able to hear their words.

Around 10.30, Janice stood up without John ever having gained any advantage from having his arm around her shoulders... what I mean is she hadn't
let him kiss her again. She kicked off her shoes and waded into the shallow water until about shin high. I couldn't hear her words, but she looked very
happy and she appeared to be imploring John to join her in her wading. Her skirt was not a tight one and her hands on the outside of her thighs
gathered up the bottom hem and lifted it up high well above the knees. It wasn't a flowing river, she wasn't in that deep - the water only lapping up to
her shins - and there were no waves so I thought it was totally unnecessary for her to raise her loose skirt up so high. It looked to me like she was only
doing it to flaunt the sight of her nice legs - showing more than half her thighs - to John.

He resisted joining her for several minutes, but eventually he pulled off his shoes, removed his socks and rolled his trousers up to just below his knees.
He waded in to join her in the river shallows, taking her hand to steady himself on the uneven river bottom.

They strolled about in the water for about 10 minutes until eventually Janice let John's hand go and she returned to the little sandy beach, her feet and
lower legs still wet. With my window down, I could actually hear my wife shout back to John, "I brought a towel, I'll get it." Janice stepped gingerly
across the gravel until reaching her car. She retrieved a towel from inside and went back to the bench to sit down and dry her feet and legs.

By the time she was finished drying, John had come ashore too and she threw the towel to him. He joined her on the bench and dried his own feet and
they each put their shoes back on. Then they seemed to get into a second deep conversation that looked to verge on a serious discussion... there
weren't many smiles between them. Oh, how I wished I knew what it was about. While their talk looked to be quite intense, a couple of times Janice
broke her concentration to look about her, like she was nervous that somebody could be watching them. How astute was my wife... or how guilty was
she feeling?

Their earnest discussion continued for almost 10 minutes more and then Janice rose up from the bench, carrying her towel. She headed back to the
cars and when she reached hers she threw the towel in through the open back window, turning just as John, following closely behind her, joined her at
the car and, as he had done earlier, used his body to pin her against her front driver's door. Her feet were together and his feet were placed either side
of hers as he pressed his tall body against my wife's. For a moment, she appeared to look apprehensive and I thought she might deny him because
they were out in the open, but then she looked to relax and smiled warmly up at him... he bent his face down and kissed her again and she let him.

The first time he kissed my wife, she was still sitting in the car and it was difficult for me to actually see the contact of their lips, but this time, their kiss
was out in the open and I could see how prolonged and passionate it quickly became. I recalled the comment on the phone last week about no open
mouths and tongues in their first kiss... well from the passionate kiss happening right in front of me this time, I was pretty sure their tongues were
intensely involved.

I felt that falling feeling inside my body again, I could not deny that watching my wife of 25 years eagerly and willingly kissing another man had a
serious effect on me. What was worse, as the kiss intensified, I watched her left hand willingly come up and close around the back of his neck, hugging
his head tightly to hers, appearing to encourage him on. Her right hand came up too, lightly touching his cheek like she was holding his face steady so
that she might kiss him back.

I found it hard to watch them, yet I couldn't look away. When the kiss eventually ended, Janice appeared breathless as she leaned back against her car
door and John pressed his whole body up against hers. Again she looked furtively around her, I would think anxious about being seen in such an
intimate moment... her heart was probably racing from the intensity of their kiss. At least she had some kind of conscience.

John was oblivious to any watchers and he dipped his head down and placed his mouth on my wife's neck, obviously eager to turn up the heat in their
relationship. It must have worked because both her hands that had dropped to her sides when the kiss first ended, abruptly came up to hold him once
more... one folded around the back of his head, pulling him to her, his lips tightly against her neck and throat. The other touching his cheek, possibly
even using that hand to steer his lips to the spots on her neck where she felt most sensuous. She threw her head back and it rested against the roof of
her car.

His body was pressed up so tightly against hers. She would have to feel whatever arousal he was experiencing and since he had told her previously on
the phone that the mere sound of her voice made him hard, then from the passion around them, he would have to be stiff as a board by now. I felt
resentment that this man was pressing his rampant cock against the belly of my wife as a signal of his urgent arousal.

She looked to be breathless again and I worried that she was losing control of the situation. After what seemed an interminable time with his lips
pressing at her neck, she at last pushed him back away from her. She said something to him and he moved his head to one side and peered closely at
the part of her neck where his lips had been so active. I am guessing that she must have asked whether he had marked her with love bites. He nodded
his head as if to confirm her suspicion and she brought a hand up to touch the spot and a look of deep concern came on her face.

She maintained a hand pressed against his chest to keep him at arm's length as they talked some more. I thought for a moment that she had come to
her senses when she discovered he had given her love bites that would be visible to me when I got home. But then, to my absolute amazement, I
watched stunned as that hand of hers pressing against his chest relaxed its firm hold and slid down the front of his shirt to where the garment tucked
into his trousers.

My wife touched the belt buckle at his waist... even with the movement of her hand on his body, her gaze never deviated, her eyes intently staring up
into his as if she was captivated by this man. Then, only her fingers - not the whole hand now - slipped down from his belt buckle, touching the front of
his trousers where they paused. I was too far away, I tried to guess whether her fingertips would be able to feel the tip of his cock through the material.
It all depended on how big he was. Was that why they stopped there? I cursed myself for not bringing a pair of binoculars.

Her eyes broke away from his and she turned her head around. She appeared nervous, I guessed that she was anxious that she might be seen by
someone she knew... seen touching the front of the trousers of a man that nobody she knew would expect to see her with, down here by the river. She
craned her neck to look around behind her, over the roof of her own car. Neither of them had taken any notice of the car I sat low-down in... they
obviously assumed its owner was elsewhere. That was true, the car's owner was, but the car's occupant - me - was right here, checking on the infidelity
of my previously loving wife.

Janice seemed to convince herself that nobody could see them and she turned her attention back to what her hand was doing. Janice didn't return to
gazing into John's eyes... instead, her head, her face tilted forward and all three of us watched that hand of hers that had paused lightly pressed
against the front of John's trousers. It looked like her fingers folded around a prominent shape that was upright vertically inside the man's trousers.
There was no doubt in my mind that my wife was now intimately touching him - albeit still through the material of his trousers - feeling the shape of his
presumably hard erection.

John threw his head back dramatically at her touch as if he was experiencing the greatest pleasure that had ever happened to him and I saw my wife
shifting her hand around, either checking its length and substance or perhaps even wanking him a little on the outside of his clothing. He brought his
face back down to look into her eyes and she looked up into his. Both his hands reached out and touched my wife's breasts, cupping them - over the
material of her blouse and bra - then moving them around to massage her twin orbs.

I was amazed at how brazen they both were, but admittedly there was no one else within sight and my car was the only other vehicle in the area. I was
pressed down so low in the seat that if they looked across, it would have appeared as if the car was empty, they could have thought it was that of a
fisherman who had gone out onto the river in his tinny to fish.

I had never expected that I would see this sort of display today... how far would they go? I had come here to spy on my wife and her new friend, a little
fearful of what I might see, all the time hoping that Janice would eventually draw the line. But if I did get to see the relationship getting out of hand, then
I desperately hoped that I would be seeing my wife seduced, not the other way around. The worst scenario would be to watch the woman I had loved
for the past 25 years initiating any act of adultery.

Both sets of hands were working feverishly now - it would seem - my wife's fingers fondling at John's cock while her breasts were moulded and groped
by this man. At last, I was relieved when Janice let go of the front of John's trousers and then used her arms to break his hold on her breasts. She
pushed him aside to move away from her car. She took a couple of steps and then turned her back to me, looking back lingeringly at him from a short
distance. With seemingly no suggestion from John, my wife turned and walked on her own around the back of her car to her front passenger door and
opened it. It appeared that she was about to get into her own car on the passenger side.

She stared at her new friend across the roof of the car... he still stood where she had left him, standing beside the driver's door of her car. With her car
door open, the speaker alongside me in my friend's car suddenly and unexpectedly broadcast my wife's voice... the microphone under the front seat
picking up her words across the roof of the car to John. "I'm not promising anything John and I fear that I'll get cold feet, but at this very moment, I want
to feel you close to me."

I don't know if he said anything in reply because he still stood outside a closed door with a closed window and the microphone in the car couldn't pick
him up if he did speak. Then, to my amazement, Janice abruptly closed the front passenger side car door, took two steps sideways to the back door on
that side, opened it and slid inside. I could see her hand reach out and pull the door closed behind her. When he saw what my wife was doing, John
very quickly reacted, moving to the back door on the driver's side, opening that and sliding in onto the back seat, alongside Janice. My God, they were
going parking in the back seat of her car, just like teenagers.

While there was nothing for me to like about what was happening here in the parking lot in front of me, it was at least fortunate for me that they had
selected her car to sit in and not his. If I couldn't see what they might be about to do, at least I would be able to hear... I reached over and turned up the
volume on my digital scanner that was tuned to the frequency of the pick-up unit that I had planted under the front driver's seat of her car.

"Oh my God, I can't believe I am doing this - at my age," my wife's voice, still with that pseudo sexual tone, came through clear as a bell. I had to
marvel at how wonderful today's technology is, they both sounded like they were in the back seat of the car I was in.

"Yes my dearest Janice, I can't recall the last time that I sat in the back of a parked car."

"Maybe we should just go and get a room."

I couldn't believe that my wife would suggest such a thing, she appeared to be leading this nonsense.

"I suggested that to you when we were sitting out there on the bench and you rejected that idea out of hand."

"Yes, well I thought it all sounded a bit grubby, but that was before you kissed me with so much passion and you kissed my neck and gave me love
bites and before you touched my breasts too."

"And before you touched my cock too, I think that's really what got this going. Oh my God, your hand felt so good, I have wanted that so badly every
time we've talked on the phone and I came up hard. Do you think you could do that some more... please!

"What... like this?"

I could hear a loud sigh that obviously belonged to John, "Like that yes, oh your touch is so good... but it would be even better if you were really
touching it."

"What do you mean by really touching? Oh John, surely you don't mean to touch it without your clothes in the way? Oh my God, that would be really
naughty, wouldn't it? Do you want me to actually reach into your trousers and take it out John?"

"Oh yes Janice... that would be fabulous."

"I don't know, I'm still a bit wary about where this is heading. As I told you when we were sitting over on that bench, I have used the last couple of days
to really assess my marriage and what was left of it... I do think it will be over. It just might take a bit of time to convince Richie of that. I desperately
don't want to hurt him, although I know that's probably inevitable. He seems so oblivious to my feelings these days, so I am guessing it will come as a
bit of a shock to him."

"Janice, you need to do this for you, to bring some happiness back into your life."

"What are you doing John?"

"I am doing what it looks like, I am unbuttoning your blouse."

"I am trying to have a serious discussion with you about the realities of my marriage and what it will mean for any future that we may have, and you're
idly undressing me as if you're not even listening."

"I am sorry dearest, but I am listening... to every word. And I wasn't intending to stop you talking, I was just trying to make us both more comfortable
while we talk. After all, isn't that why we came into the car... that we both wanted to do things and to touch places that we couldn't expose outside of the
car? Because we both wanted more, you'd have to agree."

"Oh yes, I felt very uneasy about touching your erection out in the open where anybody could drive by and see us... although I still don't know why I
agreed to us getting into the back seat. The bucket seats in the front might have been a bit safer given your constantly wandering hands."

"And lips!"

"Oh yes, that damn mouth of yours, fancy you daring to give me love bites on my neck, I have no idea how I can hide them from Richie. How bad is it
John, are they really dark?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Oh my God, what were you thinking? Love bites John, that's a teenage thing."

"I'm sorry, I just lost it, I just wanted to devour you... like now, I want to have my mouth, my lips, my tongue on your breasts."

"Is that what you're about to do, is that why you've opened my blouse? Oh my God, I can't believe this, no other man than Richie has even seen these
breasts, let alone done anything with them in all the years I've been married."

"I like your bra, I like it that you wear a sexy one at your age, not like the dreary double D's in my wife's wardrobe."

"Just as well I chose to wear one of my nice bras, although I really never expected that I'd be undressing in front of you. So what do you want to do
John, are you going to take my bra off?"

"That's what I want Janice, your bra's got to go."

"Well, if that's what you really want, I might as well save you some time fumbling. make it as easy as possible for you. Here, see this, there's a catch in
front between the cups, so you don't have to reach around behind my back, which was probably what you had to do the last time you removed a
woman's bra. I'm guessing it was a couple of decades ago unless you've tried this on some other woman recently."

"No, no I haven't, definitely not. Let me see, did you mean this spot right here between the cups?"

"Yes, that's it, just grasp the two sides, push them together and they'll release and the two sides will fall... oops, there you go, you did it!"

"Wow, how functional is that, I like it, bras have sure come a long way since I last tried to remove one. Oh I love it... oh and I love these... oh, just look
at them, Janice you're beautiful, you have such beautiful breasts. I mean I knew they would be, but now, getting to see them uncovered, they're
marvellous... and still quite firm."

"Don't lie John, they're not so perky anymore. In fact, you could say they sag a bit."

"No that's nonsense, they're really great. I don't want to sound like I'm comparing but in the dictionary under the word sagging, there's an photo of my
wife's breasts."

"Oh John, that's not very nice."

"It mightn't sound nice, but I only say it to let you know that what you have there could never be called sagging. They have held up beautifully, two
beautiful smooth globes, and those nipples. Oh my God, I love them. Oh, I've got to have a taste of this."

"Oh... oh dear... oh John, (the sound of a deep gasp of breath) oh that's so nice. Oh my God, your lips and that tongue. Oh, I remember you told me
how your tongue could do good things. I'd say you were being very truthful. Oh... oh yes, like that... oh yes, right there, oh my God, sucking on it... oh
that's so nice!"

His voice sounded muffled and I was certain that I knew why. He was trying to talk with his mouth full... full of my wife's nipples and breasts. Damn the
bastard! "I've so... umm, so wanted to... to do this, to... umm, make you feel good."

"Oh, you do John, oh that feels so nice... oh yes, do more of that, oh your tongue going around in circles like that... oh, it's so good! And your fingers on
my skin, they're so soft and gentle for a big man like yourself."

"Oh these nipples, I can't believe their size now."

"They're not always that big though, and I must admit that they haven't risen up like that for some time. Oh my God, that is so nice! Oh, I think when
you were touching them outside, when I was leaning against the car, and you were massaging them... I think that did it, got them up big and hard."

Speaking of hard, my dearest Janice, is there a possibility that you might be able to reciprocate?"

"Oh that's right, you asked me to touch your penis without your clothes being in the way, didn't you? Well John, you're going to have to earn it first, I so
love the way your fingers and your lips and your tongue feel on this nipple, but you've completely ignored the other one and it's feeling very left out.
Come on, let's see what your mouth can do over this side and if you can make me feel even better, then I promise I'll take your penis out of your

The talking stopped at that point, but my digital audio unit was powerful enough that it actually picked up the passionate sounds of my wife moaning
deliriously. John was obviously working away feverishly at her breasts, doing the best that he could to take up Janice's challenge so he could claim his
reward. I could even hear his lips and tongue slurping noisily, sucking on and licking my wife's bare breasts and nipples.

"Oh my God, that's so good, Richie hasn't made me feel this good for years... don't stop, you mustn't stop John, but if you can, just try and twist your
body around a bit so that I can get at your belt and open the zip on your flies while you continue that wonderful sucking on my breasts."

John's voice was still muffled, obviously his mouth was still pressed firmly around one of Janice's nipples, "Okay, how's that?"

"Oh yes, that's much better, now let's see... my head's so far back that I can't see what I'm doing, but I'll just lower this zipper and if I reach inside here
and feel around a little bit, I believe I might find something quite hard and impressive. Is that right?"

John's only response was a very muffled, "Ummmm!"

"Oh yes, there it is, oh John, that feels quite big!"

I couldn't believe how the two of them had progressed so rapidly to urgent sexual activity, just as well I had come down here to check them out for
myself. And especially after Janice's nonsense claims that she didn't want a sexual relationship, yet she constantly steered their phone conversations
to sex talk at every opportunity.

"Don't stop John, oh please don't stop... your lips, your tongue, they feel so good on my breasts."

"No, I promise Janice, I'm not stopping, but please, can you just give me a minute... this is a special moment for me and I want to savour it. Aaahhhh!
That feels so wonderful, your warm fingers inside my pants, touching me, holding me. I can actually feel your whole hand around my cock shaft at last.
Oh my God, that's so good to feel your hand, so gentle on my cock... I have waited to feel this since we first started talking on the phone about how
hard I get when I hear your sexy voice. Oh God, that feels so good. Please, let me soak up the pleasure of this for just a moment... I promise you I'll get
back to your breasts."

"It does feel nice in my hand John, it feels like you are a nice size... and oh dear, you are very hard. Is this how it is when we talk on the phone, is it as
hard as this when we talk?"

"It does get hard when we talk, but no, I don't think it's ever been this hard, the touch of your hand is making it get extra hard now."

"What should I do John? Should I take it out of your pants, do you want me to get it right out? I think I probably should. We've talked so much about it
that I'm fascinated to see it, yet at the same time I know it's wrong, I know I shouldn't be doing this - I'm cheating on Richie, but I think I'd like to have a
look at it."

"Oh yes, that's what I want, please take it out now."

"Oh my God, there it is, oh at last I get to see it. Oh John, it's a nice one, it looks good too, and I like the way it feels in my hand. What happens if I do
this, if I touch it this way?"

"Oh Janice, it was good just to feel you holding it in your hand, but now you're stroking it. Oh my God, that is so great! And you know what, you're
gonna love the feel of it too when it slides into your body."

"Whoa, wait on John, not too fast! We're not doing any of that, not going that far. I'm already doing way more than I ever expected we might do today."

"Oh no, I'm sorry I said that, I didn't mean to scare you. Please don't stop holding it... please Janice, put your hand back on it."

"Well, just you hold up there, don't go talking about sliding it into me. Just because I agreed to get in the back seat, we're not about to go down that
road just yet. It could be a long while before we ever get to that stage... if we ever do."

That was a relief to hear my wife admonish John for even suggesting that he would fuck her with his hard cock. At least my wife was not about to give
her body away cheaply on only the third date to this lecher. Judging by the way he was whining now, Janice must have let go of his cock when he
suggested sliding it into her.

"Oh, don't tease me dearest Janice, I've had all those days when your sexy voice has left me hard after our phone calls... now I need something more."

"Just touching John, that's all for now. Speaking of that, is your mouth coming back to warm my nipples some more? They're feeling very neglected."

"Yes, I'm sorry, I got carried away when you got my cock out."

"Maybe if you could just half roll over, we should be able to have both... there, that's it, like that... oh yes, oh that's nice, you're doing that some more,
yes I love your tongue and your lips there on my breast... on my nipple too! Oh, so good just like that!"

There was a long gap now between words but the heavy breathing was building in intensity and I could only imagine what was going on in the car just
25 metres in front of me. Now that they had taken their relationship to a higher level, I did seriously contemplate running over to my wife's car and
hauling this prick out and smashing his stupid face in. I only held back because I feared that embarking on that action would only steer Janice's
sympathy to her new lover and possibly bring forward her plans for the break-up. No, as hard as it was to listen to this crap, I needed to try to win her
back at home, to do the little things that all women like, and that I had to admit I might have slacked off on.

"Oh John, you've stopped again, why? That was feeling really good, my breasts were tingling."

John's voice was breathless now, "I didn't want to stop, but with the way you're stroking your hand on my cock, I can't concentrate on your nipples. Oh
God Janice, your hand touching me feels so good that I'm almost there."

"Oh no, are you going to cum John?"

"Yes I am... oh Janice, if you keep stroking it like that, I'm gonna cum real soon. You can't stop now, just keep sliding your hand up and down like that."

"Perhaps I should stop John? I think that maybe we've gone far enough for one day, I never intended to do anything like this with you today."

"Oh God no, I've had blue balls every time I talk to you, getting erections and then no relief... you've got to get me off now, oh right now Janice. Don't
stop for even a moment, I can't lose it now, just maintain that rhythm. Oh yes!"

"Okay, but only this once John. What should I do, what would you like? Is it enough to just keep sliding my hand up and down like this? Is that what you
want... do you want to cum now?"

"Oh yes, I want to cum, I need to, I have to! Oh God, you... your hand... has got me hovering on the brink."

"Will this do it, will this get you off?"

"It might, I'm hoping it will, your stroking is very nice, but just when it feels like I'm about to cum, it sort of tapers off. I might need something more to
push me over the top. Maybe you can use your imagination my dearest, I'm sure that you and your husband have been in this position before, back
when you two were sexually active. Why don't you do whatever comes naturally, whatever you remember about the way that a woman can definitely
get a man off."

I wondered how long it was going to take for Janice to realise where her friend was heading. He was trying to be subtle with her, but it sounded to my
ears like he wanted her best blow job. That is, if it occurred to her before she wanked him to a finish! I was intrigued now to see how Janice might react
to that... when it occurred to her what he was after, would she take the cock of a man she barely knew into her mouth? More important, would she
swallow his cum? She hadn't given me the benefit of her mouth on my cock for years, and she used to be so good at it too. I already knew from past
experience how much John would enjoy it if she consented.

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting John?"

Hello, the light had gone off in my wife's head.

"Oh hell, your mouth would feel so good right now. That would definitely do it Janice."

"I don't know if I'm ready to go that far John."

(Breathlessly) "Oh please... there's no time to think about it Janice, I'm almost at the point of no return."

"Oh men!" I heard my wife exclaim loudly and then an equally loud gasp of abject appreciation from John that could only mean Janice had closed her
mouth over his cock head. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my wife was giving in to his carnal request. Why, for God's sake, why?

"Oh God yes... oh my dearest Janice, yes... oh yes, exactly like that... oh, that's gonna do it, for sure. Oh, you're so good at it. Oh shit, do you
swallow... oh my God, I so hope you do... you can't leave me now, don't you dare to take your mouth away. Oh, here it comes... any moment... this will
be it... I can feel it coming up from my balls. Oh God, are you ready for this? Let me fill your mouth! YES... here it is... oh God, it's now! Oh dearest
Janice, take it all. Oh YES, YES! Oh more, there's more, keep sucking on me! Don't stop sucking till you've got every last drop."

My wife's John had maintained a seemingly interminable flow of gasping breathless words while obviously hovering on the verge of his release. And
then as his cock must have been spasming his cum deep to my wife's throat, through the speaker there were only the sounds of his pleasurable moans
and deep breathing... the loud gasping unmistakable sounds of a man ejaculating, complemented by loud slurping sounds. I pictured the slurps being
my wife's lips pursed tightly around his pumping shaft, her cheeks indenting as she sucked and I would assume swallowed his deposit.

I felt these incredibly strange feelings as I listened, hearing this stranger's satisfied finish, and knowing that in that car that I stared at - with the
windows now fogged up - in broad daylight just over there, his cock was spilling its cum into my wife's seemingly receptive mouth. It had happened,
Janice had at last cheated on me.

I listened to the speaker in my borrowed car, hearing this man's laboured breathing slowly return to normal. I hadn't heard a word from Janice, was her
mouth still full of his cum - or had she swallowed it all down her throat by now? It had been several minutes before I heard John's clear voice again,
"Oh God, that was sensational, Janice you do that so well, I doubt that I've ever had a better blow job."

Knowing what had just transpired in my wife's car not 30 metres away, it was strange to hear her voice when eventually she spoke... I was conscious
that she would still have the taste of male cum in her mouth, her throat. "I feel a bit embarrassed John... I had given our relationship a lot of thought
these past few days. I must admit to you that I had reached a decision that my feelings were such that I did want to step it up a bit, to be more intimate
with you. But I never dreamed that I'd be taking your penis into my mouth... not this soon anyway, or even that I would be swallowing your cum. I had
considered there might be a possibility that I could do that somewhere down the track, but certainly not now, not this soon. I can't fully explain how I
feel right now... I think I might have a bit of guilt where my husband is concerned, I feel like I just crossed a line here today with you. No John, please
don't touch my breasts anymore, not for now... it was wonderful, having your mouth on my breasts and my nipples, but I'm going to put them away

"No, not yet Janice, please! Let me kiss you there just a little bit more, I want to make you feel good too."

"The feel of your fingers first, and then your lips and tongue on my breasts was wonderful, but that on its own is not gonna do it for me if you mean
what I think you mean about making me feel good too."

"I could touch you down there, finger you, bring you on... you could feel as great as I do now."

"No John, I've said no, please respect me and leave it at that, I think I might go now. I need some time on my own, I have a lot to think about."

"Don't go away mad dearest Janice."

"No John, don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at you, I'm a grown woman and I did what I just did willingly, although I think I got caught up in the
moment... all that kissing kind of overwhelmed me. I'm just a bit confused about my feelings now and where I stand with my marriage. I need some
quiet time to reflect, I'll talk to you on the phone soon."

"What, this afternoon?"

"Don't try to make me conform to a timetable, I will call you when I'm ready."

After what I had just listened to, how good for me to hear that my wife seemed to find some sort of conscience, even if it took her sucking on her
friend's cock to do it. I saw the rear car doors open, watched my wife stepping out from the left, she was wearing her bra but she was still buttoning her
blouse after having exposed her breasts to John. As she had been all along, she appeared still nervous and apprehensive that she could be seen by
somebody she knew... her head darted around, checking all directions but seemingly oblivious to my parked car. John on the other hand, had no such
fears, and as I saw him appear from the right side, he was nonchalantly stuffing his now limp dick inside his pants and then zipping up his trousers as
he straightened up.

Janice came around the back of her car, and as she passed John, she reached up and gave him a quick kiss. He tried to gather her up in his arms for
a longer passionate moment as before. But she deftly evaded his clutch, opened the driver's door and jumped in, quickly starting the car. She did wind
the window down and John leaned in, his words captured on my digital receiver.

"Will you be alright Janice, I am worried, something odd seems to have just happened between us, I don't want to lose you after finding such a perfect

"It's okay John, you're not losing me, I just need to review where we are, I never expected us to do what we did today."

"It was all natural, just arousal and desire, just a reaction to kissing and personal touching."

"Yes, yes I know, look I'm going John, we'll talk."

My wife reversed out of the parking spot and quickly drove away, leaving John standing there, looking quite bewildered. He walked over to his car, but
before getting in, he paused beside the now open driver's door and suddenly bashed the roof heavily with his closed fist.

I had been sitting here contemplating going over to him after Janice drove away, intending to confront him now he was on his own, to warn him to piss
off out of our lives. But when I saw his fist dent the roof of his car, I decided that I might hold that confrontation for the moment. There was an angry
man... interesting that he could get that fired up, particularly after my wife had just given him such delicious relief with her mouth. Was it because he
was genuinely in love with my wife and had pressed her too quickly, now fearful that he had messed up the romance that was building? Or was it that
he was only chasing her for the sex and now saw that he might not get any further with her after sticking his cock in her mouth when she wasn't yet
ready for that?

It was still so early in the day that I headed off to work.

To be continued in Part 2

Part 02

Richard recently discovered that his wife of 25 years - the mother of his children - has just begun an affair with a man called John that she met in a
supermarket line. He purchased some listening devices ... one for the home phone and one to place in his wife's car so that he can monitor just how
serious the couple's illicit relationship may be. He has just sat in a car 30 metres away and listened to his wife giving a blow job to her new lover so
now it's serious.


Chapter Five

Twenty-five years married is worth fighting for, you don't just end it with a hasty reaction to one transgression, particularly so since my past fidelity
carries with it a black scar.

That evening, I took a bunch of flowers home with me, partly to ease my conscience for illegally spying on her, but on the other hand, I got the reaction
I was hoping for. I quickly saw that it threw her, this was going to play with my wife's mind ... I hadn't bought her flowers for years.

"What are these for?" she asked, her face screwing up.

"Don't you like them?"

"Yes, of course I do, but what are they for, you haven't bought me flowers for years and years."

"I just felt the impulse, honey ... I was thinking how I might not have been so attentive to you lately."

"Wow, that's amazing, did you really come to that conclusion all by yourself or has somebody in the office said something to make you feel guilty."

"No, I just arrived at this on my own."

"You couldn't have, you never think that way ... have you been listening to my phone calls?"

Shit, I can't believe she said that ... did I blush red? I hope I didn't respond too quickly, I felt a touch of guilt but tried to answer innocently, "No of course
not, what are you talking about?"

"I can't believe that you have miraculously tapped into exactly what I have been thinking. Are you suggesting that you are so intuitive that you did this
without any prompting from anyone?"

"Yes Janice, over the past few months," I lied, "I have become concerned that we were drifting away from each other."

"Well, that's unbelievable, and I might suggest only just in time."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, if you must know, now the subject has come up, I have been thinking long and hard about us breaking up. Our marriage is stale, you just don't
show any interest in me at all now and the more I'm with you, the more everything you do pisses me off."

"Shit, that's huge, us breaking up, eh? So what would you do? Would you live on your own or go out and find another man?"

I watched her face closely, she seemed to be wrestling with what to say next. Was she actually considering admitting to her new relationship with
John? Was she now so sure about him in her own mind that she might dare to reveal all to me? My God, just bringing home flowers had brought us to
this moment of truth.

I ... err, I ... oh Richie, I don't really know what I might do ... I haven't thought that far." Now she was the one who was lying, "I don't know, I might live
on my own, initially ... until I see what's out there for a 50-year old woman."

"Could you see yourself with another man, I mean marrying again?"

I watched her lips closely as she pondered how she would answer my latest direct question, so fortunate for me that I now knew as much as I did. I
looked at those lips, her lovely lips, the lips that I had known for so many years, and that I used to kiss quite passionately ... until she told me recently
how she didn't like the wet tongues, the saliva. Funny thing is that didn't seem to worry her today. I imagined how those lips had looked, circled tightly
around her friend's erect cock, sucking him until he blew his cum into her mouth and she swallowing it all - every last drop - down her throat.

"If the right attentive loving man came along, I guess I could see myself with someone again."

"I better watch myself then, with the prospect of that hanging over my head."

"Yes, you better had," and my wife, still holding the bunch of flowers, leaned toward me and kissed me flush on the lips. I hoped that she had washed
her face, and more specifically her mouth, since getting home from her illicit date. I couldn't taste any trace of a man's cum on her lips.

Interestingly, it was not a cool evening but Janice wore a heavy sweater with a rolled collar that completely covered her neck. In the warmth of the
kitchen, she appeared to be sweating. I wondered how she would continue to cover John's love bites over the coming few days.

After dinner, I left the TV off and we sat and talked. "So how was your day darling? Did you go out anywhere, catch up with any of your friends?"

I watched her smile, "Yes, I went down to the mall, caught up with Robyn Clark, we had coffee and a snack together."

"Robyn, isn't that your new friend that you went to the play with last week?"

"Yes, that's her."

Did I imagine it that she seemed to place extra emphasis on the word her?

"Goodness me, I must meet this Robyn, she seems to be becoming your bestie."

That brought a sudden reaction, "No, you wouldn't want to meet her, she's not your type Richie, a bit arty, you'd probably describe her as bland."

"Where does she live?"

"Oh, I don't know exactly, I just have her phone number and email, I've never enquired where she lives."

"Oh, that's strange, to have a friend and not know where they live."

"I don't think so," and with that she quickly managed to change the subject.

About 9, I went to the bathroom and ran a warm soaking bath to which I added some bath salts. Then I returned to our living room, stretched out my
hand to my wife, "Come on darling, I've run you a bath."

"No, I'm right thanks, I had a shower earlier."

"What, this morning, that's ages ago?"

"No, when I got home from the mall."

"Why would you do that in the middle of the day, after only going to the mall? You always have a shower in the morning before you go out."

"Yes, I guess I do ... I, I err, I don't know, I just got home and felt like having a shower, I felt gritty."

"Gritty? What does that mean, do you mean sand-like gritty."

"Sand, no, why would you say sand?"

"I was just wondering what you meant by gritty."

"Why this inquisition about me having a shower, and why are you running me a bath ... do you find me dirty these days? I wouldn't have thought you
noticed anything about me?"

"Now don't be like that, I just thought I was doing a nice thing to run a lovely warm soaking bath for you."

She mellowed, "Okay, I'll go have a bath, you've talked me into it."

I had left the bathroom light off and lit a couple of candles in there. I would show my wife that I could still be a romantic. I got no reaction from her when
she went in and closed the door.

I went into the en-suite bathroom and took a quick shower, managing to beat her into bed where after a lingering half-hour soaking in her bath, she
found me propped up on pillows in my pyjamas and reading a book. The overhead light was off, just the two bedside lamps illuminated our bedroom.

She wore only a bath towel wrapped around her, "The bath was nice, thank you Richie, that was very thoughtful of you," and then she did a kind of
double-take when she spotted her nightgown on the bed, "What on earth is going on with you, what has come over you, why this sudden change? You
have been so indifferent to me these last couple of years and suddenly, virtually overnight, you're fawning over me."

"I just realised that I haven't been as attentive as maybe I should be, that's all darling."

She looked at me very suspiciously, "So what, do you want me to wear this to bed?"

"That would be nice darling ... or nothing at all if you'd prefer."

She disappeared into the en-suite with the flimsy garment and came back wearing it ... for a 50-year-old, she still looked pretty hot in it. I began to see
why this John character was attracted to her. My task now was to try to make her unavailable to him.

As she walked to her side of the bed, I at last caught a glimpse of the left side of her neck in the half-light of the bedroom, saw how prominently she
had been marked by her new lover. I had left the sheet on her side turned back, she switched off her lamp quickly, seeming to hide her neck from me.
She slipped into bed alongside me and I reached up and switched off my bedside light. "Aren't you going to keep reading?" she asked.

"No, some other time for reading," I told her as I rolled toward her and took her into my arms in our darkened bedroom, just a sliver of moonlight from
the window coming across the bed.

"What on earth is going on, Richie you are spooking me out, what are you intending to do now?"

"What do you think?"

"That's it, I don't know, why are you so suddenly like this? Something's happened Richie, please explain to me. Has somebody said something to you,
have you seen or heard something to make you want to suddenly become so attentive, so amorous?"

"What would anyone say darling, what could I see or hear? Is there something I need to know?"

She looked long and hard at me, her head propped up on her hand. Again, I thought for a moment that she was going to let it all come out, to confess
about her new relationship with John. I am sure that she considered it and then she drew the protective screen up once more. I really wanted to forget
my uncomfortable sensitive new age guy appearance and return to being Mr. Nonchalant Couldn't Give a Fuck Guy.

But somehow I held it together, did I really want to fight for our marriage, or had it now just become a challenge to me? Was I now more fixated in
stopping this prick John from having her? I took her into my arms and kissed her. I even parted my lips, forced hers apart too and tongue kissed her ...
she didn't object like she usually did with me, in fact she even seemed to like it ... saliva and all. She kissed me back, one of my hands massaged her
breast, my fingers played with her nipple and she moaned. 'That's odd,' I thought, 'I've already heard that same moaning reaction from her today ... only
from another man's hand doing the same thing.'

I moved my face down to her neck, nuzzling with my lips, kissing her over the love bites, "I noticed before that you seemed to have some bruises here,
what happened honey?"

That caught her by surprise, I had seen the love bites even though she seemed to have coated the area around her neck with very heavy make-up. "I,
err, I, um, I fell, yes I fell today and bumped against something hard."

"Did you, goodness me, you didn't say anything about it before, you didn't get any concussion, did you ... you've got to be so careful with that sort of
thing. Did you trip or fall over something?"

"I, err, I tripped."

I gave up kissing her where the loves bites were because the make-up was so thick there that it irritated my lips. I let her off the hook ... for now, moved
my lips onto her breast, sucked on those nipples and thought of John doing the same to her in the back seat of her car this morning. I tried to be as
good as I could be at it, wanting her to compare and decide she liked me doing it better than him.

"You've still got great breasts, my darling, I've missed kissing them, hopefully you have too," I mumbled as my mouth switched from one nipple to the

I could hear the rising emotion in her voice, "Yes I have, that's nice honey, I like you doing that."

But my main target was what John hadn't been able to deliver to her today ... and would never deliver if I could help it. Reluctantly, I left her breasts
and my mouth travelled south, over her navel, across her belly. Janice could now sense where I was heading, "No Richie, not tonight!"

"Why not my darling, you've had a bath, apparently a shower earlier, you must be squeaky clean, I want to taste you."

"Why tonight honey, you haven't done this for ages, why do you want to now?"

My mouth against her bare belly as I answered, "Because I've realised how much I've missed it and I want to go down on you, taste that delicious
nectar that you keep secreted up inside your vagina."

"No, if you really want sex tonight, why don't we just do it normally?"

"Because I want to make you feel special."

"I'm okay, I don't need that.'

"Trust me, I reckon you do." I wasn't about to be put off and my lips continued onto her pussy, my tongue separated the outer labia lips and she gasped
at the intimate touch of my lips and tongue. "See, Richie knows best, Richie knows what Janice needs right now," my voice muffled as my lips pressed
against her pubis.

In spite of my tongue swiping along her slit again, even eliciting a gasp from her, she still tried to resist ... I couldn't work out why. She used to like me
doing this. "No please Richie, not tonight, I really don't feel like this."

I wasn't about to be put off, even when she brought her hands down and tried to push my head out of the inverted vee shaped by her crotch and her
upper thighs. My fingers gently prised her labia lips apart and I began swiping the wet flat of my tongue up along her slit. On the third stroke, I went as
far as the little clitoral bud that was now peeping out from its hidden recess.

"Oh my God!" she called out in delirious delight from the sensual touch of my tongue against her most sensitive inner parts. That did it, all resistance on
her part evaporated and her legs came up, bending her knees, her inner thighs brushing against my ears. I went to town on her, swiping my tongue up
over and over, her cries of delight getting louder, filling the room.

I heard her body responding quite rapidly and her thighs, tight alongside my ears, began trembling. Just when I thought she was on the verge of
coming, I pulled my tongue away. "No!" she screamed, "Don't stop, oh please don't stop!" The tip of my tongue found the opening to her vagina and I
stiffened it and pushed inward. "Oh God, not quite the same, but that's good too ... yes, yes do that!"

My tongue was flooded with her juices, I have always believed that the feminine juices that run within a woman's vagina are just so much better than
the other juices on the outside and I told Janice so after we finished. I coated my tongue in it and withdrew, quickly slipping it back into the groove
formed by her inner lips. I pushed my tongue all the way back up to her clit and resumed the strong forceful tongue swipes, listening to her pleasure
building yet again.

I varied the pleasure I was bestowing on her by taking that little clitoral bud and sucking it in between my lips while swiping the tip with my tongue.
Janice's breathing was now heavy, she was panting, gasping, moaning, her thighs trembling and I knew I'd have to let her come this time. I didn't want
to risk the possibility that if I kept holding her back, her body might lose it altogether and leave her unfulfilled and unsatisfied. She needed to have an
orgasm - from me, particularly after being left high and dry from her encounter with John today.

I heard her breathing peak, felt her thighs trembling against my cheeks from the power of it all, felt her hands gripping my head tightly so I wouldn't
desert her this time ... and then her body crashed through for a monumental orgasm. She didn't hold back, pulsing and throbbing her way to a complete
finish. I let her thighs grip my head vice-like, holding me into position until her body had drawn all it could from my persistent tongue strokes.

Her thighs relaxed and I pulled my head back so I could watch her come down from her orgasmic high. She opened her eyes to see me watching her
closely. "Oh God, that was so good, you did know what I needed. But Richie, I always feel so exposed when I'm like this, you look like you're looking
into my inner depths."

"Yes, all your secrets are laid bare for me," I teased.

"Oh my God, I hope not."

My question was intentional and reasoned, "Why is that, have you got things you don't want me to know about?"

"I might ... I think all women do."

"I hope they're only minor things."

"Oh I'm sure they are, I wouldn't be able to keep much from you honey." Her body shuddered from a minor after-shock, "Oh God, that was so good,
how did you know that's just what I needed tonight?"

"If it was, why were you so reluctant to let it happen?"

"I don't know, it just didn't seem very natural for you to be doing that when you've shown no interest for months, probably years. Can you explain to me
why you wanted to, it just seems so strange?"

"No, just something that came to me out of nowhere, like a message from above that said, 'Richard, you haven't been spending enough quality sexual
time with your wife lately, so get in and do it.'"

"Like I'm going to believe that ... looks like it will remain a mystery to me. Never mind, I feel good and that's all that matters, I suppose." I still lay
between her legs, my head poised above her pubis, "So do you want to come up here, get on top of me and finish yourself?"

"Oh Janice, what a totally romantic suggestion, how could I not go for that?"

So I lifted my body up on top of her, fitted my engorged penis head to her vaginal opening that I had just had my tongue inside and pressed forward. I
was strangely horny after this unusual day and we fucked for a good few minutes. In spite of all the stuff between John and she that I had listened to
earlier today, I held on particularly well for an older guy and brought her to one more climax before coming myself.

That night, for the first time in years, we dropped asleep in each other's arms. The only problem was that I had been so attentive and considerate
toward her all night that I had not got a chance to slip away and listen to that day's calls. John had been so upset when she left him down by the river
that no doubt he would have tried to call her during the afternoon to see where things had gone wrong for him. All of what Janice and I had just
achieved in rekindling our sex life could be in vain if, when I eventually found time to get to it, I found a call where the two had made up and she had
promised to meet him again and give him everything sexual that he wants.

Chapter Six

I rose early the next morning and slipped away to the study to check yesterday's phone calls. There were none ... none that got through, that is. There
were 4 missed calls, John had been kept at bay by her.

Thursday was a long day as I spent much of my work time contemplating how my wife was going to react to what had happened between us last night.
Would it be sufficient for her to come to her senses and send this character packing, or was it going to be too little too late to save our marriage?

When I came in the door that evening, my first words were, "Sorry darling, no flowers tonight, but you can have a repeat of all the other good bits if you
want." She seemed warm to me when she came forward to greet me, kissing me full on the lips, although no tongues.

We chatted pleasantly through dinner and she did make comment about how well she slept and how energised her body felt this morning after her two
orgasms last night. Since she hadn't yet reached a full sexual status with John, and our recent sex-life had been one-sided, they would have been her
first orgasms with a man in possibly years.

I asked Janice what she did today and she said "Nothing special, I just lazed around the house, I didn't have the energy for anything much after what
you did for me last night."

Of course I had so much uncertainty about her now that even if she told me what she did, I wouldn't accept any of it until I checked the phone tap. As
invasive as it was into her life, it remained my only source of knowing how she felt about things. After dinner, while my wife became engrossed in her
favourite TV show, I managed to get away to the study to check any calls from that day.

A couple more missed calls during the morning, so either Janice was still avoiding him or she had gone out after all and had lied to me that she stayed
home. Then I came across a call from John that she accepted, it was timed at 1.40 in the afternoon...

Janice: Hello!

John: Oh thank God, I've got you at last, I've called you several times, have you been avoiding me?

Janice: (normal voice, that's a good sign for me) No, I do have a life you know, I've been out and about. Don't start off so accusatory.

John: I am so sorry dearest Janice, but I'm going up the wall. I feel certain that I have upset you, but I don't know what I've done.

Janice: You haven't knowingly done anything to upset me John, I guess you were just being you...

John: But I love how our friendship has grown so rapidly since I met you, I mean it's only been a few weeks and here I am feeling so close to you.
Yesterday, I was just doing what comes naturally and suddenly I have this feeling that our relationship went back about 20 steps ... and I can't figure
out why.

Janice: I don't rightly know myself John, I can't say why I got so upset, but you're quite right, I did feel differently when I left you yesterday. I have been
trying to figure it out these past 24 hours. When we began this new friendship, I was only looking for companionship, totally non-sexual, just someone -
but a man - to talk to whenever I felt down. Now I admit that you were honest with me, you did initially indicate that you were looking for something a
little more, but I guess you compromised. So the more I got to know you and discovered what a lovely perfect man you are, then I guess I began to
adapt my own thinking. I decided that I didn't have to be so hard and fast about having a strictly platonic relationship, I conceded to myself that it might
be nice to have some kisses, even some touching between us. So gradually, you wore me down and after only 2 or 3 weeks, I was thinking, ooh, I
wouldn't mind kissing and being kissed by this man. And then when we kissed, I thought ooh, I wonder what else we could do that might make us both
feel good. So that's why yesterday, when you unbuttoned my blouse in the back of the car, I became just as complicit in my undressing by telling you
how to get my bra off, so none of that is your fault. John, I loved the way you touched my breasts and my nipples, and the way you kissed them and
sucked on them ... and it was you that made my nipples so big. Oh my God, I'm getting all wet just thinking and talking about it.

John: Oh dearest Janice, I wish I was there.

Janice: Shush, hear me out John, don't interrupt, it's important for me to say this. John, what I wasn't ready for, hadn't prepared myself for ... what I
hadn't even thought about doing, was taking your penis out of your pants and masturbating you. Worse still, suddenly I had you in my mouth and I was
giving you a blow job... and even worse again, I let you come in my mouth and I drank your body's juices, felt them sliding down my throat. John, in my
mind, I crossed the line and I am not happy with myself for doing that.

John: But dearest Janice, we were both so aroused and you were just taking that natural next step, it would have been unnatural to stop midway
through it.

Janice: But that's just it John, I should have stopped, I should have had the willpower to say to myself 'Yes, his mouth on my breasts feels nice, but I'm
not ready to have his penis in my mouth.' I didn't do that and I'm upset, more at myself, for not being stronger and resisting the urges. John, you came
into this relationship wanting exactly what you got yesterday - and more ... I didn't. I came at this as looking for a nice gentleman to talk to, and
suddenly found I was in an adulterous sexual relationship, cheating on my husband who knows nothing about what I'm doing. I don't like myself for

John: I am sorry that you are in that state, but I think you're being too rough on yourself. From what you've told me about your marriage to Richard,
what you need now - or as soon as possible - is what I needed yesterday.

Janice: Do I? Do you really think so?

John: Yes, what you need most is for me to give you that ultimate pleasure, to make you feel so good.

Janice: That may have been what I was needing, but that's just it John, something else, something strange, something weird even, happened last night
... I don't know whether that's what I need anymore.

John: What ... what happened to you?

Janice: Richie came home with a big bunch of flowers ... good God, you could have blown me over with a feather. I would never have believed it.

John: Dearest Janice, a bunch of flowers doesn't make up for years of neglecting your marriage.

Janice: No, agreed it doesn't ... but that's not all. We had a lovely dinner and we communicated, talked about the sort of stuff that you and I discuss. He
didn't put the TV on all night, and about 9 o'clock, he ran a hot bath for me.

John: What?

Janice: Yes I know, it's crazy, isn't it? I told him that I didn't need a bath, that I had a shower when I came home. I nearly slipped up there because I
had told him that I had been at the mall, so why would I need a shower after a bit of shopping. Of course, I couldn't admit to him that I only showered to
get the sand off my feet and so I could wash away any lingering smell of you and sex. I mean, I would have had your saliva all over my breasts and I
was on heat, running like a river down below from the way you'd aroused me.

John: Do you think he was suspicious about the shower?

Janice: He could have been, I was desperately grabbing anything as an excuse ... I told him I felt gritty. You know what he said ... do you mean gritty
like sand. God John, that sent a shiver up my spine, how did he seize on sand so quickly? I tell you it spooked me out, I was so nervous when we were
down there by the river that I kept looking about in case anyone came along. Do you think he might have followed us, had seen what we were doing?

John: No Janice, if he had been there, saw what we were doing, I am sure that he would have tried to stop us, made a scene. I think I would have,
given the same set of circumstances ... that is, if I was still in love with my wife.

Janice: Oh my God, I couldn't have coped with that.

John: So was that it?

Janice: Oh God no, you haven't heard half of it yet. I gave in and had the hot bath that he'd drawn for me so he'd just back off. It turned out that I did
enjoy the bath, I haven't had one for a while ... it was hot and bubbly, very relaxing after the stress of my doing stuff with you behind Richie's back. It
gave me time to just reflect, think about us and what we had done that day. But when I came out and went into our bedroom, he had had a shower and
was already in bed and he had laid out his favourite of my nighties for me to wear to bed.

John: He must know something ... that just doesn't make sense for him to be as indifferent as he has been to you for years. And suddenly, just when
you've found a man who will love you and make you feel good again, he miraculously gets a conscience and tries to make amends in one night for his
failings over an eternity.

Janice: John, I know you're trying to sell me on seeing it your way, but I tell you what ... yes you're right, one night doesn't make up for years of neglect,
but I have to say that he excelled himself, he did a good job of one night.

John: Do I want to hear this Janice?

Janice: I'll have to tell you so you can understand the dilemma I now face. He kissed me, he kissed and sucked my breasts, and he did it far better than
he has for years, like he really meant it. It was all as you had done with me only a few hours earlier, almost like he was copying you. Except...

John: Except what Janice?

Janice: Except that he then went down on me...

John: I offered to do that, I wanted to do that with you.

Janice: Yes I know you did, I remember you offering, but it just didn't feel right to me in the car after what I had just done with you. Anyway, I have to
tell you it had been years since he had licked me down there so intimately, I tried to stop him because it just didn't seem right after all this time. But he
wouldn't be denied, he insisted with his tongue and my God, he was back to his best. Oh my God, he worked my clitoris over and he even stuck his
tongue up inside me, up into my vagina, told me that the sweetest juices were in my vagina and he sucked them out of me. Of course I came, and I
came again when he was inside me, doing it to me just like the old days.

I was surprised that my wife was as graphic as she was in describing our night of sex to her new male friend, referring to my clitoris and my vagina
when those things were still a distant goal for this sexual predator out to wreck our marriage. Previously, the extent of her references to sexual things
with him had been limited to words to describe his penis while she was prick-teasing him on the phone. Nevertheless, I was happy that she had given
John such a glowing report of the love-making my wife and I had enjoyed the previous night, reaching levels that he could still only dream of achieving
with her.

John: Damn bastard, that's what I wanted to do ... remember I suggested after you gave me the great blow job that I could give you the same pleasure.
But you stopped me!

Janice: John, please understand that I had to stop you, I wasn't ready to have you go down there ... it's so personal, so intimate. I wasn't ready to have
you seeing that part of me, let alone putting your face and your tongue up against me there.

John: Yet you let him have his way.

Janice: Don't be silly John, he's still my husband and we are still married.

John: I can see you're not ready to commit yet ... so what happens from here then?

I could hear the annoyance, even anger, in his voice now and wondered if Janice detected it too. I recalled his fist thumping on the roof of his car
yesterday after she drove away ... I wished that she had seen that or that I could tell her about it.

Janice: After yesterday down by the river, I can't see that we can ever go back to what we had before yesterday, we crossed the line and now I have a
choice to make. If I want to stay true to my original plan, that was to find a male friend, a companion, just someone to talk to, then it can't be you
because we went too far ... you would always expect what we did and more in the future whenever we met. Or I can make the serious decision to
expand my original expectations and decide to have a full-on affair with a man - that would obviously be you - with the risk that it most likely would bring
my marriage to an end. That would require a massive change in my thinking and is a decision that can't be taken lightly or in a fleeting moment. If I
eventually decide to do that, then John, we would continue to explore the box we opened up yesterday ... that means inevitably that our next move
would be to find a suitable bed and have full-on sex together sometime very soon.

John: There's nothing wrong with that Janice?

Janice: Not for you, that's what you wanted from the outset ... so you will have exactly what you were looking for when we met. But for me, I can't
emphasise enough that I wasn't out looking for that. Whatever intimacy we've enjoyed together was because you persuaded me. And that means that if
I want to continue seeing you, I have to accept that there will be sex between us ... that's a major line I need to decide if I want to cross.

John: Why do you say that we can't go back?

Janice: Exactly that, I cannot see how we can continue to meet up with each other in a purely platonic non-sexual way after what we did yesterday.
From now on, whenever we found ourselves alone together, you would start undressing me...

John: No I wouldn't, not if you didn't want me to, and asked me not to.

Janice: Oh John, come on be honest. You were pushing the envelope yesterday, trying to see how far you could get with me. My God, not only did you
get my blouse off in no time, even while I was still trying to have a discussion with you, but you even had me showing you the easiest way to get my bra
off so you could get at my breasts.

John: I didn't hear you complaining, in fact the sounds you were making seemed to indicate a fair degree of enjoyment to me.

Janice: Yes I did, but that's not the point. Whether I enjoyed it or not, what I am saying is that you will now always expect to have me stripped to the
waist whenever we are alone. What's more, after what happened next, you will now always expect me to have me suck on your penis - and more. You
can make all the assurances in the world that you wouldn't try, but deep down I know you will. That's in a man's nature to keep trying.

John: Okay, I see ... I could always swear blind that I would be happy to keep seeing you even if we couldn't have sex, but you now know me well
enough that you would see that as a lie.

Janice: Believe me I would, and thank you for being honest with me.

John: Tell me, Richard seems to have managed to sway you back toward him with his incredibly timed effort last night, so what is the chance that I can
have equal time? You know what your husband is capable of, what he can do for you when he really feels like trying ... I guess he showed you that
again last night. But let's face it, by your own admission that was a one-off. It's not like that with him very often and he hasn't been communicating with
you well. You really owe it to us to let me audition for you, to show you what a good lover I can be, to see how good I can make you feel.

Janice: Ha ha! Pardon my cynicism, but I thought you were above the line of typical male thinking.

John: What male thinking, what do you mean?

Janice: Well, after what I've just said, you can now see there's a possibility that our relationship may come to an end due to us being conflicted on what
we each want out of it, so now your suggestion is 'hey let's at least have sex once anyway.' Never mind that I would view that - even a one-night stand
with you - as committing adultery against my marriage vows.

John: Now you point that out, I can see how it might be possible for one to draw that kind of conclusion. But I can only assure you that my intentions
are completely honourable ... I want you long term, but I fear that you will make a judgement without knowing how loving I can be.

Janice: Ha ha! Don't you really mean how sexual you can be? I think I got a preview of that yesterday.

John: Yes, but you never let me finish what I started.

Janice: I thought I gave you a pretty good finish.

John: Yes, you did, you did and I appreciated that ... really I did, you were so good! But you know what I meant, you never let me finish you ... I so
wanted to, and I wanted to do exactly what your Richard ended up doing last night.

Janice: Yes I do understand what you're saying! Well, I don't know, l will have to think about it. Now don't jump to any conclusions by what I am about
to say. I am not saying yes just yet of course, but if I did agree, when would you want to?

John: Whenever it suited you, but obviously before you make such a major decision about your future.

Janice: Umm! And where ... I wasn't really too happy about us being in the back seat of a car.

John: In a bed, it would have to be in bed, I would want us both to be relaxed and comfortable, besides that's where you and Richard were last night ...
it has to be an even contest.

Janice: So it's a contest now, you against my husband and me as the prize?

John: Janice dearest, you're making it sound a little sordid, I would prefer you to think of it as giving me a chance to prove that I can make you a happy
woman for the rest of your life.

Janice: Okay, I'll try to stop being cynical. So you would want to do it in a bed, and of course with your wife there, we can't go to your house. That
makes it a bit restricting, doesn't it?

John: What is restricting about your house ... Richard goes to work 5 days a week?

Janice: I would find it nerve wracking, having sex with you at my home in my marital bed when Richard could come home at any moment - he might get
sick at work. Oh my God, that would be the worst thing if he walked in and caught us at it. God, I don't think I could do that here at home.

John: Then the only other alternative is for us to get a motel room.

Janice: Yes, a motel room sort of goes with the word adultery. Still, don't get the idea that because we've been talking about doing it that it's going to
happen. As I said, I need to do a lot more thinking.

John: Okay, I think I've said enough in my favour, I'll leave you to make a decision ... no rush, no pressure, just call me when you're ready.

Janice: Okay, be good John, have a nice weekend. I'm sure that I'll talk to you next week, one way or the other.

John: I will wait with baited breath ... and a hard-on.

Janice: Now now, keep it nice ... bye.

So the threat of John stealing my wife away still hangs over our heads. I had hoped that she would have done away with him by now, but I can
understand with the prize in sight, John isn't about to give up without a fight. Why can I see through him so easily, see that all he wants is to get into my
wife's panties ... it must be a guy thing. Again, I needed to capitalise on the intelligence I was getting from my daily monitoring of Janice's phone calls.

It appeared that I would have to re-engage once more with my sensitive new-age side. So Sunday morning, I rose early and prepared a full breakfast
for my Janice and delivered it to our bedroom on a tray just as she was rousing. To say that she was surprised by my gesture would be an
understatement, I could see the stunned look all over her face. But I wasn't done yet ... as she ate the last mouthful of pancake - soaked in maple syrup
- and sipped the last of her orange juice, I cleared away the tray. I got back into bed alongside my wife and began a long slow and very patient
romantic overture that would result in a shared mind-blowing experience of the ultimate sexual pleasure that saw us remain in bed, slumbering post-
coital sex until around 1pm.

'Would that be enough?' I pondered through Sunday afternoon. Obviously not wanting to overheat his chances, John broke his Sunday afternoon
pattern and didn't call ... I guess he had at last woken up that he would blow it completely with Janice if he kept pressuring her.

I got home from work Monday night, but it was after 9 before I had a chance to anxiously check the phone tap ... nothing there! On Tuesday, I was
beginning to wonder if Janice was so pleased with my new attentiveness that she would leave John hanging ... just never get back to him. But
realistically no, my wife is not that rude and after she retired to bed on Tuesday evening, I slipped into the study and replayed her only call that day ...
she had rung John. Had she reached a decision?

John: Hello, can I help you?

Janice: John, it's me, can you talk?

There's that fake sexy voice back again, I hoped that she might have given that a miss by now, particularly in view of my expectation that the tide was
turning back to me.

John: Oh dearest Janice, how good to hear your voice ... yes I can, Robyn's not here just now. Hopefully, you are going to lift me from the depths of
despair. I so wanted to call you, but felt that I should respect the hard decision you needed to make. Come on, put me out of my misery, please tell me
that we are not finished.

Janice: Just a minute, hear me out! John, you're right, this is one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make.

John: Oh no, I don't like the tone of that, I hope you're not about to kiss me off?

Janice: Please John, let me say what I need to say. When you and I met a few weeks ago, I was so over Richard and my marriage ... you came into my
life like a breath of fresh air. We seemed to share so many likes and dislikes and we were in harmony on just so many things. I thought that we were
both in the same situation, but it has turned out over time - rather quickly actually - how you have expected more from me than I wanted from you. You
seem eager to move on to a new woman while I still have to be convinced that I have to throw away the man I have spent most of my life with.
Gradually, you have brought me around to your way of thinking, but in the past week or so Richard seems to be fighting a rear-guard action, almost as
if he somehow knew that I was about to fly away.

John: How has he been the past few days Janice? I'll bet that after that one night with the flowers and the sex, he's slipped back to his tired old ways.

Janice: That's just it John, you might hope for that, but he hasn't. Richard did it again on Sunday ... woke me with breakfast in bed and then he made
wonderful romantic love for a couple of hours, we wiled half the day away in bed. It was just like our old times were back.

John: Oh no, what gives? There's something very suspicious there, is there any way he could have twigged that you were planning to leave him?

Janice: I am sure it's nothing that I've said. Anyway, his renewed interest has given me cause to seriously doubt whether I should leave our marriage,
we have put in a lot of years together and while our children are all grown up, they would be very disappointed if I pulled the plug.

John: How long has been your discontent before he suddenly started showing renewed interest?

Janice: Oh John, the last couple of years ... at least that. I'd say that's how long I have been contemplating baling out of our marriage.

John: There you are, one or two weeks doesn't make up for years of neglect.

Janice: I know that and that has been at the forefront of my thoughts these past few days. And I really did take in your words to me the last time we
spoke, you said you feared that I might make a judgement about my future without giving you a chance to show how loving you can be. John, believe
me, at this stage of my life, a loving attentive man with whom I can communicate is what I desire most.

John: You need a loving and attentive man all the time dearest Janice, not just when it suits your husband.

Janice: Yes I know that. John, I could take the easy way and choose to stay with Richard because he has suddenly shown renewed interest in me. But
like you, I am very suspicious about his motives and I too agree that he must have picked up some sign from me, although I cannot figure out what it
would have been. I can only assume that I may have shown him the same indifference that he has shown me for the past couple of years ... perhaps
he worked it out that way.

John: So I am here hanging on every word, trying to figure out which way this is heading, do I still a chance to be a part of your life?

Janice: Well John, at least for the time being. I have arrived at a momentous decision, one that still leaves me very uneasy, but I think it's only fair.
John, I will go to bed with you, not to sleep of course, but to have sex with you. How was it that you put it to me the other day ... to audition with me?

Bloody hell ... what's a man got to do? I thought I had her convinced to stay with me. I've made all the right moves this past week or so, yet still she's
off to bed with him. So what now? Is it time to confront them both, tell him to piss off out of our lives, maybe give him a beating - he's taller than me but
I think I could handle him? Or will that only get him sympathy from Janice and lead me to lose her anyway? Or should I just have a word in her ear,
warn her that the mere act of accepting his cock inside her body will automatically end our marriage once and for all ... give her an ultimatum, tell her
how much our monogamous relationship means to me. Oh, for God's sake, I can't stand it, hearing the delight in John's voice, he's sounding like the
cat that got the cream. I still think he's not genuine, he's using her just to get some casual sex, then if the time comes, he won't leave his wife and
commit to Janice...

John: That's fabulous dearest Janice, just fabulous. I am so pleased and let me assure you that you have made the right decision, I am determined to
use this opportunity to make you very happy and content.

Janice: Now I must warn you John. Before you go getting too excited, this decision is totally going against my morals and my scruples and my marriage
vows in agreeing to go to bed with you before my marriage is over. And assuming that we do have sex, it will still not guarantee that you and I will have
a life together afterwards. As good as you might make me feel and as competent a lover as you may prove to be, after this one day or night in bed, I
could still decide to stay with Richard for whatever reason.

John: Oh, that dampens my excitement a little.

Janice: Please don't let it, I liked hearing your reaction, the excitement in your voice, to think that by my merely agreeing to have sex with you, it could
bring that much excitement to a man. Oh my God, I must still have some sex appeal.

John: You have heaps, don't sell yourself short.

Janice: Thank you, you're very kind to say that. But John, even though I have just promised to have sex with you ... oh I can't believe I've just said that
to another man after 25 years of marriage. Anyway, as I was starting to say, I have to lay my cards on the table. I still cannot make up my mind about
the new Richard and it may take me months to decide for sure whether he and I still have a future. But if I were to take months agonising over whether
to give Richard a second chance, I realise that I run the risk that you will tire of waiting for me to decide and find someone else to love. So please
understand, I am agreeing to do something with you that for me will be very difficult when the time comes - to actually get into bed with another man
and let him do extremely intimate things with my body that for the past 25 years, I have only ever done with my husband. And the hardest part will be
afterward, getting out of that bed from being made love to by you and going home to Richard that night ... I know I will feel incredibly guilty, so I will ask
you to somehow help me cope. But I am doing this only because you especially asked me to let you prove yourself. But I can make no guarantees
about a future with you ... understood!

John: Okay, I understand and I want to thank you for taking such a bold decision and for amending your standards, I trust that I will not disappoint you.

Janice: So, now that I have got my explanation that you needed to hear out of the way, completed my little speech, let's get down to business and talk
about us, arrange a time to have sex together. As apprehensive, scared and nervous - all those things - as I might be about doing this with you behind
Richie's back, I have to admit to you at this moment that I am actually feeling quite excited. John, I have grown to like you very much in such a short

time so now that I have reached this decision, I have begun anticipating what it will be like doing it with you, how different sex with you might be to what
I have been used to. I haven't had any other man since before I got married.

John: So did you have a particular day in mind?

Janice: No, but reaching a decision was the hardest thing. Now that I have made up my mind, I can see no good reason to delay it. How about later this

John: What about now, as always your sexy voice has got me hard, I can come right over ... no, don't get upset, I'm just kidding you. Yes, I could do
later in the week. Now the dreaded question, what did you decide between getting a motel room and doing it at your house?

Janice: John, a motel room seems to have a touch of sleaze about it, at least to me it does. As much as I will be extremely nervous to have you here in
my home, I think that's the only choice. So how's Friday with you?

John: Friday's good, what do you think, should I come over as soon as Richard leaves for work?

Janice: Yes, that sounds great. He's normally gone by 8, so you can come by about 8.30 or so, okay? That will give me time to have a shower before
you get here and make myself pretty for you.

John: Sounds wonderful, you have made me a very happy man.

Janice: That's good, listen I'll have to go, I'll see you here Friday morning, bye John ... my, err lover.

John: Ha ha, sounds great! Bye Janice, oh God, I can't wait!

This phone call has taken the wind right out of my sails. Although I've known about John for a couple of weeks now, I couldn't see it reaching this
stage. But suddenly it has and I need to think it all through, determine what will be the best course of action to take. So we have an assignation
arranged, should I just sit back, let it go ahead and condone my wife taking a lover when I have been true to her ... well, yes I know, true to her for the
past 18 years of our 25 year marriage? Then - fingers crossed - hope that John fails to impress my wife.

No, my immediate battle plan should be to ensure that there is no clear path to Janice and John consummating their relationship this Friday ... that the
two of them do not get to have sex under any circumstance. In the meantime, I need to initiate my back-up plan, that if I can't stop it happening, I must
monitor it - to somehow record the event. After all, they won't be talking on the phone ... they will be in my house, perhaps in my own bed, so my phone
tap will now become useless.

Chapter Seven

On Wednesday, I found myself back in the electronics store for a third time. I selected a couple of miniature cameras that would link to a digital
recorder, the type used for household security. The guy assured me that picture quality was very good. But what rooms to set them up in? The big
question was would Janice choose to use our marital bed or, out of respect for me, would she take her lover to bed in the guest room?

I didn't consider myself to be either a voyeur or a cuckold, I was only trying to capture vision of any intercourse to (a) check on whether their
relationship was consummated and (b) have a video recording as evidence if our marriage reached the divorce stage. More important for now was
capturing any verbal foreplay that might occur in the living room. So I took a chance, I set up one camera in our master bedroom and the other in the
living room. If she took him to the guest room, I would have nothing.

However, the installation of cameras to capture any illicit adultery was only ever intended as a back-up plan in case something went wrong. My priority
plan was to foil any opportunity for the two of them to find their way into one of our beds for their intended sexual coupling.

As much as I was carrying anger for Janice for actually making a calculated decision to commit adultery with this man, I had to remain on friendly terms
and use the intelligence gathered from my phone tap to throw her off-balance. I recalled that she had expressed concern to John initially that having
sex with him in our house would be stressful since it was always possible that I could perhaps come home from work sick in the middle of the day. I
needed to play on that uncertainty in Janice.

So, on the Thursday - less than 24 hours before my wife planned to take her new male friend John to bed in our home and give her body to him - I left
the office at lunchtime and headed home, walking in the front door unannounced at 2pm. I didn't even know if Janice would be at home ... as it turned
out, she was! I put my key in the door and walked into the living room, she was sitting on the sofa watching daytime TV with a magazine on her lap.
She looked up at me in stunned surprise, initially speechless. Instantly, I was convinced that I could stop this thing happening, at least on this Friday.

I intended to portray my coming home from work in the middle of the day as a harmless occasional incident, but for my Janice, this was the day before
F-Day (F for fornication). She was casually sitting at home alone watching TV and reading a magazine. But as she saw me appear unannounced and
unexpected in our home at 2pm, I knew that she would be thinking, 'My God, what if this was tomorrow, I would have been locked in an embrace,
maybe even in the middle of sex with John in our marital bed and here would be my husband coming through the front door.'

"Richard, what on earth are you doing here at this time of day?"

It was hard to answer her at first, I so wanted to laugh and say something like 'Caught you!' Instead I settled for the more mundane, "I got an early mark
today honey, it's all part of some new responsibilities, the boss suggested that I might want to work from home some days, go around and see a couple
of clients that are nearby to here. It should be great, there'll be days I can be here all day, we could even have lunch together sometimes."

"When did this change of responsibilities happen? You didn't tell me about this."

"I didn't feel the need to, it's no big deal."

"Well, if you're going to pop in at home at any old time of the day, then it's a big deal."

"I can't understand why it would be, unless you're hiding some dark secret from me. It would only be a big deal if you do things during the day that you
don't want me to know about."

"No, it's not that! My God, you men don't understand wives, do you? Men go to work and many wives stay at home. Fortunately, with the money you
earn, it's not necessary for me to work. So I have a daytime life where I don't have to answer to anybody. I just come and go as I wish, do what I want
and you're happy so long as I am here at night when you get home. Now you're telling me that you could be around through the day but we won't know
when. It looks like I have lost my me time."

"I can't say that I saw it like that honey."

"Well I do!" she stood up and stormed out of the living room. A moment later, I heard our bedroom door slam shut.

I hung around for about an hour, shuffling papers, making as if to do some work from home. She stayed in our bedroom the whole time. About 3, I went
down the hall and knocked on the door, "I'll be out for a couple of hours honey, got a business meeting nearby, see you at 5."

I really did have a meeting and I went off to that. As I drove there, I could just imagine the frantic phone call that my wife was now making to John. I had
thrown the proverbial cat among the pigeons. With this sudden uncertainty of whether I might be around home or not on any day, would she cancel
tomorrow's reservation for her adulterous coupling? Now she had no guarantee that I wouldn't walk in the door at any time tomorrow?

I got back at 5, I brought flowers, but judging by Janice's attitude in accepting them from me, it might take more than flowers this time. I could only
guess - at this stage - at how my unexpected arrival at home this afternoon had really knocked her for six and totally upset her plans for extra-marital

I had considered following up the flowers with running a hot bath again for her and then coming to bed early and initiating some more hot love-making,
all intended to leave her with memories of orgasms and wild sex with hubby when she got up in the morning to greet John. Although, there was every
chance that she had cancelled John for Friday, given the scare I had put into her by my surprise appearance at home in the middle of the day.

I wondered when I would get a chance to get into the study and listen back to the phone call that I was certain she would have made to John after I left
the house at 3pm. Over dinner, I realised that I was going to have plenty of opportunity that evening. Janice barely spoke a word to me, you could cut
the air with a knife.

She went to bed at 8.30. "I thought of running a bath for you tonight honey," I suggested in response to her curt, "I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow."

"Don't bother!" she told me coldly, "I'll have a shower in the morning."

I followed my wife into the bedroom, catching the door as it was about to slam in my face, "So honey, tell me what I've done wrong. You've been pissed
at me ever since I came home early, how is this my fault?"

"You just don't get it, do you?" she screamed like a banshee. "The daytime is my time at home alone to do whatever I want, and now you're going to be
here, admittedly not every day, but worse than that, you can't tell me when, might happen today, maybe tomorrow, might not be till next week. Just
coming and going as you please."

"I thought you'd be happy with my new flexible hours."

"You've got to be kidding!"

Although my vision was clouded by the revelation of her burgeoning affair with her lover John, if I could detach myself from that distraction, I sort of
could see where she was coming from. It was all about independence - hers, and not having a spouse of 25 years looking over her shoulder every
minute of the day. I could see too though that if I continued to push this debate, her disposition would only get worse.

I did have a flash of inspiration where, for only a moment, I thought I might say, 'This is not about my new job responsibilities, this is about you having
an affair behind my back, so why are you?' Wow, with the mood she was in, that would have blown our relationship out of the water. Even a mere male
like me could see that she could make that the catalyst for her to end our marriage there and then. At this stage, I still didn't want that ... I still believed
that our 25-year marriage was worth saving.

I left our bedroom, leaving my fuming wife behind me and adjourned to the study, scanning through my phone tap equipment. Sure enough, right on
cue, there was a call made by my wife to John's number at 3.01 ... she sure didn't waste any time after I left the house...

John: Hello, John Clark.

Janice: John, it's Janice, can you talk?

John: Oh hi, err ... yes, I think I can, Robyn's around somewhere. If I give you a funny answer at any time, it will be because she's suddenly walked into
the room. So dearest Janice, this is a nice surprise, I hadn't expected to hear from you again ahead of tomorrow. Oh dear, I hope everything is still ok,
you're not calling to cancel, are you?

Janice: I think I am John.

John: Oh God no, what's happened, have you got cold feet? Don't panic, we can still do this, it will be alright, I'll help you through it even if you need
some time to relax before we actually do it.

Janice: No I haven't got cold feet. Quite the contrary, I was on a high, I was so looking forward to it, being able to experience the ultimate sexual
enjoyment with another man - with you John - to have you undress me properly, not furtively like in the car the other day. And for me to touch that nice
part of you that always gets so hard, I wanted to at last feel it inside me where it needs to be really hard.

John: Oh Janice, I love hearing you talk like this, so out there and calling it like it is. But if that's how you feel, why then are you calling to cancel ... or
are you just pulling my leg?

Janice: I wish I was John, no it's Richie, he has stuffed us up for tomorrow.

John: How can he do that? Janice, it's not up to him, this is your call.

Janice: John, I was sitting alone on my sofa only an hour ago, watching this midday movie on TV. Ironically, it was about a couple embarking on an
affair. It seemed so appropriate in view of what we were planning to do tomorrow and there seemed to be so many similarities to our situation, it was
like the movie had been written about us. I was watching but I was also daydreaming, thinking of you walking through my front door as soon as Richard
had left in the morning. Both of us so eager, you not able to wait, undressing me there in the living room, me undressing you too, then us walking arm-
in-arm both naked into my bedroom, getting into my bed...

John: Oh that sounds so wonderful, just what I've wanted. I wondered if we were going to use your bedroom or if you were going to banish me to a

Janice: No no, I wanted you in my bed, you wanted this chance to compete with Richie on level terms, so naturally that meant having me in the same
bed as he uses to make love to me, although only rarely.

John: That's good, thank you! So what's changed all this?

Janice: As I said, I was lying on the sofa, watching the movie and thinking about you taking me to my bed and making love to me, over and over again,
all day. Then, at that moment, I was startled out of my erotic thoughts by Richie's key in the door.

John: What, in the middle of the day?

Janice: 2pm John ... at 2 in the afternoon, he walked in the door, just a day away. Oh my God, if it had been tomorrow at 2pm, not today, we could
have been in bed - not could have John, I'm sure we still would have, all the way since 8.30. We would have been in the middle of it. John, you could
have been on top of me at the moment he walked in, driving your hard penis into my vagina, that penis that I've touched, that I've had in my mouth ...
and there would be Richard tapping you on the shoulder, asking you what you're doing to his wife.

John: Why did he come home, was he sick? You said that might happen one day?

Janice: No, the bastard wasn't sick. He's got some new responsibilities in his job, apparently that allows him to work from home whenever he feels like

John: So where he is now?

Janice: He's gone out again, said he had a business meeting nearby. He's due back at five. I don't know how I can be civil to him, he's totally stuffed up
our plans for tomorrow.

John: Are you sure, he mightn't come home two days in a row?

Janice: I can't take the chance John. For years, he's gone to work, left by 8, never home much before 6. It never bothered me before because he never
came home, never just dropped in like he did today. Then this week, when the two of us started planning our magic day together, I was a bit nervous.
As I said to you, what if he got sick at work and came home unexpectedly. But I was willing to take that chance just to be with you. But now this, if he's
got new flexibility, I can't expect that he'd tell me honestly if I asked him in the morning if there was any chance he's be home that day. I mean, if he's
not already suspicious, then he would be then.

John: It does sound like he might suspect something my dearest, I mean this coming on top of him bringing you flowers and running a bath and having
sex with you. It doesn't really sound much like a coincidence, does it?

Janice: I don't know what to think John, all I can tell you is that I'm pretty pissed off at him, and the thing is he doesn't know why I am. I tried to explain
about how women who have been married a long time like to have their space, and daytime at home on their own gives it to them. I don't think he got
it, but then maybe I was so angry that I didn't explain myself very well. Besides, my anger is more than just me retaining my space. Only you know that
my anger is really that he has just screwed up our perfect day together.

John: So to salvage it, do you want to try the motel room idea?

Janice: Oh I don't know ... I don't think so. I'd feel weird and very embarrassed to book into a motel at 9 in the morning, everybody there would know
what we were doing, that we were having illicit sex.

John: So what do we do now?

Janice: I don't know, I'll call you tomorrow after I've slept on it.

Sitting there in the study, I was happy, so delighted to have stuffed up their plans to fornicate behind my back. I went to bed late but happy in spite of
having to sleep alongside my still grumpy wife who clung to her edge of the bed for fear our bodies might actually touch.

On Friday morning, I woke later than normal and stayed in bed. Janice was not in bed with me, she must have risen early. About 8, she appeared in
the bedroom, "So aren't you going to work today?"

"Yes I will, I'm just not in a rush now with my new flexibility. I'll leave about 9."

"Will you be coming home again in the middle of the day?" she dared to ask.

I was surprised by the direct question. Even though she would desperately want to know in case there was a slim chance of her rescheduling John to
come over today, I hadn't expected her to ask, thinking she would be fearful that it might raise my suspicions.

"Who knows?" I shrugged and saw the frown form on her face immediately. Whoops, maybe wrong answer if I want to avoid pissing her off again. "I
doubt it," I added, "but you never know, depends on what the boss wants me to do. I only came in yesterday because I had that 3.30 meeting nearby
and he suggested I should head out this way early and work from home for an hour or two." While I wanted to keep her sufficiently on edge that she

wouldn't change her mind and get John over anyway, I needed to try to water down her anger, let her believe that this new arrangement would be more
the exception than the norm.

She didn't seem quite as hostile toward me today, but I would be forced to wait until tonight to hear what she was intending to do next with John.

So while Janice - and in turn John - had experienced profound disappointment on Thursday afternoon when they were forced to cancel their illicit
assignation, the wheel of fortune turned full cycle on me that Friday afternoon. The boss came into my office at 4.30 to reveal that the company was
experiencing leadership problems in the interstate office.

"Richard, I'm going to have to send you up there this coming week. Be prepared to spend at least a couple of days there, maybe three."

"Oh no, not this coming week, that's not a good time for me at home."

"I'm sorry Richard, but I can't base the decisions I have to make in the business around my staff's home lives. You'll need to sort that out yourself, but
whatever happens, I will need you up in Brisbane by Tuesday at the latest. So pack your bags this weekend."

"Couldn't Jim do it, he's pretty good on problems now and I think he's up to speed with developments in Brisbane?"

"Not like you are, I need you there, so use the weekend to sort out whatever domestic worries you might have."

So what now? Ingeniously, I had stopped Janice and John from stepping up their relationship to the next level and becoming lovers on Friday. But if I
was now to be away on business on Tuesday night, and possibly even Wednesday too, all that I had achieved would be to postpone the inevitable illicit
coupling until sometime Tuesday. They could even spend the night together if they desired. With me 500 miles away interstate, Janice could really lose
herself in John's arms, relieved that there was no way I could walk in the door unexpectedly.

I arrived home as usual at 6pm on Friday night. Our house was locked up, no lights on, she was obviously out. I went through to the kitchen, looking for
a note that might explain her absence. There was one, it read: 'Richie, my friend Robyn invited me to see a 5pm movie, not local, it's across town. I've
left some dinner in the fridge for you to warm up. Don't know what time I'll be home, probably about ten. Love, Janice.'

Love, Janice ... maybe her icy anger at my new work arrangements was thawing out. I doubt that she would have tagged a note 'Love Janice' either
last night or this morning. I had already deciphered her code. Whenever she was going out somewhere with her John, she used his wife's real name in
substitute for his ... almost like she was minimising her lies. So I interpreted her note as meaning that she had gone on a date to the movies with
John ... not in a local theatre for fear of being seen by someone either of them knew. I had no idea of where the theatre might be, but I had a hunch that
the now sexually frustrated pair were very likely to end up down by the river after the movie and before she came home. I called my friend and asked to
borrow his car again.

I went to the study and scanned through the day's calls to find her call to or from John that had set up their night out. I might learn a little more about
where they went and what their plans may be for the rest of the night. I expected that it was quite likely that the two of them could end up parked down
by the river. With their plans to progress to full-on sex at our house now in tatters due to my brilliantly conceived psychological interference, they just
might consider abandoning the pursuit of a comfortable bed and use the car's back-seat to accomplish their mission. There was the call, from Janice to
John, so she was initiating this night out...

John: Hello, John Clark.

Janice: (in that sultry voice) John, hi it's me, can you talk?

John: Yes, she's out the back, hanging the washing. What's happening? Are you going to reschedule?

Janice: Of course I will, and as soon as possible John, but we need to think it through a bit more at first. I do desperately want to see you, but we won't
be able to have sex just yet. We'll have to put that plan on hold for now ... until we can work out a way to be together without the fear that Richie might
walk in and interrupt us. But for now, I just want to see you, hold you ... tell me, is there a chance you could get away later today?

John: Yes, I'm sure I could. What, do you want to go to a motel?

Janice: No, not a motel, it still feels sleazy to me. No, as I just said, we're going to have to put that plan on hold for a little while, maybe a week or two.

John: Oh damn, I don't think I can hold off that long.

Janice: Well, you'll just have to. So, what I had in mind was us going on a date, a night time date, how would you like that?

John: I'd love it of course. What did you have in mind?

Janice; I thought we could do a movie, a 5 o'clock session, but not local. We'd have to go across town to a theatre where we won't bump into anyone
we might know.

John: Sounds great, what do you want to see?

Janice: It doesn't matter to me, you pick. I'll be happy just so long as I can hold your hand, feel you close to me, your warmth, talk to you and have an
intelligent and meaningful conversation.

John: Oh Janice, same for me too. That would be so good.

Janice: Well, you look up the movie guide and pick something out. I thought we'd meet down by the river - you know where, our special spot - park one
car and we'll drive across town, see the movie, perhaps getting something to eat, then drive back to the riverside to get the other car.

John: And then?

Janice: I don't know, I told you we can't do what we want to do, but maybe we could have a few minutes together there, but you'll have to behave. I
don't want to do what I did the other day, do you understand?

John: Yes, message understood!

Janice: Ok, so what do you think about four o'clock in the car park? That should give us time to get across town, even with peak hour traffic.

John: Ok, see you there at four. I'm glad you called, you've made my day.

I had plenty of time, if they were seeing a 5pm movie followed by dinner, it was unlikely that they would get to the riverbank car park before eight. I
heated up the dinner she had left for me and sat down to eat it. About 7.30, I took off with my digital audio pick-up receiver tucked under my arm. I
swapped cars at my friend's house and by ten to eight, with darkness now set in, I was parked in the same spot down in that Skiff Club parking lot
beside the river, waiting. I saw a car parked there that resembled my memory of John's car from the other day, so it looked like they had taken her car.
Now I had to hope that any discussion - and whatever else - would take place in her car before they split to go home. With them both already in her car,
the odds seemed to be in my favour.

I had quite a long wait. Dinner after the movie must have taken longer than I had calculated. As my brain processed the possible scenarios for them
being this late, I even considered that my wife could have relented in her opposition to going to a motel and that they may actually be doing it right this
very moment. I certainly hoped not.

Just before 9pm, an approaching car's headlights startled me from a sort of twilight slumbering that I was drifting into. I eased myself down low in the
car seat so as not to be seen by the new arrivals. Then I saw Janice's car swing into the space directly alongside the darkened parked car that I had
assumed to be John's vehicle. Janice turned her headlights off, but the moon had risen - it was quite a full one. I was parked in a direct line behind her
car, but about 30 metres away. The two heads inside her car were silhouetted by the rising full moon on the river.

I had not retrieved the remote microphone that I had planted in Janice's car before their last assignation and I was pleased when my digital receiver
picked up Janice's voice, although all she said was "So, here we are, at last!" and then I could clearly see her head move across toward the passenger
seat. It looked to me as if my Janice was taking the initiative, kissing John first. Damn her, I couldn't even excuse her for being seduced ... she was the

My audio unit was very sensitive, even though neither of them spoke, I could clearly hear the slurping of lips and tongues. I mightn't be able to see it,
but from the intensity of the sounds, I could hear that their kissing was very passionate. They made out for a long time, neither of them saying a word -
just kissing, their breathing becoming loud and heavy. Beyond the activity of their mouths and tongues, I wondered what their hands might be doing,
were they active in intimately exploring each other's bodies?

At last, a voice - it was my wife's, "Oh my God, I wanted that. I've wanted that all night John, from even before we got to the theatre. In there, watching
the movie, I guess you could tell how eager I was to feel your lips and your mouth on mine, feel your beautiful tongue playing with mine? You probably
could when I kissed your cheek in the dark of the theatre and you turned your face to mine and our lips met. Oh my God, that was heaven John, have I
told you before that you're a really good kisser? I mean it, your kisses make me melt."

"I think you have, but thank you for saying it again, I'm glad you approve," her new male friend at last spoke.

"Oh I do, and you know what else you did tonight that I liked?"

"What's that dearest Janice?"

"When we got back into the car after dinner and as soon as I started to drive us back here, I liked that you reached one hand across to me and slipped
it up under my dress, resting it on my thigh. That was quite a cheeky move on your part ... and a bold one because you wouldn't have known what my
reaction might be. Only two weeks ago, I might have felt confronted if you'd tried to do that. But you know what, I know you well enough now and I want
you so much that I didn't mind, actually your fingers on my skin felt wonderful ... I loved the way that your hand reached up high enough to gently touch
the bare skin above the top of my stockings. For a large man, the touch of your fingers was so soft and arousing on my skin, you know, that's such a
sensitive part of a woman's thighs."

"I was worried that I might distract your driving with my fingers and we could have had an accident. It would have been very difficult to try to explain the
cause to the police if we'd had one."

"Oh yes, wouldn't it? I must admit that I found it a bit hard to concentrate at times. I remember nearly driving through one red light when your fingers
slid up so high that, for just a moment, I thought you were actually going to touch that special place, touch me right on the crotch of my panties."

"What would you have done if I had, would that have been okay with you too?"

"What, besides driving through a red light, ha ha? Oh my God, that would have been very naughty John ... you know, while I was driving. But actually, I
have to admit that I would have loved it. With the sensitive touch of your fingers on the inside of my thighs, my body was screaming out for you to touch
me somewhere intimate ... somewhere really special. It would have been so great at that moment, I was secretly hoping you would, even though I
might have closed my eyes from the delicious sensations of your fingers and that would have been dangerous. You see John, it's all about timing with
a woman. If you'd pushed your hand straight up under my dress as soon as we got back in the car, I probably would have stopped you, but using your

fingers to caress my inner thighs was great foreplay. You're obviously a sensitive lover John. By the time we nearly went through that red light, my
body was on fire. I desperately wanted you to go just that extra inch and touch me there."

"Oh, for God's sake dearest Janice, why didn't you tell me? I would have happily obliged."

"There are some things a woman doesn't want to tell, it's up to the man to work that out. I guess it's probably because we don't want to appear too
forward, to seem to be a bit slutty. We like to leave it to the man, he's traditionally the seducer and it's up to the man to decide the pace of the
seduction. If the woman thinks it's all going too quickly, she can shut it off by moving his hand away or clamping her thighs together. I'm an old-
fashioned girl, John ... it should always be the man who makes the moves."

'Yeah sure,' I thought. She wasn't waiting for John to make a move when she initiated their kiss after they drove in to the car park here.

"I'm glad I know the ground rules with you now. So if I'd reached my fingers up there at that right moment, you would have parted your legs wider?"

"Oh yes, I was craving your touch. You know what John, I was also very wet down there. By the way, there didn't seem to be any reaction from you
when you felt up under my dress and found that I was wearing stockings instead of pantihose. I thought you'd have liked that, but you didn't say
anything at all."

"No I didn't, I guess I should have. Of course I noticed that and I loved that you chose to wear something sexy like that. I should have known you'd be a
stockings girl."

"And the rest John ... you've only felt under there with your fingers so far ... wait until you get to see what I'm wearing under this skirt, it's not just the
stockings you know. I think it might be time to unveil ... I feel all tingly from your kiss and your touching and I really do want you to see what I'm wearing
underneath John, would you like to have a look under my skirt right now?"

What has happened to my wife? I have never known her to be so forward.

"Yes, of course I would! I'm guessing that you're wearing an old-fashioned suspender or garter belt because when I was tracing my fingers around the
bare tops of your thighs, I could feel the straps attached to the tops of your stockings. Where did you get something sexy like that?"

"You'd probably prefer for me to tell you that I went out and bought a set of sexy lingerie just for you, but to be honest, Richie actually bought me these
things many years ago when we were still lighting the flame. I think he did it to renew some sparks in our marriage back then."

"I bet he'd be pissed if he knew you were wearing the sexy stuff that he paid for for me to see ... you did wear that especially for me, didn't you?"

He's right about that ... I am pissed! How could my darling wife do this to me?

"Of course I did silly! Only for your eyes! Would you like to see it now, are you ready to have a look under my skirt and see what I've worn for your eyes

"Of course I am."

"Watching now, here it goes, lifting the hem of my skirt ... slowly ... oh John, this is fun. I feel like I want to do this really slowly ... you know, strip-tease.
Is this too slow John?"

My wife was very vocal tonight, couldn't stop talking. I wondered if she was nervous at cheating on me the way she was.

"It is, but that's okay, I'm enjoying the way you're teasing me. I haven't seen this side of you before."

"I don't think I have either, at least not for years. It must be you John, you're bringing the naughty side out in me. Look, how about this, can you see, is
it light enough now in the car for you to see what I'm revealing to you down there?"

"The moonlight is quite bright, I can see."

"Here, you can see better if I switch this on."

Watching the pair silhouetted through the rear window, I could see my wife's hand reach up near the inside mirror and the two of them were bathed in a
brighter light. My wife seemed to have no fears of being seen by anyone who might be wandering around outside. Moonlight was one thing, but lifting
her dress up to reveal her underwear under the brighter glare of the car's interior light was becoming quite risky, I would have thought.

I could now clearly see the sides of their faces as they were turned toward each other in the front seats. I saw Janice look down momentarily, probably
to check on how much she had revealed so far and then her head turned to the side again to face her lover and she appeared to lock eyes with him. It
was as if she wanted to watch his face as he looked down at what she was exposing to him, to see his expected appreciation.

"See, look at this, now you can see the top of my stockings, see the darker band around the top."

"You've got great legs Janice," his voice seemed to tremble a little as he watched her peep show and complimented my wife on what she was
revealing to him.

"Thank you John, that's nice of you to say. Look, there's the garter straps - one on each thigh. That's the one you felt before ... would you like to see
how far up those garter straps go?"

"Um, yes I would!" his voice quavering, he sounded nervous or horny or both.

"I bet you do. I really shouldn't show you but I'm feeling so naughty right now ... since I got married all those years ago, no man other than Richie has
seen me in my panties, or these other things, in my intimate lingerie John. How does that sound, how do you feel about being the first ... my first other
man to see what's under my skirt?"

"Yes it's good, I feel special."

"You are special John, special to me! Now are you ready for this? Ooh, I feel quite daring lifting my skirt up to show you what's under there. It starts to
get very intimate now. Look, now you can see the bare skin above the stockings. There's not that much bare skin John. You know what's next, don't

"Yes, I'll get to see your panties now. Oh God Janice, you're such a tease!"

Oh shit, give me a break! This is becoming nauseating. From my vantage point not that far from behind her car, I could see Janice's head and
shoulders lift up in the seat and my guess was that she had lifted her bottom up off the seat to better drag the hem of her skirt back from her arse. I
guessed that she would bunch it up as high as around her waist.

"Oh Janice, there they are, that's nice, I like the colour of your panties. I might not have touched you there back when I should have, when you wanted
me to, but can I touch you there now?"

"What do you think?"

"I think that I should, I'm guessing you'd like that."

"I think you're guessing correctly John. Alright then, let me do this, give me your hand."

I could hear my wife's ecstatic sigh - possibly announcing the moment she brought his fingers to the crotch of her panties - then John's words. "Oh yes
Janice, oh that's where I want to be. My God, even through your panties, I can feel that you're so wet."

"Yes I am, aren't I? I've saturated my panties, your fingers did that before, when I was driving. It was your fingers that excited me, the soft touch of your
fingers on my thighs turned me on so much."

"Janice, can we get into the back?"

"I don't know John, you remember what happened last time. You upset me when things went too far. I don't want to get upset with you again."

"I thought we'd moved on from that. We're actually now talking about having full sex, so there should be nothing wrong with getting into the back. I feel
restricted in reaching for you with this damn gear shift and hand brake between our seats."

"Err, I don't know. We won't be having sex even if there's a bit more room in the back."

"No, I know, you want to wait to do it in a bed ... and so do I! But let's just make ourselves a bit more comfortable, I want to touch you a bit more and I
haven't even kissed your breasts yet."

"Um, you want to kiss my breasts?"

"Yes, I sure do dearest Janice."

"How about sucking on them, will you do that too?"

"Mmm hmm!"

"Ooh, that does sound tempting. Okay then, but only if you behave John."

"Can I sit on that side in the back, you know I'm right-handed? I feel a bit awkward sitting on your right side and having to reach around you with my left

"Okay, let me go first, you stay where you are for a minute."

I saw the driver's door open on my wife's car (right-hand drive), saw Janice step out, she was using both her hands at her hips to hold up her loose
skirt, the material bunched at her hips. In the moonlight, I could see both of her 50-year-old legs exposed, she still works out and they looked good to
me in spite of the circumstances. I could see her stockings, could even make out the garter straps rising up from them and disappearing up under her

Despite now being out in the open - admittedly at night, but there was bright moonlight - my wife stood beside the open car door, putting on a teasing
show for her new man. She tugged her skirt even higher, now I - and John - could see all of her brief bikini-style panties and when she bunched the
material of her skirt at her waist, I could see the sexy black garter belt around her waist ... I recall it was lace. Intimately, her body was exposed in the
sexy lingerie from the waist down, flaunting all she had to her would-be lover. I watched as she even pirouetted around where she stood, pausing with
her back to him to let him check out her arse. I had never seen my wife so confident in her sexuality, what had brought about this change?

The passenger door opened, I figured that John - teased to breaking point - couldn't wait any longer. Janice let her skirt fall back to cover her thighs
once more and she stepped back to the back door on her side. She clambered into the back and John moved quickly around the back of the car and
followed my wife in through the open back door, shutting it behind him, putting himself on her right side. I tweaked the volume of my digital receiver a
touch higher, listening for what would come next.

"Now where were we," it was John's voice, "oh yes, let's get this skirt out of the way quickly."

"Don't forget John, we can't go all the way as much as we might both feel like it, you can't put it in me tonight. Don't even try to tempt me."

"No that's okay, I just want to touch you, I feel I owe you after last time."

"Hold on then, let me take my skirt off so it doesn't get crushed."

"Yes, that's good, then I can see all that sexy stuff you're wearing."

I could hear the rustling of clothing and assumed that was the sound of Janice's skirt coming off. Through the back window, I could see the moon-
backed silhouette of my wife tossing the garment over into the front seat.

"Ooh," Janice gasped, he must have touched her somewhere intimate, "just a minute John! Not too quick!"

"What, don't stop me now, you wanted me to touch you there before."

"Yes I did, and I still do, and I can see what's going to happen. You want to get your fingers inside my panties, don't you?"

"Yes I do."

"Don't worry, you can take that concerned look off your face, you'll be pleased to know that that's quite okay with me. I want you to touch me down
there this time, but before we go any further, can we kiss some more first? I told you you're such a great kisser and I need to get those good feelings
back again."


Not only did I hear the slurping sounds coming from the speaker again, but through the back window of my wife's car, I could see their heads coming
together, silhouetted in the moonlight. One of this couple was my seemingly loving wife of 25 years ... how do you think that made me feel? The kiss -
their kiss, just between the two of them - sounded enthusiastic, all engrossing and really intense ... they sounded to be both committed to it

unquestionably from the outset. I could imagine their lips locked, twisting and grinding together, tongues entwining, each challenging the other, heads
bobbing around for a better position.

The kiss seemed to be interminable, I began to wonder when they would come up for air. Then finally, I was relieved to hear my wife's voice ... not in
the tone I was familiar with, but that sultry pseudo sexual voice that I'd heard my Janice put on for her John on the phone. Extremely breathless now,
she sounded to be deeply overcome with arousal, like she was struggling to control her emotions.

"Oh yes John, that was the best kiss we've had yet ... your lips so nice on mine and with your hands wandering all over me. I didn't know where they
would touch me next, nor did I care. Now John, I'm ready, you can go ahead and touch me down there, whatever way you want John. Yes, oh that's
nice, umm ... oh, that too! That's it, oh yes, go on, do it, pull my panties down ... I want you to do that, get them out of the way. There, isn't that better, is
it easier for you to reach me now? Oh!"


"I love the touch of your fingers there, oh my darling, can you feel how wet I am. Oh ... oh yes ... oh, run your fingers all the way up there ... oh yes,
right on my clit, oh it feels so good the way you do that. Around and around with just two fingers.

This was becoming all too much for me. I decided that I wouldn't make a very good voyeur. John was obviously using his fingers to arouse my wife and
it sounded like he had long passed the point of merely touching his fingers to the crotch of her panties. I had heard her say that they were gone ...
pulled down out of the way.

"Oh ... oh dear ... ooh, my God, sliding your finger into me now. Yes, ooh, just a bit deeper ... yes, up on the top side ... umm, right there, you've got it,
that's my g spot. Oh my God, I won't last long if you keep that up. Oh careful, not too quick ... yes, oh that's about right. Oh yes John, slow and steady."

My wife's words were so descriptive, I had never known her to be so talkative in sex before. From her words, it was obvious that she had encouraged
him to pull her panties down so as to give his fingers easier access to her whole pubic region. It sounded to me that his probing fingers were inside her
vagina touching her g spot and he was also stirring her clitoris to life.

"Oh, I'm feeling so good. Just a minute, can you stop for a moment - only a moment ... you can leave your fingers in there, right where they are, just
inside me, just hold them still while I get this blouse off. I want to feel your lips on my nipples. Hold on, let me get my bra off too ... yes, that's better,
much better. Oh, I feel so free now and you can get your mouth on them, can't you? Oh God, see how stiff they are too. See what you do to me John."

Not wanting to disturb his digital penetration of her, she was removing her own blouse and bra, exposing the only remaining part of her body that had
been concealed from this man tonight, encouraging him now to bring added pleasure to her breasts and nipples too.

Janice had removed her own skirt, I had seen her throw the garment onto the front seat of her car. Then I had heard her instruct John to pull her
panties down and now it sounded like she had removed her own blouse and bra to reveal her naked breasts to him. From my monitoring of my
personal surveillance on my wife, she was now sitting naked with her lover on the back seat of her car ... except perhaps for the flimsy partial covering
of stockings and garter belt, I could only sit in my friend's car and listen helplessly to the sounds of my wife's carnal pleasures. She sounded as if she
was building up to a new fever pitch of arousal from John's lips and tongue and fingers. Her breathing quickened, it was loud too, panting gasps of
pleasure ripping from her lips ... sometimes "Oh John!" alternating with "Oh yes, yes!" until it peaked for her in a mighty crescendo of gasping, panting
and heavy breathing. I knew that at that moment that my Janice's body was exploding with her own distinct sounds of orgasm that were unmistakable
to me.

Then, in the next few minutes, I listened intently to the small speakers on my digital audio receiver, hearing the sounds of my wife coming down from
her peak of ecstasy, her breathing slowly returning to normal. John's breathing had been heavy too, but I was certain that he had not attempted or
reached his own satisfaction on this occasion. It shouldn't have - not in these circumstances - but the sound of my wife orgasming - so familiar to me
from years past - made me hard as I sat in my friend's car, listening.

After what seemed an eternity of breathless after-glow, I heard Janice at last respond to what her body had just been through, "Oh, that was so good
John, I'm impressed, you really do know what a woman needs, you handled my body so well, knew just how to bring me up and then get me off. I

couldn't have asked for anything better than what you just did for me. I know you consider this a contest between you and Richie - the two men in my
life ... while I don't like to call it that, if it is then you measured up very well just then."

I didn't want to hear that.

"I told you I could make you feel good."

"You did ... and you did. What I mean is you did tell me you could and you just did all of that ... and more! And we haven't even been to bed yet. Oh my
God, now you have me tingling with anticipation for when that happens, John."

"I hope it will be soon Janice."

"Yes, I know it was disappointing that we couldn't do what we wanted to do today. But let's both try to be patient, surely some opportunity will open up
for us and we can go ahead and consummate our beautiful relationship. John, can I ask you a big favour please?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"This breast here is feeling very neglected, it's telling me that you spent more time sucking on the other one while you were fingering me."

"You mean this one here?"

"Yes, that one John. Oh God, yes that's good, that's just what it needs, your lips and your tongue sucking on my nipple. Oh, am I being selfish, asking
for more from you?"

John's voice was very muffled, I could imagine why it was so hard to understand him as he tried to talk to my wife with his mouth full of her distended
nipple, "Not selfish ... at all dearest Janice ... I'm pleased ... that you want more."

"Oh yes John, so so good ... but now it's gone the other way. Now it's this nipple that's feeling very neglected."

"No worries!" were the only words I could make out clearly, perhaps expressed as his mouth lifted off one of my wife's breasts and switched to the

"Oh, yes that's better. Oh John, I could lie back here having you switch from one to the other all night but there would always be one nipple feeling
neglected at any given minute. As nice as this is, I am going to have to call it a night soon. I left a note to tell Richie I'd be home around ten. It must be
near that now and since I'm supposed to only be at a movie and dinner, I don't want him getting suspicious."

I could hear very noticeable sounds of more loud slurping.

"Ooh, that was a big finish there, it felt like you put an extra special effort into your last suck on each of them. We must remember that for next time,
have you do a lot more of that ... it's really nice the way you suck on them. Now, before we finish here, can you please roll over on your side for me?"

"What for, what do you want to do? I thought you said you had to go now, that's the only reason I gave up on your breasts."

"I do have to go, but I just have something I want to do before you leave me tonight."

"Oh really, that sounds interesting."

"Yes, I think you'll like it John."

There was a long silence in the car and I wondered what was happening over there. I looked but couldn't see either of their heads through the back

At last, Janice spoke again, "I just want to get at this zip."

"Oh, oh I didn't expect this. Oh Janice, no you don't have to ... what you did for me last time was wonderful but you did get upset afterwards. I certainly
don't want you having any regrets again."

"Just you relax John and let me do what I want to do. The last time, you were pleading for me to do what I did ... there was no time for me to decide for
myself and I felt pressured to do my best to make you feel good. That's what upset me, that I didn't have time to decide if I really should put it where
you wanted it. This is much different tonight, we've already both agreed that we want to take the next big step and go to bed together. You are not
demanding or expecting something from me and you and your lips and tongue and magic fingers have just made me feel very good. So good that I
want to do this for you, I can't have you going home with ... what did you call it last time ... was it blue balls John?"

"Yes dearest Janice, it's blue balls when a man gets really turned on and then he misses out on the opportunity to cum."

"So you just rest your head against the back of the seat and let me get my hand inside your pants here and have a forage around, see what I might
find. Now, let me see, where are you big fellow? Ooh, there it is ... oh my God, it's hard as usual, I could hardly miss it, could I? Now, I want to do this
all on my own, just something from me to you for making me feel so good tonight."

I could hear her John already moaning, she had obviously grasped a firm hold of his erection and eased it out of the flies in his trousers. Maybe she
was already stroking it for all I knew. John was certainly making his pleasure known quite loudly.

"Now John, my terms this time, just lie back and let me touch you and no special requests, alright? Oh my God, you're always hard, aren't you?"

"When I'm around you I am."

"That's another positive sign in your favour. I do like hard! And this is certainly hard."

It seemed that John had at last found the capacity to form words, "Ahh, that's just so good." I had been beginning to think that he was going to moan
his way through to orgasm. Even so, his words did trail off into a lingering moan that sounded like he was experiencing absolute pleasure.

"Did I make myself clear John, I won't be going as far as I did last time. Hopefully, I can make you feel good with just my hands ... I'll use one along
here to stroke the shaft just like this and I'll put the other one down under here and cup your balls like this ... okay?"

John let out another drawn-out moan of pleasure. Now it was his turn for his breathing to become loud, heavy and expressive and I pictured my wife of
25 years sitting alongside him on the car's back seat, stroking his cock until the clear juice began to ooze from the eye. I could hear the familiar sounds
of a man losing it and I became very envious of him, remembering how good Janice's touch was, He sounded to be getting closer and closer to climax.

I really hoped that Janice didn't give in like last time and let him cum into her mouth. But then it sounded like Janice had pushed him over the top quite
easily - and quickly. John's voice was loud through the speaker, "Aah ... aah ... aah ... aah ... OH YES JANICE! Oh, hold it harder, harder. Oh, don't let
go until I stop cumming!" His cock would have been spurting uncontrolled and I wondered whether either of them was caring where it splattered. I didn't
fancy having to clean his cum off the upholstery of Janice's car over the weekend. Had she thought ahead to catch his release in tissues or her
handkerchief or had she cupped her hands over his cock to capture his cum? Hopefully, she had not relented at the last minute and ducked her head
down to apply her lips over his tip in the final seconds before he spasmed to a finish?

'Surely that's all,' I thought, assessing that both had derived the ultimate pleasures from their carnal pursuits, to which I had been an unfortunate but
essential witness. As painful as it may have been listening, I needed to know the extent of my wife's carnal deception.

"Is that it, are we going?" John certainly sounded like he didn't want it to be over. I remembered a time when my wife and I were much younger and
how I used to feel that same way when my loving wife Janice had ministered to my urgent needs in a similar fashion.

"Yes, as much as I'd love to stay with you John, I must try to get home near to the time I suggested in my note."

"So you left him a note, did you? Where does he think you are?"

"I told him I was going to a movie and dinner with your wife of course."

"Oh Janice, I wish you wouldn't do that, it makes me nervous that he might try to find her to verify your stories."

"Don't worry, he's not going to do that, he doesn't know anything ... yet!"

"I like the word yet, that's full of encouragement for me. It will be good when we can both tell our spouses our future plans. So when can I see you

"I don't know yet, we'll just have to bide our time with our plans to find a bed. I'll call you next week."

The back door of the car opened. John stepped out into the moonlight while still stuffing his cock back into his trousers and moved around the open
door to open the driver's door for my wife. She stepped out of the same back door, still doing up the buttons of her blouse after presumably putting her
breasts back inside her bra. But her skirt was still lying on the front seat where she had tossed it, so she stood blatantly half-dressed in the moonlight
beside her car wearing only her damp panties, twisted stockings and garter belt below the waist. Oh, and her shoes. I hadn't noticed that before when
she switched to the back seat. Yes, she still had her shoes on and, while not super high, the heels certainly made her legs and arse look even better in
the moonlight.

John reached into her car and retrieved her skirt, holding it for her while she stepped into it. I was amazed at how nonchalant she had become
compared to last time when she kept looking around furtively. She might have felt more relaxed under the cover of darkness, because she seemed
uncaring that any late night walker might see her only partially clothed. When she had made herself appear respectable again, she stepped over to
John, who leaned back against the car. She raised her arms and draped them around his neck, pulling herself up to kiss him longingly and
passionately, again oblivious to anyone seeing her. To my hurt, they looked like any loving couple.

I wanted to leave, not only to block this sight from my mind, but also to try to get home ahead of her. But if I were to start the car up now, they would
see and hear it and it would immediately arouse suspicion that they could be being watched. So I stayed low down in the front seat and sat it out until
they had kissed themselves to a standstill. So much affection, so much passion ... their parting kiss must have been at least 5 minutes long. Even when
it looked like the long kiss had finished, her arms remained draped around his neck, her body leaning against his and their lips pecked at each other in
short sharp stabs like they could bear to part. I was nauseated at her infidelity.

Eventually, it was only when Janice brought one hand down off John's neck to look at her wrist watch that she seemed to panic and pushed herself
away from him. It was by now 10.10. They each got into their separate cars and within 30 seconds, both had driven off, leaving me alone in the now
deserted car park by the river.

By the time I had returned the car to my friend, made a little small talk and driven my own car back home, Janice would have beaten me there by
around 20 minutes. I realised that it would have been time enough for her to remove any signs of her adulterous night. Sure enough, when I walked in
the front door, she was coming from the direction of the bathroom in her robe, looking like she had just showered.

"Where have you been?" she asked, going on to the front foot.

"When I found you were out for the night, I heated up the dinner you left me and then went over to see Jeremy Biggins."

"What on earth for, I didn't think that you and he were that close that you'd go visit him at night?"

"We just hung out, had a few beers, watched the game of the week on TV, he's got one of those massive plasma sets."

"Oh, that's nice darling, you should do that more often."

"How was your night Janice?"

"Oh wonderful Richie, I had a great time."

"With your new friend Robyn Clark, I must meet her some time."

"What, why would you want to?"

"Oh I don't know, I guess I like to know the people my wife spends time with."

"She's not your type Richie."

"Why have you had a shower? I thought you would have had one before you went out not when you get home?"

"Oh, I don't know, I just felt the urge to have a shower before bed, no special reason."

"Um, it's just strange, you wouldn't have worked up a sweat by going to the movies."

"Darling, it's no big deal is it?"

"No, I guess not, just seems like strange behaviour. Oh, unless you're making yourself super clean to have me go down on you. That would be good, I
haven't had that pleasure for a few weeks."

Janice was quick to respond to that, "Oh God no, not now! Oh Richie, why must a simple thing like having an unscheduled shower mean that I must be
expecting something sexual from you?"

"I don't know, but you're the one that claims I haven't paid enough attention to you lately, and when I do show an interest you don't want to know about

"I'm just tired darling, maybe tomorrow night."

"Yes, maybe!"

Janice's attitude was so much improved this Friday night and we were talking quite amicably again. Maybe it was due to the powerful orgasm she had
experienced at the hands of John ... her first with him. She didn't even mention her annoyance at my new work flexibility once and ... guess what? I
decided not to tell her yet that it was almost certain that the boss intended to send me off to Brisbane for an overnight stay sometime in the coming
week, possibly as early as Tuesday. No need to give her that much advance notice for her to reschedule her intended adultery with John.

To be continued in Part 3


Don't assume this has a predictable end, there are still several twists and turns in this story.

Advice for the Trolls, 75% of whom chose to be anonymous last time: I said at the start of Part 1 that this was a thinking person's story. I realise that
the trolls don't want a story to think about, they only want a simple story using simple words to wank off to quickly. Don't waste your time posting inane
vitriolic crap disguised as a critique or review of my stories. I always choose to accept Literotica's offer to authors to remove any comments that they
choose. Unconstructive comments won't last more than 24 hours here. Far more pleasing was that, as always, a much large number of members
favourited Part 1 ... thank you to them.

Part 03

Richard has discovered that after 25 years of marriage, his wife is seeing a new male friend who intends to be her lover. How does he know? Richard
has illegally and immorally tapped their phone conversations and spied on them when the pair met twice in a nearby lovers lane parking spot. Now he
has installed miniature cameras in his own bedroom and living room.

Message to anon theorists: this is NOT a cuckold story.


Chapter Eight

My brother Brian has had an issue with me for the past 31 years. He is just over a year older than me so we were really close growing up as kids, close
enough to argue and fight as much as to be best buddy's. Through our teenage years, we became much more competitive and naturally, that was in
nearly everything we did, including dating. We went to the same university, I was a year behind Brian in our studies.

He spotted Janice first and they began dating, she was only 19, I was 20 and Brian was 21. They went out together a few times but she played much
harder to get than most of his other college conquests. I had met her while they were dating ... I would bump into them at various places and parties. I
admired this beautiful young woman so when he confided to me, in a weak - rare for him - moment of honesty, that he was frustrated that he couldn't
get her into bed, she became even more appealing to me. My brother could be such a sleaze that I thought that she must be a young woman of
extremely good taste to have rejected going to bed with him.

He took her out a dozen times but no matter how hard he tried, he kept striking out ... the more I saw of Janice, the more I was attracted to her. One
day on an impulse I asked her out and, to my surprise, she accepted. Brian didn't know of our first date and continued to pursue her, asking Janice out
a few more times. But right from that first date with me, Janice began declining his invites until eventually she came clean and told him that we had
been on a date and she would go out with me again if ever I asked. You can imagine how that pissed Brian off ... his little brother had stolen his girl. He
was furious with me and we ended up throwing a few punches at each other. That morphed into a wrestle and we rolled around on the ground until
friends were forced to separate us.

I began dating Janice seriously and was thrilled when Janice and I had sex on only our third date, she adding the sweet gift of her virginity for me to
take that night. I should have been happy and content simply to be so honoured, but in youthful exuberance I felt compelled to boast to Brian what he'd
missed out on. I needed to get one back on him for his being a shit of a brother. Hey, I was only 19, call me immature.

We shared a room on campus and he was away on the weekend of my virginity-busting date with Janice. We used his more comfortable bed and
afterwards, I wrote my brother a note...

"Brian, don't know where you keep the clean sheets, that's if you have any. Sorry about the red spots, only the final traces of Janice's virginity which
she granted to me on Saturday night. Love you bro, but love her more."

Brian thought he was the Love God and his failure to bed Janice stuck in his craw even more when he found she had been a committed virgin for all of
his 12 frustrating dates with her. For all those years since my third date with Janice, she has become my brother's greatest challenge and he has
maintained a relentless life-long pursuit of her to go to bed with him whenever he talks to her.

Janice has complained to me so many times over the years how Brian is an out-and-out lecher, always chatting her up whenever we meet up at family
events. He would back her into corners so he could touch and grope, and relentlessly try to talk her into bed with him. He is now a confirmed bachelor
yet again, having gone through two marriages and countless affairs with other women.

Janice and I lived together after she shunned Brian, then we separated for a year while she travelled overseas. She had a couple of other guys during
that time but when she came back home, we two picked up where we left off. It was a long 5 years since first meeting before fwe wed and began a
family ... she was 25 and I was 26.

Given the history of my relationship with my brother and his eternal angst that I had stolen his girl, it is strange that I would turn to him to seek his
advice at what to do about John trying to steal Janice. In spite of his constant pursuit of her over the years, Brian was still family and closer to me than
any other buddy's. Plus, I figured he knew her better than any of my other friends.

So on Saturday afternoon, fully aware that time was running out, I found myself sitting down with my brother at his house over a couple of beers.
Despite my intention to open up, I still needed to be cautious in what I told him. I wanted to unburden about the state of my marriage but I certainly
didn't want to reveal my phone tapping. While it had been useful in updating me on the progress of her affair, I still felt bad about doing it. I am basically
an honest man - with a conscience. I knew my monitoring could be viewed as immoral as much as illegal and I needed to maintain the high moral
ground while exposing my wife as a cheater to the closest member of my family.

"So what goes, little brother? Must be something big for you to seek my counsel. We haven't sat down like this for years."

I wasn't quite sure where to start in spite of rehearsing this meeting with my brother over and over in my head. I decided to be blunt and get straight to
it, "Brian, Janice is having an affair."

"Whoa, hey brother, that's big! Hold up a minute! Surely not Janice, your Janice, who should have been my Janice, but that's another matter. I always
thought that you and she were devoted to each other. I mean, whenever I see her, she never has a bad word to say about you."

"Whereas you do, I suppose?"

"Oh come on now, be nice! I might slag you a little in the futile hope that she might see through you and let me bang her."

"That's my wife you're talking about Brian."

"Yeah, well you know how I've carried on all these years, I wasn't all that serious. I've always pretended to hit on her because of her dumping me for
you, but it's never really serious."

"It wasn't always pretend with you Brian. You may say it wasn't serious but that's only because she's never taken you up on your many offers. If she
ever did, you couldn't wait to rub my face in it, but that's alright, I've always trusted her and knew you were never going to get there. You have seriously
hit on her a lot, desperately hoping that she would give you a sniff so that one day you could tell me you got her back. But your approach is too blunt
and crass and she just doesn't buy it. You have upset her a few times."

"Oh nonsense, she knows it's all a big joke!"

"Don't be so sure about that."

"Okay, well enough of that, what you're telling me is deadly serious stuff, little brother. Better start at the beginning, so how do you know about this?
Could you be mistaken?"

"No, I'm not mistaken. It started with her getting a regular phone call at four every Sunday afternoon. She goes all secretive and talks sexy and sultry to
this guy, that is for the few seconds that I can hear before she slips into the bedroom or study and closes the door."

"Okay, granted that's not a good sign. What else Richard?"

"One of my workmates spotted her in the city, she was walking directly toward him, but she was arm-in-arm with this other guy. When she spotted my
mate, she changed direction quickly, darting across the road and ignoring his wave.

"Um, you do seem to be mounting a case, but I'm not convinced yet. Those two things could be explained away by a clever woman."

How much could I reveal? I didn't want to admit to the phone taps - even to my own brother. "Brian, I took some time off and followed her one weekday
using a friend's car so she wouldn't recognise me. She and this guy parked in a quiet spot down by the river and got very hot and heavy in the back

"I guess that about does it if you saw her there with your own eyes. I never would have believed it of her. As I said, I'd always viewed you two as a very
devoted couple. Have you confronted her about this?"

"No, not yet!"

"Don't you think you should? Maybe when you followed them down to the river, you should have gone across to the car, yanked the door open and
taken them both on."

"Yes, in hindsight, maybe I should have. But it's been 25 years Brian, that's a lot together to simply discard her. I was worried that if I went too heavy, it
might tip her over the edge and she'd leave anyway.."

"Richard, you can't be a wuss about this, you need to be aggressive, this bastard is messing around in your marriage, you have to challenge him,
unpleasant as you might find that. So what do you want me to do about it? Should I drop in and have a talk to her, see if she'll admit it to me?"

"I don't think that would help. It might if she respected you more, but all that stuff you've tried on her over the years would have turned her a bit sour
toward you as a mediator. No, I don't need your intervention. I really just wanted your advice. You've been through a couple of marriages, a few
relationships. You should have a fair idea of why a woman suddenly chooses to wander after 25 years marriage."

"Mine never lasted half that long, so I don't have any experience to draw on for you there. In fact, most of mine broke up because I found somebody
better to bang."

Sitting here with my brother, listening to this tripe, I realised how misguided I was in unburdening my problems on him. He just didn't think the way I did
and there would be nothing that he could contribute that might help mend my marriage. The worst thing was that he now knew that Janice and I were
on shaky ground. Would he take advantage?

I would find out all too soon. On Monday, my boss had confirmed that I was booked on a Brisbane-bound flight at 7am on Tuesday morning along with
hotel accommodation for up to two nights. Nothing I could say would change his mind, he wanted me for this task. While flattered, I was also shattered
that when Janice found out, she would invite John over in a flash and the fornication I had feared happening would become a reality.

I got home from work, determined not to tell her I was going away until the last possible moment. Janice put a pre-dinner drink in my hand and I sat
down to hear about her day, "You'll never guess who dropped by to see me today?"

"No, I doubt that I would. Is it someone I know or is it some secret friend of yours?"

I couldn't resist that little dig and I got a reaction, my wife gave me the strangest look. "What an odd thing to say darling? I don't have any secret

"You have Robyn Clark that I've never met."

"Oh my God, not her again. You seem obsessed about me making a new friend."

"Never mind, who was it that came by today?"

My wife seemed happily relieved that I let her off the hook on Robyn Clark, "Your brother!"

"What? Brian, what did he want?" My voice was attempting contempt in referring to my brother, but that was really my way of concealing my
apprehension that he could have said something to her about the talk I had with him on Saturday.

"Well, that's just it, I don't really know."

"How long was he here?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe an hour."

"An hour ... good God, you've never talked to him that long in your life. Normally he manages to piss you off in the first five minutes of any meeting."

"That's just it Richie, he didn't this time. It was the nicest he's ever been to me. We had a couple of glasses of wine and I really think that I saw a new
side to him today."

"My brother has no new sides Janice, it's all just him, Captain Sleaze, always trying to get into some woman's panties, as I recall most often yours."

"Yes, he has tried a lot, I'll give you that, but he's never succeeded, trust me."

"I do like to trust you Janice."

"Ooh, that sounds funny, why do you say it like that?"

"I don't know, perhaps because you've been a bit funny lately. You know, talking about whether we are still right for each other and those mystery
Sunday phone calls. You do seem to be different from the woman I have long known and loved ... and still love."

"Yes, I love you too darling."

"I hope so!"

"I do, I do! But what's this about mystery phone calls, apparently you told your brother that too ... what's that about?"

Sprung ... I hadn't told Janice of my visit to Brian nor that we had discussed her. "I called by and had a couple of beers with him on Saturday. We got
chatting and he asked how you were ... I guess I let slip that I was concerned about how you take these calls behind closed doors from some guy on
Sunday afternoons."

"Oh Richie, that's an exaggeration. Maybe once or twice, I've had a call from a guy. Did I really close the door to talk to him? Oh Richie, maybe once,
but that was only because I'm planning a surprise birthday present for you and this guy is helping me buy it."

What a blatant out-and-out lie and I would have loved to come right out and tell her so. But that would admit how much I knew about her clandestine
activities and I had a different plan in mind for confrontation.

"So what else did my brother have to say to you?"

"Oh, this and that, he said you seem to have become a bit paranoid about our marriage. Rather than talk to him about it, maybe you and I should sit
down and have a long talk about it some night after dinner darling?"

"Sounds to be a good idea Janice."

This is an interesting development, so she's willing to talk about our marriage and some of my concerns about her. That's promising, I'll take her up on
that if my newest Plan A to be initiated in the morning, doesn't work. She still didn't know that I was out of here first thing in the morning and I didn't
intend to give her a head start on planning something with John tonight. I decided that I wouldn't tell Janice about the interstate trip until later Monday
night, basically trying to make it too late in the night to alert John. But as it turned out, she came into the bedroom about 8.30pm and caught me
packing a bag.

"Where are you going?"

I feigned a look of surprise that she didn't know, "Didn't I tell you last week that the boss wanted me to fly up to our Brisbane office and sort out a few
problems there?

"No you didn't!" Janice was adamant, "so how long will you be gone?"

"Oh you don't recall, maybe I found out when you weren't talking to me. No, I know ... I found out Friday and you weren't here when I came home.
You'd gone out to a movie or something with your new bestie. I guess by Saturday morning it was old news."

"You're packing a bag so obviously you're staying overnight, I'll ask again, how long will you be away?"

"Oh err, I'm hoping only one night. I'd really like to get it all done without staying but the boss insists that it will take me at least two full days." Even as I
said the words, I realised that I should have kept her on the hop by suggesting that I just might be home tomorrow night. That would at least stop her
from having John sleep over with her.

I watched her face closely as I told her of the plans for me to be away and I thought I detected her trying to mask a wry smile. I knew from my
recordings the joy she would be feeling inside at this very moment.

"Is this okay with you, nothing special planned for us, is there?"

"No, it's quite okay, nothing special planned darling. I'll miss you though."

I reached out and took her into my arms, staring intently into her eyes, "Will you, will you really miss me? Sometimes these days, I wonder if you really

She wrapped her arms around my neck in an embrace, a rare show of affection in recent times, "What do you mean would I miss you?"

"Exactly that, if I wasn't around, would you really miss me?"

"Of course I would darling, why do you ask, surely you're not thinking of going somewhere else permanently?"

"No I'm not, but honey, I still love you very much and I hope we'll always be together."

I stared into those eyes and I watched them switching about nervously. She couldn't hold my gaze, her eyes gave away her innermost thoughts that
fortunately - courtesy of my phone taps - I was already privy to.

Janice left the bedroom and I wondered if she had rushed outside to call John at his home tonight to give him the good news. I continued packing my
bag ... I would check what she did later.

Before going to bed, and an hour after she had gone to bed, I went to the study and checked the phone tap. My wife had made a call at 8.35pm ... that
would be just after I gave her the news. I played it back, it was very brief...

Female voice: Hello, Clark residence ... hello ... hello, can I help you?

My wife had been foiled, she could hardly ask the wife if she could speak to John. The call was terminated at this end. So I wouldn't get to hear the call
where my delighted wife got to deliver her good news to her about-to-be lover, at least not until I returned home. But by then - on Wednesday night - I
wouldn't need to listen to that call because if the evil deed did go ahead, I expected to watch her ultimate act of adultery on video.

I found I couldn't sleep Monday night. I lay in bed alongside Janice and kept picturing she and her friend John lying there together right where she now
lay sleeping ... in our marital bed. Only in these imaginary pictures, I could see John on top of Janice, his body driving his erection into her vagina, her
legs spread lewdly beneath and around his, a look of absolute rapture across her face as she gazed admiringly up into his eyes, her arms locked
around his neck, holding firmly to him as he pleasured her body.

I got up at one stage, went to the study and noted down the digits of the last number called on our phone from the phone tap equipment. Then I looked
up J & R Clark in the telephone directory. There they were, at 11 Hilltop Road, Rosemeadow and I checked that I had the right people by checking the
phone number listed. I had a match.

The more I thought about them together, the more I realised that I should have intervened some time ago. This adultery should not be happening and I
was the only one that had any chance of stopping it now. My plan would be to risk Janice's wrath - even the end of our marriage - by threatening this
man where he would fear it most, on his home phone.

I left for the Airport at 6am for my 7.30 flight. Just before boarding, I went to a quiet corner of the terminal, trying to avoid the background sounds of the
airport speakers as I dialled John's home number. I hoped that he was an early riser, or better still, that his wife may be. His now familiar voice
answered, "John Clark here."

"John, my name is Richard Anderson, you know my wife Janice."

"Err no, I don't think I do, I'm not familiar with anyone of that name."

"Cut the crap, you shit ... you do know her, you know her very well it seems. I know that you are married, your wife is Robyn and that you live at 11
Hilltop Road, Rosemeadow. I'm telling you now that if you continue to see my wife, I'm coming around there to beat the shit out of you and then I'll tell
your wife where you've had your dick. You got that?"

"Err, I think you might have the wrong person."

"I've got exactly the right person, you've had your warning, now back off!"

I felt much better after that, particularly since he sounded such a coward with his stuttering denials. I walked to join the queue to board my Brisbane-
bound flight. At least now he knew that I knew but would it be enough? This would really test whether he really did love my wife or whether he was an
opportunist looking for an easy fuck or two.

Chapter Nine

In another city, far from my home on Tuesday, I tried to concentrate through a long day on solving the problems in this interstate office. As much as I
sped through it, somewhat hopeful that I could finish it all off in one day and catch a late flight home, it was obvious it was a two-day job ... I was stuck
here overnight.

All day, my thoughts kept straying to Janice at home, wondering what reaction she got from her lover when she called him this morning to invite him
over. Did he tell her of my warning call to him? If so, Janice could be really pissed with me by now. A good sign was that she hadn't called me in anger.
But if she knew that I knew, was it likely I'd find all my clothes scattered on the driveway when I got home?

Or was John so obsessed with having my wife that he would ignore my threats? So if the two went ahead and met, had they done the dirty deed by
now? If it was going ahead in spite of my call to John, had she invited him around already or, due to my overnight absence, had they decided to delay
their pleasure to make it an all-night affair?

I left the interstate office around 5.30, had a quick meal on the way to my hotel room and then found myself sitting around on Tuesday night, plagued
by mental images of my wife and this man having sex. Missionary, her on top, him going down on her, her giving him a blow job - again! I expected that
I wasn't going to sleep much tonight either.

I put away four pots of beer in pretty quick time. I figured that I was too curious to sleep, so around 8pm - as much for mischief if they were together as
it was to test if Janice was still talking to me after my warning call to John, I picked up the phone and called my wife at home. It rang and rang for a long
time, but I hung in there, putting pressure on her to answer it or later have to explain to me where she was at that time of night. I was worried that it
would go to message, but at last, after about 12 rings, she picked up.

"Hello!" she sounded far away, tentative and distracted. Had I called at a bad time, was she asleep or in a period of sexual after-glow? Had I
interrupted something personal and intimate, could she actually have been in the middle of a special moment of fornication with her new lover?

"Hi darling, it's me," I gave her my chirpiest not-a-care-in-the-world greeting, although it was far from the way I was feeling. "Just thought I'd check in
with you, see that you're okay."

"Oh, you didn't need to do that." From just those few words, she definitely sounded quite distracted, like taking a phone call at this time was a real

"What's the matter honey, you don't sound yourself?"

"Oh really, I don't know why I would sound different Richie, I guess I'm just tired. I was just dozing off on the couch, watching TV."

I would bet any amount of money that she just lied to me ... but as distracted as she sounded, at least she was talking to me. She certainly didn't sound
like an angry woman so that told me immediately that John hadn't disclosed my call to him. That was strange, did he have more guts than I gave him
credit for, or was he that obsessed with getting my Janice into bed that he would ignore my threat to tell his wife? Or did his wife already know, in which
case my threat could be meaningless to him, particularly if he felt confident he could handle me in a fight.

From the way her voice sounded, I pictured her feeling awkward, lying in our bed in John's arms, maybe the pair even genitally coupled at this very
moment, who would know without a visual phone? I expected that I would find out when I watched the video back ... that is providing she was using our
bed and not the guest-room. The fact that she picked up the phone was a good sign, we only have handsets in the kitchen and our bedroom.

"So did you cook yourself some dinner or get take-away with me out of town?"

"No, I haven't really had much to eat at all, just picked at some chicken. Wasn't hungry..." she added "...for food," as if it was a cheeky afterthought and
a clarification of what she might be hungry for.

"So what did you do with your day, did you go out or just laze around at home?"

"Oh not much, I just ... umm, oh ... err, I just lay about."

"What was that, what happened?"

"What do you mean, nothing happened here?"

"It sounded like you gasped or sighed, it was quite loud Janice."

"Oh did you hear that? No, it's nothing Richie, I just dropped something on the floor. It must have sounded like a sigh when I bent down to pick it up. I'm

I knew that wasn't the truth, something or someone had distracted her. The gasp had sounded more sensually driven than a simple exclamation at
dropping something. She was obviously disturbed by my silence, forcing her to say something, "So what's the point of the call Richie, we don't seem to
talk this much when you're home."

She sounded to me like she was becoming very agitated, anxious for the call to finish. I was more certain than ever now that John was there with her,
in our bed at this very moment. Had I caught them in the middle of their very first fuck ... I had no idea about that. But with the amount of free time she
had with me so far away, they could have been at it all day and by now could be having their fourth or fifth go. Was he that good? I sure hoped not!

"I just wanted to hear your voice darling, tell you that I love you." There you go, I intentionally threw a live verbal grenade that could blow her away ... I
don't think I'd told her that in at least a couple of years.

It must have caught her by surprise - as I fully intended. There was a long silence, then, "Oh darling, err, I err, love you too Richard. Oh my God, if
you're saying things like that, you must be horny. Now you be good up there, keep it zipped up and have an early night. I don't want you going with any
bad women."

Oh come on, was she serious? How hypocritical was that, telling me not to pick someone up. "Oh honey, you know me, I am completely loyal to our
marriage, I have our marriage vows tattooed on my cock."

For all the strong suspicions I had that she might be in the middle of having sex with her lover, she actually found that funny, she giggled, at least I
would leave her with a laugh. I was certain that John was lying with her, alongside or on top of my wife and fornicating as often as he could this night.
"So I'll see you tomorrow evening honey, miss me?"

"Sure do," she lied.

I hung up with a funny feeling in my stomach, imagining Janice placing the phone down and rolling back over into John's arms once more, perhaps
asking him, "So where were we?"

I hoped that Janice and I mutually declaring our love for each other would have its intended effect on John. I was mischief making, trying to cause him
to question whether my wife had been totally honest with him about the state of our marriage. Janice had made no reference during my call that would
indicate that she had any idea of me having called her John from the Airport that morning. It appeared that he may not have told her. He might be
harder to remove from our lives than I had thought.

I slept a very restless night in my hotel room 900 kilometres away from home, wondering what was going on in my bedroom and wondering how much
Janice was enjoying it. Hopeful too that my new cameras had captured every moment, despite the pain I knew I would feel in watching it back.

Chapter Ten

On Tuesday afternoon, I was on the 5 o'clock flight out of Brisbane, arriving home in Sydney by 7.30 that night. I turned the key in the door with some
trepidation, wondering what reaction I would get from Janice. I found her in the living room and when I went to kiss her hello, she turned her head to
offer her cheek and not her lips. My wife had eaten before I got home, she tends to do that, she's very inflexible when I am caught up with work. "I've
kept dinner warm for you, although I didn't know if you would eat on the plane. You never said anything."

"You know what I think of airline food Janice, I waited to eat with you," trying to convey a point, perhaps make her feel bad ... I don't think it worked.

"We won't go through that again darling, you know my thoughts on that after all these years. I cook dinner for both of us at the same time every night ...
if you're here, well then good, if you're late, I keep it warm for you."

So our first conversation since - I believe - my wife has given her body to another man for the first time in our marriage, ends up confrontational. I need
to steer us back to amicable, "So what did you do while I was away, anything exciting?" I could have asked, 'who did you do,' instead of what and see
what reaction I got.

I watched her face reflect her mind scanning over the past 24 hours, wondering how it had been for her. Was she a happy and contented woman or
was it possible she could have some dissatisfaction? I was concerned that if John had come over and it went really well, she might actually choose this
moment to come right out and admit her adultery and ask for a divorce. I was hopeful that I could get into the study soon after dinner and view the
video images of whatever had happened in this house in the past 36 hours. To see it all and decide whether the woman I loved was worth keeping.

No confession was forthcoming, "Oh nothing much darling, just another day and night in my dreary life," was her non-committal answer. The matching
facial expression gave nothing away as to what may have gone on for her in our bed yesterday or last night.

"Honey, surely it's not as boring as you make it sound ... if it is, perhaps you should look to liven it up a bit." I was giving her every opportunity to come
clean with me.

"Umm, maybe I should, what do you suggest I should do to liven up my life?" she was throwing it back on me.

"I don't know, but I certainly wouldn't recommend you have an affair."

Did she blush scarlet on hearing my comment? I thought she did, but recovered quickly, "That's the strangest thing to say to me, why would you say
that Richie?"

"I don't know ... probably because I wouldn't want to lose you."

My wife turned my probing back at me, "For you to suggest something like that, maybe you're having one, were you really away on business last

How dare she? Knowing all I know that she's been up to behind my back, "Of course I was, I told you I didn't want to go. The last thing I wanted was to
leave you alone for two days."

She gave me a strange look at that last comment and chose to change the subject, "You better have your dinner before it gets cold."

I excused myself to go and take a quick pee and, unable to contain myself, I slipped into the study to check the replay. For my peace of mind, I needed
to glimpse a sample, only to ensure the equipment had recorded. Yes, there was definitely a picture but nobody in sight ... picture quality looked to be
good. I didn't have time to scan through now to check if she welcomed any guests to the house. I would have to get to that later, at least I knew now it
was working. I sat back down to eat my dinner ... alone.

Although I had reignited our love life a couple of times recently, Janice showed no interest in me at all this night and the next time I actually saw her
after our initial words, was at 9pm when she told me she was going to bed. I gave her a lame excuse about needing to go to my study and write a
report for the boss on how I had solved the interstate business problem but she didn't seem to care. There was no goodnight kiss, not even a peck.
Once she was gone, I poured another glass of wine and sat down to watch the video that had digitally recorded in my absence.

I keyed in the time I wanted, which was when I left the house at 6am Tuesday, saw my wife still asleep in bed and fast forwarded through until when
she woke about 8.30, then rising to, I assume, make a phone call - that would have been to John to let him know I had gone away and the coast was
clear. She must have called him from the kitchen where I didn't have video coverage and so I couldn't hear her making plans. I fast-forwarded through
several hours of Janice around the house, seeming to drift aimlessly from room to room, but no sign of a visitor. Then several hours more with the
house empty ... my wife must have gone out. I hoped that they hadn't agreed to meet outside the house, although with me away, I couldn't imagine why
they would.

Perhaps my warning call to John had worked after all and maybe he had rejected her when she called to ask him to come over. I needed to know what
had been said between them in that early morning phone conversation. I paused the video and turned to my phone tap equipment.

There were two calls recorded on Tuesday and another on Wednesday morning ... that last call on Wednesday would be after any action that might
have taken place in the house after I'd gone on Tuesday so I left that for now. I knew that the second call from Tuesday would be me calling from
interstate that night, so I zeroed in on the first one, calling out at 8.40am. That would be it...

Janice (sultry fake voice): John, can you talk?

John: Err, yes sort of.

Janice: John, I'm sorry to call so early and I don't want to get you into strife with your wife, but I've got some fabulous unexpected news. I tried to call
last night but your wife answered so I panicked and hung up.

John: Oh, so that was you, she was curious who it might have been, so was I. But if its good news you've got, it might make up for the lousy weekend
I've had.

Janice: Oh dear, what's wrong?

John: I won't go into it now and today didn't start any better with an early morning call but I'll tell you about that when I see you next. I could do with
hearing some good news, but let's just say she's been a proper bitch to me all weekend. I've had enough, I can tell you that.

Janice: Well my darling, in that case I am sure I can make your day get a whole lot better.

John: That's great, tell me your good news?

Janice: He's gone away John, Richard's been called out of town on business. I am here on my own, all alone John, now and all day today, tonight too.
Can you come around, we can do everything we planned to do last Friday?

John: Oh wow, how long has he gone for?

Janice: Just overnight, but he's not back until about 7.30 tomorrow night.

John: Oh honey, that's great ... but err, I can't get away just now. I won't be able to get over there until much later in the day.

Janice: Oh no, why not!

John: Well, not until about 4, I'd say. I have an important meeting scheduled with my financial planner, it's taken weeks to get him, I can't cancel that,
much as I'd love to so I could come over there now. But my wife's coming with me we have to discuss our investments. She'd give me unnecessary
grief if I cancelled this meeting at the last minute.

Janice: Oh shit, I was so hoping you could be here in an hour. So could you stay over tonight then? Think of it, Richie won't be here John,you could
stay all night, we could sleep together and when we wake, we could start doing it all again.

John: Um, that does sound good but I'm not sure, I don't know what excuse I could give. Oh damn, who cares, the way she's been with me lately, I'll
just tell her I'm not coming home tonight ... she can think what she wants. Yes, I'll stay if that's what you want, you're what matters to me now.

Janice: So then we'll say 4 o'clock then John?

John: Yes, 4 is good for me ... oh my God Janice, I can't believe it's really going to happen at last. I was shattered after the disappointment of Friday.

Janice: I'm finding it hard to believe too! John, as much as I am still unclear about the future of my marriage, I want to tell you how excited I am that you
are coming over here and that we will have the whole house to ourselves. We can do whatever we want together, no fear of interruptions. We could
even run through the house in the nude. But John, can I say one thing now ... I do want to do this with you, but I have this fear that when the moment
actually comes, I could get very nervous. It's such a big step for me after having only one man for 25 years. Well, actually that's just the length of our
marriage. We were together before that so it's been 30 years with one man only. Can you see why I'm a bit apprehensive? I promise I won't stop you,
at least I'll try not to. I really do want you to have me this time, to do anything you want.

John: Wow, that's a big call, anything - are you sure about that?

Janice: Oh dear, what have I said? Did I go too far by using the word anything? Oh, I'm not very good at this, as you can see. Well, nearly anything
John. I'm not into any kinky stuff, so definitely none of that. What I mean is anything normal between two people. I'm going to try really hard not to get
cold feet when we're both naked together in bed.

John: Thank you Janice, you've made my day. Now I feel a whole lot better. Thank you so much, see you at 4.

The only comfort that I could draw from listening to that conversation was that my darling wife of 25 years still seemed to have some uncertainty about
the path she was taking. Was there yet a distinct possibility that she might freeze at the last minute and deny him? I could only hope!

I left the phone tap and went back to the TV screen, fortunately there was a coded time recorded message in the bottom corner of the screen. I fast-
forwarded through toward 4pm, but at 3.30, I saw my wife enter the bedroom so I reverted to normal speed playback. It looked like she had just
returned from shopping, she carried a couple of bags and she emptied them and laid out the contents on our bed. It seemed my middle-aged wife had
actually been out lingerie shopping. John's enthusiasm for the old sexy stuff she had worn the other day must have prompted her to buy some new
gear. She laid out several items on the bed. I'd say that the likes of John or I would find them pretty sexy on a woman that we desired.

Janice undressed quickly, checking her watch as if she was now on the clock to be ready to welcome her expected male guest. She disappeared from
the bedroom into the en-suite ... I guessed that she would take a shower before he arrived. I wondered how John had explained his absence from
home to his wife ... I was still dubious about his claim to Janice that his wife didn't care about him anymore.

At 3.45, my wife reappeared in our bedroom, a towel wrapped around her. She went to the bed, selecting a bra, camisole, tiny panties, garter belt and
stockings from the purchases she had laid out. I watched the interesting preparations she made for her deceit, applying a dab of perfume strategically
at the top of each inner thigh and between her breasts. She was obviously planning for his face to be picking up her scent in lots of places. She put the
perfume dispenser down, only to appear to have an afterthought, using it again to dab some directly on the inner slope of each arse cheek. 'She's not
an anal person, why would she put perfume there?' I questioned.

I watched her pull on each seductive item of new lingerie. Despite my despair that my wife was dressing this way for another man, I was still excited by
how sexy see looked. I wondered why she felt it was necessary to go this far for another man.

At least the dress that went over all of this was not new, although it did have sex appeal too, exposing a fair amount of cleavage at her breasts ... the
hemline was more circumspect, just a couple of inches above her knees. I was relieved that she did at least wear a street dress to greet him ... when I
saw what she'd bought, I wondered if she would welcome her lover in only her lingerie teamed with one of her diaphanous nightgowns.

At 4.05, she left the bedroom and I switched to the picture recorded on the other camera that I had secreted in our living room. Where was John, was
he waiting for her? On the phone tap, they had agreed for him to be here at 4pm. I saw Janice come into the living room from the hallway. My wife
busied herself nervously fluffing up all the cushions in the room, then taking a peek out through the curtains. She must have seen him parking his car
on the driveway. She paused in the middle of the living room and waited for his knock or ring on the doorbell. There it was, I heard it and she
responded eagerly, moving to open the front door.

This camera was high up in a corner, scanning the whole room. Our front door opens directly into the living room, I saw her stand behind the door to
welcome her guest. I guessed that she might have done that to stop John from taking her into his arms in the open doorway where our nosy
neighbours from across the street might see her.

He paused, looking like he felt awkward and unsure what to do but then he stepped inside and Janice closed the door behind him, shutting out the
world. She had no hesitation in throwing her arms out wide and he stepped forward into them with a warm smile. I heard her say, "At last my love" but
then no more words were possible as his kiss claimed her lips. Although the camera was way back across the room, their kiss did look passionate and
both used their hands to roam unfettered over each other's bodies. I observed John's hands all over my wife's arse cheeks, fondling and caressing
over the material of the little black dress, hers were mainly on his back and neck.

Their initial kiss went so long that I began to think - being conscious of how late tonight I would be up watching this replay - of fast forwarding through it,
but then at last they came up for air, both somewhat breathless judging by the sounds that came to me from the screen. Janice took his hand and led
him into the middle of the room. John was in a neat pair of tailored trousers teamed with a collared open neck shirt with stripes. He looked quite smart
and knowing my wife always preferred me to dress neatly, I was sure she would approve of her lover-to-be's attire.

To my surprise and in spite of the obvious passion of their first kiss, she didn't rush him straight into the bedroom. Janice and John were quite
circumspect, almost like they would have been if I were around. She offered him a drink and he accepted and they actually sat across from each other
in separate chairs like it was only a social visit. I couldn't stay up all night and I was anxious to see how intense things may become later, so I didn't
dwell on listening to their conversation which my video equipment had picked up very clearly. Of what I did catch, they both raved about how pleased
they were that I had been sent away on business, expressing their mutual delight in the great opportunity it presented for them to consummate their

John cautiously checked on how committed she was, obviously apprehensive about her words of caution on the phone that morning. I'll bet he was
worried that, despite getting this far, she might still change her mind between the living room and the bedroom. I must admit in spite of her efforts with
the lingerie, I too doubted her sincerity and her body language seemed to support that doubt. Wouldn't it be ironic - but wonderful - if after my going to
all this trouble to witness and record their initial fornication, she changed her mind and kicked him out before doing the dirty deed?

I assumed that it may have been this nagging uncertainty in her that stopped her taking John directly to our bed. Considering the sexual fulfilment that I
expected they both craved, they surprisingly seemed to be in no hurry. The two of them actually sat there innocently in our living room for half-an-hour,
sipping their drinks and talking as if he was a friend of mine and they were both waiting around for me to come in the door.

Still, I expected John would be getting impatient by now. As I fast-forwarded through their idle chit-chat, anticipating something happening, I spotted a
movement of Janice's hands, I quickly switched to real time. Her hands had dropped into her lap and my wife appeared to be finally taking the initiative.
She was teasing John, just as she had so successfully done the other night in her car, grasping the bottom hem of her dress in both hands and slowly
tugging it upward from just above her knees, gradually exposing her stocking-clad thighs.

Had she really been hoping for John to take the initiative or was she unsubtly letting him know that she was now ready to relocate the two of them into
the bedroom? Her eyes never left his as both hands slowly pulled the hem of her dress up higher and higher. Up over her thighs until the hem looked to
be barely 2 inches from her crotch. From where John sat, he would now be able to see that she was again wearing old-fashioned stockings for him.
She looked to be playing a game with him - a teasing game - staring directly into John's eyes, a smirk on her face, as if daring his eyes to break away,
to steal a peep toward her crotch that was about to be revealed from beneath her dress.

If the relationship between my wife and this man had not been about to jeopardise my marriage, and considering how eager they must both now be to
join their bodies in illicit fornication, I could almost have admired their restraint. But at last, as the clock on the corner of the screen indicated 5.01, John

rose from his chair and closed the gap between them, stopping to stand in front of my wife, looking down on the long expanse of her thighs, revealed
all the way to her stocking tops. Her dress was now pulled back so far that he could see the suspender straps pulled taut from under it, clasped to the
darker band at the top of her stockings. Staring up into his eyes, my wife boldly stretched one hand out in front of her, touching the bulge at the front of
his trousers, looking to wrap her fingers around that vertical shape that had formed there. Although she was already quite familiar with his penis, Janice
looked to be checking its length and rigidity. John threw his head back in quite a dramatic fashion, closing his eyes, appearing to relish her touch in
spite of his clothing still separating her hand from his penis.

"Umm! You feel very hard already John."

"You know that's the way it is ... I always am around you."

"So, what do you expect we should do about this?"

"What I'd really like is what we've talked about, the ultimate pleasure for us both ... for me to put this inside you."

"Umm, that does sound reasonable ... you know what John, I agree with that, it's what we both want more than anything else now. That's why I asked
you to come here?"

"I am so pleased that you told me yes, that you wanted me to show you how I could love you ... for a few days when I hadn't heard from you, I was
really worried that you'd reject the idea."

My wife was continuing to rub over the bulge in the front of his trousers and he was emitting appreciative whimpering sounds of pleasure. "John, I have
all these conflictions running through me right now, I am worried it might be conscience angels that are challenging what I am about to do. But if so, I
think that they are up against demons that you have unleashed in me that are pressing me to lie back, open my legs and let you take my body."

"I like the sound of those demons and I like the touch of your hand ... but if you keep touching me like that, I could end up liking it too much. I think we
better take this into your bedroom now. Dearest Janice, it can't be wrong if both of us feel this need ... don't deny yourself, it was your hand that
reached out for my cock ... that's a sign to me of just how much you want it."

"If only I could be sure of that, please help me to be convinced."

I was pleased to hear my wife still expressing some misgivings ... despite the sexy way she had dressed for him and the fact that on the screen before
me, she was now fondling his penis.

"I like that you wore stockings again," John told her, "it reminds me of the way women used to dress seductively for men."

"You liked me in that old tatty set so much the other day that I went out shopping today and bought a brand new matching coloured set. I'm wearing the
half-cup bra, suspenders and stockings, a camisole and just wait until you see my panties ... I've never bought this kind before. I hope you like them
because I did pick them out just for you John. When we go inside, you can undress me and you'll get to see it all."

"You bought all this just for me?"

"Yes, damn you! Does that stroke your ego John? That as confused as I may be about whether I should even be doing this, whether I should have let
you into my house for the sole purpose of having you make love to me, to possibly destroy my marriage for you ... I still went and bought these special
sexy things to make myself more attractive for when you undress me. I hope you're intending to undress me, I don't want us to stand on opposite sides
of my bed and take our own clothes off like some boring married couple John. I've had enough of that. I want the excitement, I may be about to start an
affair with you ... I want you to strip me naked, and slowly."

"Yes, I had planned to undress you."

"Of course you will, that's what a man should do, take off the clothes - piece by piece - of the woman that he desires ... it's such a romantic moment
and its been so long since I have experienced that. I dreamt of this moment last night John."

"Are you ready to go inside now Janice? I can tell you I am, I'm more than ready, and if you keep rubbing my cock like that, I'll be way beyond ready."

That was the second time he had expressed that concern to my wife ... is it possible we could have a premature ejaculator here?

"Oh, don't say that! A man should be able to control himself when a woman is touching him, that's all part of foreplay. I hope you're not going to come
too quickly and disappoint me, are you John?"

There you go, Janice was expressing her concern too.

"Not if I can help it dearest Janice. The way I see it, this is my one big chance to show you how good a lover I can be, even at my age."

That was the first time I had heard a reference to his age. I had no idea how old he was, but looking at him, I would guess that he was much older than
Janice and I. It wouldn't surprise me if he was 60-plus.

"Sounds good John," I watched my wife finish her glass of wine. "I think I'm ready now John ... I don't want anything more to drink. I needed those two
glasses of wine, they have mellowed me nicely. I think - at least I hope - they have loosened up my inhibitions. I have to admit to you that I was feeling
a bit nervous when I came home from shopping ... oh God, confession time, not just a bit. John, I was nearly shaking with apprehension, thinking over
what I am about to do to Richie. Oh God, I hope he's not hurt too much when he finds out."

My wife let go of the bulge in John's trousers and held that hand up to her new lover, "Help me up, will you John?"

He pulled her to her feet and her dress fell demurely back into place, but he didn't back up and she flowed easily into his embrace. He folded his arms
around her back and pulled her firmly up against his body, the palms of his hands cupping the cheeks of her arse. It looked smooth, just like a scene
from a movie. She would have felt his hardness now pressing against her belly, the hardness of a man who was not her husband ... their secret wish to
embark on adultery was about to be fulfilled.

John lowered his face, tilting hers up toward his and they kissed in the middle of my living room, deeply and passionately, and I cringed with a mix of
jealousy and rage. I had done what I thought I could in the past week to keep the two from reaching this moment, at last threatening John, but would it
all be enough? As much as I hated the thought of what they were about to do, I would at least bear witness to help me cope with her love of a new

"I'll understand if you want us to use the guest-room," John suggested when their kiss eventually finished, "you know, your room has the marital bed
and all that represents."

"No!" I actually screamed at the television screen, aghast that having gone to this much trouble, I may have missed whatever would take place by
having my camera in the wrong bedroom.

This being yesterday's vision, nobody responded to my outburst, but on the screen my wife answered her lover, "No it's alright, I am okay with us doing
it in my bed, we'll be more comfortable there, the other bedrooms only have singles. I think I'll still be able to sleep in my bed in the future in spite of the
sin I am about to commit."

She slipped from his embrace and led the way toward the bedrooms. He managed to catch hold of her hand that she trailed behind her, and followed
up close, moving out of vision of the camera that had recorded all the action so far. I switched the camera selection to the bedroom and anxiously
awaited their arrival. Soon it picked up the pair walking slowly into our bedroom. John dropped her hand and quickly moved ahead of Janice, beating
her and turning around to sit on the edge of the bed. Looking up at her expectantly as she stopped in front of him beside the bed, there was a look of
surprise on her face ... mine too for that matter.

"How about you put on a show for me?" I heard him ask.

Janice looked embarrassed, obviously taken aback by his suggestion. "Oh, I don't know, I didn't expect this. What sort of show do you mean?"

"You told me that you expected me to undress you but I thought we could do it together. Like, I'll unclasp your dress and you take it off, then you undo
your bra and I'll take it off, but when you get down to your panties, I want you to tease me like a stripper would."

"I don't know John, that's not what I had in mind. I never saw myself doing a striptease."

"Come on Janice, do it for me, eh? You teased me in the car the other night, I want to sit here and admire each part of your body that you expose."

"That's not how I pictured this moment in my mind all day, even since last night when Richie first told me he was going away. The way I saw it
happening, I would be lying there on the bed and you would be beside me, leaning over and removing each piece of lingerie, one by one. And then
when you were about to reveal my breasts and my pussy, I imagined that we would dim the lights real low to avoid you being shocked by the sight of
my 50-year-old naked body."

"No, leave the big lights on, you've got it all wrong, it's your naked body that I can't wait to see."

"Oh John, that is very gallant of you, but how could you really? Good God, I am 50, a 50-year-old woman is not a pretty sight."

"I am married to a 60-year-old woman, she is not a pretty sight because she has let herself go. But you, my dearest Janice, for a start you're 10 years
younger than her and you tell me you work out. With what little I have already seen of your body in the car, it's obvious you look after yourself. I can't
wait to see you undressed ... my God, if you think I'm hard now, wait till I get to see all of your body."

"You are too kind John ... at least to me, not necessarily to your wife of many years. I do thank you for your compliments, but I am still going to feel
awkward having you see my body in the nude. I guess that's why I bought all this new supposedly sexy lingerie, so I could dress this mutton up as

"Don't devalue yourself, why do you think I am so attracted to you? Your personality is only one part of your appeal, you are a very good-looking 50-
year-old, and believe me, you don't look anything like 50.

"Oh dear, you're so sweet but it's not like you still need to use any words to flatter me John. I invited you here and you're sitting there on my bed in front
of me, about to undress me. My husband is out of town - out of sight and out of mind, so you obviously don't need to say anything special now to get
into my panties. You're as good as there, how does that make you feel?"

"Really special my dearest Janice, and very eager."

"Oh I nearly forgot, I was telling you outside about my new panties. Have a look at these, are these the panties that you want to get into John?" she
teased, using both hands to again raise her dress up, this time over her hips, and holding it there, revealing the tops of her thighs where the garters
hung down taut to hold her mauve stockings firmly in place.

John sat in front of her, his face just below breast height, his eyes lowered, taking in the sight of her upper thighs and then the revealing of her hips and
lower belly, scanning my wife's body beneath the dress that she now held up high on her hips. Beneath the raised dress, she wore only the new mauve
panties and a garter belt.

It was a sight to behold for me too watching this unfold on the screen. I had not seen Janice look so tempting and appealing in years ... I wished I
wasn't sharing it with this other man. Her new panties looked to be much skimpier than any I had ever seen her wear before. But my camera was only
giving me the front view, the panties were like a g-string, just a tiny triangle of material that barely covered her pubic area.

"Oh my God, did you buy all of this just to show off your body to me?"

"Yes," she said softly, "especially for you John, do you like what you see?"

He reached forward, wrapping his hands around her arse, pulling her to him and pressing his face against her belly, "You're beautiful ... I mean dearest
Janice, you were already beautiful, you didn't need anything extra to make you more beautiful. But this, my God, this shows me your sexy side - a side
that you seem to want to deny. To think that you would go to that much trouble to buy all this, just to please me. What a wonderful woman you are!"

John's face against her tummy, pressed tightly against the tiny panties and garter belt, had the effect of stopping her dress from slipping back down
below her waist. She moved her hands to hold the side of his head against her belly. "Oh John, I am so relieved that you like all this, I was nervous
about wearing all this sexy stuff at my age. I was worried you might think I was acting like a teenager and you're such a distinguished mature man."

"Janice, never stress about the way you look and your appeal to men. You are gorgeous. Now, let me have another look at what you have to offer me
tonight." He pulled his face back off her belly and before her dress could fall back down to cover her hips, he grasped the sides and pulled it up higher.
"Here, let's get this out of the way and let me see all the good stuff underneath."

My wife took the bottom hem of the black dress and raised it up over her head, trying not to muss up her hair. She discarded it onto the floor like it was
an old rag and stood there before John in all her tempting glory, a figure-hugging mauve camisole still concealing her bra. "This can go too," John told
her as he grasped the flimsy garment covering her top half and pushed it up over her breasts, her hands taking over to lift that too up over her head.

Now he - and I watching these events later - could see the half-cup bra that exposed the smooth skin of the upper half of her twin globes. "I love your
breasts, I want to suck on them."

"I hoped you would, even expected it. You've done that before and I loved it ... you don't need to ask."

He reached a hand up and tried to open her bra in front between the cups. My wife laughed, "Ha ha, I'm sorry John, they don't all open that way, you
were just lucky the other day. This one's in back."

She helped by reaching her hands back behind her and unclasping her bra, then easing the cups forward off her breasts, dropping the garment to the
floor between them. Her nipples exposed, John moved his head forward and Janice had to bend slightly forward to lower her upper body, resting her
knees against the mattress either side of his body, her hands resting on each of his shoulders to hold her body up. This brought her breasts down level
with his mouth and his lips devoured her nipples, first one and then the other.

I watched her eyes roll, her head thrown back in delirium as her new lover worked her nipples expertly between his lips. Janice looked as if she
enjoyed having John do this as much as she always did when I sucked on her breasts. I watched his hands roam over and around the cheeks of her
arse. She still wore her silky mauve panties and the suspender belt with the thin garter straps passing over each cheek down to hold her stockings in
place. She was even still standing in her heels and that helped to push her arse out prominently.

Janice hovered there for quite some time. Not wanting to be up all night watching this, I fast forwarded and the clock timer told me that she held that
position, her knees pressing against the mattress to support her body, for over 10 minutes. All that time, John's mouth, his lips, his tongue, his teeth
worked her breasts and nipples until her breathing was loud and laboured. His hands spent a lot of time fondling her arse cheeks, but from this camera

angle I couldn't see back there. Her hands weren't idle ... with her knees bent and resting either side of his seated body, she had dropped one hand
down to again grasp his trousers in front. She appeared to be vigorously rubbing the shape of his erection.

I began to wonder when they would move on to something more, Janice looked to be uncomfortable, standing awkwardly bent in front of the seated
John. As her arousal climbed from his suckling of her firm nipples, her legs must surely struggle to hold the weight of her body up. At last, his head
pulled back and he looked up at her face hovering above his, her lips parted sensually, her breathing heavy and ragged, her body naked above the
waist, her nipples stiff and hard. My wife looked more than ready for him to take. It was a weird feeling to watch this, the seduction of my own wife ...
my loving wife of 25 years. I had never seen her in a situation such as this before and already I had decided that if I could win her back from him, I
never wanted to watch it again.

His hands still roamed over her arse. When he moved his head back away from her breasts, she straightened her body upright, relieving the strain on
her knees and thighs. "This feels different," I heard him tell her as his hands stretched around each side of her body to fondle her arse cheeks.

"What do you think of them, I've never dared to have a pair like this before," she told him and I wondered what they were talking about. "So what's the
verdict John?"

"You better turn around so I can assess them better."

He relaxed his hold around her hips and I watched Janice revolve around 180 degrees until she was facing the door, her back to him. Then I could see
what they were talking about. Her mauve panties was actually a thong, even skimpier than a G-string.

The bedroom camera now capturing her from behind, I could see all of her bare arse cheeks exposed to John who sat only inches from the smooth
skin, the pretty garment so thin at the back of her waist that it became string-like as it disappeared into the cleavage of her arse. His fingers caressed
the smoothest skin on her body and I wondered what was going through Janice's mind as she stood, her back to her lover, facing toward the door while
his fingers intimately caressed her arse.

I watched John grasp the thin band of material from her hips and pull on the flimsy garment. For a moment, the thin strand of material was held captive
between the clasp of her arse cheeks, but the harder John pulled, her cheeks released their grip on the thin band that barely concealed her private
parts. Her thong removed, Janice began to turn back around.

"No not yet, stay there a moment more," John ordered and she complied as his hands peeled the tiny thong down to her knees and gravity did the rest.
I saw him place a hand in the middle of her back and push her forward from the waist, forcing her to bend over, stretching her cheeks to expose more
of her than maybe Janice would prefer. My wife had always been quite prudish when it came to her smooth arse.

"What are you doing?" I heard her ask nervously, "I don't like this John."

"I love your arse, it's beautiful, so smooth, great curves and you're even sexy in there," he told her as I watched him use his hands to spread her
cheeks wider for his eyes to inspect the tiny pucker of her anus.

"Please don't do that John, I don't like that." Neither my wife nor I had ever entertained the idea of any anal play in spite of reading about how in vogue
it was becoming some years ago when we did still experiment with our lovemaking.

"It's ok dearest Janice, I'm only looking, I've never had a chance to do this before."

"I'm not a sex toy to play with, I'm a human being and I don't feel comfortable having you inspect my body this way."

"Ok, don't get yourself all upset, you did say to me I could do anything with you."

"I didn't mean anything like that John, I think you're taking advantage of me."

"No, no! I'd never do that," he seemed to become panicky, perhaps realising that he didn't want to put her offside now that he was so close to having
the sex he had craved with my wife. "It's ok, you can turn around now."

I saw the look on my wife's face when she turned back around ... Janice did not look impressed one bit. She seemed to be glaring down at John but he
never saw that. As she had turned her body back to face him, he got his first look at her pussy, his eyes were riveted there.

"Wow! I love it!" he enthused and I wondered what he was carrying on about. At this time of my life, it's a bit 'seen one pussy, you've seen them all.'
Still, I looked down from her face where her glare had warmed to a slight smile at his excitement. I hadn't seen that part of my wife that was so familiar
to me like this before. She was bare there, not an inch of pubic hair remained - so smooth - the line of her labia slit exposed. Now I understood John's
excitement, she had even endured the pain of a waxing especially for him.

"It's new like this, I'm still adjusting, it feels funny. I only just had it done today, a full wax. I have to tell you John, the things I've done for you today, half-
an-hour on the waxing table in excruciating pain, an hour-and-a-half in the hairdressers, and a manicure too. You better make this night worth it for me,
don't let me down."

"Dearest Janice, I am most impressed, I can't believe you'd do all this for me. You are so special!"

The mauve garter belt across her tummy with the garter straps pulled tautly down to each thigh to secure her matching stockings served like a frame to
highlight her newly hairless pussy for his visual appreciation. John seemed unable to tear his eyes away, his fingers touched her there lightly and
Janice visibly flinched, I guessed that her skin could still be tender from the waxing.

"Should I take these off?" he asked, touching her garter belt and then her stockings, her last remaining vestiges of clothing.

"That's up to you, do you like the feel of nylon stockinged legs folded around yours when you make love?"

"It's been so long, I don't remember. Let's leave them on for now."

"Okay, can I lie down now please John?"

He jumped up, "Yes, I'm sorry, yes you should." He pushed her toward the bed, laying her down gently onto her back and lifting her legs up onto the
bed, making her comfortable. For a moment, John stood beside the bed like a statue, still fully clothed, looking down on my almost naked wife as if he
didn't know what to do next.

"What about you?" Janice had to ask him, "Aren't you going to take your clothes off?"

"Err ... oh yes, of course!" John began to unbutton his shirt, pulled it out of his trousers and yanked it off his body. He was bare-chested ... he reached
for his belt and unbuckled it, unzipping his trousers and they fell. I watched my wife's eyes staring intently at his boxers. I couldn't see why she was so
fascinated to see it again, it wasn't like his cock was a mystery to her, she had seen it twice now when parked in her car, held it and even had it in her

"You had no trouble getting big," she confirmed to her new lover.

"That's something that hasn't ever troubled me, but especially around you."

"That's great," she told him, and I hated how she sounded genuinely enthusiastic.

His hands grasped the waistband of his boxers and eased them carefully out and over the horizontal stretch of his erection. It was the first time that I
had seen it. At best, I'd be generous and call it adequate, although critically noting that it was nothing to write home about as far as I could see, but
then I was thankfully not to be the recipient of it (I wished that my wife wasn't about to be either). Most males can't identify what goes through a
woman's mind as she sights the exposure of it. I guess at this moment that Janice was thinking that it looked ready to do the job she needed it to do.
How wrong could I be?

Hold on, did John observe something on Janice's face, up close that I couldn't see on a TV screen, "Are you okay?" I heard him check, concern in his
voice. I strained my eyes, trying to see what he could see.

"No I'm not, I feel hot and faint. My God John, my head's spinning. Oh, I'm glad I'm lying down, everythings going around. Can you wait a moment,
don't start ... please John, could you lie down beside me for a moment?"

"What's the matter?" he was still standing beside the bed, looking down on her body, "you're sweating Janice."

"Yes, I don't know what it is ... this strange feeling suddenly came over me, I think I might have experienced a reality check and it unnerved me. John,
I've been on some sort of surreal adventure. Here I am at 50, all dolled up like some hot sexpot, even changing the appearance of my pussy for you,
then you undressing me. So now I'm about to be naked in front of a man not my husband for the first time in over 25 years. I told you that I had nerves
earlier ... I mean, my whole body was shaking. I thought I had overcome that when you sucked on my breasts, I was getting excited. It's so strange, do
you know what did it? You dropped your boxers and suddenly it was there in front of me, large as life, your penis - not Richie's penis that I'm so familiar
with. But this, another man's penis right in front of me. I was confronted, hit with the realisation that you're about to put that inside me ... and my
husband has no idea that I'm about to cheat on him."

"Oh dearest Janice, we've talked about this, over and over," John sounded exasperated, "we decided that we would do this, that we would have sex
and that means I put my cock inside you."

"Don't talk down to me like I'm a child John, I know all that. It wasn't until it was right in front of my face ... your penis - a different penis - and not my
husband's. And I know how you love my new lingerie, and that's so nice of you to say. But you know what, I snuck around today, behind Richie's back,
and bought all this sexy stuff, not for him to see, but to try to look really good and exciting for you, my lover. John, I lay on a table and had all my pubic
hairs removed like the twenty-something's do these days, but I'm not in my twenties, or even my thirties. John, I was pretty sure I could confront my act
of adultery, thought I could handle all this ... no problem. But then when I saw you naked - my God, your penis is so rampantly ready to claim me, to
take me. It just hit me that this is it, I'm about to cross a line and I might never be able to go back. I know I've had you in my hand, even in my mouth,
but you're about to put this different penis of yours inside me, that's adultery ... an act that could destroy my marriage, probably yours too because
there's a woman at your house who thinks this penis is hers and has no idea what you're about to do with me. Oh my God John, I am so nervous and
unsure now ... 25 years married yet I'm about to start an affair."

"Surely you're not chickening out on me, dearest Janice?"

"No, not yet, and I'm trying not to. I made you a promise and I want to keep it. But John I could so easily chicken out, as you call it. At this moment, I
have all these doubts whirling through my head, I am so nervous and apprehensive and worried that I'm doing the wrong thing. It would be so easy for
me to tell you I can't do this and ask you to go home. I think the long wait might have had something to do with it. If you'd been free to come over this
morning, as soon as I called, it would have happened more naturally. I could have just waited in bed for you to arrive ... wouldn't have had time to think
about it all day, to go and do all these extra things to make myself look more special. While I sat there or lay there, having each stage done, my mind
was wandering, asking me why am I doing this, why would I go spend so much of Richie's hard-earned wage on these illicit luxuries just so I could
cheat on him?"

I was stunned, I thought how ironic it would be if she didn't go ahead with it, particularly after investing in all my spy equipment. But here was my
wonderful wife showing she did have a conscience after all.

John resorted to begging, "Oh God no Janice, not now, we've come so far, we're almost there. You've teased me with this sexy new lingerie and you
have me on the verge of making love to you." As he desperately struggled to turn my wife back around, John got down on the bed, laying his body
alongside Janice, facing her on his left side. He brought a hand over her near naked body, touching it lightly to her belly and began caressing her skin
softly ... persuasively. "We can't stop now," he pleaded, "you said we could do it, I have to prove I'm better for you than Richard."

"Yes, I know all that John and I know what I said, but please don't push me. I think I still can, it's just that I need time." Her breathing was rapid and
raggedy, I thought she may be hyperventilating.

"Your time might never come, you might never be ready Janice. Why did you get the wax and the lingerie if you didn't want this too. You even said the
lingerie was especially for me to see ... and you look so sexy in it. Why go to all this effort if you didn't want to do this? You let me devour your breasts
and I saw how much you loved that. No Janice, we can't stop, we can't wait, it's too late for that. We have to finish this ... waiting longer won't help you."

From a male point-of-view, I recognised the sound of sheer desperation in John's voice. Forget that Janice romantically called it lovemaking, this man
was horny and primed for fucking a brand new woman - one that he had been working on for weeks - and he was not about to be denied. I wondered if
my wife could recognise the despair in his voice as he lay alongside her. How would he handle it if she really did call it off now? There was a very real
danger he might force himself on her. This was not live, I couldn't run in and stop him. Whatever I was about to see had happened 27 hours ago and I
had seen my wife when I got home tonight ... outwardly she looked okay. The drama of the moment continued to unfold before my eyes.

"John, you're such a nice man, what do you mean you can't stop?"

"Just what I say, we're not stopping now, we're both ready and you know it."

"But look John, I'm shaking, I'm a bundle of nerves. I think I only need a few minutes to calm myself, Please lie here with me, I promise I'll come good."

"Extra time won't help Janice, if you wait any longer ... it could get worse? Inside, you know you want to do this, just lay back and let me take over." I
saw John's fingers slip down from her belly, lightly touching her pubis, a finger sliding into the channel between her outer labia lips, "You are so wet
Janice, it's not like you're not ready. You can do this, there's nothing to stop me sliding into you right now, this very moment ... I am so hard and you
are so wet, it's a perfect combination. Janice, you need to stop stressing and let me make this final decision for you."

He took his hand away from her pussy for just a moment ... I saw him pick up one of her hands, guiding it to, and wrapping her fingers around, his hard
erection. In spite of her reluctance to proceed when John exposed his penis, she didn't recoil from touching it, even willingly began to fondle it. She
seemed to relish having something sexual to hold in spite of her nervousness at consummating this affair. Having got Janice to hold his penis, his
fingers went straight back to her pubis, sliding wetly within the folds of her outer labia lips.

John must have swiped his probing finger across the nub of her clitoris, I saw her hips hump once ... her body's natural uncontrollable reaction to his
caress of her clit. She mouthed an expressive, "Umm! Oh!"

"My God Janice, you are so ready, look at you, you're in heat ... at least your body is, even if your mind isn't."

His fingers were active, darting here and there within her pubic region. To support his finger's soft touch, John dipped his head down and took one of
her nipples between his lips. In spite of her appreciative moan, she pleaded yet again, "Please don't force me John. I wouldn't want us to do it like that,
I want to enjoy my first time with you. Maybe we can just hold each other, even have a sleep first, just for a bit ... we've got all night."

It was strange, in spite of her continuing to try to delay him, her hand sent a different signal, contentedly stroking up and down his hard erection.
Perhaps she thought she could stop his progress by getting him to cum before he could put it in inside her.

His fingers were active, working persuasively on her little clitoral bud. Even as verbally she asked for his patience - to wait a little longer, her legs were
sending a different signal too, shifting wider apart, granting him better access, seemingly separating of their own volition. His fingers looked to take
advantage of the more open spread of her upper thighs, pushing down lower, at least one finger hooking up inside her vagina, possibly working at her
g-spot. Her head began to twist from side to side in a sign of her conflicted desire, moaning between her words. In her confusion of sending mixed
signals, her hand was now furiously pumping his erection.

"No dearest Janice, we're not sleeping now, it's time to do this. I don't want to force you, but you have to know that when a man reaches a certain point,
there's no turning back."

"Oh my God John, is that where you are, beyond the point of stopping?"

"Yes Janice, I'm not going to wait, there's no point, you might never be ready for this. I have to have you now."

I watched John slide over her right leg and he assumed the missionary position, settling his legs between hers. He kept his upper body weight up off
Janice, hovering above her while he bent his head to look down between their bodies, overruling her sudden and anxious reluctance to copulate with
him. Using one hand to position the tip of his penis at her vaginal opening. I saw him pause only for a moment, ignoring my wife's strident pleas, "No
John, oh not like this, I might be wet but I'm not mentally ready."

"You might never be ready Janice," he answered coldly and I saw a firm forward thrust of his hips as he carnally entered my wife's body.

Even as Janice could feel his hard presence inside her, she beseeched him again, "Oh my God, no John, not this way, not in anger. I want to have you
with love. I can do this if you give me time, I know I can."

With deep concern I stared at the screen, hoping not to see my wife in distress. It was hard to know, in spite of her restraining words, I did hear her
emit a whimper that could hardly be described as stressful. Was she tearful from his continuing against her will or were those whimpering sounds the
sounds of pleasure now that she could feel at least the head of his penis inside her body? He may have taken over but I doubted that Janice would be
finding his push inside her painful ... I had heard John comment how wet she was so there would be no friction, just a smooth entry and he seemed to
be considerately only pushing forward in stages.

He never answered her, just hovered above my wife's body, using his hips once more to thrust forward, pushing more of his penis into her vagina, the
region seemingly so wet that his access would be smooth and free-flowing.

"Oh my God, you're really going to do it."

"It seems there'll never be a good time for you Janice," he told her sharply, his face above hers, his eyes staring down into her pleading eyes. I
watched him thrust his hips forward a third time, heard a loud grunt from Janice this time. I guessed that last push would have embedded himself
completely inside her passage.

A long, more encouraging sigh, "Aaahhh!" followed her grunt ... that sound from Janice's lips was so familiar to me, her new lover must have gained
complete entry. Was this the turning point, had John been right to press ahead when all her warning lights were red? I stared at the screen, distraught
that I was watching my beloved wife taking another man, but hopeful for her sake that she was now coping better with his sexual intrusion.

"Is that all of it?" she checked and he confirmed with a nod of his head and a "Um hmm!" Her voice no longer sounded panicked, she even raised her
head up off the pillow to stare down between their bodies, perhaps trying to see for herself how snugly deep he was inside her. "Ummm, oh John, now
you're there, it does feel nice," she told him, conceding her acceptance of his persistence in spite of her.

While John had pushed his erection in to the hilt, he had not begun to move yet. He would be feeling the silky wet grip of the lining of Janice's vagina
completely enclosing his shaft and I would imagine he would be soaking up this initial pleasure. He had achieved what he had been aiming for from
probably that first time they went out together. He had overcome her last-minute protests and she had finally granted her acceptance of what was
about to take place. She even brought her arms up around his shoulders, using her hands on his back to encourage him to lower his upper body down
tightly to meld with hers.

Her legs were spread wide on either side of his ... he seemed to begin cautiously and slowly, just a barely discernible but all too familiar forward and
back motion of intercourse. Strangely he didn't seem to be pushing too deeply ... was this his different technique or was he already in trouble as her
body grasped his shaft in its liquid vice. From a man's point of view, he didn't look confident ... I wondered if Janice could see that ... yet! He was just
easing it in and out in very slow short strokes. I watched my wife's hips, of course I know what she likes ... once she had accepted this fornication was
going ahead, she looked like she wanted a quicker pace. She had begun humping her hips up at John quite aggressively. With all due modesty, I can
say it looked like she was trying to get him to do her the way I do... the way she was most familiar with.

I found it an amazing, almost surreal, experience watching the woman I had loved for more than a quarter of a century being ridden firmly by another
man, a stranger to me, if not to my wife ... although even she had only known him a few weeks.

Judging by how Janice had panicked on the eve of consummating their fornication, I expected that she might not be mentally ready to give her all ...
she may just go through the motions without full commitment. At best, I could see her being merely a passive recipient of his seed with little or no active
participation. But watching this replay now, it was becoming obvious to me that her nerves had quelled. She intended to derive as much pleasure from
this event as the man who was slowly pumping his penis into her vagina.

My dear loving wife of 25 years was willingly accepting the first other man to enter her body in 29 years. Janice let out an expressive sigh and
appeared to hug John's body to hers even tighter ... I didn't like what I saw, they both looked too content. At her bidding, he had lowered the full weight
of his body on top of hers and her arms wrapped tightly around his back, hugging him to her. All the while, her eyes were open, staring up to the
ceiling, all hesitation seemingly eliminated once his penis had fully entered her body. She cradled his head in the crook of her neck. I felt a cold
shudder run through my body as I watched my wife make one final gesture of adulterous acceptance, lifting both legs up and over her man's, locking
her heels behind his calves to secure him firmly to her in a final signal of carnal completion.

"You okay?" I heard him check, his voice muffled with his lips at her neck, perhaps even producing more love bites to mark his possession of new

"I'm fine now John, everything's good. I'm sorry I lost it back there, started stressing out, I don't know why."

"Shush, time for words will come later, we've got some loving to do."

"Oh, that sounds so sweet John, yes let's do it, take your time, it feels nice."

He still seemed to be moving very slowly within Janice. Watching them closely and knowing her body so well, I figured that she would never cum at this
pace or depth of strokes ... he would need to crank it up to a much quicker pace with deeper firmer strokes. But she was experiencing her first time with
this man and seemed content to let him control the event for now.

"You're nice and tight Janice ... much tighter than I'm used to," he managed to tell her between expressive grunts as his breathing quickened

"I don't want to hear any comparisons to your wife John, that's not fair to her."

"I meant it as ... as a compliment ... dearest Janice ... oh, I can feel ... oh God, I can feel your passage ... gripping me ... all around."

He didn't sound to have much control to me, I wondered if Janice could read the signs yet.

"It hasn't been used all that much lately John, that's probably why." She took his head in her hands, held his face above hers, "Don't talk John, just
concentrate." Then she pushed his head back down into the crook of her neck.

Oddly, John's ridiculously slow thrusts just abruptly stopped, it was such a surprise ... not only to me but certainly to my Janice, and just when they
seemed to be lifting to a better rhythm. In alarm, Janice cried out loud, "What's happening John, no don't stop ... oh, why are you stopping, it was just
starting to feel good?"

"Yes, for me too Janice, way too good. Err, just give me a moment please."

"No not now, it was starting to feel good. Come on, don't stop altogether, you can go back to slow if you have to ... but don't stop completely, I'll lose it
and I was just getting to feel good. I don't want to lose that now."

Strangely, I still don't think Janice could see how close he was but I could even hear the quiver in John's voice, I was certain that he was battling to
keep from coming. Yes, it definitely looks like we have a premature ejaculator here, stopping altogether was his last desperate attempt to hold off
cumming any second. I wasn't disappointed at all to see him struggling but I knew Janice wouldn't be too impressed when she realised, considering
what a great carry-on John made about impressing her with his ability to make love.

"Are you ok John, you look to be sweating, it's not that warm in here. Come on, give me something, don't let me lose these nice feelings, I'm not used
to stopping like this."

The more I watched John, the more I was convinced that my observation was correct and now she was talking him into keeping up the rhythm against
his better judgement, "Ok Janice," he said, "here we go," his voice still quivering.

I saw his hip movement resume, but still tentative and slow ... he was definitely struggling.

"I'm glad you took charge before." Janice told her lover as his body laboured to control his tight sensitive movements inside her, "I found I couldn't
make the final decision ... but now that you're inside me, oh John, it feels so good! But deeper darling, come on, I need you deeper and harder, I want
to feel you all the way inside me ... oh John, I like long strokes ... quicker too!"

"Shush, not now, tell me later," he definitely looked to be on the verge to me. Ah, what a shame, he wasn't going to last!

Still ever hopeful and ignoring his call for her not to speak, Janice urged him on, "Oh yes John, that's a bit better, right there, like that ... but longer,
deeper ... come on, give it to me John, it's just starting to feel..." She never got to finish, her words intended to inspire were lost, drowned out by the
loud and expressive grunts of a man already done, drowning in his own pleasure.

I knew that she would be already feeling the wet heat of his first blast of cum up against her uterus. and in panic, she screamed out, "Oh John no, not
yet, it's too soon ... oh God, much too soon. I'm not ready!"

He couldn't even answer her, lost in that euphoric state as his penis jerked and spat the product of his testicles deep inside my wife and she, in her
frustration, clung to his spasming body, her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his. She turned her head away from where his face cradled
into her neck and brought one hand up to partially cover her face. I could only imagine the disappointment she was now experiencing after the big
build-up they had gone through and the false start when she stressed out.

When at last his body was still and he lay slumped, his weight heavy on hers, Janice turned her face back around, again staring up at the ceiling as his
face cradled into her neck, "So what happened John?"

"There was too much messing around at the start ... we're doing it, we're not doing it, I lost control with all of that nonsense."

"So it's my fault, is it? Are you saying that the panic I felt was just nonsense John?"

"Oh, you know what I mean."

"No I don't, you tell me what happened John."

"Well, outside in the living room, you were rubbing your hand up against my trousers, touching me and I was so nearly ready to go then. We came in
here, I got to play with your breasts and you touched me some more ... skin on skin that time. You had me so primed, I was ready ... and then all that

uncertainty, 'Wait, I can't do it yet, give me more time. And you were giving off mixed signals, telling me to wait but your hand was wanking me
furiously, getting me closer and closer. That's why I had to get inside you when I did, even if you weren't ready mentally. I knew if I didn't get up inside
you quickly, I'd cum in your hand and I didn't want that, we've already done that. I just ran out of time, too much stop/start upset my rhythm, I was
struggling for control as soon as I got inside you. My body just wanted to cum, I couldn't stop that."

"To think that you boasted about how good you were and how you wanted a chance to show me how you could make love to me better than my
husband does, or did. It didn't happen John and it seems from what you're saying that you think it's my fault."

John lifted his head from the cradle of her neck and looked Janice in the eyes for the first time since he'd cum. I watched his face, he must have felt like
dead man walking. He realised he was losing the battle to win my wife over. I even wondered if he still wanted to win. How far had he wanted this to
go? Was he looking for a future with her or just a chance to get some casual sex on the side? These next few minutes could be a turning point in the
possible destruction of my marriage.

John went to water, "I'm sorry Janice, that did sound bad ... no, I'm not blaming you. Your sudden uncertainty caught me by surprise, I wasn't expecting
that and I became frustrated with how things were going."

"I know how that feels."

"Yes, I'm sure you do and I do feel responsible for that. Please, let me stay, give me a few minutes and I'll make it up to you."

"Do you think we'll be able to do it again, can you normally do it more than once a night?"

"Well, it has been a while because I've told you, there's nothing between my wife and I these days."

Janice stared into his eyes at close range as if she was trying to assess whether she should trust in him any longer. Eventually, John broke the silence,
"Come on dearest Janice, roll over with me until I can recover and then we can do it some more."

I was disappointed to see her give in to him. He rolled them over onto their sides, still hugging each other. She rested a hand in the middle of his back
while he rested a hand on one of her arse cheeks. I watched on for a minute or two but they were still, not even kissing ... nothing of any great
excitement was happening here. So I fast forwarded until the picture on the screen could show me any movement in my marital bed.

John appeared to sleep peacefully for a while, oblivious to the frustrated woman in bed alongside him. Along the way, Janice turned over, rolling out of
his arms, presenting her back to him, and later, obviously unable to sleep as her lover did, she sat up in bed and began watching television.

I fast forwarded the picture two hours - to 7.35pm, Janice got up out of bed and went to the bathroom ... I guess nature called. I switched back to
normal play, saw the sleeping lothario stir, his head suddenly up, looking around, awake again and alert. He may have woken at the sound of the toilet
flush in the adjoining en-suite. He saw Janice coming out of the bathroom, as good as naked, wearing only the garter belt and stockings. My wife still
looked good from every angle, this man was indeed very lucky.

"Oh dearest Janice, there you are ... I'm sorry, I'm afraid I dropped off, I felt so good after being inside you."

"I'm glad that one of us felt good," my wife's voice was dripping sarcasm.

"You don't need to remind me, I can tell you I feel pretty bad about our night so far, but I'm ready to make it up to you." He stretched his open arms
toward her, "Are you coming back to bed, I need to make amends?"

"I'll be back soon John, I'm a bit hungry, I haven't eaten since lunch and it's nearly eight. Would you like something?"

"Is it that late, oh shit I really did sleep, didn't I?"

"Yes you did but never mind," her tone mellowed, becoming conciliatory, "there's no rush, we've both got all night. I'm going to the kitchen for some
nourishment. Stay there, I'll bring us something back."

"Thank you, that would be nice." My wife headed to the kitchen where I had no camera coverage, I was pleased that he didn't follow her. But now I saw
him clamber out of bed fully naked ... he headed off to the en-suite bathroom for, I guessed, his nature call, just as my wife had done.

He was back in bed before Janice reappeared with food, so he propped himself up on the pillows and used the remote to check out what was on my
TV while he waited for my wife to return.

After a few minutes, Janice reappeared, carrying two platters, "There wasn't that much there. I cut up some chicken and there's some cheese and
biscuits on this other plate." She put the platters down on the bed alongside John, who was sitting up in my spot in my bed, his back against the
headboard. She picked up the remote and switched off the bedroom TV without even asking if he was watching anything. I guessed that after he had
snoozed for so long in his own after-glow while my wife lay frustratingly awake, she didn't want any distractions to initiating some more action in our

It was obvious that she had overcome her previous anxiety and panic attack. She got back onto our marital bed, revealing her eagerness now for more
by choosing to straddle John's body, sitting her arse down on his outstretched thighs, facing him. She tucked her bent knees on either side of his hips.
From where she sat atop him, she would only need to glance downward to check the status of his penis ... for now it appeared still dormant.

They picked at the chicken, all the while chatting amiably. He seemed to have perked up after his long slumber. Her breasts were within his reach and
he raised his free hand for his fingers to gently caress one breast while still feeding himself with his other. Janice began making appreciative sounds as
his fingertips softly played with her budding nipples. She began to reciprocate, using the fingers on one hand to idly lift and stroke his penis, bending
her head forward to watch its progress. She would see it slowly growing under her manipulation while she used her other hand to hold the chicken leg
that she was still gnawing on.

"Umm! That's nice," she told him, acknowledging his fingers on her breasts. I saw her lift her arse up off his thighs, tilting her whole upper body forward
so their lips could meet. From the angle of my bedroom spy camera, I could now see her bare arse, framed by the suspender belt slung low on her
back, the hanging straps taut down over each cheek to hold her stockings, drawn up high on each thigh. For a 50-year-old woman, she looked pretty
sexy to me, but I resented seeing her with this man.

Initially, the meeting of their lips brought brief pecking kisses stolen between mouthfuls of chicken until gradually the food was forgotten and the kisses
stretched longer and became more passionate. After the longest kiss yet, she withdrew her lips from his and settled herself back down across his
thighs. I saw her peep down to check on the progress of his re-growth. "Umm, looks to me like it's coming up again, did our kissing start that?"

"Mostly, but touching your breasts sure helped too."

"Good, whatever works!" She took another peep down, "Oh my God look at that, oh John the penis is a wonderful thing, the way it can spring up all big
and strong again like this."

"Are you ready for more Janice ... perhaps a bit longer this time, eh."

"Definitely a bit longer John, is that a promise John? I'm pleased to see - and feel - it up. I was worried that you mightn't be able to do it again."

"Why, because I'm 61?"

"Well, you know, they say some men lose it."

"I took out a little insurance before I came over."

"Insurance, what does that mean?"

"I took one of those magic blue pills to make sure I could keep it up."

"Blue pill, what's that?"

"Haven't you heard about Viagra Janice? Doesn't Richard take one of them when he needs to impress you, like these last couple of weeks?"

"Of course I've heard about Viagra but NO, Richard's never needed Viagra."

My wife picked up the platters, one by one, and leaned over the edge of the bed to deposit each on the floor. When she moved off to the side, I caught
a glimpse of why she seemed eager again, John's penis was standing straight up vertically again. I felt a twinge of jealousy that he was about to sink
its length back up inside my wife's body.

The food cleared away, Janice resumed her position, upright and straddling John's body, but settling higher up on his thighs ... his hard erection would
now be pressing against her belly, her pussy resting on his balls. This also brought their upper bodies much closer and he now dipped his head to use
his lips and tongue on her nipples.

"So does that pill keep you hard all night?"

He pulled his lips off one nipple just long enough to mumble, "No, it won't stay up if there's nothing sexual happening, but it will while we're doing stuff."

"You seem to know a bit about its effect John, you must have used it before?"

Ah, very observant of my wife to pick up on that. He had given her his sob story about how barren his marriage was and how there wasn't any sexual
action in his life. Yet here he was, spruiking the virtues of Viagra like a veteran user.

"No, never have," he denied, "my friends at the club put me on to it. This really is the first time I've tried it."

There was a long silence between them, my guess was that my wife didn't buy his story.

John continued to suck on her engorged nipples, his hands rested at her arse, each one holding a smooth round cheek in the palm.

I watched Janice raise her body up off him, transferring all her weight onto her knees, and she began using one hand to fiddle with his erection
between the tops of her thighs. It appeared that she was attempting to position it upright beneath her lower lips and between her upper thighs so she
could simply slide her body down onto it when she was ready.

She shuffled her body further forward to aim up her pussy directly over the top of his hard-on. With his back upright against the headboard, this latest
move brought her bent knees up against the headboard too. While it was a natural progression to have their second fuck this way, they looked to be
slightly cramped at the top of the bed.

Her fingers were still very busy down there between them, probably steering the tip of his cock up and down within the juicy channel formed by her
stretched labia lips to ensure she was ready. She was letting out an expressive "Umm" on what appeared to be each upstroke against her clit,
fortuitously controlling her own sensations now. John continued to work his lips and tongue on her nipples while she fiddled with bringing his cock to
her vaginal opening.

"Oh yes, go for it dearest Janice," he told her, adding a feeble promise, "I'll be better this time."

"Oh John, let's forget last time, just enjoy this ... I am already."

"Okay, it's just that I have to live up to what I promised you."

"John, just you lean back there and enjoy it. Don't try to do anything, let me take care of things, we both want this to be a good long one. In fact, why
don't you lie down flat?"

The two of them shuffled their bodies further down on the bed, away from the headboard so that now John was lying flat on his back and Janice still sat
upright straddling his body. Her breasts were out of range to his lips but he used his fingers to continue caressing them.

I was watching my smart wife holding his erection firmly, twisting and turning it into every sensitive nook and cranny within her pubis to build as much
pleasure for herself before inserting it while she knelt poised above him. She looked to be using his hard core like a sex toy, ensuring that she got a
heap of foreplay pleasure before they began fucking. Her body still upright, weight on her knees, lifted high to position her waiting vagina over the tip of
his cock. From behind her, I could see her fingers holding his penis upright between her spread thighs, steering it around and around until it must have
been perfectly positioned. Then so very slowly, I watched the head of his penis disappear up inside my wife's body as she lowered her clutching crotch
down over her new treat.

Her body sort of hovered there, her vaginal lips just clamping around only the head of his penis, like she was teasing both of them in anticipation of the
delightful pleasures that would come any moment when she allowed her body to sink fully down onto his shaft.

"Oh God, do it!" he yelled, humping his hips up at her like he was trying to engage his erection deeper into her vagina. John seemed impatient to be
inside her, but I am certain that my wife was drawing her maximum pleasure from the slow pace she was setting.

"Easy John, remember this one's for me."

"Oh God dearest Janice, you are such a prick tease, I'm so close to being inside you again ... you know that's where I want to be."

"I want you there too John, but there's no rush, we've got plenty of time, let's enjoy every moment."

His hands looked to grip her arse cheeks tighter. I figured that he was trying to force her body down over his hard shaft as he again humped upward
with his hips as best he could, but her flat hand on his belly held him down, preventing him from fully impaling her on his upright cock.

Finally acceding to his impatience, perhaps reluctantly, I saw Janice slide down some more, and another couple of inches of her lover's penis
disappeared inside her liquid folds. "Oh God, yes that's better!" he told her. Watching his reaction, I recalled how good it felt to slide into the liquid
warmth of Janice's vagina.

The room was filled with the combined sighs and moans of pleasure as she began to fuck up and down on him even before she had fully sunk down to
envelop his cock totally. But I could see that she was using each slow up-stroke to sink down a bit further each time until finally - and I am sure to his
delight - she had taken all of his hard shaft inside her.

For a moment, she sat atop him contentedly, both of them I adjudged soaking up the pleasure of her soft wet walls clinging to the rigid invader. RING ...
the shrill ring of the bedside telephone even startled me watching as much as it must have startled the couple on the bed that were just getting into a
slow languorous fuck.

I immediately realised that this would be my call coming through from the hotel room in Brisbane, noting that it was 8.00 on the real-time clock in the
corner of the screen. On the bed, there was utter confusion, from which I drew some amusement in spite of the cheating scenario I was watching.

Far away in a hotel room in Brisbane, I had no way of knowing how impeccable my timing had been. "Oh shit, who could that be?" screamed Janice,
perched upright on John's body, his erection now firmly buried deep inside her, her hand flat against his chest to hold her body steady as she sat upon

John stated the obvious, "It's probably your fucking husband?"

"Oh shit, I don't know, he doesn't always think to call when he's out of town, but yes, it would be. Oh damn him, why now ... the bastard couldn't have
called when you were asleep."

"Let it go Janice, it feels too good for us to stop now."

"Oh God no, I can't do that John, I'm always here at night, I never go out, he knows that. I have to answer to avoid making him suspicious. Damn it, can
you reach the phone for me?Now don't say a word, don't even breathe John ... and if you so much as twitch your penis inside me, I'll friggin' cut it off."

Only John could reach the handset ... I saw him lift it from the cradle and hand it to my wife.

She brought the handset up alongside her face, her other hand still flat on John's chest to steady herself, his cock buried fully inside her vagina to the
hilt. "Hello!" she answered hesitantly and nervously, I could see now why I had thought at the time that she sounded distracted. I had suspected that
they could have been in the middle of a special moment ... how right I had been.

I obviously couldn't hear my side of the conversation, I tried to recall what I had said as I watched her answer me from her prime sexual position.

"Oh, you didn't need to do that," I saw her tell me on the phone and managed to recall that was her response to my explaining why I was calling her at
this time. I saw her pause to listen to my voice in her ear, but all the while staring intently down into her lover's eyes and he back up at her.

"Oh really, I don't know why I would sound different Richie, I guess I'm just tired. I was just dozing on the couch, watching TV."

I saw John smirk at her lie to me and he lifted one hand up to resume lightly caressing her naked breast that was so blatantly available right in front of
him. Using the hand that rested on his belly, she quickly batted his hand away from her breasts, probably fearful that his touch might cause her to
moan in the middle of my call.

"No, I haven't really had much to eat at all, just picked at some chicken, wasn't hungry..."

Obviously becoming bored with being kept waiting and perhaps fearful that his erection might wilt with the interruption, John's fingers tried to distract
her once more, fondling her breast. She cheekily added "...for food" to complete her last sentence while appearing to smile to John in what she thought

was her shared secret of infidelity with him, moving her free hand up and placing it across his eyes but leaving his roaming fingers to continue
caressing her breast.


"Oh not much, I just ... umm, oh!" There was that murmur of pleasure that I had detected on the phone. Now I could see how it evolved. John was
obviously pissed off that I had interrupted his second fuck with my wife, so he pinched one of Janice's taut nipples between two fingers. I saw her body
jump from the shock of it. Desperate to not have me know what she was up to back at home, she tried to continue her answer to me as if nothing had
happened, "...err, I just lay about."


"What do you mean? Nothing happened here," she was trying to maintain her innocence.


"Oh did you hear that? No, it's nothing Richie, I just dropped something on the floor. It must have sounded like a sigh when I bent down to pick it up. I'm

This time she grabbed John's hand and dragged it down by their side, holding it out of the way. But undaunted, his response was to use his other hand
to caress her other breast ... she couldn't stop that one while she still held the handset. I watched her body writhing and twisting as she sat atop her
lover, futilely attempting to get away from his teasing fingers, yet unable or unwilling to give up the hard penis embedded inside her so she could finish
her conversation with me.

"So what's the point of the call Richie, we don't seem to talk this much when you're home."

I knew what was coming next, recalling how I had tried to shock her by telling her that I loved her, something she wouldn't have heard from me in quite
a while. Now I could see her reaction to my words up close. She did appear quite stunned, like she didn't know how to react. Had my words of love
caused her to feel guilty that she was cheating on me at this very moment, perched there riding John's naked body, his hard erection wedged up tightly
inside her? She looked down at John's face looking up at hers, I wondered what he saw in her eyes at that moment as she heard my words of love.

Her hand that had forcibly held his first hand down by their sides, let go and came up to knock his second hand away, she was obviously
uncomfortable to have his fingers caressing her nipples while I was declaring my love for her. When she chose to reciprocate my words of love back to
me - whether by her choice or a feeling of obligation - I noted that she couldn't bring herself to look into John's eyes. Her head turned to one side which
fortunately had her facing the camera that she didn't seem to be aware was there ... it was as if she was telling me straight to the camera, "Oh darling, I
err, love you too Richard. Oh my God, if you're saying things like that, you must be horny. Now you be good up there, keep it zipped up and have an
early night. I don't want you going with any bad women."

There was a short pause again while she listened to my response. I recalled that this was the moment when I dropped my silly line about having our
marriage vows tattooed on my cock. I saw her giggle infectiously, reminding me how much I liked that trait about her. John just lay there, underneath
her, looking peeved and out of the loop, watching my wife conversing so warmly with her husband. He would not have previously heard Janice talking
to me ... hearing the way we verbally connected - even these days - a connection that went back all those years of marriage.

"Sure do," she answered to my comment on the phone asking her if she missed me. I watched her press the disconnect button and hand the handset
back to John to place on the bedside table.

"Sure do what?" asked John, sounding extremely irritated at having listened to my wife speaking to me.

"Err ... I umm ... err, I told him I sure do miss him."

"You told your husband you missed him while I'm in the middle of fucking you?" he used the words harshly.

I had closely watched John's face throughout my call, he looked decidedly pissed off that Janice had taken my call and that she had declared her love
for me while he lay beneath her with his penis up inside her. As if to bring her back to reality - and to him, I saw him thrust his hips upward, a mean
gesture to remind her where they were and what they were doing. His hard upward thrust almost knocked her off balance, throwing her body forward
and she stiffened the arm that was holding herself upright, glaring at John, who looked to glare back at her.

"I had to John, he told me how much he missed me. By the way John, I've thought of you as the perfect gentleman. When did this change from making
love to me to fucking me?"

"It's hard to make love to a woman who's just declared she still loves her husband. I reckon you need to tell him you're all done with him, you don't
need to lie to him just to make him feel good."

"Maybe I wasn't lying John."

"So what does that mean?"

"I felt so guilty, sitting up here, riding you, feeling the heat and the hardness of your penis up inside me while my husband was telling me he loves me
and that he misses me. I had to reassure him at that moment"

"Well, just think how that makes me feel Janice ... I'm trying to impress you, to win you over, to have you spend the rest of your life with me."

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself John. I think I'm seeing a different side to you tonight. If you persist with this selfish attitude, I may question why I
have let you take me to bed."

"Hey come on, let's not spoil this moment with angry words spoken in haste." He reached a hand up to fondle her breasts again, confident this time she
would not brush him away. In a night of mixed signals, I watched my wife close her eyes, soaking up the pleasure from those fingers, from his cock too.

John thrust up firmly yet again, shaking her body atop his and she again straightened her arm to hold her body upright on him. "Ummm!" she moaned
at the forceful push of his penis deep into the furthest extremity of her vagina. "Ooh you feel nice inside me John, but you don't have to thrust like that. I
told you before to lie back and enjoy what I do to you."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you then, but let's get moving, eh?"

I watched Janice slowly resume the fucking movements all over again, As much as Janice had been the one who sought to pick up the pace when
John was driving his penis into her body the first time, she now seemed content to prolong this fuck - one that she was able to control by being on top -
raising her body up slowly until only the head of his penis clung inside her, then descending at an equally slow pace, lowering herself down over his
hard shaft.

"Oh honey, you are so good at this," enthused John as he lay on his back, his head and shoulders against a pillow on the bed, obviously enthralled at
the feelings in his shaft as her vagina's tight grip sucked him in and out of her.

"Shush," she urged, "don't say a word, just lie back and enjoy." Janice threw her head back, eyes closed. It reflected how much enjoyment she looked
to be drawing up from her pubic region.

The exciting sounds of her gasping breathlessness was so familiar to me. I could recognise how close she was now getting to orgasm. They pressed
on and on, he content to let her set the pace, she with more urgent needs, keen to enjoy the arousal but determined that she not be denied her ultimate
pleasure a second time.

I checked my watch for the current real-time, it was now 11pm Wednesday night and I had been watching this replay of my wife's infidelity with John
from Tuesday for an hour-and-a-half. This second fuck of theirs was so slow and taking so long that I actually began to fast-forward the action. But not
for too long, reverting quickly to real time when I could see, even in fast forward, that Janice's orgasm was imminent. Real-time replay confirmed that
was exactly correct, she was indeed in that erotic zone, balancing atop her lover, her body squirming around upon his shaft, rapidly rising up and down
on it like it was a piston in her cylindrical sheath.

Her orgasm hit - I'll bet it was a great relief to her after the first dismal attempt. I watched her body humping atop John's prone body, she struggled to
remain upright as the feelings washed over her, bringing a delicious peak of sexual sensations, Her body sagged forward onto John's chest, her head
flopping down onto his shoulder as her pelvis continued to relish tiny spasms.

"Oh, that was so good John," she enthused when she at last got her breathing back to somewhere near normal.

"You looked to enjoy it, it's a shame that I didn't have that much to do with it."

"Umm, but you did John, you provided the necessary tool. I could never have reached such a peak without you providing the erection that's still inside
me, the hardness that enabled me to reach that incredible high ... so thank you very much, I feel good."

"You seemed to enjoy that a lot, do you want to try for another?"

"Oh God no John, that was really great and I feel good now, I can even forget about that first one that didn't work out. But I've never been a multi-
orgasmic person, I doubt that my body could muster up another."

"So you won't mind if I can cum again?"

"No, of course not. Do you think you can John, I didn't know if you'd be able to cum twice in such a short time? But if you can, go for it John, and thank
you for asking. Do you want us to roll over so you can be on top, is that better for you?"

"Yes if you don't mind, I think I can get off better that way. I've never been much of a one for this woman-on-top thing, I do like to be on top."

I watched the pair of them roll over until Janice was once more on her back beneath John, her legs spread either side of and around his. "Ah yes, that's
better, I'm feeling wonderfully snug in there." Almost as an afterthought, he asked my wife, "Are you alright, comfortable dearest Janice?"

"Yes, I'm fine John, why wouldn't I be, I do feel a whole lot better now, thanks to you."

"It should have been your first and best in a long time, but thanks to your husband's recent guilt trip trying to make amends, it's not that long since he
gave you one."

"That's right, he did. John, I revealed that to you at the time because I believed it was important for you to know. I won't keep any secrets from you. But
you don't need to bring that up now. I'm a happy woman to have two men who can make me feel this good, let's leave it at that. I won't be making
comparisons John."

That's okay, you don't need to tell me, I could see from the look on your face, I know what that orgasm did for you, nobody can beat that."

"Just get on with it John."

John must have thought better of continuing such a stupid line of conversation and quickly returned to what he was there for. I saw his arse pull back
and then he drove his hips forward, pushing his cock deep into my wife's passage once more. All conversation was silenced as John concentrated on
pursuing his second cumming and it wasn't long before I could hear loud panting sounds again coming ... from them both.

Janice had told John that she was not multi-orgasmic (although my recollections of her cummings and goings in our younger days would dispute that),
but as this frantic copulation continued, it appeared - to me at least and more so to her - that her body was responding favourably again to John's
improved fucking technique. Could she be nearing a second orgasm? Her body must have been giving her signals that it was possible. I could hear her
emitting a series of pleasurable gasps and moans, even using words to alert him that her outlook had changed, "Oh my God, feeling good John, oh
your penis feels so nice driving into me."

Her legs once more hooked over the backs of his calves and I saw her humping her hips up at him, trying to increase the stimulation for her from his
every stroke.

Now I'm not one to teach this prick how to fuck - particularly since it's my wife he's doing - but through all these years of marriage to Janice, if I heard
and saw an orgasm building within her body, I heeded the signs. I would immediately attempt to pace myself, hold back my own release to try and get
us both to a mutually rewarding finish.

"Oh yes, oh so nice John, that's a good rhythm, just like that, not too quick yet."

I wasn't exactly happy that I was about to see my wife cum for a second time on the end of this prick's prick, it might substantially raise his stocks as a
lover in her eyes.

But as Janice's moans and gasps, verbal exclamations, heavy breathing all indicated how close she was getting, from above her came: "Oh Janice,
you're so tight ... much tighter than Robyn."

What an idiot, my wife had already told him she didn't like comparisons. Did he think he was paying her a compliment by telling her she had a tighter
vagina than his wife? The battle to the finish raged in my bed in my absence as John pounded his penis into my Janice and loud breathless
exclamations reverberated around the bedroom.

"Oh God Janice, I'm gonna cum."

What? Is he serious? Was he not listening to her?

"No, not yet John, only a few more strokes. Be good for me John."

"Oh yes Janice ... so fucking tight," John screamed out and I watched stunned as he collapsed on top of my wife. I knew what a man cumming looked
like, his cock - hidden from view - would already be pumping his creamy discharge into Janice's vagina.

Had he not heard her urgent plea, was he so uncaring about his coital partner? In spite of the circumstance, I felt for Janice, her eyes had shot open,
obviously at the first feel of his warm cum splashing at the portal of her uterus, "No John, no ... not again," Janice cried out to him.

Here was a guy who had asked for this evening of sex to try to impress my wife with his prowess. Surely he was not going to tell her now that he didn't
see and hear her getting so close. The guy couldn't be that insular, did the man have no control or no concern for the woman he was with?

After a minute or two, John lifted his head up. The dope's first words, "Were you close?"

"Couldn't you hear me? You must have, I was telling you, urging you to give me just a few more strokes. I was that close, almost there."

"But you said you weren't multi-orgasmic, told me you didn't care, not to try for any more ... because I would have, I offered. But you can't expect a man
to adjust when he gets in that zone. The pleasure starts for a guy well before his cock starts pumping cum. It's too late then to tell him not to cum. I
need to know in advance."

"John, that is such crap. Richie would have ... and has done ... a lot of times over the years."

"Well, if he's that fucking great, why aren't you with him tonight?"

"I'm beginning to wonder that myself John. It seems that even your language deteriorates when you get into bed with a woman."

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Janice, I'm sorry. I'm just not myself tonight. It's been nothing like the way I expected. I've felt pressured since the minute I arrived.
I'm doing my best."

"Yes well, the night with you is nothing like I expected either. John, I've seen a different man tonight, not the one that I've got to know these past few
weeks. You're very selfish when you get into bed."

"And you're very demanding."

"Is it demanding to want to enjoy the same pleasures as the man you're with John? All I said was I don't usually come twice, but then you were really
good, you were doing it so well, such great rhythm ... driving up into me so firmly, it was nearly perfect. It began to feel so good. You must have seen
and heard me, I could hear myself so I know I wasn't quiet. When it started to feel that good, I thought we might both cum together. I wouldn't be so
upset if I hadn't got so close, but I was there John, I was on the verge. I only needed a couple more thrusts from you ... you know what it's like not to
cum, must be like your blue balls."

"It was too late to change your mind then, I told you I was already in the zone."

"Oh for God's sake John, stop calling it a zone, that's crap!"

"You can't know what it's like for a guy ... once we get that far, nothings gonna stop us from cumming. There'll be other times for you Janice ... once we
get into a routine."

John's response to Janice's sexual frustration sounded flippant, even to me ... I could only imagine how it sounded to a woman just left high and dry.

"It's more than likely now that there won't be another time John, and you can forget about routines ... that's not love. I'll remind you that this was only a
one-off to give you a chance to prove to me how it could be between us. I'm not impressed John."

I don't know if John knew how to answer that. There appeared to be several minutes of silence between them and I fast-forwarded the recording once
more, conscious that I would have to stop for the night soon and catch up on this replay at another time. John at last lifted his body up, pulling his penis
from her liquid sheath. Janice immediately took the opportunity to roll over on her side, her back to John.

I reverted back to real-time when I spotted John rise up to sit on the edge of the bed. It had been only about 7 minutes since he came again. He picked
up his mobile phone and began to push buttons. I guessed that he was checking messages, possibly concerned his wife might be looking for him if my
theory was correct. He turned to look at my wife, lying on the bed, perhaps dozing, her face turned away from him.

My wife might have been frustrated and her lover might have felt he'd been pressured to perform, but from my perspective, the night that I had just
watched had not gone too badly. Oh sure, I had been forced to see my wife's ultimate betrayal, the giving of herself to another man that I had dreaded
happening these past few weeks. But I was pleased to see the tension between this pair, his premature ejaculation during their first coupling and now
his leaving her high and dry when she was seconds away from a second orgasm. How circumstances can change. He had boasted to her how good he
could be but he couldn't control his own release. He was seconds away from impressing Janice by giving her two orgasms but now she was pissed at
him, his ambitions to steal my wife looked to be in tatters.

He rose up from the bed and began wandering around the room picking up his clothes. To my amazement, he began getting dressed. It looked like he
had suddenly decided to pack up his floppy dick and head home ... had he intended this all along? It wasn't quite 8.30. Only when he was almost fully
clothed did he sit down on the side of the bed to put his shoes and socks on, Janice felt the weight of him on the bed and rolling back over, was
obviously as stunned as I to see him dressed, "What are you doing, where are you going?"

"Oh hi, listen I think I might take off now."

"Take off where, are you going home?"

"Yes I thought I would."

Janice sounded incredulous and I could understand why, "What happened, I thought you were staying the night?"

"Well, we seem to be getting on each other's nerves. I don't want us to spoil things between us and I fear it could be heading that way. Maybe we
should both sleep on it and see what tomorrow holds. Besides, you only let me know about us being able to get together this morning so it was a bit
difficult for me to organise to stay over. If I'd had more notice, I could have set up some sort of a story."

"Some sort of a story, what do you mean by that? I thought your marriage was so bad, hanging on by a thread, that it didn't matter what you did or what
your wife thought. That was all a load of hogwash, wasn't it?"

"No, it is hanging on by a thread," John insisted to Janice.

"You've told me that your marriage is virtually over and it's just a matter of time until you leave her, but tonight you're too scared to tell her you won't be
home and that's it."

"I would have, but I think we're pretty much done now, aren't we?'

"What do you mean pretty much done?"

"Well, I got you off and I've come too."

"Yes, twice!"

"Ooh, that's a bit harsh. Janice, twice is about my lot, you know what with my age and everything. I doubt I'd be much good for anything more tonight.
We could both be fresh in the morning after a good night's sleep. I'm free all day tomorrow, I could come over any time you like. The Viagra should still
be potent, we could give it another go. What do you think about that?"

"Give it another go, do you think I'm an amusement park machine, what time do you suggest that happen ... whatever time your wife lets you out of the
house again?"

"Now dearest Janice, that's uncalled for. We should stop before we say something that we could regret later. We should both be feeling pretty good
after what we've done here. I'll admit that the first one was a bit rough but I just made up for that, wouldn't you say? I think I've proven to you I've got
the goods. So how about I call you about eight in the morning?"

"No John, don't call me in the morning, don't ever call me again. Just piss off, you just used me. I'll bet you never intended to stay, did you, but you
didn't have the guts to tell me beforehand."

"Oh dearest Janice, I think you're being very unreasonable, we had a pretty good time tonight, and I'd say we can be compatible in bed, don't you

"No, I don't think we're compatible at all, you only wanted to have sex with me, forget all that talk you gave me about making love. I was stupid enough
to believe you. Go on, get out of here, who needs you."

"Janice, I don't like your attitude. Don't be like that, we could still have a future together, that's if you can handle your stupid husband."

"What do you mean handle my stupid husband?"

"You need to tell him where things stand because he already knows about us."

"Knows about us, why do you say that?"

"He called me this morning Janice, it was fucking early, about seven I think. Now I know that he would have been calling from the Airport. I was bloody
lucky Robyn wasn't up, imagine if she'd answered."

"What do you mean he called you? Why didn't you tell me this when you first got here? How would he know who you were or how to reach you?

"Hang on, too many questions?"

Janice sat up in bed, holding the sheet up to cover her breasts now that she was annoyed at this man, "John, this is important, how could you not tell
me this earlier?"

"I was going to tell you when I arrived, but when you opened the front door, you looked so gorgeous. I didn't want to spoil the moment."

"Spoil the moment, my God! Even this morning John, when I called you to tell you he'd gone out of town, that was way after seven. He'd already called
you by then, it should have been fresh in your mind. That's so important that you should tell me that he knew and had called."

"Yes, well you sounded so happy that he was gone and that we could get together. I thought it might shatter the mood."

"It certainly would have and you knew that. So what did Richie say to you?"

"Oh, he came on pretty heavy right from the start, told me his name and that he was your husband, said he knew I'd been seeing you..."

"Oh my God no, oh this is my worst nightmare. How would he have found out? Actually, my brother-in-law called in yesterday and told me that Richie
was upset, thought I was having an affair. He said that Richie had seen us together. Oh, I never wanted him to learn about this from anyone but me, he
doesn't deserve this. Did he say anything else?"

"He said he knew about us, even told me where I lived, he knows my address..."

"How on earth could he get that? For God's sake John, I don't even know your address."

"He said that if I didn't back off, he was coming around to beat the shit out of me."

"Did he actually say that? Ha ha! He's never fought anybody, he couldn't beat the shit out of you John."

"Yeah, well I don't know that. What was worse, he said he would tell Robyn, said he'd tell her where I'd had my cock."

"Oh my God, why would he say it like that? Were they the words he used?"

"Oh, I think he said dick, but yes that was basically the words. He said he'd tell her where I'd had my dick."

"Yes, dick is the word he uses while you call yours a cock. Where you'd had your dick ... that's a strange way of putting it since we hadn't had sex when
he called you. How could he possibly know so much, but the worst thing is saying where you'd had your penis. John, that first day parked down by the
river when I sucked your penis and let you cum in my mouth. Was there any way he could have been there, could have seen us? It was daylight, but I
thought we were both very careful. I don't remember seeing anyone around. Were there any other cars?"

"I don't know, err ... I think there might have been one parked at the back of the car park, but I didn't see anyone in it."

"Naturally I had my head down, expecting you to cum in my mouth any moment. I guess there would have been a period of time where I wouldn't have
seen if someone had walked by the car window. Can you recall if your eyes were open?"

"I can recall that memorable afternoon like it was a few minutes ago, my cock inside your beautiful mouth. My eyes were certainly closed when I was
cumming, I was out of it."

"Yes, probably in your so-called zone. Well, I wonder now if somebody walked by while we were both concentrating on your pleasure ... both so
involved that we wouldn't have seen them. It could have been somebody who knew me and told him. I mean, I can't believe that Richie would have
been there to see us. Oh God, this is terrible. What will I say to him when he comes home from Brisbane? I wonder how long he's known, did he know
all weekend and not say anything to me? Perhaps that's why he spoke to his brother on Saturday."

"Janice, it doesn't matter about the detail, the main thing is that he knows."

"No John, I'll tell you what is the main thing. The main thing right now you bastard is that you knew he knew about us before I invited you over ... you
knew when you came here, you knew when you were taking my clothes off. But you never said a word and I know why, you thought if you told me, we
wouldn't have sex. You wanted to make sure that you'd had me before telling me that Richie called you. You are the lowest of the low ... John you are a
vile man, get out of my house now and never call me again."

"Now Janice, don't let this spoil what we have. We've just made a great start, we've both had some satisfaction so we can be good together ... we both
like sex."

"No John, you like sex and you've just proven that's all you wanted from me ... get out, go home to your wife and never call me again. I can't believe
that I could have wrecked my marriage over someone like you."

What a great result ... minutes ago, I had been sitting here watching the TV screen, despairing as to how after a shaky start, John seemed to be
measuring up to Janice's expectations and suddenly his bubble has burst. Choosing to go home early was not a smart move, I had guessed all along
that he was less than truthful about his wife and the state of their marriage. But he went rapidly downhill when he uncaringly deprived Janice of her
second orgasm and then revealed that I knew about her cheating on me. All I cared about now was seeing my wife - naked except for the garter belt
and stockings - jump up out of bed and tell him to get out ... go home.

How good was this ... yes she cheated but I can get over that. We have been married 25 years. That's worth fighting for ... I was about to get my wife

This story is a long way from over ... concludes in Part 4.

Part 04

Richard has been monitoring - by phone taps, video cameras and personal surveillance - the development of an affair by his wife with a man that she
met in a supermarket check-out line. Although he has just painfully watched a digital video recording of them having sex, the adulterous coupling was a
disaster and Richard is overjoyed that he may now salvage his 25-year marriage to Janice. But wait, it's not over yet...

Chapter Eleven

I turned off the video replay and contemplated going to bed a much happier man ... I did still love Janice in spite of her dalliance with John. Oh hang on,
wait a moment, didn't Janice tell me Monday night that my brother had visited her that day ... before my interstate trip. Why had he come to the house,
it could only be mischief making where Brian was concerned and it followed my discussion with him on Saturday about my marriage problems?

Had he genuinely called in to talk to Janice to try to counsel her about our marriage problems, like one might expect from a close family member? Or
was there an ulterior motive for my brother, perhaps being the opportunist he has always been and calling by to see if he could personally capitalise on
my crumbling marriage ... to offer Janice his sympathy and try to seduce her? Just like he had tried at every family gathering and party that the three of
us had attended over the years.

With my digital recording equipment offering a full 7 days recording capacity, I had actually begun recording when I left the house to go to work on
Monday morning. I did it as a precaution in case, in my haste to get away to catch the plane on Tuesday morning, I forgot to start recording. As late as
it is now on this Wednesday night, and as tired as I am after two days working full-on in the Brisbane office and 3 hours watching the debacle of
Janice's short-lived affair with John, I decided to stay up a bit longer and watch what happened when my brother visited on Monday.

I scanned through the recording, focussing on the living room because I figured there was no way I would pick up any action in the bedroom for that
visit. My Janice had always seen through Brian's feeble attempts to bed her. Fast forwarding through and getting into the afternoon, the only movement
I saw was Janice occasionally passing through the living room.

Then - hold it, stop just there. The digital clock of the recorded time was showing 3pm, later in the day on Monday than I had expected. I saw Janice go
to our front door and open it to greet my brother - just a peck on her cheek from him, that's quite alright - as he passed by her into our living room.
Janice followed, pointing for him to take a seat in one of our single lounge chairs. She walked over to the bar and poured them both a drink and took
his to him. He grabbed her free hand as she handed him his drink, but she managed to shake his hand off her wrist and she moved over to the 3-
seater and sat down at one end, placing her wine glass on the adjacent coffee table.

I listened to their initial conversation, it was idle chit-chat, nothing of any significance and I wondered if it would really be worthwhile to sit here for
another hour listening to them waffle on. It might be better to go to bed now and follow this up at some later time. I was on a high from having
witnessed the demise of John as the greatest threat to my marriage. My brother was harmless because I recalled all too well Janice's many
declarations of disgust that would follow her catching up with him at any of our many family gatherings.

I fast forwarded again, intending to scan through to where he left the house. But 20 minutes after Brian had arrived, there was movement in the room
so I resumed real-time running for a moment. Janice had begun to get up, I guessed her wine glass was empty and that she was intending to get a top-
up and offering my brother one too. But as soon as she rose to her feet, Brian jumped out of his chair and took her glass from her. He had obviously
offered to refill their glasses.

Janice resumed her seat and in no time, Brian came back with two glasses, handing one to my wife but then to my surprise - and surely Janice's too -
he dropped down onto the 3-seater lounge alongside her. I turned up the volume.

"You were sitting over there Brian."

"I was, but I'll feel a lot more comfortable over here alongside you Janice."

"You might, but I won't."

Atta girl, put him in his place! I saw her raise her arse up off the 3-seater ... looked like she was going to switch places, to take his original spot in the
single seat chair. But my brother stretched his hand out and placed it on her arm to restrain her. It wasn't a firm hold and she could so easily have
brushed his restraining hand away but she turned her head to look back down at him for a moment. Nothing was said but she acquiesced, sitting back
down on the lounge.

When he had joined her on the 3-seater, Brian had positioned himself side-on to her so that most of his body faced her, his left leg bent and tucked up
on the lounge between them, his left foot tucked under him - the left knee brushing her hip, his right leg still pointing away, that right foot flat on the
floor. Now Janice had to turn her head at right angles to talk to him, because she had sat back down squarely and demurely, upright with her back flat
against the lounge back, her feet flat on the floor in front of her.

"So babe, enough of the trivial small talk, let's get on to why I'm here, the state of your marriage."

"What do you mean the state of my marriage, what would you know about that."

"Hear this beautiful, I know that your beloved husband - my fantastic younger brother - is worried sick about the direction you're taking your marriage."

"The direction, what direction, Brian what on earth are you talking about?"

"Darling sister-in-law, Richard came to me on Saturday, pretty cut up, he poured his heart out to me and that is so unlike him to unburden to me, but
that just showed me how much he is hurting. What are you doing to him?

"What am I doing to him? Well Brian, for a start it's none of your business..."

"Sweetheart, Richie made it my business by coming to talk to me."

"Did he ask you to come and see me like you're doing now?"

"Well, not exactly.!"

"There you go, butt out. You know nothing, did you ever think you should be asking what has he done to me ... there are always two sides to any story?
So don't go jumping to any conclusions because Richie tells you some sad tale."

"Honey, that's true that I haven't heard your side of it all and I don't know if you're intending to tell me, but you know that he and I haven't got on for
years. Not since he stole you away from me and you chose to jump straight into bed with him when you'd never given me a look in. So for him to come
to me, this must be a big thing for him.

"Brian, I can't believe that you're still carrying that after 30 years, give it up man, move on."

He jumped up suddenly and stood in front of my Janice, looking down at her, offering her his hand, "I'll give it up if you do, just once ... come on, let's
go inside right now and we'll jump into your bed. One good quality fuck, not a quickie, one that you'd put your whole body into and I'll leave here a
happy man. In fact, I'll never raise the subject again, easy as that. Done and dusted!"

Thanks very much big brother, I had a suspicion that I couldn't trust you. Thank goodness for this recording equipment that has confirmed my concern.

I shouldn't be but I was stunned, he's been hitting on Janice at family functions and parties for years. Perhaps this reacted on me more because I had
never actually seen him in action before, he would only hit on her when I was in another room. I have always relied on Janice recounting what had
happened, he was subtle enough to never let me see him. Now through the wonder of my cameras, I could see him hard at it for myself.

Looking up at him standing directly in front of her, Janice stretched out one hand and placed it on his open palm and for a fearful moment, I actually
thought she was about to accept his offer and take him into our bedroom. He too had the look on his face of a man who thought he'd got lucky, but then
she quickly put him back in his place.

"Oh Brian, that's so tempting, possibly the best offer I've had all day, but then it has been a pretty ordinary day and my path hasn't crossed any man
that I love." ('Any man that I love,' interesting way of putting it that didn't go unnoticed by me.) "I'm afraid that I've got better taste so I'll have to pass."
She snatched her hand back, leaving him isolated, standing there looking foolish with one hand outstretched.

Was he embarrassed by her put-down? If he was, he didn't show it, he was always totally audacious. Undaunted, he sat back down in the same side-
on position, "As you wish, but remember that I'm here for you 24/7 ... you've got my numbers, just call me if you feel the need at any time, day or night,
and I'll be right over."

"Gee Brian, that's so good to know, I'll keep it in mind. And damn you, why did you have to change chairs. When you sat over there, I could look
straight at you. Now that you're alongside me, I have to keep turning around to see you."

"Turn your whole body around like I have."

"I can do that - and will, but you're still a damn nuisance." I watched my wife half turn on the 3-seater, angling herself toward Brian but not completely
side on like he was. His left knee still brushed her right hip and now her right knee was against his right inner thigh.

He wasn't finished with his latest seduction attempt, I guess while he draws breath he never will be, "You handled that rejection of my offer as if my
brother was nearby, but Richard's at work, won't be home for hours, you don't have to go on with this pretend disgust, claiming I'm always hitting on
you. I know you tell him you don't like it, but I also know better. I can see it in your eyes ... how you really feel. I've seen the way you flirt with me too
when I make the moves on you, but you're always careful to never let Richard see that. One of these days, you'll wake up to the opportunity and that
façade will drop away and when I make my fiftieth move, you're going to spread your legs, open your arms and ask me to fuck you."

"Yeah sure Brian, in your dreams!"

"Ah, now there's a topic - dreams. I dream about you a lot you know. Dream of what it would be like hugging your body to mine, possessing those
wonderful tits, sliding my, err, do you have a preference, what would you like me to call it?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, come on beautiful, you know exactly what I'm talking about, but you're a bit prim and proper compared to the normal woman I mix with, so I don't
want to upset you by using any crude words. Go on, tell me, what's your favourite word for the male appendage?"

"Can we talk about something else Brian, I don't like this conversation?"

"Oh don't disappoint me babe, tell me, go on. You're quite classy so I'll bet you wouldn't call it a cock or a dick, probably not even a prick. How about
johnson, pecker, one-eyed monster, trouser snake, hard drive, gearshift, dipstick, John Thomas, do you want me to go on?"

"No I don't!"

"Maybe you and Richard have some cute nickname for his or is it just a polite and genteel penis ... that's quite a sweet sounding name, eh? Penis!"

I couldn't believe that my brother could reel so many slang names for a cock off the top of his head.

"My God Brian, you really are a course man, no wonder we didn't seriously hook up when we first started dating."

"You went out with me twelve times, so you couldn't have been that turned off by me."

"I only kept going out with you in the hope that your brother would notice me and pluck up the courage to ask me out."

Hooray for Janice, what a great put down!

"Ouch, that hurts Janice. To think that I thought you were okay. Alright, so you're not about to tell me any pet name you have for Richard's prick. Never
mind, so now tell me what's happened to upset him. Are you not putting out enough for him, are you taking it elsewhere, searching for some new
action? Come on, tell your dear sweet brother-in-law what's happening in your world so I can help solve my brother's problems."

As Brian probed for clues as to what was bringing a rift to our marriage, I saw his right hand nonchalantly drop down and alight on my wife's closest
knee - her right one that was brushing against his right inner thigh. She was wearing a light summery sleeveless dress and the bottom of it was draped
loosely over her thighs, the hem about two inches above the knee. I saw my wife look down at his hand resting on her bare knee, then she glanced
across at my brother, who was still talking. But incredibly, she said and did nothing about his hand now resting there on her knee. This was my wife, the
woman who has - time after time over the years - complained to me about Brian hitting on her at family functions. Now when he touches her knee, she
seems totally unconcerned. Well I'm concerned, but I'm not there and this event is already two days old.

His hand having casually claimed her knee, their conversation continued, "No, no way, do you think I'm mad, you're the last person I would consider
talking to about the state of my marriage."

"Is he not giving you enough attention lately or have you cut off his supply?"

"You don't stop do you Brian?"

"Honey, I'm just trying to help you both. From what he told me, there's something amiss."

"What exactly did he say Brian, what did Richie tell you about us?"

"Seriously babe he thinks you're having an affair."

"What, are you sure he said that?"

My brother brought one hand up to his chest, "Cross my heart Janice, I swear he really does think you're having an affair."

"I wonder where he'd get that idea."

"For a start, he said you get these mystery phone calls every Sunday from some guy and you go inside to take the call and close the door. Then one of
the guys he works with saw you walking in town arm-in-arm with some guy and he says you crossed the road to avoid running into his mate."

"Oh yes, he did accuse me of that, I told him his workmate must have been confused, that it couldn't have been me."

"Are you saying it wasn't you in town with this guy or that that's what you told Richard?"

"I'm not answering to you."

"Okay, so you were spotted so he's right there."

"I never said that."

"You didn't have to Janice, if you're going to have an affair, you'll have to be a better liar than this. Apparently Richard took a day off work and followed
you, saw you meeting some guy, kissing him in your car."

"Oh my God, no! Did he really tell you that?"

"So Janice, what is it that upsets you so much, the fact that he might think that about you or the fact that he knows that you did it?"

"Oh no, this is awful, are you sure he said that about taking a day off and following me?"

"Of course, I'm only over here to try to help you two, you've been together a long time, you don't need to be going on with this shit. Or if you feel you
have to, for God's sake, keep it in the family. If you're gonna cheat on Richard, then don't go find some stranger, you should be putting out for me
instead of some nobody loser."

"You know nothing Brian, he's not some nobody loser so just butt out of my business. Oh shit, I can't believe this ... Brian, did he really say that he'd
followed me and saw me kissing some guy in my car? Oh my God, I wonder how much he saw."

"So you did do that, you kissed some guy in a car? Sounds like it could be worse than that, Janice?"

"It depends what day he saw me ... oh shit, I never wanted him to find out this way."

"So you've done that more than once obviously?"

"Oh what have I done to him? If he was ever going to get to know about it, I would want him to only hear it from me, but only when the time came and
after I was sure that there was nothing left for us. Think hard Brian, did he say anything more about following me and seeing us, do you know how
much he saw, maybe he's just guessing what we might have been doing? I was really careful, kept looking around to check that nobody could see us."

"So Richard's theory was right, you really are involved with some guy?"

"Not just some guy Brian, a very special guy. He is such a kind, thoughtful man and he treats me so well."

"Have you had sex with him?"

"Err ... what constitutes having sex Brian?"

"Oh no, you're surely not going to give me that Bill Clinton line ... what, were you playing the Monica Lewinsky role? I did not have sexual relations with
this woman. No, I only blew a wad of my sperm down her throat because she said she was thirsty."

"Oh dear, that's kind of ironic isn't it? I never dreamed I might find myself in a similar situation to Bill and the intern. But yes, it's pretty much the same
scenario ... I chose to swallow, I suppose that's considered having sex?"

"So you like to swallow, eh! Boy, things are looking up, I never thought of you as a mistress of the blow job. More incentive for me to pursue you. So
are you saying that you gave this guy a blow job in your car and now you think that Richard may have seen it?"

"Oh my God, I hope he didn't."

"I don't know if he did, he only said that he saw you kissing the guy."

"Umm, well that's quite possible, the guy is a very good kisser."

"Hold on Janice, that may well be too much information. I do have some loyalty to my next of kin."

"Oh God Brian, you wouldn't tell him about this conversation, would you? I mean, I wasn't expecting to hear that Richie had seen me kissing in my car,
I never intended to tell you anything ... but you surprised me when you said that. So now I've admitted that I'm having an affair. Please Brian, don't say
anything to him, not just yet. This guy is really nice and he treats me so well, better than Richie does these days, although I have to be fair, years ago
he couldn't have beaten Richie when we really had something going in our marriage. I don't know what will come of it but if I have to, I'd prefer to tell
Richie on my terms, not have him find out from you."

"So just what is wrong with your marriage Janice?"

My wife dropped her head back against the back of the lounge, facing Brian, whose head remained upright, "Oh God Brian, where do I start? We don't
communicate any more, we don't make love much, although to be fair, we have had a couple of special occasions recently when Richie really tried.
That's when I first thought he must know something ... or at least suspect something. He was just perfect on those two times, but unfortunately that
doesn't repair the last two or three years of sexual neglect where he only comes to me to get his rocks off and that's it."

"I really am sorry to hear that you've been having troubles, particularly in the sex department."

"I bet you are Brian."

"Now now Janice, be nice, I do care about you both, genuinely so!"

But even as my brother was uttering these consoling words, I saw the fingers of the hand that rested on her knee slowly moving, so that they were
softly caressing the smooth skin on the inside of my wife's thigh, just up as far as the bottom hem of her loose summer dress. Brian went on talking as
if nothing had changed, "Babe, if it's any consolation, I would doubt that Richard is having an affair."

The trouble is that I couldn't understand how Janice seemed completely oblivious to the male fingers now gently caressing her lower inner thigh, "I
never suggested he is ... that's what makes me feel so bad because I do believe he still loves me. It's just that he seems like he thinks he doesn't have
to try any more. Good God, at 50, I am still in my prime and he should be too."

"Janice, if you felt you need to have a play with some new guy, how did you get to pick this fellow?"

"I just bumped into him in the check-out line at the supermarket. We had to wait a few minutes while the check-out chick had trouble changing the roll,
and we got talking. And in spite of your inference, I didn't get him because I felt the need to have a play with some guy. I didn't actually want to have
sex with him, I just wanted a nice man to go out with, to communicate with on subjects that interested me ... subjects that obviously don't appeal to
Richie. The trouble was this guy wanted more, he wanted sex too. I didn't realise how much he wanted it until we were in a relationship."

"So how is he in bed, does he deliver for you?"

She brought her head upright again, "That's just it Brian, I don't know yet."

"What, you mean you and he haven't played hide the sausage yet?"

"Oh God, I can't believe you really use lines like that. No, we haven't had intercourse Brian. As I said, I wasn't looking for sex in a relationship, but he
wants it a lot and I must admit that his enthusiasm for it has rubbed off on me and now I'm as keen as he is to try it with someone new."

"That's the girl, but you should choose your new man very carefully. Think about this guy long and hard, he might say all the right things but is he all
you think he is. I mean, with me, what you see is what you get ... and real quality in bed."

"My God, you never give up do you?"

I saw the tips of those fingers that had started caressing her smooth skin on her inner thigh slip just a fraction higher, easing up under the bottom of her
dress, but still my Janice seemed completely unfazed by his intimate touching.

"No, always pitching, keep it at the back of your mind though. So what are the plans for when you and this guy will do it?"

She laughed lightly, "I can't believe I'm telling you all this, you of all people ... I never intended to. If you must know, it would have happened on Friday,
it was all planned. I don't know if Richie suspected something was about to happen, but Thursday afternoon, he came home from work early - like
about two in the afternoon. Said the boss had given him some new deal where he can now work from home on unspecified days. I gather there's
nothing concrete, he just might bob up here at home at any time. So that screwed us up, we had to cancel. There was no way that I could relax with
John in bed if I thought there was the remotest chance that Richie could come in the door any minute."

"So have you rescheduled yet?"

"No, now we're in limbo, just waiting for another chance."

"What about a motel?"

"No I don't like that idea, seems too sleazy."

"His place?"

"Not with his wife around, less chance there than here?"

"Well, you look to be stymied for now then."

"Yes, I'm afraid we are!"

I sat watching the screen, completely flabbergasted. After Janice complained to me all these years about Brian hitting on her, here she was letting my
brother's hand softly caress her inner thigh so intimately. She hadn't even flinched when he slipped a hand between her knees and began caressing
her soft skin? I would never have envisaged her letting my brother have free rein to touch her so intimately.

His left hand came up and began stroking her right arm equally softly. The fingers on his right hand looked to steal a bit deeper up under her dress.
She let her head relax, again, falling back against the back of the lounge and she stared expressionless at my brother. I tried to read her thoughts,
could she be actually contemplating how far to let his roaming fingers go?

"How long do you intend to keep this up and how far do you think those fingers are going?"

Oh, at last she had challenged him.

"As far as you want them to."

"I never said I wanted them there in the first place."

"And you never said you didn't."

"Oh, so that makes it alright in your book, eh!"

The fingers on his left hand that had begun to caress her right arm above the elbow suddenly slipped into the sleeveless arm opening of her dress,
sliding in as far as her bra strap. His fingertips looked to be softly caressing the smooth skin at the top of one breast.

"I can't see why Richard would be ignoring you, you're still a helluva sexy woman, great tits, great legs, and I can only imagine how great your pussy is.
You're probably still as tight as the virgin that wouldn't give herself to me, passed me over for my kid brother."

"How do you know I was still a virgin when I went out with you? Did Richie tell you that, how dare he, when did he tell you that?"

"Not lately, back then! He was so chuffed at getting your virginity that he couldn't wait to let me know what I'd missed out on. I even know that you two
did the deed in my bed at the dorm and he didn't change the sheets, wanted me to see your virgin blood when I got back. He left me a note at the time
pointing it out."

"Oh no, I never knew that."

"Honey, we were both very competitive with each other at the time."

"But that's awful, I was sorry for you that I loved him more. I feel awful, even now, that he would do such a mean thing to you. That's a black mark for

"A lot of stuff happened years ago ... like I just told you that I didn't think Richard was having an affair now."

"Yes, I heard you the first time, so why do you bring it up again?"

"Well, as I said, a lot of stuff happened years ago. My brother - your husband - did have an affair a long time back."

"Really? And suddenly you think it's important for me to know? When was this, and who with?"

"His secretary, they were banging away for at least a year, maybe more. I can't say what year, it would have been when your two kids were toddlers,
probably just after the second one was born."

"The bastard! What a cheating shit! So why have you chosen to tell me now?"

"Well, I can see you beating yourself up, you seem to feel bad for taking a lover and you don't want to upset Richard. I'm just helping you deal with that
by giving you some more information that should tell you it's okay to have a bit on the side because he did, all those years ago. So your current
dalliance should balance out the screwing he did back then."

"Thank you for telling me, even if it is nearly twenty years too late."

"What would you have done if you'd known then? With two little kids, you wouldn't have left him."

"Um, maybe not! It still makes him a bastard though. God, I remember that secretary, she was such a slut."

"Nothing wrong with sluts babe, they just put out a bit more often and with a few more guys."

I wasn't surprised, my brother was taking advantage already of the information I had stupidly given him on Saturday and adding in what he already
knew, all to shaft me with Janice, positioning himself for a run at her if her affair with John didn't work out. This conversation I was watching had
happened on Monday, neither of them were to know then how quickly John would shoot himself in the foot. Would my wife be foolish enough to turn to
Brian now that she knew about my affair and my insensitivity in boasting about taking her virginity?

Back to the screen ... Janice suddenly lifted her head upright as if she had been jolted back to reality. I think it might have been because Brian's hand
in the arm opening of her dress appeared to be suddenly roaming over her bra cup ... she would be feeling his fingertips over her nipples through the
lacy material. Janice caught Brian by surprise, her left hand came around to grasp his left hand, snatching it out of there. "As nice as all that feels
Brian, it is not appropriate for you to be touching your brother's wife in this way ... the party's over."

With one hand already forcibly removed and her words indicating playtime was over, I saw Brian make one last quick attempt to gain ground before
she could stop his wandering fingers. I saw her dress lift up as his right hand must have quickly pushed deeper, up along her inner thighs under it.
Jolted by his hand's sudden move toward her crotch, Janice reacted swiftly, clamping her legs together to trap the invader, her right hand darting down
to her lap and jamming it over the hand that looked to have made it all the way up under her dress to either barely touching or perhaps only an inch
from the crotch of her panties. "I said that's enough Brian," Janice told him tersely and he laughed cockily as he withdrew that hand out from under her
dress. Janice used both hands to demurely attempt to straighten the garment out.

"I could see you were enjoying that Janice, you can't deny that."

"Yes, I admit it felt nice, for a while ... that's the only reason I let you stay there, but as always, you had to go and spoil it by going too far."

"I told you before you're a flirt, a natural born tease, you always have been Janice. All those times we've shared a quiet moment and tickled and teased
each other and then you go home with my brother and tell him how disgusting I am."

"And you are!"

"You don't convey that when you are enjoying my touching, you can't have it both ways."

"Looks like I have up till now."

"The truth will catch up with you one day my dear, you'll either have to admit to Richard that you've been exaggerating about me for years, tell him that
you actually quite like me and never really found me that distasteful. Or you'll have to try to convince me that you've never really liked accepting my
foreplay ... unfortunately it's always been foreplay without ever leading to the main play." Brian stood up, "How about we have one for the road?"

"I hope that you're referring to another drink ... no thank you,"

"Ha, very good. Yes, I was suggesting another wine, but I'm happy to have you assess the question in whatever way you like. My God, you are a hot
little sexpot."

"Brian, I've had my wine quota for the day and as nice as this has been making small talk with you, I fear that I have said more than enough for one
day. I have totally incriminated myself so I will again ask you not to say anything to Richie about what I have confided to you. On the other hand, I was
shattered to hear about Richie's long-ago affair, thank you for that information. I won't tell him how I found out when I kick him in the nuts."

My wife rose to her feet also and took my brother's empty wine glass from him.

"Janice, I like you very much, you know that, I always have, always will, so I promise I will be discreet. But a word of warning, be very careful about this
fellow, make sure he has your best interest at heart. You know that I would if I were lucky enough to be in his situation right now. I envy the guy, I can
think of nothing better than sitting on a promise to make love to you. You're a good woman."

To my surprise, Brian scooped my wife up into his arms and kissed her there and then in the middle of my living room. There looked to be some tongue
but it was hard to know if both sides were willingly involved. It wasn't a brief kiss and would have been much longer had Janice not cut it short, pushing
herself clear of his embrace.

"Thank you Brian, I know deep down that you're not as bad as the image you seem to like to portray. Thanks for coming by, I promise I'll be careful."

She saw him to the front door. I turned the vision off and slumped back in my chair, my eyes scanning around my study as I tried to focus my mind on
all that I had seen over the past few hours this Wednesday night.

I had watched my wife having sex with another man for the first time since we married 25 years ago. After suffering the humiliation of seeing her give
her body to this man, that was countered by the jubilation of seeing him self-destruct. For a few minutes, I thought I would have my loving wife back,
only to discover a new threat had emerged. I had always thought that my brother's constant pursuit of Janice was unwanted, but now I had seen
differently. So my elation at dispensing with John was immediately replaced by seeing first-hand Janice's reaction to my brother's intimate overtures. I
was stunned, to say the least, to see her let his fingers fondle and caress her sensitive inner thighs in a blatant gesture of sexual foreplay.

What to do now? Should I give up and go to sleep? Even if I did retire to bed, could I sleep? Perhaps I should check back on the phone tap, there had
been one more phone call recorded earlier today - on Wednesday morning ... 15 hours ago. Did I really want to know the content of that call now?
Would I be able to sleep if I didn't hear it now? For my own peace of mind, I went back to the phone tap. My biggest fear was that on waking earlier
today, Janice may have had second thoughts and called John to forgive him and grant him a second chance. Maybe they had even spent this entire
day back in bed. I needed to hear that call now to hopefully put my mind at rest.

I played the call - it was outgoing made by Janice at 8.45am Wednesday (that was this morning)...

Male Voice: Hello, what can I do for you?

Janice: Brian, is that you?

Male Voice: Yes it is ... don't tell me, Janice, is that you calling?

Janice: Oh God, you recognised my voice.

Male Voice: Of course I did, I've heard it enough times all these years.

Oh hell, why is she calling my brother ... what on earth would she want with him? I was still smarting from watching big brother fondling my wife's thighs
so intimately on Monday, hurtful to me particularly in view of Janice's claims all these years that my brother was a lecher and she couldn't stand him.
He was a confirmed bachelor again, having gone through two marriages and countless affairs with other women.

Janice: Brian, sorry to call you so early, I hope I didn't wake you.

Brian: No you didn't wake me honey, I've been up since seven. had a run, then a swim, I was just about to take a shower and really get my day started.

Janice: Sounds like it's already started if you've done all that. Are you a fitness fanatic, do you work at that pace every day?

Brian: No, not every day, only when I wake up alone and I've got no good reason to stay in bed. So Janice, why the call, has something happened to
Rich, is he alright?

Janice: Richie's fine, don't worry about him, same old same old with him, he's away at the moment, the company sent him up to Brisbane yesterday, he
had to stay overnight. They had some sort of problem in their office up there, stroked Richie's ego by telling him that he was the only one who could fix

Brian: Yeah, that would have made him feel good. So therefore my favourite sister-in-law got to have the house to herself, just like you were waiting
for ... what a godsend, eh! I guess you took full advantage and invited your new guy over, no risk of Richard dropping in on you. Would have been a bit
hard from 900 kilometres away. So how did it go, this was your first adulterous situation, eh? A big moment for you, how was it, everything you
dreamed about? I hope you're not calling me to give me a fuck-by-fuck update. You know that I'm just going to be so interested in hearing about you
with another guy when you've held me at bay for 30-something years.

Janice: Do I detect a note of sarcasm Brian? It doesn't become you.

Brian: What do you want me to say? Yes, for God's sake yes, I'm jealous of that prick, as jealous as Richard would be if he knew what you got up to.
There you are, get the message!

Janice: It didn't turn out too well Brian. I don't know if I am not cut out for having an affair or if I just picked the wrong guy to do it with.

Brian: Are you expecting me to answer that for you?

Janice: No, I don't have to call you up to know what your answer is.

Brian: Then why have you called me Janice?

Janice: I'm not sure, I had a terrible night, didn't sleep. A voice in my head just told me to call you so I did.

Brian: Alright, so tell old Uncle Brian what went wrong, is that what you want to do, have someone to talk to about it?

Janice: I guess so!

Brian: Go ahead babe, I'm all ears. Tell me why it never worked out.

Janice: Oh, a number of things Brian ... Richie never told me he was going away until quite late Monday night. You know, you told me on Monday
about his suspicions, it was like he knew what I'd get up to while he was away so he was trying to delay my setting it up with my guy. As soon as I
found I'd be alone, I rang John but his wife answered, that really pissed me off. So I couldn't talk to him until the morning, after Richie left for the airport.
I had a sleepless night Monday thinking about what John and I would do with each other. I think I began to see him as some super stud even though
he's at least sixty now.

Brian: Hey girl, you're expecting a lot from some old senior.

Janice: Yes I probably was. Anyway, I got him on the phone yesterday morning ... the first disappointment was that he couldn't make it until the
afternoon, said he had some appointment with his financial planner, how it had taken weeks to get the appointment.

Brian: Bloody hell Janice, did you pick some brain dead guy? He's been at you for weeks to have sex, is that right, that's the way you implied it to me?

Janice: Yes he had.

Brian: There you are, after you for weeks and the opportunity of a lifetime comes knocking with a great looking woman like you and he wants to waste
time fucking around talking finance with some dude. Janice, sounds to me like you picked a loser. Did you let him get away with that?

Janice: Yes, I was peeved about it, but it wasn't a game-breaker. We settled for four o'clock. I used the extra time to go out and buy some new lingerie.

Brian: For him! Oh God Janice, he doesn't deserve it. Oh shit, do I want to hear the rest?

Janice: I don't know, do you Brian?

Brian: Yes, tell me Janice, I am here for you.

Janice: So he came over but with having had all day to think about it, I'd become very nervous. We didn't rush straight into the bedroom when he got
here, had a couple of wines first. I needed that to calm me down. I don't know if John appreciated how difficult this was for me. I never went into the
relationship thinking it would be about sex, maybe I was naive. It was obvious from our first couple of dates that he expected it.

Brian: So you stalled him by offering him a drink first, who made the first move?

Janice: Oh, I don't know, does that matter?

Brian: I thought you wanted to discuss it with me, I am guessing it wasn't all you expected, so give me some detail and maybe I can help work out why
it all went pear shape.

Janice: Ok, I'll try! He stood up and came over to my chair.

Brian: Just like I did last Monday?

Janice: Yeah, sort of, but we were sitting in different chairs.

Brian: So the point I'm making is that he was getting impatient after you had stalled him by drinking wine for, what ... an hour?

Janice: Yes, about that. I remember checking the clock to see it had gone five so I started teasing him by pulling my dress up.

Brian: Hang on, you didn't say that. So, same old story with you, the flirty side came out while you were both sitting.

Janice: Yeah I guess so, I started raising my dress up over my thighs so he would get to see that I was wearing stockings and garters. I guess I was
eager to let him see the new lingerie I had bought to wear just for him.

Brian: And then he stood up and came over, because by raising your dress, you were signalling for him to get things going. Janice, you wanted him to
seduce you, but on your timetable.

Janice: Oh Brian, does that sound awful?

Brian: No, it just makes you not as innocent as you like to often portray. I've always thought of you as a hot woman, yet you like to appear as this prim
and proper soul up on a pedestal.

Janice: Ooh, I don't know if I like the sound of myself when you analyse it.

Brian: It's ok Janice, you are still a lovely lady. So you let him see under your dress and he gets up to come over, what then?

Janice: I don't know if I should say. You put the things I do in a different light, in a way that I didn't see about myself.

Brian: Sorry babe, I'm just looking at this from a man's perspective.

Janice: Ok, well I reached up and started touching him, stroking him.

Brian: Was it still in his pants?

Janice: Oh yes, I was just running my hand over the bulge, I liked the shape of it. I hadn't been that close to another man's penis since I'd been
married. So then I took him into my bedroom.

Brian: So you had taken over as the seducer?

Janice: I didn't look on it like that, we were both there for one reason, to have our first sex together and I figured the time had come.

Brian: Were you less nervous by then?

Janice: I thought I was, but when we got into my bedroom, it all came back again.

Brian: Despite having had some wine to calm you down?

Janice: Yes, that had little effect on me. Well, he pissed me off straight away. I had planned since we first arranged to do this that I would lie down on
the bed and he would lie alongside me, kiss me and touch me all over, all soft and gentle. We would dim the lights and he would take off every piece of
clothing, one by one. That's partly why I bought all that sexy lingerie, I thought it would be romantic having him undress me.

Brian: Sounds like the way to go, are you going to tell me he didn't do that?

Janice: The bastard sat on the side of the bed, fully dressed and leaving me standing in front of him. He wanted me to put on a show for him, like I was
doing a strip tease, and he wanted the lights on so he could see everything. I can tell you Brian, I wasn't impressed.

Brian: But did you do it the way he wanted?

Janice: Yes I did, pissed off as I was, I stood there, embarrassed that I wasn't some twenty year old nymphet that would impress him with my body. I
took off my own clothes.

Brian: This guy's got a lot to learn about seducing a woman.

Janice: The worst part was that when I got my bra off, he started kissing and sucking on my breasts. He does do that well and I like him doing it, but I
was standing up, half bent over so he could reach them from where he sat comfortably. It would have been so much better if we were both in bed.
Then he could have gone on doing that forever, but my legs got cramped from standing, half bent forward in front of him.

Brian: It sounds like this man had an agenda that was vastly different to what you were planning Janice.

Janice: Oh yes, it seems so! I'd bought a thong G-string. I never wear them because that thin strip irritates my bottom when I pull them up tight. I only
bought it as a tease for an older man who might not have seen these sort of panties. I was right, he was in raptures when he saw me in them. Made me
turn around with my back to him and bent me over so that he could inspect me back there. Brian, I was humiliated. Richie would never have done that.

Brian: Sounds like you didn't realise how well off you were before this John came along.

Janice: I don't know about that. I see where you're going with that, but Richie and I have been growing apart for at least a couple of years. Anyway, at
last I was as naked as I was going to get...

Brian: Were you still wearing anything?

Janice: Yes, only my new garter belt and stockings. All my sexual bits were fully exposed so at least I could lie down on the bed, it was his turn to

Brian: He didn't expect you to help with that?

Janice: No, thank goodness! But that's when I started feeling strange ... I got nervous all over again. He dropped his boxer shorts and I saw his penis,
so hard and ready, standing straight out from his body and the look on his face was of pure lust. Now, I'm not a fool, I understand how it is with men
and their rampant desire, particularly when they are in sight of the prize. But when I saw his hard penis, I suddenly got hot and cold flushes, I was
shaking and dizzy. I was asking myself what in hell I was doing there with this man. Why was I jeopardising my marriage for what ... 5, 10, who knows
how many minutes of pleasure?

Brian: Was it the sight of his erection that brought this on?

Janice: Well, judging by the timing of my panic attack, I guess it was, but I can't understand why. I'd already seen his penis a couple of times, and erect
like that, so it wasn't like the sight of it scared me. I'd even had it in my mouth like I told you on Monday, it wasn't new to me Brian. Yet I looked at it -
rampant and ready - and asked myself why I wanted another man inside me? I asked him to please give me more time, that I thought I could overcome
my sudden panic, but he didn't want to stop at all. Of course I know how men are when they reach that state, no words are likely to deter them. I knew I
could be in a bit of trouble. I was alone with him in my own bed, I didn't know if I could stop him if he got angry and decided he was having me no
matter what. Then again, I was so confused that I didn't even know if I did really want to stop him. I think I'd have liked to wait a while, just kiss and
cuddle because we had all night.

Brian: So what happened?

Janice: He wasn't about to stop. In his mind, it was too late for me to delay the process. He said he was ready and that he couldn't just switch it off like
turning off a tap. He lectured me on how long he had waited for this day and that he knew from what I had told him previously that I really did want it.
He said the best thing for me would be to just lie back and let it happen.

Brian; So was it rape?

Janice: Oh technically I guess it was, but as he pointed out to me, I was very wet down there. To him, that must mean I wanted it as much as him in
spite of what I was saying. He had no trouble sliding it into me. And in fairness, there was no pain, it was just against my will.

Brian: Did you warm to the occasion?

Janice: Not exactly! His efforts were a bloody disaster, all of which he tried to blame on me. Like, because I had asked him to wait, I had thrown him off
just as he was primed to go, and that my touching of him out in the living room had pushed him further than he wanted to be. He claimed that by the
time he got inside me, he had lost all control.

Brian: Oh, so he was a premature ejaculator?

Janice: I suppose that's what it's called, I hadn't experienced that before. For all of Richie's current shortcomings, premature has never been one of

Brian: So did you kick him out of the house once he was done?

Janice: No I didn't Brian, he was so full of apologies and excuses, I began to think that maybe it was my fault by my stalling. I felt sorry for him and by
now he'd cum inside me, so I lost the apprehension that had caused me to try to stop it. By then the deed was done and I couldn't undo the fact that I
had now cheated on Richie.

Brian: So how much longer was he there?

Janice: Oh, a few more hours. He dropped asleep.

Brian: Oh Janice, this just gets worse and worse.

Janice: Yes I know. When he woke, he was still full of remorse, still making excuses, still wanted to show me he could be as good as Richie. By then I
doubted that. I was hungry so I made up a plate for us to nibble from. When we'd done with that, he was all horny again and since I still hadn't been
satisfied, I decided to give him another chance. I had the idea of being on top so I could control his and my cumming better. I wasn't going to miss out
again. So I did that, got him nice and big, eased myself down onto it and was just starting to get a nice rhythm going when the damn phone rang. It was
Richie calling from Brisbane, we managed a bit of small talk in spite of my having John inside me. Richie ended up telling me he missed me, even said
he loved me ... hadn't told me that for ages. I had to tell him I did too and that really set John off ... he hadn't even wanted me to answer the phone. I
can see how that might upset him. Anyway, I managed to end the call without letting Richie know what I was doing and John and I went ahead and did

Brian: So the big question, did you get off this time?

Janice: Yes I did and I was grateful for that, but John still managed to upset me. I came and he hadn't ... he said he wanted to cum again and offered
me the chance too. I told him I wasn't likely to, that I'm a one orgasm girl, but that he was welcome to continue. I even rolled us both over so he could
be on top again, he seemed to prefer it that way. Anyway, he was banging away and at last he got really good, the best that he'd been. I felt like I could
cum again. I was impressed at last. I would expect most guys could read the signs that the woman they're with is about to cum. But one second, I'm on

the verge of my second, and the next I could feel him cumming inside me, leaving me stranded, high and dry. Brian, I just think he's a thoughtless

Brian: So this time you threw him out?

Janice: Well, sort of.

Brian: Oh no, you didn't give him another chance?

Janice: Oh God no, but when he took it out of me, I turned my back to him, that would have indicated I was pissed. But in no time, I heard him out of
bed and moving around, picking up his clothes, putting them on, like he was getting ready to leave. I asked him what he was doing. I mean, as bad as
he was, I had expected him to stay the night. But he told me that two go's would see him all done for the night ... that's how he put it, two go's. He didn't
say I've cum twice or we've made love twice ... it was just he'd had two go's. So it wasn't worth staying and he might as well go home. I was livid, I had
kept giving him all these chances to make amends and he was walking out. He was one big liar ... heading home to his wife before he got into trouble. I
shoved him out the front door.

Brian: Sounds like the best move you made.

Janice: That's right, but that's not all of it. Just before I kicked him out, he decided to tell me that Richie had called him that morning from the airport and
threatened him. He told him he knew where he lived and that he would come around and beat the shit out of him.

Brian: That doesn't sound like Richard.

Janice: No, I told John that. Anyway, what scared me was that Richie said to John that if he didn't leave me alone, he'd tell John's wife where his penis
had been. Brian, I told you the other day what I did, that I'd had it in my mouth when we were parked down by the river near the Skiff Club. Richie or
one of his friends must have been there and seen us, saw me giving John a blow job. Oh my God Brian, I sure can pick them. I was living a dream that
because of how cold and distant Richie had become, I could make a new life with this new man. We seemed to have so many things in common. Now I
feel let down ... I have to admit I shed a lot of tears through the night and not much sleep. Oh Brian, where do I go from here, my dream is shattered? I
was so gullible as to believe all the stuff that man said. And to think I gave him my best blow job.

Brian: So here we are and you've called me.

Janice: Oh my God, yes I have, unburdening myself on you like I should to one of my girlfriends, not to Richie's brother. It's just that you seemed like
the only person I could talk to ... I had this overwhelming need to tell somebody. I remembered our chat on Monday when you became the first person
to know what I have been doing, how I have made an absolute fool of myself. It seemed like you would be the only one that might understand.

Brian: So what do you want Janice?

Janice: I don't know, I just feel so miserable and stupid.

Brian: I can understand you feeling a bit miserable but you are not stupid Janice, far from it, you are a very smart woman and you deserved better from
your moment of indiscretion.

Janice: A moment of indiscretion! My God Brian, it seems like weeks of indiscretion.

Brian: Maybe so, but you're on the phone to me now Janice and I don't think you're finished. There's something more that you want, what would you
like to happen now Janice, what do you want this morning?

Janice: Oh, I don't know. A VERY LONG SILENCE FOLLOWED

Brian: Are you still there Janice?

Janice: Yes! - A SHORTER SILENCE ... I'm not sure if I should ask. What are your plans today Brian? Are you going to work?

Brian: No I don't need to ... my hours are very flexible. So Janice, tell me what it is that you want.

Another even longer silence followed. I watched the digital time record and neither spoke for almost a minute. Then, I could hear my wife's voice, softly,
almost in a whisper...

Janice: I want you Brian!

Brian: What's that Janice, I couldn't quite hear you.

Janice (louder): Oh God, I want you Brian. You said to call you anytime 24/7 and you would be here for me. Well, damn it, I want you!

Brian: I am here for you babe. So would you like me to come over now?

Janice: Oh please, would you Brian, I'd like that ... I'd like that very much.

Brian: You're sure that's what you really want Janice? You have to be a big girl! If I come over there now, you know what will happen? We will spend all
day in bed and I will fuck you ... a lot! No ifs, no buts, no excuses ... I'm in and orgasms are guaranteed.

Janice: Guaranteed ... I like that! I should be honest with you Brian. I'm upset with John and I could just wait for Richie to get home tonight and try to
make it up to him ... tell him his suspicions were right and I'm sorry for cheating. In fact, I would have if you hadn't come by Monday and told me about
his affair with the secretary. I know it was years ago but what I did with John last night would be only one percent of what he did with his slut of a
secretary. You said that it went on for at least a year.

Brian: Yes it did Janice, at least that long. I was worried at the time that he wouldn't come to his senses.

Janice: A year is a long time Brian, too long to be cheating on me - and on the kids too. He's going to pay for that affair ... and the best way that I can
get back at him is to give you what you've wanted all these years. Your brother's not home until 7.30 tonight so please come over and collect your
prize. And if we don't get all that we both want today, you can come back tomorrow and we'll do it all over again.

Brian: I'll be very happy to Janice, you know how much I've wanted you all these years ... 30 years Janice, we've got a lot of catching up to do, we
could still be at it at 7.30 tonight.

Janice: I don't care, at this moment I don't even care if you're still in bed with me when he gets home tonight. Serves him right if he walked in and
caught us at it, he'd be so pissed that it was you.

Brian: I'm on my way, you've just got time for a shower, I don't want to smell that loser on you.

So the call ended and I rocked back in my study chair and switched off my phone tap machine. I felt like a boxer now in the tenth round. I had been on
my knees from a couple of hard punches while painfully seeing and hearing Janice's would-be lover at last have sex with my wife. But I had hauled
myself back upright, believing I could still win this bout when she kicked him out of the house. But then I was hit by the punch I never saw coming, not
just on the ropes this time. I'm flat on my back on the canvas after learning that my loving wife has put out for my annoying brother, who has pursued
this moment ever since I stole Janice off him 30 years ago.

What do I do now? I have had two busy days in Brisbane, I am tired, I want to go to bed, but now I have heard what's coming, I know I won't sleep. I
need to draw on whatever reserves of energy I might have to sit up and go through more vision. Only this is more painful, this is my brother getting the
revenge he's craved for 30 years. I won't need to watch it all, I just need to be sure she didn't have another panic attack on the verge of giving her body
to Brian. If they have gone ahead with it, then the fate of my marriage is sealed and I can get in first and tell Janice that in the morning.

I went to the kitchen, made myself a coffee, and peeked into the bedroom to check that Janice was sleeping soundly. Didn't want her to barge into the
study while I had her up on the big screen fucking my brother. Then I returned to my chair in the study, scanned through the digital video footage my
two cameras had captured, stopping at 9am on Wednesday.

I saw my wife changing the sheets on our bed, then heading from our bedroom toward the en-suite bathroom, obviously off to take a shower ... she
would need to remove the smell and remnants of her sex with John from her body.

I fast-forwarded and when she reappeared, wrapped in a towel, 15 minutes later, it was interesting to watch her repeat the same ritual that I had
observed when she prepared herself for John's arrival the day before ... the dabs of perfume on all of her erogenous zones. Again I was curious at why
she applied perfume between her arse cheeks ... neither Janice nor I had ever ventured into any anal play. Quite the contrary, if my fingers or face ever
ventured near her arse, she would push me away.

She produced a fresh pair of stockings from her shopping bag but the garter belt, bra and panties were all the same as she had worn for John ... she
wore them for less than an hour. So here on the screen before me was my wife, showered clean, fresh and ready to go again for what she would hope
would be more fulfilling sex than yesterday, taking full advantage of my 36 hours away from home.

I expected Janice would wear the same dress, so I was more than surprised when she instead went to our wardrobe and took out our her sheerest
negligee. This was different, she put that on over the bra, panties, stockings and garters and finally she slipped her feet into a pair of high heels, lifting
her arse sensationally. Wow, I have to admit to a powerful pang of jealousy as I watched her admiring herself in the full length mirror in our bedroom.
Even at 50, she looked to be the complete sexual temptress package and my shit of a brother was about to be the beneficiary. When this vision in
flowing see-through nylon opened our front door to him, Brian would be in no doubt as to the pleasures she was about to bestow on him.

Attired for sex, Janice left the bedroom and when the living room camera didn't pick her up, I assumed she had stopped in the kitchen to get
breakfast ... nourishment for the day ahead. I fast-forwarded once more, it was another 20 minutes before I saw my beloved wife - about to be ex -
rushing into view, heading straight to the front door and flinging it open wide, not even hiding behind it in case the neighbours might see her, as she
had for John.

They avoided a passionate clinch at the front door, Brian stood in the doorway, obviously admiring how Janice was (barely) dressed. I heard him say,
"Oh my God Janice, you look a million bucks, is all of this really for me?"

"You know it is," Janice told him, "and I'm sorry it's so long overdue." She stepped back inside the living room and boldly pirouetted around 360
degrees for him, her negligee flaring outward as she spun.

"Is this what you wore last night?"

"Underneath it is, but not this! I had to put on something especially for you today." She used her hands to grasp the sheer negligee in front. It was full-
length so she playfully lifted it up higher and higher until the bottom was above her knees, revealing to him her good legs encased in the sheer
stockings beneath.

"Oh babe, it's special, I love it." He seemed to peer closely at the material, "Mostly I love it because I can see a hint of what's underneath. I can't wait to
get under there."

"Well, you'll have to wait, you're early, I want to finish breakfast." Janice dropped the hem and the nightie fell back into place. She turned away from my
brother and picked up a slice of toast from a plate she dropped off on the coffee table as she rushed to open the door.

Brian followed her into our living room, allowing the front door to slam closed behind him. "I hope that's the last piece, I can't wait to kiss you."

My brother stood impatiently in front of my wife while she chewed faster. Then, the toast eaten, she spread her arms open wide and Brian stepped
forward and swept her into his embrace, their lips meeting immediately. There was nothing hesitant or unsure for Janice in this coupling. Straight away,
one hand came up and wrapped around behind Brian's head, holding him steady while she kissed him deeply.

Their kiss was a passionate encounter from the outset - I would expect nothing less from my brother. He clasped the thin nylon of her slinky negligee
where it clung to my wife's arse cheeks, boldly using both hands to pull her body tightly against his pelvis. When the passion of their kiss had overcome
any early awkwardness they may have felt being together like this for the first time, they walked further into our living room, arms interlocked around
each other.

"I am so glad you came, I feel so foolish Brian. I should have seen that it should have been you all along. I almost feel like I cheated on you as well as
Richie yesterday."

"Don't beat up on yourself Janice. It's ok, I'm here now, your brother-in-law is going to take care of everything you need today, and more! Perhaps
tomorrow and the next day if need be."

"Oh, can we do it all week? That would be exciting."

"It sure would be! Yes, all week if that's what you want, if I don't wear you out."

"Oh, wear away Brian ... if you wear me out in one place, we'll just have to find another place for you to put it."

My God Janice, have you lost your mind? What are you saying to him? You can't say that sort of thing to my brother, he's the original master fornicator.
Drop a line like that to him and he'll have his cock up her arse so fast.

"Um, that sounds promising."

"Just so long as you don't run out on me after you've had two go's?"

"Ha ha, no I won't! Shit, that was so insensitive of that stupid bastard. Babe, you will have long lost count of how many go's of pleasure you have by the
time I leave here today."

Ah yes, there he is, my boastful charming brother, in the persona we know and love. Let's see if he can live up to his pre-publicity better than John.

"So did I tell you when you opened the front door that you look a million bucks?"

"Oh thank you, I've been a bit down about the events of the past couple of days ... that makes me feel so much better."

"Yes, I guess that knocked your confidence around. First that jerk being such a let-down and then learning what Richard did behind your back all those
years ago. I was sorry to be the one to tell you about that but in view of what you've just been through, I figured that it was important for you to know
that Richard cheated on you long before you even thought about having an affair."

Oh, such a fine upstanding family man! My wonderful loyal brother doing his duty to ensure that my wife was informed of my past transgressions and
so regretful that he had to be the one to tell her.

"Brian, I'm being selfish eating breakfast in front of you ... can I get you anything?"

"No thanks babe, I'll pass. No food, I only want you!"

"Well, in that case, I guess we have nothing to keep us out here. Brian, would you like to come to bed with me?"

Such a contrast in the way that Janice approached giving her body to my brother compared to the previous night's debacle.

"I thought you'd never ask, shall we go?" Brian took her hand in his and I saw them head in the direction of the bedrooms, causing me to switch
cameras. It didn't take long for them to reach our bedroom ... I saw them enter the room, walk to the bed. Unlike last night's debacle with John, Janice
didn't pause, she knelt on the edge of the bed and very smoothly rolled into the centre, finishing up on her back, but angling her body toward Brian,
who still stood beside the bed.

My brother unbuttoned and shed his shirt and kicked off his shoes. He was bare-chested, sporting an impressive tan, his physique still very good at 52.
He has looked after himself much better than I did.

"Umm, nice abs! You must work out!" my wife praised him, lying there on the bed on her back in anticipation, watching his every move.

"Yes I do!"

He unzipped his trousers and let them fall to the floor, leaving him only in boxers and socks. He quickly followed Janice onto the bed, fitting his length,
head to toe, alongside her, lying up on his left side, his head propped up on the palm of his hand, his elbow on the bed.

"Comfortable?" he checked.

"Wonderfully Brian ... thank you, this is perfect, exactly as I wanted yest..." She was about to say yesterday and must have realised that she should
stop harking back to that failed encounter with John.

My brother recognised that too, "Only with a different guy, but that's alright, I can live with that."

It was interesting that he retained his boxers to cover his cock. I wondered if he was being careful not to risk having Janice panic if he revealed his
erection now, just as she had reacted to that man John.

Immediately, Brian's fingers were busy, grasping the diaphanous nightie and pulling the full-length garment all the way up until the bottom of it barely
covered her crotch. He appeared to watch the path his fingers took, he would have noted her good shapely legs as he revealed them, the stockings
reaching up to about 2 inches from the tops of her legs, secured tightly by the elasticised garters that hung down tautly from the belt below her waist.
Those fingers transferred to reaching in under the scrunched up roll of her nightie and lightly caressed the smooth skin at the tops of her inner thighs.
She spread her thighs slightly, encouraging his fingers to reach higher to her pantied crotch that awaited, no doubt wetly.

Brian leaned toward her and I saw my wife's lips part. She saw his face coming, would have known that he was about to kiss her. Her tongue slipped
out, licking her lips to moisten them, then that tongue looked to wait in ambush, poised at her open mouth, eager to pounce on the male tongue that
approached to seek entry between her lips. The passion was intense from the outset, I figured that each of the pair on my bed were of a single purpose
... to make up for remaining apart these past 30 years. One of Brian's hands threaded through Janice's hair, twisting the strands around his fingers that
massaged her scalp, mussing up her well-coiffured hair.

It went on and on, this was obviously the key passionate kiss that would become the catalyst for the illicit sex this pair were about to engage in. I could
see that hand of Brian's playing in her hair, but it was his other hand, the one that I couldn't see, that was stirring the most desire in my wife. It had
roamed beneath her diaphanous nightgown and would by now be beyond the scrap of covering of her thong and playing up and down within the wet
flowing folds of her labia lips.

It had been intense but the kiss couldn't last forever. Breathless, even gasping for air, Janice and Brian allowed their lips to separate, their faces
withdrawing just far enough that each could scan up close to the other's face. No words, then Brian closed the gap between them once more, but this
time his lips claimed a juicy spot on her bare neck, kissing her there just as passionately as he had kissed her lips. My Janice moaned, the state of her
arousal obvious, "Umm, I love the feel of your fingers there, you have such a soft touch for a big man. That is so nice Brian."

"I think this is about where you stopped me on Monday," my brother reminded her.

"Umm maybe, although I thought I stopped you before you got this far Brian ... perhaps now with the benefit of hindsight, I shouldn't have stopped you.
If I'd let you get this far on Monday and you had me feeling like I do now, I may never have wanted to call John again.

"No point in dwelling on the hypothetical babe. This is the here and now and I want to see all this sexy lingerie you bought."

"Really? Should I take this off now?"

I guessed that she was referring to her sheer nightgown.

"No, you don't have to do do anything, you just lie back and relax ... I'll take this off now. Remember, you're not with that klutz now."

Janice had to lift her body up off the sheets as my brother dragged her long nightgown all the way up from under her arse, her back, her shoulders and
then it was gone, discarded as a bunched up roll of soft material thrown to the floor. Brian worked at her bra and my wife had to help him. His lips
claimed her breasts and nipples and such were his marathon efforts there that it was indeed a long fast-forward for me to get past that scene.

Janice loves that sort of attention on her breasts and so, when at last Brian tore his lips away, she would have been well primed for the sex that was to
follow. My brother shifted his legs between hers and he fitted his cock to her waiting vagina and yet more fornication occurred in the double bed that I
normally shared with my wife.

My brother was good, I had to concede that, He did have quite a reputation with women so I feared he would be. My rough count was 3 orgasms for
Janice, and that was just their first coupling of the day ... I say rough count because I wasn't about to sit through the complete performance, fast-
forwarding to alleviate the pain. Three rolling orgasms at that, delivered by my brother's masterly control for the utmost pleasure of my wife before he
finally filled her with his cum.

I was able to speed through much of this. The end of my marriage was inevitable and I only needed to watch enough of it to ensure that these two did
not have a bust-up the way John and Janice had on the previous night. I raced through the two of them lying about, languishing in a dreamy after-glow
but cut back to real-time when I saw a conversation breaking out.

"Oh Brian, that was so good ... thank you lover! I hope it was worth the long wait."

"I'm sorry Janice, but it's hard for me to concede anything was worth waiting as long as you've made me wait. I'm still pissed that I've waited thirty years
to have you. But you feel good and after we do it some more, I might enjoy your body so much that I'll give in on that."

"Brian, since you keep going on about me not letting you have me when we first met, I want to tell you something serious, something that's important
for me to say now. Despite what you've revealed to me about Richie and his secretary and the fact that I have just cheated on my husband with you, I
wouldn't have changed a thing about my life. I want you to move on from the fact that I went for Richie instead of you back then. If I had it all to do
again, I would still have chosen Richie, would still have married him, had his kids. He has been a stable influence in my life ... I'm sure I wouldn't have
had that stability if I'd stayed with you."

"I might have been a different man altogether with you babe."

"I doubt it, but look, I don't want to spoil things by raking over the coals. I am moving on from Richie now and you are definitely what I need at this stage
of my life. I also want to clear something else up before you jump back on me. I used the word slut to refer to that secretary that Richie apparently
couldn't get enough of. Well, lying here like this, having almost begged you to come over here today and wearing lingerie that was designed for a
woman 20 years younger than me, I had this fear that maybe I was acting like a bit of a slut myself. I don't want you to get the wrong impression about
me. I'm still the woman I've always been, but a lack of love from a partner can make you go to desperate lengths. These past couple of years, I just
convinced myself that I need a man who will make me feel good again."

"No babe, I'd never consider you a slut, not in a million years. You're all class!"

"Brian, that's nice of you to say and really, what else could you say lying here with me like this, but truly, I do look at myself as being terribly slutty these
past couple of weeks. I gave this other man a blow job on only our third date, then I let him finger me until I came on the back seat of my car ... and last
night I let him have me completely. When I think back on it, I wonder how I could have given myself to him so easily. He must be having a great laugh
today. And then this morning, I've no sooner douched his sperm from my vagina, then I'm prettying myself up to look as good as I can be to go to bed
with you. I had to ask myself what have I become?"

I was pleased to hear my wife analysing her strange behaviour, although it was obvious now that she would continue to consummate her new
relationship with my brother.

"You haven't changed at all babe, you are still a fabulous woman, you're becoming more independent. After all these years, you've said to yourself, this
is what I want and I'm going out to get it. Take no prisoners Janice!"

Happy to have convinced Janice that she wasn't a slut, my brother's lips found Janice's nipples once more and so began a further period that I could
fast-forward through, hopefully bringing me closer to getting to bed tonight.

His cock was up again and Janice seized the opportunity again to try her new-found appreciation for the woman on top position as she chose to rise up
from the languid torpor that had come over her after enjoying three orgasms. She assumed the in-charge position and used her fingers to hold my
brother's cock steady while she slid her vagina down over it.

Their need was much slower this time and Janice made sure to attend to her own pleasure first. In spite of her position of dominance, she appeared to
only get two orgasms before riding Brian to a frenzied finish. When she pulled her body up and off his diminishing hard-on, Janice collapsed face down
on the bed alongside her new lover.

There was another long spell of nothing happening until I caught sight of Brian leaning over Janice's back from beside her, his hands very active, softly
caressing her bare arse cheeks. I saw his index finger slipping between her cheeks to press that fingertip to her anal ring. Her body jumped at the
intimate touch of his probing finger. She lifted her head up, gasped a loud, "Ooh!" and twisted her lower body to try to escape his intimate touch. Well, it
would be intimate to some, but I knew that Janice would be repulsed by his anal overture.

"You've got a great arse Janice," my brother told her, "you always have had. Do you let Rich play games in there?"

"Games, what do you mean games?"

"You know, a little anal play, there's a lot you can do. His fingers doing what I'm doing now, his tongue licking, obviously his cock too. Or do you use
some toys to get you revved up."

"No never," responded my wife quite huffily.

"Oh babe, you've got so much to learn from Brian, we're gonna have a great day."

I saw her body squirming around, trying to dislodge that intrusive probing fingertip that could be now even pressing at her anal ring, "No Brian, don't do
that please! Don't touch me there!"

"Why not?"

"Because I don't like it, I never have Brian. Richie always respected my request to stay away."

"Yes, well you know I'm not Richard babe and this arse is way too good for me to ignore so I'm gonna leave with you a copy of my manual, 'Anal for

"Not funny Brian ... I mean it, I've never liked being touched back there and I'm not about to start now. Can't we just do normal stuff today please

"Normal stuff ... what do you mean normal? So many couples are into anal that anal is normal these days babe. You really are behind the times, aren't
you? No wonder you called up the Brian, you need to get into the 21st century of sex."

"Please Brian, this is a big step for me, don't spoil it by asking me to do something that I find disgusting. Can we just do stuff I like, please don't try to
get me to experiment? Brian, I just need some nice loving, that's all I ask of you today. It's been really great so far and it's only eleven o'clock. We've
got heaps of time left, you are staying aren't you?"

"Sure babe, but with me you get the whole package ... and I'll show you that anal is not disgusting."

"I don't want a package Brian, I just need your love and affection, at least for today, can you do that for me? And then, next time - if you want a next
time - well, I won't promise anything yet, but I might just try something kinky, but I'll warn you now I'm going to need a lot of persuasion to let you do
anything around my arse."

"Okay then, I promise I'll leave it for another day."

"Thank you!" Janice brought a hand up to her hair and fiddled with it in a very feminine way, "Oh dear, what must I look like, things have been a bit
frantic so far?"

"Don't worry, you look fabulous babe, and your hair looks great, your face is beautiful and this body..." he pulled his head back far enough from her for
his eyes to scan down over her body still partially clad only in some of the intimate lingerie, "...this is to die for."

"Very nice of you to say that Brian, but I hardly think so at 50."

"You are just what I want today, come on, roll over here and help my body get inspired again by the feel of you against my cock. Give me a few
minutes and we'll get down to some more serious fucking."

"Loving Brian, some serious loving."

"Yeah whatever! I can do anything you want babe, I'm here for you, we're family."

I had seen and heard enough, my previously loving wife was succumbing to his seduction, as crude as it was from time to time. She was gone ... I had
been eager to deny it at first and I know there would have been people who would have said that I should have ended it there and then at her first
touch of John's cock. But they don't know what we had together ... 25 years ... we were such a devoted loving couple. I had been prepared to give her
some rope, let her get some crazy fling out of the system, if it was that. I thought so when I first began spying.

Using surveillance doesn't totally explain the mysteries of a woman's mind, but I did find it handy in staying one step ahead by knowing where she
would be meeting John and what they were saying to each other. But there are risks involved in using that sort of stuff.

I sat there and fast-forwarded through their long day of sex. It seemed that every time I real-timed the action from my bedroom from earlier today, my
brother was either fucking her or going down on her. How many times must they have done it? The two of them were completely insatiable ... I could no
longer compete with that.

I never got to the end. After one of their marathon bouts of feverish consensual sex, Brian seemed to drop off into a slumber from exhaustion but
Janice lay there in our bed with her eyes open, perhaps reflecting on all that had happened. Then I saw her raise herself up on an elbow, she was
staring straight at that bedroom camera. Uh oh, this could be trouble. I saw her turn to the sleeping man beside her and shake him awake. She pointed
in the direction of my camera and the two of them both peered directly toward it. I felt like they were looking straight through me.

Next thing, they're both getting up off the bed, Brian naked except for his socks and Janice, naked except for her stockings and garter belt. They
walked slowly toward the corner where I had surreptitiously attached the miniature camera to the edge of a picture frame. Brian got a chair and stood
up on it. His face looked huge as he came up close to the lens and filled the screen.

"Yes it is Janice, it's a small camera. You obviously didn't know it was there, eh?"

"The bastard, that's how he knew so much about my friend John, Richie's been spying on me. Although ... no, that can't be it, the first time John was in
this bedroom was only yesterday. Richie hasn't been here since so he couldn't have found out about him from this camera. Still, that's very sneaky of
him. What do you think Brian, I guess it must be connected to somewhere where he can watch the picture back ... like on a screen or something."

"He has a study, doesn't he Janice?"

"Yes he does and seems to spend a lot of time in there."

"Come on, let's go have a look and see what we can find."

"Do you know what you're looking for, because I'd have no idea."

"Yes, I had a bit to do with surveillance equipment in one of the businesses I had a few years ago. Let's see what we can find."

So I'm sprung. Janice will now be triple pissed at me. Supposedly neglecting her sexually in the past couple of years of our marriage. Then the handy
revelation from my brother that I cheated on Janice for more than a year with my then luscious secretary ... and finally now, disrespecting her by spying
on her in our own bed. I'm gone! Better get in first and tell her that I've decided that we should break up.

I didn't have a camera set up in my study ... naturally. So I had no idea what transpired when Brian and Janice went there to try to find the balance of
my surveillance equipment. How good was Brian at detecting that sort of stuff. Was he able to activate it, play back some of it? Worse still, would he
recognise a phone tap if he saw it? Would he think to look for other bugs other than that bedroom camera? I'm in deep shit and I could even be
charged if Janice or Brian want to make it a police matter.

I switched off my technical surveillance equipment, turned off the lights and went to our bedroom to most likely sleep alongside Janice for the last time.

Chapter Twelve

I was up so late on Wednesday night / Thursday morning. In fact, I never got to sleep until nearly 4am. I could have slept much longer but the bright
rays of the morning sunshine streaming across the bedroom when Janice raised the blind brought me startlingly awake. Through bleary eyes, I
checked the clock on the bedside table ... 8.20am.

I did have difficulty in dropping off to sleep after sitting through hours of the death throes of my marriage, eventually destroyed deftly by my brother
through exposing all of my least attractive traits ... and by not camouflaging the bedroom camera well enough. As my eyes opened and tried to adjust
to the light, I saw my darling - about to be ex - wife slipping around, in and out of our bedroom wearing her oldest and shortest nightie. I seem to recall
they called them a baby doll garment years ago.

The bottom of it didn't even cover her butt and I quickly noted that she wasn't wearing any panties. But strangely, there was something dark and either
plastic or metallic lodged between her arse cheeks. I tried to focus on her arse whenever she was walking away from me as she fussed and fiddled
around the room.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" I asked when it became obvious that she was clearing the room up, putting soiled clothes and bed sheets into
the hamper in the corner and tidying up the dressing table.

"I could be, are you going to be long in bed Richie?" Ooh, her demeanour appeared frosty.

As I began to recall what I had watched last night on the digital video screen, it all came back to me, watching the ultimate moment of truth that would
seal the end of my marriage ... and the reason she would be so cool toward me this morning.

While I lay there in bed contemplating the words I would use to Janice to end our marriage, she next appeared in the bedroom with the vacuum
cleaner. The noise of that made sure I was awake now. As she pushed the power head into the corners of the room, bending forward caused her baby
doll nightie to lift up off her arse cheeks and I stared as best I could between the cheeks, trying to identify what it was she had there.

I wanted to ask but instead chose to stumble into the bathroom for my morning pee and then to take a quick shower. When I came out ten minutes
later, Janice was somewhere else. I dressed for work and then went through the house to find her. She was sitting in the kitchen. "We better talk," I

"I think so," was her curt response as she pushed her plate away, leaving some cereal uneaten.

I sat down opposite my wife of 25 years, "You suggested to me a few weeks ago that maybe our marriage has gone as far as it could. I didn't agree at
the time and I'm still very disappointed at the prospect, but it is now obvious to me that you have been busy auditioning for my replacement."

"I'm not a slut Richie, circumstances, err ... well, the way the first man worked out ... I, err ... I ... just somehow found my way into your brother's arms.
But then you would know all about that by now. Did you stay up all night watching me and ... them?"

"Yes!" I told her softly, ashamed at being caught in my surveillance. My becoming the baddie had let her off the hook. "I shouldn't have done that ... I
mean I shouldn't have installed cameras."

"Cameras, is that plural? You mean there's more than the one in our bedroom?"

Shit, Brian hadn't found the other. "Err ... yes, one in our living room too."

"What were you thinking?"

"Don't be about to lecture me on trust Janice, you are hardly the bastion of virtue here."

"Yes I know, and I felt bad for you the whole time that I was seeing John. I never wanted you to find out any other way than by me telling you. I
suppose I should have come clean when it first started, but I really wasn't looking for anything sexual. John made it sexual and I went along with that. I
got carried away, swept up in the moment."

"Fortunately, you at last saw the light where John was concerned. I could see it from the start."

"But how Richie, I can't understand how you knew so much about what we were doing. It was almost like you were listening to my phone calls, even
when you weren't here."

So she didn't know about the phone taps yet. Maybe I could get away with not appearing to be a bigger spying sleaze than I was. But too late, even as
I reflected on how I might emerge from this only slightly soiled, Janice twigged. She had said the words herself and my face must have revealed
something in that moment.

"Oh my God, you were ... you somehow had access to my phone calls. I guess if you would go to such lengths as to video our bedroom, then you
could also tap into our phone. You bastard, you did, didn't you? Don't lie to me, Brian's due here in about ten minutes, I'll get him to have a look at our

I sighed resignedly, "Don't bother, I did Janice. I'm not proud of what I did, but we'd had a good marriage for 25 years. When you started taking all
those secretive Sunday afternoon phone calls and talking in a stupid sexy voice to your man, I decided that I needed to know more about what was
going on. I figured if I could keep up with whatever you and John were planning, I could do whatever needed to be done to save what we had worked
hard on over the years."

"So you thought the way I talked to him was stupid, eh?"

"Yes it was! Good God Janice, you're a 50-year-old woman, trying to sound like a sultry sexpot half your age did not become you."

"So you would have known when we were going to meet up?"

"Yes, it kept me ahead of what you were doing."

"So if you knew we were meeting down in the Skiff Club car park, did you go there, did you see us?"

"I went there twice."

"Where were you?"

"I was in a friend's car at the back of the car park."

"You must have walked over to look in my car to be able to know what we were doing in there, because when you called John from the Airport and
threatened him, you said to him that you'd tell his wife where his penis had been. So you didn't just know we were there, you actually knew what I had
done with him ... something that I am very ashamed of now that I know that you knew. I am so sorry to do that Richie."

"Yes, I wasn't thrilled to find out you'd given him a blow job."

"I never wanted you to find out about any of it unless it was from me sitting here like we are now, talking about it. It's a shame we didn't talk much

"It is, most definitely."

"So you did look in the car window when I was giving John a blow job, did you?"

I couldn't make eye contact with Janice ... she's smart, she worked out why pretty quickly. "Look at me Richie, did you see me with his penis in my
mouth or not? Give me a straight answer."

"No I didn't!" I 'fessed up. "I never got out of the car, I didn't need to because I had planted a listening bug under the driver's seat in your car. By
following you down to that car park, I knew that I wouldn't be able to get close enough to see anything. I had to be able to hear what you two were
saying, just like in the phone calls. It wouldn't have been much help just to watch from a distance without hearing you both."

"Is there anywhere you didn't spy on me, have you video'd me sitting on the toilet?"

"No, there were only two cameras," I drew a long sigh, "then the phone tap and finally the bug in your car."

"So you heard everything ... you may not have seen every sexual moment of mine, but when you weren't watching me on your video camera, you were
listening to me having a sexual adventure with another man. That's really creepy Richie."

Janice's mobile phone rang and she looked at Caller ID before answering ... whoever it was, she decided to take it in spite of it interrupting our deep
and meaningful conversation. "Hi darling, yes he is. No, it's okay, we're having the heart-to-heart talk we should have had a long time ago."

From what I'd heard so far, I deduced that it must be my brother. I had no idea how their fling ended up yesterday since my watching of the action
terminated when they spotted the camera and unplugged it.

"...Yes, you can still come over. Oh my God, are you ... what, right outside ... now? No, that's alright, I was expecting you about this time. No, Richie
and I are having a civilised conversation, you might as well come in. If Richie doesn't want to include you in our discussion, then you can just go into
our bedroom and wait for me, I'll come in when he's gone. Hold on..." She paused and spoke directly to me, "You are going to work today, aren't you?"

I nodded my concurrence, adding "When we're all done here."

Janice went back to her caller, "Yes, he's going soon. No, we're still good for today. Yes, I have been wearing it, I put it in after my shower last night. I
wasn't too sure about it at first. In fact, if you hadn't shown me how to insert it yesterday, I doubt that I would have persevered. Felt a bit awkward when
I rolled over in bed through the night. I mean, it was a bit uncomfortable at first ... you know, took some getting used to, but this morning, it's good. I
haven't needed to take it out yet ... you know, for the, err ... for the toilet, you know. So I should be all expanded and ready for you. Okay darling, see
you in a couple of minutes ... bye."

What a fascinating conversation I had half heard. "So, are we about to have a visit from my brother?"

"Yes Richie, I guess we'll have to progress this little talk to its inevitable end. What is your take on where our marriage is at?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Well, I got in first, so tell me, are you hoping for us to patch things up, do you want us to go back to the way we were?"

"No, I accept the situation now. There have been times these past couple of weeks where I maybe should have brought it all to a head. Like for
example, I probably should have stormed over to your car and wrenched the door open while you had John's cock in your mouth, dragged him out of
the car while he was semi naked and kicked him in the balls."

"But that's not you Richie, you've never been an aggressive person."

"No, and I did think that you would come to your senses if I just gave you a little rope. Listening to John talk, I could hear how he was all crap. I was
listening to him objectively whereas you were caught up in the romance of it all. I knew that his marriage wasn't as bad as he made out so I wasn't
surprised when he went home after you two had fucked while I was away. It frustrated me that you couldn't see it too."

"I feel quite foolish how I was taken in by him. He only wanted sex with me and then after all that, he wasn't even any good."

"Yes, so that brings us to my brother, my loyal and faithful supportive brother, who couldn't wait to sell me out the moment he heard that we were
having some troubles."

"I am guessing that all he did was tell me the truth Richie, you can't blame him for that. You can't hope to hide that length of an affair forever."

"I thought I could. I thought I had done the right thing when I walked away from it, from her. We could have had a life together, but I chose to dump her
and devote my life to you and the kids."

"Oh how honourable you were ... but only after a whole year of fucking her brains out, and she yours. She must have been good for you to risk all that
for so long."

"Janice, she was a great fuck, almost like a professional ... she did mind-blowing stuff but you don't want to hear that now."

"No, I never wanted to hear that."

"So I guess when it all boils down, we're through, done with. The fact that my brother is coming back today, it sounds like you have pretty much
decided to take up with him."

"Yes I have Richie. I know it's all rather quick and I could just be carried away with the fact that ... err, how did you just describe what you had? Oh yes,
your brother is a great fuck Richie ... what was it again, err ... mind-blowing stuff with him. Yes, he and I look like we'll be an item 30 years after he first
took me out."

Who should walk in through the back kitchen door at that very moment but my brother? He never knocked, just walked in like he already lived there. I
gave him a scowl and he gave me a cocky smile and a confident wave as he headed over to Janice, sitting across the table from me. She stood up to
greet him in that short baby doll nightie and no panties. They kissed briefly without the incredible passion that I had witnessed on the video last night.
He placed one hand on one of her breasts and squeezed as he kissed her while his other came around and patted her on her naked arse cheeks,
touching his palm to that mystery item that I had earlier observed ... an item that appeared to be inserted inside her anus. I picked up some clues from
the phone conversation I had just overheard. What most flabbergasted me was that Janice had always been so opposed to anybody touching or going
near her arse. Yet here she was, wearing something that, knowing my brother, was going to benefit him sexually.

Janice sat back down and my brother looked across at me, "I guess I'm interrupting, but is there anything I can do or say at this stage? Do either of you
need any help in getting through this?"

"I think you've done enough to alienate my marriage Brian," were my terse words.

"Oh little bro, come on, you're sounding all bitter and twisted. You had a good run in your marriage ... 25 years is quite an achievement, but nothing
lasts forever."

"No, not in your world," I told him.

He looked down at Janice and then across at me, "So are we going to be all civilised about this? Listen Rich, I was thinking, if you're going to be on
your own for a while, why don't I give you the key to my place and you can crash there while you get your life together. Sort of a swap, I won't be
needing it until Janice and I sort things out, so I can stay here if it's okay with everybody."

Janice jumped in quickly, spelling out her preference, "I already told you yesterday that I'd like that Brian."

Not my choice, but then I wasn't holding any cards that could be considered winners in this deal. I was done anyway, I had seen and heard enough on
video to know that my brother, through his opportunism, his superior sexual ability, his rush to tell Janice about my long-ago affair and my ham-fisted
attempt at spying on my wife ... all of that had combined to bring an end to my marriage.

"Okay, I'll take you up on that Brian, for now." I turned to Janice, "We better hire a couple of lawyers, sort out who's going to get what. The fact that I'm
going to move in to Brian's apartment doesn't mean I'm giving up any claim on this house. In fact, we probably both want it, so we might have to sell it
and split the proceeds."

"Okay Richie, I'm glad we at last sat down and had this talk. It was quite civilised, thank you for that. So what are you going to do now?"

"I suppose that I better start packing some things."

"Oh!" she didn't sound like that was what she expected, she glanced up at Brian and then back at me, "I kind of thought you'd be going off to work,
haven't you got to get in there, isn't the boss waiting for some kind of report on what you achieved interstate?"

"Yes, I suppose he is."

"Well, why don't you go off to work now and come back tonight to collect your things, perhaps we might even have one last dinner together ... I'd like
that Richie." She placed a hand across the table and touched my hand affectionately.

I looked back at the two of them, both looking expectantly at me. They certainly wanted me out of here in a hurry, even to the extent where Janice
would invite me to dinner tonight ... in my own home, mind you.

"Okay, but I better have a shave, should have had it before I took a shower. Won't be long."

I went off to the en suite bathroom and shaved ... took me about 5 minutes. I was surprised when I came back into the bedroom that my brother was
sitting up on the bed, occupying my space in the large bed. He was bare-chested ... he might well have even been naked and ready for Janice because
he had the top sheet pulled up to his waist. "Didn't take you long, big brother."

"Makes sense, doesn't it? You know what's going on, you would have seen enough on the video last night to know that Janice and I really clicked
yesterday. We're all adults Rich, so why should I sit outside waiting for you to go to work ... you know what your wife and I are going to be doing before
your car is out of the street. Might as well make myself comfortable."

I didn't want to continue this conversation, in fact I didn't even want to be in the same room as my brother right now. I thought of grabbing a few of my
things but then decided they could wait until I came by tonight with some big suitcases. I turned on my heels and walked out of the bedroom. Found
Janice fussing about in the kitchen, she was at the sink with her back to me, still wearing that short nightie with no panties. Seeing the object stuck in
her arse, my curiosity got the better of me.

I walked up close behind her and tentatively reached one hand down to pat the flange of the object while placing my other on her shoulder, "So what's
this all about?"

She turned around to face me, forcing my hand to let go of her arse, "I thought you'd be curious."

"Yeah well, I overheard your conversation with Brian when he called from outside when he found that I was still at home, so I'm guessing it has
something to do with sex, but I'd have thought not the sort of sex that you'd want."

"Isn't it crazy Richie, I've been so against anal sex all these years, couldn't even bear to have you touch me anywhere near my bottom."

"So what changed, why did you give up a lifetime of aversion just to please my brother?"

"Brian is a very persuasive man. As you would have seen on the video last night, he and I were just wonderfully compatible. Oh my God, what a day
we had ... I cannot believe how many times I came. I'm sorry to tell you, but it was the best sex I've had in years. Anyway, at one point in the afternoon,
I was lying on my stomach, naked at that time. I had at last taken off my new garter belt. I'd cum a couple of times in our previous session and was a bit
dreamy, half asleep. Brian was touching my arse cheeks so softly I hardly realised what he was doing at first. My God, it felt so good, I never knew it

"But you always had this thing about anal being dirty?"

"Yes I did but Brian and I had a long long talk about it and he convinced me how we do make it clean while we're having a bath or shower. So he sort
of shot down that belief of mine. Anyway, he caressed and fondled my arse for about half-an-hour. My head was spinning, it felt so good. So by the
time he left here yesterday afternoon, he'd talked me into letting him do me in the arse today."

"What, I can't believe you'd fall for that."

"I haven't fallen for anything, I had some fear about it hurting, but he's reassured me about that and he's going to go really slowly, just a bit at a time.
That's why I'm wearing this..." she patted her own arse. "It's a butt plug, I've had it in since I went to bed last night, it's intended to open my arse up so
that it will be easier for him to get his penis inside me."

"Yeah, well good luck with that. That will make a good dinner conversation tonight, you can tell me what you thought of being fucked up the arse."

"Oh God Richie, sometimes you can be so coarse."

"Yeah honey, I got that from my brother and it looks like you bring out the worst in me. Anyway, I'm out of here, you can go in and join him. At least,
you were polite enough to wait out here until I left. My brother's sitting up in my bed, probably already with a raging horn under the sheet. Go see how it
feels up your arse."

I turned and walked out of my home, contemplating facing a new life.

Yes, I went ahead and dropped in for my last dinner with Janice, taking two large suitcases to carry the first batch of clothes and personals over to my
brother's apartment ... but I didn't take flowers home this time. Of course, over dinner, I quizzed Janice on how her first tilt at anal sex had gone. She
wasn't all that forthcoming and I got the impression that she wasn't as enthusiastic now as she claimed to have been this morning. "It's different" was
about as committed as she could be.

So it's now a couple of months on from the break-up of my marriage and I've settled in to living on my own - in my brother's apartment still. I did think
about trying to get about and meet some of the 40-plus divorcees and widows that are around, but couldn't get inspired to make the effort. Instead, I
looked up the electoral rolls for a certain long-ago secretary. Couldn't find her. Then I had a brainwave and called up the longest-serving employee of
that company where we had both worked all those years ago ... what was it, about 18 years ago.

That old career woman spinster that I called had kept in touch with my former secretary and was able to tell me that said secretary had been through
two failed marriages and several jobs since we worked so well together. I found out where she was living at the moment. I got her number, called that
wonderful woman who had been such a loyal and attentive secretary all those years ago. When I heard her answer the phone, I actually got an
impromptu twitch in my cock. She sounded to be pleased to hear from me. She's just turned 40, living alone, up in the highlands about 100 k's out of
town so she invited me to come up for the weekend. She said there's plenty of room at her house so not to bother booking a room anywhere ... I am
going to stay with her. I'm really looking forward to catching up with her again. Maybe we can re-light that spark that we had for over a year.

The End


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