Jocelynn Pantoja - Daily Summary Week 3

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Directions: Each day write a summary of what you learned in class.

Be Questions for
specific include key terms or ideas we discussed. Write at least a five me
sentence paragraph. This should be a review and reflection of class.
● I will give points at the end of the week.
● 5 points per day.
● If you are absent you need to go over the slides from the day you
● We will complete this assignment everyday no matter what we do
in class.
● You can also ask questions etc.
● Write the date next to the day of the week.

Monday The ideals in America are rights, liberty, opportunity, and

1/25 equality. Do I think they changed? Yes I do actually. There is no
equality in America at all. Everyone treats certain races differently
and it’s not fair at all. I do believe that many people do have
opportunities. Different races and different opportunities.

Tuesday I do see rankings in the American society. Wealthier people have

1/26 more opportunities. African American people are treated
differently as well as other races too. It’s like white people are at
the top and the other races are at the bottom. And it shouldn’t be
that way at all. I believe that we should all be equal.

Wednesday These types of events are still occurring because of childish people
1/27 that are racist. I disagree I do believe that it’s all about racism. A
white American person doesn't need to worry about anything
where on the other hand African Americans do. African
Americans get killed or arrested for no reason most of the time.
On social media it shows how different they treat white and other

Thursday Today we spoke about federalists and anti federalists. People who
should have the power are the people who support same sex
marriage and make it legal in all states. Everyone should be able
to marry whatever gender they feel they want to.

Friday Yes the federal government does have the most power out of
anyone else. They have made all the laws that we need to follow.
They have the right to do anything to anyone who doesn't follow
the laws.

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