Atividade Extraclasse

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TURMA________VALOR: 5 PTS NOTA___________


1. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras, respectivamente: Big

and Good.

a) Biger/ The Bigest // Goodier/ The Goodiest b) Big/ The Bigger // Best/ The best

c) Bigger/ The Bigest // Best/ The best d) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The

2. The more we looked at your bedroom, _________ we liked it.

a) better b) the less c) most d) the best

3. That table is __________ than this one.

a) long b) more long c) longest d) longer e) most long

4. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras, respectivamente:

Large and Small.

a) Larger/ The largest // Smaller/ The Smallest b) Largger/ The larger // Smaler/ The Smallest

c) Larger/ The larggest // Smaler/ The Smalest d) Largger/ The largest // Smaller/ The

5. Papyrus was used ____________ than paper.

a) early b) earlier c) more early d) earlyer e) earliest

II - Fill in the blanks with a suitable comparative of superiority. The adjetives are given in
the box below:

bad   cold    cheap   early    easy   expensive     far      good 
interesting long low quiet small strong tall thin  

  1. This coffee is

very weak. I like my coffee a little _______________.

2.I know the situation is bad, but it could be _________________.

3.It is too hot here. I'd like to go to a _________________ place.

4.The country is ______________ than the city. The cars are too noisy.

5.My job is boring. My sister's job is _____________________.

6.The hotel we stayed was big and expensive. I expected it to be ________________ and
7.The Math test is ______________ than the English test. It has 8 pages.

8.Simon speaks ______ than Fred. I can't hear him.

9.This dog can bite you. Stay ______________.

10.I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed _______________ than usual.

11.His watch is ___________________ than hers. He bought it in New York.

12.You look ______________. Have you lost weight?

13.The History test was ______________ than the Geography test. I think I'll fail in

14.My brother is ___________ than me. He plays basketball in the school team.

15.This book is ___________ than the book I read last month. It was terrible.

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