Handouts PPE Day 1

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Cebu Main: 4th floor Coast Pacific Downtown Center, Sanciangko St, Cebu City Tel #(032) 254-33-84
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Thermodynamics is the study of heat and work.

A pure substance is a working substance whose chemical composition remains the same even if there is a change
in phase. (most common example is water)

An ideal gas is a working substance which remains in gaseous state during its operating cycle and whose equation
of state is PV = mRT. (most common example is air)



Pressure, in general, is the ratio of force per unit area.

Gage pressure is the pressure reading from the gage pressure instrument P Ih
which is higher or lower than the atmospheric pressure.

Vacuum pressure is a pressure that is less than atmospheric pressure.

Pressure = Force , KN/m2, lb/in2 Above atmospheric

Absolute pressure (Pabs) = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric Pressure
Pabs = Pg + Patm Pabs
Below atmospheric
A. Pressure Conversions
1 atm = 0 kPag = 101.325 kPa = 14.7 psi = 29.92 in Hg = 760 mm Hg

B. Hydrostatic Pressure, P P = wh

where: w = density of fluid = (SG x ww)

h = height of fluid ww = density of water
= 1000 kg/m3 = 9.81 KN/m3 = 62.4 lb/ft3 = 1 kg/li P h

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Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance or body.

A thermometer is an instrument used to measure the temperature

of a body or a substance.

A pyrometer is an instrument used to measure high temperature gases.

A. Relation between °C and °F scales

°C = 5/9 (F – 32) °F = 9/ 5 C + 32

B. Absolute temperatures:

°K = °C + 273 °R = °F + 460

C. Temperature Difference:

D°C = 5/9 D°F D°F = 9/5 D°C

D°C = D°K D°F = D°R

D. Absolute-Zero Temperature = -273oC = -460oF


Density is defined, in thermodynamic terms, as the mass per unit volume of a substance

Specific volume is the volume per unit of mass in a substance. It is also the reciprocal of density.

Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a standard (water for liquid and air
for gas).

A. w = m = 1 B. v = V 1 C. SG =
Density of any fluid
V v m w Density of water

If two fluids are mixed together:

m1 + m2 m1 + m2 V1 + V2 m / v + m2 / v 2 wm
wm = = vm = = 1 1 SGm =
V1 + V2 m1 / v1 + m2 / v 2 m1 + m2 m1 + m2 w water
SGm = specific gravity of mixture wm = density of mixture

Internal energy is the heat energy due to the movement of molecules within the brought about its temperature.

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Wf = Pressure x Specific Volume Wf = P(V2 - V1) , KJ Wf = P(v2 - v1), KJ/kg


h = Internal Energy + Flow Work h = U + Pv or h = U + (P2v2 – P1v1)


hs = ho + vo2 /2000 where: vo = initial velocity, ho = ordinary enthalpy


s = Q/T


1. Volume flow rate, (Q) m3/sec Q = Area x Velocity = A x v = m v

where: A = p / 4 D2 (for circular cross section) A = L x w (for rectangular)

2. Mass flow rate, (m), kg/sec m = Q/v m = Av / u = A v w

Where: w = density u = specific volume

A1 v1 A v
3. For steady flow process: m1 = m2 = 2 2 A1 v1 w1 = A2 v2 w2
u1 u2

4. If Q is constant:

Q1 = Q2 A1 v1 = A2 v2
p p
(D1)2 V1 = (D1)2 V2 (D1)2 V1 = (D1)2 V2
4 4
Where: A1 = inlet area A2 = exit area
v1 = inlet velocity v2 = exit velocity

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The law of conservation of mass states that the total mass is a constant. This means that the total mass entering
to a system is equal to the total mass leaving.


1. Potential Energy, P - is an energy produced due to the change in elevation.

P = mgh DP = P2 - P1 = mg(h2 - h1)

where: m = mass of the body h = height or elevation

Unit Analysis: (SI Unit – English Unit)

mgh mh kJ Btu
PE = PE = kJ, Btu kW, Btu/min
1000 778 kg , lb
m Not known kg, lb kg/s, lb/min
(m = 1 kg/kg, 1lb/lb)
h m, ft m, ft m, ft

2. Kinetic Energy, KE - is an energy produced due to the mass and velocity.

1 1 1
KE = mv2 DKE = m( v 12 - v 2 2 ) DKE = m( v 12 - v 2 2 )
2 2 2
where: m = mass W = weight v = velocity
g = acceleration due to gravity

3. Work, W - is the product of the displacement of the body and the component of the force in the
direction of the displacement.

Work = Force x Distance

Note: 1. Work done by the system is positive (out from the system)
2. Work done on the system is negative (entering to the system)

5. Heat, Q - heat is formed due to the temperature difference.

Q = mcp(t2 - t1)

where: m = mass cp = specific heat t = temperature

Note: 1. Heat is positive when heat is added to the system.
2. Heat is negative when rejected from the system.


1. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that when the two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with the
third body, they are in thermal equilibrium with each other and hence are at the same temperature.

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2. First Law of Thermodynamics

States that one form of energy may be converted into another form.
All energy entering = All energy leaving

A. P1 + K1 + Wf1 + U1 + W = P2 + K2 + Wf2 + U2 + Q
B. W = (P2 - P1) + (K2 - K1) + (U2 - U1) + (Wf2 -Wf1) + Q
C. W = DP + DK + DU + DWf + Q But: Dh = DU + DWf
D. W = DP + DK + Dh + Q
E. Neglecting Potential energy, Kinetic energy & Heat: W = Dh = h2 - h1

3. Second Law of Thermodynamics

Kelvin-Planck Statement: “It is impossible to construct a heat engine which operates in a cycle and receives a
given amount of heat from a high temperature body and does an equal amount of work”

4. Third Law of Thermodynamics

States that the absolute entropy of a pure crystalline substance in complete internal equilibrium is zero at zero
degrees absolute.


Ideal gas is a substance that has the equation of state:

PV = mRT PV = 8.314 n T

where: P = absolute pressure m = mass of gas V = volume of gas

R = gas constant T = absolute temperature n = number of mols

Boyle’s Law: (T = C ) P1 V1 = P2 V2

V1 T1 P1 T1
Charles’s Law: (P = C and V = C) = =
V2 T2 P2 T2


1. Relationship between cp, cv, R and k

R Rk cp
A. cp = cv + R B. cv = C. cp = D. k =
k -1 k -1 cv
k = 1.4 for cold air k = 1.3 for hot air
where: cp = constant pressure specific heat cv = constant volume specific heat
k = specific heat ratio R = gas constant

For air: cp = 1.0 KJ/kg-K = 0.24 Btu/lb-R

cv = 0.7186 KJ/kg-K = 0.171 Btu/lb-R
R = 0.287 KJ/kg-K = 53.3 ft-lb/lb-R

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2. Universal gas constant of any gas is given by:

8.314 , KJ/kg-K = 1545 ft-lb/lb-R

R =

where: M = no. of moles of gas

For common gases:

Ammonia, NH3 ( M = 17) Helium (M = 4, k = 1.667) Air (M = 28.97)
Oxygen, O2 (M = 32) Nitrogen, N2 (M = 28) Carbon dioxide, CO2 (M = 44)

3. Density of air, w P 1
w= =
RT v

4. Specific volume of air, v RT 1

v = =
P w

5. Standard density of air, w = 1.20 kg/m3 = 0.0749 lb/ft3

Standard temperature of air = 70oF = 21.11oC
Standard pressure of air = 14.7 psi = 101.325 kpa


1. Find the pressure at the 100-fathom depth of water in kpag.

A. 1,793.96 kpag B. 1,893.96 kpag C. 1,993.96 kpag D. 1,693.96 kpag

2. Convert 750oR to oK.

A. 390.33oK B. 395.33oK C. 410.33oK D. 416.33oK

3. The barometer of a mountain hiker reads 930 mbars at the beginning of a hiking trip and 780 mbars at the end.
Neglecting the effect of altitude on local gravitational acceleration, determine the vertical distance climbed.
Assume g = 9.7 m/s2
A. 1274.21 m B. 1289.00 m C. 1267.34 m D. 1583.34 m


1. 100 g of water are mixed with 150 g of alcohol (density = 790 kg/m3). What is the specific volume of the
resulting mixtures, assuming that the fluids mixed completely?
A. 0.82 x 10-3 cu.m/kg B. 0.88 x 10-3 cu.m/kg
C. 0.63 x 10 cu.m/kg D. 1.16 x 10-3 cu.m/kg

2. Steam flows through a nozzle at 400oC and 1 Mpa (h = 3263.9 KJ/kg) with velocity of 300 m/s. Find the
stagnation enthalpy.
A. 3300 KJ/kg B. 3290 KJ/kg C. 3320 KJ/kg D. 3309 KJ/kg

3. Given steam pressure of 900 lb/ft2, temperature of 300oF, specific volume of 5.8 ft3/lb. If the specific enthalpy is
9500 ft-lb/lb, what is the internal energy per lb of the system?


1. Air enters a nozzle steadily at 2.21 kg/m3 and 30 m/s. What is the mass flow rate through the nozzle if the inlet
area of the nozzle is 80 cm2?
A. 0.35 kg/s B. 3.5 kg/s C. 5.3 kg/s D. 0.53 kg/s

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2. A pipe has a diameter of 4” at section AA, and a diameter of 2” at section BB. For an ideal fluid flow, the velocity
is given as 1 ft/sec at section AA. What is the flow velocity at section BB?
A. 4 ft/sec B. 0.5 ft/sec C. 1.0 ft/sec D. 2.0 ft/sec


1. Steam turbine is receiving 1014 lbm/hr of steam, determine the horsepower output of the turbine if the work done
by steam is 251 Btu/lbm
A. 100 Hp B. 462.7 Hp C. 200 Hp D. 6002.7 Hp

2. Steam enters a turbine stage with an enthalpy of 3628 kJ/kg at 70 m/s and leaves the same stage with an
enthalpy of 2846 kJ/kg and a velocity of 124 m/s. Calculate the power if there are 5 kg/s steam admitted at the
turbine throttle?
A. 4597.45 kW B. 3976.55 kW C. 3883.81 kW D. 1675.42 kW


1. If the initial volume of an ideal gas is compressed to one-half its original volume and to twice its temperature, the
A. Doubles B. Quadruples C. Remains constant D. Halves

2. Find the mass of carbon dioxide having a pressure of 20 psia at 200oF with 10 ft3 volume.
A. 1.04 lbs B. 1.14 lbs C. 1.24 lbs D. 1.34 lbs

3. Find the work possessed for a Helium gas at 20oC.

A. 609 KJ/kg B. 168 KJ/kg C. 229 KJ/kg D. 339 KJ/kg

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