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English 1

Introduction to Literature

Assignment Directions:
For this assignment, you will compose a three-paragraph response about the ideas or themes in
the following artwork. This piece was created by Fernando Vallejo and it is surrealism which
was a type of 20th-century art and literature in which unusual or impossible things are shown
happening. First, look at the image and jot down your initial reactions. Then, just like you did
with Conversation With Rhino, take some time to think critically about this image.

Keep these guidelines in mind as you prepare to write your three-paragraph response about the
ideas or themes in this image:

Your response must:

 Take a stance about an idea or theme in the painting
 Mention specific details in the painting as evidence to the idea or theme you’ve chosen
to write about
 Discuss the author’s purpose for painting this image (you might choose to write about
the choice of color, what is going on in the image and why, or what this image is
supposed to make the reader feel)
 Use clear and effective paragraph structure (topic sentence, evidence, closing sentence)
 Each paragraph must have a minimum of five sentences.
Here are some sentence stems to help you get started:
1. In the artwork by Fernando Vallejo, he reveals…
2. Artists have many choices when they sit down to paint, I believe Fernando Vallejo
chose to paint in this way because…
3. Through… Fernando Vallejo is telling the reader that…
4. This painting relates to the five senses by… in order to show…

Submission Requirements:

Submit your final three-paragraph response in the assignment section of the lesson
“Introduction to Literature” where it says “Dropbox”.

When submitting written assignments please remember:

 Submit the assignment question(s) and your responses.

 Proof-read for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
 Paragraphs need to have minimum of five sentences.

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