Inglés II - TP 1 - Respuestas Tipo

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1. Reemplazá el sujeto de cada oración con el pronombre personal sujeto correspondiente (I,
you, he, she, it, we, you, they).

a. (Dr. Smith) He works in the laboratory.

b. (Susan) She is a nurse.

c. (The dog) It cannot enter in the hospital.

d. (X) I am a doctor.

e. (My father) He is a paediatrician.

f. (Peter and Susan) They go to the hospital everyday.

g. (The teacher and x) We are in this classroom.

h. (The hospital) It is near the house.

i. (My mother) She speaks English.

j. (Robert) He teaches English in this hospital.

2. Reemplazá las palabras entre paréntesis con el pronombre personal objeto

correspondiente (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them).
a. (Medicine). I like it.

b. (Laboratory results).He received them.

c. (Dr. Smith). The patients go to see him every month.

d. (The residents). I work with them in this hospital.

e. (Susan, the nurse). The patient called her.

f. (Ranitidine and Morphine). The doctor prescribed them to that patient.

g. (Appointment). I have it for tomorrow.

h. (Consulting room). I am trying to find it.

i. (The patient). The residents are evaluating him / her.

j. (The legs). The patient does not feel them.

3. Completá los espacios en blanco con el adjetivo demostrativo correspondiente (this, that,
these, those).

a. This / that study was performed in the hospital.

b. These / those studies included patients with septic shock.

c. These / those abnormalities often persist during several days.

d. The management of these / those patients is discussed.

e. The result of this / that test was normal.

4. Completá los espacios en blanco con el artículo correspondiente (a, an, the). En el caso de
que no sea necesario ningún artículo, completá con una X.

a. I bought a pair of medical books.

b. Mary is a doctor.

c. They are staying in the hospital.

d. I think the man is very well.

e. I don't like - peas.

f. The water is dirty. Don't drink it!

g. The price of meat keeps rising.

h. John moved to - San Francisco.

i. Celine is - French.

j. My friend doesn't eat - red meat.


1. ¿Cuál es el significado de los siguientes verbos utilizados en el texto “Human digestive


 To eat: comer

 To run: recorrer

 To chew: masticar
 To break down: romper / desintegrar

 To swallow: deglutir / tragar

 To force: empujar
 To drink: tomar / beber
 To be upside down: dado vuelta / boca abajo
 To churn: batir

 To bathe: bañar

 To mix: mezclar
 To store: almacenar

 To remove: remover / quitar

 To travel upward: viajar hacia arriba

 To go back: volver / retornar

 To breath: respirar

 To feed: alimentar

 To allow: permitir / hacer posible

 To cut: cortar
 To tear: rasgar / desgarrar
 To grind: moler / triturar

 To manoeuvres: maniobrar / movilizar

 To carry: transportar
 To release: liberar
 To ensure: asegurar / hacer posible

2. Observá el gráfico “Production of saliva” y respondé en castellano las siguientes preguntas.

a. Which centres are responsible for reflex saliva production and where are they located?

Unconscious centres are responsible for reflex saliva production, they are located in the
(Los centros conscientes son responsables de la producción de saliva, ellos están
localizados en la médula espinal).
b. What do the conscious centres do?

They store previous experiences of food. This involves conditioned reflexes.

(Ellos almacenan experiencias previas. Esto involucre a los reflejos condicionados).
c. Which are the three senses involved in the reception of sensory input?

The three senses are sight, smell and taste.

(Los tres sentidos son visión, olfato, y gusto).
d. Which situations can modify the secretion of saliva from salivary glands?

The secretion of saliva from salivary glands can be modified by fear and anxiety, and
some drugs which cause dryness of the mouth.
(La secreción de la saliva por parte de las glándulas salivales puede ser modificada por
el miedo y la ansiedad, y algunos fármacos que causan sequedad en la boca).
e. What are the four basic tastes?
The four basic tastes are: sweet (dulce), sour (agrio), salt (salado) and bitter (amargo).
Los cuatro gustos básicos son: dulce, agrio, salado y amargo.


1. Completá los espacios en blanco de cada oración con la conjugación del verbo “to be”
correspondiente (am, is, are):

a. The patient is in room 204.

b. Alternative medicine is still an exotic territory.

c. The chapter of the book is about allergy.

d. My mother is sick now.

e. Hospitalized patients is always extremely sick.

f. I am a nutritionist. My sister is a nurse.

g. She is allergic to these drugs.

h. The lungs are clear and the heart sounds is normal.

i. Portal hypertension is an homodynamic abnormality.

j. Advanced age is a primary risk factor for many diseases.

k. Stroke is a leading case of death and disability worldwide.

l. This is a safe painkiller.

m. The normal adult pulse is 72 beats a minute.

n. The symptoms of hay fever are a running nose and eyes.

o. We are in the operating room now.

2. Transcribí las siguientes oraciones a la forma negativa.

a. The patient is not a coma.

b. His mouth and throat are not normal.

c. On examination, his temperature is not 37, 8º.

d. The stethoscope is not on the examination table.

e. The results are not within the normal range.

f. The general practitioner is not in the ward now.

g. I am not a cardiologist.

3. Transcribí las siguientes oraciones a la forma interrogativa.

a. Are wheezes typical of pleurisy?

b. Are the pupils abnormally dilated?

c. Is your cough productive?

d. Is a plural rub a sign of asthma?

e. Am i a gynaecologist?

f. Is the injection painful?

g. Are the lungs inflated?

4. Completá los espacios en blanco de cada oración con la conjugación del verbo “to have”
correspondiente (have, has):

a. Tina has a headache.

b. I have a toothache.

c. Sue and Mary have a stomach-ache.

d. Peter has a cold.

e. You have a cough.

f. We have sore throat.

g. It has a temperature/fever.

h. The patient has the flu.

i. The small intestine has segments called duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

j. The luminal surface of the gastrointestinal tube has many projections known as villi and

5. Leé las siguientes oraciones y subrayar la opción correcta (have/has) según corresponda.

a. The patient has scrapes below the lips.

b. The woman has not injuries on her forehead.

c. Have the patients a severe trauma?

d. You have an adrenal gland above each kidney.

e. Paul`s family has not a common endocrine system disorder.

f. According to the thermometer the patient has a high fever.

g. We have too many patients in this department.

h. Have all the patients acute abdominal distention?

i. I have got this throbbing pain in my head.

j. Has this 11- years old -child hypertension?


1. Relacioná cada segmento del digestive system (columna A) con la definición

correspondiente (columna B).

a. Pancreatic amylase (11) 1. Process of breaking down particles of ingested food into molecular
forms by enzymes.
b. Bile (8)
2. Movement of digestive food to the internal environment, bloodstream.
c. Absorption (2) 3. Fluid produced and released into the mouth by the salivary glands
containing mucus and the enzyme amylase.
d. Small intestine (6)
4. A sticky fluid that moistens the food.
e. Lacteal (12) 5. Sac organ that stores and digests food macromolecules into a solution
called chime and begins the digestion of proteins.
f. Mucus (4) 6. Final stage of digestion and where most of the nutrient absorption
occurs. It is divided into 3 segments (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum).
g. Rectum (10)
7. Gland located behind the stomach, which secretes digestive enzymes
h. Large intestine (9) and a fluid rich in HCO3- ions to neutralize the acid from stomach.
8. Fluid made by the liver that contains HCO3- ions and bile salts to
i. Stomach (5) solubilise fats.

j. Digestion (1) 9. Region of gastrointestinal tract where undigested material is stored

and concentrated by reabsorption of salts and water.
k. Pancreas (7) 10. The last part of large intestine.

l. Saliva (3) 11. Enzyme that finish the digestion of carbohydrates into small intestine.
12. A lymph vessel which absorbs digested fat and oils from the ileum.

2. Según lo leído en los textos “Digestion, absorption and assimilation”, “Digestion” y

“Absorption”, completá las siguientes oraciones con la expresión que corresponda.

a. The process by which food is made soluble by the action of digestive juices containing
enzymes is known as digestion.

b. Alimentary canal is a tube which extends from the mouth to the anus, concerned with
digestion and absorption.

c. The digestive juice- is a liquid released by glands into the digestive system. It contains
digestive enzymes which break down food into soluble substances.

d. The movement of digested food through the walls of the gut into the bloodstream is called

e. Assimilation is the process because of cells take in and make use of digested food for

f. The indigestible material which remains after digestion has taken place is named as
faeces and it is expulsed of the body by the process of defecation.

g. Chewing mixes food with saliva, fluid produced and released into the mouth in response
to food taken in.

h. During swallowing the tongue pushes food to the back of the mouth from where it passes
into the gullet.

i. The contraction of tubular organs such as the gut which propels the contents of the tube
in one direction is called peristalsis.

j. At both ends of stomach there are sphincter which contract and keep food into.

k. The gastric juice is a liquid composed of pepsin and hydrochloric acid.

l. The duodenum lies between the stomach and ileum, and receives bile from the liver and
enzymes from the pancreas.

m. The liver excretes the bile, which break down fats and oils into minute droplets

n. The chyle is the liquid where food is broken down by the digestive enzymes to be
digested in the ileum of the small intestine.

o. The presence of villi gives the ileum´s internal surface a greater surface area available for

p. Lacteal lymph vessel found with network of blood capillaries into each villus of the ileum´s

q. The blood capillaries of the villi join together to form the hepatic portal vein, which carries
food to the liver.

r. Fatty acids and glycerol pass into the main lymphatic system and are discharged into the


1. Completá los espacios en blanco de cada oración con el verbo entre paréntesis conjugado
en presente simple:

a. The stomach lies between the liver and the spleen.

b. The evaluations consist of a process of investigation.

c. Diabetic disease develops abruptly.

d. We report on nine infants with a peculiar skin eruption.

e. Patients with renal pseudo hypoaldosteronism require dietary salt supplementation after
the age of 5 years.

f. Dietary treatment of children with these disorders reduces morbidity and mortality.

g. The results suggest that all women with acute fatty liver should undergo diagnostic

h. Acute colonic obstruction consists of a massive dilatation of the colon.

i. The patient does not take the medicine every day.

j. Signs and symptoms of Osteoporosis include low back pain and loss of height.

2. Enumerá las siguientes actividades (“hábitos”) en orden de realización, tomando como

referencia un día habitual personal.

a. (8) have lunch h. (11) have dinner

b. (2) have a shower i. (12) watch television

c. (6) go to work j. (1) get up

d. (4) have breakfast k. (10) study

e. (7) start work l. (13) go to bed

f. (9) go home m. (5) leave home

g. (3) get dressed

3. Completá las siguientes oraciones con am / is / are / do / does, según corresponda.

a. I am a nutritionist.

b. Does he like his Job?

c. Where do they live?

d. Is your patient well?

e. Why do you study nutrition?

f. We are Argentinian.

g. Why does she loss weigh?

h. Do you drink tea or coffee for breakfast?

i. Vegetarians do not eat meat.

j. There are all sorts of glands in the body that make and secrete substances.

4. Elegí el adverbio de frecuencia correcto según corresponda a cada oración.

a. Carlos is an excellent student. He always goes to class.

b. I hate vegetables. I never eat carrots.
c. Robert goes to the gym only two or three times a month. He seldom goes to the
d. Harold never leaves the college on Friday. He always eats at the bar on Fridays.
e. Ms. Smith is always in good health. She is never ill.

5. Elegí la opción correcta en cada oración.

a. These vaccines protect against the virus.

b. This patient shows loss of weight.

c. I sometimes get a scalding pain when I pass water.

d. The skull consists of a large number of bones.

e. He depends on drugs to relieve the pain.

f. You never clean the wounds!

g. She suffers from headaches.

h. These palpitations attract our attention.

6. Completá cada oración colocando las palabras entre paréntesis en el orden correcto.

a. We do not eat fatty foods.

b. Does the patient breath with difficulty?

c. We do not specialize in neurosurgery.

d. Does the patient show lack of appetite?

e. Do you take any tablets?

f. He does not give medicines to his patients.

7. Transcribí las siguientes oraciones al modo negativo.

a. Dr. Smith thinks that this man has an allergy to this drug.

Dr. Smith doesn´t think that this man has an allergy to this drug.

b. They feel a pain below their knees.

They DO NOT feel a pain below their knees.

c. This drug helps to alleviate the symptoms.

This drug DOES NOT help to alleviate the symptoms.

d. You know the cause of the death.

You DO NOT know the cause of the death.

e. I expect the treatment will improve your pain.

I DO NOT expect the treatment will improve your pain.

f. I recommend liposuction for you.

I DO NOT recommend liposuction for you.

8. Transcribí las oraciones a la forma interrogativa.

a. The body uses energy during physical activity.

Does the body use energy during physical activity?

b. Blind people develop an acute sense of touch.

DO Blind people develop an acute sense of touch?

c. The physiotherapists usually work with patient in rehabilitation.

DO the physiotherapists usually work with patient in rehabilitation?

d. He smokes 20 cigarettes per day.

DOES He smoke 20 cigarettes per day?

e. This antibiotic reduces the risk of reinfection.

DOES this antibiotic reduce the risk of reinfection?

f. The surgeon always makes an incision or cut.

DOES the surgeon always make an incision or cut?


1. Respondé en castellano el siguiente cuestionario sobre el texto “Liver... the largest gland
in the body”.

a. Why the liver is considered the largest gland?

The liver is the largest gland in the body. The liver is considered a gland because it
makes and secretes bile.

(El hígado es la glkándula más grande del cuerpo. Es considerado una glándula
porque realiza y secreta Bilis).

b. Name this organ anatomical features.

The liver weighs about 1.6 kilograms. It measures about 20 cm horizontally (across)
and 17 cm vertically (down) and is 12 cm thick.

(El hígado pesa aproximadamente 1.6 kg. Mide aproximadamente 20 cm

horizontalmente (transversal) y 17 cm. Verticalmente (hacia abajo) y tiene un grosor
de 12 cm).

c. Where is the liver located and what happen with its position when a person breathes

The liver is located just below the diaphragm, primarily in the upper right part of the
abdomen, mostly under the ribs. However, it also extends across the middle of the
upper abdomen and part into the left upper abdomen. An irregularly shaped, dome-
like solid structure, the liver consists of two main parts (a larger right lobe and a
smaller left lobe) and two minor lobes. The upper border of the right lobe is at the level
of the top of the 5th rib and the upper border of the left lobe is just below the 5th rib.
During inspiration (breathing in), the liver is pushed down by the diaphragm and the
lower edge of the liver descends below the margin of the lowest rib (costal margin).

El hígado está localizado apenas debajo del diafragma, principalmente en la parte

superior derecha del abdomen, mayormente debajo de las costillas. Sin embargo,
además se extiende a través de la parte superior y parte superior izquierda del
abdomen. Con una estructura irregularmente sólida y redondeada, el hígado consiste
en dos partes principales (un lóbulo derecho mayor y un lóbulo izquierdo menor) y
dos lóbulos menores. El borde superior del lóbulo derecho está a nivel de la parte
superior de la 5ta costilla y el borde superior del lóbulo izquierdo esta apenas debajo
de la 5ta costilla. Durante la inspiración, el hígado es empujado hacia abajo por el
diafragma y el borde inferior del hígado desciende por debajo del margen inferior
costal (margen costal).

d. What does the liver do? What are its functions?

Manufacture (synthesize) proteins

Synthesize, store, and process (metabolize) fats
Metabolize and store carbohydrates, which are used as the source for the sugar
(glucose) in blood that red blood cells and the brain use
Form and secrete bile that contains bile acids to aid in the intestinal absorption (taking
in) of fats and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Eliminate, by metabolizing and/or secreting, the potentially harmful biochemical
products produced by the body
Detoxify, by metabolizing and/or secreting, drugs, alcohol, and environmental toxins

Fabrica (sintetiza) proteínas.

Sintetiza, almacena, y procesa (metaboliza) grasas.
Metaboliza y almacena carbohidratos, que son utilizados como fuente de azúcar
(glucosa) en la sangre, utilizados por las células sanguíneas rojas y el cerebro.
Forma y secreta bilis que contiene ácidos biliares para ayudar en la absorción
intestinal (captación) de grasas y de vitaminas A, D, E y K solubles en grasas.
Elimina, por metabolización y/o secreción, los productos bioquímicos potencialmente
dañinos producidos por el cuerpo.
Detoxificacion, por metabolización y/o secreción, de drogas, alcohol y toxinas

e. What special features enable the liver to do so many functions?

1. The basic unit of the liver is called an acinus. There are numerous acini in the
liver. In each acinus, the liver cells (hepatocytes) are grouped into 3 zones that
are anatomically related to the liver's blood supply and drainage.
2. Specialized areas of the walls of adjacent liver cells (hepatocytes) join to form bile
canaliculi. The canaliculi are microscopic tubes that transport bile that is
produced by the liver cells (hepatocytes).
3. The liver has a unique, dual blood supply. One comes from the portal vein, and
the other from the hepatic artery.

4. The hepatic artery supplies blood to nourish the bile ducts and the liver cells

1. La unidad básica del hígado es llamada acino. Hay numerosos acinos en el

hígado. En cada acino, las celulas hepaticas (hepatocitos) estan agrupadas en 3
zonas que estan anatomicamente relacionadas con el abastecimiento y drenaje
de sangre del hígado.
2. Areas especializadas de las paredes de las celulas hepaticas (hepatocitos)
adyacentes se unen para formar canales biliares. Los canales son tubos
microscopicos que transportan bilis que es producida por las celulas hepaticas
3. El hígado tiene un suministro sanguineo único y dual. Uno proviene de la vena
Porta y el otro de la arteria Porta.
4. La arteria Porta suministra sangre para nutrir los conductos biliares y celulas
hepaticas (hepatocitos).


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