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英文原本的字序是 S + V …..,因此,只要是動詞移到主詞前面的句構,變成 V +
S +…..,就是「倒裝句」。所以,其實「問句」就是最基本簡單的倒裝句哦!其他特

1. 否定字詞放句首的倒裝句。應按問句形式,倒裝助動詞或 be 動詞。
Never, No, Seldom, Little, Not, Nothing…
助 V + S + V …..
Hardly, Rarely, Scarcely, … +
be + S ….
By no means, Under no circumstances, …
* 他很少遲到。 * 我以前上學從不遲到。 * 我絕不會原諒他。
He is hardly late. I never went to school late. I will forgive him by no means.
= Hardly is he late. = Never did I go to school late. = By no means will I forgive him.
* 不只我會幫他,他自己也會努力。 * 他到十歲才會講話。
Not only will I help him, but he will work hard. Not until he was ten could he speak

2. So(也) 的倒裝句
助V 比較: 助V
So + +S So + S +
be be
…也是。 …的確…。
助V 助V
=S+ , too = Yes, S +
be be
* 你年輕,我也是。 比較:*A:聽說你做得很好。 B:的確是。
You are young, and so am I. A: I hear you did a good job. B: So we did.
= You are young, and I am, too. = A: I hear you did a good job. B: Yes, we did.

* 否定「也不」倒裝要用 neither。
如:You did not feed the fish, and I did not, either.
= You did not feed the fish, and neither did I. 用 neither 後面不要再有 not

3. as(像), than(比) 的倒裝句

助V 助V
as ~ as + S 比較級 than +S
be be
助V 助V
= as ~ as + S = 比較級 than + S
be be
* 他買的衣服和他太太的一樣多。
He has bought as many clothes as has his wife.
= He has bought as many clothes as his wife (has).
* 我們的教務主任比校長高。
Our director of studies is taller than is our principal.
= Our director of studies is taller than our principal is.
= Our director of studies is taller than our principal.

4. Only 片語放句首的倒裝句。應按問句形式,倒裝助動詞或 be 動詞。

助 V + S + V …..
Only ….. +
be + S ….
第 1 頁,共 2 頁
* 我們只有靠著努力工作才能成功。 *只有下雨天,他才在家.
We can succeed only by working hard.  He is at home only when it is raining.
= Only by working hard can we succeed. = Only when it is raining is he at home.

** 以下三種倒裝,只要把 S 與 Vi 對調即可,不必用到助動詞 do(does, did)。*

5. 地方副詞放句首的倒裝句。 只要把 S 與 Vi 對調即可,不必用到助動詞

do(does, did)。
Vi + S(名詞) V 需為不及物動詞
地方副詞 +
S(代名詞) + Vi
* 乞丐在大門口等。 * 她坐在櫃檯後面。
The beggar waited at the gate. She sat behind the counter.
= At the gate waited the beggar. = Behind the counter she sat.

6. 主詞補詞放句首的倒裝句。 只要把 S 與 Vi 對調即可,不必用到助動詞

do(does, did)。
S + Vi +主詞補詞
= 主詞補詞 + Vi + S V 需為不及物動詞(所以後面才有主詞補語)
* 我的生活很空虛。 My life is empty.
= Empty is my life.
* 我的狗躺在地上。 My dog is lying on the ground.
= Lying on the ground is my dog.

7. such(如此的), so(如此地) 的倒裝句 如此…以致於……

that 子句 that 子句
S is such + S is so adj. +
as to V as to V
that 子句 that 子句
= Such is S + = So adj. is S +
as to V as to V
* 我的進步很大所以我爸很高興。
My progress was such that it pleased my dad.
= My progress was such as to please my dad.
= Such was my progress that it pleased my dad.
= Such was my progress as to please my dad.
= My progress was so great that it pleased my dad.
= My progress was so great as to please my dad.
= So great was my progress that it pleased my dad.
= So great was my progress as to please my dad.

第 2 頁,共 2 頁

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