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January 31, 2011– (Vol. XII, No.


World Watch World: Will geopolitics topple the global economy?

Newswires are pointing to the widening in emerging Emerging market spreads vs. 10-year U.S. MSCI AC World Earnings
market spreads as a sign that uncertainty is Treasury and CRB metals Diffusion index*
spreading to the global economy. While we certainly .8
1,100 Spreads (basis points) index (log scale) 2,000 Diffusion index
do not deny that the spreads have widened, a bit of
nuance is called for. As today’s Hot Chart shows, 1,000 Egypt notwithstanding, EM .7
the current spread between the Barclay’s Emerging spreads remain tight… CRB
Market benchmark and the 10-year U.S. Treasury 900 (right) .6
remains extremely low by historical standards and 800 800
well below what we would consider a threat to .5
global growth and a durable correction in 700 600
commodity prices. If the spread was to widen to the 500 .4
350-400 basis range, the signal of a global growth 400
slowdown would need to be taken much more 500 .3
Spread 300
seriously. While this is not the time to be 400 (left)
complacent about current events in the Middle East, 200
it is also important to keep in mind that despite the 300 …and EPS momentum
recent tightening in monetary policy in key emerging 200 .1 remains positive at
economies and the uncertainty in Europe, EPS the global level
100 100 .0
revision momentum has not been negatively 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
impacted. As shown, our earnings diffusion index
for the MSCI AC remains above 0.4, the level that is *Diffusion of 12-month forward EPS up vs down since last month for MSCI AC World index
generally associated with a long-lasting correction NBF Economy & Strategy (data via Datastream)
for global equity markets (and the economy).

Stéfane Marion

NBF Economics & Strategy Group (514) 879-2529

Stéfane Marion, Chief Economist and Strategist

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