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Corporate Social Responsibility - It can use allow companies to

- A business’ concern for social be extremely successful.

Corporate Social Responsibility
Sustainability  Environmental
- If a company helps society  Social
through their business as a  Economic
main goal, then they will  Stakeholder
reap success.  Voluntariness
 Triple Bottom Line –
Forward-thinking revolving around people, planet, profit
creating new products that, in the
long run, will improve society’s ills. What are concrete examples to
demonstrate CSR?
Stakeholder Theory
- The central focus is giving  Promotes goodwill and
attention to every enhances the business
stakeholder in the entire reputation
company.  Enhances customer loyalty
 Improves employee
Arguments Against commitment and productivity
- The main purpose of a  Provides tax benefits
corporation is to just make a  Promotes corporate name
profit for their stakeholders. awareness
- Companies are around to  Promotes product recognition
produce products and
services and do not have the CSR as Tool for Brand Building
knowledge to actually help  Reputation is increasingly
society effectively one of the more important
concerns in business
Arguments For (Goossen, 2009)

- It is the right thing for Brand Image

companies to do. Companies
should care about society Goals of CHST
and help improve it for all of  To reach out people who live
their stakeholders in poverty of any kind
- If companies do not police through an intensified
themselves and look to Outreach Program
improve society, then  To intensify care for Mother
government will have to Earth e.g. to live out
intervene and force them to concretely the SAPAT
do so. Principle
Market Differentiation environment and impact on
- Products whose features are social welfare.”
more or less the same us
with its competition need to Advocacy vs. CSR Wheel
utilize differentiation

CSR Activities are all about:

Trust Advocacy marketing – relays a
*Timing is everything. clear message because it has
defined advocacy categories
Cultivating Corporate Loyalty - Mission of the company
Among Employees - Is CSR…an enhanced version

 Improved Investor

Risk Management -Using CSR

after a negative public relations or an

How CSR Evolves Today

 Social Media
Program Process
 Creating Communications
 Screen
 Probe
 Plan
 Act
 Measure

 Lay out its corporate mission
and identify which areas of
its operations can best
Enhancing Corporate Social incorporate the advocacy
Responsibility  “Companies should plan CSR
- “Corporate initiative to efforts which are directly
assess and take linked to their business
responsibility for the expertise to increase social
company’s effects on the impact.”

 Research provides directions
on how advocacy programs
will reach the target audience
 Agora awardee for advocacy
marketing 2011

 Advocacy marketing’s goal is
to persuade a targeted group
to take action for a specific Ethical and Philanthropic
cause. Responsibilities
 Which medium would be best
to extend its communications  Economic responsibilities
without disrupting operations – production of goods and
of its company or creating a services that society wants at
disorder in the community. a price that perpetuates the
business and satisfies its
Act obligation to customers
 After thorough planning,  Legal responsibilities –
programs have to be obedience to local, national,
implemented to a target and relevant international
audience to realize that the laws and found inherent to
movement is for sustainable corporate governance
development. practices.
 Ethical responsibilities –
Measure meeting other expectations
 It should be measured for no defined by the law
1. Reach for the message to Role of Business in Social
target publics. Development
2. Participation of target
publics. CSR Models and stewards


Pyramid of Global Corporate Social
Responsibility and Performance Employee – Worker Relations

Just Wage
 Pope Leo XIII
- A living wage is a moral
Contractualization – workers or illegal acts of an organization
may certain month para one is member of.
Workplace Sexual Harassment
Just Wage – living wage of a
morally value of a company Some examples of behavior that
- Sweldo na makakabuhay sa may be sexual harassment include:
isang pamilya  Sexually suggestive
- “ A just wage for the worker comments or jokes
is the ultimate test of  Intrusive questions about
whether any economic your private life or physical
system is functioning justly.” appearance
(Pope John Paul II)  Inappropriate staring or
3 PRINICIPLES NECESSARY FOR  Unwelcome hugging, kissing
IMPLEMENTATION OF JUST WAGE: or cornering or other types of
inappropriate physical
1. Need contact
2. Equity  Sexually explicit text
3. Economic Order messages, images, phone
calls or emails
1. External and market factors
2. Laws and regulation 1. Quid pro quo (an employment
3. Cost of living decision)- used against you for
4. Existing industry rate promotion, you are forced to do.
5. Organizational factors
6. Job factors 2. Hostile Work Environment –
7.Individual performances feeling mo para kang nakakulong;
parang di na safe yung
Minimum Wage vs Living Wage environment

The act of going public with what

one has reason to believe to be TAXES
significantly immoral or illegal acts
of an organization one is member 1. Individual Tax
of.  Income Tax
 Sales tax
Whistleblowing- The act of going 2. Business Tax
public with what one has reason to  Value added tax
believe to be significantly immoral
Wealth Redristribution
maximization/ focus on profit
Tax Evasion vs. Tax Avoidance itself driven by passion.
 Social Entrepreneurship –
Tax Evasion – you are not paying considers social value
your taxes at all - deliver positive change to
- Elimination or reductions of others
one’s correct and proper tax
by fraudulent means which is ECOLOGY
criminally punishable - Study of the ecosystem
- Science that studies the
Tax Avoidance – avoiding taxes relationship of life on earth
legally, use of lawful tax planning and the process linking each
techniques living to the physical and
chemical environment
Gifts- Express gratitude, - System made up of a
appreciation and love community of animals, plants
and bacteria and the physical
Natural Environment and chemical environment
“We can constantly make new - Study of how organisms
things but we can’t make a new interact with their
work… environment

-Anthropocentric Approach Types of Environmental

-Environmentalism Degradation

ETHICAL PERSPECTIVES: Degradation – lowers the grade

DEFINITIONS or type of a system
 Anthropocentrism –  Deforestation
considers the effects of  Erosion
environmental actions on  Extinction
humans only  Desertification
 Biocentrism – considers the  Emmision
effects of environmental
actions on all living things Sustainable Development Goals
 Ecocentrism – considers on
all components of our 1. No Poverty
environment, both living and 2. Zero Hunger
nonliving 3. Good Health and Well-being
4. No pollution
Business Entrepreneurship vs 5. Etc.
Social Entrepreneurship
Alfredo Moser
 Business “Liter of light”
Entrepreneurship – wealth
Social Business vs. Social Inform, persuade and remind
Entrepreneurship customers → General advertising
 Social Entrepreneurship –
developing innovative, concern is expressed by people →
scalable and sustainable environmentalism
means of solving social all life deserves equal moral
problems using the skills that consideration or has equal moral
are also used by an standing → Biocentrism
entrepreneur. Focus on the considers the effects of
social problems that needs to environmental actions on all
be solve. components of our environment,
 Social Business –umbrella both living and nonliving →
term for social Ecocentrism
entrepreneurship the view that human beings are
the central fact on earth →
Social Entrepreneurship: Models Anthropocentrism
and Stewards
Have an interest or concern in the
activities of an organization-
Nasa quiz: stakeholders

excellent customer service; high

quality products → Customers
good secured jobs; excellent wages →
pay corporate taxes; offer good
wages; help the environment; no
pollution → Community
happy workers/ employees; profit →
financial return → Owners

Wage rate necessary to keep going

the individual worker and his family
→ living wage
Express gratitude, appreciation and
→ gift
Use of official position for personal
benefit → conflict of interest
Last resort of a trade union →

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