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Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson This is day four of the Substance abuse unit. Students will be learning about energy drinks and
Overview: sports performance enhancement drugs. This will be continued into class two. Students will be
taught though direct instruction, PowerPoints, videos, and a pop quiz. The purpose of this unit
is to inform students about substances present and the effects they have on one’s brain and
body, and the limiting factors they can have on one’s life. There will be an introduction on
what substance abuse is and how to recognize it, then the unit will continue into specifics about
different substances present today. Nicotine, Depressants, Marijuana, Hallucinogens, Energy
drinks, Sports enhancing drugs, Narcotics, Crystal meth, and addiction are the topics discussed
through this unit. The importance of explaining what these substances are capable of, and
inform students of the dangers, it is our hope that students will have enough information that
they can make good life choices when presented with difficult decisions regarding narcotics
and substances

GOs: W: Personal Wellness

SOs: W–9.1 use knowledge of a healthy, active lifestyle to promote and encourage family/peer/
community involvement
W–9.6 analyze addictions; e.g., stages, kinds, and resources available to treat addictions
Learning Students will:
Objectives  Students will be able to explain what a drug is.
 Students will be able to recall drug classification
 Students will recall methods of use for drugs

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Knowledge Recall Summative
Assessment STEM Assessment
1. Makes safe and healthy
choices based on experiences
and information
2. Develops skills to form and STEM
maintain healthy relationships
3. Explores roles and
responsibilities to create and
work towards life and learning
Students will be given a number from
1-4 in the categories above. Mainly in
an Observation format.

 Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Ensuring that students feel Resources: Computer
Lesson: comfortable, and they have warning
for sensitive subject matter. Power- Points

Limit the movement of students Quizzes

through the class for COVID-19
protocol Paper

Masks if students are withing 2 meters Pens

of one another.
Smart Boards

Time: Content/Description Differentiation/

5 Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning: STEM 3
minutes *I will meet students in their HRM for health
 Take attendance
 Green sheet to the office
 White sheet for me
Meet at white board for further explanation.
10 Learning Activity 1: Introduction and Class Expectations STEM 3
minutes  Review of Classroom expectations
1. We are a team so let’s work together to be successful
2. If I am speaking, we are listening
3. Sensitive subject matter so make sure students are acting appropriately
and making appropriate comments
4. No phones (1 warning) -If I see it
5. Masks
6. Raise hand if you have a question
 Introduction of the new unit
3 Transition
Set up smart board for PowerPoint
30 Learning Activity 2: Energy Drinks and Sports Performance STEM 3
minutes *Have power points downloaded and ready for class

Questions leading into power point

1. Concerns
2. Are sports drinks useful
3. VIDEO what happens if we drink them every day?
4. What to remember
5. Performance enhancing drugs
6. What are they?
8. Potential side effects
9. Among teens
10. Effect on muscles VIDEO
11. Hazards of performance enhancing drugs
12. Behavioural, emotional, or psychological changes
(Whatever doesn’t get finished continuing in NEXT CLASS) or (continue slides
if you finish early)

1. Narcotics
2. Side effects
3. Heroin
4. Oxycontin
5. Krokodil
6. Fentanyl
7. Methamphetamine
8. Short term effects
9. Long term effects

Pass out a sticky note to each student
5 Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class: STEM 3
minutes EXIT SLIP
(pass each student a sticky note to write their name at the top and answer the
question on the board)



*Have students hand me their sticky notes once they finish writing.

Great job today everyone! Tomorrow we will be finishing Narcotics/Crystal


Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:

2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:

3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:

4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?

5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:

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