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Chapter 5

Accounting for Merchandise

• Merchandise Operations
• Buyer’s Record
• Seller’s Record
• Adjusting Entries
• Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Statement of Financial Position
• In-Class Exercise
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 2
Merchandise Operations
• A merchandising company is an enterprise that
buys and sells goods to earn revenue.

• Merchandising companies that purchase and

sell directly to consumers are retailers, and
those that sell to retailers are known as

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 3

Merchandise Operations
• Merchandising
• Buy and Sell Goods
• Retailer

Wholesaler Consumer

• The primary source of revenues is referred to as sales revenue or sales.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 4
Merchandise Operations
• The primary source of revenues for
merchandising companies is the sale of
merchandise, referred to as sales revenue or

• A merchandising company has two categories of

• a. Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS) is the total cost
of merchandise sold during the period.
• b. Operating expenses are expenses incurred in
the process of earning sales revenues.
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 5
Merchandise Operations
• Income Measurement

• Cost of goods sold is the

total cost of merchandise
sold during the period.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 6

Merchandise Operations
• Gross profit is the difference between sales
revenue and cost of goods sold.

• For example, if sales are ₤5,000 and cost of

goods sold is ₤3,000, gross profit is ₤2,000.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 7

Merchandise Operations
• After gross profit is calculated, operating
expenses are deducted to determine net income
(or loss).

• Operating expenses are expenses incurred in

the process of earning sales revenue.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 8

Merchandise Operations
The operating
cycle of a
ordinarily is
longer than that
of a service

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 9

Merchandise Operations
• Flow of costs

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 10

Merchandise Operations
• Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. If false,
indicate how to correct the statement.
1. The primary source of revenue for a merchandising
company results from performing services for
2. The operating cycle of a service company is usually
shorter than that of a merchandising company.
3. Sales revenue less cost of goods sold equals gross
4. Ending inventory plus the cost of goods purchased
equals cost of goods available for sale.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 11

Merchandise Operations
• Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. If false,
indicate how to correct the statement.
1. The primary source of revenue for a merchandising • False
company results from performing services for • (service
customers. company)
2. The operating cycle of a service company is usually
shorter than that of a merchandising company.
3. Sales revenue less cost of goods sold equals gross
4. Ending inventory plus the cost of goods purchased
equals cost of goods available for sale.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 12

Merchandise Operations
• Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. If false,
indicate how to correct the statement.
1. The primary source of revenue for a merchandising • False
company results from performing services for • (service
customers. company)
2. The operating cycle of a service company is usually
• True
shorter than that of a merchandising company.
3. Sales revenue less cost of goods sold equals gross
4. Ending inventory plus the cost of goods purchased
equals cost of goods available for sale.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 13

Merchandise Operations
• Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. If false,
indicate how to correct the statement.
1. The primary source of revenue for a merchandising • False
company results from performing services for • (service
customers. company)
2. The operating cycle of a service company is usually
• True
shorter than that of a merchandising company.
3. Sales revenue less cost of goods sold equals gross • True
4. Ending inventory plus the cost of goods purchased
equals cost of goods available for sale.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 14

Merchandise Operations
• Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. If false,
indicate how to correct the statement.
1. The primary source of revenue for a merchandising • False
company results from performing services for • (service
customers. company)
2. The operating cycle of a service company is usually
• True
shorter than that of a merchandising company.
3. Sales revenue less cost of goods sold equals gross • True
• False
4. Ending inventory plus the cost of goods purchased
• (Beg.
equals cost of goods available for sale. Inventory +
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- CGAS)15
Merchandise Operations
• A merchandising company may use either a
perpetual or a periodic inventory system
in determining cost of goods sold.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 16

Merchandise Operations
• Flow of costs
• Perpetual System
• Maintain detailed records of the cost of each
inventory purchase and sale
• Records continuously show inventory that should be
on hand for every item
• Company determines cost of goods sold each time a
sale occurs

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 17

Merchandise Operations
• Flow of costs
• Periodic System
– Does not keep detailed records of goods on hand
– Cost of goods sold determined by count
– Calculation of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS):
Beginning inventory €100,000
Add: Purchases, net 800,000
Goods available for sale 900,000
Less: Ending inventory 125,000
Cost of goods sold €775,000
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 18
Recording Purchases
• a. In a perpetual inventory system, detailed
records of the cost of each inventory item are
maintained and the cost of each item sold is
determined from the records when the sale

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 108-

109- 19
Recording Purchases
• b. In a periodic inventory system, detailed inventory
records are not maintained and the cost of goods sold is
determined only at the end of an accounting period by:

• (1) determining the cost of goods on hand at the

beginning of the accounting period,

• (2) adding the cost of purchases, and

• (3) subtracting the cost of goods on hand as determined

by a physical inventory count at the end of the
accounting period.
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 108-
109- 20
Merchandise Operations
• Flow of costs
• Advantages of the Perpetual System
• The perpetual inventory system is so named
because the accounting records continuously
(perpetually) show the quantity and cost of the
inventory that should be on hand.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 21

Merchandise Operations
• Flow of costs
• Advantages of the Perpetual System
• a. Comparison of a physical inventory count
to the amount of goods on hand according to
the inventory records will reveal if a shortage

• b. If a shortage is discovered, a company can

investigate immediately and adjust the cost of
the goods on hand, if needed.
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 22
Merchandise Operations
• Under the perpetual inventory system,
purchases of merchandise for sale are recorded
in by debiting the Inventory account and
crediting Cash or Accounts Payable.

• For a cash purchase, Cash is credited; for a

credit purchase, Accounts Payable is credited.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 23

Merchandise Operations
• Freight terms are expressed as either FOB
shipping point or FOB destination.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 24

Merchandise Operations

•Ownership of the goods •Ownership of the goods

passes to the buyer when the remains with the seller until
public carrier accepts the the goods reach the buyer.
goods from the seller.

•Freight costs incurred by the seller are an operating expense.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 25

Merchandise Operations
• FOB shipping point means that goods are
placed free on board the carrier by the seller,
and the buyer must pay the freight costs.

• FOB destination means that goods are placed

free on board at the buyer’s place of business,
and the seller pays the freight.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 26

Merchandise Operations
• When the purchaser pays the freight, Inventory
(that includes freight) is debited and Cash is

• When the seller pays the freight, Delivery

Expense or Freight-out is debited and cash is

• This account is classified as an operating

expense by the seller.
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 27
• Merchandise Operations
• Buyer’s Record
• Seller’s Record
• Adjusting Entries
• Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Statement of Financial Position
• In-Class Exercise
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 28
Buyer’s Record
• Normally record when goods are received
from the seller
• Made using cash or credit (on account)
• Purchase invoice should support each credit

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 29

• Purchase
support each

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 30

• Illustration: Sauk Stereo (the
buyer) uses as a purchase
invoice the sales invoice
prepared by PW Audio Supply,
Inc. (the seller).
• Prepare the journal entry for
Sauk Stereo for the invoice
from PW Audio Supply.

• May 4 • Inventory • 3,800

• Accounts Payable • 3,800

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 31

Buyer’s Record
• Illustration: Assume upon delivery of the goods on May
6, Sauk Stereo pays Public Freight Company €150 for
freight charges, the entry on Sauk Stereo’s books is:

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 32

Buyer’s Record
• Illustration: Assume upon delivery of the goods on May
6, Sauk Stereo pays Public Freight Company €150 for
freight charges, the entry on Sauk Stereo’s books is:

• May 6 • Inventory • 150

• Cash • 150

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 108-

109- 33
Buyer’s Record
• A purchaser may be dissatisfied with the
merchandise received because

• 1) the goods may be damaged or defective,

• 2) of inferior quality, or
• 3) not in accord with the purchaser’s

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 34

Buyer’s Record
• A purchaser may return goods to the seller.

• The return of goods to the seller is known as a

purchase return.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 108-

109- 35
Buyer’s Record
• The purchaser may return the merchandise, or
choose to keep the merchandise if the supplier
is willing to grant an allowance (deduction)
from the purchase price.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 36

Buyer’s Record
• Purchase Return
• Return goods for credit if the sale was made
on credit, or for a cash refund if the
purchase was for cash.

• Purchase Allowance
• May choose to keep the merchandise if the
seller will grant a reduction of the purchase
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 37
Buyer’s Record
• Illustration: Assume Sauk Stereo returned
goods costing €300 to PW Audio Supply on
May 8.

• May 8 • Accounts Payable • 300

• Inventory • 300

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 38

Buyer’s Record
• Suppose instead that Sauk Stereo chose to
keep the goods after being granted a $50
allowance (reduction in price).

• It would reduce (debit) Accounts Payable and

reduce (credit) Inventory for $50.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 39

Buyer’s Record
• Credit terms may permit buyer to claim a
cash discount for prompt payment.

• Advantages:
• Purchaser saves money; purchase discount.
• Seller shortens the operating cycle by converting the
accounts receivable into cash earlier

• Example: Credit terms may read 2/10, n/30.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 40
Buyer’s Record
• 2/10, n/30
• 2% discount if paid within 10 days, otherwise
net amount due within 30 days.
• 1/10 EOM (following the End Of Month)
• 1% discount if paid within first 10 days of next
• n/10 EOM
• Net amount due within the first 10 days of the
next month. Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 41
Buyer’s Record
• If a purchase discount has terms 3/10, n/30,
then a 3% discount is taken on the invoice
price (less any returns or allowances) if
payment is made within 10 days.

• If payment is not made within 10 days, then

there is no purchase discount, and the net
amount of the bill is due within 30 days.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 42

Buyer’s Record
• Illustration: Assume Sauk Stereo pays the
balance due of €3,500 (gross invoice price of
€3,800 less purchase returns and allowances of
€300) on May 14, the last day of the discount
period (Term: 2/10).

• Prepare the journal entry Sauk Stereo makes

on May 14 to record the payment.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 43

Buyer’s Record
• May 14 • Accounts Payable • 3,500
• Inventory • 70
• Cash • 3,430
• (Discount = €3,500 × 2% = €70)

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 44

Buyer’s Record
• When an invoice is paid within the discount
period, the amount of the discount is credited
to Inventory.

• When an invoice is not paid within the

discount period, then the usual entry is made
with a debit to Accounts Payable ($3,500) and
a credit to Cash ($3,500).

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 45

Buyer’s Record
• Illustration: If Sauk Stereo failed to take the
discount, and instead made full payment of
€3,500 on June 3, the journal entry would be:

• June 3 • Accounts Payable • 3,500

• Cash • 3,500

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 46

Buyer’s Record
• Buyer’s record
Purchase May 4 3,800 May 8 300 Purchase return
Freight-in 6 150 14 70 Purchase discount
Balance 3,580

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 47

Buyer’s Record
• On September 5, Zhu Company (buyer) buys
merchandise on account from Gao Company

• The purchase price of the goods paid by Zhu is


• Record the transactions on the books of Zhu

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 48
Buyer’s Record
• Buyer’s record

• Sept. 5 • Inventory • 15,000

• Accounts Payable • 15,000

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 49

Buyer’s Record
• On September 8, Zhu returns defective goods
with a selling price of ¥2,000 for goods.

• Record the transactions on the books of Zhu


Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 50

Buyer’s Record
• Buyer’s record

• Sept. 8 • Accounts Payable • 2,000

• Inventory • 2,000

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 51

• Merchandise Operations
• Buyer’s Record
• Seller’s Record
• Adjusting Entries
• Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Statement of Financial Position
• In-Class Exercise
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 52
Seller’s Record
• Sales revenue, like service revenue, is recorded
when the performance obligation is satisfied
• Performance obligation is satisfied when
goods are transferred from seller to buyer
• Sales may be made on credit or for cash
• Sales invoice should support each credit sale

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 53

Sales invoice
should support
each credit

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 54

Seller’s Record
• The cost of goods sold is recognized for each
sale by debiting Cost of Goods Sold and
crediting Inventory.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 55

Seller’s Record
• Journal Entries to Record a Sale

#1 Cash or Accounts Receivable XXX Selling

Sales Revenue XXX Price

#2 Cost of Goods Sold XXX

Inventory XXX

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 56

Seller’s Record
• Illustration: PW Audio Supply (seller) records
the sale of €3,800 on May 4 to Sauk Stereo on
account as follows.

• Assume the merchandise cost of €2,400 to PW

Audio Supply (seller).

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 57

Seller’s Record

• May 4 • Accounts Receivable • 3,800

• Sales Revenue • 3,800

• May 4 • Cost of Goods Sold • 2,400

• Inventory • 2,400

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 108-

109- 58
Seller’s Record

Sales Returns and

Sales Revenue Allowances Sales Discounts
3,800 300 70

Net Sales

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 59

Seller’s Record
• Sales Returns and Allowances is a contra-
revenue account to Sales Revenue.

• Companies use a contra account, instead of

debiting Sales Revenue, to disclose in the
accounts and in the income statement the
amount of sales returns and allowances.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 60

Seller’s Record
• Sales not reduced (debited) because:

– Could distort comparisons

– Would obscure importance of sales returns and
allowances as a percentage of sales

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 61

Seller’s Record
• Sales discounts

• Offered to customers to promote prompt

payment of balance due

• Contra-revenue account (debit) to Sales


Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 62

Seller’s Record
• Like Sales Returns and Allowances, Sales
Discounts is a contra- revenue account to
Sales Revenue and its normal balance is a

• Seller record sales returns and allowances

by crediting (decreasing) Cost of Goods
Sold and debiting (increasing) the Inventory
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 63
Seller’s Record
• Illustration: Prepare the entry PW Audio
Supply (seller) would make to record the credit
for returned goods that had a €300 selling price
of goods (assume a €140 cost of goods).

• Assume the goods were not defective.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 64

Seller’s Record

• May 8 • Sales Returns and Allowance • 300

• Accounts Receivable • 300

• May 8 • Inventory • 140

• Cost of Goods Sold • 140

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 65

Seller’s Record
• Illustration: Assume the returned goods were
defective and had a scrap value of €50, PW
Audio would make the following entries:

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 66

Seller’s Record
• May 8 • Sales Returns and Allowance • 300
• Accounts Receivable • 300

• May 8 • Inventory • 50
• Cost of Goods Sold • 50

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 67

Seller’s Record
• The cost of goods sold is determined and
recorded each time a sale occurs in:
a. periodic inventory system only.
b. a perpetual inventory system only.
c. both a periodic and perpetual inventory system.
d. neither a periodic nor perpetual inventory system.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 68

Seller’s Record
• The cost of goods sold is determined and
recorded each time a sale occurs in:
a. periodic inventory system only.
b. a perpetual inventory system only.
c. both a periodic and perpetual inventory system.
d. neither a periodic nor perpetual inventory system.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 69

Seller’s Record
• Illustration: Assume Sauk Stereo (buyer) pays
the balance due of €3,500 (gross invoice price
of €3,800 less purchase returns and allowances
of €300) on May 14, the last day of the
discount period. (2/10).

• Prepare the journal entry PW Audio Supply

(seller) makes to record the receipt on May 14.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 70

Seller’s Record

• May 14 • Cash • 3,430

• Sales Discounts • 70*
• Accounts Receivable • 3,500

• *[€3,500 x 2%] = [(€3,800 − €300) × 2%]

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 71

Seller’s Record
• On September 5, Zhu Company (buyers)
buys merchandise on account from Gao
Company (seller).

• The selling price of the goods mandated by

the seller is ¥15,000, and the cost to seller
was ¥8,000.

• Record the transactions on the books of Gao

Company (seller).
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 72
Recording Sales
• Sept. 5 • Accounts Receivable • 15,000
• Sales Revenue • 15,000

• Sept. 5 • Cost of Goods Sold • 8,000

• Inventory • 8,000

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 73

Seller’s Record
• On September 8, Zhu (buyer) returns
defective goods with a selling price of
¥2,000 of goods and a fair value of ¥300
determined by the seller.

• Record the transactions on the books of Gao

Company (seller).

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 74

Seller’s Record
• Sept. 8 • Sales Returns and Allowances • 2,000
• Accounts Receivable • 2,000

• Sept. 8 • Inventory • 300

• Cost of Goods Sold • 300

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 75

• Merchandise Operations
• Buyer’s Record
• Seller’s Record
• Adjusting Entries
• Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Statement of Financial Position
• In-Class Exercise
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 76
Adjusting Entries
• At the end of each period, for control purposes,
a merchandising company that uses a perpetual
system will take a physical count of its goods
on hand.

• A company’s unadjusted balance in Inventory

usually does not agree with the actual amount
of inventory on hand.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 77

Adjusting Entries
• The company may need to adjust the perpetual
inventory records to make the recorded
inventory amount agree with the inventory on

• This involves crediting (or debiting) Inventory

and debiting (or crediting) Cost of Goods Sold.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 78

Adjusting Entries
• Adjusting entries
• Generally same as a service company
• One additional adjustment to make records
agree with actual inventory on hand
• Involves adjusting Inventory and Cost of
Goods Sold

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 79

Adjusting Entries
• Illustration: Suppose that PW Audio Supply
(seller) has an unadjusted balance of €40,500
in Inventory.

• Through a physical count, PW Audio Supply

(seller) determines that its actual merchandise
inventory at December 31 is €40,000.

• The company would make an adjusting entry

as follows. Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 80
Adjusting Entries

Dec. 31 Cost of Goods Sold 500

Inventory (€40,500 − €40,000) 500

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 81

Closing Entries
• 1. The temporary accounts with credit
balances are closed to Income Summary.

• 2. The temporary accounts with debit

balances are closed to Income Summary.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 82

Closing Entries
• 3. Income Summary is closed to the Retained
Earnings account.

• 4. The Dividends account is closed to the

Retained Earnings account.

• In journalizing, all debit column amounts are

credited, and all credit columns amounts are
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 83
Closing Entries
Dec. 31 Service Revenue 480,000
Income Summary 480,000
(Close credit balance accounts)
31 Income Summary 450,000
Cost of Goods Sold 316,000
Salaries and Wages Expense 64,000
Utilities Expense 17,000
Advertising Expense 16,000
Sales Returns and Allowances 12,000
Sales Discounts 8,000
Depreciation Expense 8,000
Freight-Out 7,000
Insurance Expense 2,000
(Close debit balance accounts)
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 84
Closing Entries

Dec. 31 Income Summary 30,000

Retained Earnings 30,000
(To close net income to retained
31 Retained Earnings 15,000
Dividends 15,000
(To close dividends to retained

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 85

Closing Entries
• The trial balance of Celine’s Sports Wear Shop at
December 31 shows Inventory €25,000, Sales
Revenue €162,400, Sales Returns and Allowances
€4,800, Sales Discounts €3,600 …

• Cost of Goods Sold €110,000, Rent Revenue €6,000,

Freight-Out €1,800, Rent Expense €8,800, and
Salaries and Wages Expense €22,000.

• Prepare the closing entries for the above accounts.

Revenue first.
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 86
Closing Entries
Dec. 31 Sales Revenue 162,400
Rent Revenue 6,000
Income Summary 168,400

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 87

Closing Entries
• Prepare the closing entries for the above
accounts. Expenses.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 88

Closing Entries
• Prepare the closing entries for the above

Dec. 31 Income Summary 151,000

Cost of Goods Sold 110,000
Sales Returns and Allowances 4,800
Sales Discounts 3,600
Freight-Out 1,800
Rent Expense 8,800
Salaries and Wages Expense 22,000
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 89
• Merchandise Operations
• Buyer’s Record
• Seller’s Record
• Adjusting Entries
• Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Statement of Financial Position
• In-Class Exercise
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 90
Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Primary source of information for evaluating a
company’s performance.

• Includes sales revenues, cost of goods sold,

gross profit, operating expenses, other income
and expense, and interest expense.

• Format is designed to differentiate between

various sources of income and expense.
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 91
Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Income Statement Presentation of Sales

PW Audio Supply
Income Statement (partial)
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020

Service revenue €480,000
Less: Sales returns and allowances €12,000
Sales discounts 8,000 20,000
Net sales €460,000

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 92

PW Audio Supply

Income Income Statement

For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
Statement Service revenue
Less: Sales returns and allowances €12,000

Sales discounts 8,000 20,000

Net sales 460,000
Key Items: Cost of goods sold 316,000
Gross profit 144,000
• Sales Operating expenses
Salaries and wages expense 64,000
Utilities expense 17,000
Advertising expense 16,000
Depreciation expense 8,000
Freight-out 7,000
Insurance expense 2,000
Total operating expenses 114,000
Income from operations 30,000
Other income and expense
Interest revenue 3,000
Gain on disposal of plant assets 600
Casualty loss from vandalism 200 3,400
Interest expense 1,800
Net income € 31,600

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 93

Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Gross Profit

• On the basis of the sales data for PW Audio

Supply (seller) (net sales of €460,000) and cost
of goods sold under the perpetual inventory
system (assume €316,000), PW Audio Supply
(seller)’s gross profit is €144,000, computed as

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 94

Multiple-Step Income Statement
Net Sales €460,000

Cost of goods sold 316,000

Gross profit €144,000

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 95

Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Gross Profit
• We also can express a company’s gross profit
as a percentage, called the gross profit rate.
Gross Profit ÷ Net Sales = Gross Profit Rate
€144,000 ÷ €460,000 = 31.3%

• Analysts generally consider the gross profit

rate to be more useful than the gross profit
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 96
PW Audio Supply

Income Income Statement

For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
Statement Service revenue
Less: Sales returns and allowances €12,000

Sales discounts 8,000 20,000

Net sales 460,000
Key Items: Cost of goods sold 316,000
Gross profit 144,000
• Sales Operating expenses
Salaries and wages expense 64,000
• Gross Profit Utilities expense 17,000
Advertising expense 16,000
Depreciation expense 8,000
Freight-out 7,000
Insurance expense 2,000
Total operating expenses 114,000
Income from operations 30,000
Other income and expense
Interest revenue 3,000
Gain on disposal of plant assets 600
Casualty loss from vandalism 200 3,400
Interest expense 1,800
Net income € 31,600

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 97

Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Operating Expenses
• Incurred in the process of earning sales
• Operating expense for PW Audio Supply
(seller) include the following.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 98

Multiple-Step Income Statement
Operating expenses
Salaries and wages expense € 64,000
Utilities expense 17,000
Advertising expense 16,000
Depreciation expense 8,000
Freight-out 7,000
Insurance expense 2,000
Total operating expenses €114,000

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 99

PW Audio Supply

Income Income Statement

For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
Statement Service revenue
Less: Sales returns and allowances €12,000

Sales discounts 8,000 20,000

Net sales 460,000
Key Items: Cost of goods sold 316,000
Gross profit 144,000
• Sales Operating expenses
Salaries and wages expense 64,000
• Gross Profit Utilities expense 17,000
Advertising expense 16,000
Depreciation expense 8,000
• Operating Freight-out 7,000
Expenses Insurance expense 2,000
Total operating expenses 114,000
Income from operations 30,000
Other income and expense
Interest revenue 3,000
Gain on disposal of plant assets 600
Casualty loss from vandalism 200 3,400
Interest expense 1,800
Net income € 31,600

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 100

Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Operating Income (Revenue) and Expense
• Various revenues and gains and expenses and losses
that are unrelated to the company’s main line of

• Other Incomes (Revenues) / Gains

• Interest revenue from notes receivable and marketable
• Dividend revenue from investments in capital stock
• Rent revenue from subleasing a portion of the store
• Gain from the sale of property, plant, and equipment
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 101
Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Other Expenses / Losses
– Interest expense, if material, must be disclosed on
the face of the income statement.
– Casualty losses from such causes as vandalism and
– Loss from sale or abandonment of property, plant,
and equipment
– Loss from strikes by employees and suppliers

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 102

Multiple-Step Income Statement

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 103

PW Audio Supply

Income Income Statement

For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
Statement Service revenue
Less: Sales returns and allowances €12,000

Sales discounts 8,000 20,000

Net sales 460,000
Key Items: Cost of goods sold 316,000
Gross profit 144,000
• Sales Operating expenses
Salaries and wages expense 64,000
• Gross Profit Utilities expense 17,000
Advertising expense 16,000
Depreciation expense 8,000
• Operating Freight-out 7,000
Expenses Insurance expense 2,000
Total operating expenses 114,000
• Other Income and Income from operations 30,000
Other income and expense
Expense Interest revenue 3,000
Gain on disposal of plant assets 600
• Net Income Casualty loss from vandalism 200 3,400
Interest expense 1,800
Net income € 31,600

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 104

Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Comprehensive Income
• Comprehensive income includes unrealized
gains and losses that result from adjusting
recorded amounts to fair value that are not
reported in net income.
• Presents items not included in the
determination of net income.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 105

Multiple-Step Income Statement
PW Audio Supply
Comprehensive Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020

Net income
Other comprehensive income €21,500
Unrealized holding gain on investment securities (net of €400 tax) 2,300
Comprehensive income €23,800

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 106

Multiple-Step Income Statement
• The multiple-step income statement for a
merchandiser shows each of the following
features except:
a.gross profit.
b.cost of goods sold.
c.a sales revenue section.
d.investing activities section.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 107

Multiple-Step Income Statement
• The multiple-step income statement for a
merchandiser shows each of the following
features except:
a.gross profit.
b.cost of goods sold.
c.a sales revenue section.
d.investing activities section.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 108

Single-Step Income Statement
• Single-Step Income Statement
• Subtract total expenses from total revenues

• Why use the single-step format:

– Format is simpler and easier to read.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 109

Single-Step Income Statement

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 110

• Merchandise Operations
• Buyer’s Record
• Seller’s Record
• Adjusting Entries
• Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Statement of Financial Position
• In-Class Exercise
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 111
Statement of Financial Position
PW Audio Supply
Statement of Financial Position (Partial)
December 31, 2020
Current assets
Cash € 9,500
Accounts receivable 16,100
Inventory 40,000
Prepaid insurance 1,800
Total current assets 67,400
Property, plant, and equipment
Equipment €80,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 24,000 56,000
Total assets €123,400
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 112
Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Liabilities & Equity of $123,400

• Liabilities
– AP of $20,400
– Salaries payable of $5,000

• Equity
– Share capital of $50,000
– RE of $48,000

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 113

• As indicated in Chapter 4, a worksheet
enables companies to prepare financial
statements before they journalize and post
adjusting entries.

• The steps in preparing a worksheet for a

merchandising company are the same as for
a service company.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 114

• The following Illustration shows the
worksheet for PW Audio Supply (seller)
(excluding non-operating items).

• The unique accounts for a merchandiser

using a perpetual inventory system are in

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 108-

109- 115
PW Audio Supply
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
Adjusted Income Statement of
Trial Balance Adjustments Trial Balance Statement Financial Position
Account Titles Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr.
Cash 9,500 9,500 9,500
Accounts Receivable 16,100 1,6100 1,6100
Inventory 40,500 (a) 500 40,000 40,000
Prepaid Insurance 3,800 (b) 2,000 1,800 1,800
Equipment 80,000 80,000 80,000
Accumulated Depreciation 16,000 (c) 8,000 24,000 24,000
Accounts Payable 20,400 20,400 20,400
Share Capital-Ordinary 50,000 50,000 50,000
Retained Earnings 33,000 33,000 33,000
Dividends 15,000 15,000 15,000
Service Revenue 480,000 480,000 480,000
Sales Returns and Allow. 12,000 12,000 12,000
Sales Discounts 8,000 8,000 8,000
Cost of Goods Sold 315,500 (a) 500 316,000 316,000
Freight-Out 7,000 7,000 7,000
Advertising Expense 16,000 16,000 16,000
Salaries and Wages
Expense 59,000 (d) 5,000 64,000 64,000
Utilities Expense 17,000 17,000 17,000
Totals 599,400 599,400
Insurance Expense (b) 2,000 2,000 2,000
Depreciation Expense (c) 8,000 8,000 8,000
Salaries and Wages
Payable (d) 5,000 5,000 5,000
Totals 15,500 15,500 612,400 612,400 450,000 450,000 162,400 132,400
Net Income 30,000 30,000
Totals 480,000 480,000 162,400 162,400
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109-
Trial Balance

Debit Credit

ASSETS Cash $9,500

AR 16,100
Inventory 40,500
Prepaid 3,800
Equipment 80,000
Acc. Dep. $16,000
EQUITY Share capital 50,000
RE 33,000
Dividends 15,000
INCOME Revenue 480,000
Sales returns 12,000
Sales discount 8,000
COGS 315,500
Freight-out 7,000
Advertising expense 16,000
Salaries expense 59,000
Utilities expense 17,000
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 117
1 $599,400 $599,400
Trial Balance Adjustments Adjusted Trial Balance

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit

ASSETS Cash $9,500 Cash Cash $9,500

AR 16,100 AR AR 16,100
Inventory 40,500 Inventory $500 Inventory 40,000
Prepaid 3,800 Prepaid 2,000 Prepaid 1,800
Equipment 80,000 Equipment Equipment 80,000
Acc. Dep. $16,000 Acc. Dep. 8,000 Acc. Dep. $24,000
LIABILITIEAP 20,400 AP AP 20,400
EQUITY Share capital 50,000 Share capital Share capital 50,000
RE 33,000 RE RE 33,000
Dividends 15,000 Dividends Dividends 15,000
INCOME Revenue 480,000 Revenue Revenue 480,000
Sales returns 12,000 Sales returns Sales returns 12,000
Sales discount 8,000 Sales discount Sales discount 8,000
COGS 315,500 COGS $500 COGS 316,000
Freight-out 7,000 Freight-out Freight-out 7,000
Advertising expense 16,000 Advertising expense Advertising expense 16,000
Salaries expense 59,000 Salaries expense 5,000 Salaries expense 64,000
Utilities expense 17,000 Utilities expense Utilities expense 17,000

$599,400 $599,400

Insurance expense Insurance expense 2,000 Insurance expense 2,000

Depreciation expense Depreciation expense 8,000 Depreciation expense 8,000
Salaries payable Salaries payable 5,000 Salaries payable 5,000

$15,500 $15,500 $612,400 $612,400

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 118

Adjusted Trial Balance

Debit Credit

ASSETS Cash $9,500

AR 16,100
Inventory 40,000
Prepaid 1,800
Equipment 80,000
Acc. Dep. $24,000
Salaries payable 5,000
EQUITY Share capital 50,000
RE 33,000
Dividends 15,000
INCOME Revenue 480,000
Sales returns 12,000
Sales discount 8,000
COGS 316,000
Freight-out 7,000
Advertising expense 16,000
Salaries expense 64,000
Utilities expense 17,000
Insurance expense 2,000
Depreciation expense 8,000
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 119
$612,400 $612,400
Income Statement

INCOME Revenue $480,000

Sales returns $12,000
Sales discount 8,000
COGS 316,000
Freight-out 7,000
Advertising expense 16,000
Salaries expense 64,000
Utilities expense 17,000
Insurance expense 2,000
Depreciation expense 8,000

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 120
• RE at the end
• = RE at the beginning + income – dividends
• = $33,000 + $30,000 - $15,000
• = $48,000

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 121

Post-Closing Trial Balance

Debit Credit

ASSETS Cash $9,500

AR 16,100
Inventory 40,000
Prepaid 1,800
Equipment 80,000
Acc. Dep. $24,000
Salaries payable 5,000
EQUITY Share capital 50,000
RE 48,000

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 122

1 $147,400 $147,400
Income Statement Statement of Financial Position

Debit Credit Debit Credit

Cash Cash $9,500

AR AR 16,100
Inventory Inventory 40,000
Prepaid Prepaid 1,800
Equipment Equipment 80,000
Acc. Dep. Acc. Dep. $24,000
AP AP 20,400
Share capital Share capital 50,000
RE RE 33,000
Dividends Dividends 15,000
Revenue $480,000 Revenue
Sales returns $12,000 Sales returns
Sales discount 8,000 Sales discount
COGS 316,000 COGS
Freight-out 7,000 Freight-out
Advertising expense 16,000 Advertising expense
Salaries expense 64,000 Salaries expense
Utilities expense 17,000 Utilities expense

Insurance expense 2,000 Insurance expense

Depreciation expense 8,000 Depreciation expense
Salaries payable Salaries payable 5,000

$450,000 $480,000 $162,400 $132,400

Income $30,000 $30,000
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 123
1 $162,400 $162,400
Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Accounts payable
Accounts receivable
Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings
Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment
Advertising Expense
Depreciation Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 124

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Accounts payable SFP Current liabilities
Accounts receivable
Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings
Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment
Advertising Expense
Depreciation Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 125

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Accounts payable SFP Current liabilities
Accounts receivable SFP Current assets
Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings
Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment
Advertising Expense
Depreciation Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 126

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Accounts payable SFP Current liabilities
Accounts receivable SFP Current assets
Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment
Advertising Expense
Depreciation Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 127

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Accounts payable SFP Current liabilities
Accounts receivable SFP Current assets
Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Advertising Expense
Depreciation Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 128

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Accounts payable SFP Current liabilities
Accounts receivable SFP Current assets
Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Advertising Expense IS Operating expenses
Depreciation Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 129

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Accounts payable SFP Current liabilities
Accounts receivable SFP Current assets
Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Advertising Expense IS Operating expenses
Buildings SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Depreciation Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 130

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Accounts payable SFP Current liabilities
Accounts receivable SFP Current assets
Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Advertising Expense IS Operating expenses
Buildings SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Cash SFP Current assets
Depreciation Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 131

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Accounts payable SFP Current liabilities
Accounts receivable SFP Current assets
Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Advertising Expense IS Operating expenses
Buildings SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Cash SFP Current assets
Depreciation Expense IS Operating expenses

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 132

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets
Insurance Expense

Interest Payable
Notes Payable (due in 3 years)

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 133

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets
Insurance Expense

Interest Payable
Notes Payable (due in 3 years)

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 134

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Freight-Out IS Operating expenses
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets
Insurance Expense

Interest Payable
Notes Payable (due in 3 years)

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 135

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Freight-Out IS Operating expenses
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets IS Other income and expense
Insurance Expense

Interest Payable
Notes Payable (due in 3 years)

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 136

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Freight-Out IS Operating expenses
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets IS Other income and expense
Insurance Expense IS Operating expenses

Interest Payable
Notes Payable (due in 3 years)

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 137

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Freight-Out IS Operating expenses
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets IS Other income and expense
Insurance Expense IS Operating expenses

Interest Payable SFP Current liabilities

Notes Payable (due in 3 years)

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 138

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Freight-Out IS Operating expenses
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets IS Other income and expense
Insurance Expense IS Operating expenses

Interest Payable SFP Current liabilities

Inventory SFP Current assets
Notes Payable (due in 3 years)

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 139

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Freight-Out IS Operating expenses
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets IS Other income and expense
Insurance Expense IS Operating expenses

Interest Payable SFP Current liabilities

Inventory SFP Current assets
Land SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Notes Payable (due in 3 years)

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 140

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.
Account Statement Classification
Equipment SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Freight-Out IS Operating expenses
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets IS Other income and expense
Insurance Expense IS Operating expenses

Interest Payable SFP Current liabilities

Inventory SFP Current assets
Land SFP Property, plant, and equipment
Notes Payable (due in 3 years) SFP Non-current liabilities

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 141

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.

Account Statement Classification
Property Taxes Payable
Salaries and Wages Expense
Salaries and Wages Payable
Sales Returns and Allowances
Sales Revenue
Share Capital—Ordinary
Utilities Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 142

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.

Account Statement Classification
Property Taxes Payable SFP Current liabilities
Salaries and Wages Expense
Salaries and Wages Payable
Sales Returns and Allowances
Sales Revenue
Share Capital—Ordinary
Utilities Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 143

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.

Account Statement Classification
Property Taxes Payable SFP Current liabilities
Salaries and Wages Expense IS Operating expenses
Salaries and Wages Payable
Sales Returns and Allowances
Sales Revenue
Share Capital—Ordinary
Utilities Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 144

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.

Account Statement Classification
Property Taxes Payable SFP Current liabilities
Salaries and Wages Expense IS Operating expenses
Salaries and Wages Payable SFP Current liabilities
Sales Returns and Allowances
Sales Revenue
Share Capital—Ordinary
Utilities Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 145

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.

Account Statement Classification
Property Taxes Payable SFP Current liabilities
Salaries and Wages Expense IS Operating expenses
Salaries and Wages Payable SFP Current liabilities
Sales Returns and Allowances IS Sales
Sales Revenue
Share Capital—Ordinary
Utilities Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 146

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.

Account Statement Classification
Property Taxes Payable SFP Current liabilities
Salaries and Wages Expense IS Operating expenses
Salaries and Wages Payable SFP Current liabilities
Sales Returns and Allowances IS Sales
Sales Revenue IS Sales
Share Capital—Ordinary
Utilities Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 147

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.

Account Statement Classification
Property Taxes Payable SFP Current liabilities
Salaries and Wages Expense IS Operating expenses
Salaries and Wages Payable SFP Current liabilities
Sales Returns and Allowances IS Sales
Sales Revenue IS Sales
Share Capital—Ordinary SFP Equity
Utilities Expense

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 148

Statement of Financial Position
• Indicate in which financial statement and under what
classification each of the following would be reported.

Account Statement Classification
Property Taxes Payable SFP Current liabilities
Salaries and Wages Expense IS Operating expenses
Salaries and Wages Payable SFP Current liabilities
Sales Returns and Allowances IS Sales
Sales Revenue IS Sales
Share Capital—Ordinary SFP Equity
Utilities Expense IS Operating expenses

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 149

• Merchandise Operations
• Buyer’s Record
• Seller’s Record
• Adjusting Entries
• Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Statement of Financial Position
• In-Class Exercise
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 150
• Similarities
• Under both GAAP and IFRS, a company can
choose to use either a perpetual or periodic
inventory systems.

• The definition for inventory under GAAP is

essentially the same as under IFRS.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 151

• Inventories are defined by IFRS as held-for-sale
in the ordinary course of business, in the
process of production for such sale, or in the form
of materials or supplies to be consumed in the
production process or in the performing of

• Similar to GAAP, comprehensive income under

IFRS includes unrealized gains and losses (such
as those on non-trading securities) that are not
included in the calculation of net income.
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 152
• Differences
• Under GAAP companies generally classify
income statement items by function.

• Classification by function leads to descriptions

like administration, distribution (selling), and

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 153

• Presentation of the income statement under
GAAP follows either a single-step or
multiple-step format.

• IFRS does not mention a single-step or

multiple-step approach.

• Under IFRS revaluation of land, buildings,

and intangible assets is permitted.
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 154
• The initial gains and losses resulting from this
revaluation are reported as adjustments to equity,
often referred to as other comprehensive

• The effect of this difference is that the use of

IFRS results in more transactions affecting
equity (other comprehensive income) but not net

• IFRS requires that two years of income

statement information be presented, whereas
GAAP requires three years.
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 155
• Looking to the Future
• The IASB and FASB are working on a project that
would rework the structure of financial statements.

• Specifically, this project will address the issue of how

to classify various items in the income statement.

• A main goal is to provide information that better

represents how businesses are run. In addition, this
approach draws attention away from just one number—
net income.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 156

• It will adopt major groupings similar to those
currently used by the statement of cash flows
(operating, investing, and financing), so that
numbers can be more readily traced across

• For example, the amount of income that is

generated by operations would be traceable to
the assets and liabilities used to generate the
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 157
• This approach would also provide detail,
beyond that currently seen in most statements
(either GAAP or IFRS), by requiring that line
items be presented both by function and by

• The new financial statement format was

heavily influenced by suggestions from
financial statement analysts.
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 158
• Merchandise Operations
• Buyer’s Record
• Seller’s Record
• Adjusting Entries
• Multiple-Step Income Statement
• Statement of Financial Position
• In-Class Exercise
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 159
In-Class Exercise
• 1. Net income from operations is gross profit
• a. financing expenses.
• b. operating expenses.
• c. other income and expense.
• d. other expenses.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 160

In-Class Exercise
• 1. Net income from operations is gross profit
• a. financing expenses.
• b. operating expenses.
• c. other income and expense.
• d. other expenses.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 161

In-Class Exercise
• 2. Which of the following would not be
considered a merchandising company?
• a. Retailer
• b. Wholesaler
• c. Service firm
• d. Dot Com firm

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 162

In-Class Exercise
• 2. Which of the following would not be
considered a merchandising company?
• a. Retailer
• b. Wholesaler
• c. Service firm
• d. Dot Com firm

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 163

In-Class Exercise
• 3. A merchandising company that sells directly
to consumers is a
• a. retailer.
• b. wholesaler.
• c. broker.
• d. service company.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 164

In-Class Exercise
• 3. A merchandising company that sells directly
to consumers is a
• a. retailer.
• b. wholesaler.
• c. broker.
• d. service company.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 165

In-Class Exercise
• 4. Two categories of expenses for
merchandising companies are
• a. cost of goods sold and financing expenses.
• b. operating expenses and financing expenses.
• c. cost of goods sold and operating expenses.
• d. sales and cost of goods sold.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 166

In-Class Exercise
• 4. Two categories of expenses for
merchandising companies are
• a. cost of goods sold and financing expenses.
• b. operating expenses and financing expenses.
• c. cost of goods sold and operating
• d. sales and cost of goods sold.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 167

In-Class Exercise
• 5. The primary source of revenue for
merchandising companies is
• a. investment income.
• b. service fees.
• c. the sale of merchandise.
• d. the sale of fixed assets the company owns.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 168

In-Class Exercise
• 5. The primary source of revenue for
merchandising companies is
• a. investment income.
• b. service fees.
• c. the sale of merchandise.
• d. the sale of fixed assets the company owns.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 169

In-Class Exercise
• 6. Sales revenue less cost of goods sold is
• a. gross profit.
• b. net profit.
• c. net income.
• d. marginal income.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 170

In-Class Exercise
• 6. Sales revenue less cost of goods sold is
• a. gross profit.
• b. net profit.
• c. net income.
• d. marginal income.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 171

In-Class Exercise
• 7. After gross profit is calculated, operating
expenses are deducted to determine
• a. gross margin.
• b. net income.
• c. gross profit on sales.
• d. net margin.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 172

In-Class Exercise
• 7. After gross profit is calculated, operating
expenses are deducted to determine
• a. gross margin.
• b. net income.
• c. gross profit on sales.
• d. net margin.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 173

In-Class Exercise
• 8. Which of the following expressions is
• a. Gross profit – operating expenses = net
• b. Sales – cost of goods sold – operating
expenses = net income
• c. Net income + operating expenses = gross
• d. Operating expenses – cost of goods sold =
gross profit
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 174
In-Class Exercise
• 8. Which of the following expressions is
• a. Gross profit – operating expenses = net
• b. Sales – cost of goods sold – operating
expenses = net income
• c. Net income + operating expenses = gross
• d. Operating expenses – cost of goods sold
= gross profit
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 175
In-Class Exercise
• 9. In a perpetual inventory system, cost of
goods sold is recorded
• a. on a daily basis.
• b. on a monthly basis.
• c. on an annual basis.
• d. with each sale.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 176

In-Class Exercise
• 9. In a perpetual inventory system, cost of
goods sold is recorded
• a. on a daily basis.
• b. on a monthly basis.
• c. on an annual basis.
• d. with each sale.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 177

In-Class Exercise
• 10. The journal entry to record a return of
merchandise purchased on account under a
perpetual inventory system would credit
• a. Accounts Payable.
• b. Purchase Returns and Allowances.
• c. Sales.
• d. Inventory.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 178

In-Class Exercise
• 10. The journal entry to record a return of
merchandise purchased on account under a
perpetual inventory system would credit
• a. Accounts Payable.
• b. Purchase Returns and Allowances.
• c. Sales.
• d. Inventory.

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 179

• 1) INVESTOR INSIGHT – Improving its
Share Appeal
• A fast-growing snowboard maker implemented
a perpetual inventory system to improve its
control over inventory. It also stated that it
would perform a physical inventory count
every quarter until it felt that the perpetual
inventory system was reliable.
• If a perpetual system keeps track of inventory
on a daily basis, why do companies ever need
to do a physical count?
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 180
ORGANIZATION – Merchandiser’s
Accounting Causes Alarm
• Recently, Tesco (GBR) announced that it had
overstated profits due to errors related to
amounts received from suppliers for
promotional activities of those companies’
• Why would an error of this type be of concern
to investors, and what steps did the company
take to address these concerns?
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 181
ORGANIZATION – Online Sales Stall in India
• Online sales are only starting to take hold in India.
This is primarily due to the fact that, until recently,
Internet access has been limited to a small portion
of the country’s population. Flipkart is a company
with a goal of becoming India’s version of However, delivery and payment
issues have hindered its growth.
• What implications do the lack of customer credit
cards and the limited transportation system have
for Flipkart’s profitability?
Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 182

Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 183


Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 184


Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 185

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• All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond
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Financial Accounting, NCKU, 109- 186


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