Siop Language Analysis Template Fall 2020 6

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SIOP Language Analysis Template: Name:_Katie


Along with the revised peer reviewed visual literacy activity, I want you to now fill out the SIOP
Language Analysis Template. You will need to think about this activity more in depth and
answer all the questions listed in the template to be able to finish the assignment with a fully
thought out plan in place for a visual literacy activity that also meets the needs of your ELLs
students. See the template details for more information on how to complete it, please feel free
to alter or add anything that you see fit to your original plan into this template based on our
discussion and peer review today. This is meant to be a progressive assignment that continues
to build upon itself to allow you to consider new aspects of integrating visual literacy into your

Visual Literacy Assignment Rubric Total:________/50 points

SIOP Language Analysis Template:________/25 points

Final Grade:__________/75points

SIOP Language Analysis Template

Instructions: Think about your visual literacy lesson and its corresponding content objectives.
Come up with at least one language objective that you feel your students are practicing in
this lesson. Next analyze your lesson for how well the interactive activities practice each
language domain. Think about the group configurations that would be best for this kind of
language practice. Also consider the academic and content vocabulary. Lastly think about
how students will practice each piece of vocabulary by coming up with sentence stems and
ways they could use each one in a sentence.
Lesson Language Objective: (Add at least 1 language objective for this project. Pick one or
more of the language domains that you think could be practiced during this activity and create
an objective for it. It must relate to your visual literacy lesson.) 5 points
Writing Objective: Given Artist’s journals, students will write reflections using grammatically
complete sentences with correct spelling of vocabulary words taught in previous lessons to
describe their creations.
Domain Practice: (For this section think about the procedure in your lesson plan so far, now
analyze it for how well it used the four language domains. Tell me where/how you built in
practice of each domain, and if one is missing tell me how you could alter the lesson to
incorporate that domain. All four domains need to be described.) 5 points
Speaking: Students are sharing some of their responses out loud with the large group in
response to a question posed by the teacher in the lesson. I could add when their statements
are finished being written, the students could stand and share their art and an even briefer
statement about their picture or read directly what they wrote with the large group.
Listening: teacher will say directions and read a brief history about the artist and students will
be required to listen so that they can gain both new knowledge for reflection as well as
understand the next steps in the activity.
Writing: Students are writing their artist’s statements in their journals.
Reading: this is not included in my lesson. I could include it as a step where the students read
each other’s statements by swapping journals with a partner or I could have the students read
the brief history about the artist and follow up with questions about what they read. I would
have students take their journals with them to a technology or typing practice station to type
out the statements to display with their art. This would give them additional reading practice as
they continue to review their own statements. Because the text is already familiar to them, it
will build reading confidence. We would then display both the picture with the typed statement
below it.
Group Configuration: (Think about the best ways you could group students to help practice
these domains. Would this be whole group discussions, small groups discussions at their tables,
sharing with partners, etc. How might you help your language learners by partnering them with
certain students? Why did you pick this group configuration?) 5 points
Currently my lesson is speaking out loud with the large group or independently writing their
responses. I think in the situations where they do not respond out loud it is because I want
them to note their own feelings rather than what is just being said by the majority of the
students. My lesson could be improved by adding a think, pair, share grouping with a partner or
small group of 3. I would pair EL students with peers that they seem to be able to communicate
and get along well with. I want this to be a positive experience and I think if there is not a
strong social emotional connection for the EL student there could be some additional struggle.
By creating a small group share I could still maintain some of the individualism as the whole
group is not swayed by one person’s answers. I would also check in with these groups often to
gauge where they are and if they need additional support.
Content and Academic Language Vocabulary: (Look at the lesson you made so far. What
content vocabulary will be taught? Also, what academic vocabulary and language skills the
students will practice. Break it up into two parts, the vocabulary and the language skills. Think
nouns and verbs. Make sure it is a complete list of any new vocabulary you’d use.) 5 points
I would try to focus on these five words for my lesson to teach vocabulary. Some of the
vocabulary that one might expect should be taught I hope to have taught in previous lessons so
that students are not overwhelmed with too many new words at once.
word Definition/similar Sentence Student
word draws picture
Content Watercolors Paint that uses I painted with
Vocabulary water to work watercolors and
a paint brush
Resistance Does not allow The wax in the
something to crayon is what
happen causes a
resistance for
the watercolor
to paint an area
Academic Justify Shows or Proves to I can justify my
vocabulary be right or thoughts by
reasonable giving examples
that agree with
my opinions.
opinion My own thoughts, My opinion is
not fact, what I think that my art has
a calming effect.
Observe, Something that you I observed that I
observed or see or notice used 4 colors in
observation my art piece.

Vocabulary and Academic Language Usage: (Give possible sentence stems or ways each new
vocabulary term can be used in a sentence. This will model to students how they will use the
vocabulary and language skills they are being taught. Give possible sentence stems and ways of
modeling the potential ways students will use the vocabulary and language skills they are being
taught. See the example for ideas. There needs to be one for every vocabulary term you listed
above.) 5 points
This paint is called watercolors because it is dry and you have to add water to it to get it to
The crayon causes a resistance because it does not allow the watercolor to paint on top of it.
I was able to justify my answer, because I had a good reason.
My opinion is that the color is pretty because it reminds me of pretty flowers.
My observation of the painting was that the artists used shapes, color, and lines in the top
part to show a sky.

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