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A Multiple-Site Comparison of Woodpecker

Communities in Bornean Lowland and Hill Forests

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics and Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam,
Mauritskade 61 1092 AD Amsterdam, The Netherlands, email

Abstract: Logging in the Sunda region of Southeast Asia has affected nearly all lowland forests. Despite
numerous studies on the effects of this logging, its impact on vertebrate communities remains unclear because
few researchers have compared more than two independent study sites. I assessed whether a community of
14 woodpecker species in West Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo, has been affected by logging in lowlands and
whether hill-forest reserves are a suitable alternative for woodpecker conservation. Eight study sites in lowland
plains (<70 m elevation) occurred in unlogged forest and forests with a range of increasing logging intensi-
ties. In addition, two sites were sampled in unlogged hill forest (120–400 m elevation). Woodpecker species
richness and composition in lowlands remained unchanged over the range of increasing logging disturbance.
Over this range, however, significant reductions occurred in total woodpecker biomass (61% reduction), total
woodpecker density (41% reduction), and densities of Checker-throated Woodpecker (Picus mentalis) and Great
Slaty Woodpecker (Mulleripicus pulverulentus), which were reduced 85% and 83%, respectively. The quantity
of timber removed (cut basal area) was a better predictor of woodpecker density than the proportion of an
area remaining as unlogged patches. Time since logging, which varied from 3 to 22 years, had little predictive
value. Within home ranges in logged areas, woodpeckers foraged preferentially in unlogged patches but pre-
ferred logged patches for other activities. Hill forest, although unlogged, had woodpecker densities, biomass,
and species richness even lower than heavily logged lowland sites. Notably, the Great Slaty Woodpecker was
absent from hill sites, which implies that hill reserves are not an option for conservation of this logging-sensitive
species. The responses of this species in population density may serve as an indicator in forest management.
Protection of logged lowland forest should be preferred over that of unlogged hill forests, but emphasis in
conservation effort in the Sunda region is currently on hill forests. Safeguarding the few remaining areas of
unlogged lowland forest on Borneo must be a top priority because those forests are of vital importance as
reference sites in biodiversity studies.

Una Comparación Multi-Sitio de Comunidades de Pájaros Carpinteros en Bosques de Tierras Bajas y Colinas en
Resumen: La actividad maderera ha afectado a casi todos los bosque de tierras bajas en la región Sunda
en el Sureste de Asia. A pesar de numerosos estudios sobre los efectos de esta actividad, su impacto sobre
comunidades de vertebrados aun no es claro porque pocos investigadores han comparado más de dos sitios
de estudio independientes. Evalué si una comunidad de 14 especies de pájaros carpinteros fue afectada por
la actividad maderera en las tierras bajas y si las reservas de bosques en colinas son una alternativa ade-
cuada para la conservación de los pájaros carpinteros. Ocho sitios de estudio en las llanuras bajas (<70 m
de altitud) estaban en bosque sin talar y en bosques con un gradiente de actividades madereras de inten-
sidad creciente. Adicionalmente, se muestrearon dos sitios en bosque en colina sin talar (120 a 400 m de
altitud). La riqueza y composición de especies de pájaros carpinteros en las tierras bajas no cambió a lo largo
del gradiente de perturbación por actividad maderera. Sin embargo, hubo reducciones significativas en la
biomasa total (reducción de 61%), densidad total (reducción de 41%) y densidades de Picus mentalis y de
Mulleripicus pulverulentus, que se redujeron en 85% y 83% respectivamente. La cantidad de madera removida
(área basal cortada) fue un mejor predictor de la densidad de pájaros carpinteros que la proporción del

Paper submitted February 5, 2003; revised manuscript accepted September 4, 2003.


Conservation Biology, Pages 746–757

Volume 18, No. 3, June 2004
Lammertink Logging Effects on Bornean Woodpeckers 747

área que permanece como parches sin talar. El tiempo desde la tala, que varió entre 3 y 22 años, tuvo poco
valor predictivo. Dentro de los rangos de hogar en las áreas taladas, los pájaros carpinteros preferentemente
forrajeaban en parches sin talar pero prefirieron parches talados para otras actividades. El bosque en colina,
aunque sin talar, tuvo densidades de pájaros carpinteros, biomasa y riqueza de especies aun menor que los
sitios intensamente talados en las tierras bajas. Notablemente, Mulleripicus pulverulentus estuvo ausente en
los sitios en las colinas, lo cual sugiere que las reservas en colinas no son una opción para la conservación
de esta especie sensible a las actividades madereras. Las respuestas de densidad poblacional de esta especie
tienen potencial como indicador para ser usado en la gestión de bosques. Se debe preferir la protección de
bosques de tierras bajas talados sobre bosques en colinas sin talar, pero esfuerzos de conservación actuales en
la región Sunda enfatizan los bosques en colinas. La salvaguarda de las pocas áreas remanentes de bosques
de tierras bajas sin talar debe tener alta prioridad porque esos bosques son de vital importancia como sitios
de referencia en estudios de biodiversidad.

Introduction densities of certain groups of birds and mammals de-

cline alarmingly after logging ( Johns 1989; Lambert 1992;
Lowland rainforests of the Sunda region (Borneo, Suma- Danielsen & Heergaard 1995; Grieser Johns 1996; Rijksen
tra, Java, and Peninsular Malaysia) are among the most & Meijaard 1999; Styring & Ickes 2001). Most researchers
species-rich ecosystems in the world ( Whitmore 1984; have used only one or two independent plots of treat-
Jepson et al. 2001). Within the ecoregion, the elevational ments (logged vs. primary), making it difficult or impos-
band with the highest species richness differs between sible to decide whether the observed differences are be-
groups of organisms. Although floristically all forests in yond the usual variation in logged or primary forest and
the region up to 750 m elevation can be regarded as low- whether perceived differences can be attributed to the
land forest ( Whitmore 1984), the highest faunal diversity difference in treatment (Hurlbert 1984; Oksanen 2001).
is reached in lowland plains below the foothill bound- For investigations into the effects of logging, a study de-
ary at 120–200 m elevation (MacKinnon 1996; Collar et sign with multiple, independent study sites is preferable
al. 2001). For instance, 49 out of 247 Sundaic forest birds (Datta 1998).
are largely confined to lowland plains (Wells 1985, 1999), One group of vertebrates likely to be affected by log-
as is the Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) (Rijksen ging in the Sunda region is woodpeckers. In forests else-
& Meijaard 1999). where in the world, local woodpecker communities are
Large areas of Sundaic lowland plain forest have burned often among the species that disappear or become rare
in recent years (Siegert et al. 2001) or are being converted with forest disturbance. Old-growth specialist woodpeck-
to plantations, and an even larger area of this forest type ers require structural elements for foraging or nesting that
has been disturbed by logging (Lambert & Collar 2002). are available only in such forests, and they are among
Lowland plains are underrepresented in the protected- the most sensitive vertebrate organisms for monitoring
area network of the region, and the few existing reserves habitat alteration. Examples of forest structure elements
continue to deteriorate ( Whitten et al. 2001). In Indone- required by old-growth specialists include old oaks with
sia, where 72% of the Sundaic lowland forest occurs, pri- deep bark fissures for the Middle-spotted Woodpecker
mary forest remnants (i.e., unlogged and unburned) are (Dendrocopos medius) of Europe; heart-rot-affected old
being logged illegally, even in protected areas. In an on- pines for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides bore-
going process of political transition in Indonesia since alis) of the southeastern United States, and large quan-
1998, numerous uncontrolled gangs have been logging tities of dead trees for the White-backed Woodpecker
in reserves and concessions, felling trees in lowlands and (Dendrocopos leucotos) of Eurasia, the Ivory-billed Wood-
swamps, pit sawing these on the spot, and pulling sawn pecker (Campephilus principalis) of the southeast-
wood out by hand ( Jepson et al. 2001). On the other hand, ern United States and Cuba, and the Imperial Wood-
large, relatively secure reserves of hill and montane forest pecker (Campephilus imperialis) of northwest Mexico
at elevations of >200 m can be found on all major land- (Mikusiński & Angelstam 1998; Winkler & Christie 2002).
masses of the region, including Indonesia. Conservation The two latter species are at or over the brink of extinc-
status for Sunda forest biodiversity will thus be most pre- tion as a consequence of the exploitation of forests in
carious for those organisms restricted to lowland plains their distribution ranges (Lammertink & Estrada 1995;
and sensitive to habitat alteration after logging. Lammertink et al. 1996; Winkler & Christie 2002).
Results of earlier studies intended to assess the effects The most diverse woodpecker community of the world
of logging on vertebrates in the lowlands of the Sunda occurs in the Sunda region (Short & Horne 1990; Styring
region agree that most, if not all, primary-forest species & Ickes 2001). In lowland forests of Peninsular Malaysia
persist in logged forest, but opinions differ about whether and Borneo, up to 14 or, locally, 15 woodpecker species

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748 Logging Effects on Bornean Woodpeckers Lammertink

occur sympatrically (Lambert 1992). Because of this within their home ranges in logged regions and may use
high diversity, one can expect narrow niches (MacArthur these patches for different activities. Insight into the use
1972), so some of these woodpeckers may be sensi- by birds of patch mosaics for different activities may aid
tive to disturbance. Indeed, results from several studies in understanding their responses to logging disturbance
with single-plot design indicate that woodpeckers in the on a landscape scale. For five of my lowland study sites
Sunda lowland region may be negatively affected by log- where logging resulted in a mosaic landscape of logged
ging ( Johns 1989; Lambert 1992). Moreover, in a study and primary patches, I determined whether home ranges
of lowland birds and forest fragmentation on Java, van of woodpeckers were so large as to encompass multiple
Balen (1999) found one of the clearest extinction pat- patches. Subsequently, my third main objective was to
terns in woodpeckers, with communities that originally assess whether primary patches were used preferentially
contained 7–9 species collapsing to 1 or 2 species in frag- by woodpeckers, both for foraging and for general use.
ments under 4200 ha.
I assessed Bornean woodpecker communities at eight Methods
lowland sites, covering a range of disturbance from pri-
mary forest to typical commercially logged concession Study Sites
areas. In addition, I studied two sites with primary hill
forest. My first objective was to determine whether the I selected Indonesian Borneo (Kalimantan) as a study re-
woodpecker community has been affected by logging— gion because of the availability of large tracts of logged
specifically, which of the following variables or which and primary lowland forest, a necessary requirement for
combination of variables determines woodpecker densi- spacing out multiple study sites. Furthermore, the com-
ties and community structure: (1) extracted timber quan- plete community of Sunda lowland woodpeckers can be
tity (cut basal area), (2) proportion of an area remaining as expected in Bornean sites, whereas on Sumatra the oc-
primary patches, and (3) time since main logging event. currence of the Great Slaty Woodpecker (scientific names
My second objective was to compare woodpecker com- provided in Table 1) is questionable (van Marle & Voous
munities between lowland and hill forest to determine 1988; Holmes 1996), and on Java only 11 lowland rainfor-
whether hill reserves offer an alternative for woodpecker est woodpeckers occur ( Winkler & Christie 2002). Field-
conservation if all lowland plains become highly degraded work for this study commenced in late 1997 in an area
or deforested. with 80,000 ha of primary forest in Kutai National Park
In addition to comparing woodpecker communities in in East Kalimantan, but within a few months all forests
different landscapes, I examined the influence of log- in the region were severely damaged by fire. The project
ging disturbance on a finer scale, within logged land- was resumed in an area with a much smaller primary low-
scapes. Logging in tropical forests often results in mosaics land forest tract of <10,000 ha in Gunung Palung National
of logged and primary patches, each patch several hun- Park in West Kalimantan (Fig. 1), now probably the largest
dred meters across (Cannon et al. 1994). Birds with small example of this habitat type in Indonesian Borneo.
home ranges may choose among these patches so that My lowland transects were below 70 m elevation in
their home ranges encompass one patch of logged or pri- flat or lightly undulating terrain and crossed through al-
mary forest. Birds with larger home ranges will necessarily ternating patches of well-drained forest and freshwater
encounter several patches of logged and primary forest swamp forest. Lowland forest had an irregular canopy of

Table 1. Scientific names of woodpeckers, sample sizes of transect records, and parameters used for calculating densities and biomass.

Species Scientific name Records∗ Flock size Belt width (m) Body weight (g)

Rufous Piculet Sasia abnormis 89 1.01 38 9

Grey-capped Woodpecker Dendrocopos canicapillus 2 1.50 58 27
Rufous Woodpecker Celeus brachyurus 74 1.86 78 83
White-bellied Woodpecker Dryocopus javensis 63 1.62 298 253
Banded Woodpecker Picus miniaceus 25 1.33 98 90
Crimson-winged Woodpecker Picus puniceus 71 1.22 178 81
Checker-throated Woodpecker Picus mentalis 116 1.38 58 100
Olive-backed Woodpecker Dinopium rafflesii 19 1.17 118 91
Maroon Woodpecker Blythipicus rubiginosus 128 1.27 98 81
Orange-backed Woodpecker Reinwardtipicus validus 77 2.40 78 157
Buff-rumped Woodpecker Meiglyptes tristis 50 1.64 58 45
Buff-necked Woodpecker Meiglyptes tukki 45 1.59 38 54
Grey-and-buff Woodpecker Hemicircus concretus 35 2.00 118 33
Great Slaty Woodpecker Mulleripicus pulverulentus 61 3.95 198 430
∗ Total number of records for up to 10 transects.

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Figure 1. Layout of transects

in West Kalimantan,
Indonesian Borneo. Transects
were cut through (nearly)
primary lowland forests (P),
logged lowland forests (L),
and primary hill forests (H).
Lowercase codes indicate
rank of increasing cut basal
area, from zero Pa to highest
Le (5.72 m2 /ha).

emergent trees (mostly Dipterocarpaceae), reaching be- (Fig. 1). Of these, only transect Pa was in truly undis-
tween 35 and 75 m in height. The undergrowth was fairly turbed forest, a tract of an estimated 7000 ha. The three
dense with saplings, and visibility was poor both in pri- other lowland transects within the national park were
mary and logged lowland forest. In hill forest the under- affected by illegal logging. At transect La, cut basal area
story was far more open, with scattered large boulders approached the level of a commercial concession (Table
on the forest floor. Hill-forest transects (120–400 m el- 2). Transect Pb was located near Cabang Panti research
evation) went over slopes with inclines up to 30◦ . The station, the locality of several long-term ecological studies
transects were labeled as follows: P, primary or lightly (e.g., Curran & Leighton 2000; Paoli et al. 2001; Webb &
disturbed lowland forest; L, logged lowland forest; and H, Peart 2001). Here, disturbance by hand logging predated
primary hill-forest (Fig. 1). opening of the station in 1985.
Four lowland transects were placed within the bound- The remaining four lowland transects (Lb through Le)
aries of Gunung Palung National Park, a park of 90,000 were in logged concessions. These areas were forested
ha including approximately 70,000 ha of lowland forest landscapes with a mosaic of forest patches of varying

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Table 2. Transect characteristics and woodpecker communities at eight lowland and two hill-forest sites in West Kalimantan.a

Lowland transects Hill transects

Pa Pb Pc La Lb Lc Ld Le Ha Hb
Transect characteristics
transect length (km) 4.4 4.4 2.9 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 1.5
survey time (hours) 88 88 87 88 88 88 88 88 88 60
cut basal area (m2 /ha) 0.00 0.67 1.69 3.28 3.92 4.89 5.23 5.72 0.00 0.00
logged %b 0 41 27 59 95 100 64 81 0 0
years since main logging event — 18 10 3 22 10 10 9 — —
Woodpecker community characteristics
total woodpecker density 25.02 29.61 21.38 23.53 14.96 20.45 19.06 13.44 13.52 5.81
(individuals/km2 )
total biomass (kg/km2 ) 3.12 2.93 3.02 2.10 1.40 1.67 1.78 1.07 1.13 0.48
evenness of the distribution of 0.59 0.65 0.55 0.52 0.67 0.70 0.56 0.51 0.57 0.87
densities (Simpson’ s measure)
species richness (n)c 14 (14) 11 (13) 12 (12) 13 (13) 11 (12) 13 (14) 13 (13) 12 (12) 9 (10) 7 (7)
Woodpecker densities (individuals/km2 )
Sasia abnormis 2.99 2.99 1.51 4.98 2.99 1.99 4.98 3.99 0.23c 0.00
Dendrocopos canicapillus 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Celeus brachyurus 2.36 3.20 2.74 0.24 0.90 4.25 0.24 0.49 2.26 0.00
Dryocopus javensis 0.59 0.06d 0.84 0.48 0.41 0.83 0.98 0.44 0.00 0.00
Picus miniaceus 0.05 0.09 0.00 0.26 0.00 1.99 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00
Picus puniceus 1.43 0.39 0.61 1.25 0.86 1.33 0.24 0.13 0.39 0.50
Picus mentalis 5.76 5.15 1.62 1.23 2.33 1.55 1.59 0.65 3.36 0.96
Dinopium rafflesii 0.38 0.24d 0.38 0.48 0.16 0.35 0.16 0.19 0.38 0.00
Blythipicus rubiginosus 1.91 2.98 2.96 1.75 1.91 1.37 2.10 2.14 1.12 0.25
Reinwardtipicus validus 2.96 2.89 6.29 4.30 2.19 1.09 1.43 1.92 1.43 1.21
Meiglyptes tristis 0.98 2.17 0.87 0.86 0.31d 1.40 2.66 1.31 0.65 0.79
Meiglyptes tukki 1.79 5.28 1.01 5.32 1.50 2.29 2.29 1.50 3.37 1.16
Hemicircus concretus 0.48 2.09 0.24 1.36 0.80 0.80 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.94
Mulleripicus pulverulentus 2.85 2.09 2.31 1.00 0.60 0.21d 1.28 0.38 0.00 0.00
a Transectcodes are explained in legend of Fig. 1.
b Percentageof transect length passing through patches with visible signs of logging, scored per 50-m sections.
c Number of species observed within standard survey time and (in parentheses) during total field-work time at each site.
d Scarce woodpecker only observed outside standard survey time (see text for details).

disturbance, including patches that remained unlogged. most burned forest occurring south of Gunung Palung
Transects Le and Ld were in the same concession where National Park. The only primary lowland forest in or near
Cannon et al. (1994, 1998) studied the effects of logging the study region was found around transect Pa. Transects
on forest structure and tree species diversity. Transect Le Pb and Pc were among the least disturbed areas in the
was at the study site of Cannon et al. that was logged region, whereas the remaining transects were represen-
6 months previous to their fieldwork; site Ld was 4 km tative of the level of disturbance in most of the region.
south of the site logged 8 years before their sampling. Dis- Woodpeckers or their raptor predators were not hunted
turbance in the concession areas started with mechanical at any sites because possession of firearms was strictly
logging by timber companies between 22 and 9 years be- controlled in Indonesia and because the predominant re-
fore my study (Table 2). Illegal logging commenced in the ligion in the study region precluded consumption of wild
concession areas 3 years previous to my field work. Forest birds except pheasants.
structure before logging is assumed to have been similar
at all lowland study sites because these sites were located
in the same region and had similar topography and soils Distribution and Design of Transects
(Cannon et al. 1994). Hill transects Ha and Hb were in I spaced out study sites of similar forest type at distances
primary hill forests in Gunung Palung National Park and between 13 and 84 km but allowed contrasting sites to
Gunung Juring Forest Reserve. be close or adjacent (Fig. 1). This distribution ensured
All study sites were within one continuous forested a good degree of independence between study sites and
region of roughly 6000 km2 , bordered by cleared land excluded the possibility that a geographical difference be-
to the north and south, sea to the west, oil palm plan- tween sites could be mistaken for the effect of difference
tations to the northeast, and disturbed hill forest to the in disturbance (Quinn & Keogh 2002). Transects were cut
southeast. Fires had affected <10% of this region, with by field assistants and were straight for sections of at least

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1.5 km, after which I allowed a bend if necessary to avoid to represent the mean group size as calculated from flocks
deep swamps or unforested land. Transects were 4.4 km that were seen (Lambert 1992). The same mean flock size
in length, except for one site where I split the transect (Table 1) was applied in calculations of densities in pri-
data into a hill-forest transect of 1.5 km and a lowland mary and logged sites because flock sizes did not differ
transect of 2.9 km (transects Hb and Pc). I used tran- significantly between these forest types. I calculated even-
sects of several kilometers to adequately sample densities ness of species densities as Simpson’s measure of even-
of rainforest woodpeckers that have large home ranges ness (Simpson 1949; Krebs 1999). Woodpecker biomass
(Bibby et al. 2000). Furthermore, a long transect will av- was calculated from density figures multiplied by mean
erage out the considerable spatial variation in patches bodyweight for each species (Table 1), taken from Wells
of forest type that occurs even in primary lowland rain- (1999), Short (1978), and my own measurements of 22
forest (Whitmore 1984), thus avoiding findings that are individuals of 14 species from West Kalimantan.
representative only for a patch, rather than a larger scale As a rule, I based density figures on the standard survey
landscape (Hamer & Hill 2000). time of 88 hours per transect and excluded woodpecker
records obtained during other research activities. In a few
cases, however, woodpeckers were present at a site but
Sampling of Woodpecker Communities
were not recorded within standard survey time. In these
My fieldwork covered 31 months between December situations, I calculated a density figure based on the obser-
1997 and October 2000, including 14 months of training vations made, multiplied by the proportion of total time
in bird sound identification, testing of sample schemes, at the transect spent on survey walks. Species-richness
and looking for study sites. I surveyed all 4.4-km transects figures are provided for both standardized survey time
12 times each within one 13- to 15-day period at each and total fieldwork time, the latter being approximately
site. For the shorter transects, Hb and Pc, I included in the equal at each site (13 days of fair weather within a 15-day
analysis 24 and 18 survey walks, respectively, to obtain an period).
overall survey time close to that of the other sites. Field-
work periods alternated between primary, logged, and
Sampling of Logging Disturbance
hill-forest sites to avoid the potential influence of seasons
or developed skills. Transects were walked with a fixed The first measure of forest disturbance I used was cut
speed of 600 m/hour, with markers at each 50-m point basal area, the cumulative surface of cut stumps in a 6.0-
for calibration. This was the maximum possible walking m-wide belt along the entire transect, resulting in a total
speed in the most difficult habitats, such as swamps or sampled area of 2.64 ha/transect. The second measure
steep hills. Camps were positioned at the center of 4.4- of disturbance I used was the percentage of the transect
km transects. I surveyed one transect half twice in 1 day, length that showed visible signs of logging disturbance—
walking the outgoing survey from sunrise to late morning cut stumps, roads, skid trails, illegal logging trails, or pi-
and the returning survey from midday to late afternoon. oneer vegetation in an area larger than a natural gap—
On 1 out of 3 days, a survey started at an extreme quarter scored per 50-m-section of the transect. These two mea-
of a transect so I could cover these stretches at the time sures of disturbance have different rankings across the
of day with maximal bird activity. eight lowland sites (Table 2) because an area with many
Positions and movements of woodpeckers seen or or large primary patches could still have a high cut basal
heard were entered on a map. From the first position of area if logging intensity was high in patches that were
the bird, the perpendicular distance to the transect was logged. I determined time since logging from interviews
taken. I used these distances to calculate densities accord- with local people and forestry department officials and
ing to a variable-belt-width method (Emlen 1971), which from Cannon et al. (1994).
is a suitable method for calculating densities from the
moderate sample sizes of woodpecker records obtained
Assessment of Patch Preferences within Logged Areas
(Table 1). As with multiple-band methods like Distance,
obtained density figures can be regarded as absolute only At sites where logging resulted in mosaics of logged
if all individuals at or near the transect line are detected and primary patches, I calculated the mean length and
(Bibby et al. 2000). This assumption will be violated to standard deviation of transect stretches crossing these
some extent for all rainforest woodpeckers studied here, patches. I assumed that the mean length of these transect
most strongly for species that make little noise when for- stretches was representative of the mean diameter of the
aging and rarely call, such as the Buff-necked Woodpecker patches. I determined whether woodpecker home ranges
and Crimson-winged Woodpecker. The obtained densities in logged areas were larger than these patches by calcu-
thus are relative figures, suited for within-species compar- lating mean home range sizes of flocks from densities and
isons across sites. mean flock sizes, and by assuming that home ranges were
Woodpeckers that were heard calling only and were abutting, nonoverlapping, and circular in shape. To fa-
not subsequently seen (63% of all records) were assumed cilitate comparison of mean patch length and estimated

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752 Logging Effects on Bornean Woodpeckers Lammertink

home range size, I express home range size as a diam-

eter rather than area. When woodpecker home ranges
were so large as to encompass several patches, I deter-
mined whether primary patches were used preferentially
by woodpeckers. This assessment I made first for wood-
peckers observed foraging and then for all woodpecker
transect records, including foraging, other activities, and
unknown activities.

I calculated best-fit regression models (either linear or
nonlinear) with Statgraphics Plus 2.1 for relations be-
tween the two measures of disturbance and woodpecker
community characteristics or densities. Time since the
main logging event was the third predictive variable I
considered separately and as an additional variable to the
two disturbance measures. I fitted regression models for
woodpecker communities as a whole and accepted sig-
nificance when p < 0.05. Subsequently, when commu-
nity density related most closely with cut basal area, I ex-
plored which of the 14 woodpecker species were related Figure 2. Relationship between cut basal area and
in density with cut basal area at p < 0.004, thus adjusted woodpecker biomass (combined mass of up to 14
with a sequential Bonferroni test (Sokal & Rohlf 1995). A woodpecker species) in eight lowland and two hill
difference in species richness between forest types was forest sites in West Kalimantan. Regression for
accepted if p < 0.05 in a two-tailed Mann-Whitney test. lowland sites: y = 3.174 − 0.339x, r = −0.94, R2 =
To examine patch preferences within logged areas, I used 87.7%, p = 0.001.
a log-likelihood test to establish whether the distribution
of records in primary and logged patches differed from
a proportional distribution of records over the available Cut basal area, representing the quantity of removed
patches. timber with associated damage, appeared to have a
stronger influence on woodpecker communities than the
proportion of a site remaining as primary patches (Table
Results 3). Community characteristics did not relate to the third
variable, “time since logging,” and adding of time since
Total woodpecker density and biomass had a significant logging in multiple-regression models did not increase the
negative relationship with cut basal area (Table 3). Ac- significance values of simple-regression models.
cording to the regression functions, over the range of log- The two hill-forest sites, although primary, had wood-
ging intensities, density was reduced by 41% and biomass pecker densities and biomass even lower than heavily dis-
by 61% (Fig. 2). Evenness of densities did not show a pat- turbed lowland sites (Table 2; Fig. 2). Moreover, species
tern of increase or decrease with increasing disturbance. richness was significantly lower in hill forest than in low-
Species composition and richness were similar between land forest (Mann-Whitney test, n 1 = 2, n 2 = 8, U = 0,
primary and logged lowland sites (Mann-Whitney test, p = 0.04), with 7 or 9 woodpecker species recorded in
n 1 = 3, n 2 = 5, U = 7, p = 1.00). The maximum number hill forest versus 11 to 14 species in lowland forest. When
of 14 sympatric species was encountered at two lowland species diversity was assessed for subsamples pertaining
sites, one primary (Pa) and one logged (Lc) (Table 2). to 1.5-km transects, equal in length to hill-transect Hb,

Table 3. Best-fitted regression models between disturbance measures and woodpecker community characteristics at eight lowland sites in West

Cut basal area Logged %

best regression model R slope p best regression model R2 slope p

Total woodpecker density y = 27.066 − 1.933x 62.9 − 0.019 y = (5.183 − 0.011x) 2

42.1 − 0.082
Woodpecker biomass y = 3.174 − 0.339x 87.7 − 0.001 y = 3.297 − 0.021x 81.8 − 0.002

Conservation Biology
Volume 18, No. 3, June 2004
Lammertink Logging Effects on Bornean Woodpeckers 753

concession logging, resulted in less associated forest dam-

age in the form of roads and log yards. Moreover, these
sites were close to a primary source area. Yet there was no
indication of more benign impact of timber exploitation
at the pit-saw logged sites: data points of illegally logged
sites did not lie consistently above regression lines (Figs.
2 & 3).
Logging resulted in mosaics of logged and primary
patches at five lowland sites: Pb, Pc, La, Ld, and Le. Wood-
pecker home ranges at these sites averaged 1.6 ± 1.1 km
across, ranging from 0.59 ± 0.17 km across for the Rufous
Piculet up to 2.28 ± 0.54 km across for the Olive-backed
Woodpecker. Home ranges of woodpeckers in logged-
over areas therefore included several patches of primary
and logged forest that were on average 0.37 and 0.55 km
across (Table 4). Woodpeckers of all species foraged in
both logged and primary patches in these mosaics, but
the woodpecker community consistently preferred the
primary patches for foraging (Table 4). For the five sites
combined, use of primary patches by foraging individuals
was 20% higher than expected from availability and 42%
Figure 3. Relationships between cut basal area and higher in terms of woodpecker biomass. In contrast, com-
densities of Checker-throated Woodpecker and Great bined sets of all woodpecker records (including foraging
Slaty Woodpecker in lowland forests in West and unknown activities) did not favor either primary or
Kalimantan. Regression for Checker-throated
√ logged patches (Table 4). This indicated that preferred for-
Woodpecker: y = 5.743 − 2.036 x, r = −0.90, R2 = aging in primary patches was balanced by other activities
80.8%, p = 0.002. Regression for√Great Slaty being carried out preferentially in logged patches. Specifi-
Woodpecker: y = 3.008 − 1.043 x, r = −0.90, R2 = cally, activities frequently observed in open logged patches
80.6%, p = 0.003. included preening, calling, drumming, and roosting.

with standardized survey effort and survey time of day,

species diversity remained significantly higher in lowland
forest (5–7 species in hills vs. 6–13 species in lowlands;
I assessed the consistency, magnitude, and significance
Mann-Whitney test, n 1 = 3, n 2 = 15, U = 3, p = 0.02).
of woodpecker responses to logging in Bornean low-
Considering individual species, the densities of the
land forests. In accordance with earlier findings of Lam-
Great Slaty Woodpecker and Checker-throated Wood-
bert (1992) and Grieser Johns (1996), I found that wood-
pecker had significant negative relationships with cut
pecker species richness and composition was similar in
basal area (Fig. 3). According to the regression functions,
the decline in density over the range of cut basal areas was
85% for the Checker-throated Woodpecker and 83% for Table 4. Use by woodpeckers of mosaics of primary and logged
the Great Slaty Woodpecker. The Checker-throated Wood- patches in five logged areas in West Kalimantan.
pecker occurred in fairly high densities in hill forest and
may have viable populations in this relatively secure habi-
tat, but the Great Slaty Woodpecker was absent at the Forest mosaic characteristics
hill transects (Table 2). An additional five woodpecker length primary patches (km) 0.37 ± 0.25
species showed relationships between density and cut length logged patches (km) 0.55 ± 0.79
basal area that were negative but not significant (R2 values Foraging use of primary patches
between 24.2% and 44.3%), yet contributed to the overall (use:availability ratios)
individuals 1.20 ± 0.13∗
negative response of the woodpecker community: the Ru- woodpecker biomass 1.42 ± 0.34∗
fous Woodpecker, Crimson-winged Woodpecker, Olive- no. foraging observations 422
backed Woodpecker, Maroon Woodpecker, and Orange- General use of primary patches
backed Woodpecker. Only the White-bellied Woodpecker (use:availability ratios)
increased in density with increasing cut basal area, but the individuals 1.02 ± 0.33
relationship was not significant. woodpecker biomass 1.03 ± 0.61
no. observations 670
At sites Pb, Pc, and La, exploitation was carried out
∗p < 0.01 after Bonferroni correction.
entirely by illegal pit-saw logging, which, compared with

Conservation Biology
Volume 18, No. 3, June 2004
754 Logging Effects on Bornean Woodpeckers Lammertink

logged and primary Bornean lowland forest. My results as primary patches, also reflected a decline in foraging
show, however, that the total density and biomass of substrate following the removal and destruction of many
the Bornean woodpecker community was affected nega- large trees during a logging operation. In contrast, for
tively by logging intensity. This was in accordance with other bird species the presence and extent of primary
results from a primary and logged plot studied by Lambert patches may be of overruling importance, although this
(1992), whereas the findings of responses of woodpecker remains to be tested. For instance, understory flycatch-
density to logging by Grieser Johns (1996) were inconclu- ers (Rhinomyias, Cyornis, Culicicapa, Rhipidura, Hy-
sive. Based on my results and those from previous studies, pothymis, Philentoma, Terpsiphone) and wren-babblers
woodpecker densities in Borneo are negatively affected (Ptilocichla, Kenopia, Napothera) possibly decline after
by logging, whereas woodpecker diversity is not. logging (Lambert 1992; Grieser Johns 1996) and depend
Time since logging appeared to have little influence on forest patches that have the relatively open understory
on density responses in woodpeckers among my study characteristic of primary forest. The factors that invoke
sites. In sites Pb and Lb, logged, respectively, 18 and 22 a decline may differ between functional groups of birds
years previously, woodpecker density was still reduced. that share sensitivity to logging.
Bornean woodpecker communities thus appear to be af- When the responses of individual woodpecker species
fected negatively for at least several decades after logging. to logging disturbance are considered, the conservation
The magnitude of the observed decline in woodpecker situation of the Great Slaty Woodpecker appears espe-
densities and biomass after logging of lowland forests was cially worrisome. For this species, I found the strongest
substantial. negative correlation between density and logging distur-
This large decline is cause for concern, especially con- bance, and in logged forest, density was reduced from
sidering that logging in the Sunda region is the mildest 10% to 30% of its primary-forest density. The most dis-
form of habitat disturbance, nearly always followed by fur- turbed of my study sites were still heavily forested, and
ther degradation (Lambert & Collar 2002). By no means extrapolation of the asymptotic response curve (Fig. 3)
should logged forests in Indonesia be regarded as the first suggests that if habitat is disturbed further up to a certain
phase in a perpetual logging cycle that can be expected to degree, this woodpecker could still persist at very low
sustain a high proportion of primary-forest biodiversity. densities instead of disappearing altogether. Such persis-
Instead, logging companies move away to new conces- tence is demonstrated by the continued existence of a few
sion areas after approximately 20 years of overexploita- Great Slaty Woodpeckers in a strip of degraded coastal
tion, leaving the logged-over forests to settlers, illegal log- forest on the island of Bintan (50 km east of Singapore),
gers, fires, and development of oil palm plantations. Not a the only forest on the island (Rajathurai 1996; personal
single concession in Kalimantan has remained active into observations). A long life span may be expected in this
a second logging cycle (Collar et al. 2001). Unless pro- large woodpecker, resulting in a time lag before local ex-
tective measures are taken, or unless the forestry sector tinction. Persistence in degraded habitat may therefore be
is thoroughly reformed, logged-over forests will quickly only temporary, a phenomenon known as extinction debt
degrade further into habitat types where species loss may (Tilman 1994; Hanski & Ovaskainen 2002). In addition,
be anticipated in the woodpecker community. populations in logged areas may be sink populations sup-
A decrease in woodpecker abundance after logging ported by displaced immigrants from deforested areas;
may seem counterintuitive because woodpeckers are this remains to be examined. The conservation prospects
often associated with standing dead trees ( Winkler & of the Great Slaty Woodpecker on Borneo are bleak in the
Christie 2002) and because abundance of standing dead light of its sensitivity to logging and its apparent restric-
trees (snags) increases after logging in West Kalimantan tion to lowland forests, which are nearly all logged and are
(Cannon et al. 1994). Of all species in the rich Bornean predicted to disappear altogether by 2010 (Holmes 2000).
woodpecker community, however, only one, the White- I did not encounter this species on hill transects; simi-
bellied Woodpecker, specializes in foraging on snags (M. larly, in Peninsular Malaysia the Great Slaty Woodpecker
Lammertink, unpublished data). This was also the only does not occur above the 200-m foothill boundary (Wells
woodpecker with a tendency to become more abundant 1999). Besides the Sunda region, the Great Slaty Wood-
with increasing cut basal area, although not significantly pecker occurs in mainland Southeast Asia up to Nepal,
so. India, and southwestern China, but it is rare in most of
Within their home ranges in logged areas, woodpeck- the continental part of its range ( Winkler et al. 1995).
ers foraged less than expected in logged patches, which The current list of threatened bird species of the world
indicates that logged patches are less suitable for foraging. (Stattersfield & Capper 2000) includes two Sundaic wood-
Reduced foraging opportunities may then also explain the pecker species, both in the near-threatened category: the
reduced population density of woodpeckers on a larger Buff-necked Woodpecker and Olive-backed Woodpecker.
spatial scale in logged landscapes. The strongest nega- My results do not support listing of the Buff-necked Wood-
tive relationship of woodpecker density with cut basal pecker as near threatened. This woodpecker did not de-
area, rather than the proportion of an area occurring cline with logging and occurred in hill forests (Table 3)

Conservation Biology
Volume 18, No. 3, June 2004
Lammertink Logging Effects on Bornean Woodpeckers 755

and small forest fragments (Lammertink 2001). The Olive- (Siegert et al. 2001) and attract more human settlers than
backed Woodpecker also did not decline with logging, but primary forests, and because conservation of logged land
it was rare at all my lowland sites, present at only one of may not be appealing to donors of conservation agencies.
the two hill sites (Table 3), and absent from small forest Yet only logged forests still cover areas sufficiently large
fragments (Lammertink 2001); thus, near-threatened sta- to conserve viable populations of many lowland rainfor-
tus may be justified for this woodpecker. The Great Slaty est organisms. One suitable area for protection of logged
Woodpecker is currently not considered globally threat- lowland forest is the region between Gunung Palung Na-
ened, but a careful reevaluation of its status is needed tional Park and Gunung Juring Forest Reserve (Fig. 1),
in view of my finding of a strong decline in Borneo, until which would result in an extensive conservation area.
recently one of the strongholds for the global population. Conservation of woodpecker diversity in Southeast
Stork et al. (1997) and van der Hoeven et al. (2000) dis- Asia through protecting logged lowlands will probably
cuss the need for selecting organisms that can be used as benefit forest biodiversity to a large extent. Studies in
indicators for monitoring the disturbance impact of var- other parts of the world have shown that high wood-
ious exploitation methods and the recovery of tropical pecker diversity can indicate high diversity of forest birds
forests after disturbance. In view of their demonstrated in general (Mikusiński et al. 2001) and high diversity of
sensitivity to logging disturbance, Bornean woodpeck- wood-boring invertebrates (Martikainen et al. 1998) and
ers could be used for such purposes. Of the parameters that woodpeckers are keystone providers of tree cavities
considered in my study, Great Slaty Woodpecker density for numerous organisms ( Johnsson et al. 1993; Winkler
will have the greatest potential for monitoring use by & Christie 2002). Like woodpeckers, orangutans prefer
nonspecialists. Woodpecker censuses in tropical forests moderately logged lowlands over primary hill forests (Ri-
need to be carried out largely by listening for vocaliza- jksen & Meijaard 1999; van Schaik et al. 2001). A high
tions, and the Great Slaty Woodpecker has a loud and conservation value of logged lowlands was also pointed
distinctive call. In contrast, assessment of woodpecker out by Cannon et al. (1998), who found tree species diver-
community parameters or Checker-throated Woodpecker sity in logged areas near transects Ld and Le (Fig. 1) as high
density requires advanced bird-sound identification skills. as in primary lowland forest. In my study, logging impact
An important point, however, in indicator application on woodpeckers was similar in logged concessions and il-
of Great Slaty Woodpecker censuses is that long tran- legally hand-logged areas, so conservation effort could be
sects are needed that cross several home ranges. My find- directed at either of these two types of disturbed forests.
ings indicate that home range sizes of Great Slaty Wood- Lightly logged forests support woodpecker communities
pecker groups are in the order of 1.4 km2 in primary closest in biomass and density to those of primary forest
forest and up to 9.8 km2 in the most disturbed forests. (Figs. 2 & 3) and should be preferred over heavily logged
Although woodpeckers also showed preference for for- forests in allocating conservation effort.
aging in primary patches within logged landscapes, at a In Indonesian Borneo, remnants of primary forest on
scale of patches of only several hundred meters across lowland plains are precariously small. The largest tracts
(Table 4) these preferences became significant only with to my knowledge are approximately 3000 ha in Sungai
samples of several hundreds of records. Indicator use at Wain Protected Forest, 15 km north of the city of Balik-
finer spatial scales thus is limited by the requirement for papan in East Kalimantan, and approximately 7000 ha in
very large samples of observations. The potential useful- Gunung Palung National Park, around transect Pa (Fig. 1).
ness of Bornean woodpeckers as indicator species to pro- Nonetheless, continued existence of these remnants is of
vide guidelines for forest management will be further en- utmost importance. There is increasing evidence of large
hanced when causal relationships are known between differences in habitat quality between lowland plain for-
woodpecker densities and forest structure changes after est and hill forest (Wells 1999; Rijksen & Meijaard 1999;
disturbance. Collar et al. 2001; van Schaik et al. 2001; this study). There-
My results show primary hill forest to be poorer wood- fore, comparing disturbed plots of gentle topography at
pecker habitat than logged lowlands, let alone primary low elevations with primary hill forest (Thiollay 1995;
lowlands. Species richness, density, and biomass were all Laidlaw 2000) may not be appropriate. Thus, remnants
lower at the hill-forest transects. Hill forest is overrep- of primary lowland forest are of vital importance as refer-
resented in the protected-area network of Kalimantan, ence sites in biodiversity studies in the Sunda region.
with 2,433,000 ha, or 81% of total protected area (MacK- Momberg et al. (1998) advocated the establishment of
innon 1996). Given the fact that primary lowland forest, a new protected area (Sebuku Sembakung) in the low-
the best habitat, is nearly completely gone, the emphasis land forests of the northernmost part of East Kalimantan
in conservation efforts for the rich Bornean woodpecker province. The area is expected to include lightly disturbed
community should be on protecting and restoring logged lowland forests and perhaps significant areas of primary
lowlands, rather than conserving primary hill forest. Con- lowland forest. A recent initiative by the World Wide Fund
servation of logged-over lowland forests will be challeng- for Nature to establish a national park in this area must
ing because such forests are susceptible to forest fires be applauded if implementation is pursued vigorously.

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Volume 18, No. 3, June 2004
756 Logging Effects on Bornean Woodpeckers Lammertink

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Conservation Biology
Volume 18, No. 3, June 2004

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