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a) Credit Hours: 3 (Contact Hrs. 03)

b) Level 8th Semester, 4th year
c) Prerequisites: None
d) Knowledge Profile: WK7
g) Develop the student’s ability to apply and practice the law related to mining industry.
CLO Taxonomy
Description PLOs
No. Domain
1 Define the basic terminologies related to mining laws C1 6
Paraphrase different sections of prevailing Mines Act, rules and
2 C2 6
regulations there under
3 Apply the relevant mining laws in a given situation C3 8
k) The mine act, 1923, the consolidate mines rules, 1952. the coal board rules, 1951, the coal
mines regulations, 1926, the metaliferous mines regulation, 1926, the coal mines pithead
bath rules, 1946, an introduction to the following:
l) The workman's compensation act, industrial relations ordinance, the payment of wages
act. industrial and commercial employment standing orders ordinance,
m) E.O.B.I. act/rules, mining concession rules explosive rules.
Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs)
Course learning outcomes will be achieved through all or a suitable combination of the following
teaching strategies.
 Quizzes (3 Nos.)
 Classroom discussions
 In-class activities
 Homework assignments (3 Nos.)
 Group assignments/projects
 Presentations by students
 Reports
 Self-study
 Any other suitable mean not covered above
 Mid-term major examination
 Final comprehensive examination
Recommended Text Books:
n) M. Shafi and P. Shafi, Mining Labor Code, Bureau of Labor Publications, 2006 (Amended & Updated)
o) The Mining Concession Rules, 2002
p) The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minerals Sector Governance Act, 2016
q) M. Amir Sohail, Electricity Laws in Pakistan, Khyber Law Publishers, Lahore, 1999 (Chapter-X)
Content List:
The Mines Act, 1923.
The Coal Mines Regulations, 1926.
The Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1926.
The Mining Board Rules, 1951.
Electricity rules relating to the mines
The Consolidated Mines Rules, 1952.
The Competency Certificates Examination Rules, 1981.
The Central Rescue Station (Coal Mines) Rules, 1986.
Introduction to the Pakistan Mining Concession Rules, 2002
Teaching Schedule:
Week Topics
Mines Act 1923,
1 Chapter I: Preliminary
Chapter II: Inspectors
Chapter III: Mining Board and Committees
2 Assignment # 01
Chapter IV: Mining Operation and Management of Mines
Chapter V:
3 Quiz # 01
Provisions to the health and safety
Chapter VI:
4 Assignment # 02
Hours and Limitation of Employment
5 Chapter VI-A: Leave And Holidays With Wages Quiz # 02
6 Chapter VII: Regulations, Rules And Bye-Laws Assignment # 03
Chapter VIII:
7 Quiz # 03
Penalties and Procedure
8 Coal Mines Regulations, 1926
Consolidated Mines Rules, 1952
Sanitary and Health Provisions, Ambulance Work
Consolidated Mines Rules, 1952
10 Assignment # 04
Canteens, Surface Safety, Inquiry of Accidents
KPK Mineral Governance Act 2017
11 Definitions, Preliminary, Delegation of Powers, Quiz # 04
Large Scale Mining
12 Assignment # 05
Reconnaissance License
13 Exploration License Quiz # 05
14 Mineral Deposit Retention License, Mining Lease Assignment # 06
15 Financial/Royalties/Payments Quiz # 06
16 Small Scale Mining

PLOs to be
S.No Student Outcomes addresses by the course’s
1 Engineering Knowledge: Students will be able to apply knowledge of mathematics,
science and engineering to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2 Problem Analysis: Students will be able to identify, formulate and analyze complex
engineering problems.
3 Design/Development of Solution: Students will be able to design systems, components,
or processes and design solutions for complex engineering problems, to meet design
needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, cultural,
health and safety.
4 Investigation: Students will be able to design and conduct experiments as well as to
analyze, interpret data and synthesis of information for complex problems.
5 Modern Tool Usage: Students will be able to use the technique, skills, and modern
engineering and IT tools necessary for complex engineering practices.
6 Engineer and Society: Students will be able to apply reasoning informed by contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practices.
7 Environment and Sustainability: Students will be able to understand the impact of
professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and
demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
8 Ethics: Students will be able to develop the understanding of professional and ethical
9 Individual and Team Work: Students will be able to function effectively as an individual,
and as a member or leader in multi-disciplinary teams..
10 Communication: Students will be able to communicate effectively on complex activities.
11 Project Management: Students will be able to understand and apply engineering and
management principles to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
12 Life-long Learning: Students will be able to engage in independent and life-long learning
in broadest context of technological change.

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