The Layout of A Formal Letter The Formal Letter /official Letter

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The layout of a formal letter

The formal letter /official letter

The layout of a formal letter

1) Address of the sender

This is written on the right hand side.

The full name of the sender appears at the top.

2) The date

Should appear immediately below the address of the sender.

3) The recipient’s address

It should appear below the senders address on the left hand side.

The title of the recipient should appear first .Example. The head teacher, The Dean,
the managing director,

4) The salutation

It is a formal greeting showing courtesy.


Dear sir,(male)

Dear madam (female)

Dear sir/madam (could be either)

5) The reference

This is theme of the letter; it gives the reason why the letter was written .it acts as a
title. It written in a capital letters. It is also underlined.

For example: RE: APOLOGY



6 )The body

It should be brief, with only relevant information. Use polite language and ensure
the grammar is correct. Any grammatical errors give a bad impression of you.
They should be therefore be avoided.

7) The ending or the complimentary close

It is written towards the right hand side.

Examples :

Yours faithfully,


Adams mowlid Abdi

Adams Mowlid Abdi,

Mogadishu -Somalia,


The Dean Office,

Faculty of Law


Dear sir/madam,


Having read your advertisement in the internet, I hereby present my

application am Somali citizen, twenty –two years of age.

I completed my University in 2010 with second class honor. Having had

special interest in the law faculty. I hope to get an opportunity in your department.
I have a lot of experience in the law faculty as much as concerning my course. I
have worked several local universities in Mogadishu.

I am available for an interview at your convenient time.

I hereby enclose my testimonials kindly requesting you to consider my

application. Thank you and God bless you.

Yours faithfully,


Adams mowlid Abdi.

Somali National University,

P.O. BOX 241,

Mogadishu –Somalia,

9th December 2018

The Head of faculty,

Somali National University,

P.O. BOX 241,


Dear Sir,


I am student in Somali National University batch 3 and I would like to apologize

sincerely for missing university for the last five days. Please sir allow me to

On 2. 12. 2018, I was busy preparing breakfast when I accidentally knocked

over the pan. The hot porridge split into my left foot and scalded me. My mother
rushed me to the nearby dispensary where I was treated and discharged. However,
because I was great pain and had blisters on my foot the doctor advised me to stay
home for five days.

Luckily, the pain has gone down and the blisters almost healed. I know I have
lost a lot during the five days but will do my best to catch up with the other pupils.

Please may you accept my sincere apology.

Yours faithfully,


Ramlo Ali

Idiomatic Expressions

Faculty of science/ foundation

1) Alpha and omega---------- the beginning and the end

2) Bag and baggage-------with all belonging

3) Bit by bit--------gradually

4) Body and soul------entirely

5) An eye for eye----retaliation

6)By fits and starts------irregularly

8) By hook and crook----by fair

9) kith and kin----blood relation

10) Latin and Greek----unintelligible

11) Under lock and key-----in a safe

12) Null and void----illegal

13) The rank and the file-----all sections of people

14) Sum and substance----summary

15)Tit for tat-----in return for one received

16) Tooth and nail-----completely

17) At sixes and sevens---- in disorder

18) High and mighty ---- arrogant

19) Safe and sound-----quite well

20) Teeny- weeny----very small

21) Tip top – highest quality / excellent

22) By heart ---- learn by memory

23) Few and far between ----very rare / small in numbers

24)Hither and thither---here and there

25) Helter- skelter--- disorderly rush

26) Once and for all---finally

27)Shillyshally--- to be unable to kame a decision

28) Kick the bucket---to die.

29) A bed of roses----A comfortable condition

30) a bull in a china shop---unnecessary person

31) As cool as a cucumber—very calm and control

32) crocodile tears---false tears

33) fish out of water---in a difficult situation

34) A gala day--- an important day

35) Get lost --- to go away

36) A slow coach----a dull person

37) A snake in the grass ----- a hidden enemy

38) a stone’s throw----- very near

39) Atoll talk ---- a boast full talk

40) yeoman’s service----- excellent work

41) A wet blanket ------ a discourage man

42) Burn the candle at both sides ----- to become very tired

43) Burn the midnight oil ------ to study and work until late night

44) Rain cats and dog ----- heavy rai.

By Sir Adams Smith


Before the invention of verbal communication, people used to communicate with one another by using
their bodies.

Body Posture

Position of the body posture Degree of


1) Sit in symmetry Legs together, body in straight line formal


Arms folded in the lab

2) Relaxed position Body sprawls, throws legs out to one side informal situation

Rest one arm in his lap

The other along back of the chair.

Body in a spreading curved position.

Body Language interpretation

Position of the body signals meaning

Leaning forward wish to get involved

Leaning backward and keeping hands behind heads indicates uneasiness(calmness)

Keeping the body, a way suggest less involved

Drooping/bending shoulders Lack of confidence

Bending the head towards the ground Lack of confidence

Talking some distance formal

Facial Expression

Face is primary index /sign of your emotions. It suggests your interest. It reveals your knowledge and
your confidence. It also shows your anger, pleasure, happiness, anxiety and hesitation.

Facial Expressions

Facial Expression semantic signal

1)Frown shows anger, discontent, worry deep

Thought, to disapprove something or


2) Tightened jaw muscle show antagonism

3) smile friendliness

Eye Contact

Eye contact semantic signal

Eye contact indicates confidence and wish to involve conversation.

No eye contact Lack of confidence and not interested in conversation.

Raised eye brows indicates surprise or disbelief.

Head Movement

Head Movement semantic signal

Tilting/ move your head to one side seem to be more receptive

Keeping the head rigidly / hard still seem to be flexible and reluctant to participate

Moving head too much Distract/refuse the attention. Seem to be desperate for approval.

Voice Modulation

Nature of Voice connotation

Monotonous voice Boring, lack of vigor

Slow speed low pitch Depression

High-pitch Enthusiasm

High-pitch: long drawn out speech Disbelief

Ascending tone Astonishment


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