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Security Department Operations

02. Security Officer Training
05. Security Officer Use of Physical Force


Healthcare Facilities (HCFs) should develop policies which identify situations where security is
called upon and permitted to use force. These policies should set out approved techniques and
authorized defensive equipment for use when force is deployed. Use of Force reports should be


Use of force is defined as any force beyond a guiding touch.

a. HCFs should develop a use of force policy that identifies the guiding principles as to when
use of force is authorized and how it is delivered.

b. The HCFs use of force policy should address the level of force to be employed in various
situations; when and how defensive equipment and techniques are to be used both to protect
the HCF community; as well as to meet and counter unlawful resistance.

c. A Security Vulnerability Assessment should be conducted by a multidisciplinary team in

identifying and selecting defensive equipment and use of force tools. These tools should be
aligned with the intention to first use de-escalation techniques, where practicable.

d. The HCF should require initial, as well as annual use of force training in the HCF’s policies and
procedures. The initial training and annual re-training reviews should also include proficiency
testing in use of force as well as in the use of all defensive equipment authorized.

e. The HCF should determine what physical restraints, if any, are used by security personnel and
under what circumstances they may be applied.

f. The HCF should determine if weapons, including firearms or other defensive tools, are to
be carried by security personnel. This decision should be based on an assessment of the
individual HCF facility, local crime statistics and as indicated by experience and current
environment. This decision, by the HCFs multi-disciplinary team, should be conducted
periodically as factors change.

g. HCFs should develop a procedure for rendering first aid and other medical treatment to an
injured party following the use of force.

h. A defined incident review process should be in place to evaluate the appropriateness of any
use of force.

Graham v. Conner 490 U.S. 386 104 L. Ed. 2d 443, 190 S. Ct. 1865 (1989)

International Association of Chiefs of Police National Law Enforcement Policy Center USE OF FORCE
Model Policy, August 2001.
Journal of Healthcare Protection Management, IAHSS 2007 Volume 22, No. 2, Page 15, Use of Force in
Private Security: A Primer.
Copyright © 2018 by International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS)
8420 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite 1020 • Chicago IL 60631 • 888/353-0990
02. Security Department Operations
02. Security Officer Training
05. Security Officer Use of Physical Force


IAHSS Healthcare Security Industry Guideline 05.02, Security Role in Patient Management

Approved: November 2007

Last Revised: June 2019

Copyright © 2018 by International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS)
8420 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite 1020 • Chicago IL 60631 • 888/353-0990

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