Life On Our Planet Social Action: Achievement Objective

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People will approach environmental issues from

many different perspectives which means they
will be influenced in what they think based on the
job that they are engaged in.

Achievement Objective:
Understand how people’s management of
resources impacts the environment and
social sustainability

Some perspectives that you might use:

Some concepts that you may need:
Naturalistic Environment/responsibility/groups
Agricultural Community/organisation/resource

Land Air Water

What you will need to do for Achieved:

1. Select one of the elements from above, Land, Air or Water
2. Choose an area of the planet that needs to be regenerated e.g. changes to
farming methods
3. Describe the damage that has been done already
4. Describe how individuals or groups interact with that area e.g. how the
indigenous people lived on or from the environment
What you need to do for Merit:
1. Describe the points of view from the local people
2. Include points of view from groups, organisations or individuals who are trying
to make changes e.g. how Greenpeace changes people’s minds to take
greater care of their surroundings
3. Provide as many points of view as possible and what is the perspective from
which each group or individual is coming from
4. What are the consequences of people continuing to damage the environment
and what are the consequences of any changes that people make?
What you need to do for Excellence:
1. Evaluate how this affects society or will affect society in the future.
You will need to use Social Studies concepts all the way through the assessment. It’s a
good idea to choose 3 concepts and use them correctly. You will also need to provide
supporting evidence which will emphasise what you are saying.
Achievement Merit Excellence
x Describes the area and what
has been damaged
x Describes what has been
achieved in the environment
already. (actions )
x Describes how people interact
with the environment
x Supports findings with
evidence from inquiry. (SE)  Supports findings with a range of  Supports findings with range of
supporting evidence from inquiry supporting evidence from inquiry
x Uses Social Studies concept such as quotes. (SE) such as quotes. (SE)
knowledgeably (SSC)  Uses Social Studies concept  Uses Social Studies concept
knowledgeably (SSC) knowledgeably (SSC)
• Uses points of view from  Uses a variety of points of view  Uses a variety of points of view
individuals/groups (P) from individuals/groups and from individuals/groups and
includes perspective (P) identifies relevant perspectives
 Provides a variety of (P)
consequences both positive & • Provides a variety of
negative (C) consequences both positive &
negative (C)
• Draws conclusions about the
effect of individual/group on
society. (E)

Mar Explanation Achieve Meri Excellenc

k d t e
D Describes the environment/actions taken
SE Supporting evidence such as
SSC Social Studies Concepts
P Uses points of view/Perspective
C States a variety of consequences for the
E Draws conclusion/evaluates for society

MARK FOR THIS ASSESSMENT ______________________ Due Date _____________________


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