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BM Diaz Vargas Valeria Vanessa

Task 2: Write

Three rooms 1. Briefing room 2. CO´s office 3. Ops office

Three jobs 4. Chief of staff 5. Secretary general 6. Staff officer


Task 4: Write three types of barrier

1. Barbed wire 2. Sandbag 3. Sanger 4. Tank stops

Task 1: complete the sentences. Use of, for, to or by
1. The head of mission reports to the UN Security General in Mew York.
2. The Secretary General is responsible of all UN peacekeeping operations
and reports to the UN Security Council.
3. The force commander is in charge for the military component and is
responsible of the HOM.
4. Each area of operations is under the command of a Sector Commander.
5. Each AO has a sector HQ, support elements and two or three infantry
battalions commanded by contingent commanders.
Task 2: Complete the chart. Use these words

Head of Mission Force Commander UN Secretary General Sector Commander

United Nations Security Council
1. Un Secretary General
2. Head of mission
3. Sector commander
4. Force commander
Contingent Commander

2. Magazine 5. Sling 8. Barrel

3. Bolt 6. Trigger
4. Load 7. Sight

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