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Task 4 – My past and my future.


Astrid Yanira Lemus.

Diego Mauricio Cuartas Betancur.

Group number: 518009 - 7

Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia.

School of education.

English IV.

April 09th, 2021.

Myaccess feedback:

Video link:

YouTube link:


Hello everyone, my name is Diego Mauricio Cuartas Betancur.

I was born in 1987 in Medellin - Antioquia.

I have one brother, and one sister whom I love so much even though we don't talk too

much since I am living in Cundinamarca and they live in Medellin.

When I was a kid we used to live all together, mom, dad, and my brother and my sister.

Also, I used to love playing with my cousins, my brother, and my sister, and furthermore, I loved

to watch cartoons, through the pass of time and when I started to went to school I would make

friends easily because I used to be really easygoing and friendly.

At school, I was one of the best students thanks to my dedication and effort, also because

my mom always helped me, and showed me the importance of studying hard and be prepared for

the future, that is why I was promoted from third grade to fourth due to high knowledge level.

Then, when I started high school, and I realized the importance of English, and I started to study

by myself while my dad had money to enrolled me in an English course, there were when I had

the chance to learned and strengthened my skills.

Although when I was in elementary, I used to have so many friends, it started to change

as I was turning older and when I was in high school I barely had three or four close friends.

I began to study at the university, first, I started to study, and I was almost getting my

degree when I realized that San Martin University has been scamming us because it didn't have

the permissions to operate, and after different sues and a long legal process I couldn't do

anything more than start again in another university, and now I am here trying to become myself

into one of the best teachers and trying to give my son all I can, not just in his day by day but

also for his future.

Name of the soap opera: The hill boy.
Theme: Dramma - Passion for success.
Context / Locations: Tena – Cundinamarca (Countryside) – Bogotá.
Audience: Children, teenagers and adults.
Michael: [Anxious] What’s that sound, Dad?
Diego: [Wise] That’s the sound of nature, those are birds, and we are so lucky to hear them every day in the
Michael: Why Dad?
Diego: Because nature has been suffered a lot due to human beings' actions, so it is something that not everyone
can appreciate.
[Time passed and Michael grew up]
Michael: [Confused] Dad, why I cannot hear them when we are in the city?
Diego: That’s because of the city noise, as you know there are many cars, people screaming and selling things, so
that all these wonderful sounds cannot be heard.
Michael: Day. I want to live here outside the city forever, and not hurt animals like people in the city.
Diego: My dear, that’s an admiring way of thinking but one day you will be forced to move to the city to study
and work if you want to succeed.
Michael: [Determined] No dad, I won’t, I will look for different options to study, to work, and succeed.
I know, there must be many things I can do to be professional and impact the world in a good way, I will study to
be a veterinarian online, I have heard that UNAD university is the best choice.
Diego: That’s a great idea son, I will be so proud that day you become a professional veterinarian, but keep in
mind that you must study so hard and be always focus on your dream.
Michael: I will do it dad.
[While time passed and animal sounds went from hard to soft due to weather conditions, Michael started to
study and going over multiple obstacles he reached his dream and could become himself into a professional
Michael: [Excited] Dad, dad… Look, I have just received the invitation to the degree ceremony, and you will see
me finally getting my degree.
Diego: [Crying] Dear son, I am so proud of you and no matter how many years it took now you are becoming a
professional, you will be an excellent veterinarian, and undoubtedly, I will be the proudest dad ever.
Michael: [Crying] Do not cry dad, this is for us, thanks to your support and hard work.
Soap opera recording link:

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