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Sizes: 5 - 101/2" [13 - 26.5 cm]

Materials: Mary Maxim Bounce Sock Yarn 1 ball

Suggested Needles:
One set of 5 double pointed needles size 3 US
(Canadian size 10, Metric size 3.25 mm)


Gauge or Tension: 28 sts and 36 rows to 4" [10 cm] measured over Stocking stitch using suggested needles
or any size needles which will give the correct tension.
Please follow washing instructions printed on the yarn label.

Abbreviations: K, knit; p, purl; stitch; sts, stitches; beg, begin or beginning; St st, Stocking stitch; dec, decrease
or decreasing; inc, increase or increasing; ", inches; gm, gram; yds, yards; mm, millimeter; cm, centimeters; rem,
remain or remaining; rep, repeat; sl, slip; psso, pass slipped stitch over knit stitch; tog, together; rnd(s), round(s).

To Make: (make 2) Next Row: K5, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, turn.

Cast on 54(60, 66) sts and divide onto 3 needles Next Row: P6, p2tog, p1, turn.
18(20, 22) sts per needle. Place a marker on last nee- Next Row: K7, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, turn.
dle to mark beg of rnd and the center back of sock Next Row: P8, p2tog, p1, turn.
(slip this marker on every rnd or row following). With Next Row: K9, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, turn.
the 4th needle, work in k1, p1 ribbing for 11/2" [4 cm]. Next Row: P 10, p2tog, p1, turn.
Slip 5(5, 6) sts from first needle to 2nd needle and slip Next Row: K 11, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, turn.
4(5, 5) sts from 3rd needle to 2nd needle. Next Row: P 12, p2tog, p1, turn.
Knit rem 13(15, 16) sts from first needle to 3rd needle Next Row: K 13, sl 1, k1, psso, k1 - 15 sts rem.
- 27(30, 33) sts for heel. Second Size only:
Divide sts from 2nd needle onto 2 needles - they will be Next Row: P 14, p2tog, p1, turn.
used for the instep later. Next Row: K 15, sl 1, k1, psso, k1 - 17 sts rem.
Now work back and forth in rows over heel 27(30, 33)
sts as follows: Third Size only:
Next Row: K1, p across to last st, inc 0(1, 0) st in cen- Next Row: P 14, p2tog, turn.
ter, k1 - 27(31, 33) heel sts. Next Row: K 15, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, turn
To Make Heel: Next Row: P 16, p2tog, turn.
Row 1: (right side) *K1, sl 1, being very careful not to Next Row: K 16, k2tog - 17 sts rem.
tighten the yarn behind the slipped st (this prevents a All Sizes: Next Row:
ridge); rep from * to last st, k1. First needle, pick up and k 15 sts along left side of
Row 2: K1, p to last st, k1. heel rows;
Repeat these last 2 rows until heel measures 2" [5 2nd needle, k 27(30, 33) sts set for instep;
cm], ending after a Row 1. 3rd needle, pick up and k 15 sts along right side of
To Turn Heel: heel rows, then k8(9, 9) sts from first needle.
Next Row: K1, p 13(15, 16), p2tog, p1, turn. There are now 22(23, 23) sts on first needle; 27(30,
Next Row: K3, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, turn. 33) sts on 2nd needle; 23(24, 24) sts on 3rd needle;
Next Row: P4, p2tog, p1, turn. place a marker and join - 72(77, 80) sts.
No. 6257P page 2
To Shape Instep: To Shape Toe:
First needle, k to last 2 sts, k2tog; Rnd 1: On first needle - work to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1; on
2nd needle, knit all sts; 2nd needle - k1, sl 1, k1, psso, k to end; on 3rd needle,
3rd needle, sl 1, k1, psso, k to end. k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1; on 4th needle, k1, sl 1, k1,
Work 2 rnds even. psso, k to end of needle.
Repeat these last 3 rnds until 54(61, 66) sts rem. Work 3 rnds even.
Now continue in St st - every rnd k, until foot, from [Repeat Rnd 1, then work 2 rnds even] twice.
picked up heel sts, measures desired length before toe [Repeat Rnd 1, then work one rnd even] 2(2, 3) times.
shaping (allow 2" [5 cm] for toe). Now rep Rnd 1 only until 8 sts rem.
Next Rnd: Knit all sts, dec 0(1, 0) st in center of 2nd Divide rem sts evenly onto 2 needles and graft sts tog
needle only - 54(60, 66) sts. as shown below.

How to Graft Toe Stitches

Every effort has been made to have the directions contained in this pattern accurate and complete; however,
we cannot be responsible for misinterpretation or errors of workmanship.
Reproduction of this pattern in any form, is protected by copyright. Any infringement will lead to prosecution.

Yarn Imported
Printed in USA 03/11 Copyright by Mary Maxim

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