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‫سنَةً َو ِفي‬ َ ‫َربَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّ ْنيَا َح‬

ِ َّ ‫ن‬ ‫ال‬ ‫اب‬َ
َ َ ‫ذ‬ ‫ع‬ ‫َا‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ق‬
ِ ‫و‬َ ً ‫ة‬َ ‫ن‬ ‫س‬
َ ‫ح‬
َ ‫ة‬
ِ ‫ر‬
َ ‫خ‬
ِ ْ
"Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is]
good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good
and protect us from the punishment of the Fire."
[Quran 2:201]

َ َ‫عنَّا ْالعَذ‬
َ ُ‫اب ِإنَّا ُمؤْ ِمن‬
‫ون‬ ْ ‫َّربَّنَا ا ْك ِش‬
َ ‫ف‬
"Our Lord, remove from us the torment; indeed,
we are believers." [ Quran 44:12]

ُ ‫س ْب َحان ََك ِإ ِنّي ُك‬

‫نت‬ ُ ‫نت‬
َ َ ‫ََّّل ِإلَهَ إِ ََّّل أ‬
َ ‫الظا ِل ِم‬َّ ‫ِم َن‬
"There is no deity except You; exalted are You.
Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers." [Quran 21:87]

‫‪َ -1‬ع ْن أَنَس‪ ،‬أَ َّن النَّ ِب َّي صلى هللا عليه وسلم َكانَ يَقُو ُل ‏"‏اللَّ ُه َّ‏م‏‬
‫ون‏ َوا ْل ُجذَ ِ‏‬
‫ام‏ َو ِم ْ‏‬
‫ن‏‬ ‫ص‏ َوا ْل ُجنُ ِ‏‬
‫ن‏ا ْلبَ َر ِ ‏‬ ‫ِإ ِنًّ‏أَعُو ‏ذُ‏ ِب َ‏‬
‫ك‏ ِم َ‏‬
‫ام‏" ‪.‬‬‫سقَ ِ‏‬‫ئ األ َ ْ‬
‫س ٌِّ ِ‏‬
‫صحيح (األلباني (‬

‫‪Narrated Anas ibn Malik:‬‬

‫‪) used to say: "O‬ﷺ( ‪The Prophet‬‬

‫‪Allah, I seek‬‬
‫‪refuge in You from leucoderma,‬‬
‫"‪madness, leprosy, and evil diseases.‬‬
‫)‪[ Sunan Abi Dawud 1551] Sahih (Al-Albani‬‬

‫‪َ -2‬و َع ْن قُ ْ‬
‫طبَةَ ب ِْن َما ِلك ‪ -‬رضى هللا عنه ‪ -‬قَا َل‪َ :‬كانَ‬
‫َر ُسو ُل اَ َّ ِّلل ‪ -‬صلى هللا عليه وسلم ‪-‬يَقُو ُل‪ { :‬اَللَّ ُه َّم‬
‫ق‪َ ,‬و ْاأل َ ْع َما ِل‪,‬‬‫ت ا َ ْأل َ ْخ ََل ِ‬
‫َج ِنّ ْبنِي ُم ْن َك َرا ِ‬
‫اء }‬ ‫اء‪َ ,‬و ْاأل َ ْد َو ِ‬
‫َو ْاأل َ ْه َو ِ‬
‫أَ ْخ َر َج ‏هُ‏اَلتِّ ْر ِمذِي‏‏‪,‬‏ َو َص َّح َح ‏هُ‏اَ ْل َحا ِك ُ‏م‏ َواللَّ ْف ِ‏ظ‏لَ ‏هُ‪.‬‬



‫‪Qutbah bin Malik (RAA) narrated, ‘The Messenger of‬‬
‫‪) used to say, “O‬ﷺ( ‪Allah‬‬
‫‪Allah, I seek refuge in‬‬
‫‪you from evil morals, deeds, passions‬‬
‫”‪and diseases.‬‬
‫‪Related by At-Tirmidhi. Al-Hakim graded it as Sahih and it is his version. Book 11, Hadith 1511‬‬

‫سلَّ َ‏م‏‪،‬‏ ِبدعاء‏‏كَثٌر‏‏ل ْ‏م‏نَحْ فَ ْ‏‬

‫ظ‏ ِمن ‏هُ‏‬ ‫للا‏صلَّى‏ ‏‬
‫للاُ‏علٌه‏و َ‬ ‫‪-3‬‏دعَا‏رسو ُ‏ل‏ ِ‏‬
‫ظ‏ ِمن ‏هُ‏شٌئ ًا‏؟‏‬ ‫للا‏‪،‬‏دَعْوتَ‏‏بِدعاء‏‏كثٌر‏‏لَ ْ‏م‏نَحف ْ‏‬
‫شٌئ ًا‏‪،‬‏قُ ْلنا‏‪:‬‏ٌا‏رسو َ‏ل‏ ِ‏‬
‫قال‏‪:‬‏أال‏أدُل ُك ْ‏م‏على‏ما‏ٌَجم ُ‏ع‏ذ ِل َ‏ك‏ ُكلَّ ‏هُ‏‪.‬‏تَقو ُ‏ل‏‪:‬‏الل ُه َّ‏م‏!‏ ِإنَّا‏‬
‫ك‏ ُمحمد‏‏‬ ‫ك‏ ِمن ‏هُ‏نَبٌ َ‏‬ ‫سأَلَ َ‏‬ ‫ٌر‏ما‏ َ‬ ‫ك‏من‏ َخ ِ‏‬ ‫نَسألُ َ‏‬
‫ك‏من‏ش ِ ّ‏َر‏‬ ‫سلَّ َ‏م‏‪،‬‏ونَعو ‏ذُ‏ ِب َ‏‬ ‫للاُ‏علٌه‏و َ‬ ‫صلَّى‏ ‏‬ ‫َ‬
‫للاُ‏علٌه‏‬ ‫ك‏ ُمحمد‏‏صلَّى‏ ‏‬ ‫ستعا ‏ذَ‏ ِمن ‏هُ‏نبٌ َ‏‬ ‫ما‏ا ْ‬
‫غ‏‪،‬‏‬ ‫وعلٌك‏البَال ُ‏‬
‫َ‏‬ ‫ُ‏‬
‫ستعان‏‪،‬‏‬ ‫وسلَّ َ‏م‏‪،‬‏وأنتَ‏‏ال ُم‬
‫وال‏حو َ‏ل‏وال‏قُ َّو ‏ةَ‏إال‏ ِبا ِ‏‬

‫)‪ (9971‬أخرجه‏الترمذي‏(‪)3521‬‏واللفظ‏له‪،‬‏والبخاري‏فً‏((األدب‏المفرد))‏(‪،)679‬‏والطبرانً‏(‪226/8‬‬

Abu Umamah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬made many supplications which we did

not memorize. We said to him: "O Messenger of Allah! You have
made many supplications of which we do not remember anything."
He said, "Shall I tell you a comprehensive prayer? Say: 'Allahumma
inni as'aluka min khairi ma sa'alaka minhu nabiyyuka
Muhammadun sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Wa 'a'udhu bika
min sharri mas-ta'adha minhu nabiyyuka Muhammadun
sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Wa Antal-Musta'anu, wa
'alaikal-balaghu, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah (O

Allah, I beg to You the good which Your

Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬begged of You;
and I seek refuge in You from the evil
where from Your Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬
sought refuge. You are the One from
Whom help is sought and Yours is the
responsibility to communicate (the truth).
There is no power or strength except with
Allah the Exalted, the Great."' [At- Tirmidhi, # 3521]

‫‪ - 1‬الله َّ‏م‏عافِنً‏فً‏بدنً‪،‬‏الله َّ‏م‏عا ِفنً‏فً‏‬
‫سمعً‪،‬‏الله َّ‏م‏عافِنً‏فً‏بصري‪،‬‏الله َّ‏م‏‬
‫قر‪،‬‏الله َّ‏م‏إنً‏‬ ‫إنً‏أعو ‏ذُ‏بك‏من‏الك ِ‏‬
‫ُفر‏والفَ ِ‬
‫إال‏أنت‬ ‫ب‏القبر‪،‬‏ال‏إل ‏هَ‏ َّ‏‬ ‫‪.‬أعو ‏ذُ‏بك‏من‏عذا ِ‏‬


‫‪" 'O Allaah, grant me a well-being in my‬‬

‫‪body, 'O Allaah, grant me a well-being in‬‬
‫‪my hearing, 'O Allaah, grant me a‬‬
‫‪well-being in my sight. 'O Allaah, I take‬‬
‫‪refuge in You from Kufr (disbelief) and‬‬
‫‪poverty, 'O Allaah, I take refuge in You‬‬
‫‪from the punishment of the grave. There is‬‬
‫‪True God except You.‬‬


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