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Quality Control 1 Laboratory Learning Task

Compute for what is being asked in the following items. Round off answers to 2 decimal

Topic: Direct and Residual Titration (Acidimetry and alkalimetry)

1. A NaHCO3 sample has a purity of 98.567%. 225 ml of 0.1 N H2SO4 was used to
reach an endpoint. How much NaHCO3 was used in the analysis?

ml x N x meq wt . x 100
%purity= 98.567% %=
V= 225 ml Sample weight( g)
N= 0.1 N H2SO4 225 mL x 0.1 N x 0.084 meq x 100
Meq of the Sample 98.567 %=
= 84.007 g/mol X 98.567%=225 mL x 0.1 N x 0.084 meq x 100
1 x 1000
meq = 0.084
Wt. of the sample (g) =? X 98.567%= 189

X 98.567 189
98.567 98.567

X= 1.92 g of NaHCO3 was used

2. In the assay of 10g of NaCl, 25 ml of the titrant with a concentration of 0.1N was
used to reach an endpoint. What is the purity of the NaCl sample?

Given: ml x N x meq wt . x 100

Wt. of the sample= 10g %=
V= 25 mL Sample weight( g)
N= 0.1 N 25 ml x 0.1 N x 0.05844 meq wt . x 100
Meq of the sample 10 g
= 58.44 g/mol 14.61
1x1000 %=
10 g
%purity= ? = 1.46% is the purity of the NaCl sample

3. A 100 ml solution contains 2.5 g of HCl. Only 55 ml of the solution was taken for
analysis. 25 ml of 0.1N NaOH solution was consumed to reach the endpoint. What is
the % purity of the HCl sample?

V= 25mL
N= 0.1N
Wt. of the sample:
100ml = 2.5g
55ml x
ml x N x meq wt . x 100
Sample weight( g)
Meq of HCl
=36.458 25 ml x 0.1 N x 0.036458 meq wt . x 100
1x1000 1.375 g
1.375 g
%= 6.63% is the purity of the HCl sample

4. 3 grams of Zinc oxide was treated with 48 ml of 1.32N H2SO4 in a titration. The
excess was then back titrated with =. What is the purity of the Zinc Oxide sample?

Given: [(Va x Na)−(Vb x Nb)] x meq wt x 100

Va= 48mL Sample weight
Vb= 41mL
Na= 1.32 N [(48 ml x 1.32 N )−(41 ml x 1.2 N)] x 0.04069 x 100
Nb= 1.2 N 3g
Wt. of the sample= 3g 14.16 x 0.04069 x 100
meq = 81.38 g/mol
2 x 1000 = 19.21% is the purity of the Zinc oxide sample
meq = 0.04069

5. If a 1.8 g sample of Zinc oxide, 95.0% ZnO were treated with 33 ml of 1.1230N
H2SO4 in the usual way, what volume of 0.09765N NaOH would be required in the
back titration?

Given: [(Va x Na)−(Vb x Nb)] x meq wt x 100

Va= 33mL Sample weight
Na= 1.1230N
Nb= 0.09765N [(33 ml x 1.1230 N)−( X x 0.09765 N )] x 0.04069 x 100
95.0 %=
Wt. = 1.8g 1.8 g
%Purity= 95.0% (95.0%)(1.8g)= [(33mL x 1.1230 N) – (X x0.09765 N)] x 0.04069
meq = 81.38 g/mol x 100
2 x 1000 171%= (37.059 - 0.09765X) x 4.069
meq = 0.04069
171%= 150.79 -0.3973X
Vb=? 171-150.79= -0.3973X
20.21= -0.3973X
20.21 −0.3973 X
−0.3973 −0.3973
= -50.87 mL (since volume is of absolute value)
= 50.87 mL of 0.09765N NaOH would be required in the back titration

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