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Sheriff To Make Fighting Crime Top Priority
ALBUQUERQUE: Sheriff Manny Gonzales officially today
announced his candidacy for Mayor of Albuquerque.  In an
announcement video, Gonzales described his deep Albuquerque
roots and lifelong commitment to public service, beginning when
he joined the Marine Corps right out of high school. He said he’s
running for Mayor to make fighting crime a top priority, along with
creating jobs and improving our quality of life. 

The announcement video can be viewed here:

Gonzales said Mayor Tim Keller has failed to live up to the

promises he made when he was elected.

“Almost four years ago, Tim Keller ran for mayor promising to
solve Albuquerque’s crime problem, add 400 officers, and to not
make any excuses.  Unfortunately, he has failed – Albuquerque’s
violent crime rate is nearly four times the national average and
just last week we learned that the homicide rate is doubling,” said

“If people believe Albuquerque is now a safe place, then they

should vote for my opponent. But if they believe we must do more
to fight crime, then I’m humbly asking for their support,” said
Gonzales, adding,  “My opponent and I have a fundamental
violent crime rate is nearly four times the national average and
just last week we learned that the homicide rate is doubling,” said

“If people believe Albuquerque is now a safe place, then they

should vote for my opponent. But if they believe we must do more
to fight crime, then I’m humbly asking for their support,” said
Gonzales, adding,  “My opponent and I have a fundamental
difference when it comes to fighting crime and running city
government – I believe the Albuquerque police must be allowed to
enforce our laws and keep our community safe, while my
opponent is more concerned with political pandering.”

Gonzales says he’s a fiscal conservative who will be responsible

with city tax dollars, “I believe city government must focus our tax
dollars on basic services, like police, fire, roads, and projects that
directly affect our quality of life.” 

On job creation, Gonzales pointed out his family has experience

running a small business in Albuquerque, “My family saved up
and opened a small business and I believe we must help these
types of small mom and pop businesses grow, rather than siding
with big corporations.”  

Gonzales said in the coming weeks and months he will be laying

out his specific plans on crime, jobs, and a host of issues
confronting city government. 

Gonzales intends to pursue public financing and those interested

in supporting his campaign can visit his website


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