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3D Experience - 3D Swym

Wednesday September 18, 2019 at 12:03pm

Blog Overview
The 3DSwym application is at the heart of the 3D Experience platform and is the gateway to collaboration within your business. It allows users to post ideas and
concepts and interact with them as things progress from concept to reality. Ideas are just one type of post. There are lots of other types, including Surveys, which allow
you to quickly gather qualitative data to understand options and help make decisions. Alternatively, Question posts can be added to get opinions from the people who
belong to your communities. We will touch on the other types of posts later on.

The 3DSwym app can be found in the north quadrant of the compass. Alternatively, you will notice that the 3DSwym app can be pinned to the “My Favourite” apps
bar. If you double click the icon, it will launch 3DSwym full screen, or the app can be dragged and docked onto your dashboard.
Key Areas of the 3DSwym Interface

List of communities: Showing communities you have created as well as communities you have been invited to join.

Communities and Conversations: In this, you can toggle between the communities page and the Swym instant messaging page to respond to people in real-time.

Feed area: This is where you will see the latest community posts. You can switch to see the latest from all communities by pressing the “What’s new” option or pick a
community from the list on the left. There is one further option above the feed to change the view to content in a timeline display (grouping threads together) or in time
order where threads and replies are separated.

Quick filters: This row shows the icon for each post type, pressing each will filter the feed to show that type of post, making it easy to find the content you are
interested in.

Request author rights: This option allows you ask the owner of the community for further permissions. A breakdown of permissions will be discussed later in the

Rights Access
The level to which you can interact with content is limited by your rights access (assigned by the Platform Administrator), the three rights access levels are:

Owner: This user has authority over all media in a community.

Author: Can create any post that has been approved in that community.
Contributors: Respond to content posted by others on communities you are part of.

Activity Contributor Author Owner

Off by default can be allowed by the Create, read, update and

Post Create, read, update and delete own content
owner, read any post in community delete any content

Off by default can be allowed by the Create, read, update and

Media Create, read, update and delete own content
owner, read any post in community delete any content

Off by default can be allowed by the Status of an idea can only be

Ideas Create, read, update and delete own content
owner changed by an Owner

Off by default can be allowed by the If an answer is, validated,

Questions Create, read, update and delete own content
owner, read any post in community only owners can update it

Create, read, update and

Answers Submit answers to any question post Submit answers to any question post
delete any content

Off by default can be allowed by the Read any content, depending on permissions can Create, read, update and
owner create, update and delete own content delete any content

Off by default can be allowed by the Read any content, depending on permissions can Create, read, update and
owner, read any post in community create, update and delete own content delete any content

Comment no any post type can update Create, read, update and
Comments Create, read and delete their own content
and delete their content delete any content

Like any post type, can

Like Like any post type, can delete own likes Like any post type, can delete own likes
delete own likes

Can participate in rating answers from a Can participate in rating

Answer Rating Can participate in rating answers from a question
question answers from a question

Viewing My Communities

Clicking the 3DCommunities Icon will take you to the ‘My Communities’ page, showing all the communities you are a member of. On this page, it also shows you the
level of permissions you currently have for each, the privacy level of the community and the community owner’s name.
To create a new community, press the + icon from the My Communities page.

Once the title, description and owner have been filled, it will take you to the community settings page.

This is where you can set permissions for post types and allow contributors to create particular posts (turned off by default). There is also the option to add more
statuses to an idea funnel to better represent your design process.
Adding Members to a Community

To add a member, simply start typing their name, and it will provide a drop-down with their full name (this of course is based on whether the user has been granted
access to the overall 3DEXPERIENCE platform). To confirm which user you want to add, click on their name and they will be added to the list of new members and
their assigned role in the community.
Changing an Existing User’s Role
To change a user’s role simply click on the arrow next to their name and this will give you the option to change.

Example posts

Below you will see an examples of different post types, notice in the image below how we can create a post with an @ symbol to send a direct notification to the user.

Standard Post
Standard post types are text-based. However, there is an option to add attachments by pressing the paper clip icon. A useful feature is mentioning/tagging a user. This
can be done by using the @ symbol followed by their name. This will send a direct notification stating they have been mentioned in a post. Another useful tool is text
font editing where text can be quickly changed to Bold, italic or underlined. Text can also be linked to a URL to help direct people to a website.

Media posts

This type of post gives the user the ability to upload working documents such as Images, Video and audio files. A great way of getting a lot of information across
quickly. There is a large array of support for various document formats. The current file formats support can be found below.

Type Functionality Support File Extensions Maximum Size

Image Interact with models Jpg, tif, tiff, bmp, gif, png, jpeg 50MB
Video View video within the post Mp4, flv, wmv, avi, mov, mpg, mpeg, mkv, rm, webm 100MB

Audio Listen back to the audio with in the post Mp3, aac, wma, m4a, wav, agg, ra 10MB

Interact with models, share annotated 3ds, blend, u3d, dae, igs, kmz, 3dxml, stpz, zae, prj, stl,
3D Model 50MB
pictures from the post, section view vrml, stp, off, wrl, str, obj, step, ply, iges, sdm

Download document, Image preview of Zip, xlsx, rtf, rsd, vsdx, csv, mpp, docx, pptx, ppsx, txt,
Document 50MB
document pps, pdf, ppt, xlsm, doc, xps, xls

Idea Posts

A great way to progress the development of a concept is by using idea posts. These allow you to progress concepts through your company’s development structure,
keeping them all in one place. When setting up a community you have the option to change the status names/colours to match your internal terminology.
Question Posts

Question posts are a great way of getting quick answers to questions and sparking discussions. Similar to a standard post but will be more engaging to obtain
information quickly.
Survey Posts

For larger communities, a survey can be really useful as it will consolidate the opinions of the entire community/stakeholders into easy to understand information. Once
created and answered you will be presented with visual representation of what answers were chosen.
3DSwym Analytics

The 3DSwym analytics tool allows you to view how the members of your community are interacting with the content available. This will help increase productivity,
showing which content is being interacted with most, the people who are visiting the community most and break down the type of content that is being posted. This can
all be exported into a csv/excel format for further review off the platform.
So as we began this post, 3DSwym is at the very heart of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. No matter the project managed in the platform, the need to communicate is
always vital. Rather than disjoint email trails which may or may not include the necessary people, the thread based community approach allows you to easily find old
discussions and track the decision making process.

By David Dolding – Applications Engineer

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