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Directions: Each day write a summary of what you learned in class.

Be Questions for
specific include key terms or ideas we discussed. Write at least a five me
sentence paragraph. This should be a review and reflection of class.
● I will give points at the end of the week.
● 5 points per day.
● If you are absent you need to go over the slides from the day you
● We will complete this assignment everyday no matter what we do
in class.
● You can also ask questions etc.
● Write the date next to the day of the week.

Monday 1. It was the agreement among the 13 original states of the

2/1/21 United States of America.
2. Articles of confederation are the rules that were agreed by
the US of America. This government was too weak. The
constitution allowed for the regulation of trade that they
didn’t allow.
3. It’s a collection of 85 articles and shows the intentions of
individuals who debated the enemy’s of constitution.
4. He meant that judges should be free from politics
5. The people and the states kept any powers not given to the
federal government.
6. The senate changed the joint resolution to consist of 12
7. They feared that the new national government would be to
powerful .

Tuesday 1. the powers of one branch can be challenged by another

2/2/21 branch.
2. Enumerated powers are the ones granted to the federal
government by the constitution. Implied powers enable
the federal government to carry out tasks.
3. The US federal government is make up of three branches
each branch has its own power and responsibility.
4. It’s only legal in California for the ages 21 and up.

Wednesday 1. The founders made it difficult because they wanted to lock

2/3/21 in the political deals.
2. It’s de open can be altered by used procedure of
constitutional amendment or by new ruling of the court.
3. The fifteen amendment to the United States constitution
4. The 24th amendment banned poll taxes.


Principal brief explanation example from the

popular sovereignty this idea is that
power needs to be
in the hands of the
people in order to
control the
government - too
much power can
corrupt people-
create a
government that
restrains the fact
that people crave

rule of law

separation of




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