Comsats University Islamabad, Lahore Campus: Department: Computer Science

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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

i i i i

Department: Computer Science i i


 What are the basic conditions for a deed to be acceptable in view of

i i i i i i i i i i i i i

Allah (SWT)? Why some of the deeds are the best and the most
i i i i i i i i i i i i i

accepted one near Allah (SWT) and some are not acceptable?
i i i i i i i i i i

Classify both with help of examples.

i i i i i i

Submitted iby: iAbdul iHasseb i

Section: iC
Group iMembers. i
Name Registration iNumber
Abdul iHaseeb SP20-BCS-009
Tanzeel iElahi SP20-BCS-021
Muhammad iAyaan iWaqar SP20-BCS-057
Soban iAli iShahid SP20-BCS-090
Muhammad iAbubakar iSiddique SP20-BCS-108

Date iof iSubmission: i11 iMay i,2020

Subject: iIslamic iStudies i(HUM i110)
Submitted ito: iMa’am iSaleha iFatima
"Righteous deeds" are one of the key concepts of the Qur'an. Every type of
i i i i i i i i i i i i i

ibeneficial iwork ior iaction iis idone ifor ithe igood iof ireligion iis iexpressed iby ithe iword
i"righteous ideed." iMandatory irules iare icalled i“Farz ior iWajibat” iwhile irecommended

iactions iare icalled i“Nawafil ior iMustahibat” iwhich iare ialso icalled irighteous ideeds.

And iWe ishall iturn ito iwhatever ideeds ithey idid, iand iWe ishall imake isuch ideeds ias
iscattered ifloating iparticles iof idust. i i i[Al-Furqan i25:23]

The ibasic iconditions ifor ia ideed ito ibe iacceptable iin iview iof
iAllah i(SWT)

Every ideed iis inot iacceptable iin ithe iview iof iAllah i(SWT). iAllah i(SWT) iaccepts ionly
ithose ideeds iwhich iare iperformed iin ithe istate iof;

 Emaan i(Faith)
 Ikhlaas i(sincere iintentions)
 According ito iShar’iah i(Qur’an iand iSunnah)

In the state of Emaan (Faith)

i i i i i

Allah i(SWT) imentioned iclearly iin ithe iQur’an, iits itranslation iis igiven ias,

“And iwhoever iseeks ia ireligion iother ithan iIslam, iit iwill inever ibe iaccepted iof ihim,
iand iin ithe iHereafter ihe iwill ibe ione iof ithe ilosers.” i i[Al-Imran: i85]

The ifinal iand iultimate ireligion inear iAllah i(SWT) iis iIslam, iAllah i(SWT) iwill inot iaccept
ianything ifrom ithose iwho idid inot iaccept iIslam. i
Allah igives ieveryone iwhat ihe ior ishe ihas istriven ifor. iThe ibeliever ihas istriven iand
iworked ifor ithe isuccess iin ithe iHereafter.

But ias ifor ithe idisbeliever, ias ilong ias ihis ideeds ido inot ispring ifrom ibelief i(part iof
iwhich iis ibelieving iin ithe iHereafter), ithen ihe ior ishe iis inot iadmitted ito iParadise. iThe

iKafir, ior idisbeliever, idoes inot iseek ior istrive ifor iwhat iis iin ithe iHereafter, irather ihe ior

ishe iwants ito iattain ithe ipleasures iin ithis ilife isuch ias iseeking ipeople’s iadmiration,

ipeace iof imind, ietc.

Allah iHas iPromised iThose iWho iBelieve iand iDo iRighteous iDeeds. i(That) iFor
iThem iThere iIs iForgiveness iand iGreat iReward. i i(Quran)

If ithe iKafir iwishes iand ireally iseeks ithe ireward iin ithe iHereafter, ihe ior ishe iwould iright
iaway ibelieve iin iAllah, ithe iHereafter, iand ifollow ithe imessengers iof iAllah iand inever

idisbelieve iin iany iof ithem, ibecause idisbelieving iin ianyone iof ithem iwould ibe icounted

ias idisbelieving iin iall imessengers.

Deeds in the Name of Allah (Ikhlaas)

i i i i i i

The ideeds idone iin iloneliness iand ifor ithe isake iof iAllah i(SWT) iare ithe ibest iand ithe
imost iaccepted ione inear iAllah i(SWT). iAllah i(SWT) irecommends iand irewards ithe iacts

iand ideeds iperformed ifor iHim ialone. iIf ia iperson iperforms ian iact iwith iexpecting ithe

ireward ifrom iAllah i(SWT) iignoring ithe ivoices iof iothers iabout ihis iwork, ithen ihe iwill

idefinitely ibe irewarded iby iHim. i


Allah i(SWT) isays, i

“And iwhosoever idoes inot icontent iwith ithe iMessenger i(PBUH) iafter iguidance
ihas ibeen imade iclear ito ihim, iand ifollows ithe iway iother ithan ithe iway iof ithe

ibelievers, iwe ishall ileave iin ithe ipath ihe ihas ichosen, iAnd iland ihim iin ihell, iWhat

ian ievil idestination.” i i[Al-Nisa: i115]

Performing ia irighteous ideed isolely ifor iAllah ican ihelp ius itowards iachieving istates
iof iIkhlas i(sincerity). iThis iway, ithe iact ican ibe ieasily isteered iaway ifrom iRiya’ i(showing

ioff). iThe iProphet i(s) isaid iin ian iauthentic iHadith, ithat iamong ithe iseven iwhom

iAllah ishades iunder iHis iShade, ion ia iday iwhen ithere iwiII ibe ionIy iHis ishade:
” i…A iman iwho igives icharitable igifts iso isecretly ithat ihis ileft ihand idoes inot iknow
iwhat ihis iright ihand ihas igiven i(i.e., inobody iknows ihow imuch ihe ihas igiven iin


According to Shar’iah (Qur’an and Sunnah)

i i i i i

We ishould itake iProphet iMuhammad i(SAW). ias iour irole imodel. iWe ishould ifollow ihis
iguidance iin iall ithings, ilarge iand ismall. i

Almighty iAllah ihas iblessed ithis iUmmah iby ipreserving ithe iSunnah iand iSirah iof iHis
imessenger. iDespite ithe ipassage iof itime, iboth iremain iwith ius, iunchanged. iThey

iprovide ia iliving iexample iof ithe ilife iof ithe iProphet i(SAW). iThey ialso iinstill ilove iand

irespect ifor ihim iin ithe ihearts iof iMuslims.

Allah isays iin ithe iHoly iQur’an: i“Indeed iin ithe iMessenger iof iAllah, iyou ihave ia
igood iexample ito ifollow.” i(Surah iAl-Ahzab: i33:21).

Our ievery iact iis iaccordance iwith ithe iSunnah iof iholy iProphet i(SAW). iWe ishould
ialso ifollow ithe iQuran. iIf iwe ifollow ithe iteaching iof iQuran iand iSunnah, ithen iour ievery

irighteous ideed iwill ibe irewarded iand iget ithe ipleasure iand ihappiness iof iAllah i(SWT).

Time: iWe ican iperform ihajj ionly iat ia ispecific itime iof ithe iyear. iSimilarly, iwe ioffer iour
iprayers iat itheir itime.

Method: iWe ihave ito ifollow ithe imethods isometimes, ias iwe icannot iwash iour ifeet ifirst
iand ithen ithe irest iof ithe ibody. iIt ishould ibe iaccording ito ithe ishariah.

Steps: iWe ineed ito ifollow ithe iproper isteps iof iNamaz iand iwe icannot ichange iits iorder
ior ipray iany isurah iwhile iin ia istate iof isajda.

Place: iHajj iand iUmrah iare iperformed iat ia ispecific iplace ionly.
Some iof ithe ideeds iare ithe ibest iand ithe imost iaccepted
ione inear iAllah i(SWT) iand isome iare inot iacceptable

Acceptable Righteous Deeds

i i

 The iact/deed ishould ibe idevoted ito iAllah iAlmighty iand ito iHim ialone. iSincerity.
ii.e. ithe ideeds imust ibe idone isincerely ifor ithe isake iof iAllah.

The imeaning iof iworshipping iAllah ialone iis ithat ithe iperson ishould iintend iin
iall ihis iwords iand ideeds, iboth iinward iand ioutward, ito iseek ithe iFace iof iAllah

i(i.e., iHis ipleasure iand iHappiness)

 To ifollow ilife iand iorders iof ithe iHoly iProphet, ii.e. ito iobserve ithe iact iof iworship
ijust ithe iway ihe idid iin iHis iwhole ilife. i(following iSunnah) i

Al-Fudayl isaid: i“’best iindeed’ imeans, imost idevoted ito iAllah ialone iand imost iin
iaccordance iwith ithe iSunnah.
 Done iwith ipure iand igood iintentions ifor ithe isake iof iAllah iAlmighty inot ifor ifame
ior ifor ishowing iothers.

If ia iperson irecites iSalat ifor iHis iappreciation ifrom ipeople, ihe iwill iget inothing
ifrom iAllah i(SWT) iin ireturn. iSimilarly, ia iShaheed i(martyred) iin ithe iname ihis iown

ifame iwill ialso iface inothing ibut ithe ianger iof iAllah i(SWT)

 Deeds ishould ibe idone iwith irighteous iactions iinclude: ireligious iactions, imoral
iactions, isocial iactions, ieconomic iactions, ipolitical iactions, ijudicial iactions.

 Purification iof iheart iis ivery iimportant ifor iacceptance iof ideeds i

Non-acceptable Righteous Deeds

i i

 zakat ishould ibe igiven iin isuch ia iway ithat iif ione ihand igives ithe iother ihand
i should inot ibe iaware iof iit. iNowadays, iwe isee ipeople itaking ipictures iwhile
i giving icharity iand ithen iposting ithem ion isocial imedia. iSuch ideeds imight inot
i be iacceptable.

And iat ithe itime iwhen ithe ihour ishall icome, iat ithat itime ithey ishall ibecome
i separated ione ifrom ithe iother. iThen ias ito ithose iwho ibelieved iand idid igood, ithey
i shall ibe imade ihappy iin ia igarden. i(30:14-15)

 While ireciting iour iprayers iwe ishould inot ihave ithe iintention ithat ipeople iwatch
i us iand ilater ithey ipraise ius.
 People iwho iwork ifor ithe isake ishould inot iworry iif ithey iget icredit ifor iit ior inot. iIf
i someone ibashes ithem ithey ishould inot istop itheir iwork ias itheir iintention ishould
i be ito iplease iAllah iand inot ithe ipeople.
As imentioned iin iQuran
“Except ithose iwho iare ipatient iand iconstant, iand ido ideeds iof irighteousness; ifor
ithem iis iforgiveness iand ia igreat ireward.” i i i iSurah iHud i– iVerse i11

 If ithe ideeds iare idone ito iget ifame ior iare iaffected iby ifriends iand ipeople iaround,
i he iwill ialthough ibecome ifamous iamong ithem ifor ihis iacts, ibut iwill iget inothing
i as ia ireward ifrom iAllah i(SWT). i

“And iwhosoever idoes inot icontent iwith ithe iMessenger i(PBUH) iafter iguidance
ihas ibeen imade iclear ito ihim, iand ifollows ithe iway iother ithan ithe iway iof ithe

ibelievers, iWe ishall ileave iin ithe ipath ihe ihas ichosen, iAnd iland ihim iin ihell, iWhat

ian ievil idestination.”

[Al-Nisa: i115]

Lesson i

 We ishould ifollow ithe iteaching iof iHoly iProphet i(SAW) iand iQuran iand ifollow ithe
i life iof iHoly iProphet i(SAW
 Our ievery ideed iis ionly ifor ithe isake iof iAllah iin iorder ito iget ipleasure iand
i happiness iof iAllah i
 We iShould ialso ipurify iour iheart ifrom ithe isins iin iaccordance iwith iteaching iof
i Holy iProphet i(SAW) iand iQuran
 And ialways ipray ito iAllah ithat iHe ishows ius ithe iright iway.

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