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How does the Story Circle 

actually work?

1. You
The first thing you need to do is create a protagonist we want to invest in.
Not everyone liked Don Draper, but we certainly wanted to watch him!

2. Need
Now that we're obsessed with your protagonist, we need to know what's
motivating them! Establish an active drive - what do they need?

3. Go!
Look at them go! We're off to the races as the protagonist has initiated their
journey to find, build, buy, steal, or win over whatever they need. 

4. Search
Put them to test! Let's see what they're made of. Nothing worth doing is
ever easy, so make sure you challenge your protagonist a bunch of times. 

5. Find
Mission accomplished! Or is it? It appears as though your protagonist has
gotten what they set out for, but it can't be that easy. 

6. Take
How badly do they still want it? This is where we see how steep of a price
your hero is willing to pay to accomplish their goal, to get what they need.

7. Return
Now our hero must return home. Having taken what they wanted and
slayed the metaphorical (or real) dragons, they make the journey back.

8. Change
"The only thing constant is change." - Heraclitus, and college dorm posters.
Your hero isn't the same person they used to be, show that change here. 

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