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Rationale Rationale
2. Theoretical Framework Theoretical Framework
3. Conceptual Framework Conceptual Framework
4. Statement of the Problems Statement of the problem
5. Hypothesis
6. Scope and Delimitation
7. Significant of the study
8. Definition of Terms
9. Financial Accounting Research
10. Management Accounting Research
11. Auditing Research
12. Tax Research
13. For knowledge generation
14. For discovery purposes
15. For verifiable truth
16. Resource Availability
17. Current Happenings
18. It must Interest you
19. Availability of the subject
20. Survey
21. Interview
22. Observation
23. Documents
24. Null Hypothesis
25. Alternative Hypothesis
26. Define the Problem
27. Review Related Literature/Studies
28. Formulate Hypothesis
29. Select the Appropriate Research
30. Design for the Study
31. Determine Sources of Data
32. Gather or Collect Data
33. Present and Analyze Data
34. Interpret Data
35. Write the Research Report
36. Share the findings
37. Conceptualization Phase
38. Planning Phase
39. Empirical Phase
40. Communication Phase
41. Technical
42. Economic
43. Legal
44. Operational
45. Scheduling
46. Selecting Beneficiaries at random
47. Make the sampling feasible and affordable
48. Historical
49. Experimental
50. Descriptive
Matching Type
1. K
2. G
3. H
4. F
5. L
6. O
7. A
8. N
9. I
10. J
11. B
12. P
13. D
14. M
15. C

Multiple Choice
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. E
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. A
15. A

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