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Woodpecker Drilling Behavior

An Endorsement of the Rotational Theory of Impact Brain Injury

Philip R. A. May, MD; Joaquin M. Fuster, MD; Jochen Haber, MS; Ada Hirschman

\s=b\ High-speed cinematograph films of a space with relatively little CSF.1-2 Yet, 50 to 100 times less susceptible to
drilling woodpecker were examined by although this provides some light as to concussion than man. It seems unlike¬
direct visual inspection and by a micro- how the brain might be shielded from ly, however, that relative size alone
densitometer and computer-imaging translational coup and contrecoup, it suffices to explain the bird's apparent
technique. These showed (1) that the drill- does not entirely explain how it might immunity to concussion and brain
ing trajectory is essentially linear, with be protected from impact rotational injury. Small animals can be knocked
very little, if any, rotation of the head; (2) forces or from shaking injury during out by impacts that seem to be of the
that there is minimal movement after its rapid to-and-fro movements. Nor same order as the blows of the wood¬
impact; (3) that the impact velocity is of can morphology alone provide an pecker, and birds are commonly
the order of 600 to 700 cm/s; and (4) that adequate description of the forces and observed to tumble motionless (or
the impact deceleration is of the order of movements involved. twitching a little) and apparently
1,000 g. This article focuses on dynamic unconscious after flying head first
Dynamic and morphologic findings in aspects of the woodpecker's activities into a window, yet they pick them¬
the woodpecker may be highly relevant to that are important inasmuch as exper¬ selves up and fly away later (so
the prevention of concussion and brain imental evidence has not, as yet, demonstrating that their fall was not
injury in man. Taken in the context of resolved the controversy as to whether the result of a broken neck).
modern packaging technology and other diffuse impact brain damage in Simple theory based on brain mor¬
animal and mathematical modeling re- primates is related to translational phology alone may be misleading. The
search, they suggest that brain injury linear forces—and the accompanying Holbourn equation contains many
preventive systems could be greatly positive and negative pressure assumptions: It was developed for
improved over those now in common waves—or to rotational (angular) mo¬ forces of relatively long duration
use. tion that may produce shearing forces (more than 6.5 ms) and does not apply
(Arch Neurol 36:370-373, 1979) within the neuroaxis.38 to short-impulse loading; it assumes
The woodpecker's small size un¬ that the crucial variable is brain mass
doubtedly gives it an advantage over and that all brains have similar prop¬
on the morphology of
the woodpecker indicate that the
man when it comes to head-pounding
on a tree: Simple theory indicates that
erties, shapes, and CSF flotation
effect. Further, the woodpecker's
bird's ability to pound its head the ratio of brain weight to brain brain is not isolated from its body and
repeatedly on a tree without appar¬ surface area is low, so that a given moving independently; the energy
ently incurring concussion or head impact deceleration force will be involved is not just a simple function
injury may be related to firm packing spread over a relatively greater
out of the weight of the brain. Our films
of the brain, powerful head-neck area. theory, also, small animals
In (and earlier observations by Spring10)
muscles, and a narrow subarachnoid have higher resonance frequencies show that woodpeckers that pound
and should tolerate higher long-dura¬ vigorously throw the full weight of
tion impact loads but smaller impulse their body into the action. The impact
Accepted for publication July 17, 1978. loads.5 is taken by the head, but the energy
From the Health Services Research and Devel- Ommaya et al" cited an unpublished involved is a function of the weight of
opment Laboratory, Veterans Administration piece of reasoning by Holbourn that the body above the femoral neck rath¬
Hospital, Brentwood, Calif (Dr May, Mr Haber, the rotational acceleration required to er than the weight of the brain alone.
and Ms Hirschman), and the Neuropsychiatric
Institute, University of California at Los produce injury in brains with similar Furthermore, next to nothing is
Angeles School of Medicine (Drs May and Fuster properties and shapes is inversely known about the cumulative effects of
and Ms Hirschman). proportional to the two-thirds power
Reprint requests to Neuropsychiatric Insti-
repeated blows and vibrations. Simple
of their mass. Woodpeckers with intuition and clinical observations of
tute, University of California at Los Angeles
School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA 90024 (Dr brains ranging in weight from 1.25 to boxers, together with reports on shak¬
May). 3.95 g should, in theory, therefore, be ing injury in children,1113 suggest that

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Fig 1 .—Woodpecker drilling, plotted frame by frame. indicates strike trajectory of tip of beak; V, vertex; C, head.

the woodpecker's rapid and repeti¬

Table 1 —Drilling Impact: Hand Plots
tious drumming and drilling expose
its brain to particular hazard. Maximum Velocity, Stopping Time, Deceleration,
All in all, it seemed worthwhile to cm/s ms 9
investigate further whether the wood¬ Sequence 1
Inspection method 1,060 <0.5 :2,170
pecker finds it advisable to protect Outline method 748 <1.0 763
itself against rotation injury—or to
Sequence 2
put it more scientifically, whether Inspection method 618 £0.5 >1,260
natural selection has favored the : 1,200
Outline method 591 <0.5
survival of woodpeckers that operate
in such a way that the rotational
component of their pounding activity
is minimized.
Observations unrelated to head in¬
jury1014 suggest that the woodpecker
pecks in a straight line. If so, it would
be implicit that straight-pecking is
healthier—since the rotational compor
nents generated by successive flexion
and extension of the neck and by
rocking the body are being counter¬
acted by progressive extension of the
head during "strike" and by progres¬
sive flexion during "return," the bird
is presumably protected against rota¬
tional shearing injury. It also seems a
reasonable additional hypothesis that,
like certain caprini,läle the human
boxer,1 the gannet,1718 and the chim¬
panzee,8 the woodpecker might pro¬ 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 0 mm
tect itself further against rotational
and vibrational injury by holding its
Fig 2.—Woodpecker drilling trajectory. Hand plots of trajectory of center of eye during
neck rigid at the moment of impact.
(trajectory points numbered in 1 72,000 second).
four sequences
To investigate these matters further, we rattle of typewriter keys would usually center of the eye could be defined most
examined color film of pileated woodpeck¬ suffice to elicit the pounding. clearly, and the outline was used to place
ers (Dryocopus pileatus) taken in nature For the color film, frame-by-frame the center of the eye. This involved error
(24 frames per second step-printed to slow display on a flat bed editing system was due to the grainy quality of the film and to
up the action). This suggested that our used to plot the trajectory of three points: alterations in neck outline at different
hypotheses might be correct, but the the tip of the beak, the cranial vertex, and points of the trajectory. (3) In a less subjec¬
camera speed was too slow to follow the the center of the head. tive computer analysis, the frames were
movements with certainty. Accordingly, For the black-and-white film, selected digitized using a microdensitometer set to
we made high-speed films (400 frames per interval frames were printed and the a 35-u scanning aperture, converting each
second in color and 2,000 frames per second trajectory of the center of the eye was into 152 x 230-element matrix of film
in black and white) featuring a mature plotted as follows: (1) Two judgments by density. A point corresponding roughly to
female acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes for- the same person, based on direct visual the center of the bird's head was located on
micivorus) that, having residual difficulty inspection, as to the location of the center the first frame of each sequence and
from a broken wing, was unable to fly and of the eye were averaged. This involved tracked from frame to frame. The location
lived free, uncaged, and still pounding error due to the grainy quality of the film of the point in a frame was predicted from
vigorously away in a tree trunk in the and to closure of the eyelid immediately its position in the immediately preceding
office of the park ranger at the Placerita before impact. (2) An outline of the head frame and its velocity through the two
Canyon State Park, Newhall, Calif. A was traced from frames in which the preceding frames. The error of prediction

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slight, superimposed downward cur¬
vature. In sequences 3 and 4, the head
entered the hole, making it impossible
to plot the final frames; however, they
are a useful check on sequences 1 and
2, confirming the linear trajectory.
The maximum velocity in sequence
1 748 cm/s; and in sequence 2, 591
cm/s (mean, 679 cm/s). The inspection
method gives higher velocities, 1,060
and 618 cm/s, respectively. In the
incomplete sequences 3 and 4, it was
531 and 728 cm/s, respectively, clearly
of the same order.
The head stopped abruptly in one or
two frames, indicating a deceleration
time of 0.5 to 1.0 ms and an estimated
impact deceleration of 763 to 1,200 g
(mean, 982 g) by the outline method
- .' I I I I I I I I I I i and 1,260 to 2,170 g (mean, 1,715 g) by
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 the inspection method.
Y Computer Analysis.—Figure 3 plots
the terminal trajectory of the criteri¬
on point in two sequences, and Table 2
Fig 3.—Woodpecker drilling trajectory. Computer plots of criterion point during two gives the relevant velocity and impact
sequences(trajectory points numbered in 1 /2.000 second). data, all very much in line with the
hand plots.
The trajectories are basically
Table 2.—Drilling Impact: Computer Plots straight with maximum preimpact
Maximum Velocity, Stopping Time, velocities of 749 and 623 cm/s, respec¬
cm/s ms g_ tively (mean, 686 cm/s). In both
Sequence 1 749 £0.5_>1,525 sequences, the head stopped in one
. > 762 frame on the X axis and in two frames
Sequence 2 623 on the Y axis. The Y movement in the
£0.5_>1,267 second frame is small and might be
£1.0 > 634
attributed to residual error; it may,
however, indicate sliding movement
due to acceleration was then corrected by This particular aspect of the wood¬ of the beak as it gouges out a wood
searching the vicinity of the predicted loca¬ pecker's behavior has not, to our chip. If the deceleration time is taken
tion with a template taken about the point as 0.5 m/s, the mean impact decelera¬
from the preceding frame. The goodness of knowledge, been described before. tion was 1,396 g (range, 1,267 to 1,525
fit of the template was then calculated for We also noted that the eyelid shut
points in the vicinity, and the best-fit immediately before impact, then g). If the deceleration time is taken as
location of the template was taken as the opened immediately, and remained 1.0 m/s, the mean impact deceleration
was 698 g (range, 634 to 762 g). There
true position. Error due to digitization was open all the way back; it closed each
reduced by interpolating the exact location time at exactly the same point in the was amazingly little movement after
of the best fit; the interpolated value was strike phase-approximately 0.0025 s the impact, and it is clear that the
then used to calculate the exact velocity of (one frame) before impact. This clos¬ head must have been held rigidly in
the criterion point. ing has been described previously, but position at the time, presumably by
not its timing sequence. The mecha¬ muscular contraction. (Finer vibration
Color Films nism is obscure. We speculate that, in within the millisecond time frame
addition to keeping chips out of the may, of course, have occurred.)
In all the sequences filmed, the
strike trajectory of the tip of the beak eye, as suggested by Spring,10 eyelid COMMENT
closure could serve another important
was straight. The trajectories of the function—a "seat belt" to keep the Obviously, findings should not
vertex and the center of the head were be used as a basis for conclusions
also essentially linear (Fig 1). Deceler¬ eyeball from popping out on impact. about all woodpeckers, let alone all
ation occurred in one frame (1/400 Black-and-White Film head injury. Nevertheless, our wood¬
second) or less. A plot from a sample pecker withstood repeated impact
strike sequence indicated a terminal Figure 2 shows hand plots of the forces of the order of 1,000 g—a
velocity of at least 382 cm/s and an trajectory of the center of the eye formidable achievement, even if the
impact deceleration of at least 155 g. during four drilling sequences. The two-thirds power hypothesis of scale
As an interesting aside, we noted outline method gives more plausible and its attached package of assump¬
that the woodpecker set about its plots than simple inspection, as well as tions are accepted in toto. The lineari¬
work in much the same manner as the more conservative estimates of veloci¬ ty of the head trajectory suggests that
human carpenter. Before winding ty and deceleration (Table 1). during pecking the brain is virtually
back to strike in earnest, it often did As plotted by the outline method, free of rotational forces that might
two preliminary light taps on the the trajectory in sequences 1 and 2 impinge injuriously on it. That this
target, presumably "to line it up." was essentially linear with a very linearity of trajectory is indeed adap-

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tive and protective is implicit in the ious effects of rotational forces on shoulder-casing of the medieval
fact that, to achieve it, a much more nervous tissue indicates how decisive knight may have had some value in
complex neuromuscular mechanism the protective value of linear pecking this respect.1 Whenever feasible and
must undoubtedly intervene than if must be for our bird. particularly in occupations or emer¬
pecking were performed with arcuate It would seem prudent, therefore, to gency situations that place subjects at
head movements. In arcuate move¬ pay attention to findings from study special risk (eg, car racing, stunts,
ments, whether the pivot is in the of the morphology and dynamics of aircraft crashes, and pilot ejections),
neck or elsewhere, the alternating the woodpecker, particularly since the the head injury system should restrain
contraction (and reciprocal relaxation) implications for head injury preven¬ or restrict whiplash rotation of the
of certain flexor and extensor mus¬ tion are thoroughly in line with head on the neck and of the neck on
cles, at a frequency no greater than modern packaging technology and the the trunk. When the possibility of
the pecking frequency, would be suffi¬ results of animal experimentation and imminent injury can be anticipated,
cient. A linear trajectory, however, mathematical modeling. The conver¬ the persons at risk should be taught to
necessitates a much finer and graded gence of evidence from various tighten the neck muscles and to hold
adjustment of the whole postural sources suggests that helmets that the neck flexed in chin-down position.
apparatus, carried out continuously at claim to protect against anything This has been shown to minimize
high speed and involving a much more except a simple penetrating injury cranial rotation and to decrease peak
elaborate integration of both extero- should be thicker and, if possible, angular velocity and angular accelera¬
ceptive and interoceptive informa¬ lighter, and that they should be form- tion.19
tion. fitted with a thick, firm, inner spongy
There is no "prima facie" evidence layer to absorb the energy of the
that a linear trajectory is mechanical¬ impact and a thin, harder, outer layer This investigation was supported in part by the
ly more efficient for a muscle- to distribute the impact and resist Research Service of the Veterans Administra¬
powered drill than an arcuate mo¬ penetration and abrasion. Thomas R. Howell, Department of Biology,
tion—in fact, the evidence is to the It is also necessary to discard the University of California at Los Angeles, encour¬
contrary, as an attempt to strike a magical notion that wearing a helmet aged our research. Use Lowenstam translated
Becher's article. Franz Steid and Paul Newman
straight-line blow with a hammer will on the head is sufficient to protect
did the illustrations. The color film of woodpeck¬
demonstrate. It would seem, there¬ against impact brain damage. Atten¬ ers in nature was provided by Walt Disney
fore, that the justification for a more tion must be given to developing Productions, Burbank, Calif. The high-speed film
complex, less economical mechanism, systems that will dampen sudden of the acorn woodpecker was taken by Steven
MacLain. V. D. Dhir, Department of Engineer¬
requiring such rapid muscular adjust¬ rotatory movements that could create ing, University of California at Los Angeles,
ments and feedback data processing, shearing strains in brain tissue; the provided the high-speed camera. Milton Plesset,
must lie in its protective value. The high collars of old fashioned military California Institute of Technology, assisted us
evidence already cited for the deleter- uniforms and the vertex to chest- and through an unfamiliar methodology.


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