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Are You Losing Your Happiness and Have Felt Miserable as You Deal with a

Narcissistic Relationship?


For quite a long time, have you been living with a narcissist? Dealing and surviving a
relationship with a narcissistic partner can be frustrating. Perhaps, it is one of the most common
sentiments of women nowadays. Most of these women, if not all, have tried to figure out
whether it is already the best time for them to stay or leave the relationship. Having said that, it
is good to know that there are certain skills you can put into practice to help you survive a
narcissistic relationship without losing oneself and your relationship.

Understanding a Narcissistic Personality Disorder of a Partner

One of the several types of personality disorders that could happen to both men and women is
the so-called NPD or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It is a kind of mental state which is
manifested through a deep and intensive need for admiration and attention. While a certain
condition may happen to both men and women, it is sad to note that women who suffer from
narcissistic relationships outnumbered that of the men.

In most countries where divorce is not an escape for such an unhealthy relationship, most
women are suffering from the outcomes caused by a narcissistic partner. Many women have
lived a life of torture day in and day out. Some of them have tended to lose their sanity and
even worse, lose their selves every single day.

A narcissist may appear to be a lot charming and lovable at a glance, but behind this mask, lies
a person who lacks empathy for people around them. Hence, dealing with such a partner in a
relationship will make you feel alone, hopeless, and unhappy.

How does a Narcissistic Relationship Affect Your Life?

A person with a narcissistic personality may always come to think that everything could be
wrong including his partner. He lacks empathy among others and may even hate to feel
inconvenient. Hence, living with a narcissistic spouse will make a woman suffer from
challenging and lasting effects like the following;

 It can lead you to feel inadequate.

 You will tend to doubt your worth in a relationship as you will be blamed for everything
by your partner.
 You start to lose your happiness in the relationship.
 You will lose your self-confidence.
 The worse scenario could lead you to anxiety and depression and you might end up
losing your sanity.
These are some of the profound effects that women could suffer from dealing and surviving a
narcissistic relationship. Hence, choosing not to do anything about it could lead every woman to
an even worst situation. While everyone deserves happiness and peace of mind amidst such a
relationship, certain strategies will help you deal with a narcissist.

Effective Skills to Put into Practice to Dealing with a Narcissist

Have you been in a relationship with a narcissist for months or years? Either way, it is a sure
thing that you have been experiencing tumultuous situations with your partner, and most of
them have been tortures for you every single day.

Though it’s hard to turn a beast into a prince, you have to cling into that hope that there’s still
something you can do with your narcissistic partner. If you give time knowing these patterns, it
will surely help you out from that whirlpool of suffering while keeping your sanity intact. Here
are some of the few suggestions.

1. Establish a boundary – A narcissist is known for not owing to their own mistakes. While you
are in the process of living with them, make sure not to become like them. Hence, the easiest
boundary to make is to avoid the blame game. Oftentimes, a narcissist blames everyone around
him when something isn’t going to his favor. They even have the attitude to exaggerate simple
mistakes to minimize their own. To keep your sanity in the process, you have to have that
boundary in the relationship.

2. Create consequences – By creating consequences, you are not changing their outlooks in life;
instead, you are changing their behavior. When certain consequences are set forth, a narcissist
will eventually recognize that for every action taken, there’s always something going to happen
as an outcome. Hence, if he does continue doing something wrong, he will then suffer from a
consequence as a result.

3. Practice specific communication – While narcissists are known for twisting words and finding
loopholes, practicing specific communication is the better way to deal with it. If you make a
request or tell him about important details, make sure to specify them in all aspects. This may
include the what, when, where, how and why of your specific request. Although this may take
you a lot of work and patience, but having a solid and specific communication is all worth it and
has proven to change a narcissistic behavior.

4. Create emotional distance – A narcissist has trouble understanding the feelings of others.
They always want to feel special and important, and as if the world is turning around just for
them. They cannot put themselves in an uneasy situation and lack that sense of how another
person is feeling towards them. In this case, make sure not to take everything personally.
Create an emotional distance from their horrific behavior. By doing so, this helps you to be less
affected and less impacted by anything they’re doing wrong.

5. Get to know them deeper – There’s a saying that says, “You spill out what you are full of.”
This goes to show that anything that comes out from their mouth are the words they are telling
to themselves. Despite their charming appearance, narcissists are known for secretly hating
themselves. Hence, instead of putting themselves down, they call others by mean names, but
actually, they are only speaking to others out of their internal world. Thus, if you can step back
and create an emotional boundary from what they are saying, you will understand what is
going on inside them, and in return, it will less likely affect you personally.

6. Avoid argument – Arguing and fighting make a narcissist a lot excited. They love drama.
They love to both hated and loved. In this case, you can avoid feeding their ego if you also
avoid arguing with them. A narcissist feels powerful when they scream and fight with another.
They feel that they have power over you. Most of them aim to escalate a fight as they most
wanted to be hated rather than ignored. Hence, when you refuse to argue and avoid making
them the center of your attention, you will feel more empowered rather than tortured.

7. Don’t lose yourself – When you live with a narcissist, you are also living a chaotic world. It
cannot be avoided that you are being impacted by their behavior. Hence, it is very important to
keep your sanity intact amidst the situation. You might start doubting yourself along the way,
but a professional help will guide you to make it through. Holding on to oneself and one’s
reality will strengthen you.

Discover the Sanity-Saving Skills in Dealing with a Narcissistic Relationship

Knowing the skills in dealing with a narcissist will save you from a mental turmoil. At some
point, leaving a relationship with a narcissist is not an option. Most probably, understanding
their behavioral pattern and applying helpful skills are the best way to do that will benefit the
both of you.

By setting specific communication, setting emotional boundaries, creating consequences and

emotional distance, all these and more, will help you retain your sense of self and reality. While
in most cases that women suffer from losing confidence and sanity, putting these skills into
application will help you recover from the chaotic world you are living in.

Overcoming a Narcissistic Abuse – The Positive Way

Living with a narcissist for months or years often leads to a shattered life. Taking the road to
the recovery of oneself is not an easy act. Feeling pain, broken, and inadequate is a natural
response when you have dealt with a narcissistic relationship for a long time.

Nevertheless, there are ways for you to fast-track your journey towards healing and to not
delay your journey towards emotional freedom. Here are effective ways you can do.

 Open up your situation to any of your family members and trusted friends.
 Join communities and networks of people whom you can share with them the same
experience of what you have gone through.
 Get support from professional therapists.
 If you need someone to talk to without being judge, we are here to listen.
Don’t be afraid – Share your Story with Us!
Have you been living with a narcissist for so many years of your life? Have you experienced the
same abuse and maltreatment from such a chaotic relationship? Be not afraid to share with us
how you feel, we are here to listen.

We, the Supermom Global, is an online community where you can share your laughter and
tears, and even challenging experiences and become an inspiration to others. We understand
that every woman must be uplifted and empowered and thus, we also provide an online source
for pregnancy, parenting tips, and relationships.

To free you from the bondage of your past, feel free to share with us your story by clicking on
this link,

We are excited to hear from you soon and become an inspiration to other strong women like

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