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head to robknopper.

com/snarewarmup for an instructional video

the official rob knopper guide to mastering snare drum technique

how to warm up on snare drum

a daily 3-step technique workout to build chops and conquer technical obstacles

length: 45 - 60 minutes gear: • snare drum (no practice pads)

• sticks
• computer/ipad on stand
• noise-canceling headphones w/ extension chord

step 1: practice the 3 stroke types

• isolate: work on the individual stroke types of singles, doubles, and buzzes

singles doubles buzzes

• cover the dynamic range: work through the entire spectrum from ppp to fff

• explore variables: experiment with a variety of pressures, shapes, touches, and


grips for each stroke type
(buzzes and doubles) (buzzes and doubles)

light heavy flat crescendo wide crushed

• watch tv: no, seriously. switch attention between your sticks and something else to
allow your hands to find small adjustments and efficiencies on their own

• face obstacles: force yourself to continually address the most difficult or weakest
strokes (eg. loud buzzes or soft doubles). remember: your hands don’t know what
muscles to build unless you remind them consistently!

step 2: practice stroke type transitions

• work on the 6 transitions:

singles —> doubles doubles —> singles singles —> buzzes buzzes —> singles doubles —> buzzes buzzes —> doubles

• cover the dynamic range: work through the entire spectrum from ppp to fff
• develop compound grips: experiment with the grips you’ve been developing in
step 1 so you can transition between stroke types quickly

step 3: practice stroke combinations

• identify: choose small rudimentary-sized passages from your current repertoire
that are obstacles for you
• isolate the core obstacles: start by focusing your attention on the one or two
hardest strokes in the passage first
• build the passage: add one note at a time around the core obstacle without losing
the newly improved motion
how to warm up on snare drum

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