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You should apply contraceptive device ma’am!


Family Planning

Birth control, also known as contraception and fertility control, is a method or device used to
prevent pregnancy. Birth control has been used since ancient times, but effective and safe methods of
birth control only became available in the 20 th century. Planning, making available and using birth
control is called family planning. Some cultures limit or discourse access to birth control because they
consider it to be morally, religiously, or politically undesirable.
The most effective methods of birth control are sterilization by means of vasectomy in males
and tubal ligation in females, Intra Uterine Device (IUDs), and implantable birth control. This is
followed by a number of hormone-based method including oral pills, patches, vaginal rings and
injection. Less effective method includes physical barriers such as condom, diaphragms and birth
control sponge and fertility awareness methods. The least effective methods are spermicides and
withdrawal by male before ejaculation.
Sterilization, while highly effective, is not usually reversible; all other methods are reversible,
most immediately upon stopping them. Safe sex practices such as with the use of male or female
condom can also prevent sexually transmitted infections. Other method of birth control do not protect
against sexually transmitted diseases. Emergency birth control can prevent pregnancy if taken within
72 to 120 hours after unprotected sex.

1. What is family planning?
2. When does family planning program start exiting?
3. What is the most effective birth control?
4. Mentions some kinds of birth control!
5. Is birth control application safe? Why?


Family Planning IUD Prevent

Birth control Fertile Sexual intercourse
Contraceptive Method Hormone
Nadia : Hello, Good Afternoon Midwife?
Midwife : Good Afternoon Ms. Nadia. How are you doing?
Nadia : I’m doing well mam!
Midwife : That’s good. What can I help you?
Nadia : Midwife, as you know I have delivered my third child and I want to make it as the last
time my experience in pregnancy. What should I do to prevent another pregnancy?
Midwife : I see.. You had better do family planning mam. Have you discussed this with your
husband before?
Nadia : Yes, I have. So what is appropriate device should I apply midwife?
Midwife : There are many choices that can you choose. The simple one are injection and pill, but if
you ready to apply device as long term family program, You can choose IUD.
Nadia : I think I choose IUD midwife.
Midwife : Alright! When will you be ready to mam?
Nadia : I think, today is fine.
Midwife : Ok mam,, you can wait here while I prepare some instruments for IUD installation.
Nadia : Alright midwife..

Should : expresses advisability.
Example : You should drink milk to keep your baby healthy

Had better : it implies a warning or a threat of possible bad consequences. Had better is usually
Example : You had better consult with the obstetrician.

Ought to : also express the advisability.

Example : You ought to wake up slowly in the morning for reducing morning sickness.

I’d like to suggest you that ........
Why don’t you ....... Mrs. Julia.
It’s better for you to ..........
My suggestion is ......
You should ..........
I think you should .......
I suggest you to .......
The best way to do is.......
If you ask my advice, you have to ......
You had better take rest!

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