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4/19/2021 Alternate View of Gamism by Brian Gleichman

An Alternate Definition of Gamism

By Brian Gleichman <>

This was originally posted to on Oct 26, 1998 under the subject "Gamist Summary: Take
1". It was a summary of the problems which Brian Gleichman found with the Threefold model regarding
Gamism, based on discussion in a previous thread entitled Re: Gamism vs Dramatism (long).

The most notable thing is the central importance of player skill, and the distinction of "resolution points" as
being separate from the continuous game as a whole.

         Gamist play centers around the concept that the most important part of a RPG is found in the Resolution
Points that arise during play.

         A Resolution Point is simply that part of the game where conflicts are decided. A very common Resolution
Point is a single battle. However any test of skill or the solving of a puzzle can also viewed in this way.

         It is during the Resolution Point that the gamist pits his skill against whatever obstacle stands in the way
using the abilities and resources granted him by the RPG.

         Setting, character, role-play and the other components of a RPG are seen as the means to justify and bring
into being these resolution points. Thereafter these 'supporting components' are a method to add meaning to the
Resolution Point and by extension the decisions of the gamist.

         In addition, the 'supporting components' of a RPG provide the operating limits for the gamist determining
in part what courses of action are available to him.

The following are gamist cornerstones for a RPG campaign:

1. Resolution Points are seen as the 'heart' of the campaign.

2. Resolution points should provide extensive options in a framework that makes option selection important.
3. The performance of the character AND its player should have a impact on the outcome of the Resolution
4. The requirement of options extends to some control over entering or retreating from Resolution points.

Last modified: Tue Jan 20 00:14:20 2004

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