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Remote Sensing of Environment 102 (2006) 176 – 185

Subsidence of Kolkata (Calcutta) City, India during the 1990s as observed

from space by Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
(D-InSAR) technique
R.S. Chatterjee a,⁎, Benedicte Fruneau b , J.P. Rudant b , P.S. Roy c , Pierre-Louis Frison b ,
R.C. Lakhera a , V.K. Dadhwal a , Ranajit Saha d
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), National Remote Sensing, Agency (NRSA), Dept. of Space, Dehradun, India
Institut Francilien des Géosciences (IFG), Université de Marne-la-Vallée (UMLV), Marne-la-Vallée, France
National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), Dept. of Space, Hyderabad, India
West Bengal State Water Investigation Directorate, Kolkata (Calcutta), India
Received 28 August 2005; received in revised form 9 February 2006; accepted 10 February 2006


In Kolkata City, India potential land subsidence, due to over-drafting of groundwater under confined condition, has been reported by a number
of previous workers and by the local media. The presence of a thick surface clay layer with an average thickness of more than 40 m over the
aquifer sand layer raises questions on the possibility and doubtfulness of land subsidence in Kolkata City. In this work, D-InSAR based study has
been undertaken to detect and measure land subsidence phenomenon in Kolkata City.
For detecting slow land subsidence phenomenon in Kolkata City occurring primarily due to piezometric fall consequent to groundwater over-
drafting, we have chosen the InSAR data pairs acquired during post-monsoon (t1)–pre-monsoon (t2) periods when the lowering of piezometric
head was the maximum and therefore land subsidence would be more prominent than that of pre-monsoon (t1)–pre-monsoon (t2) and post-
monsoon (t1)–post-monsoon (t2) periods of similar time intervals.
For detecting slow land subsidence phenomenon essentially from long temporal baseline data pairs (usually in years), temporal decorrelation
and atmospheric artefacts have been found to pose serious difficulties. Adaptive filtering of the noisy interferograms followed by summing of the
independent interferograms was performed in complex domain in order to suppress noise from the fringes and highlight the deformation fringes
over atmospheric artefacts respectively.
Results indicate that an area in Kolkata City surrounded by Machhua Bazar, Calcutta University and Raja Bazar Science College had been
undergoing subsidence during the observation period, i.e., 1992–1998 with an estimated rate of 5 to 6.5 mm/year.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: D-InSAR; ERS; Land subsidence; Kolkata (Calcutta); Groundwater over-draft; ESA Category-1 project

1. Introduction Sarti, 2000; Strozzi et al., 2001; Tesauro et al., 2000;). D-InSAR
is used for two broad purposes: (i) identification of land
Among various aerial- and space-based techniques available subsidence phenomenon in an area, and (ii) quantitative
to-date, D-InSAR appears to be an efficient technique for analysis and modeling of deformation phenomenon with
measuring spatially continuous land subsidence (Amelung et particular emphasis on precision of measurements. In the latter
al., 1999; Carnec et al., 1995; Crosetto et al., 2002; Fruneau & case, D-InSAR technique should be accompanied by precise
GPS monitoring and/or ground-based levelling.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 135 2745516; fax: +91 135 2741987/
Kolkata is the second largest city in India after Mumbai and
perhaps the ninth largest in the world with a total urban population
E-mail addresses:, of 13.217 million (Census of India, 2001) over an areal extent of
(R.S. Chatterjee). 900 km2 (Kundu & Nag, 1996). It has been undergoing a
0034-4257/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R.S. Chatterjee et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 102 (2006) 176–185 177

tremendous growth during the last 315 years since its inception in (KMC), covering an areal extent of 185 km2 (Fig. 1) and a
1690. Kolkata is located in eastern part of India in the state of West population of 4.58 million (Census of India, 2001).
Bengal on the bank of the Hooghly River (the mighty Ganges In Kolkata City, India, potential land subsidence caused
River) as the chief commercial, financial, manufacturing and primarily by over-drafting of groundwater has been reported by
cultural centre of eastern India. We have confined our study on the a number of previous workers (Biswas & Saha, 1985; Sikdar et
city area which is falling under Kolkata Municipal Corporation al., 1996) and by the local media. In a confined aquifer

Fig. 1. Location of Kolkata (Calcutta) City, India (a and b). Landsat 5 TM near-infra-red (NIR: 0.76–0.9 μm) image of Kolkata City and surrounding areas of 1998
where the study area, i.e., core city area under Kolkata Metropolitan Corporation, is shown by the boundary line (c).
178 R.S. Chatterjee et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 102 (2006) 176–185

condition, as in the case of Kolkata City, the over-extraction of monsoon period, during June, July and August. The recharge
groundwater causes lowering of piezometric pressure. Ground- area for the confined aquifer system underlying Kolkata City
water contributes as support to the overlying confining layer (KMC area) is located to the north at a distance of 65–70 km.
material. The resulting reduction in artesian pressure causes Recharge of the aquifer system underlying KMC area starts in
tensional forces to develop in overlying confining layer the 1st week of August and continues till October.
material. As a result, compaction of overlying confining layer
material occurs which prompts to land subsidence. 2.2. Background of D-InSAR technique
In this work, a D-InSAR based study has been attempted
primarily to detect the subsiding areas in Kolkata City during The phase difference of a repeat-pass InSAR data pair (Δϕ)
the 1990s and estimate the average rate of subsidence, assuming separated by some spatial and temporal baselines can be
a linearly uniform deformation over the period of observation described as follows (Dammert et al., 1997; Massonnet and
(i.e., 1992–1998). For slowly subsiding areas, as in the present Feigl, 1998; Mora et al., 2003; Rocca et al., 1997):
case, temporal decorrelation and atmospheric artefacts appear as
D/ ¼ y/flat: þ y/top: þ y/disp: þ y/atm: þ y/noise: Fn⁎2p
major difficulties in the analysis of differential interferograms.
4pdB8 d r 4pdB8 d h 4pd yq
We have attempted adaptive filtering of the noisy interfero- ¼ þ þ þ y/atm:
grams (Goldstein & Werner, 1998) to highlight the fringes from kdqd tgh kdqd sinh k
temporal decorrelation noise in the interferograms. To identify þ y/noise: Fn⁎2p ð1Þ
the deformation fringes from atmospheric artefacts, we have
followed the approach of enhancing the deformation fringes and Where, δϕflat., δϕtop., δϕdisp., δϕatm. and δϕnoise represent
at the same time diluting the atmospheric fringes by summing phase difference resulted from spatial baseline of the data pair
independent interferograms in complex domain. assuming an ideally flat terrain, topographic unevenness of the
terrain, ground displacement parallel to radar line-of-sight,
2. Materials and methods atmospheric artefacts resulted from spatio-temporal variation in
the atmosphere and random noise resulted from radar
2.1. Kolkata City: Physiographic and geologic setting instrument and temporal decorrelation between two images of
the pair respectively. In the term, n ⁎ 2π, n is a whole number,
Physiographically, the area represents a typical deltaic flat viz., 1, 2, 3, …including 0 and represents the number of phase
country with elevation ranging between 5.8 and 6.1 m above cycles in the wrapped phase difference (Δϕ). λ, θ, ρ, B⊥, r,
MSL (Chaterji et al., 1964). Several low lying depressions in the h and δρ are radar wavelength, look angle, slant range distance
form of mashes or shallow lakes are seen in and around the area of the master image, normal spatial baseline component of the
which represent river scars of past drainage channels in the area. data pair, slant range variation of the data pair due to orbital
Geologically, the area around Kolkata City forms a part of separation, topographic height of the given point and ground
Bengal Basin and is underlain by Quaternary sediments of displacement parallel to radar line-of-sight respectively.
fluvio-deltaic origin consisting of a succession of clay, silt and δϕflat. is computed from the satellite configuration of the data
sand of varying texture from fine to coarse grain size. pair and removed from the interferometric phase difference
Quaternary sediments overlie a vast thickness of Tertiary and (Δϕ). In Kolkata City, India, the topography of the terrain is
probably Mesozoic sediments in a subsiding trough (Chaterji et mostly flat with a height variation of less than 1 m over the
al., 1964). A remarkable feature on lithological characteristics study area. The average building height in Kolkata City varies
of the area is the occurrence of a thick surface clay layer with an from 5 (for one- or two-storied houses) to 15 m (for five-storied
average thickness of 40 m (which goes up to 60–70 m at houses) excluding a few 10–20 storied high-rise buildings
places). Below the clay layer, coarse clastic sediments scattered in the city centre and newly developed commercial
consisting of sand and occasionally gravel interspersed with and residential clusters. In case of ERS data pairs, for an average
clay and silt occur down to a depth of about 300 m from the height variation of 10 m, there is a topographic phase
surface. From the widespread continuity of the sediments and contribution of 1 / 10th, 1 / 20th and 1 / 50th fraction of a fringe
presence of organic contents in the form of decayed wood, it is (2π radians) for 100, 50 and 20 m spatial baseline data pairs
believed that sedimentation took place mainly under back- respectively. Therefore, topographic phase removal for the
swamp environment. The presence of peat beds at different terrain and average building height is not necessary. However,
depths in the succession up to a depth of 152 m with the upper in an attempt to measure slow subsidence in Kolkata City,
group being within 9 to 15 m supports backswamp environment temporal decorrelation between two images of the InSAR data
for sedimentation (Chaterji et al., 1964). The principal water pairs and atmospheric artefacts has been found to pose serious
bearing horizons occur at depths between 60 and 180 m in difficulties.
medium to coarse sand and pebble layers (Biswas & Saha, In this work, D-InSAR data processing was carried out using
1985). The overlying clay layers with wood stumps and peat DIAPASON InSAR processing tool developed by the French
beds are highly compressible which can facilitate land Space Agency (CNES). Adaptive filtering of the noisy
subsidence during over extraction of groundwater. interferograms was carried out by the technique of Goldstein
The average annual rainfall of this region is 140–150 cm. and Werner (1998) to highlight the fringes from temporal de-
Over eighty percent of the total annual rainfall occurs during the correlation noise. Finally, summing of the interferograms has
R.S. Chatterjee et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 102 (2006) 176–185 179

been accomplished in complex domain by IDL (Interactive Data the aquifer and inelastic compression of the confining clay
Language) software of Research Systems Inc., USA to highlight layer can occur together in case of post-monsoon (t1)–pre-
the deformation fringes over atmospheric artefacts. In this monsoon (t2) data pairs. Consequently, land subsidence
procedure, two individual interferograms in byte (unsigned phenomenon will be potentially more pronounced in case of
integer) format are initially converted to complex format and post-monsoon (t1)–pre-monsoon (t2) data pairs compared to
multiplied to obtain the product interferogram. The phase of the that in pre-monsoon (t1)–pre-monsoon (t2) and post-monsoon
product interferogram is converted back to unsigned integer (t1)–post-monsoon (t2) data pairs of similar duration. In
(byte) format which actually represents the sum of the Kolkata City, where slow subsidence phenomenon is occur-
interferometric phases of the two individual interferograms. ring mainly due to groundwater over-drafting, it will be easier
In a D-InSAR interferogram, a complete phase cycle or to identify the subsiding areas from post-monsoon (t1)–pre-
fringe (i.e., 2π radian phase difference) represents radar line-of- monsoon (t2) InSAR data pairs compared to other sets of
sight ground displacement of λ / 2, where λ is wavelength of InSAR data pairs.
radar microwave pulse being used. In the present work, ERS Ancillary data on subsurface geology, evolution of
SAR C-band (wavelength = 5.6 cm) radar data with mean piezometric level with time, excavation and dewatering of
incidence angle 23° have been used. Each subsidence fringe shallow aquifer for construction of subsurface transport way
therefore represents 28 / Cos(23°) or 30.42 mm of deformation. ‘Metro Rail’, and information related to planning and
development of the city were collected from the respective
2.3. Data used organizations, viz., Central Ground Water Board (CGWB),
West Bengal State Water Investigation Directorate (SWID,
In this work, 4 InSAR data pairs consisting of seven C-band West Bengal), Metro Rail, and National Atlas and Thematic
ERS SAR VV-polarization images have been processed (Table 1). Mapping Organization (NATMO). Necessary ground truth on
The master (previous: t1) image of each InSAR data pair was borehole locations for subsurface geology, observation well
acquired during post-monsoon time when the piezometric head points for studying the changes in piezometric level with time
of the underlying aquifer is high whereas the slave (later: t2) and landuse pattern in the area were collected during field
image was acquired during pre-monsoon time of the subsequent survey.
years when the piezometric head is low. Consequently, the
change in piezometric head during the data acquisition interval 3. Results
of each pair becomes maximum.
Two types of deformation can occur due to piezometric fall. It is observed that in interferograms ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘d’ (i.e.,
The aquifer sand layer undergoes elastic compression as long ERS1_7335 vs. ERS2_17064, ERS1_10842 vs. ERS1_24713
as piezometric fall continues which however reverts back and ERS1_11343 vs. ERS1_25214 respectively), coherence is
when the piezometric head rises during the subsequent post- low to moderate and fringe(s) are fairly developed. In
monsoon time. On the other hand, the decrease in artesian interferogram ‘c’ (i.e., ERS1_10842 vs. ERS2_6543), coher-
pressure in the aquifer creates a hydraulic gradient between the ence is low and the fringe(s) are poorly developed.
aquifer and overlying clay layer which results in the leakage Initially, the interferograms were studied to find out the
of pore water from the confining layer. The draining out of fringe(s) with common geographic location in different
pore water from the clay layer reduces pore pressure and interferograms so that the fringe(s) representing land subsidence
therefore inelastic compression of the confining layer takes can be correlated and thereby they can be separated from
place. Since, piezometric fall is the maximum during post- atmospheric artefacts. It is known that spatial variability of the
monsoon–pre-monsoon periods; both elastic compression of atmosphere changes with time and therefore fringes produced

Table 1
ERS-1 and ERS-2 InSAR data pairs of Kolkata City with post-monsoon (master) vs. pre-monsoon (slave) combinations acquired during 1992–1998
Interfero-gram 7335E1* 10842E1* 11343E1* 24713E1* 25214E1* 6543E2* 17064E2* Remarks
10.12.92 12.08.93 16.09.93 06.04.96 11.05.96 21.07.96 26.07.98
(Post -)** (Post -)** (Post -)** (Pre -)** (Pre -)** (Pre -)** (Pre -)**
‘a’ Low to moderate coherence;
B =14 m B =11 m Δt=2054 days fairly defined fringe(s)
‘b’ Low to moderate coherence;
B =131 m B = –79 m Δt=968 days Δt=1074 days fairly defined fringes
‘c’ Low coherence;
B =–35 m B =–36 m poorly defined fringe(s)
‘d’ Low to moderate coherence;
B =–25 m B =29 m Δt=968 days fairly defined fringe(s) with
atmospheric artefacts
⁎E1 and E2 stand for ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellite missions and are followed by the respective orbit nos.
⁎⁎Post- and Pre- stand for post-monsoon and pre-monsoon periods when the piezometric levels of the aquifer system are high and low respectively.
180 R.S. Chatterjee et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 102 (2006) 176–185

by atmospheric effects are not supposed to have fixed geo- period of time due to similar prevailing conditions responsible
graphic position in independent interferometric pairs whereas for land subsidence. We have observed a poorly to fairly defined
land subsidence continues to occur at the same location for a fringe with common geographic location in some of the

Fig. 2. Filtered interferograms ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ and ‘d’ displayed in rainbow colour scheme are showing several fringes (deformation fringes and atmospheric artefacts).
Average amplitude image and coherence image of one of the interferometric pairs, e.g., for interferometric pair ‘b’, are also shown.
R.S. Chatterjee et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 102 (2006) 176–185 181

interferograms, which becomes better recognizable after playing a phase cycle or a fringe (i.e., 2π radian phase
filtering (interferogram nos. ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ and ‘d’; Fig. 2). Subse- difference) in the interferogram. In the sum interferogram ‘ab’,
quently, the independent interferograms with serial no. ‘a’ and we obtain G-Y-O-R | V-I-B-G-Y colour rings from the periphery
‘b’, and ‘b’ and ‘d’ have been summed up separately in complex to the centre of the fringes. It describes the phase difference sum
domain to highlight deformation fringes over atmospheric arte- for the interferograms ‘a’ and ‘b’ together = (9 / 7) ⁎ 2π radians
facts (Fig. 3). In the sum interferograms, a well-defined due to land subsidence for an overlapping period of 2044 days
deformation fringe has been observed. Assuming a simplified (for interferogram ‘a’) + 968 days (for interferogram ‘b’) =
linear uniform subsidence over time, the average rate of land 3012 days. The average rate of land subsidence is therefore =
subsidence has been measured separately from two sum inter- ((9 / 7) ⁎ 30.42) / (3012 / 365) = 4.74 mm/year (∼5 mm/
ferograms. We have used VIBGYOR colour scheme for dis- year). Similarly, in case of ‘bd’ sum interferogram, we obtain

(a) 7335E1 17064E2 10842E1 24713E1

(10.12.92) (26.7.98) (12.8.93) (06.4.96)

D-InSAR processing D-InSAR processing

(Assuming flat topography) (Assuming flat topography)

Differential Differential
Interferogram ‘a’ Interferogram 'b'

Filtering Filtering
(Goldstein & Werner, 1998) (Goldstein & Werner, 1998)

Observe fringes and Observe fringes and

fringe centre locations fringe centre locations

Summing in complex domain

Sum Interferogram ‘ab'


Observe and analyze

deformation fringes

Estimate average subsidence rate


(i) (ii)

Fig. 3. a: Flow chart describing the generation of sum interferograms ‘ab’ from InSAR data pairs and analysis. b: Sum interferograms of ‘a’ and ‘b’ individual
interferograms (i) and ‘b’ and ‘d’ individual interferograms (ii) respectively. Deformation rate may be obtained by dividing total deformation with total time interval
elapsed by two individual interferograms in either case assuming uniform deformation.
182 R.S. Chatterjee et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 102 (2006) 176–185

Fig. 4. IHS colour composition of the sum interferograms ((i) and (ii) respectively in Fig. 3b) (H) average backscattered amplitude image of one of the interferograms
of the sum interferogram (I) and coherence image of one of the interferograms of the sum interferogram (S) to highlight the areas that underwent subsidence during the

G-Y-O-R | V-I-B-G colour rings from the periphery to the centre clay layer (which goes up to 60–70 m at places) exists over the
of the fringes which give the total phase difference of (8 / 7) ⁎ 2π aquifer sand layer. The decline of piezometric pressure due to
radians for an overlapping period of 968 days (for interferogram groundwater withdrawal results in the loss of pore pressure of
‘b’) + 968 days (for interferogram ‘d’) = 1936 days. The average the aquifer system and increases the effective stress over the
rate of land subsidence as obtained from the ‘bd’ sum aquifer sand layer. The elastic compression of aquifer sand layer
interferogram is therefore = 6.55 mm/year (∼6.5 mm/year). may be largely adjusted by the overlying thick and extensive
Both the sum interferograms were then displayed in IHS clay layer by lateral readjustment of clay particles. Conse-
colour space using sum interferometric phase as hue compo- quently, subsidence may not be manifested at the surface. On
nent, coherence image of one of the interferometric pairs of the the other hand, a sharp decline of piezometric pressure due to
sum interferogram (preferably the better coherence image) as heavy withdrawal of groundwater creates a hydraulic gradient
saturation component and average amplitude image of one of between the aquifer and overlying confining clay layer. This
the interferometric pairs of the sum interferogram as intensity results into the leakage of pore water from the confining clay
component (Fig. 4). In IHS images of sum interferograms, it is layer leading to inelastic compression and therefore vertical
observed that the subsidence fringe is located in and around shortening of the clay layer.
Machhua Bazar, Calcutta University and Rajabazar Science For such an area, it appears important first to find out the
College. Approximate subsidence contours are shown on areas undergoing subsidence than precise subsidence rate
enlarged subsidence fringe in the IHS images of sum measurement. For this purpose, appropriate InSAR data pairs
interferograms. which potentially record maximum land subsidence during the
study period would facilitate the study to a large extent.
4. Discussion Considering the major cause of land subsidence being
groundwater over-draft, post-monsoon (t1)–pre-monsoon (t2)
The phenomenon of land subsidence resulting from heavy InSAR data pairs were chosen which include both elastic and
withdrawal of groundwater for municipal supply, industrial or inelastic deformations.
irrigational use has been observed in various parts of the world, In most of the D-InSAR based subsidence measurements
viz., Venice and Bologna (Italy), Mexico City (Mexico), Tokyo recorded in the literature (Amelung et al., 1999; Avallone et al.,
and Osaka (Japan), Arizona, California and Nevada (United 1999; Carnec et al., 1995; Ding et al., 2004; Haynes et al., 1997;
States), Ruhrgebiet (Germany) (Amelung et al., 1999; Galloway Massonnet et al., 1997; Strozzi et al., 2001, 2003; van der Kooij,
et al., 1998; Rahman, 1995; Sikdar et al., 1996; Strozzi et al., 1997), the rate of subsidence is appreciably high, normally 2–
2001, 2003). In Kolkata City, India, land subsidence is believed 3 cm and above per year. Therefore, the question of temporal
to have been occurring due to over-drafting of groundwater to decorrelation in relatively short-term InSAR data pairs is much
meet the water-demand of a rapidly growing population and less and heterogeneous atmospheric effect is much subdued. On
other ancillary activities (Biswas & Saha, 1985; Sikdar et al., the other hand, where the rate of subsidence is very slow and
1996). In Kolkata City area, an average of 40 m thick surface spatio-temporal change of the atmosphere is high (due to urban
R.S. Chatterjee et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 102 (2006) 176–185 183

pollution and/or the location of the sites being at or near the sea Kolkata City since 1976 (USGS National Earthquake Informa-
coast), as in the present case, temporal decorrelation in long- tion Center, 2005). During the observation period, recorded
term InSAR data pairs and atmospheric artefacts make it seismic events in surrounding areas with magnitude 4 mb and
extremely difficult to identify the deformation fringes and above, viz., 4.6, 4.6 and 4.6 mb occurred on 16.5.1993,
estimate the rate of subsidence. 28.9.1994 and 24.9.1996 at a distance of 153, 95 and 96 km
For detecting very slowly subsiding areas in Kolkata City, respectively from the city centre (USGS National Earthquake
we have procured and processed InSAR data pairs with Information Center, 2005). It may therefore be inferred that
sufficiently long temporal baselines, which inevitably introduce seismic shocks and associated down warping of sediments did
significant temporal decorrelation in the data pairs. We have not play any significant role for subsidence in the study area
observed that in unfiltered differential interferograms, the during the period of observation. Similarly, for the construction
fringes are difficult to recognize due to the overlying noise of Metro Rail for a length of 16.45 km, excavation along the
introduced from temporal decorrelation of the InSAR data pairs. scheduled track and dewatering of shallow aquifers at places
In this work, filtering of the noisy interferograms by the (where near-surface river channel deposits occur) were carried
technique of Goldstein and Werner (1998) has been found to be out in two phases. The said operations under Phase-I and Phase-
effective for highlighting the fringes from noise substantially. II were completed around 1985 and 1991 respectively. It,
Subsequently, comparing the geographic locations of the fringes therefore, appears that Metro Rail construction does not play
in individual interferograms, we can identify the common any role in the subsidence phenomenon of Kolkata City during
fringes. The common fringes are actually the deformation the study period, 1992–1998. Finally, we have studied the
fringes as the fringes developed due to atmospheric effect are evolution of piezometric pressure during the period of
random in spatio-temporal nature. But, it is difficult and observation in and around the subsiding areas of D-InSAR
cumbersome to locate the common fringes from individual based results. We have two observation points, GW23 located to
interferograms as the fringes are not always equally developed the north and GW24 located to the east of subsiding zone (Fig. 4).
and are not of same areal extent. On the other hand, summing of The maximum effective piezometric fall at GW23 and GW24
the interferograms in complex domain highlights the deforma- has been found to be ∼3 and ∼4.5 m respectively during the
tion fringes by adding the common fringes occurring in observation period (Fig. 5). The shape of the subsidence fringe
independent interferograms whereas it dilutes the fringes due broadly represents an E–W trending ellipse which is supported
to atmospheric effect. In this work, in both the sum
interferograms ‘a–b’ and ‘b–d’, we observe that one fringe is -11
much highlighted whereas others are diluted. The highlighted
Piezometric level (m.)

fringe is observed in all the three independent interferograms

-12 ΔΔ
‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘d’ covering different temporal baselines. The Post-monsoon
highlighted fringe therefore represents subsiding areas in ΔΔ
Kolkata City during the study period. The sum interferograms Pre-monsoon
‘a–b’ and ‘b–d’ span over the periods of observation 1992–
1998 (a: 10.12.92–26.07.98; b: 12.08.93–06.04.96) and 1993–
1996 (b: 12.08.93–06.04.96; d: 16.09.93–11.05.96), respec-
tively. The elastic deformation of sand aquifer occurs due to 1992 1993 1994 1996 1997 1998
post-monsoon–pre-monsoon piezometric fall of a year which Year
mostly reverts back during the subsequent post-monsoon (i)
period, provided the piezometric head is regained at its previous -10.5
post-monsoon level. As a result, in sum interferogram ‘a–b’,
Piezometric level (m.)

where the cumulative temporal baseline is more (∼8 years) than -11.5
that in ‘b–d’ (∼5 years), the average rate of land subsidence has Post-monsoon
been found to be less (maximum ∼5 mm/year) than that in the -12.5
latter case (maximum ∼6.5 mm/year).
-13.5 Pre-monsoon
The probable causes of land subsidence in Kolkata may be
attributed to: (i) normal compaction of fluvio-deltaic sediments,
(ii) down-warping of sediments along reactivated/neo-tectonic
basement faults, (iii) excavation and dewatering of shallow -15.5
aquifer associated with the construction of 16.45 km long 1992 1993 1994 1996 1997 1998

subsurface transport way ‘Metro Rail’ across the study area, and Year
(iv) heavy withdrawal of groundwater to meet the water demand (ii)
of a huge population of the city, industries and ancillary
activities. Normal compaction of fluvio-deltaic sediments in the Fig. 5. Changes in piezometric pressure during 1992–1998 in Kolkata City,
India at observations points GW23 (i) and GW24(ii) (locations are shown in
area is a regional phenomenon and more-or-less uniform over Fig. 4). ΔΔ Solid line represents post-monsoon piezometric fluctuation during
the entire study area. No seismic event with magnitude 2 mb 1992–1998. ∇∇ Dashed line represents pre-monsoon piezometric fluctuation
and above was found to occur within 50 km radius surrounding during 1992–1998. Piezometric data of 1995 are not available.
184 R.S. Chatterjee et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 102 (2006) 176–185

by stronger piezometric fall at GW24 than that in GW23. control of land subsidence and aquifer system deformation. Geology, 27(6),
However, more number of piezometric observation points, 483−486.
Avallone, A., Zollo, A., Briole, P., Delacourt, C., & Beauducel, F. (1999).
particularly inside the subsidence fringe area, could substantiate Subsidence of Campi Flegrei (Italy) detected by SAR interferometry.
piezometric fall as the cause of land subsidence in Kolkata City Geophysical Research Letters, 26(15), 2303−2306.
more definitively. Biswas, A. B., & Saha, A. K. (1985). Environmental hazards of the recession of
No independent and direct measurement is available to piezometric surface of groundwater under Calcutta. Proceedings of the
Indian National Science Academy, 51A(3), 610−621.
validate the D-InSAR based results obtained from the present
Carnec, C., King, C., & Massonnet, D. (1995). Measurement of land subsidence
study. However, Sikdar et al. (1996) estimated potential land by means of differential SAR interferometry. In F. B. J. Barends, F. J. J.
subsidence resulting from inelastic compression of confining clay Brouwer, & F. H. Schröder (Eds.), Land subsidence (pp. 139−148).
layer due to the decline of piezometric pressure using Domenico's Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema Publishers.
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