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Republika ng Pilipinas

Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450


Learning Targets for Performance and Product-Oriented Assessment

NAME: Ladon, Lyka P.

Understanding the Lesson
Let us check what ideas you have acquired about learning targets for alternative
assessment methods in the classroom.
5 points each: 3 points for the content, 2 points for the organization.
Total points: 20 points

1. What is the difference between educational objectives and learning targets?

The key difference between educational objectives and learning targets is that the
educational objective or learning outcome are statements that describes what the students
should learn and can do at the end of a learning period that they cannot do beforehand.
While Learning targets are concrete goals that are also written but in a student-friendly
language that clearly describe what students will learn and be able to do by the end of a
learning period and begins with an “I can” statement.

2. What are the common typologies of learning targets?

The common typologies of learning targets are:

 Knowledge targets
 Reasoning targets
 Skills target
 Product targets
 Affective targets

3. Why is it important that learning targets and assessment tasks/activities are matched?

For us teachers to do the methods or the activities that should be given to our
students aligned with the learning objectives of what I want the students to know and can
do according to the course description and the assessment that will be given should reveal
what they learn based on my teaching strategies and methods. Because if these things
does not matched my students might get frustrated if what they learn was not included on
their assessment and will not reveal what they learn. They may lose their motivation,
interest and confidence and they might receive failing grades from that.

4. What are the three learning target types that are best assessed through alternative
assessment methods? Why?

The three types of learning target that are best assessed through alternative
methods are skills, products and affect because:

 Skills – shows how to use knowledge and reasoning to act skillfully that requires
the development and demonstration of behavioral or physical task needed for the
learning targets.
 Products – to be able to demonstrate skills or act skillfully students should be able
to described product learning targets with the use of knowledge, reasoning, and
skills to create a concrete product. Students should possess knowledge and
reasoning ability related or relevant to the skills to products that refers to the

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

learning targets that require the development of a tangible, high-quality product or

output and be demonstrated.
 Affect – it is a non cognitive skill that attributes beyond attitude that may affect
learning performance, including motivation, interest and other affective states that
the students do while learning or during the assessment period.

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