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Learning activity 1

Evidence: A world of images

In this evidence, you have to create at least seven mnemonic cards that will
help you remember the meaning of seven idioms in English. You should include
a drawing representing the idiom, two examples, and the corresponding
translation into Colombian Spanish (if possible).

Look at the example below:

Idiom: Examples:

To bark up the wrong tree. 1. If he wants me to lend him some money, he is barking
up the wrong tree. I know he never pays back.
2. She’s barking up the wrong tree if she thinks he’s going
• To look for something in the to leave his wife for her.
wrong place.
In Colombian spanish:
• To ask the wrong person.
Mear fuera del tiesto.
• To have completely
misunderstood something.

• To take the wrong course of


Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Idiom: Examples:
 Marta is very hungry to the point that she may faint.
I have a sharp edge, if I bend  Cristian is too hungry
down I cut myself.

In Colombian spanish:

Expresses that you are very Tengo un filo, que si me agacho me corto.
hungry and therefore you
should eat immediately
Idiom: Examples:
 manuel is sleeping too much
He sleeps more than a cat with 
anemia. In Colombian spanish:

Definitions: Duerme más que un gato con anemia.

• It is when someone who

sleeps a lot is told in an
amusing manner
Idiom: Examples:
 my dad is always happy for everything he has done
If there's no bread, there's no and has
cake  Luciana is never satisfied for what she has

Definitions: In Colombian spanish:

• Recommends being content A falta de pan, buenas son tortas

with what you have, if you
have not achieved something
Idiom: Examples:
 My friend Lucas took advantage of my illness to beat
Each one divides with the big me in a game.

Definitions: In Colombian spanish:

• There will always be a Cada cual se reparte con la cuchara grande

vested interest in the
Idiom: Examples:
 Luciana is so polite that she has too many friends
More flies are married with
honey than with vinegar. In Colombian spanish:

Definitions: Se casan más moscas con miel que con vinagre

• it simply means that we can

win more people to our side
by being gentle than by being
Idiom: Examples:
 Marta is very quiet but inside she is very resentful.
God deliver me from the gentle
water, for I am spared from the  Simon is very serene but sometimes he is super
rough water. vindictive
In Colombian spanish:
Del agua mansa líbreme Dios que de la brava me libro yo
• refers to the precaution or
caution of everything that
appears or proves to be calm,
peaceful or serene.
Idiom: Examples:
 If someone tells me that he has no money and I lend
I give you a finger and you want him 1 dollar as a favor; however, he tells me that
to grab my arm since I will lend him, I better lend him 10 dollars.

Definitions: In Colombian spanish:

• when you want to help Te doy un dedo y me quieres coger el brazo

someone and they are not
satisfied, they want more and
more, and insist until you get
out of your head.

Note: you have to create the examples and definitions. Do not plagiarize.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:
1. Click the title of this evidence.
2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
Aplica estrategias de estudio, haciendo uso del vocabulario y gramática

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